Surrey. Chertsev

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Surrey. Chertsev DIRECTORY.] SURREY. CHERTSEV. 2137 Jenkins Thomas 1\Joses, Guildford st Brissenden Frdk.comcl. trvlr.London st EmbersonGeo.photographer,Windi!or st Jennings V en. Archdeacon, Twyherlih Brown George, Sun, Windsor street Emberson Mary (1\l:i.s.), china dea!er, Knight George, London street Bollard Charlotte (Mrs.), straw bonnet Windsor street Knight Samuel, London street cleaner, Guildford street Evenden Henry, Bridge hotel Lamarque Frank V. Guildford street Butcher Amos, shopkJ!f.Pound Pond rd Farrant 8arah (Miss), china & glass Lancaster Miss, Bridge road Burtenshaw James, Golden Grove, St. dealer, Guildford street Lethaby Rev. Waiter [Wesleyan], St. Anne's hill Fincham James, ~ardener, Goose pool Ann's villas Butt Gegrge, coal dealer, Goose pool Fire Engine Station, William Wright, Lewington John, York place Cartwright Henry Wale, watch maker, foreman Longhurst Henry, Windsor street Guildford street Foisey James, builder, Eastworth Lovett Ht-nry, Eastworth road Cemetery (William Russell, superin­ Freeman N oah, supervisor of inland Meere Miss, Windsor street tendent), Eastworth road revenue, Brid~e road Moir J oseph, East lodge Chaldecott &. Milsome, surgeons, Lon­ Fry Richard Harvev, lath manufac ... Moir R. Laburnum cots. East Worth don street turer, Guildford street O'Kelly Edmund, Bedford lodge Chaldecott Thomas Andrews, M.D. Fryer Harriet Elizabeth (Miss), baby Paine Henry Edwards, The Abbey lodge (firm, Chaldecott & .Milsome), sur­ linen warehouse, Guildford street Pendrey Shadrack, Ea8twortl! geon, London street; & Addlestone Fuller Henry, farmer, St. Ann's road Philip Miss, Bridge road Channing Henry, Prince Regent, Gallaway William, fi.sherman,Bridge rd Pratt John, Guildford street Guildford street Galloway George, boot & shoe maker, Ranger Miss, St. Ann's cottage Chert.~ey Agricultural Association Windsor street Redhead John Alien, The Cedars (William Kempson, sec) Galloway William Frederick, baker & Reiners Gerd, London street ChertsPyBoard ofLighting Inspectors grocer, Eastworth Russell William Thomas, Merrylands (William Kempson, sec) Garnett Frederick & Son, hair dressers, St. Aubyn Miss, Monk's grove Chertsey Brewery tap, Guildford st Guildford street Sargent John, Bridge road Chertsey Cricket Club (Wm. Kemp­ Garnett Harriet (Mrs.), lodging house, Scott Rev. Cbas. M.A. [vicar], York ho son, sec) London street Sharp Miss, Bridge road Chertsey ~ District Horticultural George Fras. hair dresser, Guildford st Shurley Miss, Guildford street Society (Thomas J. Rawlings, sec.), George W. baker, grocer & coal dealer, Shurlock Manwaring, Windsor street Windsor street St. Ann's road Simonds George, Windsor street Chertsey Gas Consumers' Co. Lim. George William, whitesmith & copper­ Smith Thomas, H anworth house (John Moir, sec.; James Hamilton, smith, St. Ann's road Stanton Anthony C. Burton cottage~ manager); works, Railway station Granger Ann {Miss), ladies' school, Stanyon John Thomas, Buxton cottage Chertsey Literary~ 8cientffic Insti­ London street Stikeman Frederick Borwick, Dover tution (F. A. Hankey, esq. president; Green Alfred Charles, baker, London st house, London street M. Shurlock, esq. treasurer; David Hadden Thos. oil & color man, Stikeman Frederick Willett Sparkes, Edmund Kettle, sec.), Town hall Hallett John, Castle inn, Stepgate London street Chertsey Old Bank (T. Asby & Co.) Hamilton J ames & Son, ironmongers & Stocker Rev.Chas.Southby, Eastwrtb.rd (F. V. Lamarque,manager), Guild­ gasfitters, Guildford street Strong Mrs. St. Ann's road ford street; draw on Williams, Dea­ Hammerton Ch&rles, house agent & Button 1\Irs. The Abbey con & Co. London e.c rent collector, Chertsef grove Tice Miss Mathia, St. Ann's road Chertsey Rou:ing Club (T. J. Raw­ Hammond Thomas, boot & shoe maker, Tripp Henry, Laburnum road lings, sec.), Windsor street Guildford street Vardon Capt. Fras. Chas. Sandgates Chertsey (15th) Surrey Drill Hall Handford John, butcher, London street Waterer J ohn,Laburnum cot. Bridge rd Co. Limited (H. E. Paine, sec) Hankin Phrebe (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Wetton Henry, Abbey house Chertsey Town Hall Co. Limited Guildford street Wheeler Thomas, 6 Farley terrace (H. E. Paine, sec) Harding Rt. Geo. dyer,Gnildford street Wood Mrs. Abbey cottage Cburcher Thos. beer retlr. Guildford st. Harris Charles, builder, Goose pool Wood l\lrs. Gogmore lane Clark Charles, tailor, Windsor street Harris Rd. farmer, Eastworth houses Woodrow William, St. Ann's road Clark J sph. mineral water m a. London st Harrison W alter Harris, veterinary Worthington Charles J. Cowley house, Colborne Saml.shopkeeper, 7 Farley ter surgeon, Goose pool Guildford street Coleman John Freeman, ironmonger, Harrowsm i th Isaac,gen .dlr. Guildford st COMMERCIAL. Guildford street Hazell William,beerretailer, Goose pool Alien Mary (Mrs.), shopkpr.London st, Coleridge Ernest H. M.A.. preparatory Head Charles,coach builder, Ea.stworth Ashby Thomas & Son, pork butchers & school, Beomonds & London st. ; carriages on hire with grocers, Guildford street CookNathl.miller & farmer,Abbeymills or without option to purchase Attfield Henry, tailor, Guildford street Coombe Elizabeth Sarah (Miss), girls' Healy & Co. (Henry Wet ton & George A very Thos. Geo. fishmongr. Windsor st school, London street Si mmons), brewers, maltsters & wine Bacon James, watch maker & pawn- Cooper Alfred Wingate, brewer, malt­ & spirit merchants,& agents for Henry broker, Guildford street ster, wine & spirit & corn &coal mer­ Brett & Co.'s liqueur ginger brandy, Bain Tbomas, farm bailitl"to F. A. Ban­ chant, Chertseybrewery,Guildford st The Brewerie11, Guildford st. ; bonded key, esq. Hardwick Court farm CorfeF. Wm.french polisher, St.Ann's rd warehouse, Windsor street ; stores, Eartholomew J ames, baker & confec­ Corp George, farmer, Bitham's lane 3! Titchborne street, Edgware road, tioner, Guildford street Cosson Ann (Mrs.), shopkpr. London st London w.; & at Aldershot • BatesWm.photogrpbr.& County Court (Vernon Lushington, Heed Chas. shopkeeper, Windsor street BatterburyThomas,marine store dealer, esq. judge; John Frederick Joseph Hellier Wm. gardener, laburnum rd Guildford street Capes, registrar; James Herrick, Herrick J ames & Son, auctioneers & Batty Herbert~ tailor, clothier & hatter, high bailiff), Town ball house & estate agents, London street Windsor street Covey Charles, beer retailer, Pycroft rd Herring & Son, ironmongers &. iron­ Benstead Emma (Mrs.), ladies' school, Crewdson Al!:Jert William, draper & founders, Guildford street London street milliner, Wind~ or street Higgens Joseoh, confectioner, & post Berry Daniel, blacksmith, London st CrossJ ane( Mrs. ),dress ma. Eastworth rd office, Windsor street Betteridge William, rope & twine & Crown Brewery top, Guildford street Hill Henry, Victory, Eastworth marque maker, Windsor street Cully & Younghusband,draprs.Gldfrd st Hill John, watch maker, Guildford st Bid well John, sign writer, Laburnum rd Day Jas. coal mercht. & cartage agent Hounsell Thomas Phillips, veterinary Bixley "\Vm. shopkeeptr, Eastworth to L. & S. W. Ry. Co. Railway statn surgeon, M.R.c. v.s.I.. London street Blayney Mary & Catherine (.Misses), Denman George Frederick, boarding Hunt Rbt. & Sons, builders, London st berlin wool repository, Wfnd~or st school, Bridge House schl. Bridg-e rd Hunt Joseph, collector ofrates & vac- Blayney John, plumber &c. Windsor st Des Vignes George Francis Gabriel, cination officer, London street .Boorn & Garland, grocers, cheese fac­ torpedo & yacht maker, Bridge road Hunt Rd. Jonathan, builder, Windsorst tors, & wine & spirit merchants, Dicker Dvd. basket makr. Eastwortb la Hunt Wm.Jsph.carpenter, Guildford st Guildford street Dix William, butcher, Guildford street Hurnblesl\lartha (l'tlrs.), beer retailer, :Boreham Sarah (Mrs.), corn merchant, Donaldson George, farm baliff to Mrs. St. Ann's road Guildford street Gosling, Botleys park Ives Henry, chimney sweeper,Stepgate Borsley Jhn. harness makr.Guildford st Driver & longhurst, linen drapers, J enkins Thomas Moses, solicitor & clerk Botting John, grocer, Guildford street Windsor street to the magistrates, Guildford street; Bourne James, beer retailer, London st Eady George J ohn,surgeon, & registrar & Staines ; & at 5 'l'avistock street, Bourne Wm. John, cooper, Lor.don st of births & deaths, London street Covent garden, London w.c BQYce John Pierce & Son, chemists, EdmondsEdwin Kirkwood, s~van hotel Jnpp William ThomaB, To1cn Hall Guildford street §!·commercial house, & post maBter to tavern, London street BrettelRd.distr.conserv. Her Majesty, Windsor street KeeneArthur, carman, Windsor street .

—— Preview end. ——

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