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Horth I leon kiinwir back from the Elbe to Richmond. **But oh, dear, I can't blame But hearing nothing, »ho dared to creep About Monument*, and who in the foogbt .Vfir JtdveriiaememtM, Probate JTotices. don't need them. the Seine, and ao to Kibe and Sc Helena, cilmtm anb jou. 1 ran away with your papa you up to her husband timidly. either of Um wtotw mi "it's «o because be "could not sit on a dishonored |ta(b««g lor the notion Ibereup pleasing. UMonl. m I (halt Wpay nv d«bU «W preeouted to th* hnman aoal BORA. no kerelaaftar Indicated, It te Ordered, It poHMN pHt power coiapol mamma ; and how at last wo ran discusses rr.m Ihl.rt.U p. W. WAN hereby your papa." objected which bo has completed, gener- A fond hcanl his and «f ir «tuta Ik. M That aotloo thereof be gtreo to all pereoat In- to and Kiletno reflection.) '• parent daughter Tmi; »nw I^i4 r~- toee. Mmy I.1*7. deep aeon me tltat terested, by oautlnc a of this order to be Wbau tie has the letters there'll be away together ; and it seemed Jto the of monuments to distill- Wa to eopy ally subject bar an TIm next IIUMdi Mtki wtu ml a cvpj MM jmar the Unofl 0! lot the aonl Ita ilnmbort bmk- fellow plan eloprment. pnblUhed three veeka aaooeeetrelr in no I'm much sobbed if we could all Iwck to • club vt In mw Mid Joi t In In aenaea hope, very afraid," hring*it plainly you and civilian! both rebel •11/ |«hm Pttl^ u|> ••banttm, I RARE CHANCE FOR BUSINESS. and eeiL, paper pohllthed BIJdefbrd. Arooa* lta and awake guished generals day the old man waited upon the young >On Mid eoaoty, ud la the Heine IXawmUa paper Lucilla. "Fred is so and M it wan wo let Lucilla a.«lui« I10.M In adrauaa. DaUvarai *4 aajr |«ak KTUNNON To aee bow aooa romantic, papa then, might marry and Union, and coucludes its article with addressed him thus! » «uwk of 8mo. In mM county, that they niav one end <1 • bit bwlB«^ul y«an »Uadlag),bl» pttblltbedIn la ika Cuaatj b\m y—H* ST. at a Probate Court to be held at Al- Uft, In Ita jtlonei, glldea »**/. hates roiuanco." tho man she likes, who is if he is not tho allusion to the CARPRTINW) appear good following complimcntaty "You are a fine brave and 1 don't FFRMITl'ltK, fred, in Mid e«aotr,on the Brtt Tueeda>ln Octo- And Um atom of deoay youth, footatapa used to ho himself in : PATE* HANOimi*. Aim a Imn of Um ber at u>n or the clock In the and Mllo very romantic rich." leaden of the a »od sett. forenoon, C«m on. Northern Democracy to for • son-in-law. Here's RATES OF ADVERTISING, •u»re he auw caute. aUaling objcct yoo oocuplee. be board thereon. and obieot. If they eee those old times," said Mrs. Richmond' "I did not nerd to have it back But while and rebels are VrMa akkk Um till kt w ilwlillw la amt a iw. 9wan brought patriot! to in an h*»>p« If11JJ AM FHiLUrS, tela aihi/o little," advantage ; living amongst with ber lo such a distance ljv«> Adi'iiiliM lali mi* laka Ika raa points; dope n-fipartil(ika> late nf deemed. Will pr*>- th* ahall was favorable to tho who our •4 iw- f * Um SrM fcv varki aUajr* apyaartag a* JOHlf YORK, Ncwfleld. Like them present delight— mond. It young teacher, distract our councils, to divide people, |«i»r, f» Ibe aterelrti tbrrrin that she won't return to her fslher aMbai, |lwn Mated imitate by Barak fork, Like them loving llflUM paca. tf %"kl pMriMl1 In deeay. she dared not that be had lieen sentimental, and not to our conflJenco in ultimste victo- anrfM tKM kiikl, wtH ha HUrH M IM M. aj- 33njikruptcy. ■acted. r. Rut promiso really only destroy snd more. Uwn or U. Ilk. Mammal) mother sny Good-bye, sonny, •ll(l- Oar would. gono half elopement; ry ; from whom, in the hour of defeat, tkm T»i iklrti Mm i> m aataa atu ba i>m| nl IVUlkm fur admlnlatratt«u to AlUrt 0. Iluttry, ifrcntnl and may be I'nwt. " Po«TbA«n. lit, l**7. y one a*a you hsppy." a. B^pl. That Into engulfing with fur xi"Tl» MrnM warka* "a. w hy lluMah A. Dulkff. Shu coaxed her darling to stop crying, course of time, tho two wore married heard only M1 told you so," and whom Un- Thin l« to iIt« *«lk« Ttot on tto tenth iter of Are doomed to fall— There was an elopement that evening, of ) tt/lf ali»rtiwMt»l« an ya»a*«r fMflrrli Iran- J». IWarrant In deeraetd. Ml- the *•>.1",A Haokruptoy JOHX JOXES, UU of Kmarbank, warea on mado her lie down ; thon went iu* all the and grandeur liefitting nup* ion victories found incredulous ; tho la ta «a a. The «ea of death, whio»i roll nnd up pomp always one. The man went »i» Hi mi**rlurm»ml» yaU /ar •m I—»1 ipM tto mUU etf itnalAli lloto >a, Men tt administration prreruled by WUIiaai Downing, a young unacconi|>a- of la and orown and throne, room to the letters into her tials of a merchant's with men who at declared the Union ItHdeford, tto Coentjr of York aod HUU crrdUor of aid Imawl O'er king kingdom, to her put wehlthy daughter, Chicago nied. He could not bo at Maine, who hw >-««n Ml]utl{*d a Hank nipt. on awallow all. thought everything JOB PRINTING. t4 !I. FMhimIn, IUgl*Ur,ee U»oeeteelfc WII.LIAM LEVIS, tele ef Iteulh Berwick, .ferreted. Within the who hnd received them yenrs bo- INTERESTING FA0T8. (tin. twenty 1 a mob as a day Of ttototor, A. it. IMT, al Ua oMIoek A. M a*omnl afoiunl |nteeul«d tor alkiwaaoe Igr Cbartee W. magnified "great popular up- and teachers or drawing. Tho other morn- at Roocaa. Darle, •irculor. Oar birth le but a starting pUee i fore—and hIio was now a matron old Saeo •IdrtrilMfMCHl*. Ctty The firei of artillery was invented rising who deluded tho South with false while at work, ho was CIIARLB CLARK. Life Is the running of Uie raoe | picco ing, busy interrupt- SARAH B. OOlTEir, late of BkMrtord, derraard to liavo a daughter who had C. 8. Manual u MeMipr enough a German, soon after llio invention of and tried to divide the Nonh with a customer. "Be flnl ami final acvouet imttiited tor allowance by Hachel And d*ath the goal i by ho|ies, ed by tough looking you Machine 3»" ol Malae. henrt troubles—unfolded them one by one, A. Ooeeu, adialolttralris. There all our glittering toys are brought— gunpowder, and nrtillcry waa first used by fnlso representations, and who during all the Mr. W. the painter ?" "I am sir.', "You UMiMfi dewweed. Bte. of all how it eamu to that lovers II Airy AH COLE, late of BUtdrford. That path alon*. unsought, wondering pass tlio Moore, of in in tlia and conflict were true to I T" "Yea In amwn H. Algesiras, Spain, long agonizing only tcach crceturs draw, believe llrmminf. Bankruptcy. ead ptewM tor attowaaea by Abel Jrikaoa, la found ofal|. or tii U. 8. Mammal) were all so much alike. Twh*fi Orrici aeige of 1341. to their own selfish ambitions—to these air," the artist, who fancied hit vis- Aa Messenger, > replied IIOSAH ooonwirr, tote cf Kronetwnk, deceaaol. Bee. then how poor and little worth tlio Mino PoRTLAXP, 8cpt- ID, IW. J Half a dozen—just number, Tlic first banks wero eatablialied in Italy, men neither North nor South will raise itor some old farmer; 'Mo you wish Vim acoouut p«r**nteil \>y Rdwanl K, Bourne, Jr., mI> Are all thoee glittering toy* of earth wealthy XaWMtmf, Thin I* to ire notice. That on the Unth day of minirtrator, with will anneted. mora romnntic thnn those tlio of gl ai here find much in tho year 8GH, the Lombard Jews, tablet or statue, or comeinoretive They to Uko a few lessons?" "No A I>. I»«? • Warrant la That lor* | by pile. your daughter Hrpunl>er. liatikraptey d*. wuu CHARLES If. CLOUUH, tot* of l>ar*anaA*M, moat break master iiml written to hor aouio Lon- to that of in- wy IhuW ikiImI tho at Juaathan llansoa, Dream* «t a sleep that death i miiHic daughter vlioin settled in Lombard street, are condemned forever limbo sir, not my darter." "Your son, ?" with Mftt- Slate ceaaol. Arauunt ft* allowance by Sarah ClouRh, perha|M K4om Jr.. ol Walerhoro', la that'ounty of York and prearotcd us csmo Mrs admtwbtratrii. Alaa! before It bid* wake, Lccilla. A idea into where hankers hnvo ever since in which Dante "tho drea> "Who Iiiii inii Ul#- »f Maine, «h<> has beon adjudged a Hankrapt, on strange don, many cafiahles placed "No not my son, neither." then, r the We ll hi* ova IVtltioa » that the of aay debts JOHX #\ rt minor* ami hfln of Jmia- disappear. Sho dared not p*toh. payment BEAN, al»., Richmond's mind. oppose resided. souls of those who lived without blame sir? nut I "No, not and of any b»longlBf to sueh than II Iteaa, tot* of TtiM accuuot ry yourself, hope?" my- AOBNCY Or delivery property Berwick, of earth oan or for hu use, and tha Inmhr for allowance Ifcniel ere the damp blight. a look or a wonl alio had with Bankrupt, to lilut, |«r*mted by Kuox, fuanlian. Long hor hushnnd; by The oldest veniion of tho Old and New and without praise," and whom biting self ; hut Momolmdy a darned site ihore diffi- of any '»> kla ir* (brbiddan by law t The ehraka glow ot red and wblU Sutffr't, m,.b praperty inaan* pure such a of that a meeting >'f tha creditor* of the said Bank- ELIZABETH RICK Ell, (an prrann, hmrrt| never attempted tiling. Testament, to the ChriatianH, ia scorn ho "mingled with that abject choir cult. A four year old heifer mule I bought of w>» Account for allow- lift* pasacd away i Itelonging IT k ITU—n't, to prove tKalr debts. and to oKoum on* or Lunrrlek, deceased). |>rarukU rupt. wai Mr— lint she was very fond of her daughter. which wan written in who were not nor were Learn him to and mora ol tila atUta. will l>e hold at a aacv by Uaac Kmery, guardian. Youth smiled, ami all heavenly that in the Vatirnn, angels relwllious, the other day. draw, ttmtn'l, urn J Wi/tm ^ UtMt* Awlgaeas Court of to !»• Iioldcn At lliddefurd, earn* and laid his there | desk sho looked were themselves : Bankruptcy, CHARLES R. HARMON anJ MART E. (IRAXT, Age nnger When she'left tliu guilty th« fourth nnd fifth centuries, and faithful to God—but (or darn me if I out with the pewter and NKWI1U MACUIXEtt, before James P. res«end«n. IU(tit*r, on tha ninth publinhed dpn't (former!y Mary E. Ilaruxxi), minora aiol children of Ku- And where are they f The Anit of IK toKi r. A. 1>. 1*7, at too o'clock A. M., and and aomething in hor pock* l.r»07. Heaven chased them forth to its lieau- the hundred dollar* hy an eiperleneed lady operator. day iUp* llaramn, tote "f IWo, i|er«a*ed. Flr»t aooount pr»- frightened, in thoyenr keep give you biggest you mikmbm that ho It** Ju«t at als otttoa, i'J Exchange straet that would wpectfnlljr hiiM for allowance by Au Harmon. iruanllan. Where U the strength spurned deeay, et rustled as sho movod. llut sho said liooks from ; and tho Hell receives ever seed." The went down Into hla Mar ORm. .V j I/um Hlfk, whore CHARLES CLARK, Ancient wero, originally, boards, ty impair deep countryman Miivnl that roved so and machine* V. B. Marshal ai UtiMapr. IT. tot* of ton, drcouad. IVtl- Tlie sUp light gay, on the until the he l«e happv t<> oihlhit the ahove NOAH HARKORI), nothing to any one subject or the inner Iwrks of trees; and lurk is mill them not, for tho wicked claim somo glory stain with a and closely and eiauiiae the for IvX DIM. of Main*. Uen hr an allowance out of ratal* of iaM de- The heart's blithe tone t hop, akip jump, to all Draae eail variety ~ personal Omnia V. widow of aald hour and with it ramo her aa aro for over restless an a meer yourvelvoe before i>urrha»lng. Krerjr machine tmatnl, praaeotcd by Harford, The strength Is gone, the step Is alow. dinner arrived, used by some nation*, also skins them and thus they wander followed by old pair of boots, warranted »nd la order free from ei- .Yon-ili *t((cnl Taxes. iHMM. thnn kept running And Joy grows wearlsotno, and woo ! husband, mom angry and determined which latter wan sul>- and in hated God and tho ene- schaum and other moveables. P»iw to the ptwliwr laatrwetlon* given lathe HIV COX Uto of deoeaaal. IV parchment generally pain; by by pipo WALLACE, Sanfad, comes on ! u*e of the Maehlnee on all kind* of work. titkw fr>r an allowance out of fatatr of mM d*- When age ever. The meal was in silence; (hilowing list of Taxa« on R« al K»tate of peroral passed •titntcd. mies of God." yttUlf, Tkr—d, Skull!f. «.»»!•». Sf'Mf, CM, cea**d, ptrarotad by ClirUtianna Wallace, widow of (aid done with non rv«i»*, In bills committed to John petition GOODNIOHT. having Deatneea aa1, Act.. jmr relate of iaM bar aa adminiatra- UUpateh. or (aid on tha XJd deceaaed, prra*nt*d by himself in a arm* and Fractteal Sewing Machinist. U Toiup*»n. Collector town, day Richmond seated great ones aro mentioned in 1550. Leaden IhiI THE IMPENDING WAR IN EUROPE. incident: "A or two ago Ham ha* haan returned him to ma as trti. ». A IOIII. ing day Mo, » Union Bleek. Rmo. 3mA af Juno, I**4, by it t. oa tha ittii of June. IW. hla oertu NATHANIEL TOUD, laie of Kittery, deamaed. chair, and ileinandcd, lets wero made lieforo the close nf the six- tho welbknown United States detect- unpaid day by cannot ho loaned— | Jonos, Beat* of that data, and now remain and lVlili', data of commitment of aaid bills, so iuu:h of tha HARTEORD, All with Its weight of rings i and it out agnin The most cntml in tho world entered the car, and * Una h* w« to IVtitkm lur an allowance out of th* eatate of aakl queenly |>ockct, pulled stupendous pickpocket judging f4 tut* ant uml ito trinity, aa will ha sufficient to the |*raonal short at low rate* of HAVINU real estate taxed pay to lond notice—except very > !■> > l»u »l *11 S.«tr« dMHMd. lew tiled Puaui 11. widow of (aid Good night uplifted eyes. look. manner and rrmly attrml tile c«IW f |-r"f»*«"« amount dua therefor. Including Interest aad | by Hartford, frightened is one in China, which passes over two from Sam's careless genteel at mn dareaaml. ol accumulates in tlio «I It* day tiki night. I r An twwrty without farther notice, he sold at Good night to ohestnut braids hair, interest; specie great charges, will, Mr. still mora to was a worth m >al iur(n« (» pwtMn •< Um Uw I* (Im ir oittce. la aaid Richmond again repeated, thousand miles, and cities; it ap|>caranco that he pigeon iiublla auction at tha Heleetmea's ELLADORA minor awl bair of Good night unto tho perfect mouth, forty-ono of tlio Old while bus- m»>, Im Mi nt; rntiUr htan to Um auaHrtM* ft lAun* rfcDANIKL, Irory depositories World; town, on the flrst day of February. 18(8, at 1 MeDanWL tot* of lloUla. ifecwaanl. IVtilion t li Daniel, detains me. then if Il« Mjr Oflr« MeUi Allea aad Morris Bherhama, 8 The snowy hand "Those absurd letters, you please, my liilliarils was invented by Henrique De- man, and in n very dexterous manner cotn» t*n <4 Um bnilit, thirla* Um U*y. *4 Ite Snca (uanllau. a dull winter—all becauso able and well- acres Und .....$15(100 3.1o I'll havo to say night again ! ito night. good dear madam." a French in tho of mcnccd Sam's vest Sam ilnrinf James Bradbury hairs and Irvry ROilER If. CHt'RCHIl.L et al., minora and heir* of vignn, artist, reign tanker* and figering pocket. Kiraaa D-atoa, Mmi eome a informed capitalists very gen- Km-fWmml D»K Chadbourae, * acres land 30.00 1.13 Nathaniel Churchill, tote of Bbaplelirli, deceaaed. IVMbxi But there will time, my love, And then tho little woman faltered : Co*. M. M— BJwnnl hnw, H. P., Charles IX, idiom the year 1571, and at took hold of the soft hand of tho thief, ami Bnij. D., Mw, Phillip Carrol, bouse aa-l barn l.VUU 0.41 f >r Itcenae to aril ant eofirry real eatat*, |we*ented t^Tlb- If I rea«l our stars aright, that next at fur- llw. 3oiI7 When, dear—I bo- erally apprehend spring, hk«, Abrani Ho.«l»le, 1.1 acres land 'JflrtOO 5.76 by W. Churchill, laMlian. ••I—that is,—1 believe—yes onco a most fashionable and it dear I shall not by the poroh became capti- a shaking cordially, said, "My friend, John L Uootlale, Nacres Und ;i»iu) 16.10 linger thest, will witness the out-break of great J. minor and heir of Chartea have and gave liitn a of Mums 5 acres laa. Ilopkinann, tot* of Baro, itreeaaol. Petili.ai lor licroaa To own aa much a year ago— aspen nn, where it form!* |»erfoct road from tlic mado his exit without ringing houses aad I barn Imiiiu not it till Russia is ; and pickpocket Charles lta>uvs.'J to aail aud Many iwal «atate, (mntal by Mary J. Ilop- handa t then sho to as safely !>egin ready I AO ui What ! both these anowy ah, As for Lucilla, began weep of ono mountain to thu of an- the bell." 2 stores kinaon, ruanlton. top lofty top Russia will bo to striko till 3 acres laud >«i hi I'll have to aay good night again. ol all had como at hardly ready M'n tk\l h*»e not Nt>l prarth-al npfWwt la fc—incM though the end things otlior. $7ijir ALOXZO UNDERWOOD et ato, minora ami chll- another winter shall havo That that af» l» carry ■«, I ml It mj diwi vt Th'wnaa tot* of Saco, deceaaed. IXI. sum if should passed. A of tho Milwaukee Uhj trying paryWi. 3w38 EDWARD IIAYMAN,Town Treasurer. I'nderwood, last, ami felt that pti|ia prove Womnn never the lady correspondent ttoti for lirena* to aril and real eatate, np|»eared upon stage for tug. to It U with iwr eoueey pre*etile4 by she is resolutely, steadfastly preparing StntinH, who under a Hiram cruel she should die. Their wcru writing nomd'plumr, \oiirr. II1II, guardian. among the nncicnti<. parts rep- of Walrussia Freedom orclo- it, is plain enough. Her sale had attrnclod considerable re- eirdinano nr. Lombard et au., minora and ••Six letter*—six shameful pieces oh Into m attention, CITY COUNCIL. 18 Is to that I hare this day (Irea my rvs'iitcd by men, until 1GG2, oertily heir* of John l/«nl«»r»l, tote rf dcrmard. Petition |Ui5(cUiitte0«5. to our Government, and of the great rail- a note a his time to aet and trade for the ceived from admirer, of Dm klial to 4* to«w», thry n»n Tilson, Kll U. Illll, lur licrnae to aril ami real Jo. Lucilla," said indignant parent. first their gentleman Mem luirlnc anythluc and I entry eatat*, |«vwentnl by ception, when Charlcn II. encouraged op- blaasell for the remainder of his minority, road her two to foreign writer raid a >eph Hradbary, guanlton. am that a cliiltl of mine should connecting capitals, recently, in which tho that la hvirinra* that tfwy am amtrrftanl Um flrat ahall par no debts of his contracting. n«r claim SIX LOVE LETTEB8. '•I shocked before the pearnnco public. are the means she n» amrof his earnings. NTKPIIhN W. HILL. IIALL J. DAI'IS, minor ami chiVI of Joaeph TtorU, banks, among whereby who could «uch lieautiful |*»ri|Jrt <4\ tot! Uk wilwnht Kjm Mrh such Hem! let mo see. lady put thoughts 30, |h«7. 3w37* late of NewBffcl, decaaard. IVtiti It m with urn Reanebaakport, Aug any reeks to recruit her finances. Her real Mark Wool, Kuardton. and this is railway to paper must he gifted in cuorey caUt*, prearnted by in Nmnlwr one I heliovo. Juno families at the close of the twelfth equally personal When her Hither inked this question, century ; communications south ward have been IrooMa, a* Im Im wml inpilar^ L. minor and chlkl of Jamca Stone, great- attractions, Ate., Ac., and wanted to meet FOR JAMES STOXE, December. Half a have dccoived the a S^tJLEy d«c«ap*y Ikr hmmmH; with a tot Mr artlrte toblied Itohind her handkerchief. People us well as over the G reck and vllla, Haeo. tf M MMkL of attach* Hungary, lovo; gained consent to tako a little thuw »h.» are ift thu« sunl manner. It takes years M M. in which finally than ijuUilW. m in* "i nnmn-nupm, no- said her is, by Montgolficr, 1789, JUM.fll .via.1.1., •*Bring thorn to me, Lucilla,'* of Euro|»ean Turkey, kiu ; tho veil was raised for the Call at Ito m wt IMIUwi f * adniuuftlrmtjofi, Ai>tt>.>- "With smiles for his he Bulgarian |>copk>* purpoao, (TiMl. |>>TaeoUU by answered in- menu your goal, Kezicr and the Manplis do Arlandes ascend- » nvlllir. father, tin if slio had him, as, has l>cen increased. When- stricken tho L. P. BROWN, 117 fame and fortune, poor as systematically aud the gentleman gazed upon Wlwlml* l*al*r la would win lioth ed, after which numerous ascents followed, KLLKIT I MITCHCIJ. H ata., minor* and chlldrrn deed, she hnd ; and dio trembling and ever the war shall break out, she knows JAS. W• LITTLKFIELD, girl, A man who features of hi* own wife. of Hubert Mllrhrll, Ut. >rf Kenncbunfc, drcvaMil. IVU- he is!" Fiddlesticks, Lucilla! of which fatal. comely arose to him. manj proved that {Jreeco will lie with and ha a and tkxi f* iK-nir to aril ami courry mU raUie, |icwutml l>jr weeping, olicy wail un> openly her, anil )uu win to Mire to bay, tiiraaw hai (|4n*lkl Lubricating Illuminating] has common senso would always welbknown cotton la Mrpbra Tut*J, ruanlUu. her The cloth, calico, Two darkies went out aaaartweot ut Then Mrs. Richmond, daughter's that two-thirda of the inhabitants of Eu- |>o*sum hunting, till lie had a fair commencement heforo he from a in which SAMVCL S.lirrr.R, late of IMlia, dervaaol. IVU. camo behind her named Calicut, city India, a toll at luwe»t market | older, Mol- and accident found cavo, with Of qaallty prloM. Ixm k* Ik-roar to aril ami rral eautc, iranikxl bjr very self, grown beau- ropean Turkey (including Wallachia, by large eoorry to any girl. "Praise of your was discovered the in 1498. STYLES barral iMpwtxl aa«l warranted. Tt>'«uu K. Lane, klnliuilnk*. husband'h chair and him on the proposed by Portugurse, and will hearti- a small entrance. in SPRING Km) patted ho ever saw !" davia, Servia, Montenegro,) quito Peeping they ty. Tho loveliest creature Calico wns first to by the to nO 206 Fore Street, Portland, M«. JOHX rrcrKXS, late at Baotml, dweaattl. final shoulder. brought England desire her success. discovered three bear inside. to «ket W, ami la UrlrtwlMiI are not ly young whelps 3m M arroont ami |wtra» account of Mlniinlatralur, pmeutal my dear. Yort plain East India in IG3I. W don't bo hard with Kxaggeration, Company, Ira no Russia will "Look Sam" said "while I Bur aUuwauc* by Alrah Dam, a-lmiiuMratiw. ••I'leaso her, my hear If there intermeddling. here, one, go hut auch flnttery is alwinl.—1"Must Diamonds were first brought from the GOODS in* «t am»Md. ru slio "lie's a nice drive the Turkish out of in in dar and do HATS. CAPS ft FURNISHING JYOTMCE. M.mr J. srcrcya, 8mmjr |nnliwii|( •rtoi.euunty of York.SUte of Malua, within aald JOSHUA York, the first let- account ut And Mr. Richmond dropped Colconda were first discovered in the •liftrtrt, who baa MM (Mail a bankrupt upon nnJ ami dual account, and prir»U> nrcutor, I'm sure." year on extension of Russian ho saw the old bear her into KJbmiikI N. tuculor, young heart, ousy any (rawer scouring way til* own the District Court fur aald | rvaanlwl ht aUuvaan by Gowlwlu, and took another. petition by ter, up 1584, those ol Brazil in I7G9. cave. as «l*trk>t. IIOIUCK II. BUHDANK. of tho whole af- south want, and it is that the Quick wind ho caught her JAS. W. LITTLEFIELD S, KHE.VEZKK UOULV, law of Kw»txbuak|>ort, do- I wPerhs|M you approvo ••! wisely supposed by Limerick, II, IW7. ft "The same stuff." he commented. The Iwll was first used in ttapt. mini, Pint account |*oarut«*l for alteram by Utnoab fair, madam," said Mr. Richmond. diving Eumjio the recent meeting of their two Empcron the tall, and held on like sin. "Hello, dar, MnIr <'or. of Wiilrr S| , Snro. a word he A &A Nl. ttould, atluiliiiMraUU. don't believe says. in tho 1509. It was used on the coast " Iiopo you year at had referenoe to this matter. Sam ; what dork do hole dar ?" Lor bless I* NotitX). ••I—no—that is, 1 tho little Haltburg Ap*tiaa,iM7. only'—gas|Kxl sort of a man would tho of a plain, earnest, upright of Mull, in Hcnrchiug for wreck ravo I IIKRKIIY n<>ti«« that I litr* my aon, I rd. IV4HVo« ** 1 Lucilla sha then, that and Francis you, Jurtdio, yourself, honey; efdis cl»a jtrni woman ; and hearing coming, I am sure, Suppose, Na|»olcon II. tila lima, aixl that I »ha)| elairn - never so into such rha(vodiea, ol tho famous some I Chart** Juy, Ufu(j,br^ dread- part .Spanish Armada, should unite in to Alexsnder, tail come out know what dark do anna ui hi* nut of hi* (labia front sank into a chair, herself Joseph saying you'll Kaiiroadtii JV. earnings pay any bdWAHU B- DOL'KNB, J blaming Ah now in number three he rnlls you Man lt»f>9. Ibia Hal*. A.SA JOY. time before tho year not cross we can- not been at all her "You must the Danulie; hole." Wltn*»a It. /*•**. A ^ env, fully for having present he is nimantic word. W-r. angel!" upon my Glass Itotlles were first mado in England, North Iferwiek, Bap I 3 l«*T. 3w37 ^^^TTksiOWLTOSI. music lessons the paM not allow you to ecize Constantinople,"— Portland, Sato & Ports'th K. K. daughter's during And what is all this?" The art of Sceptics have ridiculed the old Bible sto* about 1588. making glassbot- what then ? year. would forbid me to see of Lot's wife, the idea of a wo- AMERICAN * FOREIGN PATENTS* ••Those who you tics and drinking wns known to the ry scoffing Steamboats. | arose from a mil glasses the mtoo > * « |d Laava Atlantic Whart for Boatva an eitendre of of 'JO ••It was inexrtirahlc in a mnaic the service rendered Mr. Stanton left old customs and ideas that l> RT1. \ NI h r-rt—iUh ereryereoing 1 practice upward* poor your iMiriitH!" liy behind, they Wv .1". A»j at i o'clock. enntlnuMlu *e«nre Patent* In the Uni- lHtJO. Ho discovered in in even that will make rommon r«|* icit*«i «8unday* ei**pt*d>, \FTKRvmii, hnve known hia Government in hoped Italy are and 4a »«| ted al*o In Ureal Hrmeoe. ami olh toachcr, who ahoiild placo." *\ don't rememlter ofFmlli snying any- petrified through through. IVwtw'.IU lliH^Vv Para la Cabin |l M> ttutMi UriUIn, Cabinet a to seixe cause Prussia ami Russia. They J». »M Cimli. liuchanan's conspiracy with W^HniW, 4a. Hack fhr« I 00 •r foreign countries. 8peclfloatlona,ltond«, Mr. Richmond dcclarod, and he clutched of thai kind," mid poor Lucilla. "lie of Mr. are counted in society as so many foraila. 4a. «u. dXt ami all Paper* or Drawlogi for Pa- thing tho archieves, inauguration that the war will lie Tiokata to b« had of tha Agent* at I AmlgntnenU, prevent In case, practically MIMol, Jo. On. 0.30 Paaka«a I te uU, eieeuled <>n r*Mml>l« ttrim an tho little billet which had fallen never would Government Thus n>l«c«l >>Im pcrfhmed know you ohjnct." Lincoln, and usurp th« Kmirtwit, 4a. J AiMrlou or For- one between the Mohamme«lan allied with lakea aa aaaal. > aa he a and frowned Jako Cobb, Sidcll. Mason, A who wu in need of 4a. 4*. 101* freight eign work*, to determine the alldltjr or utility into hia hand* might scorpion, Mr. Richmond shook his head, far, Tliompson, cooper hoop pol<<«, M.IK 1*4. CO) L. PILUNOS, Arnt. the'Catholic ami the non Catholic N«th 4*. d*. 10 30 May U, of Patent* of Invention*—ana-«ina R. A rice touching oration when Mr. Stanton, with for to the stuliborn resistance J'M**. lirral ryb 4a. 10 « of the claim* of any Patent ftirnUhcd bjr no an ofToucey, Italy, owing "Where eau I the men. Rruicfc, AIVI) IV Y. I'oplii face which told of softening. Th«y under his linnd. Then, with ejacu- countermined to get them?"asked BK, .la. .to. IOlM POKTLAIVD rwrnltttag On* Dollar. Am i;;ntneat* recorded at Iny Governor Sewartl, widely of the to her and six white tied in his feel Psjmcy unity nationality, ; steel if can't do hat- Kiiu-ry, 4o. 4a. 1104 Washington. came at laat, little envelopes, lation of rngo he started arrest tho calamity. Judge llolt waa loyal. "Anywhere 'em, you I*. «im» trt*r wn* into substantially |wlitical were Ik* with blue ribbon, and were laid at "Infamous!'' lie cried ; "I'll go to him Goti. Dix brought tho Cabinet. ter." The furnished, and 4a. daw l.U fmcUit*— fir e*tatai*f I'mlmti er mttrlmmlmf together will be in hoop poles if mrwa(Mm. d'etat waa I m nre. Spain sympathy Steamship_ Company! | I y •( his elbow hia this instant—I'll bim—I'll—I'll Tho intended covp rely sympathies. paid for, when the cooper happened In in- LINK. I month* the lneour*eol by deapairing daughter. horsewhip H0KTTIX f.* MrtlAnl, M 7 30 HCMI-WBKKLT hiring eight *uh*crlb«r, vented. Wo saw, on that occasion, while with Franco ami Austria, though unable to hi* tare* mad* oa Imr* relectod until I return home thia Jove I'll aend of the seller where he them. kv lu.au practice. appllca-1 "Lock these up murder him? Aa Tor you hy wan quire got Tk« Aixt nut St*MB«nlp« one of which I Mr. Lincoln being iwora, GeneraU 4a. Oa. lad »pl#nt waa deeided In ktt !m—r by the ConialMtouer evening," you Klope, elofia Scott and Wool standing by their gnna, 'em, you MM. c»i»i. w. *•*«»• leans to the Turkish side, but will not en- J»art. m i«m1< tn itud *p»lth Ml aaearlng dear aho "dearest here Lucilla one ann and sent out on distant service. We wants Seward and "oat a mart and "Oh, papa!" cried, But caught eminent Somebody Wintbrop fciitan'.lMIIIII/tn. 4a. 1110 datioaa (tor Mimpn, making Ihla thejr cannot employ perwoa German Bavaria side with Aus- mora of their lielieved then as wo lielicve now, States, may to run lor President and Vice President. l\«tW»I Am**, 4a. 4a. IU* ipNiljr.Mftuil tiiaibrUkl* rvule Air InnUli trmtlmtrlkf, aM eapaliir puttiag »p- papa, plea*' don't aay I muse never aee Mrs. Richmond the other. firmly k*l«Nn K«» York »4 Main*. In a form to encore for them an earl/ that but for Kdwin M. traitor* tria ; Hadeu with Prussia. A MuhaaW »»| Uhmn' Train wtil War* H44Htav4 I plication* 1 1 Stanton, The Hartford Prtta re- r»mi». IB RUM Room, 00. Cabin and fererable coiul<1*ratioo at tha Patent Uffice." him 1 couldn't bear it. Indeed "O. are you crazy ?" said Lucilla. thereupon pithily dally, At 400 A. M.. ti»l Imu M O.W. wtUIm In l>v*lUaJ fA p*wp, again. papa, would have the Government on the XnI* Mtn. K1>MUN0 BURKK, usurped On the whole, the will be pretty marks there in no to a man's M 0.40k p.id could not. tte'a I but he'a a never such a Let partiea that objection Uoutli forwanMd tkla Mm to ud Ttvm Mm Lata Commi»»»ou*r of Pateai* poor, know, "Fred proposed thing. 4th of 18C0." Krtum.n*. will War. ft* M.WMbf4 Ami infer hy March, the finances of Rus ha* made tor ma THIRTKEN matched ; but a ticket of that sort if it ■alnt» MatMM M 0.10 r. M. tr«*l. st««b««. Bangor. bath. Auxutu, Baatpert '•Mr. R. II. IM«ty and l—l like him ao much, me see the letter. this is not equally having private oa but one of which have gentleman, 0, papa, A rm«M Trata auk Cw »»U Wan I aad St. John. application*, all patent* as, in a flourishing condi- Pwwew ouitol, la *•» tech ua- Iowa. though hardly amuses him. IVrthual At T10 A. «ar» tw ruiMtwl towxl thalr Prvlfkt to b*en maud, and that pew**#. word It is not. Do look are rather in *..fcr «l M44r*«U, a»I rrtun* MilDpwt 0a papa." Fred's—upon my Graashop|«eni plenty than thoee Ik* SUuMn M Uir.ll. H tk« Utl of Uleat aad ability tion are in far better condition taw, Wa»a M44*0v4 m U» ul tan u ■ W A. M. Mfljf ft ('rate Im «Wn TVfc*« u< tk*f iMf* Portland. ht* part lead* papa; twenty years la in tliia in one of a mile in to a* of ; while Prussia (aa An island, quarter area, At lb* thou aim la Uw Cat* Tor Freight or IWotpplf to him to pn^ura their patent*, they may aaid Mr. Richmond, "be baa been aniul '■ these so thick Turkey Ufflca, j»kI apply atUaUoa b* Fred's name is not Chorion Papa, and Northern railroad, rt*5ICh KMKKY A KOX. Haifa \Vh»rt. Portland. b* ear* of baring the mo*t Mihftil Chicago resjiect an overmatch for Aus and covered with a heavy growth of buahea CHAXC, n K*it Now York. raa*onable char to make tbink hiiin written of the every other) ■orauBToiioaoT. J. P. AMnv n*r Hlnr, *tow*4 m Umlr aa***, aad at rery enough you perfec- are your lovedetters to mstnioa, were the on the rails J% l»T. 41 graasliop|iera trie. France, if she should enter the lists, nnd trre% twenty feet that had long rvtariAn, April 10th. 1MT. mm( PvrtUaoees day annual m*Umo( tka Im*|« sic teacher ia not a match Mr. Richmond sat down in his arm ebair wheels of the engine became per- MmUmMm ot tka i> MONDAY.ttaut. loth, th* il«*aon for Port- driving make the contest is not to fmm its location. will la boi.Un »l pay, apparent original TIIKAI trad Rank Iktir hanking la ml will |*a*« foot or I ad I* Wharf. B**fa, at in ailence, very red in the face. with the mushed mass of un lk« trat **»! •( ana RUBICEL, the disinterested; but the recent aggran- o'clock r. to chooMft boMd of IHrwton fur U( Mr. Richmond "Ilow'did this occur 7" he said sternly; so much so as to almost en- H. bo frolskt r*o*lr*d aft*r 4 o'clock ron BKjuTirrt.tu thk With which remark put gTBashopiieni, The Iim tbo rot of the Ohio — flui mUn Ik* disement of Pruasia and hia own miaadveii- by grapes •n«uin( yaar, to (MkbMtft ^ ^jrro*itl»oljr and little Mrs. Richmond, Into a will taka to wlrtlac »P U* af&ln at tka on hia hat and overcoat, and retreating retanl their revolution. I not so aa was el* nr Hhlppor* of fr*l(ht will pUaao nott** th* departed. tirely tun* ex hi* year will lw great KM* othar bwliaM a* in Mexico have made Napoleon Hank a»d to traaaMl may ahoro l«>ar. a ad ao aiooptloaa md b« mad a, aa and her mother look the corner, with a handkerchief to her eyca noma fcafora aahi reaatlnr of th* iinafn la Then Lucilla bent on the Cntanhas have suffered lagally P» lag secret of snccesa in buaineai i« ccedingly sore, and lie ia evidently perted. Only **ar oniar of tka Wraatora. ol into each other's sobbed t The great ( » WM WKKKtt. Ac*nt. SO falling «i nt nil, nnd tin* lnaU-IU* and IX-1• wares are HAMUBL M. CAMS, aak'ar. PRICK, CENTS. opportunity the true n restoration of hia riamagrd presiisr "I did it on ?" and as to get the ring of metal—pruUer't AlOati, Haft <0. IWT- arms. puqioae paused a* aa usimM. Teacher*' Blank Uertiticatek For aale by all dragxiu* aad Uncy good* ttne." whatever risk or cost. The greater Nh|»o fully good "It'a so of aaid Mrs. she a sudden judgement. | fT rmlm puaUd to artot *4 Uua oJto» Pot aal* at tko Ulko* o4 th* Catoa ar-* Journal.' dtaler* 6w SJ naughty jrou," tlioogh expected OwUh •! IW Drhhh MUU«r. OEHERAL KEW8 ITEMS. tie M n/hly, has commenced in the A estimated liot, official, Jowtao.f'a tbkacbxrt^—Judga Helley, an The Inltligmm cnn^oues to malign Sec. A firman from the Sublime Porte, grant*■ , can-fully (partly Commercial KuLLLTt.f, • recent addrro in dettflerft clalmratl^^H Mexican liberal* exo&itcd in Ohio, »w«i «• aw o» WlnU Prudent Johnson U publishing ck in aimilar vein, of the Pinion and Stanton, hiin with having ing a grueral amntnty to the Crock Inaur* of the numlter mlnj iftrMUi n CttW Jotmal, fcy descriptive cffJ^H rlmrgiog |Miil iuienriew ha hft41'with 13» letters inarttsd "confidential,* why J*t give manufacture. It will much into detaoH| sgowraal. been ■ince 1865 undfer MwitiilUwi's brief reign lafactory Ulsa*in*l WwlaHldti*, lUton.) go the lUltunare A Ohio Railvoad in the Island of Caadia, hfc jdst RwUed| I one from Gram inarked ol #100,000 psftto after (he death of Mr. Lin-" the "prlVita?" and convey a groat amount and variety J. K. Dmi*, lunwi. J. t. run, Amkuti torroa. The Turkish Gov but onlef, shows a total of 9244, Johnson shortly nnnmn more for mnil service than officially «nd by information about wool, and lbs |xoiled that Tic* the Calirornia which accurea a to Maine aaya "A democratic ce* o( the Cretana. legislature, have taken care ot ua, and to have inspired Mr. deatb. elation, NuMtlMWllllwUklR.a tbla ..r >gunv. Abstain Postmaster-General. In refutation of the Union's that ia 12,000 uffira, U. 8. Senator. Jobneoii with the truth beyond the measore Brooklyn lory represented hjr Republi* it.at c<>tntuatii«alK>B*. Tha urn ana aUUraaa «4 Republican The District Courts are to feature* t o he dobs send that Mem*. Zachariah of Colnmlua can majority has no writer inu»l ba ■ at in wbiob I wat hope very frightful (ho given. /ar f%u*aii««, but permitted charge , The Iloston Post in to J f the numerous rases to test the con- us it bow a* a uaranly of his tk'th. A watermelon in New Orleans grew to pretending give 'J it will * North are not tem- try brought for —«itd only sh4v» prtJrious- food with Ad* IIeta|t4tkerTte*1b*t mudlcr and Richard Yates the the official ol tlie Executive, haa Aimer Haifa, charged robbing safe for tie .pmaot ftftd ultunaldjf give wft Sititoua stitutionality of confiscation act. ly the democrats must hare bren cuormoua the of sixty |Mnuids.— opinions a ami licked^ weight ams' Co. in Tennessee almnt a harmonious country.' Iterate men, highly re«|»ectable per* last year, when crow an luatiljr ovctfl tuMrlWr* nuitij w» funlRt tlM .lata «m been snubbed Jolmaon. Thia ia cruel Express Two thousand merino ha to they W. FioM is ill. The At- by Aa 1 left the executive room, having gone ibccp lately II* o*«*l idpttlwM to iVir |«|m, m Ikk » Cyrus seriously in credible eitiaen of Brooklyn my*: the lesser licking they have received* ainco baa farced other year ago. of $31,000, waa arrested Rich- Johnaon'a renneet (torn Mr. feetly bt*n brought into Bpottsylrania county, Vir- juat Uk.u»» Iba llw !■> which llw mtoriliHiMi to pttL Jjt liuuir cahJa caru*>U last year.— deccocy every paper thither *T Mr. If can find can*) for #1.760^)00 ail-of last • they congratulation t" tMW, MiM thai Ik* (uUeriWr kaa to on he to lien, Grant, for been in Waahii»gfna v ,^ .',VW "M'■'# in^ r*»« in the to while the mond Saturday. Hooper'a house, saying "Having them 1* Wbaa • m to MUt of tbe in country repudiato him, eome when I the tgainst being en/y 12,000 M«y 1*4. p*;arul mI>, Uh Two-thirds peraooa registered he waa with me: 'The time ha* and aeen these majority W 'l b" »■«■*» a»t* — » —uuit winter, having daily gentle- A is a ot one aliould be au latlefy < lig U» fattoV la a Indians Past and alone, to him nut be In the executive room. Oar conversa- gentleman making bankrupt heaven forbid that any South Carolina are colored.—"9,000 solitary clung only can i U»*»ln la Ktoll U Um IIm whicb Uw mImiiM Indiana here ia men in their shB, and often outside, 1 himself in Wisconsin* Mta liabilities are aa to to their a It ia aaid that the Republican tion la not flniahad. Oo over ; and my cruel attempt ice joy.*' tout |*M MMMW v« ttrmit art ragawiil to krvmrd on war at the last to be Like poat are now the paih.—Irish emigration repudiated. to Be in the room waiting nor at oth- 000,000, and his asset* *300, all in Um wuua Iim. MtonolMtrlf. will voto solid Tor oard the meaeenger. say that not in nil that time, any $1 pants on auch a nritber backwanl or for* Congressmen ini|»each* I lett own Wear. .At outrage baa (men the is on the increase.—The Good Templars hi paper goea me, that we may conclude It there.' Aa ousts, aten for bia perpetrated At Colfax is to take the er time—for I have known them both for United States Consul in lbs Turk- TtM Lav W> wptpara. ment Speaker the room, to whieh 1 had been confidentially Qrta by .Massachusetts number 2#,000 with 257 ward, learning nothing, forgetting nothing. will hsvo 18 in ish I* soon introduced him. I met Oen. Carl Bchuri, ever see either of them The Democrats msjority Who have seited and opened I- KM Mbatflban who J* m jl*a Mffm aafiM atump in that State, wo shall learn by many year*—did I officials, tha woitary, an euMUmd at to euuUoa* ibeir hare been contributed to fresh from Sherman's army In North the California House of hia Redrew has I wen demand- wtthlitf lodgea.—$250,560 Gen, of could nov- Representatives, dispstchss. w' Orders from for rebel bonds are hfa views. atara on hie should- under the influence liquor. 1 will wlftta. the Southern Famine Relief committee in Europe Carolina, with hia bright but on ballot the union msjority ed, but th« Turkish authorities are unwil- X II aubacv4»*fa oufcr Ik* dUwuUnaai** of ihrtr p«- Bhermaa'a joint a era and the duat from grand march er understand the story ofdruakenness to mnk« satisfaction. Our l*r», tha |«bttkifi ■*; »«ill»m to a*ui uuUl amaiv* of has increasing, New Orleans broker having why be Z ling Constantino- New York, all which been to tbeaea bis war-worn nnlforn. Af- - ara |a»M. « expended. It is aaid that Porter will not' be allowed yet apoo to Mr. Chandler. Yates looked rormmondent What sold last week one and a half millions of met but attached the bus- ple pertinently aaks, X II aahacrtbaaa mftoat — i»IW ta lata UtJr mara — An la out in Franee to ter the eloae of thla interview—I him, 'Die Secretary of hfs expedition fitting new evidence in bis ftvor Treasury 'will Mr. oewinl do altout the matter?** fr«a «M |«at afltea to •*!•* M*7 ara nl, tbry af» f*U of I801-T Here is a a new trial, tho fbr a moment—aaid ha: 'The Preeldent la all like a hard drinker, and I suppose tbat he nended Rerenue Collector Calliootl of the issues practical the we are aaUl Ibalr Ulfc ot arutel awl Um* •*» tbe North Pole.-—11 whites to 9 talk ft too Mr. Morris, Consul, told, is n.>aa.Nc |apar» explore found to be docuincnta from Lee and tight, if he don't little atrongly.' I never beard of his lite Senate at its next meet up- .Mad lit ka ttttoalfaaad. demonstration to the of tho valua- being must have been ; but and blacks la the ratio of in country Said he ; 'I am afraid he doth proteet to much, Brooklyn hcld in bis demand every diplomat its 4. Tba aant bare «■>!■< Ibaa 1 *t*k»aaa»» population Virginia. rebels. That Democratic resurrec- ait* will act bis ease. by and tho other and the very vebemencft of hit protestations the sense of propriety of «ny inf finally upon will be taken |M|toV or partfdKal ttam tba uoat aflWw, ar oaferla* ft (Ml ble services ofJohnson copperheads oflcuding Constantinople. Surely steps aeem me fear the of hie statement*.' or citiieo excem of drink > *«kc II MM kr, It yWaaa fmtm tiWfata of ftaad 6 tion don't to work. makea fidelity dicnce by ; yet, the great demonstration in honor to vindicate the wounded hooor of tho An offleer of General Grants's staff re- Cold has gono up about per cent, within next in and During I met him the day Philadelphia, last year, sometimes at finding of (Jen. Sheridan at St. Louis, a United States Government. ft In the Union annoyed iiipior late* n conversation which he had a week. In the preeenoe of gentleman as an he with the whs himself reported inebriate, publicly window was broken the excited THAN CUBE. Jeasie I). Bright, who expelled from building, Oen. Bohnra and I compared dealer's by P&EVEJTIOR BETTER League the and made an address, sent a General a few days ago, wherein the Gen- notes and found that Andrew Johnaon had signed pledge, orowd. Thereupon be bill of $18 t Court has lie- tho United States Senato on aceount of hia KlBOfvifC On-—We from the A Pennsylvania recently aa wherein lie said in substance : *1 have al- clip It is rejiorted from Wellington that Gen. eral remarked concerning the talk of mak- talked to him aa to me, and to both to Chfta. to the General. that n which treasonable correspondence with JrfT. Dav- Sumner. A few • tterward I met Gen. ways been a moderate drinker, in my own tho following, in much fi-ar that there in •* ciiident, signs Congress great he to be satisfied with what overthrow the Radical party and reorganise wife and tho children, that from this is rebuked Rev. Mr. Little noder aaother name, and an artiois lha moet thought ought •JohSaas." "Ilo is nothnlf ns Ba- Katy, fice* sharply liy in not lie ®>g«- sohright the nstlonal Democratic aaid no ahall ever bo of tba of missness demising Johnaou. of these he that party. 'And,' time forward such charge of lmlisns, who has Irrn «xplo«?a aaaat, par- to have been removed aAcr his shame- mid the severest laam's," says exchange. laid my door.' visiting and taking notes in ought the office of Preaident would mar his pres- President Lincoln tiling Charleaton, 8. C., prominent rebels, 'that is sxtonaively ties have been in thia ally and tha towna In the less of himself when he took the Porter thnt be crcr uttered the statement Mr. Johnson has given to each leganl. viointty, offering ibis attlete for aala to tha mer- exposure ent comfort arid him into the storms about Fitz-John taste drag Ixuiis has shown in each and from will name "Patent Tom- morn Na|K)lean good and all of them, aeperate apart Tbo Slats Henate stand The document* in Fits John Porter's ohanta under the of oil." oath of Vice President, ami atill when ofiirer. When the sen- ■ prolmhly and excitements of politics; that as the spainit any |Hj|>lic the "Rochatn* thcotbers."' niereial oil," Ac., aasuring tbeoi that it ia per- re-christening Dundcrhurg this year, 25, Democrats fl, con- cawe hare lieen rcffrmi to Wen. Grant by he sold hia (mnTona to lewd women. States- tcuce of court martial was before republicans fectly aafe, and aapctiftr tn keroeene. Many General of the army he had all tho work he placed after tho count who commanded Om President There seem* to be no beau," thut York County has gone demo- merchants have been taken ia by them, and in- in Congress would have impeach* and time to him for his ho It with alac- The Bull awd tii* Locomotivk.—Tlio ceding a new manship eould do, enough enjoy the approval signed the French auxiliariea at Yorktown. doubt that hie application for trial duced to aell tba oil. beiof ignorant of its real cratic, as follows: <-d tho villain after ho swung around the comforts of his family.'* ritv, and remarked: "1 wish the court mar* New York Trihunt thus pleasantly applies will bo granted. character, as waa the ea*« with the grocer who A roo« took— aold the the of which eaoaed tha circle. When met in some- tiaI to bo shot." now T. Lue on ita dealers in that the showing being by Pennsylvan- July two Senator*, in tin* county, Thla will throw public guard against thwarted. It is about time have condemned it had lie lived. There and u* two re- sion with fashion Mug we are amused at the '-conservative" hank- to induce Secre- in 1858. As in llio same discourse tho im- eleetlon Into the Leglilature, Klva plates. ia Democratic delegation so so la such oils. hMinonditoa ot Vermont, tho ifonkling* of never was a bull no agitated, vexed, publican*, so that tbe een.ito likely to«tand2C of their ore had denonnccd tho anti- to 3 democrat*. llownnl, who ia now vis- ering leading pa|>ers. They tary McCullocli and Postmaster-General pa«sioncd speaker maddened, so alarmed. He did not care republican* .Major-General New York, ami others who be men- the fuir nl It. might iting agricultural Providence, — hare hoping, praying, and bellowing for Giant, Handall to authorize tho levying of contri- slavery cause, tho reader will perceive that aliout himself. Ho would |>our Casisst Oantss Ma*>n k llsmlln pin- tioned. should show some little grain of willingly I., received a ilispnleh from Gen. Grant, e«t a gieat reputation tor the excellence aa«l <1 >j r» chanccs and was truer himself out as a libation for tho of his The Rise in Gold.—Tlio and iu ontcr to strengthen his butions tho Philadelphia oflice«hold- his vision of tho future than his good Washington that he is Mlltj of their workmanship, and they allow no or tako back kau. upon Tuesday evening, informing him administrative talent, race, but this radical innovation he could some sensible comments InHruinvnt tu^i out »f their factory which, thro* make the doso down with tho era election. of tho and tho Star has to at the head of the g<> run-away- for the ensuing eom|irchension present, Evening retain his position » uM be to the re. Tho tiiii*'* demand men with a clear ami not endure. So ho bellowed and kicked, any defect, likely tajure "guiut tlio causes tho riso llureau. of theui which row fiom-the-drnft are at every forces that were at work to mako that vis- was as so upon inducing present Kreedmen's |M>rt" everywhere prevails. wing, they busy and but all unavailing are rel l- •piick jterception of duty, and of celerity pranced in All of tint in ere warraateil, ami perfectly in his acts, and loudly The New York Tribune that on ion n It is a curious fact that this vetoes. Ono he from gold. Itsaya: It from tho retu.-ns mado the ahle. The variety ami beauty of the eff«cU which opportunity excusing says reality. many day escaped rev- appears by and in execution. There is a clan was lint tho chief cause is, undoubtedly, the can he orixlueetl wlili Mime ol tha loitru. courage ho 11 the and ahulition- his Ho beard the whistle. Now various maiiufartureni, that tho year large that is "ono of us!" tho Democrats of that city, in ,4Conservativo" tho pen. assumed the Pres- during ments are sny thing wanting frenzy joy provi- The i»t- ii a* have heart Uiete and tive*, wIm'ii they are troubled with a foot down and ston tho calamity. his to b« to put the nation's pub- lured and sold in the United States, 1.11,1:15 genl orgaas tally simply ter weakness o( the and tho tired otr in tho Hall in which tho was to purpose JnumaJ. ptrty, hopo- from California, City dential way republic train camo and himself in tho as into tho hands of thread and effectually dliplayed.—I'rondfnrt dullness of apprehension, and they ore wo* along, placing fiirtic affairs as far possible double sewing machines, 18,970 lessnrss of its leaders, this Park some of the omitted to fire Im relieved of its cursu, and its unity, intcg* middle of the track, he rushed it— tho rebels at the South, and rebels at heart at thread machines. for wis- sycophantic guns they upon single a|>t to mistake their obstinacy run in Wat* the North of men bent or re-establishing the 1111ly round for cnitnln is that at Sumter. and The We Micvo locomotives still ; MARKKTS. playing republican Fort riiy, greatness preserved. latter, the control of American govern- Tho Government lias dom. chcstcr county. rebellion in S|Mtnish peremp* thing. It is a confession of guilt and weak- however, trusted in principles, whilo the mental affair*. They know this nor|>ose of Mr. torially refused to sell Samana, and the must weaken confidence in our gov- nro as their rebel ness start. 200 « of alcohol havo been in and Johnson Dominican Government hns refused to sell Biddefonl ami 8aco Retail Price Ourrent. Tlio cojw. doing just from the Nearly former sought safety c*|>cdiency and Gen. delivered n nnd ernmental securities at homo and abroad, to fUUKTID fllllTi revenue officers in Mnj. Logan long one of its Islands the United Stales thus friends did tho seized by the internal fear the ofotherextrava- during war—exaggerating compromiso: on greatly dsvelopoment to secure a naval station T*r»«»4T, fcj*-10. WW. held nt Hamilton, Ohio, this ere ending (he eflorts one will remember how At n ratification for frauds Several nil vigorous speech and damaging vagaries on part tlifir gains. Kvcry Republican Iloston, practiced. prom- Itut now by the side of this and antago- gant in the West Indies. f Ktt.,,.1 2.1 np;st the con-st, Philadelphia recently, inent liquor dealer* implicated laws, wheth- '*» the fine sweet of Na- eigueoYo nullity the reconstruction occur* llean*,? t« 4 0u«4 25 0*u, ^ h« 964ft and State nom- thrro rises colossal spirit mocracy for their crimes and infamy, nnd Tlio Ilnngor Whig says:"Frost n and endorsing the city names are untilthn result of tho in er a or threatened pur- llutb r, ft 32.1 i Oil. Uni, W (all 1 33 iMiinliardcd the ix. with all its adopted withheld the of America! See removal, proclamation on t fury, tionality, Nationality a rise in red in (Iiih vicinity Sunday morning. ami ton *50 r«IL.l >«f. President Johnson God has kindled said ol Andrew Johnson: pose, has been promptly follonod by (M 1> Wlok, f not a was inations, denouncing of tho Grand is tnade there tho pillar of Are which one or two of hut week lint not ft I'W#17, «*JI...B2IM7 }>'t Johnny injured. According vestigation Jury " mornings ; (V»*. V and lifted and moved for our hosts and our Tell me to-day, if you hnd Jefl. Davis gold. Hi-,t •»» 'ivM.rtiu somtiut to their there was not a skirmish and lauding Generals Grant, Sheridan, known. • sufficient to do much damage to vegetation. rejtorU, ages. Qaxe on that, worship that, worshin the in the Presidential clinir, or Mr. Robert K. Jtm.it Kv -»•»«*0 l*'a. .«»rlui etc. the wren; and our anr Popular Education.— Tho com in this is ho fur ad- Im 1 :<*> I'.fk, tf. Urflt nor a kudo, the whole four Sickles, Among shakers in that. Between that light dono morn for the Democracy region mostly Ci«ii, V wlt.f during years, A block of warehouses at the corner of highest Icoidd they have i»« »,....iiatti a for a time seem to ; Coflrolh and* two of tlio VMiiccd us to Iw out of tho way of dam* was set as Senators Cameron and Cattell. A eyes, cloud may gather Johnson Messrs. Millignn, nun., llttll in which our loss not down Nye, of rel»els in this land than Andrew rvuf.mm. y IM.. liu*, If IK <»•!» and streets, was chariots, armed men on foot, tho troops Dcrnocrnti of tho tftato of Indiana, oo Mr. Morrill that it is the Baymtller Cincinnati, has sinco ho has licen President ? If lending V>i» j 10 outfit tty.tr tw «rJ<» doiihV and trehlo that of the reikis. Noth- resolution offered by tnay march on us, and our fears may they in Kiln M'.l 'Jid on a king* nro denouncing education tlio The Gardiner Journal tells n firu also a sea would like to know in what popular good Htory to President destroyed by Saturday night; make us for a moment turn from it; may could, 1 way IMM( 1S00ttl7 00 iSill, ^ lit 75 looks jhj desirable to a "Democrat" as duty of Congress iui|teach terms. Tliis, says tho Trenton of an old in the wool" Democrat of ing row of frame Loss before and waves seem to us could have dono it. If JcfT. Davis strongest "dyed fWi, I»ry ('•»!, r tb..Mfin fciMr, Mu«., buildings adjoining. spread us, hedge common f ft...U«]3 an have been and if found re- some they is natural for that lo tho with two dark- |S4l.rk.Vm Uti iuv. i*K,r ft.. u«1j office, and the starvelings Johnson, guilty, promptly up ; dark idolatries may alienate hearts had l>ccn President, wlint would lie have Gazdte, enough, cily going polls over §400,000. Threw firemen were severe- least itinera II iv. y I'Hi .liS 00 CrwhKl, l'»wtlrr»«t was for a season from that ; revolt, rebel- schools nro nhout tho hopeful ies of the darkest hue, Itcsidu hint in ki |»t (Nit in tho cold so tluit if they move him, enthusiastically passed. worship done? lie would liavo returned nil the sitting IUm», V th «'» wtl ilnimUlxl !* long, the of a wall. out in the ami the wa- Democrat* Mike ly injured by fulling lion, may break camp, for breeding Walsh, his but alas for tho expectation* of «f th 17«.. 1V^«>4.«ie.r ft- •. 3» reeve some to the rclwls that had lost. boggy, UrJ, Kiiccwd in a hog in ol>- our run bitter to.the taste property they New York I 35 tb ..» 15«t » electing ters of springs may JelK when n memher of tho Leg- Democracy, said darkies voted the straight lino1, f cwk J>|«o, ? Gen. Ceo. II. Thomas was in us Canaan a Andrew Johnson has dono that. If 21#3W Vln»mr. tr»'l -litf 10 •"•ore school forthwith there is a Lexington, and inock it; between and that Hiiid with "The Oiwnt ..in.] r district, The officers of tho United States coast l»een ho would have islature, great candor, Republican ticket. I AO a river may si-em to be rolling ; but be- Davis had President Mml. IftMi »».|,ll a few day* since, and the&u/rman of great Mr. nro tho nurseries llxnl 4 3&4N M ••reaction"? and llio is soon to dis- Ky., our is nil tho rebels that asked him for grog-shops, S|»eakcr, Mvkfr.1, No. 5. V Ibiowll |.n« (tarty surveys are the Penoliscot River neath that high guidance way onward, pardoned A Cincinnati of the 17th says hO 2-*~S-l Ul he examining Tho school houses are special S|.jU»- », C., f |p»n. ...Hi W Kite |>ift#... .3 that says he was asked why did waters shall and stand hns dono that of Democracy." tribiito the whole offices. For them the place are to evcronward,tn«se part, Andrew Johnson that in n coal tniuo at Million* near llungor. A party ol divera go ihall rt- jmrdon. the nurseries of n different clasa. It Petersburg, not to New Orlcan* Ilia was oneither hand in heaps ; thai idolatry and more too. If JefT. Davis had l>ecti very In-cii heavens are in tho nick go reply ing county, Ohio, John Kckcrt has always falling just to work next week on *lnde|icndcnce Hock' that rtbtllion thall bt rrutht'l; that was the wnnt of schools in the South flint nRIRIITOIT MAKKKT-Rrpt. IN. that bo did not want to lie was then pent; President ho would linvo denounced this a the post mouths of time to crush their ! In go. stream be sweetened : that overflowing river tho rctoU their running distillery eight 1>* th* nirwit wr~k Zll3i !*»»•♦(• •»«•! opponents fact, a well-known obstruction in the river. nnd called them u set of traitors. gnvo lending power; they At market Citllf, on in harvest Congress, without a revenue tax. The con- W«mi asked why ho did not want to go. ♦'lo- shall bo pa««ed foot dry shod, could never have led n people who hud paying tamiw, '2114, ill, liuiulirr I'illlf, i k, state llmt knew and o|>- Saturday. an Wellington special despatches east and there shall to Itellion.—They this, always *»U full u miiI W It# (r»l<« The licitd in uur last election did not appreciate tho honest effort* of north and south, ami west, appointed rebel Governors down South P">l hlfh, <osed Day nni growing bo tutifiilly Irw. Instead of honest country |>eaco diana Democrats do at this Modem lietweon Norfolk and New York, nltitr t*-u«r. to tlio Collect- giving. the same If JelF. Davis hud lieen day. senger by and suspend Callicott, Brooklyn thing. the miiiio North as South, was cutto— «ii50; nr»t four counties, they have got con- quietness." would have vetoed tho Freed- Democracy is sea, who, while Iter attention directed PMcm.—iwf rum. it.too carrying or of Internal until the President ho |UW)ffl 13 40; xvood 0U « 11 Revenue, prosccu- Views or SrKAKrn nnd education as a natural to a her quality. i|iulitjr 410 trol of tlirw out of sixteen, and in- Colfax.—S|»onkcr men's Bureau hill. Andrew Johnson did regnrd* popular pacing ship, unfortunately tlilr>l MiuUly, |9 W it 10 00 only I won decided. plied stories con- tion liirn has lo Gazette. fan too near her and raked from her to in th. m'vaii have elocted There are a dozen different against Colfax wrote n letter the llorder State that. I In would liavo vetoed tho Civil mcinf.—IIaUowtll |»ersoii, mnrs, io|« v T*i^,Tiu;ic«rm. nlt n.| of K»tloi% ft) rU rwli. lliey bosom n diamond brooch, I'KIJ*, U the of Maximilian's liody. Convention which lit Ho- Bights hill. Andrew Johnson nid that. Ilo magnificat c.»i.r mkim«. i«» iictr m tlirt**, Knot ami Lincoln. Atoostook cerning dis|K>snl just pnl>li*hed, sea. The value of the only The of the House Com- vrnuhl have vetoed tho first Reconstruction A editor of knocking it into the MM.CII ChU.i ami C«l«r« |40. 15 75. M. . if frum 3i M'" V ft- and ■mall of de*|»atchc* dt'r Siutcs in cnfninchi»ing — e.| in York, the majorities which Andrew Johnson hns done." that I'M'INK— WV»trni f.t i«|w, ln», 8 !■» S|« f lb cd at the Government Wash- frank confession : The l.ynn IirporUr snys Cynis that Juarez is the of printing-office, the whole of colored lowing t»m<«i| to tt |»r th. tlioM county olliccr* wliom they Itave here discussing" propriety fnincliising body loy- Wakefield, South Heading, hn* oil'- 10|« The liavo been morn A of fools whom we wcro onn,) Ksq.flf an onler from Max.'s ington. employees park (of town sixtt «I cried are so that their irumetiso giving it up without alists, Mr. Colfux nays: Death or (jK.ir.RAi. (JmrriN.—The cred to pay off the debt—alniut mrager got tho South into a war, nml now n pack relatives Poor Max! the fates were to secrecy. "I have the fullest faith that the Congress nnd the Union cnuso sustain u thousand dollars—and build a new and liiilliitutloi) over the election *'Cim hardly to against country of like fools nro resolved to keep li**r in hot SPECIAL. NOTICES. which has d'ired to dsfy rebel Imto ami Kxecu- loss in tlm sudden death of handsome Town Hall, if the will his Mexico alive, and seem heavy Mnjor water of tiino. if tho people In* under the circumstances. We leaving they tive sud will not allow such till tho ond |tcoplo per- name South justified A says John- obloquy reviling (Jen. Cliarlea the success- ilis|H'nse with tho of Heading, now that Washington correspondent It la their Griffin, temporary them to do no. Wo caro nothing for Triumph Fnginr Unit, » our Governor 28 agiinst bis prospects conduct to para unrtbuked. duty mit two other besides, have by 14,000 majority, improving son will astonish tlio manner or or Gen. Sheridan in the romninnd of the there Uring Headings llininrmnit, I", l<*0r. { evcryliody hy to men and they will Sickles. Our rare is to rcstoro Kept. be ia defunct. protect loyal everywhere, (Jon. only mid call the town Wukefield. out of 'U senators and 1KI rep- M and denounced for FiMi District. a few anil At n meeting of Triumph Knzlne Co., holden In Republican in which he will treat the manner of im- do it. Sneered sending Military Only days tho South to |>cai'o, plenty, ami ipiiet, 40 dis- Committees South when the Pres- ago hia child died from fever, fool m Maine Farmer Is informed that Mr. thrlr hall on Wednesday evening. Bept I*, |*ar, ivs-ntativcs to Ik'inocrats—with 18 It will Im necessary for Investigating only yellow wo prny (iod tlint every now-l»oni The peachment. only ident's had into that horrid followed his own with the Resolutions were A special despatch from Washington polioy ri|>cned nnd then prostration, tho luml l»« ronlineil at the ex- Geo. Mauk, of Waltlobiro', ninety nun following unanimously trietn to hear from. him to act to astonish tho nation. of and tnasaacrca, the leg- may public General Grant has declined to dcccntly crop riota, outrages ita swift and sad termination. Gen. Grillin trrntment are of is iu the habit of adopted states that out of these till hy jmlicious they age, frequent walking islation which grew investigations to nnd waa pense Whknkah, In lh« ohl»r of Divine ProfMfM*, Monged tho regular army, ap- to that MiltetMM of mind necessary to tho village and Itack.a distance of six endorse, except in the coldest official man* has been indorsed sinco by all who love loyalty restored we have once more lK*n rtllol ti|><>n to mourn (he hit latent Wade from Ulno. nt the has sown the In published letter, Hamp- Since the Sknto in and abhor rebellion throughout the land. And pointed Though young to citizenship, and to serve on a jury. tnileseach way. Mo always low of a dearly beloved brother, Uiartfbra— tier, tho not because Factory Skowhcgnn out of hia good ton one sensible counsel which we amnesty proclamation, their first when re-assemble, tlio rebellion, atctliug of und our voice and wed on his farm, That In the death of David W Maso* gives was fire on the 17th of though duty, they lireaking Wo linvo had enough war, grain hay spades, to to its destroyed hy April, rrcent exocu- merits carried tlio scale of we have loii a liebived brother, one who wss ever it was not sulNiiitted him prior pro- will be to determine whether the him up promo- is lor wheels the manure, plants and takes the wish his were wise enough to ap- will of |>eace. prompt ami ftllhfnl In the discharge of dut», an-t people it has lK«en rebuilt, and Messrs. Williams & tiva aetion, ao lUgi-antly diTiaut of the till oil iho of Gen. War- enro of a out and but l>ecause bo is said to differ tion, su|ter*edure nicely laid productive whtw many neellrnt have »o«i»are.i ,4are com- mulgation, so at the demand i|ualitiee preciate. "The States," he says, contract of the people, and notoriously ron from tlio command of thn Fifth him t«» all with whom ha I ale. I. and whos# his to issuo Co. have nearly completed their Army llillaboro' with tlie President in right of traitors, does not require them Democratic Dicrwcr.—At garden. shall ever ltent citiaenship of skates. to the President at the bar of the Sen- on tho 8th inst., tho Dem- llio members of it; further, if be bad the right, whotlier it 50,000 |Kiini prrsent In that Gen. tiriffin Intro Highland county, A cable sjtecial, (Intel llnguc, Sept. Triumph Knglne Company. and I think it i* the of wiadom that ate as an of the in his persist- place. capacity we»* tend to Ihe ami frlernl« part enemy country ocrats held n meeting, Vnllandigham lieing 1.1, say* n mini named (7nnler*ier Imi lieen M*m/eerf, Thai family was to do so. of of an an honorable part in tho victorious close of the deceased brother. our heartfelt should taken the southern jiolitie ent revivification the spirit rebellion, A in- in his .UK) o( sympathy such action bo by A of nn to and was tho s|>eakcr. enrnwpondent arrested. having (HMseniion thl* their hoar of aneen to mourn the loss of States. We have the freedom ami a defier forms 81000 U. notes, they called upon recognized nn- of the editorial chair reconstruction by law, periistent in tho of General "llcail Taxer" hu pone controversially speaks duly rccognizcd ro|>orts what to Is; a letter Inn note* States are adutlfkil ron and |o»lu,r brother, and whoee lose Kphraim's of the will of the nation. Yet I can- lights read purported Several I of tlio United of the blocks, aod have this fact be- another 411 remember expressed Grant. Mis will heileuply felt by a :*r;a circle of mottrnlnx placcd tier. His last issue is an of of paper, saying, not that will also execute that Con- written Abraham Lincoln in hell. nlloat. It in that the has unique specimen doubt they After tho cloac of tho war and tho reor- hy supposed forger friends. ull of doubt, denial, or re- when it was Jkc. That Ikj ao and so thorough- nliolition he confessed, had in otner in nml yond probability liia unbounded with himself, hy," may stitutional guaranty wisely of tlio Gen. Griffin waa principles, accomplices places Europe Hfilt <a popularity men the Border ganization army, the us same frank that hereatier Union in so tho letter stated, am the mat- to the and frleuds of Ihe do- call. Let in the called a stern ly aorno brought upon him, America. Tlio jKilirc tracing presented family recognize llo honor* "thorn who voir*I rejoinder. shall realite that devotion tor time stationed at Portland, Me. warn- teaml. Republican* States, as elsewhere, infliction of eternal torments, and ho ter. mniiner, and aa their them dishon- Ilo wus to the command of fully, political rights are our brotli- to country haa not brought upon finally assigned to hi* heresies that with us," by saying, *They ed bis friends at'juro The tnnlon union* of Cincinnati have 39 also. For myself, 1 confess that I am per- Dr. Dimming* has refined his figures and or, tyranny and oppression, but that through- tho aulwliatrict embracing the State of Tex- Tho itVEKu !»*«- et&" II will ilrivo them from ope who haa e*ca|to his fato. rending an anything out the whole Republic, every as, nnd nt tho time of Sheridan'a re* they might nominated lien. Carey camliilatu for Coil- to see a Constitution a mistake, lie now the being effusion was fectly willing adopted a found slight say* hialove of the and who of this rilmld and hlasphemoua to \olice. his |«rty, such claim of relationship will proven Union, rejolcra movnl the next highest officer in rank, the gross m o|i|MNiiiiiin thu rvgular Iti-pnlili- Mprcinl our State elective fran- come to an end lor one mil- its shall be pro- received with tho assembled by conferring the world will not in preservation, adequately was over to him Gen. great glee by can nominee. favor tlie oflhn do it. Tbo Tints lias also of the command turned till ■ They rw|ieal Ilangor suspend- tected against all enemies by the power Tho character of |>arty ol W. HARVEY. M. I).. chise on the negro, on precisely the same lion years. This will lw encouraging news " Hancock's arrival, (ion. (JriHin's adminis- Cop|M'rbeads. law establishing national Imnks, payment ed land he helped to aava that not tolerates but enjoyi such in> as to be publication. tration in Tenia— ono of tlio moat difficult only the Isolds ill temler anil not in Coin, terms it is exercised by the white to young men. Gazttte. legal 8peciaIitj--Chronio DiieMM, decency is infamous.—Cincinnati of lands to actual inau." fields left by the rebellion—was judicious the apprupiatioii public Rr«>lrla| Rarglral wr alder irraiatral. The London Star, of Dafio.n aii*ad.—At the roccnt most and the ol tlio hour Mornm# •|>cakiiig Kepnlili- and marked by tho firm nnd lliomiich pettier*, adoption eight Itv aiteelal I have returned to HI patient* now uihIvt •* Jrateful gallant which did not surrendeMo evening result no nine* the Inalmrnl In IIMln wt»li Platen, in view of certain contingencies tattle lor freedom are determined, I believe Ihm hw bren time tho another addition to the returns equally Sour country rrcognizca nl the downfall o( Rirlunoinl, liecaose, hut the evening wi C'.inult lae do en at grapes! flow of tbe war more oritioal ami fraught with city, during should once, especially is lead to war. It and the wholo <»1 the that nohlo ol whoso in the from other converted it intn a dis- those tr. uMtU with t'ATAHHIl, as my iur fa which it supposed may history struggle to the national nauee than the present. nnny martyrs memory while greatly awi«ting cam|iaign place* danger a limited.an t ander any circumstances I ihl( n< t anna to mi l will always bo precious the it never ventured up view. But few Democratic leaders is certain that of have teaches us that tho will beat the Governor of writes A President recreant the party princi- legacy. againnt Republic, solving remain longer than four weeks. a limited large quantities |>eoplo Geary IVnsylvania (tan morn- Only which he w&a chosen haa leagued him- on tho of manly wnrliire, were seen on the alreet on Tuesday nuin'xr of taken. l>een in the United State* by President." that he doo* not Ikvor u that ple* hy ex|M!rim<>nt patients purchased iiii|H.-achnieul self with traitors, who, as Mr. taken the ami from Maine to were out in full forco For tha better accommodation of «n unrepentant Gc.i. lltACMGUAftD niailc a very sensi- fonnnlly field, ing. They early patients all tlie out renew — both *«<1e« of tha rlvar 1 have wade tha following the Russian Government, ami of would Johnson of the way, while Toombs haa recently said, are ready to has commenced offensive ojwra- put to o who Monday evening. Bangor Jtffmoninn. arrangement > Cisn. to the lor the lost oause- aud lhese.com- Iilc speech jwrty of Southerners Maryland urscnals are hard at work. It is expected Scbotirld hu no attention he is needed to insure an almoAt unanimous simple lioiiH. 'l'hu Southern forces under l*ev and UOi-o In Haco at Mra. Thos. P. TalU. 21 Btorer |taid with the in the North, In have luul a concert in the biunl Democratic party gave him a dinner in New York in fair and Rangnrthey itreet, oltteo houri from 10 to U A. M..eaeh day. war will be an Inaurree- the suggestion uf tbo President about de n next privnto beaten and hruken tUat originated by ek-ctiou of 1'renidvnt that ti * party aid*! and abetted the rebellion Itoaureguard, First the Office In Itlddelord at I-J Ko»» street ( omee boura Republican waa sheer Baptist accooi|«nied by to war a are now last Friday night. Ho said it are accepting Society from to 5 P. M- Als« and tiou of the slaves in with whom laying the Southern election*, but ha» or* and tried make the failure, often conflict, everywhere now organ, and Mr a thunder- I Monday. Wadnesday Turkey, ftyan played y. at Ilkldeford. 37 yw.- to defeat the work of reconstruction nonsense to talk of another rebellion. If their and soma of their distinguished Friday evenings, from 8 to is A dered the election for October. This is all attempting fnte, storm in the Highlands no that an the most o|»en sympathy expressed. so well devised the of the admit that the failure ol the adroitly, committed by representatives wanted to raiao one could not. It leaders lively tlie more was mis* tho who has so well aoder the they they elderly gentleman, whoso failing sight pro- foolish story. gratifying since (ien. S. White, burglar people, and bsgua gaidanoe teltellion was the most fortunate thing that ITCH, ITCH. Hallo- ot Sheridan and ami other faithful oom- is and will be vented him from trailing the programme, ITCH, of with and no mnnv depredations iu Augusta, Pope, utterly imiHMsible im|»oaaiblu could havu to the Southern |ieo- Sorntoh. «rrntch, Horutoh! |«ertcd syinpnthiiiug Johnson, Biaiidrm of the districts In the Houth. hap|>cncd arose and was on the of military to so next hurrying trom 10 U» W course shows reverse. has been arrested. He for them do for tho generation, point la hoar* Tliero wrrr (18 ilrulm from ferer hia the well ami Lewwton, It is the demand of the hour that tKt great pie. home to a After thia yellow escapo drenching. Otnlmrml Curat Tkt I Irk. u white name and a Union that saw«J the JVation, ehall • land lteforo tho war ho sa»d ho was in favor of mtaltn't is a "blue nose," with party lake* the demonstration the Boston Oimlmtml turn Ml AAraat. ut Nt*w OdoariM Mouthy. On Mower, in bulwark of defiance The New York Timet position great organ may firm and united—a ic»lnil he had liad that Otnimrui eurea Tttl*r. ClutM are formed in some black character. Stato sovereignty, hut dogma to that tho question can ns well knock under. nn «>nJ«r llw romniuml, continues being tmrta ol Ibis >t to reoortr the lost cause of seocr- in retard suffrage Oiatanl (ar«t ll forea llw oni«n of liia the eountry in favor of (»en. Grant for tlie essentially whipped tho«ight onlylw The says Tliomas Smith of in ctwluif |»r»«l«*cw»- If tbs Presidential Obstacle shall stand In nntional It declares that the Rtporfrr Omlaiol urn JL'wr| iiai The Mexican elections takes Oct all ahoukl hend towards by legislstion. diner met with a serious accident near the vol next Presidency. 'lite Gen. luis hi» iunk< place tlieirenorgiea again llmmnr lit* M»jm. iMtra, mul mifm lire Mafur {(•«■!. Krjf- the way ot just and righteoes reconstruction, of impartial suffrage must lie pro* lind been 7th and fth. Jnurr*, Diaz and Orte- our Union to llwt princi|ial Togiis on Thursday. lie rrlra an eu. a bo« br mail. (O rt». Addraaa of in his own Iwinds. ll be takes Gih, bs should and will be removed." building up magnificent a decisive and Asylum m>kl* lo tlio command of lit* District ing heartily vkled fur in manner, says ami was about to WKKKA A fUTTBH. No. IM WaahlBKfcai bUwl, The to (fathering blackberries, the side of tlie at uow ga are candidates for the presidency. Senator also mid : status among the nations of tho world, "it cannot lie considered absolutely 0u, Mm*. Fr nil all Tetaa mnl llwe» (Jan. McKrnzic to loyal |«opl«>, there Ramwy that on bis horse to start for home by tlraggliu. IVitf. put the bridle Huataa, 'J6, IM7, iply* of cut-throat eu- have written an on which ita lie urg* aalo at the South until tlie ahail down under Aug tint command of ilia District of tha Rio is scarcely a doubt, be will be the next customary game |iolitic«l "We nndyinjr history destiny evidently pointa. Republic when lie tfarted, throwing him nearly battlefield of the land. Oar dan- their unit* have embodied it in its fundamental law. wontovtr if lie liven. chre will follow—the defeated every cd tliein to the Government the wheels of the wsgon, which r«r Hal* ! The aabaarlt>«r« m» »h*' (Jntmle. (»«rn. will establish hi* President, probably was but oar give BU*k or Reynolds fan daring the struggle great, it their An amendment engrafting equal suffrage his lie was taken to the lag tbalr l>s*laaaa. ami m» »*•' J**'' candidate* be no if JeSsrson ed in every manner, making him breaking Ctiuloa UkmIi and rialarM for at Sin Antonio of Austin, un- rebelling. daagetr bow oould greater support the Constitution will eneoun- leg. so severe UriMtrtM, N. I. bvmli|iMrli'r« upon National and hia were it can ba daoa In er»a- Tlie Hon. Oakcs Ames of Davis!himself ooenpied the Presidential chair to add lustre to the eommoo of Asylum, injuries •alt. A Unr* iarat ha»« at Massachusetts glory in the North and West. Hut liitn til iIm lover sImII abated Galvca- Our work is not done. pride tero|»poailk>n was not deemed advisable to bring nactUn. U<*«1 trada has entered into tho at Washington. yet tor a man Ui make mon.v. recently largest rail- We learn from the Wkifr that thirty pas- and If a united people. it is a* a measure of expedi- loinera. A rar. ehanaa lun. Oar liberties are in immineat danger, indcapcnsablc home. IW«t l<*atl»n aad mult evBraslaai »U>ra laUaa.ljr contract ever undertaken a left that for the is thau it was in not leas tluui as a measure of way by single senger* city Monday morning danger greater ency justice, for trade. Call*h»b...... Jano (J. Austen, who wrote the very A Km to ll is to and anything Tlie editor of a |Niper in Indinna wants snd the are bound to pro- Mr*. PAILEV AH AMR, I Jo*. CliaudwHkin gouo Getty** individual. build llie mountain the great \V«-*t, via the Maine Central Republican jmrty of our for. I'Jai awl Main M». Let no local divide you. bnt el«»ee coiMiition of and intelligent account qne»tions to know if Western woj ever seen pose and carry it as uii essential picturesque 3«JJ* b irj lo ntteud the dedication of tin Autie- section of the Pacific Kail road, GOO miles in Grand Tnmk railway*. Most of them go imIu and steadily ami earnestly whiskey rliaiu ill the .'ff 'tin- IllJdatort.tfcpt 4,1*?. up your tight futute success. Springfield gold tactory to St. for the anJ is certaiu." the l « it Sd IkfJ* National Otm-trry. length for $17,000,000. Paul, Minnesota. right, victory "coming through rye.'' BlHdeforl*hly my (uJ IrcieUture E*T. IKON, ffelac v%. I ,oD enrcfr'M to bara return* frua all tb« toana ...v pmfoaaaa the that ao MM ahall be or Md bw life to Ua wbala "'••J prohibition) lyatoM. 4 # % : repeal Five certs savings irstitutior. la tKa following result 60#- wiIk M * '• 1 I I t^a county (ivinf waived oalcw on ci«M white paper. >how Marti who u* nitoriDK from D**r*r- It ttt maim 111 thb OMk •* w Mtri (Mto* irnor, Cbawbarlata. t.iMO. Vii+bury, «,WJ { lk< lit. mmrkt upon il, except ogUt Ttmakt IWihiMW, ♦«-. »*k bat t bor 3d, will b« hi on Intoroat Oeloh«r Me- *M, Vthhty, of Naaa/ora. South, O.OM, Uoodwta, 6.JM. tk» cmndiLiit Will I por ntL dlrtdaod paM tlM part j«»r froo amJ tk4 nam* of voted/or. tho affect — Imuran Urt Um rlrtaoa of Um Phctiiii Brier, £,*ro#ltnUoff rniiiMl BUYERS Mcrrow, Durbank, 6.9M, \ TO CASH Artbar.U.lW. 8,'iTl, th* Uoftreor Mid Council allow theaa ballot* T I'rwtenl uiwit of rt BARGAINS OFFERED tfcoaualraa, bat wo«ld dapodta, M. GOODWIN! TREMENDOUS >v. i of Cwli. A Has, 0.HU. •mU not rat/ MMHuh raoalrad at room* of flrtt National JOHN »« i- Nad. 6Jtm ; Cttrk ao. what it the objeot of the UwT Out the DapoalU v4v?* COMPANY, If 9 to IS a. m ud 2 to 4 r. *. Kimball. 0.039. all tbalr WlhiB i IN laataad of ftollag Dank, DIUJefbni, from I U^nWiA Kiirfleld, «.W; ^ttornry. alau that awoh ballots after once la th« plMM » ■ he eajre Ooo. K. SHALL, Tr»ajur«r. Inrarw la tk« IbUovtag lm aU« ^«>> f L««»- woald bo ■ 03IN LittlaAaM. (UM. -all mmd ml»«r»blf. thoy 1 •. »" i j»i m. tr ,t and 33 Pint Neu) York. Ajrw. 1 ]>MMr«r, btRol box, ibtll lot be rejected. Did the l«v •roaa, pin" (O«moof%t pUaaa oopy). *m»* i.j»i"• aava to approximate tba rtault.aa mieh ballot* aftar oaoe received tha mall r»j«wt bains I hart triad tha Ptranaa *jmv,aad kr«xw. For paru«uar» inquira f , & BODWELL'S OVER a pit), ITappliod TAc J7/na Insurance MOULTON ASSETS, 1867, SI,000,000. TOtaa 10 8aeo It ha« mid* Co., scattering totta. Tba anatteriag the ballot lee tbaaxaeation o! the lojtalaj jroar acadloUoa. or bjr mall of thecwaar o» the pra« lato boi, vine tally tato ayofcMa na* »lf- raonaFly na< '•?" Jf v; -it aati Iftm mm »o. laflMod my TirniMtr Hartford, Conn Wit—Um leadlajc ,^3aji? nunbeiad W, end ia UUtUltrd, 11, pnb- Governor ao traanloaa kwd do- KT Ineorporate* eaaated to the or a ad I aai loacor CIIBBTM* W4**miOU8f, of Aiaerlea. poeitive prohibition aaorgy rir* Insurance Co. ROBERT PruiHmt. them vara al leaat 100 la the eaaaty, anJ billtatod.aa wtoaa raw l*rt aaw«a,bwt Mroastr, y)U Baoo, Maine. i L. CASE, aMy and Council f labor, moo- no ta alact. It hi boartlor. aad wtU torgar «|a«iiflN Locate paid la 47 year*, $i»,nno^no a* a ni^orivy ia aeoeeaary Uhae at Um lait 9,00(1.000 00 THEO. R. WETMORE, VifPru. hartwsMl w la a bit of pleassntry to) aad vh/ew, ao/Uaadartac OmI> OfHfcl, Establishment tbara ia ao eboica oa ladnlgsd T4 and mora tbaa prubabl* tbat It* r*«r« Total Aapeta, 4,0,100 Clothing Tailoring ISAAC H. ALL KM, Sttrtiary. la iuMmi to dm uf oar wpfwtitlwi slsct, »*u whieb vfll tfcraw U)« elea- t*»MMMtdatov* ton «>«r>< tfto mm •/ at laaat lr« amnion, «m (• — Mr. Haiass. the ap*«eb reported rtm*4f A,. L to Perhaps J/om« Insurance tioa of tboae tau Into tba Legislatara, ba of tIrony, kfilkf, mU lw> ««a aU mm j aa< to* Machine Company, more or Ues drawn from tb« imagination Knitting Thli oflbr* all lb* boaofli* wUiofa eu candidate, p. j m/U( caa«o* rw»«m twtfto lo riM H a frtaf. N#W JI»T«D,CoDl. Company selected froai tba foar highest KlNT* A ST0CEI50 CoMf&STS, or villi the |«- » t»e obuin*l from ft Lite Kadowaaat foil*/. "Jwkiu," u ikoM wquuiKd Tho roalaalaa "Fvavrua Bravr* blown la |l/VlO.OOO •• •H' »- H -Sioee tba abota va bat* rtciiml a CaahOaplUl, writing If ws Hit tk« heel and narrowlar off the ImmI| Total AaaaU. 1.371,516 00 Under It* liberal plea* bo poraoa lam rod Rood ov- tWauMx kit* itiBjNltni Soberly, Forming >M the of Saoo from tba ofica will ba arat ftoa. n Kit U» ill Owhi War*, ■Midi wouki most inform citiicm Biddeford, * afiai-oBctal raport Saerataiy*a la tlM A1: paca paaphlot go* *Iuok. The subscribers r«pootfblly er low M/tblag fro* KlTlBr up PolUjr, ettber maW Un a copperhead Legislature narrvvr by>aryla* the aombar of l«opt, lb* Ml at of tba rotea tbla county vitb J, MVnWQMI, PmrMw, In the Merchants' Insurance too or r—t up r*tUita* Ut Auguat* ia are to afflio- la hand knitting. lfo other BMIhw Co., from oho Dooo**ltj,a*e «• of Biddetord liable sach no. to Hi, Now Tori. •• AND WINTER (and Boy oeo Mm* It k(Ut* a * that are now for the FALL bo whoa I'-urniah and Hollia aot wuraal Ac tan and world tu do aajr of thing*. HI. and vicinity they fully prepared rale* of any neb, will glron roqaired. we do sot know of a mora Sold by all drwnlata. Frorldcaco, tloos), gentleman yard of plain work la littoral utUUaoo to Kauaaliuuk 4o aat retara tba "a bo la aaiaber ; Thli Company alao giro* that the oould us. Cut capital, 13/mjnoom sclcctcd and extensive Stock of aa- unobjectionable oops. give TEXT MINUTES! 70 and offer the most trim eaam, Ond lha—«lm aa- of votee"—a ratara aacaaeary ia order to Grace*! Celebrated Balre. ToUl Aanti, iMt,US4 TRADE, carefully to tbooe wbo, My Mr. Hainss is a young man, tad a graduate of and m whoa 4m. W to lea a of »oeki eomplete In half an hoar, able to par U>*'r pmnlaau certaia a m^oriry. Baitoa rataroa Ancmmr, o*t. il, i«tt. pair Bowdoia College, of the elaai of til, and will M«». •MhM v art at/ of hair fhbrlM. Union /Yre Marine Ins. Co., attorney. Mr. Qrmt* — tttmr Mtr t>c«n nffllotod #• throaa for Benjamin Leavitt, e<>uaty MMI( Warranted to work aj rap. undoubtedly well represent his constituency. trltfoailv ft>r imml »nU with » mmw Erorr Machine Maine. a*wa than tba whole Clrtular aotl auapla Ko4llng rant to Uan^or, French and Domestic Woolen Goods Three voUa for aaaaiora •n ray at if*, I itrtnl r»m®dl«» lor It* nmdU raaented. German, im- uo of itMapa. Cub $ion,onono • Reliable Aieots from Eliot. Kenne- W« that buiinass oa the street Is •atlvn without r*oatr«nr My ralltf. until I np- an/ addraaa raeelpt Ofepttal, prompt, Wanted, number ara oa tba tla< jadgt 00 '• n »n«l Ooatoa. Total AfMti, 146JU00 # <* pllwt jo»r mIvo, *Meh cfltofed p«r* i > cj SIS Washington BL, ... i awl wwr, m somewhat, aad we ex pact to ass a live- •/ bo mad* Luakport return* SBapieicn. prorlag bm«iI Mrt. 1 th»r*f«r<> (#•! kippjr t* certify with whoa mural arran foment* Will trade this the indlea- confld«i>c« In lis virtue* 1 F. Ins. Erer offered in this to those town*! lier Weal Ml. Imamg _ the whole noaber of ballote la By H OH -RESIDENT TAXL8. r. ^ M. Co., 'County, upon appllaatioa tioas of such a chance, we may meat ion the Yo«jt with nwwt, JAMKS DBA*. Solyoke bo of their Intelligent Town of the nboeo «Uto- on Ksut- «t nocv-rnf- Salem. Uua. They must proed Net that Mnation & llodwetl, the so*erp rising I certify to tbn tnitbfulncM Mlowlnf IUI of Taiea Real W. FLETCHER, return voice ment. II. 8, Drarbor!!, M. 1>. la the town of Aetan, tor tha jrrar ISO#, 00 J. Clerk*J Ubtaon doee not any men of our city. haee pat la an aaasu- TIIRdent itnN, Caah CVpllal, I1MJ00 CHIN- clothing In bill* cutmnlUrd to Kichaid U- Collector nf uU aun,unooo CONSISTING OP MOSCOW BEAVERS, OASTOE BEAVERS, float (or Mow Tolee ft>r eena- •lock uf etothe and clotting ami »KTH W. VQWLK. ♦ SO/I, AmIm, Available Capital, A|i Kaglaad. fir county attorney, Scattering allj large on the of J not, 1M6, baa torn rrluraad are Proprietor*. town, thirtieth day Can refer to amtleaan In tka elty W Dlddeford which they ea the 24th of Juoe, IM7, 88 School St., lloHton, Maa*. Hlil»lM»J,ni«B»iU»atiaii gentlemen's fumhbiog goods, by *11 drucxUt* at 25 cU. a box. M—twJ7 fcy him to roe •« napailii, day had la UU Ooapany DIAGONALS, BHOADCLOTIIS, loreappear off 9old that and now remain un|wM, who have laranlM* CHILLA, TRICOTS, PIQUETS, selling rapidly. by bU certificate tt dale, t. D. IIK AOKRTT. Art*., > Jo«r. keonelienk. 1 each la Liaingtun andLiaertofc, 1 that if tha aal-l taxni anil Inler- Year* In Nnccraalon. (OoBoral LUi~i-> anl notice It hereby given Twenty W. R.YOKK, ) nal ttl'k, Lewtatoa, Me. T. K. Laos 4 Boos bars the Farmers' art not Into the Trvaaury of aaM ALMOST AN IN- M an ! 0 ia Welle. The election re» bought e»t ami charxn paid No aiMumtnU. DOESKINS, CASSIMEIIES, AND in 9«oo, dale of cooiraldwent W. R. YORK, { Ucnoral Ajrt*.,7 Adam*' and Mechanics' store on Alfred town within eighteen mmtUui (nan lb* bat the oAe'ial (so called), MARRIED. M ba Dlvok, UMdolbrd.Mo. turn* are eo raited that nothing -«■ I ao Miah of tha raat aatala land will J. B. DRACKETT.i of »< Mlk, struct, and hava added largely to the stack tn tha amouut due thevetor, inclu4>l at rnjircis groceries aad family stores, intruding keep In thi* city, 17th Inat, by C. TVnney, •ti and rhargva, wiU, without nutioe, Mt4it»l JTsomiarr, BUdt/fi, M*. in without douU l«wii, puMtc auction al tha l»Urk|iole, Iiisuranoe J. Mr. John W. al una o'clock In Mutual Comp'y, the In Uito ri(y, h|4. IT, by Iter. llny.t, town, no iha InliUgi U fabniary, IMS, Life u. c. rjuoHJir, m. d.. the blee return fr>>«n Uuiloa being cation, a choice tot of anode, sod knowing of elected, Brown, of South lieraick, aoJ lliu Otlr« 11. Chanry, thoafterweai Of New York. 3mJ7 Mtlieml Crmimr, L*aMM, Nl. waatsof their easterner*, they will undoabtsdly dmibtleae a clerical error and capable of being msavoo.oo do a business. Their advertieemcot J. Mr. U. z Cuh AweU, FANCT food may In 8*eo, Re*. Ptrrmt, Charle* 5? 5r GOODS, • amended. The idlcial vote caa oot be ascer- P»j«t. It, hy 8 be found ia aaothsr column, sad will speak for Qoweti and Ml* Prtaclua L. MeKeaney, of ihl* city. ?i Vi Ins. IMPORTANT the election. II r«i. «, IU». J N>mi, Mr. rmlrfVk tained iiatil thirty d*ya kflar If ileeit In lUii ImL. hy of 23 44 National Life Company, to thoM In want of rfNuucn- Calvin 0<>wen, Lrtwnon. Me-, $1*0 $3 lUjrm of Ucnrtck, aud Mr*. Ann D. WhitchMM »0 4 7* the Uorernor aad Council deelJe from the re- Merit. HuM-eid, or owner unknown,.. 60 Vt. Kusdork man—IV established N. IL « Montpeller. newly worth, llearklah W«W», of HhapMxh Ma...... 30 WO 4 Suitablo for Pants and Vests. Also Caahmcrcts, Satinets, Tweeds, Ac. e»*t to them eeparate return* are 1 $900,04000 Coats, turn* (t«o School has la roosss aeatly Martha J. Smith, of Bomen worth, N. H., CuhiMU, High ssmmesasd. 00 of the whole number of Uoum •• 2°0 4 made) that a majority andsr Dwelling and UA..* fitted up la ths aid Aoadsmy buildings, of the above named C&AffKXS. DIED. secured the caa bo aaoertaiaed fro* Ibrir paper, the* 18 Having agency votee the InstrastVaa of Mr. Bsrhaak of Limerick. f 40 I bavo also added to Uwir Stock a very lino of Vn»kw* of n<>t rvMlInf .1* linen, liwerted II. excellent Fire and Lift Iniaranoe Cotnpanlet, They largo we thiok it will (hat floodwin, Burbanlr tr iWlha, RICIIARD OOIUNO, JK GREAT BARGAINS I!! CI1PBTIM1! appear riot will now hare ths advan- al mtr*. I one lnfur- 3fcZ^» The village diet IVrr, line Out numlw, nviflar a.l»«-etl«»n« Arton, Sept. It, 1MT. 3wW Tewn Trraaurer. would eonMaJly Invite every deelrlag and Urmw are eWeted. Uel there i* poe til re- —AT— of school*,—what has bsso a to call at offlco or add**M eotee tage graded long oca, my no «>f ascertaining the number of ly way needed. In tnb city, 13th ln*t., fnnih Hatch, «H M yn. For Salo! and Flannels, the individual ballot*, In thU U, David W. Maaen, kgml cow 1T1. GOODWIN. jPlain and A. DAY'S CARPET B00M3, etoept hy eountiei; Mr Samuel Clark has sold his stors to Mr. city, (udtlenly, I bar* » good now-mllch JOHN Fancy Shirting F. the vote 0 yn 1 no. 19 d*yt. and which I wl*h to Mil, or if that reeord ie not properly made, It Charte* 0. 39 calf, orFICK OVER FUST OFKiCB. Ho. 165 Main Street, Biddeford. John Roberts, who will remove and place In thU city, SqiC 8, SU|4oa, a*nl yenra |«xoh»aK« f»r liMf« Inquire of be thrown oet The vote* ftrun littery kkI 4 month*. M nraet near meat as H bow stands a IM7. hi* market, apoa In tkb city, Sept. 11, Frank, of ChuHn A. and O. A. OOWKN. Jllddeford. Sept. 13, at bo low aa to aatoninh toll t® oUter llimdoa F*hQ«1I, but thie ie Which am ovory buyer*. They la onler Ui koep the trad* from H"l are returned for Maria U a*«l II year*. 11 month* ami 10 day*, Alfred road. they 4^>nng prioca our newly laid out etreet. tfciwrn, Illddefonl. Sept. M, 1967. (iw»*) CTB. plkCM, »• are determined to Mil all We would la Saca, iw>pt. 14, Mr. Jiitin lierry, agnt Kt year*, YORK COUNTY FIVE doabtleee a clerical error. eufgeat the store of CoL W. of Mr- Clark has buaght la Krnnebunk, tv|4. 24, Mr. l*aul Juukina, aged 00 splendid styles aeither of the eaodklatee fcr eenator should Farm for Institution, New Carpeting* that and is It so ss to make jmm. Snlc, Savings Spring Thompson, enlarging Mr*. C. rootne at tor the preeent. In Kennebauk, fc-pt. S, Mary Bcomnxm, aged oo the road leading from tho URQAN1ZKD MAIICU 87, 1W0. at LESS than Hoeton or New York engage Augusta two stores *ff> SITUATED Sfan. * t<» Jk from Augusta yeo- Methodist meeting bo—a. on Mao prlocr. Latkh.—A special dispatch In Kennebunkpert, Aug. J», Mr*. Elisabeth Ilu*eU, I* well divided Col. Wm. 8. the oelehrated TTotel Bald brio President. Joim M. Uonuwm. FANCY SHIRTING FLANNELS for 30 cU. per yd. that amended return* Hadley, M(«l *4 yrnr*. 0Jfl^Kennubunkport. and woodland-cut* terday to thin office, say*. _W.lnto mnwage, tillage Vice I'recldent, Leonard Amurrwr. OO In Portsmouth N. I!., opens the Nation- from tons t baa a 35 ROLLS " cast in thie keeper twenty to tventy.Ove of hay A Trwrnxfr, Uiuumic K. Small. BELNAP do of the whole nuaber of sotos" Secretary 1 on th« fimt of Oct. The • uiall grafted orchard a brickyard.second t» none fur a •1 Hotel in that city, William Hill, 48 increeeee the nuaber nece*e*ry •Vc«r .IflrcrtihemrntH. In York where for twooty-four y»a« bricks K. PKMBERTON do. this County, haa never county, Wm. Dobrbll, New Carpets open feet, Cul. in an experience of many yean, hare been made to the neighboring town* •» whieh decidedly etrengthene the sunuly Thomas II. CuLR, 65 ooMiarma or majority, and lloitou market, the bulldlnjc* »re OnTshed In ~ Extra a gueet a poor bill of fere. Ilia past ca- JloRAca roib, 1 GONICS, quality, Ie no election of given are two one JTnxiU* • given above that (here g»od style—barn new. There well*, K. U. Ba*m. In- opinion rter is a that the "National," in hb barn the othor the be. DARK do 85 Englitk Taptitry, Roibury Taptiiry, guaranty PILSBURY BROTHERS, •'■PPlytsK the and houin, ARRL II. JlLLRtOR, BLUE, •cnatora sides a elitern in the cellar. Hall farm Is " Lowell and Hartford, will be one of the beet hotels in large William Hrrrt, 42 grain Taptiiry, hands, kept Situated within three mile* ot DARK BLUE, Extra, do has occurred in XevflcM. Lut Kennebunkport, )1ahmiali. Pikhci, Lowtll and Hart- "A sppisods" Dank. and two and one-half from Kennehunk village I* Imperial 3-Ply, Strawberry ! f Joiii* M. (Ioodwir, do 35 *rvl Frro gut Book Sellers three^iuartere ol a telle of school house. half a BLUE MIXED, and the Methodists Iliptists < Lrorard Arorrwr, ford Suptr-fint Extra-Jint, Purine this haa an eccentric one mllo and a InrMtlnic Com, their Mrs. Cowaa of city ulle or Methoditt meeting home, (William Urrrt. do 42 Su- inu» miM difficulty about "meeting Thi* oiler* a rare BLUE MIXED, Extra, Gtorgt Taylor Extra ST AT IOH half from Congregational. n*nk " tree in her garden, that deserve* public EltS, «po«lti r«rel*Ml evrry " Plain and Tieilltd house and Anally — A * D— |iurehaaer Hank. do 35 per, commen lation for It* endeavor* to do ita whole der a *late of cultivation. I'ieaao call and liu lieurn.at Ui« Ftrat National 8CARLET, consisting good 20tfll I i, Dutch and a clergyman, the committee and * ecu re a IIMilvfiinl. April I. IBM. u Imp ploy in the fruit-bearing line. During this exsulue early bargain. SCARLET, Extra, do 42 of Democrat*. They told the cler- dnty iRTOCk OLooan principally an Cnrprt HwMperi, Newfield, a wound, reliable copperhead clergy- it of 9?39.V>8. The Laconi* Mills hare turn- Vegetable Book of Faihion, Ladles' NeU (line quality), only W In feet ororjr artlelo pertaining to a flrit clan man. Aa none of that atripe are recognised by ed out I0,048,l«l yards of during the htoro. goods Iturnett'e Cocoalne, Carpet a certificate others. of vsrlous kind*. GOODS. Denomination, at a ol besides many (Stationery 23 FURBISHING by any evangelical year, profit $137,870. A Wallet for Ilowtea at- Xj good Furnishing will be that the applicant never Peoj)U required One of the largest and most perfect diamonds SHEET MUSIC AND FANCY GOODS. E Dlaek Velvet Ribbons (beet quality), cheap! aro lorltod to oxamlno our itoek before parcha*. that he will' board round,' pray ir»W rrmeve and Id mind that oil outtouiori will bo tended echowU n the valued at two thousand dollars Perry'* Moth and Frccklo Lotiou—■(•! Inc. boar country, M to their Stock of Goods for attended whether to par- Davis and the Democracy, and vote the A of News and 8tory Papers kept Molk ami Kreeilf) Tho attention of the is diroctoorod for Jeff- is owned a of this Oreat food supply publio or not. by gentleman city. constantly on hand. E ehaoo ticket." We euggeat that they Webster's Ilalr Invlgorator, 60 Particular attention given to Biting and copiwrhead are paper collars ! in of Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Stocks, Rf lis Hair lUatorer, Men's wear, great variety CarpoU. hire Rev. Petroleum V. Naaby. Watohos Clocks and Jowolry 1ST, Know Vegetable consisting making Rev. Wm Holman has resigned the pastor- Excelsior Hair 60 Manu- and warranted. you want to purchase your clothing cheap, Cloek'a lleatorer, The Great Falls Journal says that the repaired Umbrellas, ate of the Baptist church. South Berwick. JF*" Shaw's Canadian Ilalr Invlgorator. Tie Scarfs, Bows, Gloves, Suspenders, Traveling F. A. have commence! building \s, 13V Cryatnl irrarir, IIMrfrfsrri, Mr. 3"' DAY, facturing Company has become of Shaw's Dritlah Oloon, 100x100 feet Rev. Mr. Everett pastor the 39 WILLlAlfl HILL, and al- 103 & 108 Main, Stroot, at that a new eotton mill, Ambrosia. 60 Shirts, Knit Shirts and Drawers, Stockings, place in 100 Main Illddeford, where you will And Ring's estimated that It Baptist church Shapleigh. Ktreet, Biddeford. and four stories high. It Is oo. l>e*t assortment of article* In the market. Sosodont, City Building, !N"o t i the in a with Mr. C. D. of this was 37 ilaon'a Ilalr 33 moat article kept 9t will require one million bricks, together Swett, formerly eity, Fanners' and Mechanics' Company having Mra. W Iwalng, every usually 8ept.l,IMr. stock to T. K. Lane A Sons, ft of three inch plank and 173,000 feet ordained, agreeably to a request of the Bap- TilKdisposed of their Oil Denne— Roao Ilalr Oil, 'iOO.OOO alt persons lndebtrr *•»«» Fun—Magnolia a room, we**in:; u c«ute «t of or fori epinning recovered from an attack of fever. Tillnirnt aatlfftiw oI tin* Juarph Barrett'a Ilalr lUatorer (cheap), 6ft SmmirtU and thirty- yellow NuUi vt Bute wlitiln curJinj room, each fir* Drrwkk, Cuuuty Y«wk, Milnt, 20 47 room a llx Mi l Perry Uarla' Pain Killer, AND DRAWERS, size, it making the*e among James Knox of Lebanon, had his Um Sim >IMrW In nki Suu-, J<**|>h Mwk|ail( LOTUS. KNIT SHIRTS largo »ix /Vet ItmjlK, pocket on his BLOOM In America. The having bm adju.ttr«1 a llauknipt, own |*lUlou, by OF_THE Waleott'a Pain Annlhllator, ekiap. " the longest, if uot the longest at a in of IV). 62 ELEtiANT anurt tor **id .li«lrlct The Lot** Hotctr it one of the noit beautiful 21 KNIT SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, r «m will contain eight hundred Had way'a Relief— Atwood'a Bitters, weaving IMHKASK 8. KIMUALL. From to China it 11 " a and There will be services at the Pavilion of Flower*. 95 75 ••evenly-one looma of new improved pat- publio BanTucd, Me., Sept 11, U#7. JwJO Egypt Drake's Plantation Ditters, KNIT SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, hundred and held typical of Eternal Lt/e. trro. and the carding room three Church next Sabbath, A. M. Jackson's Hitters— Langley's Dlltera—William*' " 87 of the lateet KNIT SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, carda, mostly new and improv- Commissioners' Notice to Creditors. will and re- Pills, 17 fifty frames This preparation certainly preserve Bitter*—Wlng*a « ed drawing and roping store the MINIM Mi remove all il facta of IT KNIT SniRTS AND DRAWERS, 1.00 patterns—The of Man- been by the Judge of Behenek's M*n->-« \• 1. who** ea- completion 1.25 W Company. Arthur, tt, Kennehunk, ter the lllootn Is Invaluable. It maybe KNIT SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, with the insolvent, tlve notlo* that (Is shaving, fying the complexion. ll baa found an Every Saturday la weekly filled late I* repretentrd u*e Mid cradltora to advantage IU A 165 Mala Htrwt, Dlddrfbrd, alarming discrepancy ia oar A. 1). 1867, tiavo The nioom of the Lotui can he obtained at any Clark's Liquid White, 2-V-Boat Pin*. Fftshioa In and their claim*, and that we will Or. 8. it to reprw- Deraorest'* Mirror of ftftd Monthly bring pro** store. Kvery bottlo hat 8, OS to the manufacture of Garments of de- 8«|)t. I, IH6T. nnd after the election. If daeired u« at tho ator* of A. apothecary Kennedy's Medical Discovery, )l their attention every V Ratine (New York) to the moet eleont faah- attend to th* aerrle* aaelpnrd Hitch's latter and name upon It The Egyptian They givo special have done ao by gir- Warrvn Mendum, In Mid Kennebunk, on the •*«• Hchenck'a Tonic and each I Oft pent us truthfully it eould iun anguine thftt oomee to our table. It ia Lotus li an entirely different article, advertised Syrap, ond Tueadaya of October, l>ec*uiber and Februa- and all orders led with them will be executod We slated laat week, in better to the rich nod those of more by druggists. Poland's Humor l>octor, cheap. for Men's and wear, in; our own commenta. »Uptrd ry, from ten o'clock la the forenoon to four o'clock scription Roy's aeakiag ha* A. WARRKN I /I.,,,, ai Coo's 75— Troches, satisfaction M the all who Uurnham it. IIKN0(JM, the of the LOTU8 MLOOM, prepared Dyspepsia Cure, Hopkln'a with ncatncM and and perfoct always guaranteed. sult wae arrived at by giving cop*. 8. FRA.NK KAIKKIKLD, J4,0" properties dispatch, >ou. I know all Its conitltuente. I inow Brown's Bronchial JM never hy Troche*, as "doubtful," a reeult Int.! thla third of 1867. 3w39 numbers who un It. and have used It for many were returned day 8*pt*mb«r, Constitution LMb Syrup, 00 AL*Y««n«a ma Umat Alexander conquered year*. It ha* no injurious properties whatever. to make. reliable in making any political and then tor Uie want of another Constitution Water—Fisher'a to the of Garment* for others considered the VnH, wept JYOTICE. It put* back all ihow of age rully fifteen year*. I Cough Drop*—Mrs. K7"They also attend Cutting T DtmotriU well know*. We 1o i«N!u». Ilut Jiimi Pjrle hu conquered the moet recommend It to all lovers of the Window'* 31 canvase, aa the Cainii• 1) Stair*States opor Anbrica, cordially Soothing Syrup, world <>f »uuriuu« Mleralu* maker*, an t la reftp. beautiful and fair. and Pectoral Hi) the/* ia aa issus at Diatriot of Blaine. Ayer'a farwparllla Cherry ^ ST now kn jw that whenever leg a rich hanre«t from Ita Immtnw sales, and la | Dr. 8.8. FITCII, If. D„ 714 Broadway, N. Y. llunh'a Saraaparilla and Iron, 67 of the far from a»«*ii It. I'» lo*« ealeralus la nolle* of lit# ap- election where the fun* |>aaaii>na wijr (trying mUK undervigned hereby ^tre* iniiin;ht 4 co. Calder'i Dentine, a>—Cook'a Dentifrice, Martha any the friend Ift uunova to the 1 ixdnluieut a* of John Holland of Llin- Ilalr CO the ar- poopla'a pound. Atal'diiee Depot. No. IS Tremont Row, Iloiton, Waahlngton lleatorer, MOULTON & BO DWELL. G voter* are to, and when ouly erlck. of York. State of Elaine, within raid Principal Swletanla for the Teeth. 60 Kciaemt*r tbat ap|>**l*d county Mat*. Price |I.UO bottle, Im.iu.Y. Levelt's I who haJ> been a U|mn per 37—Corset 10 of our oppoasnts are aurreptitiou* J. W. lloroor, of Parkersburg, Waal Va.. says district, adjudged bankrupt For rale by Cook llroa., 161 Main Rt.,Clty llulld Lyon's Kathalmn, Springe, J. N. BODWELL. gument* hi* own petition by tbu District Court for Mid Aretusine for the Hair. So MOULTON. that beeitat- thai l»r. J. W. Anders' Iodine Water cured him Ing, Uen'l Agentsfor Illddeford and Haoo. N. TIIAYKR (tf-37) appeals to the baseet motive*, of) district. IIOIIACK 11. UllRUANK. ChauMier'a Kmpre** fhr the Hair (IVeneA). VI. 100 lain be se'ofaU- II* had 37 running uleera when he eon. Limerick, 11,1*7. 38 Ilalr HILL, Street, Biddcrord, and "doubtful" men cau always oounU Sept. Tebbatla' Itcgenerator. Will intur, you an elegant and perfect flt for ing Ihe medicine. Persona afflicted Florida Water, a nirt Perfume. where neooed taking teeth. «d votuig th« copperhead tioket, "beautiful Fuller** Extract Buchu —Bird Cagea—Tooth upou should make ft note of this, ftftd send to J. P. bins- In 8WIETF.NIA preserves the Teeth and (luins In ft ▲NT GARMENT but for the Bankruptcy. tho 8clcntl0c Den- Ilruahe*, lo—Ilalr Braahes— Phalon'a Night UNIVERSAL belong. Try again, neighbor, New for ft circular con* healthy state. it endorsed by they more, M IVy street. York, Orrica or tiirU. 8. l>r. M. I.e. Blooming Cereua, 73 70a may and at Uii LovMt Caili PrtOM. be o/ Marshal) tlsts lo the Profusion. Prepared by «• tk* of smart, don't guilty this remarkftble 33 A* Messenger, > Coarse Comba, OA—Ribbed Hose, I2i repair*, appearing eeruing remedy. vrrr, a Dentist of over 30 yearf practice In New Portland, Sept It, 1867. J Mra. S. A. Allen a Ilalr Beitorer (new). gross bungling. York City. Oent'a Linen HMk'ft 23 Thl* I* to gi»* notice: That on the aixUenth IUookltr, N. Y., Feh'y II. |W»7 (good), II I* of not* thai M<*asra. 8. D. A II. W. Uent'a I'aper Collars and Culb, Ladlea' Linen LIFE INSURANCE York AwotU worthy Warrant in Hank- with effect*ol BWltTKNIA COfflP., eeaaio* of the of A. H. am the NEW STYLES The tflat liaptiet day September, IW,i I delighted Collara and Cuffc, of DmIub, lunalkfUrtn of tha .imftean wm laeued the eetata of Chaae, and a wash for the mouth. week. The nsat Smith, niptey aplntt m a dentltrlee lor oitioe, ation waa held at Lebanon laat It to a lew 9ft Ladio* Collara 10 ] Hit* bMD moat raaaaartUl la ttio nil of Cram A Sturtovant, of Portland. In the County curiosity, I subjected Oriw. Prompted by In- Ivory and Rubber Fine Combs, Note Paper and the Association will b* held with of luml>erUnd and State of Maln*,who ha** b**u test* for aelds. and found In It no deleterious meeting of tbair Inatramaata In thoaa looalltloa wbaro tpacial Drees Button* and Drees Braids. on their own Petition thai As a toilet both lor the sick Envelopes. Had Wednesday in adjudged bankrupts, gredient. companion Best Needles and Cotton. Ladies' Elae- YORK. the S>uth Berwick Church, aiartloaa hara baan made by curtain manufiwtur- the of any debta and of any I consider It a refreshing Spool 69 LIBERTY NEW payment delivery and well, peculiarly tlca and Elastic Braids, Rubber Round Combs, ST., DRESS MS! to or Fill 0. aurh to Annual sermon by Re*. »n »ho S»r« had tha armsaaoo and dao«p lion to iir»t>*rtr belontfng Kankrupla. them, luvy. _ OPKN1NO THIS DAY AT H^pieutber. for their aae. and th* transfer or any by 8. tf. Out*™an, M. D. Tapes. Huberts, alternate. claim la rood InitruuienU u property Ladlea'H'dk'fr(flne) 10 n. or Re*. K. K. arery traproraaont them are forbidden law ; that a meeting of the STOCK INSURANCE CO. OP THE UNITED STATBS. lllaley, by Prloe 75. For Mle by all Druggists and Faucy Black I .ace Veils, a. Keaaeodnt, PREMIUMS It waa one of the larreat, pleaaanteet, Ladlr*' Fleece Lined Hoee, 37 meet- Urea ak al Um praaaat 11 in a. Wa bar a taatail thaaa Rrgiater, on the ninth of October, A. 1), we of our annual day Nloe Fluid for IIAIR CURLIirn, Hadley'a truat, moat profitable leu A. M. at hi* Office M Exchange Spool Tliosrc CHARGED IIY MUTUAL COMPANIK8. Sato JidvtriiMemeniB. love to the laatnamaau tor a loaf tiiaa, and Hod lham la ar left.*,at o'clock, Thread (taaebiae), Helaeore, Hllk and THAN ing*. A spirit of deeotioa aad B4r**i. Hewing una- moat and fact that Twill. MUST Linen Thread, Whalebone*. Pllk cause i>f with a marked ary raapoat tho aatl*lh«tory par CHARLES CLARK. Chrwt. together Waterfall Nets, Ladle*' »•*! Cot- an mm lura arar u«od. aa4 wa hava had a*, U. 8. Mttthal a* Messenger, WhitaUloee*, Commutation of Bitiona nimity of aeatm*at t fceliar. characterised pnetkal SWEET BREATII. inn and Wool llo«e rUeap).'Children'* ll» I mo- was 3w39 Diat. of Maine. the throughout. The meeting la tha aaa of thoaa organ* wblob la tha LEVfrrra aromatic bwiktknia puriRea ral lloee, Allen'a Lung Balaam. Kennedy a TWO ANNUAL TOR TUB UK1H8 oftbooa who dM la IUb«l proceeding* pariaaaa the LL POLICIES NON-FORFEITABLE AFTEB PAIIEWS. the choioeof Rev. K Worth. Mod- the breath and Imtm a delightful ta«t« In Rheumatic Liniment, Kennedy'* Salt Rheum r Pr1»ooi oon now bo bad. organised by print* claim tha graatoat calabrity.— *'»t the puMlo In noulh. to thingerer put before Ointment. or to *• erator; Rev. U 1>. llallaatine. Clerk; l>ea. 0. liiuikruptcy. Moparlo* any Addroaa apply .WmwW JomrntL by l)r. M Livrrr, a Dentist of Children'* Tea Sata, 23 tliainl Claim Ac»iit»Hooo.w.D1f7,L'a Hi. Treasurer. The annual sermon OrncB or raa U.S. public. Prepared Toy to ihs following of wbl«b 23 W. Robert*. Marshal) over 30 In New York City. !i'— Block*. 26 Ws <1 stirs to Mil lbs atltntlon of AksdU plan Imuran©*, 9m- «»f A* )l«iwn{*r, > y*»r»' practice Playing Carda, Alphabet | partlralar waa by Bro. UUIaatine, Lel>*o»n. Lnvrrr'a Aromatic? Hwiitvxia I* an eicellent Dolla Dull*. lbs rsU cbsr**.! on Ihs lo-payt»*ai Is I*** preached Po»ti.a*|i. Sept It, |H6T. ) Rubber Dolla and Head*. Drama, bodlss an sntlrsly dsw ld*». Althoaich plaa Uui Home IVollcr. were alao Urn. Powere end la andoreed the l>anll«U, Wateh Rubber Dye Hermoue preached by thin*. by prominent Vaaea, large lot Hal**, llarpa. rats mataal (till lbs Ualrsrsal agrees sot oaly ts la to notloa: That ob I In atitcenth day — lbs ordinary IO-ysar cbarssd by oompaalsa. pay of 8*00 and Dldda- uf Aeton, Langridge of Mew Qlouceeter, Ilalev Thlf fire Doctor* and OwmM th* Far* Timti, Rallies, K>—Toy Watcher Teilet Soap*, Caa. WOULD Inform Ui* «|tl»*n» A. IK IMr. t Vt arrant in llankrapt- t merit* dsalb, bat will also pay bask all prsnlaas paid to Ihs from ln« old 8a oo Father Cook of Keuaebunk, -Tha parWd MM of Septemtwr, Rwtimit la ft ple»»ru dentifrice, wboee Ilia Rich Handkerchief Boxes, a reel Us amoanl of Ihs Insurants ai Coapaay, f»ryo of Hpriajivale, leaned MilMl the r»UU of Atama L llob- Soap, T Um «M «rf alahaawr •jr wii Will ha luanlfaat oo It* u»a—.T»t» Y*k 7>i»«a*. of Colors. ■mm to and Bro. Roberta of Walla Mi Ikr^c* lamp*, In the of Cumberland t+rttif Toys Faintly Dya Honey •un, of ItrtUiM, County Hwibtkiia.—*• dnnt think wa |n Uk> far «b«i Levertoa** Ilalr nitt with lha brtalh a Boap. Lightning Dya, K*. tf ftrwrr IiIrwIi Aal imj air la haary and htate 01 Maim, wha hu haen a*i)alp-«at deatifrkaea wa tiara era* aaed. ^ aad U.at do- erected at Mary* v ill* (Cal.), place of Usual Low Prices I promptly carafellr a»Wodod prlaaa recently Buck aaa tha with IWr hla mm. iM the tranafv-r any property W.n4,U Juf-SUvrp StmUuH »Im lUU that Mr ftowary laad BUod haallag VktfHp*' ur«. 10 n log eoaMtltlna. I »»«M 6000 Inhabitaat* which ia now being htm ar* fbrbldden by law t that a meeting Dr. lllddelord, and ill. hmiiit of aome alra aad life I»raka bjr Prtee lb* For eel* by liacon, Fraoha» hi rod iho old flaoo Doom aad praaarrlaf product*. wbara Dr. creditor* uf the mM lUnkrupt, to prora *od D/a pootod of W. of the Mitchell A Sawyer, Saao,ftadftll Dru-gtfU a ootica which nmi latoadod to lodlealo that etartod up, uad*r the superintewdeao* J. dlaeorarad tha ablaf ixt to eho««ee one or lucre 21 49 87 48 ap lacradloata of hi* wondarfttl their debta, Aaalgn Daalera. ir» 95 In with oa J do not roootro ordart ti hell it a I'eirt of Fancy cook ho la oMipMjr a manufacturer, lately of Lowell, Tun la Modlaiao— rtaatatiow aafara—tha anchant Ml of hi* tMM, »IU ~bro's, 25 40 43 10 hoaoo. Tatteraon, at kit ba holdea at before door above the Poet Oilee), 80 djro rankruptoy. to I'erttaad, (Id JmJi HORACE BURKE. Mass. Mr. Tatteraoa i*a aativ* of South Uer- ad tropical lalaad of m. Cmla. Tha r/aalaTwo on the ninth day 81 84 SI 04 J«met l>. Feepemien. itogtater, Dr. IV. Chnpmnn'H 86 all tho at ton o'clock A. at J. islyll Crrr Ddiloiwo, Binmt?o«n. wiek. aad waa forawrly eagaged ia Mr. Bur- Btiitrt, aoMhialag nodtelaal aad toala *lr- of October. A. 1> IM7. M-, 40 40 07 63 44 taoa ml tha fcaallag aad prod acta o( hU oSca, i J KxcUanxe WneL mill at 0r*at Works. We ar* glad to lllo-aaatalalag CHOLERA AND DYSENTERY FANCY DYE leigh's OIIARLRS CLARK. annum on Um HOUSE, that Ihrorad all*a. ara, without doabt, tho world** THOSE —A aod *>. I nanrat bU lift for (1000, ami pay* |41.I0 par taa-paymaal of the ia distant C.B Marahal aa MriNnpr, Kxahpui man, Hoar Ooverad Bridie see evidence* prosperity, for low aad or SO t hU will ba treat rraMoly dyipapaia, iplrlta all Wat. of Maine. SYRUPt dlM aflar hating paid Um Coapaojr Bra annaal parmaaU, |2lft Polity son* of old York. )«n plu,Md State*, of th* otbar atomaehka dl®aaltlaa from the G T M id will bo for Prepared original Recipe by Koo.i for »l,X Ift.aot aAar annual pftjraoaU,or|U1, htaPaUa) r>oJ flUI. Factory Inland, Saco, Mo. Bussed, a well-known aad re- Mr. Joseph Maaaoua Watu A dallghtfal tollal art lata, Ooorgo Mooro, Groat Falls, If. H. VALENTINE PRRB was to and at hall tha JMwfl DESIRABLE RESIDENCE E L E spected farmer, living in Dayton, (bund •aparlor Coiogaa, prlca. ! tbe enra of TTTOCLD roopooifallr oall tho aUontUn of tho his barn oa last Tweaday morning. He FOR S.iL. E TbiiByrnp la ft nperior ftrtlala far dead in RaMcal adda a fraahar to arts lha do art E N TV Iiumi of 8»m, Blddoiord aad violator. that baaaty a*4 located houaa, Morbaa. Diarrhiaa, N a minute* before, from th* aoai For aala all pleaaaatly conveniently Cholera, Cbalarft DyaanUry, ho has Mdo iroot Improromoot In hlo faaor Dro had goae, bat few plailoaa. by driggtaU. I» Na. Mala Htraet, betwaaa ( reea and North of children. of tho WALK PtmMmI. iOttli B. BBWLKT. 8wr«Urr- lloaoo. whoro bo la to oolor oojr odor la corn. He Tni ftad Maiaer Coaplalnte Who dMlr* to nlMt from a Urg* (took WILLIAM BR, proporod hoas*, with th* int*ntion of hashing tttraata. la Mm. to aflhrad tor Mia, oa ferorahle BIIEKPABD tho boot —aor. Wa ara laatrwetod to lalbrw tho raadara of tho with ihe with II it /rtt fr*m mtnrrml nttinrx. IIKM BY J. rURBKB, rim PtwMmL I10MAN8, CoatvlUac Aatawy. I ao aad tonae. toother let of Uad eaaaeatod mtirttf CHOICEST ■TTL.KS Or Color! ag and olooMlnc roode dooo by itoMB, waa 33 of age, haviag fhmily; JoeaaaL Uat II faraoaa' NrftU'a PUU Ml la turn fJiari, amd CJUIrrm .Vtrhu. KDWABO W. M. D„ M«U«1 KimImt. year* II DfM««ry, LAMBERT, whoro It to la oo doacor of Utortnr oar gooda. at the tim* of laiuaca to giro MUrfhatloa. tha Moaav aaaJI hoaaela aew eoatolaa flalahad II caret hawr Cn^MiIi e/ CUNria. waa a man, weighing aay Tka nearly twelve CoaU.Vo*U.PaaU aad Omoo ilaaoii" and 001. very fleshy ha ra fa ad ad. Cat oat thia ootica aad taha It with fa mm. rooaaa, and haa a goad oellar. It m ffr/ntlf aa/ir WOOLEN GOODS (br ipMlM of IbU Com/mar "T *• to •rod wlthoat bolng rtppod. and pat la food ardor. of his d*ath ovsr three hundred pounds. The 1<4 to of eicallaal eoll. aad larva II caelt ea/v <0 infl f*t Mill, fy Application aalBetontly for Autumn or Wlater «w, »ho«ld reman- All coloring daaa by him warraatod aot U MMt a*>rd a Am tar II M eaf# iff UrfftUt Jaaoa M to opportunity gardening. /er if understands that A atlleh i>mo rarra nlaa." It la much aaatar bor to call u for the Th* Saoo D*mo*rat la Application may ha ai».l» at the ofltoa of E. H. C. HOOPER.) General Acr*t* PRICE REDUCED. to sward agaiaat JIimii by laklar propar oar* of kaktman * W. son of the late & & Falrfteld, E»|. riilur mom, aaao. MOORE. lOO Moll Hirwl, BIMthnl, Me. X But. of Mmm. Pairfleld, tho whoa animpalrad. than to Mad It IJ9 fomuervUI Proprietor. TH08. Draaooa oolwid fur oao dollar, aad all nthar Or- ayatoak Or to M. C. PATT KM, »u, (Gi;oR(iK QOIHBY, f of thie last week at New wbaa "Mi brnkan down ap«a lUa flrit appoar- Portland. Me IMJeftad a 0. Btrrew ft Run a*»1 ky Oeak acootdlog Ijr. 37U formerly city .died M*Id by Carda at thla 08k*, DIDDEroni). ML., Aifutu i*r. podi anea of pain a*o Blood* Raauutaiio Coaipoaad, liHh. 1K7. 4wJ» Urn Ml QT Woddiag printed leans of yellow fever. Baco.Capt JPortland CmnU. General .Idvertfement*. HARTLEY B I dM .'..it y I.m- Q. HUMC'U BOBIMM*. A. li., Konnobnnk. Mo. apoofag.jsotBpo*. urety*- u 9. Nptico. (tot «fof. ARTICLE m* rim # THE BEIT 'AXi^ T 1IBIUU>Y KIT* mUm UK I ha*a »I JUI mm eons dm Tbo diUM of Um »Ujt« Burnt Mhool will b« & FRECKLES. " MlsifcH mi J*- J Joy.hartlma,and that I (hall MOTH Mac&ine Co. _ -MQVf OM -0P-» / '■•i': rDBQMAN, A. * OO., (WushUf.sMy nniaM on brvaa dla ITSl t *r»1 alalm do«i nor of bar The only reliable remedy fbr Uioae Hardy U> thUCoaipMijr U (till v wtmoWd Basis Mid Biwf,** Video wriop p*r | "wa*. thoa thai la «a«haafrt bowara UK Urtst Mill bolonrioK bcnjrf dobU from thl* d»U. ilwpwl •tlnrtllMi 01 Ik* h«* called Moth Patch aa U4 all the corn. 4« AHA JOY. W«4aMiay, **PU 4, 1*67, *l> T tn Mtlr* oporvtloa, gnailM Wftaaai Jfatk't !/•**». » UrtlfcMvlort jtmh afcoald fcaaat chao to to* Free k lea la Piut.1 Mora aid Kt»«< LoTtoa. POWDER . CO., nnd oonUono for Una of fWnrtoon wooka. Ap> Utal li brvagbt Ultra. LEfGHTON TOOTH FLETCHER*it Hafth Uarwtek. 1617. 3wJ7 oaly Dr. B. C. Pimt, Doratatologtat, noit all ktndioflU- to TUtikn C«.,) Bapt. S, for adalaaioa U U>« ttebool any b«u4< , 4t»> i * rreparvd by TtiU Company *l*o now do iJiOODWIITS. > or 8*1* at I (heumri fftmjr, If, pliontion ««» Bond St. Saw York. Sold by all dra«lata Is ,' »• or »*/Wa tho mornlnt of Utt 4th. No !■■>!! >il jP popll WWad^UUwtitHf fbrtfcjr bow*. m4 iliwtail. Bacace* by tutorlifbL Wo wook J roootvod Jir Iom thna Uo vholo Ura, and no do- M« arar uremia making largo DR. HALEY'S OFFICE, To toatr wwm Hd OKtnt WHOLESALE GROCERS Notice. dealton mwU oxooftl in mm of NtuM tad pro- '-ailditiwin ttf 111 now. Waka, aro U>« wrUt-bvrn charm unnarTa thaa s&sfrss'ssssor Mudol making DMtlr umUd. Alto, onr^fitook, Brum. 25 And Oommittion McrohaoU, to banby glvan that Um lonfod l'»ttrrn 98 Mau l\ partnership Oaod btkmnr mad to work Tamer** Tic Allordtri tor work heretofore •iuUuk between llobert ('lea*** fUthty Impoood aro nulta, Doaloareax, PtploK-wfttor.KM.atMai.Ae. ISO COMMERCIAL Ml*, PORTLAND, NOTICB Hi* rooaUIUi for oentlniuoM of will ba attandad to. having jutit and Jonathan I'arker, of nnder the tstabonhln. And n» (Tmhtml ."Innu, la a wl«, Mrttln ud promptly Kennetwnk, Ktuntloa thy thoojhU to work 4It1d« addraaaad Or CIIAHLK8 1IARDY, Aourr. U Uloaree k waa on |»I<1 to Utooo daotrona of Doing la «,praar*tf aai ftrn Parker, 4iaaul*ed the Do .do cure tbr tod all Nerroua IMaea- Fob. IM7. « RETURNED FROM THE MARKET »th ol bv ftlod for loUojjo. wrtW»» II(uoa—wUk all Ik; lai^bL fpaody Neuralgia Olddatort, 31, entrain]. day Auctui. I<*7. mutual e»n*«Dt. and 1/38 hiihfull/ K. t'lMvaa !• aiUiorlaad to Mttle all debu doe WIIUCll. An aacolf wlag would U at rort. aaa. The aerereat cum in completely par- with a foil lino of droop. long to, and l>y Uto company* Rot Mr. Bwnn Kanoabonk. Aad liod rand la a ahort Una. Nearalfcta hnujaU, laaoUra, wara do loo car blaaL" maoently vary LADIES' KID GLOVES, R CLKAVKH. Dr. 0. H. Rou a fa* " to the face at Mail Ja at taa|y UaaUhed lit SwST JONATHAN rARKKR. Jolt I'orklM ■ DESIRABLE DRESS GOODS. Saeo adttrti*emcnl». Cipt. I' 7\ t 0. Nmod " is boar*. No fern of Net*** UfeaMfc <1 forth® um > {r T*T% Cnpl. W. The miner when his "Tri- »i*l-Jaa4a qa»iur, Win. Lord happiest tta loilaatxra. H kaa lfce *pN^ uiagla ni*t«ilHa4 our wo shall bo Mr. Knooh Coomb* umphs are ore." It eoatalaa Among specialties MASON li HAMLIN'S KaonabunkporC ral of May aalaant phyaiciaa* IN BLACK, WHITE A COLORED PORTLAND Ml atom. bo to offer ono of tho An ao to tha moat delicate a) prepared csnhquske don't dispone men to thing InJurlouj .J !*M>« W 1100 and 8 r« r-». klUliM,Ibr nl*b/ most choice soloctions of OR. WARREN'S but it lolOreryebere, reoalpt sloty, inskss the earth yawn. A 1AJ rreweut Business ^> .Uca Stauipe. ftMEl MX, AwMm an* oiiaf 0*tlAN8. ~ DIAVO roRTKS, College,' In what key should s Isver writs a pro- •tr«at. Boston, *i»., Proprietor*. H. t 1 MKLOUKONH, aa«i Ctw Comer of Elm and Bta. BILIOUS BITTERS! StLLE1^'! O f-U Oongreu Boatoa, July 1,1*7. lyrtH Tho Great Blood Purifier & JKW*J or uiarrisgoT Be mine nh ! JO Ho. I Union Block, niddatord, Ui. 31 Ho. 4 Orjrttet Aim4»,?*»££• 1MfcMribN, rrUIH Invitation offrri to youn* nen ami Udloa Regulator, -*-Ui» Inl b«llltlw ft* obtaining* UtroMeti »*m»- A institution—The American and Scotch imi ouurM la "needy** Agricultural IIELMBOLD-8 FLUID EXTRACT nurmT U Cholera. SMALL SON'S etion.i on the Skin, Humor* rJW worth two in the hand. IMPORTAJS T TO FEMJLES. GEN,INSURANCE AGENCY Aiiocint i#n of and Cholera, trill at Sfripod, Groy Ust Codm- Tba «alabrat«t DB. DOW eantlaaaa to daroU brfound OFFICE IN CltY BUILINQ, For further Information, plca«« call at the Col- Blood, of .■iypeiite, Mow was a do yon know that Pharaoh lege, or nd4 for tbe paper, sample* of money and nest; PiJa, hi* an lira tlina to the treatment of all dlaaaaia ln- Dr. J. (IHracttjr mllm ft* OflVot), Addroaa. s The Drag 8toro of Sawyer, Ipeclmeoaof^ peontanibip. air iu ooiruini rtnn tr carpenter? Why. he made Joseph ruler. aldeat to tba female ijntaa. ia up*rl«M of CABINET ORGANS, L. A. UllAY, POPLINS. niODKFOKD,.. MAINE, ti Mid I'rlnclpal, Strret FRENCH I tar Mr Km power, bHn| Iftf 14T BtddWbnl !loa*r Mack, Main So nrilr IwM Portland, Me. or ObUrvtied Cir* s like a of leather ? tweaty-Amr year* raahlea him to gaaraate*apoody Impure Blood, Imperfect When is shower piece a now lot of lUlnmul UjaMkiwlnic Old and well* aad panaaaaot relief la the wor»t aaaaa oi Sup. Abo, culation, or a deranged anl1h»ra$ed con- When it is s driving rain. OP CHIIICIIE8 AND YESTBIES, praaaloa aad aU othaf Memtrual Derangement*. USB dition of the Stomach, Livtr, Kidnryt moat New! AB1 torn |AXJ IV People who travej into csnnibal coun ttvia abater** aaaaa. AU lettaf* far advlaa Something BUCK ALPACAS, M THE NEW ENGLAND and lioweit. •on tain |1. Office No. 9 Endloott rtreet, Doatoa. Of ■OBTONJ KorCleatulng, jUrenKthaaintf, Invigorating end tries are to be turned into Indisn meal. unle- N. B—Board ftarnlihed to thuaa who to ra- AN1> RKPA1H SHOP In tbe Mbftw * Clark groat CTBOLB INI, Putting Order Ibe Wotk, TUB klndi of A colporteur says he could always find Baln aadar treatment. Hewing MmMm Kactory, fbr doing ftU N*. 04 fkrtarr Mail, l«Mi eaeed Human Hyitem, Dr. Warren'i Rllloui Oil- IRONWORK >t hurt notice. u sinners bccaueo he tried to tract 'cm. Doatoa. June Zi. W. Irjr27 short WOTHER DRESS! GOODS, $4,700,000. If (CpfUdrvJ Un in unequalled bjr ugr other Medicine la the MAtlllMKa RKPAIRKDat 1 Capital, AI»o,8KWIMU D/CIBtMJ P^/W ANNUALLY t DoU«« soaaon. E™ World. Peraon* nlhrlii( from MapllMtlni of to tho not a musical coming Saiiors though generally BNTKKitLKD AND DBLICATt 00N8TITC. We bur. also MAN0ON1 PATENT DODDLK adapted dlMMMof eehronlo ul«tt, will Brut Mr* end we are to reoomtuend Watobes, cloas ol ere of both aaiea, uae llauraoLa'a Kit*act DASI1 CIIL'RN. which glad thin medl- men, sblo to sound the TIONM, churn la Ipeody relief lutheueeof InraluaMe slwsys Btcav. It «1U sir* brtak aad feeling*, m the best, and easiest working aoargvUe cheapest Pimm call THE the niluru lh* C aad aaabl* to waU. the market. Order* ailed promptly. SHAWLS. "piiiNixr elne. llquiokene circulation, correctly. yoa alaap 'OF BROOKLYN. Watches! Watches! and examine ftl oar plaoe v( business. loet appetite, regulate* *11 the lunetiooj of the Why ought a fop not to object to being 8. T. RC1IKRY, Wo are a lino of Jnit reealrtd a Splendid Aanrtnmt of R. PHILLIPS. oponine 8{>lendi ktiinnr. Valuable Beal Zephyr Also, PfllK A *Ueit irk*tnrap»peia A THAT valuable estate In Dlddeford. tbo latest Why mending stockings weight In III* atuaaeh, together wltk ftaiu- M nrjr utyles CHAINS, RHmtl Dioltri tn frm^rnlarf A/rWtrian, ftrfum- IM, known ae tbe Daniel Cleave* ratate, tour, udnulfi htlrtlM of «M, wilff- containing +t.,in Ntw KnylmJ deformed ? Because her hands are where tmcy, •cfcttty. en f Al R. K. TWAMOLEff, try, • »Wla abowaMaeree, wllft tbe buildings tbe Mir.eanJ THE bra.H, aitd ruaUUmi. >M IIMMM |»w INfERNATIONAL "W» bar* told Urp of ttr. tfsrrtn'& . tbe hslie have tfeeulMl to Mil. Tbe OF NRW qaantlee her feet call* all-(one feeling til* iMmtlil wkftrf. lLo YORK., an Iilftixl.tiaoo. 1 y«r thf flra v *»r». »t belong. a or No. FaoUtrr Bih»— Hillrrt during part hoik uuentlv lltrra It ■!«> ptl(if»»Vin of tie hurt, wtltrfl wharf II the best privilege of an>'ln Haeo Hld- and «h«i IM GARMENTS! «m orXaniml on *ImImI« u>l rttell, anl k«r« jr«l U I Mm ol » auatakt- I* Heart UIMua. and there are some of the moat desirable LADIES' (Tr Tha tint anil ooljr C>*ni*nj I'hTticujM deford, What is the difference between s looker* Mulliui It la n«M with » bikiu ilnrle Inatanee wherein hate foiled rlro atuaaach la la llua lota fbr genteel residences on this estate. In tbe class houses in Boston. Una Cootlnrnt wltti an urlflnal they or .l.uae. The ruu^h rlbroua porllona ot the slooaach, from 1st eaiuiartlna. frooi Mnoul knowledge. on at an suction mart snd s tnsriner ? One t» Wkl. LORD. Ksy., of Kenne- perfect timiur lo what wa aea In u what throwa out tha village. Apply MILLION DOLLAR*) CAPITALl GO • ■ wall aa frout U>« or our numerous cus- irtpv, bunk. or U ULO. II. ADAMS. i!tf report* t t.iria jnica. and 1*11 the aiuiaarh lata a thick iu*i tomer*. we rrrummenra Domestic Goods! ftarpliu, nearly 4400,000 confidently u alihie on tt. It placenta ia«trta)Uce flowing, 1,000,000 mua»* MNere to ttic puhllo aa a i*f«, reliable and nJKt. ftcbenck'a Seaweed Tonic dla> Capital ami «Uf*atlun vary raloablo Medicine. Two in this world which a mau aolte* tint wucua or alitor, auU rcaturta U»e almaach to FIRM FOR SALE. BALMORALS. HOOP SKIRTS I CORSETS. < family things Total § M.M. RCRRSCO* lit natural condition. fl,400,000 not ngtra for m!« hu on hand a H N. R.—Obeerve a feMlmlle Hlrnltur* mt the pro. doc* find swsy from home—good soup Ihkrwk Maiktr.ika ttUa ara alto raiuM to carry Tfcs euNerlfcer farm, Wo koep constantly 53© i O tin .2 on the with- off Ihla nmM aiati-r T»w-tliiida t4 tha run or illwlftl In Kern* hunk pert, IhrM o prlator (JOHN A. I'KHHY.) wrapper, ami disintereeted love. a oi tha «*>,»■ rh none 1'unaaapUun ara caiiartl IVom thu >iim>.ims| tale vnr-lnUf link* ln«n ux oiy I* n»»i wu FULL STOCK OF out whleb ti genuine. U»«r II nam to ttin>«r THE "SECURITY," atomach; tha herouilng torpid, Ulna liiU-Bn um, suitably dmdul Into UUaxe, pasture, JOHN A. PERRY, Chomiit, Good liko the collects swect- Ml bile, and la • ahoet lima tba wfcuta ajalero la de- lot. Baid ftmn cau Of NKW YOKE. nature, bee, ami ha* a good w«*«l awl timber K3~ BBOWN AND BLEACHED o J 0 Holloa, taucvut iu< U tha brunrhial tuboa H Tha uikra'ta Proprietor. ranged. about ten* ef hi»j awl ha* c»*iift>rtabte lailWbiri oo | -p nnai liko tho with tha utlier organa, ami baJare tba pa- ami Aaaru $1,443,043 10 In Hold Wbolaeala with every herb. llbnature, »Tiy>lhia«a la well waters I. JWiJ farm wUI be sold at a I Capital £ Bold by all Dealer* Medicine. ttern h awan of It, he wf alaa Uaa Urvuckial wr l'uiu*>- It, a»l It R oi br A CO.. (ieneral If he saoa. to STRIPES 8A VR JIJVD MEJS'D THE PIECES. and Retail M.S. IlL'RIt Annli, suck* from honied (lowers. |U»r> ('OflliBBdHla hanrain apptiwl Apply COTTONS, TICKS, § M spider, |*ouon Me. ® Itealer* In Drns*, Medlelne*. ie.. fshenck a IS»h»>nle *rnap cannot act ftealjr through 3l4f F. Hi JELUH)N, Bkldefwd, —AND— Perfumery, 5*« i .2 ft s g i SPALDIMfJU Tremont Ro*l»n. Pnraala In Ulddelord Iha MomI whan Ike a< atera la la thtt locked- up conditio*, THE NORWICH, Mt, by burns in some folks ant) H i«° 5 ti M. D.. Main KU. P. ti. Warren. M. Money pockets, without the aid of the tteaweed Ton* and Mandrake Jor NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. * -K l>ryden Smith, 1*1 Ua. The Liter haa all Ibu renoua hh>»l to (train, and MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL i □ l>., K. 0. Kteveo*. M. D.. J. Hawjrer, M. ll.. Alran makes such • hole that that DENIMS! 1*03) H big everything whan It pla In a morbid cwaduioat, Mud and bile rwa BLUE (Organlaal 3! PREPARED GLUE Racou. M. II., Jamae L. llean i la Haeo by Meaer*. _ * tha aralrui and Ilia wlaule Iw«m 9 S rH c r» is in through naltcd, body Brown and Blenched Capital $300,000 £a CONVENIENT, Mitchell and Sawyer. and Druggist* everywhere. put «lru|M through past finding. an law aad tba blual to thick. It caa hanlty ma through Also, 2 C1IKAI*, 3B I 34 tha telaa. In a majority of caara heuorrtiaree occur Ch 3 CO S 5 9m No one lias ever been so and so 5 unit Ktfiairmtf t'urmiJmrt, Toy, Crocitry, good froiu tblt thick OMKlitkMi Of tha blood. Tha Mandrake Life Insurance Co., Tal3le T.lnen! THE QUIN0Y, 111 Pi o H« HitfulJor lllla art on Iha Dear aiiullar lo calomel, or they do l'a/nr, ift. Tain Ik* placr »f ordinary Muctl.tgt, or so as to bo — or UAWACiiusrrra. grcnt lias lievn raised high, what that d"aa It tiabxka tha pill hlat|4 JU, the Mew and fi llaiaoter BY by s reply. eten weak. XI tfcmd Htreet, York, on the non of the annual but Lotus i Is M- lie payment premium, nice promptly paid. It treat, Itoalon. froua 9 A. M. until ilrea tor which the vory © This steak makes me think of a tba ara continued In foroo the period & c It A It It KTT'H tough adttce free, but lor a th.*ou«h caaaalualkw with value of the policy, at tlia time of lapae, RUriTB SMALL * BON. 03 g* the chanre la 11, equitable TRICOTS AND FANCY CAS8IMEKES! ji famous old "That's feMMMter Hair Itcstoratlvo Knglish poet." queer. Ilia aaedlcfnea arv lor tale by all Jruolata and daakra. wuuld purchase. Building,oTerth« P.O. Vegetable Insured In ttiia to Cltjr o (,f«r tn its Alto a lull au|>plt at all lime* at hta maaaa. This law enaklaa all Company a P3 -g lltlr Ntttirtl Colon What does it make think of?" for inwtrt of iKt lUu poet you ITwa of tha l*ulaa % s ^(Mti>iil.ori>fi|iRil ••Chauser." 91 per Dividends aredeclared pftkl rslrt iNnolrtiR ami (|nmr»tt ^rrV#Rll nil* B cent* per ho*. 2 idends the put) ear, f (10,000.00. STOCK HOWE SEWING MACHINE W £ GRAY HAIR. ||»ir falling "ul U A MflvfWf C. UUOIiW IX A Ilanorer paid FULL w w (ICO. CO.,3M Strvet, Accoti Ilmslsiss mi The of Juno are full of Can be hail of 1 lnjNrlsiM inff»on*ld, of UmUm. will 106 Jtlain Street. row. When (iroiK'uno I hy (ihytctan* MM Mr, II o our* any tumit* eouib II alway* r«/i«r#«. fur 8. Ueneral PANT Notice. P. MERRILL, Agent. FANCY GOODS. Copartnership J. R. BARnCTT A ban DO a CO., Preprletora, We are curious to know how many feet Iminmm, llronclilliit, S->r« Tlir>«*t, Ao It and men's woar. uiKtereiffnal hare t>iU day filmed •op>rtnerabll> XicensedjA.gMtty* Thla la the Cure that Illddeford. Me. 10 for lay M N. II. *l*o, for «|>««k«Ti boys' under and linn of llKAHINU * .>114111/ ANCMESTF1I, to a •vpertor. Admirable, publio T1IK theatyle la the ▲JiituoftLt that iu female arithmetic go make mile, be- >11 U. 0. U- our aro to on hand U>« King made. anil iin£**ra Sol4 by llr«,-£'uif—Iii ory. WakcfulneM, (llMN,Trembling, whether enrtlng la prices la a an<1 eflectual are Are receiving constantly the new styles of J. M DKAIlINd, 5 2 Thla la the Maiden, handaome and I'roitratinn. It *t>«edy remedy people acquainted. MALE OR FEMALE, a.* and Ul*. vorable character. »AM'L II. I'lUUl'lir. K*T. for all Uimki of tLe llladder Kidney*, cau»o and no matter o MS Faiu In "Have tender hearts?" from whalerer originating, FIRST CLASS Jul/ 23, ISM. Who married the man onoe bald and ttructlom of llm Urine, Uravel, Stricture, your cabbages or Htono In llladder. Hiwwm Hour LOflU STjyDI/iU Very respectfully, :3 q tlia Hack JoinU, the asked a woman of a eostcrmonger. 1 thanki to tlx) eltixcna of (he County f.«- Dm Who now haa rarrn loeka, of the I'rixlato (Hand, Involuntary Kmi**ion«, "They PIajro lUng can't have anything else, marm," felling and (trict attention to IhuIikm, we tliall 1 made. ary Ur^uii* In lueu, women and children. II no treatment I* (ubmltted to. Conjunction or IS la Mill Sr., BMdrfcfit, >1*11*. year*, ti»|<>, by N 11 writ a of the Mine. All Indebted to 1}; continuance |> inent, and all havinx demand* affalnat DM are m|iKit & „ w All Weaknewoe urUing Kzotma*. morning." #>H Married llie maJdt-u, handsome and or Ahu*e. Hn.ti.rii jitD n.irri.ycss ed to iweaeat the «ame for tuymroL Uitilpallon, Karly Imlirerctlon One of tho beauties of the court of Fred- and Chestnut and drained Ohamber Sets, CITY LIBRARY. U J. M. DKAUlMi. A? : £ h To KTman oner bald aad err*jr. MOTICK it Riven, that all |»cr»on» having «. DR. FULLER'S that of Posterity, upon aw of n SITTING IIOOM AND IMNINU ROOM herehy 0 q Hut who now haa raren loeka, crick tho (treat said to the "Sire, bow depend* prompt a book* to tho City Library, limit re " they king, reliable rained v. belonging |o| ^ y FURNITURE, turn them in order that tlioy may INSURANCE. z mjt* is it that who am to immediately, "FIRE" 8ji A Reeauae he need the Core that lay you, glorious already, HELM HO I. l)'S EXTRACT HVVHU, Fixture*. bo examined ami 10 thu wluter I| Extract of Buchu Window Shades and Looking repaired |>reviou* TNPt'llANCK walnut flrr ou all kind* of Insurable prujw •l"S p 52 u la Lho jLxnuueiA that Ulng made. Mill neck for new lame?" ho MtablUbed of I* yean, by Qlaaaea, Foathors, Mattrosaoa, lluraaus, NUN, A In tlie Stall*. In with iucccm in all of "Madame," upward* prepared Ooto. erty, In tlie aafcst ami beat ootn|«uil«i I* elrcn great Complaint* Clothoa No book* will bo out till the l»t of fc or Tablea, lledstearia, Chairs, given the "I I 2 i 0 Iw. tlio Organ*, whether new long (landing, Nine reason al- II. T. IIKL*HOLD, it it houed. tho may Urinary replied, "for the that you, lioraoa. Baby Carrinaos. Toilet bor, by which iliuo. Library ^ sr? ** DKCWUIMT, Waab Stands, Ac., Ac be examined, anu repluui»hed by the JETNA, HARTFORD, CONN., Sss a *E wM ? ^ so wear Haoks, repaired, Thla la the Hell that rlora away (•oiiorrlia-ii, (ilrrl, Wenkuea*, though beautiful,atill roupo." tM New York, and addition of now book*. (2,215,000. * H Broadway. which we offfer at the lowest caih pricos. Picture* Ca|4ul I M L To iroy»|)cp*le, Chronic WM. H. NOWELL. ALIIKKT I'KltKINH. MASS B!?l on It ia where a of tailors were scal- J. CIIADUOl'RN. 110LY0KR M. F. INH. CO., SALEM, uiatifin, Eruptions thenkln.and l>rop«y. couple young Itiddcfoid, Aug. -7, IW, 6*36 •*s 0 Net Available 1800,000. II who liad business. "FAMILY PHYSICIAN," Capital, * H J THE FEMALE'8 FRIEND. ed, just Itegun "Very cent* fient to b2 8arenty-*li page*; price il any N.H. In inoft all affection* to Female*, the I* re- UNION FIRE INS. CO., BANU0K, ME., Sg & CO., Proprietors, Pitermw, peculiar said one of them, "wo arc but new addr«M. No m«iHeed. ^OW KATAN IIAKKKTS. comprising— Hy J. M. fiOODWIN, h aton. Laueorrhif*. or White*, and all complaint* 1>K. M 8. tt Treutonl Htreet, ^ from India- tween u«.'' Addree*. HTC1I, tiiilint ami lUUn Clothe* llackoU. St Mf., office orer the IN at Office. nP> 9 Incidental to Uia mi. whether artalng r.MII.\MI CES. •• Mddefnrl, I Do* too. lyo NKW 101HCT. " Hg Habit* of or lu the Decline I IIukIioI rf a ©P cratlon, l)l»*ipatlun, Unco upon a time, it hsp|>cncd that a US Main Ht., llltldelord, Mtiim*. M II II 1 M l( 5§ p or Change oi Lite. For Pimple* on the Face, u»o HIIATTKRKO CONSTITUTIONS HfciTOKKl* a I* m m •• should huvo 90 the UUCIIU. married a who led him new in Everybody l>oor wight shrew, by lluuiaout** KxuAti llrcHV. A Enterprise lliddeford, sf- 3 which weoRur to tho IroWr at manufacturer*' price* A OOOD PI fS IT NF.TRR PAII.N. a life: she fell ill, the doctor was i» far to the weak tea* «1th which the piteous A 3L "cF It (Uperior CIIADIHWIIN NOWKLL, market I* flooded, called "Kitractof Duchu," hat called and the anxious, affectionate hus- IIAVni Patent Agency & Employment Office. b.' Main HI. in, ROYAL LOTTERY, Kl containing little or no virtue. Situations famished for young men anl women I Kind of hint how his dear *|touiie Clothes Basket, inquired OP OUBA. In all kinds of business, in city or country, at ihort BOSTON RETAIL Put tip in larger lUdilm, Htronger unit was ! (itlen shook his head, ami told him DHAWN UNi'K IN SKVKNTKKN HAYS. nolle*. Mala*or females wlshinf g"«d lucrative and tho placo to buy 1* at fk'ltur in and I., I'rlar ml IIIHMMHI etnploymeut, apply per- FURNITURE STORE. worst sakl * " *<>n or at our oflleo. Parties oilier no-called Kxtnict of llucliu. to prc|Nire for the "What," he, >11 iii111 by letter, wishing CUAUIIOUHN A NO WKLL'8, BOOT & SHOE any M M halp—men or w»ravn—fur any kind of employ- STORE, ••is she to over it?" to likely get " " IO.OOO ment. by applying to us, we will guarantee u No. 43 Main Street, Prirr, (lie Dollar Prr Ilotllr or llnlMo*. su»ply them at very short nolle*. fr»® of charir*. .N" o w Firm. in a Jtc. In Gold. IMim <*»»h«il and HAt'O, MAINE, A ipiaker gentleman, ruling carriage Ac, Prli«"« i'•«». At tli« Kr«iitrri|>l>x««iil practical 7 dl«ra»e«. I'm IIki uman's Kxruirr litem' aao f »r sale. AKTICLIM FOR AUKMRJ—a va- poslto, at No. Main Bt., (up stairs.) oRirud, thojr defy competition. as an a she exclaimed : larpo ICO Maii IlittnKPoiin, the Poat shawl light cobweb, Imi kovku Ko»k Wa»m. on hand and heinic received. We No. Nr., opponlto lt'or H»»le nety constantly Otlko. can l>« round Robbers ana Kvurywhprn. watnuit active uien from to $10 00 per always Boots, sboes, "What shall 1 do to get warm ?" "1 really good $i.UU Real IXalc. day In selling our goods. 8LIPPEK8, F. A. HAWLEY & CO., An Autumn STOCK OP FURNITURE! Stores and Store Lots, Llous«s and House don't know," the solemnly, Suggestion. A A FULL Soiling Atlanta, 13 Otla and 134 Arch Hta., Saleratus replied onI Manufiiolurera, principal it/lea Pyle's on !" heavy warrlilnx Patent and Employment Agents. From for salo low. Terms made satliOw- WW, "uulcss thee puts another breastpin ailolurd, i»ni| 111 wc bar* purchateU ftirCANll, we Is the Best In comni*r>c« to Mow bow. a* the liuuiau body, ex- wanted. lm3A roMi'UlKINU lory. Hy CIIARLBS IIAllDY, quality, Wholanla Oetlert In FUtNINllINU W. Acknowledged Use, N. 0. Agents constantly to Mtahlith a Office No. 8 Lincoln st. »hall hII L'llKAP, InU'ii'lini; rrpuU- •w All Irishman, llio other (by, coming to IuiiIkI llkt Inanimate nature t>y the heat* o Agent* for Tlymouth lluok 0lo*<»." 36 up in ltlddeford. Me., Fel». 21. 1867. 9 lon fur farnljhtng HKTTKU 0 OOIM f«»r the prtoe, Always put pouud packages, with a load of wood, saw n iiuuiir, k«(ln< to wilt awl droop now.rre the CHAMBER SETS, Washington DOWN ban any »tore In the cltlej oftUco or IlkMeford. FULL WEIGHT. IncUneat winter iuak«* It* try lug on»et i NOW U la Dlaek Walnut, Chaitnut, Oak and Plna. Nolicc. miliary officer followed at a rcspoctlUl dis- lUiuctnbor the place,— the time for a preparatory eonrtn of the t>e«t ac- Annual Heating of the freewill Haptlil tance in full FIRST CLASS FURNITURE Sold Grocers by two orderlies gallop. "By clluiatlng medicm** In exl*tence, EXTENSION AND CENTRE TABLES, No. U Main Strrrl, Ixlnmi, Saro. TlinForeign Illation Society will he li<>|n*» at Houth llrrvlck, the aniil he, "airen't GO In Mahogany, Walnut, Chaatnut, Ao.» an<1 at reasonable llaptl't power*," they caught HOSTKTTVRS STOM.irH ttlTTtlIS. Repairing done thoroughly on tlio nth tlay ufOatotwr n«*t, at II C1IADDOUHN * NOWKLLV, Toowlay. Extract Buchu ? 1 was hero about three woeka Willi *r wllkail Markla Tap. rate*. lotf BtJMBUY * 8ANUOUN. o*c|iur uoual arrangement*, by < unco to his lra, Itent and Hair Cloth, The lariat got up in call at Spring Welln.Hept. ». IW. 3*37 mi ArenL agent, fjf good style, with aoarrrrtirs Rirrr.ua assortment of MtufTixl furniture In York Co. which wa ara enabled to furniah paacangera goAd workmen who will get up the inside L'llAIUIOI'IIN A NOWKLL*S la IrreaieUble. It would >»e *.-»fe to make a on- THE PORTLAND DR. MILLER'S of a watch lor nhilliiijc*." That is Ilat-TrooH. What-Noin, 12 83 Main Rtroet. TIIKOOMII TICKET* eigtiu*«ii I net. M^er heavy penalllee. thai any *»*•« "IV *h»wld be fh>m nothing compared to London,'' his ver-and-Ague IHatrlct" exempted IJuroaus, Sinkn to all Weit aneen an ln*taaoo In whleh thl* LESS THAN BOSTON OR PORTLAND hu proved Infallible for llarni, Proten l.lmU, and anti-W'hrile medicine haa Wood Chairs. liruixta. Woaada of all kind*. Peine la Adtlrsss a to the of •terllag lirlftrtnl Cane anil IT Mpraina. by priest Legislature Called to ward off the <*>«aplelnt, when taken duly Information cbaarlally given. U>e tilde, lUck or Mliualdere. Chilblalna. CliapiH«I oommon Gilt Band Portland Kerowne Oil, a* a protection a.-alu«t imlarla. lloodred 1 of French, cottage, and Curtains, Ifandi. HIl#T Neek, Ague la the Ke<*e or Hreaet.lUr Connecticut: aireduoed at G. A. CARTER, Agent, phy ticiaa* have abandoned nil the official *peel- prices, From Jtlbert Coal Excluiirtly. Arhe, DmAini, PolwalDK, Krye'|>elai. and Inflam- an* now tbl* bariuleaa aboul In r»m»T* to a mora ooaiaiodlooi E A. D SI mation of Uie Kvee For Hheuiaatlara It I* aot * For ccT-tmg all coirficr-'ions framed, few prescribe vegetable BEDST ClIAUIWUHN * NOWKLLY, Kxprrw and Telegraph I tonte.na* notMn* elae. a* * and cure ballsing on Alfrod iiroot. 1 now offer, for % tow Tin of a of Inferior eertala cure, rt handrrdi hart been relieved preventive BKINU Traarflf Hrda, Crib* aatl Craillaa. 16 S3 Main umc«, Baoo. ( l9tT prtraUne* larg® quantity j by Coit!iKCT>i*ctrr is fairly named! for all the form* of chill and fever. Vigor la the ■ttU ami daneeroui olla in the market. at a eheap It wbea other remedlee had failed. thine moet needful lu theee win, a* well M la price—many of which are little belter than Nai>- At m Initmai vbin UkM la NUnn, I twain cokrbct in one, but you MIRRORS ! th« eii'tenea of frl»e In djipepalanad la nervova alloc lion*, and AX MY OT-D tha lt»«lf—end rrtmrU It will ear* luileinniatlon of the Uowele f>yeeo- 8TAND, NO TICK! RECEIVED! tha KKIUWF.NK OIL. ren- tliose whom I tomtiCT in two. of all riaaa and ~~j UST rticard to PORTLAND tery. Kidney Complaint, and Cholera Morbaa. Cpt HOSTLTTIRS BITTER* prtoea, a* wall u A Ana lot of der It a matter of Ja»tl«e lo nuraelree. It will alto cure Dlpiherle. dry Cue jh end Attic and The LAiUlEST and I1K8T 8FLECTED assortment to that aome nolle* »lioul4 I* Each Legislature seem* to say— are the *»JM. ewreet. and iuo*t wholenome and Ouried Hair, Hoak, Excoliior, rafrty ooonimer*, ma. of Ladles' and U«at,'s J.C.AIKRN *. CO.'* CELEBRATED taken of thee* fkeU Therefore, we again preaent Thle modlclne le la llriHimiX prvporaton that human Ulll haa purely vegetable IUeoai|>o- What con.fBCT>i-ctrr NO. 89 MAIN STREET, MIXED an i*4 woald Mil attention to Uia Ita and you away. eoneeeted. 37 idrfrilM'tiiefll, •Itloa, toothing aad beallag 1a ladaeaee, yet (SeplJ of our Ue Are teat of la aafe- hlrh itamlanl Oil. whMi may begiven toaay age or eei with perfeel The little w MaUrcsses and Beds! 135 degree* Fahrenheit,and often rrachee eon- It bti been before the during the N«t following ingenious enigma IlKLMDOLlv* KXTHACT DUC1IN and In- Spring GOLD ft SILVER WATCHES, Gold Pens! ty. pablle *toek of •Iderahly hlichar I al»«>. we would aay, that wa are nlae and hae wrought eoaie of the meet ao. inscribed under the in the r*ovi» Rom Waaa enrea eeevet ami delicate die- my proooot largo Lira Oeeoe aad Common FOR ONK yeare, commandments, WARRAMTKD TEAR, detenu lord to maintain IU luuj c.'UUIItliod rtpu earee. The challenge# the order* la all their (tagee, at little eipeaaa, little toolaLias proprietor tall on. world t<»* lt« aapenor ae a remerfyPor chancel of an old church in •r no change In diet, no tnooavealewee and no ex- OlooUs, j>ro.iu<«« England: 1 AT— It la in taar* Ml* by all Dragftet*. peewrw. pleaaaat and odor. UnmedU Portland Koroseno Oil Comp'y. HprlngSeld,?■}! k*' Mm. PMVRTPRrCTMNVTtKPTIBPRCFTSTN. at* la II* nation, and tree from all I and Craatan Proprietor, Injnrlva* prop, •111, aielsaapa. Papar Fort laud, Ue, 4Ui, IM7. Penti Barnee A CV.*I Row. Wow Yark. ertlea. uk l H. K. TWAMBLXY'B, Aug. lyrM The key consists in the mental insertion J will aiM eapply the trade at LUt Prteee. yeelt STOVE AND TIN WARE Window Stales and Futures. J3SHTE3E»ET, No.» Faatofjr lalaad, Bmo. Iyl7 of tho vowel E, when the whole may be nEirrrn Mala aad Braabea la In i»rLiAiiLin~ciiRArEiiTn In rwlat/. SILVER i PLATED Bankruptcy. Par Iin M Cm, read thus: Bankruptcy. WARES. Orrica or trb C «. Mahmml» Doa*r |1. «rm U.S. Omca Miiuii) AT In this can bt fbrad at Mmsts. VALUABLE RESIDENCE IN 3AC0 At Mfwrnpr, > Perec vera jr® men J A* REDUCED PRICES. vMatty, perfect llHMiirr, J Framed to FOR 8AT.T1 Poarnea. firpt l», Itetf. \ l»T. Picture* _ VooderM Hair Berlrer r^BTLAH*. Aag. J Order, om Baa ah Thu I« to Dot lea That mi the Unth day Kinesley's Cnr keep theao precepts ten. dralraale w Tba Mbnrtbar olfcra bla Property tfre CIIANUB UHAT IIA1R. Pviilea IK fnetk. Pre- ThliU la aajr aqrla. * a W*rnot Id llaak> toglTtnoUM Tkat aa Um lw»nljr«l jhtb TWAMBLEY CLEAVES, fflw'tract, Bmo, fbr aala at a rara bargain. Tba of September. A 1) l^, rn>M Hi UlUaf. Krrpe It OHtM. Be Mfe a*4 try H. A. D. a Warrant In CkH ud mo baftro yna bar. u I tldi to ntal* r«ut« of I'.'■tatter vh a clever of the ar- day ofAipit, 1*7. Baakrapl- nrtrti •( a naw twa itory haw, m ImuoI againit tl>e It thing Englwh ■V Moak Mbn h4 will tfcr DR> MAIN ril WiMrty JJpU/ State of A rtw HOMI NtCOMMINOATIONt. •r «ti iMMd »cala«t tb« Hltlt «f LatbarS. M«a*a. aovtag. jth ISO BTREBT, aad blinded, anil flnlihed throughuat tba < r«io ui 8eeo, la the County «.f Vork iiul DAIU1AINH UlM Ml bo obtaiaod & WILLOW painted oe hit tea who 1 In TtH « 1 a rm e# *■ laMlMe lat-»Tiar my oAoer tUmI the London •f —t«k. Um Cwanljr of York and SUM M poaaibljr WOOD WARE, Dlddelord. ■oat Mhatantlal aM mad era at*la. atablee Malnt. PrapMM Pay Zoologi- olaowbor*. lh»» thto ktiibmI to (Crystal Arsadel. baring Jm.u ud I lb* ll&lr *■ «f teaieed Mataa. wba baa twaa adja/gad a Baaknat,a*Jkia QTRoMbw Aad all gnode required In hnasa furnishing. Our u4 ont-balldiaga ooawalaaUj awnneetad ibara- own Petition | thai th« |>tratil of •«/ Itnliw fine eweeceiwa yeatk, cal Canlena the other and of iho euftl of to aad at *a«h bank- aad leerta It aad day, leaning on Mill— i that Um paviaaat of tty dt' u and pirpooo mtid( moTlnx ar< exclusively for eash. lb* of I wltb. Thara ara alaa nine aeraa ot land aadar ax* of any Ulrmjln; to WaWiy eeH> goods bought N. 1L—All kinds One Wateb and Jewelry dellrerj- property of be— daUvary dur prwMrijr U> aaab Duk- MatlM of la tavlUdInvltad to the <1y M« for t>i«• ef boat DR. BURLEIGH llankrnpter. " their till bo had drawn them all country. on the ointh day fcflma koMra hair-pin* lMilMbT. to ba bol.Ua at l*ortlaa4, bafbra Jaiae* I), peeeendea. lUflitrr, lUIr Medicine Tba aala raaaoa for Um mhaarlbart daalra to Mil A. at a & Meee. course waa Jaaai D. TtonailM. RagUtor. aa tba alatb TPRIVRII A PA RHOMB, Cough of A. I>. IK.;, at ten e'eloek M., IHpaeed by KMUtUnr, N-etfwiartna, out! 01 there great tribulation dajr "WBteafcsws sswssrtti U atakneea la lila Ta a gentleman who da. October, I Prtee >*»• toa uXlMk A. M-, at at all Hindi oh bo obulMiI a* aa ball/. Kuban (treat. Md by nnaka and MartoKi. eariy M eaala. i* plotaraa aboap Main SUN ba had only at DltftTBVENS IMNV.N lira* to purchaaa a raaldaaaa uf the a bore daaorlp- hla office, M re on Imru their Mat*, their wa bia oSaa, J» t»tr*at il may la bl.l.l»n»nl or hm^ and wairaatod 160 St., CHARLK8 CLARK. oro. c. oooDwm * * cctlw * oo. when, rieing Inkiip plooo \J Mala lUMt, lilddaford. MT tbla la a rara oa, utn, la ba bottor. No. Ul Mala Btrool Uoa, opaortaaltjr. Marshal a* M imager, CIIAKLKt at U. 8, Mm W bataaab> Beatoa » tor off! It imid tbo Indie* CLARK. Old aland of Ooodwin * Turner. * JIl JORDAN,4* Reach KM, fall* tumltlcd P.I Marshal a* 3w» IMat. 01 Maine. Maaai jy Waddlnj CaxtH pf laUd al thU OBm. baco, Aug 33,1*67. 3ttf called the captain a •"brute." >•* iMai. ot ktalaa 0" Haa4 bill* prtatod at Uto oBoa. auvaaa u. raaaaa. (KIT) jab. « raaeaae. Union and Journal Supplement NOW READY! The Trial of Jane M. Swett Of Kennebunk, Me., FOR THE MURDER OF IIER HUSBAND, Charles M, 8wett» BY POISONING,

Containing a full report of all the Testimony, Argument* of both counsel, Charge to the Jury, Remarks of counsel on claim for mitigation of Bcntcncc, and the Sentence.

Reported for the Union and Journal by the Editor, J. E. Butler, Att'y at Law,

12 mo. Prico in paper corcm, 50 ocnt*; nhocp, 82,00.

Sent free on receipt of price. A liberal dinoount made to tho trade.

As showing the great importance of a report of a capital trial whero tho death was produced by poixon, wo give below an extract from tho Preface to the work:

For the flr»t time In the hlator.v of York county, llacltliena. and the public generally, have before thein a verbatim report ol the evidence. argument* of council, ami charge of the Judge prodding. In .1. II.. Tl.a I.I. 11. <

.... iK(Clor anu nil wne nan n... i»gewier on k.m«i lernia lor *«*«rai year*., nut when (be «U , i,h I,.vtn.r mriamwed the whole community wan alitrtled ami ahocked ehi^r^^--Vi^2» .r^|M«n^rirrni«l the H J. tVurt. Mr* Nwett'a trial did not Uke until Kaeo An the place til" January term, «t time for her trial drew near, the Interest became more and more Kwett end wife Intern*—l>r having l>een widely known-and many were the rumor* afloat aa to the portion the delen»e would Uke, *ince Mra. Nwett had from the first declared her Innocence. One cirouuuUnoe oonapired to strengthen the extraordinary In the mm felt hv the puhlle, and U> give It nu the meaniInterest hel|»ed prominence—thai pol«in of the victim I death,—a weapon tnlml which all are ao utterly dibimltN This inethtxl or Nil ... .. causing death aeuinud alwavs to have been a favorite one in the frmalo mind. It wa. eitennlvely uh

ealnily Image. And It Is to •»> reared that the art of act* and falsely labeling pernielou* and even *ul>«tancea with *alntly did not die deadly Hut the pretention*, with her wheu *he wa* art wa* not eunflned to In 1670, Prance strangled. that it wa* Italy. liecaine greatly exalted practiced by the Miirehlon<-sa de upon the dlseovery eoned her lather tirlnvilllar. a young and Iwautiftol ami brother, and eaallng aaide the female, who poU of a uian. ami dlstrllmtwl I.mmI allurementa of a«*umed the to the poor ami inwIloiaM to the wealthy life, garb Inmate* of whoui tiuraed, (olely to beeome proficient In the art or hospitals the also 8be wa« beheaded. and vet secretly taking life, and she the practice did not eeaae In abundantly aucceeded. was either high or low Ufa. At la*t a organired, called the Chaiubre de to fpeclal oourt poi*on, and nunlah oxtenaive female traillckers. were especially apprehend polsoucra. Two further apprehended and burned alive. Without case*, a later period be named. being tedlou* by oiling thl* may Taylor in hi* Medical XlXth century, from return* Jurlaprudenee ttate* that In ParliamenUry It appaara that In one there were twelve hundred and thirteen year. In Oreat trial* involving murder and Hritaln, trated or attempted, from and manalaughter either polaonlng wound* alone. In two year* perpe- forty one death* from in there were flve hundred and polaou Kugland and Wale* alone, and thl* 1* aonlnr not followed by death. exclusive of attempt* at pol* In theae more modern day*, however, thl* method ol murder I* comparatively at developement* are. And aoclety may congratulate raret leaat lie human Me I* lt*elf that thl* to the cloalng up by that wlthiu ua approach taking of *o quality all, which *o abhors crime revolting. greatly tho eomuilulon of a Conildering the mean* whleh the by prl*oner eneomDa**ed the life of her wondered that Inten** interest wa* manifested huahand, It I* net to bo in thl* trial. Hhe wa* not nnutually Intelligent and men only fortunate in tho upright drawn upon the jury, but lu the who were aadgned her by Uie Court. selection of her counsel, watched the Throughout the trial aha manifested much movement* o f her couatel at time* concern, and tenance would closely, being aflecUd to and brighten whenever she thought she had tears, agaiu her coun- fbr the government. The discovered discrepancies in the arguments,both of Mr. Hubbard and Mr testimony upon their abilities. are tioddard, reflect great oredit They iihonograpblcally reported In full, and exercised to render the the greateat oare ha* been report of the whole trial accurate and reliable. DlOOBPoRD, 18(7. Knirna

C7" All ordors should bo addrasod to the Publishers, BUTLER & PLACE, BIDDEFOKD, MB. WILL RE FORFEITED BY DR. Tbl« Medallion li embedded in every Genuine DIX. If hlllnc locvrrtolfM time ihM any «thrr, m«rr rff.xrtually tad f—II ■!!/, wKb rMfrtitrt freat ux-ui>Htiuu uj fmr of ojwure to all mhi, *lt> wit tod |ilfw««nt ntrdldiK*. ^kl.i-JUIUUi MtU SOLITARY U AM ITS,. Their«flW-U and coo»w|i*n<*«, SOCIAL AILMENTS 'JWD StTTATK>ySf | Incident to Marflol and Sin|§r |*».liVj., ] SECRET AM) DELICATE DISORDERS \ Mercurial Aflvrti»na s .ju*l »U Hiw-Mes of th« Kkinl lTc»r» ot thr Naae, Throat ftnl i««ljr | on t».e*li<-«| BwtlUofl f Um JuIiiU| Xarvi«i*n>4ft Om»U- tuUutal and t4hir W«tk»n>« la Yoath, an4 U* •<*• a.l«MK«d. al»llar».Qf '« ... DOTH SEXES, tlltQlA OR MARRIED• THE HOWE SEWING ML MM MACHINES, 000 BROADWAY, N. Y. PRIVATE MEDICAL OFFICES, • 81 KmiIIcoH llan Nlrffti on, Mnm>, FOR FAMILIES AM) an- warrant"! tliat i*llent* aavrr tm «r b>vrwli «tfc< r MA.UFA CITHERS. K«v. fr*t, th* o*L»tTitmw» t« bl« < tRct l« Na. 21, Ua»» IniiiO C"i*im U|>l|inK at liia ..ftkva. I'll MX to/if/y »Mrrft (anil U iannAt t>r nontrulktnl. rtoriit by who will or Quark*, n |«tWnt>) that he HEWING MACHINES IS THI ONLY MorLA* UUITiTI MYRRH* itlYUTialNfc l* immto*. Iftrt awirttrj tkr kiijknl premium at tkr H'orlJ't SIXTLKX YL.tkS fair in Isimlon, anil hi flitl prrminmi at Ik* A>u> York Stair fair of InV,, u«J niaitrd In treatment of Speetal M»-we«, a fcct to well ktw«n to inaujr Clliiuif, ISilliibtrt. Men-lianta, l|ot#l Are oelehrated for doluif the ba»t work, unlnjc a IV (•> m ti»r«, ft p., that he U much rmminnMlnl, and p*r- much *maller needle ftirThe «ame threan thanany Urubuly to other machine, mi.) tiy the lntro<1ucllon of the STRAXdl'RS AX I) TRAVELLERS. iiiott approved machinery, we are now ahle tu iup- ply the very he*t machine* In the world. To avikl »oil nc«|* Iin|»»itioii of Ki^rrirn ami Native QuvLi, mart MiiMtroM* in lk»tuu titan uUht Urf • dike, Tkrtr markimr* arr mad* at our nrir iparinu* Fat- • PR. PIX lory, nt Hrldqrpart, Conn., undrr Ike imtnrle I'liyttdaiia— HOWE, Jr., Ik* urnjinul invtnlor of Ik* f>tu iwj Mn- nun} i< whi«n consult him In crlticil our*, lirrauae of hl« arknowMrnl •kill ami reputation, attained Ihrvufk to long e*|K*rtenre, pructftv anc««:tilativii», |*«nl*e« Mine*. I lame?** *, e>«dale*, l.lnnen Good*. ITml>rel- |*vtrl>»i ii« <4 la*. l'ara*o|», cte. They work equally wt-ll upo* VORMSM AH}i MATIfK (JllJCKM, — ■ ■•Ik. Hiimii. woolen and cotton U"<»l». with *llk, c<>lt<>n or linen thread. will why know lillk «i tin- naturv Biol charwdrr of J'lwcul 1>i«- They *cain, quilt, t>r»ld. hlml. and r0-rin njM, anil m* •• In lh»lr ur». N *** nlilhii |.irf«M rti. gather, hem, fell, eord, |><■ wf a Uautilul |i|miiikf >< liulilullcii*»f CVi )*,<«•», *||M'J| Iwlrr rtMnl In every *peeie* *ewin»c, making nu exIMt rfe< *tlt«h, article! tewed. how i-titalTM-tl, unknown | not only a*MUiilnir mnI nhrrliv. infl In launrw «f Ukmv ImctImI In lh« i|i|iltHnM, la Tkt Shirk invrnlfd *y 1IH. IIO WJC, and Ml* fUithtr tlwir bn|r«iiiuu umuhw ihuiw* of i*hrr iiwwt o*l<*> on Ikil Mackin*,i* Ik* mo»l popular anil Unroll*, braiml iJi^ioah* Umjr tlnre Nritlar I* (kvrirni by anil all Stwing Mutkim* art tubitcl to Ik* printifl* invtnliU QVACK NOSTRUM MAKERS, ky Ann. thtuigh frfU" orttllliMlca au>l rrfrrciaxa, AIM* irr<«wii<-ti>l SKNO FOR CIRCULAR. ation* "f iIh ir innlk-luc* by tkr 4tmt, who cannot fx|»wr or, contr.idict IIm-iu t or w lm, to furt) • llxlr iiii- The Howe !TInckin<* Co-. |>«iU"i>, cii|ijf frnn Mnllcal l»ilii much llial i« written ol |Ihs ou.t!ill« im«1 ilJvcln of illffcruil tier l» ami | Um., mxl CW I) road way, oor. Fourth 8t., N. V. 9 a*-ruIl. DOW continue* to he consulted at hit of f< r tutim.ailj lijunil lifc'. ftu< No*. 7 anil 9 Kndlcott Ktre Quick Dnrtor, knowtnjf no I gratlfloatlon pre**nW Ine the unfortunate with reincdle* that have never rther ivmerty, hr reliea ii|K>*i Mim-rnr, amt give* il |» xll Tailed tn cure the unit ca*e* of <;*nor> »ii« patlet.t« in pill., dn.|«i, *c., no llfu Nintnim Maker I alarming rkmn and Beneath hla treatment, tho tffiortuil, od.N to hit •■•eiilM extract., tperifl,- i SyfkilU all • horrors ol venereal and blood, J in ea- an«l.lc«e, Ae., hnth frtjltif U|«m Its eff.Tt» In enrlnr • few' Impure pot Scn.iula Oonorrhn-a, Ulcere, Pain or IMstrese In a hnmlrnl, K '» trumpeted in rxr|ou« inn tlarut I ey, tn the of (anamination of the III* Ian.! I hut, 1LU• nothing l« mM nf the NUxixv region* procreation, lVttl* Itlaililriand lla. cf Whom ill*, ether* j»mw w> *we, mi l an- HI (<, |mprr mrf Kidney*, Hydrocele, Abscesses, mors, and the train •ulfcr f'-r iifNith* or ynurn, until rrllrrnf «r «trwl, If !«»- KrluMful Nwrlllnics, Ionic of clam by |»hjticUn«. horrible symptoms attendlnethl* of itlseaae, HWf, aro made to beeorae a* harmless at the WHOUAxt simplest BUi' ALL L ACKS AUC HOT mention siren to are known to mi* ti^rTefu.fnfW'l^X^j'" N"t*lttiMaiw1liu' IM lor«irntn« tacta to remain un ot the forms and state*. Patient* who wish Uwtura ainl Nialrvm Maker*, yet, r»T*nlk»* or week*, will Quack who der I>r. Dow'* treatment a Tew day* In »lili of othm, Umt* ace thow anwn* them life anil he turnlelo'd with pleaaant room*, and charge* for wilt m»prrj'ir* thowiatlTia. cnlrnlNllnr (li tnpr mercury la thair matrum*, hoard moderate. t» their )«tktiU«* thai it to contained with II* P H Ladle* Mho are trouhled anydUeaM »• "n-ual M" hmt •» "Mainnl pro»* willy that tlie to their svstsiu, will ffhd relief by ilollat" i* "frurtl.n of It" May he "Malmd tiecullar speedy curing, of •Hht at 9 hmlloott are deceived aim, calling on DR. DOW, hUofflce, >|o. for the nostrum. It U thus that inany with ■treat and usekealy •prial larye aiominU for experiment* quackery. I DH. IlIXV HIGHLY IMPORTANT rtiaiye* are rrry mftrternte. CnmnilejUm aacrrdly IN UKLIPATB HEALTH*' on him with the »trlcte*t con- TO FKHJIJM eoMONittat «t»l »tt mny rrly and Sursoon, No. 7 A 9 Kn» whaterrr the cnnjl- DR. DOW; Phyelclan tMencr anil rrrrcy, may t* disrate, It comulted tor all dlt- or dlcott Street, Boston, dally lion «r titration "f any one, mnrri«t tingle ftmale Prolauiul to Alt of the ease* Incident to the *y*tem. Mfrtk-lm * «rnt hy Mall ant Kxprn* part* Uteri, or falling of the Wotnb. Kluor Albui. Sup- DillaljltoMi and other luenttnial art All letter* requiring wWler mutt contain one itollar to predion, derangement*, now treated upon new pathological principle, and Insure an amwer. rellet cuaranteed In a very few day*. So Pa. I»t*, No, 21 Kmtlpntt fltreet, IWim, Mass. speedy AiMrea* Invariably certain I* the new mode of treatment, under It. and The celebrated I'll. HIT |*r.1 that mo*t obstinate complaint* yield TIIK I'ADIRfl, toon In health. Inrltea all Uilleg who n^ed a Mrdicat or Svr- the afflicted person rejoice* perfect TOMeularly Dr. Dow ha* no doubt had greater In utenf nlvlx t« mil at hl< p»m«, No. Kmlkntt Rrwt, experience r, the cure of disease* of women and children, than which will And araugnl for their »|*« Ikiaton. Mix., they other In Boiton, and has, >mc« Ul ftrmnuti' Oat l«n. any phrtlclan lit.*,, confined nl* whole attention to the cure of DR. DIX, hating dtroted iw twenty jr«*r« to thl» par- to disease* and FemalaComplaint*. ticnlur brunch of the treatment of all ilitca*es peculiar private N. B—All letter* mutt contain four rod tUmpi it l« now o.iwOM by nil (hnth In thl« country and Mole*, In or will not he antwered. In tlutt he excel* all other known praetltlnnera they Kuri'i*-) cwiw Office honrt Irom 8 a. m. to9 r. M, Ule Mk>, »p»eeul of all friuale plaiiita. l4 Ilka madid net are pr> |*rrO with the B|W pnrpnM all unnatu- "Certain Cnre in Canes, removing all »uch a< deMlitjr, weakneaa, ral WMfXliiw, rnlariretneiiU of the w«nb, klao, all ilia- Or No Chnnre Made. »Ute of the MoO. Tlw an eturyr* which flow fn«n a mortml Tho»« who need the »er»lcei or experienced Do tor l« now fully i«rei»rwl to treat in hia iwculiar »tvl«, «r eergeen In all difficult and chronlo fe«aJa huih m-lK-mlh «m1 Mrfrtrai^L all 4lkMn <4 Ue of every name and nature, thould gl»« at W •ei, ami they v* reaiwetAOly mrtMd toAII him fce»II. l>r Dow hat lor ule a new ar- X«. 21 Kadlratt Ntrccl, BmI«i. P. 8. Import*and the French Bee ret. Order br mall, fof dollar to ticle called All M*«r« reUmp. luar« an ancwcr.