The Union and Journal: Vol. 23, No. 39
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«. I. #/ ut » < .Timt It. f >It M. BE TEUE, AND TAITHVITL, AND VALIANT FOB THH PUBLIC LIBERTIES. iff il> 1867. NUMBER 39. VOLUME XXni. BIDDEFORD, ME., FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 20, Horth I leon kiinwir back from the Elbe to Richmond. **But oh, dear, I can't blame But hearing nothing, »ho dared to creep About Monument*, and who in the foogbt .Vfir JtdveriiaememtM, Probate JTotices. don't need them. the Seine, and ao to Kibe and Sc Helena, cilmtm anb jou. 1 ran away with your papa you up to her husband timidly. either of Um wtotw mi "it's «o because be "could not sit on a dishonored |<rarnal mo all immm iifUd ia fwtog. know, and my parents objected because of "You know, Charles," she id, The N. Y. alluding to Um rVM muaw IfMI tllMI ——i BV iVolice. EvenbffPojl 1 hereinafter aaaed) throne." Ilia nee—or follow lit* ex- of Probata held it Llnterlek, THE rOOTBTEPir OT DKOA.T. hia 1 feel the and I Vo!ck to raise may WOTICI te kirtkf (Ina ik*i, whirm. my wifa, At a Ooart poverty. greatest sympathy long ago since, thought you might failure of the Chicago Artist within and for the eouoty of York, on the Ortt rather than its lesson.—Mis & 11 Pb«b« T. Ntibwri, to* UA my M ud board th* not fall in ample profit by BUTLER PLACE. In iba yew ot Mr Lord following, from the Spanlah, la on* of for you, and Frederick has such fine eyes, exactly remember—how you (inula for a bronze statu* of the reb- without my •uiMti.mi without Mr prv»«mtloo, Tueeday ofSepteiaber, eljhu [Tb« casting ami tko follow Ml York Tnbvne. AT MI. I <lo hereby txbM kll WNH (nulla* tor 01 W mm baadwd amy him, lag moei itornly attractlr* poem I In any and is so 1 wish 1 could soften love with me st find night, how papa and el General Stonewall Jackson, a model of BIDDCFORD. to# Unba>ta(b««g lor the notion Ibereup pleasing. UMonl. m I (halt payW nv d«bU «W preeouted to th* hnman aoal BORA. no kerelaaftar Indicated, It te Ordered, It poHMN pHt power coiapol mamma ; and how at last wo ran discusses rr.m Ihl.rt.U p. W. WAN hereby your papa." objected which bo has completed, gener- A fond hcanl his and «f ir «tuta Ik. M That aotloo thereof be gtreo to all pereoat In- to and Kiletno reflection.) '• parent daughter Tmi; »nw I^i4 r~- toee. Mmy I.1*7. deep aeon me tltat terested, by oautlnc a of this order to be Wbau tie has the letters there'll be away together ; and it seemed Jto the of monuments to distill- Wa to eopy ally subject bar an TIm next IIUMdi Mtki wtu ml a cvpj MM jmar the Unofl 0! lot the aonl Ita ilnmbort bmk- fellow plan eloprment. pnblUhed three veeka aaooeeetrelr in no I'm much sobbed if we could all Iwck to • club vt In mw Mid Joi t In In aenaea hope, very afraid," hring*it plainly you and civilian! both rebel •11/ |«hm Pttl^ u|> ••banttm, I RARE CHANCE FOR BUSINESS. and eeiL, paper pohllthed BIJdefbrd. Arooa* lta and awake guished generals day the old man waited upon the young >On Mid eoaoty, ud la the Heine IXawmUa paper Lucilla. "Fred is so and M it wan wo let Lucilla a.«lui« I10.M In adrauaa. DaUvarai *4 aajr |«ak KTUNNON To aee bow aooa romantic, papa then, might marry and Union, and coucludes its article with addressed him thus! » «uwk of 8mo. In mM county, that they niav one end <1 • bit bwlB«^ul y«an »Uadlag),bl» pttblltbedIn la ika Cuaatj b\m y—H* ST. at a Probate Court to be held at Al- Uft, In Ita jtlonei, glldea »**/. hates roiuanco." tho man she likes, who is if he is not tho allusion to the CARPRTINW) appear good following complimcntaty "You are a fine brave and 1 don't FFRMITl'ltK, fred, in Mid e«aotr,on the Brtt Tueeda>ln Octo- And Um atom of deoay youth, footatapa used to ho himself in : PATE* HANOimi*. Aim a Imn of Um ber at u>n or the clock In the and Mllo very romantic rich." leaden of the a »od sett. forenoon, C«m on. Northern Democracy to for • son-in-law. Here's RATES OF ADVERTISING, •u»re he auw caute. aUaling objcct yoo oocuplee. be board thereon. and obieot. If they eee those old times," said Mrs. Richmond' "I did not nerd to have it back But while and rebels aliko are VrMa akkk Um till kt w ilwlillw la amt a iw. 9wan brought patriot! to in an h*»>p« If11JJ AM FHiLUrS, tela <d Rm, ArceaMd. WIU wo Um rolling tide, hundred aid elopement Msy you And while rlaw me. have ft* Probate widow of aaid da. "Such tut tent as ho wrote I tboni any to myself; women have more thus there is prtaeoted by Mary fbllbpe. wblah oar ninit** plniner receiving mortuary honor*, Hre in the same house, and may no ■ Down flowlnc gild* happily Ml- 4. • I 1«| j* I »*l! wltaa l» M !• IJ yy. In desk lie said he should dia if I time to know. And we wboee ao Out, In my yet. remeinlKsr, you another aet of men in tbie country shade on »» Bankruptcy. ITtLLtJtt Ctrm, late «***•», dwamt WIU Away accident occur to throw tbe least 1 lurk l.M 1»' tN 1W IHrmKT or Mawb.m. ) we not l.»| 4JJI neeeMed toe prebate by tbnbi B. Cot» and Oeorfe A. Lot aa Um present boar employ, refused him." bavo lircn very happy—have ?'* deeds will not bo eomemorated either 2.*. tM un At Mmo, tto MTrnth day of tferUator.V by the sunshine of life. All I request is, lm\tm mj!-£I}HJi!S£*40 1100 J4.00 ibe aaeeature therein nenial futore a your 3 la. im i.W 100 1M A. D lt*F. } ktavry, And doom each year joy "So docs said Lucilla. And Mr. Richmond could not or The the «lo»ii.w Fred," certainly North South. Vallandighama, ' a * n. iw iw to* *•:*« Tto kiMm «f hie ap- tete ef Inetit. WiD thai you with my daughter—ehe's *« *0 00 undcrMfued hereby gliree ttOHERT JAMEMOX, Been, Already poet. elope 4.W M0 TM I4U0IVW pointment m of U. WhiU of video ef aakl "And that life would bo useless without that So Lucilla, feeling that Iter in* the the Pierces, the aaalfnee BaaMir. prcemted Cur pruhete hy ljr«Ue JaiiHtuo, deny Seymours, Buchanans, fine you know, but aomehow Dtddeftird, la tto of York »«4 BUU of Ltt ao nli dooelre the mind, mighty girl, hop* mo; nnd about my being beautiful (ho terests might wifely he left, in her mother's tho men who throughout the Malt*. within raid district. Wto hu been *IJedfed Ind Pendletons, her mother and I could never travel smooth* is j late «# deecatcd. No bappter lot aa bop* to | | | SS,SSj£S • bankrupt u|mib hU own petition. by lb* IMatrlot SIMEOX rr*OUT, Lbalnjtoo. so, I'm sura h« ought nut of tho room and heard thoir own selfish the «*- thought you know.) keeping, slipped only Court of Mid dlrtriot. WtH pietmcd tor prubato by Uooarl J. Strvat, Tomorrow than to-day | long struggle sought ly with her; we don't know ber good fauNlafca* wok) la tvatra K*m atf 3mM JOUN ware a said Mrs. Rich- the result of the little n»e next morning. who us, tried to TV M|aaM (aw g. 8CAMM0N, AmIri**. Our golden dreamt of yore bright, to sym|>aihi/o little," advantage ; living amongst with ber lo such a distance ljv«> Adi'iiiliM lali mi* laka Ika raa points; dope n-fipartil(ika> late nf deemed. Will pr*>- th* ahall was favorable to tho who our •4 iw- f * Um SrM fcv varki aUajr* apyaartag a* JOHlf YORK, Ncwfleld. Like them present delight— mond. It young teacher, distract our councils, to divide people, |«i»r, f» Ibe aterelrti tbrrrin that she won't return to her fslher aMbai, |lwn Mated imitate by Barak fork, Like them loving llflUM paca. tf %"kl pMriMl1 In deeay. she dared not that be had lieen sentimental, and not to our conflJenco in ultimste victo- anrfM tKM kiikl, wtH ha HUrH M IM M. aj- 33njikruptcy. ■acted. r. Rut promiso really only destroy snd more. Uwn or U. Ilk. Mammal) mother sny Good-bye, sonny, •ll(l-<n.d ta laa Ikaa lh«aa Mm tt frt caat. iImk SARAH At'STlX, tele <4 to-utb Berwick. dmwl. Urea like battening utreami mnit be, so far as and in duo wo A* JlNMI.-tt, > Oar would. gono half elopement; ry ; from whom, in the hour of defeat, tkm T»i iklrti Mm i> m aataa atu ba i>m| nl IVUlkm fur admlnlatratt«u to AlUrt 0. Iluttry, ifrcntnl and may be I'nwt. " Po«TbA«n. lit, l**7. y one a*a you hsppy." a. B^pl. That Into engulfing with fur xi"Tl» MrnM warka* "a. w hy lluMah A. Dulkff. Shu coaxed her darling to stop crying, course of time, tho two wore married heard only M1 told you so," and whom Un- Thin l« to iIt« *«lk« Ttot on tto tenth iter of Are doomed to fall— There was an elopement that evening, of ) tt/lf ali»rtiwMt»l« an ya»a*«r fMflrrli Iran- J».