May 26, 2015 NeedPAGE A1 Cash? Turn unwanted household items into money! Call Fountain City Auction at (865)604-3468 for all of your auction needs. FREETake One! May 26, 2015 Robust Discussion at Joint Commission/School Board Meeting By Sally Absher
[email protected] two hour meeting. think… If we can’t reach some Board and commission mem- middle ground or make some The annual joint meeting bers and Dr. McIntyre were adjustments, then the board is between the Knox County Com- interspersed around a large going to have to go back and mission and the Knox County U-shaped table. Oddly, there make some serious adjust- Board of Education took place was not a seat at the table ments.” last Thursday at the East Ten- for Mayor Tim Burchett, who “Revenue projections are nessee History Center. The topic attended the meeting along with what they are,” Anders replied. was Mayor Burchett’s recom- County Finance Director Chris “During your budget process, mended $435M funding for the Caldwell. we talk about the needs and schools, about $6.5M less than Commission Chair Brad the wants and the desires, but the BOE-approved budget for FY Anders said his desire for the there was never anything dis- 2015-2016. Three new schools meeting was to “lay everything cussed in your board meetings requested by the BOE were also on the table and talk it out.” BOE about what was the projected PHOTO BY DAN ANDREWS. not in the mayor’s budget. Chair Mike McMillan said, “It’s revenue.