afggii 1

lo EVENING EEDGEK-PHIL'EEP- Hffi SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, TDT WHAT EVERY WOMAN WANTS TO KNOW-THI-NGS THAT INTEREST MAID AND MATRON ELLEA ADAIR'S ADVENTURES HOUSEWIFE AND PLAIN GIRL VS. PRETTY GIRL ;i , HER MARKETING She Has One Great Experience, and With It Ends The season of plenty Is bringing many Which Is the More Successful On Going Out lniA new arrivals In the vegetable world. The the Telling of the 'Vale. market show: the Business World? Large Casaba melons at 60d a break- fast luxury, J r XXX. to play. The air was called "Because It's Where Ihc mere man Is concerned, nnd Ihnt I havo elopped that, they sn(j iif special delivery letters that throw hirl Upon the vital episodes of life one finds You." Why had ho chosen such an air Srnftll bunches whllo Waldorf moro particularly the hufllness man, a of fresh joy Into such a flutter thnt she can scareeM It rather difficult to write. Yet happi- today? Its very sweetness filled the shad- celery at I5c. thing of beauty may not always be a work nt all I No, the next atenogranhnr.f 11. 111 1 ,.," ness has come lo me at last, and a great owy room with pain. forever! inI. i, no u,,,!l.. .in, l.,..- - ..1l.. g 0""5g ,, my word," cried the harassed I have quite decided on Joy that I have never known before. 1 must have sat there In the firelight, Mushrooms, varying According to size, "Upon that!" " young sales-manag- In n large ofllcc, tho There did seem somo ground n 1 30c. 60c. for Is very Lite, but must write tense nnd silent, until Mr. Dennlsion from to : The hour other day, "theso pretty girl stenograph- noynnce In this particular case, Yet the the happening of this day and tell tho spoke once again. What could he mean, ers will be the death of me yet. we reverse side of tho picture Is frenurmii. Large pears 20c, .tale now changed my life. The what was he saying to me? Why was Avocado for salad at have two up here, nnd between them I seen. Tho nVerngo man, being mcreli that has Is Miss Brown, and a suffocating feeling in apiece. shall soon bo ciazy! There human and not of tho nngels, docs in. future has become an El Dorado there this strange good-lookin- g girl, for Instance a Very cllno to bo attracted by n awect atiti die and my well! happy land where heartaches throat? 25c. Phe knows the fact only too pretty fneo. It is Infinitely plcasanter Romalne salad Is three for but r, dreams come true "I came tonight because I collld not Sho has a wretched little pocket-mirro- to linvo pictty things nround the orrice little powder-puf- f, and piovided and hero Is tho crux of Things fell out In thl wise: After I s.tay away, dear little English girl," he oH!! i Oyster plant has Just arrived, and sells and a wrelchtd every th said. He crossed the room nnd knelt out they both come on nil and whole matter-th-at tho pretty things are! told the artist-ma- n I did not love him l for 'the reasonable price of Be. for a useful ns well ns ornamental. 1 beside my chair. "I think t fell In love occasion. he went sadly off. sat there In the mSi9iy bunch. nn unusually large Somo good-lookin- g girls suffer quite "Now yesterday firelight all alone, and sadness fell upon with that sweet painting of ou from a ago Do you yob could ever number of orders had to be filled, and mistaken Idea that their nppcarance will me, For love had come to mo too a oar think ' too. grow If only Miss Urnvvn would havo tackled carry them triumphantly through biisl. 1 had sensed tho brushing of lo care for me?" Peautlful Jersey strawberries are an laic. Just 1 In splilt, they would ness life, and they rest upon picas, known happiness To caro for him! coutd not speak. Tho expensive luxury, selling at 40c. a quart. them a sporting that love's wings, and that have ben got through nil right, nut, ing thought. To such foolish maidens was not for me. The flitting shadow left firelight flickered on his fine, dark head, ntid showtd reflections in his handsomo dear bless me, no! First thing she had disaster Inevitably comes. Pimento peppers are sort sweet il me lonelier than before. eyes. happiness be a of to attend to one finger-na- that seemed Tho prettv girl Is handicapped from A great temptation rame to me as I sat Could such great red pepper, very delicious when stuffed, me! to be caufllng her grcnter anxiety than the start, In that her homo circle and In flickering firelight and gazed long true' He leally cared for and selling three 6c. tho I you were en- for the affnlis of nations' She spent nt least admiring friends have flattered her ' Into glowing coals 1 wanted to re- "t thought thought given and the gaged," I stammered foollshlv, nt last. ten minutes over that. Then I thought her the Idea that sho Is rather call tho nrtlst-ma- n and tell him whnt ho Those who can use tho pomegranate well but on com- On facing tho ups Tj Yet my Ideal' "I icttnlnlv am not," s.tld he, "and she was falily stnrtcd and downs wished so much hear. you thinking of will find It on the market now, at three, ing bnck I found her with the usual ot business life she docs not, therefore mv self now hold me bnck. I never was! Perhaps nro and bettor my girl was my dinner-partn- er four and five for 25c, according to size. pocket-mirr- out again examining one tnke well to criticism, nnd the censure did lovo hlm-v- ct 1 felt so ward, the who knew I not tho other evening. Sho Is Just a eyebrow. Gee! But I was wild, let of her business miporlors will hurt her lonely that temptation came to take life's to llro moro might ease tltH child. The only person whom 1 long to New peas are here, the first crop sell- Bho Is a clever girl, and I'd hate than it her plainer and and marry Juit to half-pec- spoiled second best marry Is you It you will have me?" ing at TOc. a k. less sister. Just her." stenog- - new dull heartache. I Why, 1 was the other pretty Apait from those disadvantages midst nf glowing coals I If would have him! "What about there Deep In the nfmld that all the lovo 1 felt would show rnpher?" Is no reason whv tho pretty girl should my Idle fancies ond saw pictures Large, Juicy grapefruit are three for Is not possess framed there In my face, and so I turned my 36c. "Miss Smith, von mean? Oh, she nil the wits nnd the busl. there. One face rose to my ees. a unyllilng-b- ut In ness acumen of forget. head nuay. worse than the other, if her less favored sister dark, strong face t wanted to know," he, "because, 1 way. The number of her "I like to have pictty girls thoughts "I want to said Is selling a different worklnr I tried to rouse mvsclf from so very The last crop of raspberrtea male, Is annoys me so. I In my ofllce," said nnother mnti. "Thty fool- care much'" 13c. ndmlrcr.s what that never could mitic true. "You 1 fast at a box, or two for I3c. ptcttv heavily about brighten up tho placo all day "I think that care Just a little hit." put my foot down and mako things ish girl," I said aloud, "to think 1 I in tho look so moro ot murmured then. was afraid to toll having them come up to see her much attractive. The only of some one who will never think ss ilKulvontnge him more. Woids seemed sn futllo to ofllco. Then thev kept telephoning her nt Is that they nru so dread-ful- ly jou! Worse even, for he cares for some I The Modern Rejected una now apt to go more how very much cared for him. the most awkward moments, oft and get married," one else, nome one much prettier, Mv heart was thiobbing on a. note of per- attractive, than yourself. If you must Nrelus, gnzlng In the fount, grew hot happiness, fect happiness. With passisn for the seeming wftter-IA- ) ; think of love, and home, and He took my liand and Held it tlgm in Then, sick nnd desolate from vain desire, Mark Twain's Molhcr - - w. . there is the nrtm-ma- who cares so his. At moments such as these I think He pined away. ou. Why not marry him nnd " gave mo moro uneasiness than much for that Kl Dorado comes to all of us. I Tho gallant questing knight of Arthur's days, 'Tou man?" 1 forget this other know touched the topmost rung of hap- Who pleaded for tho lovo n maid denied, nny child I had,' Twain's mother said The time went drifting past as I sat piness. All tho old longings were now In illence bore the bluer pnng then crossed there, till daylight faded and long shad- satisfied, nil the old heartaches taken Tho Stiff Ian tide. onco to him In her old nge. 'I suppose ows fell. I must have sat In that low-cha- rleht away. The Georgian buck, when chivalry yet lived, you wero I wouldn't live,' ho sug- before the tire for long, long hours. The organ grinder In the street kept And his hot lovo was scorned by some fnlr afraid 1 heard a mocment In tho maid; tranquil fashion. She looked At last playing "Just Decause It's You" and For lovo ftive lite and in his aching heart gested In his room. thought my little hostess had 1 I now thought there never was n gajer, Plunged his own blade. keen humor that had returned. She had gone out on some happier air! For In two minutes life nt him with that expedition, quite fortlllcd, But when the life of modern man seems SO you lone shondng hail changed from minor cadence to one wrecked not dulled In years. 'No, afraid I think, by sentimental hopes anent the perfect melody and 1 had reached the By rraliltn fickleness, or love's miscarriage; snld."-M- nik Twain; A Bi- English artist-ma- n She would be dis- land where dreams come true! Seornlnr swift death, ho rclcs in other arms would,' she I Slow death by marrlJBe appointed when she hoard that had I,ondon Opinion. ography, by Albert Blgolow Pnlne. Just refused his offer of marriage to I The End. did not turn my head at first. The crackling of tho coals and ticking Odd Bridal Customs of the clock seemed strangely loud within The Girl Who Works Outside the Home my ears. Then a voice spoke thut In Servla bride arc kidnapped jWhetl made me start In sheer sin priseand spirit of unrest has taken hold enough without her looking clsewhcie has made up his mind that the 1 am i something moie It was no woman's the lover THE nations, of politics, of homo So I gave It up! Here pcifcctb girl marry him, he nnd his the dis.sjtlsllcd, grumpv all day long, and voice, but held a deep nnd Southern note. Is ready to Itself. The increasing numbers of girls My heart was beating in the oddest way irlends arm themselves with riflis, go up rich in the knowledge that I'm perrcctlj r seem home, be- to the girl's house, seize nnd enrrj her who work for a Irving without actual useless." "Your friends not at case n i cause I rang the hell for quite an age. off to church, nnd get married on the necessity proves this. Perhaps this Is putting the So I walked In and find you hero alone, spot. Otherwi'o the courtship Is almoxt A girl was overheard talking on this flttlo strongly, yet when one nnllzes that IP entirely conducted bv the men of the this gnl has nothing to look forward to like little Cinderella sitting by the fire." day. bored I did not speak Whv did the world family. The father of the prospective subject the other "I'm Just but this luMiilous diudgery until wiino hold so much pain- - Whv did I bridegroom and two or throe male friends to death," she said. "I got up at 10 man comes nlong and decides to tako .i want on cannot to hear that voice, yet all the while It call on the girl's father and bring them o'clock In the morning, nnd I have ft chnnco on his happiness, j poppy AN "APRON" FROCK OF VELVET AND CLOTH blame her. And with the training or hurt me so" a large cake of wheat nnd seeds headache. I fool around tho house for a "Jly friends are out, Mr. Denniston," I The men of both families have supper and lack of training of these car behind Pavlowa, the Peerless If sou wish to leave a mes- haggle over of marriage. When couple of hours nnd then I go down town her, her chances for happiness hang n said, "but terms power sage" these terms nro arranged tho ton's father and shop for a, lot of things I don't want, tho thin tin end of her of She is on her way to tho land of tin MODES OF HOUR Tho business glil on the con-tiar- y "Yes, I do," h said, and then he puts some llowors and money on the cake IhE and eat lunch at 2 or 3. Stars and Stripes, the Incomparable paused and hands It to the girl's father. This goes through n discipline which fc Next I hunt up some one, or meet Is Invaluable She keeps Miiil.imo Anna bewitch- An organ-grind- started In the street net constitutes the betrothal contract. practically Pavlowa. most This is the Day of the Amateur Dressmaker, for some one, and we play bridge, danco or early hours heenuso she cannot nffoiil to ing of dancers. A few dns ago she go to a matinee, and fool around again get run-dow- n nnd lose lur position. Sho bus to lenin punctttnlltv, neatness, nnd boarded the White Star liner Adriatic, Everybody tells mo world-fame- The Vanity Case Milady's Toilet Table Individuality is the Keynote of the Season. until dinner. I'm nssumo a cettnln amount of losponsilill-Ity- . and (.ailed with hci d troupe lucky nnd have nothing to worry over, Her valuation ot men is usually ot dancers for New York. There Theie is so much variety shown by ancestry that subdued nature for a time, nnd all that sort of nonsense, but doing protlv correct because she deals with she begins next month her thiul great A great m.inv persons do not understand but never crushed or really It. Is mlghtly tiresome work. those who accomplish and do not Idle. Shu the frocks tit signed for autumn nnd altered nothing ltnrns to save, as well as to earn, inonoy. A met lean tour. the value of face steaming. Thl Is most eye i The business of living Is such a serious I wanted to find something to winter wear that it takes trained thing nowadays that anything brings "When and In this way has the "oronomii. Inde- Tho wondeiful dancer has well been essential to a clear complexion. that do, cried, nnd was He pendence" so talked of present. to seize upon the definite features that J a lilt to the spirit Is a gain, and color, mother fnthre hint! nt Ilor named Pavlow.i the Peerless. To such as The enthusiast must guard against thought I wanted some extra clothes ilallv Intercourse with all kinds of people may be cataloged as characteristic of the brighter the better, certainly docs it have watched the inliaculous giaco of steaming all the skin ofT her face, fer It only let It not bo crude. nnd things, nnd said It was too bad If makes her adaptable, tolei.tut and moro tho presnt stsles. he couldn't give his own daughter charitable. her movements, tho bewildering intricacy she bolls a pan of water and holds her There are greens and blues this year Motives such as the basque and tho Joy Orange of her ally steps, will tho memory of her face"ln the escaping steam sho will really that are a to behold. and tunic are taken by the modiste and yellow, the tango reds, violet In many be untorgottublc. Sho flits nnd flutters injure the skin. But real face st"amlng played upon In all the keys of color shades, pink and rose appear In ma- White Chamois Gloves Which Are You? and twill on the stage as llshtl as should begin by heating n towel in hot and combination and with so mtnv terials that give them a wonderful quality t clean white chamois gloves make a Now: the two Kinds of people on earth I lovely ball of thistledown, nnd with a water and iippljiiig to tho face This variations that the underlying Idea that and tone. And the basque and the tunic To mean, enough to make the l,ln nevertheless dominates is noted. If at make a combination of nt least two lather of soap and warm water. In which little appai cut effort. should be hot ' Aie the people who lift and tho people When in tho United Madame Is skin all. unconsclouslv. colors a natural sequence. tablcspoonful am- States. tingle. Tho idea to heal the has been put one of who lean. Pavlowa intends to continue her efforts r well, but not to burn It. Face steaming The amateur dressmaker ought to be In the frock sketched todav, designated nble to own clotnes as "apron frock," two monia to each quart, and when the water in nldlng the Allies, as she has been do. by means of warm towels Is a good thing, manufacture her the colors are Wherever you go, you will find the Ing stay England. pores are thoroughly opened this season very successfully. Starting combined very harmonlousl Bodice and is tepid put the gloves In It. Iet them iluiiriK her in but when tho good sonk a quarter of an hour, then pi ess world's masses I'nfortunately for hei, sho reached th fnce can he washed. out with a model, she can mako underskirt are made of greenish brown for Are always divided In Just these two changes In It will best velvet nnd overdress Is them in your hands; do not wring them. Berlin to fulfil an engagement on the face is good whatever that the of cloth - The larbullzed bath iery orange In cold water with a little classes. very day that Germain- declared war for It tonslsts of a few drops adapt it to her own nppearanc and vividly In tone. Ttlnse fresh, the skin. thereby give Individuality Is The Is ammonia added. Press the gloves in a upon Russia, the ilnnier'a native land! large basin of water. it an that result striking but not bizarre, I of carrollr acid to a open And, oddly enough, you will find, too, difti-.ilt- got away excel- more to be desired than the ownership nor is It outre. The two colors contrast towel, and dry them in the nlr, after With the gieutest she The benzotnated faeo bath is also out. w een, to Paris, going on but The vanity case has successfully Is dashed into a of one of th original models that will and yet are complementary The fan- blowing to puff them to iindon later, IHi lent. A little benzoin duplicated There Is only lifter to twenty who lean. she lost nil tho lovely clothes that she evolved into a realltv. It began with the basin of water and brlsklv stirred The be a hundred times and worn like collar is of finely plaited mull of a IQ con- nil over the country. creamy note Here the use of orlsp white had taken to tho German theatre. small powder puff of a few years ago. whole is ued as a face bath It In which class are you? Are you easing to them availed. pores and gradually closes Color combinations are worth a study would Jar The t utiles at the wrist are Sympathy the effoits lecover cigarette case, tracts the quit of themselves. With some people plaited load The peisonallty of Anna Pavlowa Is a Then followed the coin and thrn. also of mull In the same way and Of overtaxed lifters who toll down the and lastly came the little box itself. It color is an instinct, nnd while It can of about the same depth as the collar. isn't as easy to sympathize as It most complex and attractive one. Theis hardly be upon any one, It can Stockings It road? is a sadness in the line lines of beau- la a step toward comfort, as well as thrust and shots must be brown or sounds First of all, It means being able her certninly be acquired, to an extent at bronze. Black would decidedly Jar and the to look things from another person's you leaner, tiful faco, nuil one has but to glance la luxury. Discouraged earnest-minde- at Or are a who lets other bear Don't Get any rate, by the assiduous and d "Bcheme entire" of the whole costume view. Then It means actually her lovely dark oves to rend magnetism point of Your portion of labor and worry and and power The girl who meets a friend while get discouraged becnuse you have would be utterly undone. identifying oneself with their troubles care? written theie. Don't This is a generation as much addicted Some day a . , mtMlnv self nnd the chopping In the afternoon and decides to made a mistake. There has never been much tried modiste will ana jojb. iv nicauo.. ... - - to color as to dancing. Perhaps the two write an open letter on subject of im,6 concern self wW stay out to dinner can overlook her A human bdng who did not make some the things which Interest and go hand In hand, and perhaps, likewise, wearing the wrong- shoes and stockings background and keeping them Lovers and Brothers 0 mussed and ruffled hair If she mistakes. The best wo can do Is to try it is a deliberate flinging of the gauntlet Into the Girls Who Shouldn't Marry shirtwaist same again. with her wondrous creations, completely there. Tou can't realize what sympathy be sur- not to make the mistake in the face of a Puritan and Quaker spoiling The girl who Introduces her fiance ts has a dab of ponder. Sho would vvav our work will become more her carefully planned efforts. does for people. It nerves them to bear The girl who Is so utterly sellllsh that In this despondency, her brothers experiences a secret feeling prised to see how compact these cases nnd more uci urate nnd we will become a brave front, to conquer she could not consider or love another perhaps throw off despair. You can't of diend lust they should not "rub along" are. Coin purse, a mirror, a case for morr and more reliable, to moro than herself. Don't get dlscouiaged because people to sympathize too often or too much. together. hairpins, a nail file, a tiny comb and a What Other A Way Happiness un- your laugh at ou and ridicule ou when you A man wants It when he's well, to Who speaks against other girls and Such irmnrks as "Oh, he's a fairly bottle tor favorite extract can be he wants It sort chap," or mind, found in the least expensive boxes They are trvlng to do right. Every successful Cultivate a philosophical vein of keep him fit and cheerful, mercifully criticises thetn. decent of "Never xpenenco; in Housewives Know thought you when he's worn out, to help to banish dear, hoil lmpiuve on acquaintance" an run up to all prices, and come In every man has had tlio bame If have not what you like, Who snubs the man or vvomnn who very likely please they fact, it seems to be one of the prices we you the black fears which torment him; he not to tho sisters shade. like what have until you can change dares dispute authority, or whom &o to pay for success. For the numbers who voluntarily or of wanta It when he's trying to be good, to her prettmi to think much of. have your environment. and he c.uelesH concerning him Don't Bet discouraged about anything necessity forego meat the following will keep him on the right track; if sho considers her social Inferior. livery temaik Do not your more any other time. Who prides herself on her domestic In- liuitH her moro than they believe, and WHAT OTHER when you are striving to do your best. use: waste vitality in hating ever wants It than right be of your life; when he's Inclined to go off the lino. competence, and boasts of her Inability if tho brothers do not make a friend of Evervthlng will come out all and find something In It which Is It's This you will laugh tomorrow over the cares EGGS IN JELLY WITH CHEESE worth liking and enjoying, you to cook a dinner or scrub a floor. him she takes it greatly to heart WOMEN DO CRKAM. while keep displays no lovo tends to ill if t the girl more and more and worries of today sieniiuy at worn to maKe It what you Who for children, who Miss Lois Weber is the highest salaried requires 5 hard-boile- d eggs cut In Is votes them a nuisance, and who would from her brothers, This desire. Be happy over something every What True Love remark scenario writer and actress In the world, quaiters, small bottle of macedalne vege- dav. rather fondle a dog than a baby. One run readilv understand the jelly, gills whipped power of the world. Who lives but for pleasure, and neglects of n tecently engaged girl when, the de having Just signed a contract with a mov- Gems of Thought tables, I pint aspic Hi Make yourself worthy of a true friend- - Ixive Is the master cream. 1'j tablespoonfuls grated Parme-sla- n ship and worthy love, Is magnet. No purpose or object her domestic duties while her mother and dared that tho introducing of her lover concern of J50.000 and, if any of Love a greatest ing picture at a salary way Is to keep cheese, seasoning these emotions seem to prove enhemeral. can the Influence of a great and sisters slave at home. to her brothers was one of the The only to have a friend resist deals of her life. ;JS a. year. one. Pour a shallow layer of the Jelly Into remember they were not the realities persistent love any more than the needle oi Is to a plain-bordere- d mold, and when this is the real ones will come to you, can resist the pole. 12S receiving A good conscience the soul what since Hair-brush- Only mothers are pensions set arrange some of the quarters of eggs you are worthy. liove creates happiness, health, success Washing es In Pennsylvania, while 1500 who have health is to the body mind, friend, the worry upon It with a few of the macedoine and Inspiration. made application will have to wait owing Never what vegetables of the In work-da- y between. Pour a little Is the Impulse of nature, which Hair brushes should be washed hot At the Msn m to the inability of the appropriation to Of the long has been; remaining aspic the Jxive ut Just you dust It from your being. ovr this and stand Worth Remembering gives us foliage, flowers and fruit. Every or tepid water, to which soda or ammonia Hit Latest prolvde for all. mold In a basin of cold water until It grass is a love word of the earth (olden Oattlih Just you let the sunshine In. use eggs, blade of has been added. The brushes should be you becomes firm, and continue to We may not accomplish much, for the sun. Parisian Mrs. Baloll Scott, the famous woman Sins even though never "took a vegetables and the Jelly In same manner but the dipped in and out of the water till clean, rifle shot of England, is teaching oung music lesson." Songs aie like sunbeams quality of our work may give it great- Ixive Is strong as death. Many waters until the mold Is full When Jelly Is ness. cannot quench love, neither can the floods taking care that the backs and handles Fashions in M'l men and boys how to shoot a rlfla with they breed cheerfulness. A cobbler who sufnctently set. turn the border out of It purpose of having them smooths his wax end with a song wtl do Cheerful tempers manufacture solace drown It. do not get wet. After rlnElng In tlear Y?4 tho efficient if the mold and fill the middle with whipped Joy doing or called upon to go to war. as much work in a day as one given to adding and out of very unpromising Iive Is never satisfied with cold water, put them In the nlr to dr . Plumes cream, as seasoning a little salt giving anything but the beet. they should never be died close to .f ill nature nnd fretting will accomplish In and curry powder, mixed with grated the Eighteen-year-ol- d Ruth Mercer Is the a week. Sing' on Your anxiety does not empty tomorrow Are, or the bristles will become discol- and nly woman motortruck delivery driver In cheese. Serve salad leaves. of Its sorrow; but ahl It empties ored, and the use of soap will There a only one method of meettn life's ASPARAGUS today of make the Cleveland, where she has been the maln test-J- ust EGGS STUFFED WITH Its strength. The Creation of Eve brlstlee soft. stay of her mother since her father's keep on s,Etrlvln' an' hope for the As many hard-boile- d eggs as desired, The shortest and surest way to live "When Adam's rib was taken from him Fancies death. seasoning, lnegnr, two ls with honor In the world Is to be was him, m birst. butter, in In sleep, he lost more than left of asparagus, one raw egg, reality what wo would appear to be. find hts finer self gone Tulip Bread can be made from Government to Keep right on don't stay standln' and woke to all The British has decided still. bread crumbs, some blanched almonds A religion without thanksgiving, praise from him. He was left a blundering bumble- your old feathers suspend the annuity of 115,000 received Joy, is like a -bee; Holland, the land of tulips, is going to Some people won't like you, but other and mashed potatoes are needed. and flower without tint, to the rib that was taken from owing by the Dowager Grand Duchess of Meek Bake the potatoes, remove the Inside perfume or honey, There may be such a him clung courage of the lioness, the eat tulip bread to the scarcity of lenburg-Strelit- r, folks will. the At Half the Cost of New a member of er wheat nnd the difficulty of Importing the British snd pass It through a potato-press- Into flower, but surely no one would care to wisdom of the serpent, the gentleness of royal family, who by marriage became a pluck it. spider, any from America. A baiter In Bred You'll be agreeably surprised at a basin, season well with celery salt, the dove, the cunning ot the and Ingenious German subject. Worldly Wisdom pepper and nutmeg, add a small quantity the mysterious charm of the firefly that had the idea of baking bread the uandcrful results ive aC' dances In dusk. to rib also made from flour composed of two-third- s compliah. of milk and a large quantity of butter, the But that one-thir- d "The woman who hates a. man very Surprise for Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt clung to loved. Otherwise, wheat and ground tulip bulbs. Kitchen Wrinkles and beat potatoes with a wooden spoon the desire be well, is FEAIIIKIIS V ni.EH ON YOUR HAT much has generally loved him first." firmly In the human race, the male would be The bread tastes ver nouiishlng WAIT until light. Press them Into a Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt befriended a and very cheap owing to the vast stock Hit Cleansing with mustard Is said to re- round cake-ti- n, well buttered, and bake slain yearly like the drone of the hive. Come in and Inspe. t our beautiful nttf cheque-boo- k Senegalese infantryman In tho course of tulip bulbs available ever where move smell of fish from pots. "A walklnB a thing not quick oven for hour; cut the of But the strange thing that grew from in Illumes unci I'rtmh feather fanilca. the even In a a half her Red Cross work in Paris and when Holland The association of Hutch . to be despised, If he has got too eggs through the mlddlo and remove the rib, like flowers from burled carrion, bakers Mionu Here Eiclutlt-cly- much nose." the soldier was leaving the hospital ha desired love. There was Its strength and have ofllclully sanctioned tulip bread, and If a knife Is placed under & tumbler yolks, pass them through a sieve and invited Mrs. Vanderbilt to return with a loaf has been presented to tho Minister boiling fairly paste with soma Its weakness." Mrs. Ames, by E. F. Ben- or glass dish, milk or water cart "They sy that chinchilla, red hair and beat Into a soft him to Senegal, where she would be made son, of AVer, who has recommended it tor be put In without breaking the glass. go together. warm butter, season with salt, pepper, a chteftalnees of an African tribe. army use virtue don't But a stuff nutmeg few drops of then gown doesn't always cover the ten com- and a vinegar, Rusty-lookin- g silk can be made clean mandment?." mix In one or two tablespoonfuls of Disconcerting CCk and new looking If sponged with the water cooked asparagus tips and nil the whites Dreams Irrmli It oilier Miop Oti eggs .Mull Orders Trump! Attention a which potatoes have been boiled 'The powder-puf- f Is as primeval as the with the mixture. Pip the into "What are you laughing at, dear?" Solid Mahogany tihni beaten egg and cover thickly with fine For a young girl to dream of flirting Is was just thinking how you used to first woman. Rve probably used a dande- said to mean the one she pres- "I ipO When boiling eggs, wet the shells thor- lion ball." bread crumbs mixed with an equal pro- that has at sit and hold my hand for an hour at a oughly In cold water before dropping in portion of blanched almonds and fry In ent selected as a. suitable partner for life time before we were married. How silly icIU2l DCUS does not poaaeos tho solid and respec- the boiling water, and they will not crack. There la nothing so sensitive to a. deep, boiling fat. Arrange eggs oa the you wer!" mamsi potato cake and garnish with watercress table qualifications which lon are de- "I wasn't silly at all. I held your hand 6Cr quick change as the barometer of flirta- common suggests I Benj. B. Lewis pol- Hell-ger- parsley. sirable, and that rense keep you away from piano." After washing lamp chimneys, try tion." The Naked Soul, by Louise s. or to tho $7 WLfl ishing thetn with dry salt This gives DEVONSHIRE JUNKET. looking elsewhere. DRESS PLEATING, the glass a brilliant shine and prevents Heat blood-war- m one quart of milk, HEMSTITCHING. PINKING from cracking add to it one dessert spoonful of sugar AND GOFFERING It The Doubtful Art Craze The Luxuries of Life Excellence of Service and and two of liquid rennet Pour out Efficiency of Treatments ? ha4 oa haul a cood BUTTONS COVERED We ail edvruice v u ti ,ni th l.,jtfir into a deep dish with two table-spoonfu- 's The spread of the love of luxury seems are the ev (actors that should be collection of niiqu picw at MlUo price ixrf'ci't "r& uoho:(j9 prfes. Combined Forces keeper who nils her house in- of brand vover and put in a to bs affectlag every one snd everything considered in clentWc twmty ruliure wnh BEAUTY PARLORS 1535 credible to j toot place to set Then spread over the Tfcl year many THE OWKNTAI. Chestnut Street Great Is the appeal of a pretty woman ornaments tbe millionaire who of our birds have left S3 BROAD bTKEKT Wm. C. buy I a. cream, NORTH Patton, Jr. in an unapproachable ha.t."-- A Hoosler old master that he doea not like top thick grating of nutmeg tit tho South much earlier than usual. have m reputation for both. Take Elevator Ctwonlele. by aiersoitu wwaoisoa. Rost Fry-- uci UtU powdered sugar and Punch. 24 South 18th Street pa V. r . .ma,:3es8RS&.i