
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 196 (2002) 17^33 www.elsevier.com/locate/epsl

A plate tectonic model for the Paleozoic and Mesozoic constrained by dynamic plate boundaries and restored synthetic oceanic isochrons

G.M. Stamp£i, G.D. Borel *

Institute of Geology and Paleontology, University of Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Received 6 August 2001; received in revised form 15 November 2001; accepted 15 November 2001


We developed a plate tectonic model for the Paleozoic and Mesozoic (Ordovician to ) integrating dynamic plate boundaries, plate buoyancy, ocean spreading rates and major tectonic and magmatic events. Plates were constructed through time by adding/removing oceanic material, symbolized by synthetic isochrons, to major continents and . Driving forces like slab pull and slab buoyancy were used to constrain the evolution of paleo-oceanic domains. This approach offers good control of sea-floor spreading and plate kinematics. This new method represents a distinct departure from classical continental drift reconstructions, which are not constrained, due to the lack of plate boundaries. This model allows a more comprehensive analysis of the development of the Tethyan realm in space and time. In particular, the relationship between the Variscan and the Cimmerian cycles in the Mediterranean^Alpine realm is clearly illustrated by numerous maps. For the Alpine cycle, the relationship between the Alpides senso stricto and the Tethysides is also explicable in terms of plate tectonic development of the Alpine Tethys^Atlantic domain versus the NeoTethys domain. ß 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: isochrons; plate boundaries; ; models; Paleozoic; Mesozoic; paleo-oceanography

1. Introduction to integrate new data regarding the geodynamic evolution of pre-Variscan [2] and Variscan Eu- Recent syntheses by IGCP and Tethys Group rope [3^5] and of the Cimmerian orogenic cycle projects, in which we actively participated, pro- in the western Tethys [6,7]. These works followed vide an up-to-date framework for reassessing plate tectonic models developed for the Alpine plate tectonic models for the Tethyan realm [1]. region [8,9] and for the Mediterranean region New plate tectonic concepts were also developed [10]. Our goal during the development of this model was to integrate geodynamic constraints (such as ocean spreading rates, plate buoyancy, dynamic plate boundaries and basin evolution), * Corresponding author. lithologic data (e.g. pelagic series and ophiolite Tel.: +41-21-692-4359; Fax: +41-21-692-4305. E-mail addresses: gerard.stamp£[email protected] occurrences) as well as the age and style of major (G.M. Stamp£i), [email protected] (G.D. Borel). tectonic and magmatic events.

0012-821X / 02 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. PII: S0012-821X(01)00588-X

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2. Reconstructions parameters [15] for the Tibetan back-arcs, etc.). Where possi- ble, this multidisciplinary approach was applied Numerous parameters were integrated in the to the entire globe in order to generate self-con- model in an iterative approach. It appeared that strained reconstructions. However, little consider- the most e¤cient procedure was to develop the ation was given to the PaleoPaci¢c due to a lack ¢nal model forward in order to check its consis- of any information before the Jurassic. Despite tency step by step. The weight of the di¡erent this, most of the Paleozoic information could be parameters varies extremely from one reconstruc- gathered through investigation of cordillera con- tion to another but also in the same reconstruc- struction/collapse around the Paci¢c (e.g. [16]). tion from one region to another (for details, see Sections 3 and 4). 2.2. Geodynamic forces and implications

2.1. Geological objects and tools Based on the fact that a continent is nearly al- ways attached to a larger plate, continental drift To de¢ne the size of continents, we digitized has implications for its plate boundaries. There- their present shape or geological boundaries fore, we consider that only models integrating where applicable. Where possible, we used a sim- plate boundaries can be compared to each other ilar procedure for the terranes keeping their and that reconstructions based on continental present shape for geographical identi¢cation. We drift as practised by everybody since Wegener systematically used tight ¢ts in order not to should be abandoned. Continental drift models underestimate widespread extension a¡ecting con- do not allow assessment of important geodynamic tinents and their margins. To use plates and not events such as the onset of [17], mid- only continents, we developed the concept of a ocean ridge subduction (e.g. [18]) presence/ab- dynamic plate boundary (e.g. active spreading sence of slab rollback and related plate motion ridge, subduction zone, and transform ) by (e.g. [19]) nor plate buoyancy criteria (e.g.[20]). adding to each continent its oceanic surface Fig. 1 schematizes all these parameters and their through time. Thus, paleo- synthetic oceanic iso- in£uence on plate kinematics. Among other pa- chrons have been constructed through time in or- rameters, we assume that cordillera build-up der to de¢ne the location of the spreading ridges (Fig. 1E) corresponds to subduction of young and to restore subducted ocean basins. To simpli- buoyant lithosphere, whereas cordillera collapse fy the process we worked with symmetrical sea- (Fig. 1F) and opening of back-arcs correspond £oor spreading for the main oceans (Paleo- and to the subduction of heavier lithosphere produc- NeoTethys). ing slab rollback. In doing so we could relate, for We combined stratigraphic, sedimentary and example, the evolution of the Australian active paleontological data to produce subsidence curves margin (e.g. [21,22]) with the opening of the Neo- in some key areas. Subsidence analysis character- Tethys. Furthermore, two types of terranes can izes and constrains the timing of major geody- exist. The ¢rst one detached from the active mar- namic events, such as the onset of rifting, subduc- gin by slab rollback and opening of back-arc, and tion of an active ridge or collision of continents, has an active margin and a passive one (Fig. 1B), and consequently constrains spreading rates. Pa- e.g. the European Hunic terranes. The other type, leomagnetic (e.g.[11]) and paleobiogeographic in- detached from a passive margin by slab pull, has formation have also been incorporated, to the two passive margins (Fig. 1G), e.g. the Cimmerian limit of our knowledge, to constrain the pre-Me- blocks. Slab pull becomes strong enough to de- sozoic location of older plates, whilst existing iso- tach a only after the subduction of the chrons [12] were used to constrain younger recon- active ridge. The sedimentary record of the ter- structions. Geological data, mainly regarding the rane gives the timing of rifting for both oceans age of accretion/collision, were compiled for most and consequently a good control on the spreading key areas (e.g. [13] and [14] for south-east Asia, rate.

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2.3. Technical tools and constraints

We develop our model using GMAP software package [23]. More than 100 continents and ter- ranes were used to elaborate the reconstructions. In general, we always tried the simplest geomet- rical solution to move a plate. The use of Euler poles to move plates has nu- merous consequences; one of them is the geome- try of transform boundaries (small circle); where they are known (e.g. Levant transform) the chos- en Euler pole has to conform to this geometry. The consequence is that the maximum spreading of a chosen pole lies along its equator. As a result, an acceptable spreading rate close to the Euler pole may be unacceptable a few thousands of kilometers away. We tried to keep sea-£oor spreading at the Euler equator below 20 cm/yr. Spreading rates were calculated at the Euler equa- tor of PaleoTethys and NeoTethys sensu stricto without taking in account the opening of back- arc basins along the Eurasian margin. To control the spreading rates we used the paleo-isochrons and the geological expression of the main geody- namic features, e.g. subduction of an active ridge, uplift of the active margin, implacement of bath- olites and increasing of slab pull (Fig. 1). The model implies spreading rates between 8 and 17 cm/yr for PaleoTethys. NeoTethyan values are generally lower, but the spreading rate increases from 7 cm/yr at 260 Ma to 20 cm/yr between 230 and 220 Ma. Although this rate is plausible due to the length of the subducted slab, such a spreading rate is very high. The spreading rate decreases to 6 cm/yr at 220 Ma (Carnian/Norian). This strong deceleration can be related to the Cimmerian oro- genic collage [24,25], preceding the onset of sub- duction of NeoTethys under the recently accreted Cimmerian terranes. We used the orthographic (orthogonal) projec- Fig. 1. Sketches showing the e¡ect of the main driving forces (slab pull, slab buoyancy) on the evolution of oceanic mar- tion to create the reconstructions because this gins. (A) ; (B) lithospheric mantle; (C) as- projection deforms little the angles and allows a thenosphere; (D) ; (E) intrusives; (F) volcan- good visual control to choose between alterna- ism; (G) accretionary prism. tives. The disadvantage of this projection is that only one hemisphere can be displayed. To work with a plate ¢xed as reference appeared as the best solution to easily check the geometrical con- sistency of a hypothesis. Thus, we worked with

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plate boundaries, could solve some of the main geological issues. Alternative hypotheses were tested and choices were made. In the process, we discovered that dynamic plate boundaries, brought from one reconstruction to the next, pro- vide greater constraints than the continental drift models proposed so far. One of the main alternatives touches the evolu- tion of PaleoTethys and the concept of the Hun superterrane [2]. This concept regards all Variscan and Avalonian terranes as derived from Gondwa- na in Paleozoic times, in a context of an active Gondwanan margin. Terranes were detached from Gondwana through the opening of back- arc oceans, following the subduction of the mid- Fig. 2. Absolute polar wander path for the related to Europe ¢xed in its present-day position using Bal- ocean ridge of a former peri-Gondwana ocean ^ tica paleopoles. the ProtoTethys. Several stages of successful and aborted opening of back-arc basins can be recog- nized between late Neoproterozoic and Silurian Europe ¢xed in its present-day position and move times, giving birth ¢rst to the Rheic ocean, then the other plates relative to it. to the PaleoTethys ocean (Figs. 3 and 4). The We used paleopoles as global reference composite nature of the Hun superterrane implies for paleolatitudes [23]. Baltica poles appeared to the presence and amalgamation with the Cado- be the best constrained for the Paleozoic. Torsvik mian and Serindia terranes (Figs. 3 and 4), and et al. [26] provide a new dataset for the Mesozoic allowed us to ¢nd a satisfactory location for the adjusting the European poles with the North Chinese blocks around Gondwana. A position American ones. These datasets were checked which, in turn, allows a satisfactory location for against paleomagnetic data available in the liter- these blocks to be determined later on, with a ature for all relevant plates (e.g. [11,27]). Poles of minimum of displacement (Figs. 4 and 5), but still continents situated at high latitudes generally within the limits of present paleomagnetic infor- come out in a cluster of 15³ around the Baltica mation on these blocks (e.g. [11]). values. Our favored model is to group the Variscan In order to validate the choice of Baltica poles terranes in two main terranes, the European as reference, we constructed an absolute wander Hunic terranes and the Asiatic Hunic terranes, path of Australia, because we had non-consistent until their collision with Laurussia and their sub- paleomagnetic poles locations for this plate in re- sequent lateral transfer and dismemberment along gard to Gondwana, due to its low-latitude situa- the Eurasian margin [5]. The terrane concept used tion. The result shows an acceptable absolute for the Variscan domain is based on the present path also applicable to Gondwana (Fig. 2). close and repeated juxtaposition of metamorphic and non-metamorphic units in the Variscan belt. A general mid-Devonian HP metamorphic event 3. Tethyan realm: some of the main chosen is recognized in most metamorphic units, whereas alternatives the non-metamorphic units do not record this event in term of £ysch deposits or deformation. We focussed on the Tethyan realm for which On the contrary, their geological evolution is gen- numerous continental drifting reconstructions erally towards a more mature passive margin have been presented in the last 30 yr, in order stage characterized by pelagic sedimentation. to see if plate tectonic models, including dynamic Flysch deposits started only during the Early or

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Fig. 3. Explanations in text. Orthographic projection with Europe ¢xed in its present-day position. Paleopoles of Baltica are used as reference for the paleolatitudes. A complete legend for selected key reconstructions (490 Ma, 360 Ma, 240 Ma, 155 Ma-M25 and 84 Ma-34) are available in the EPSL Online Background Dataset1.

EPSL 6084 7-3-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 22 G.M. Stamp£i, G.D. Borel / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 196 (2002) 17^33 even Late Carboniferous on some blocks. To rec- nia complex [33]), that is certainly derived from oncile these present-day contradictory juxtaposi- the east £oor. tions, we regard the metamorphic units as belong- 4. Late Permian Hallstatt-type pelagic , ing to the leading edge (i.e. active margin) of a similar to that found in Oman, where it com- single, ribbon-like terrane in which HP metamor- monly rests directly on MORB [34,35] has also phism can be expected, whereas the other units been reported from the Sosio complex [36] in represent the passive margin side of this terrane. Sicily. This Late Permian pelagic macrofauna This passive margin, in turn, became an active has a¤nities with both Oman and Timor and margin after the docking of the terrane against implies a Late Permian direct deep-water con- Laurussia. Recent paleomagnetic data con¢rm nection of the east Mediterranean Basin with the drifting history of the European Hunic terrane the NeoTethys, also con¢rmed by microfaunal [28^30], as well as the absence of collision between ¢ndings in Sicily. Gondwana and Laurasia before the Carbonifer- ous [31], supporting the concept of a large Paleo- This has also some bearings on the Apulian and in Devonian times, leading to a Tauric plates dynamics and the opening of the Pangea A collisional assembly of continent and Alpine Tethys: terranes in Late Carboniferous times (Figs. 4 and 5). 1. Apulia sensu stricto (southern Italy) belonged The other main alternative concerns the Neo- to the Cimmerian blocks, and then to Gond- Tethys and its prolongation into the east Medi- wana after the cessation of spreading in the terranean, Ionian Sea domain. Although the geo- east Mediterranean domain in Late Triassic dynamic evolution of NeoTethys is now relatively times. This implies that a Permian ¢t where well constrained, mainly through recent studies of the (northern Italy) is left in its its Oman and Himalayan segment (e.g. [25]), its present-day position relative to Apulia is im- relationship with the east Mediterranean basin is possible, as it would bring Adria over the Ibe- more debatable. A new interpretation considers ric plate [10]. An alternative model [37], giving the east Mediterranean domain as part of the an even tighter ¢t than the one we propose for NeoTethyan oceanic system since the Late Paleo- Iberia, placing Adria south of the French Pyr- zoic [24,25,32]. enees, is not supported by geological data from This is supported by: surrounding areas. We prefer a model where Italy is split in two, the Adriatic plate reaching 1. The geophysical characteristics of the Ionian its present-day position, with respect to Apulia, Sea and east Mediterranean Basin (isostatic during the Late Cretaceous^Paleogene, in a equilibrium, seismic velocities, elastic thick- west-directed extrusion process related to the ness) which exclude an age of the sea £oor formation of the western Alps. younger than Early Jurassic. 2. The Tauric plate (southern Turkey) also be- 2. The subsidence pattern of areas such as the came part of Gondwana in Late Triassic times Sinai margin, the Tunisian Je¡ara rift, Sicily until the east Mediterranean Ocean started to and Apulia sensu stricto, con¢rming a Late subduct under it in the Miocene. In the mean- Permian onset of thermal subsidence for the time, the Tauric plate was located 2000 km east Mediterranean and Ionian Sea basins west of its present-day location with regard and the absence of younger thermal events. to the Pontides area (northern Turkey). This 3. The Triassic MORB found in Cyprus (Mamo- implies that elements found on both sides of the Izmir^Ankara suture zone had a quite dif- ferent geological history before their Paleogene juxtaposition. 1 http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/epsl, mirror site http:// 3. The opening of the Alpine Tethys is necessarily www.elsevier.com/locate/epsl the eastward continuation of the central Atlan-

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Fig. 4. See legend of Fig. 3.

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tic, as no other oceanic domains opened be- collision of Gondwana with Laurasia in Late Car- tween Africa and Europe during the Jurassic. boniferous times. This allows its width and average spreading The evolution of the Kipchak arc is taken from rate to be determined with precision using [45] and of the Asiatic ocean and Asiatic Hunic magnetic anomalies in the Atlantic. terranes from [46,47]. Gondwana collided with Laurasia in Late Car- boniferous time, the event being well recorded by 4. Dynamics of the Tethyan realm deformation of surrounding foreland basins, but the ¢nal closure of PaleoTethys in the Tethyan Rheic ocean opening, separating from domain took place during the Cimmerian (Trias- Gondwana (Fig. 3), is constrained by subsidence sic to Jurassic) orogenic cycle (Fig. 5). The north- analysis [38] as well as paleomagnetism (e.g. [39]), ward subduction of PaleoTethys is responsible for and its docking to Laurentia by deformation [40] the widespread Late Carboniferous calc-alkaline and post-collisional deposits [41]. The extension intrusions and volcanism found in the Variscan eastward of Avalonia to Moesia and the Istan- Alpine^Mediterranean domain. Slab rollback bul^Zonguldak terranes is supported by faunal also produced a general collapse of the pre-exist- a¤nities [42]. The Rheic ocean should have had, ing Variscan cordillera and large-scale lateral dis- at its early stages, a lateral continuation in the placement of terranes took place, con¢rmed by former eastern prolongation of peri-Gondwanan paleomagnetic data [48]. A rift opened between microcontinents (e.g. Cadomia, Intra-Alpine Ter- Africa and East Gondwana in the Late Carbon- rane). Subduction of oceanic ridge (ProtoTethys) iferous, joining southward to the Karroo system. triggered the break-o¡ of Avalonia, whereas in This rift was a future aborted branch of Neo- the eastern prolongation, the presence of the ridge Tethys whereas another rift appeared in the triggered the amalgamation of volcanic arcs and east Mediterranean area (e.g. Je¡ara basin of Tu- continental ribbons with Gondwana (Ordovician nisia). orogenic event [2]). NeoTethys opened from the Late Carbonifer- Renewed Gondwana-directed subduction led to ous to late Early Permian starting east of Austra- the opening of the PaleoTethys (Fig. 3) associated lia and progressing to the east Mediterranean area with the detachment of the ribbon-like Hun (Fig. 6), as recorded from subsidence patterns of superterrane along the northern margin of Gond- its southern margin [25]. This opening was asso- wana. Diachronous subsidence patterns of ciated with the drifting of the Cimmerian super- Tethyan margins since the early Paleozoic [6] pro- terrane and the ¢nal closure of PaleoTethys in vide constraints for PaleoTethys opening during Middle Triassic times. The opening of NeoTethys the Late Ordovician and the Silurian and the and detachment of the Cimmerian blocks in Per- splitting of the Hun terranes in two parts, the mian times was realized through increasing slab- European and Asiatic. The latter was a¡ected by pull forces in the PaleoTethys domain following terranes amalgamation in Ordovician^Silurian the subduction of its mid-oceanic ridge below the times (Serindia terranes comprising parts of north Eurasian margin (e.g. accretion of Permian China and Tarim, e.g. [43,44]). MORB in Iran [49]). At the same time, slab roll- The Variscan in Europe was not a con- back of the PaleoTethys opened numerous back- tinent^continent collision but a major accretion of arc basins along the Eurasian margin and resulted peri-Gondwanan terranes, which took place in the ¢nal collapse of the Variscan cordillera [7]. mainly in Devonian times (Fig. 4). The main Va- Between 240 and 220 Ma northward subduc- riscan metamorphic events are then regarded as tion of the PaleoTethys triggered the opening of resulting from this collision, as well as from the back-arc oceans along the Eurasian margin from subduction of the PaleoTethys mid-oceanic ridge Austria to China (Fig. 7). The fate of these Per- in the Early Carboniferous. This led to the for- mo-Triassic marginal basins is quite di¡erent mation of the Variscan cordillera before the ¢nal from area to area. Some closed during the Cim-

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Fig. 5. See legend of Fig. 3.

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Fig. 6. See legend of Fig. 3.

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Fig. 7. See legend of Fig. 3.

EPSL 6084 7-3-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 28 G.M. Stamp£i, G.D. Borel / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 196 (2002) 17^33 merian collisional events (Karakaya, Agh-Dar- Between the Valanginian and the Santonian, band, Ku«re), others (Meliata^Maliac^Pindos) re- the subduction of the NeoTethyan mid-oceanic mained open and their delayed subduction in- ridge south of Iran together with the subduction duced the opening of younger back-arc oceans of the remnant Vardar^Izmir^Ankara oceans trig- (Vardar, ). gered a strong transtensional stress partly respon- The evolution of the Tibetan marginal oceans is sible for the break-up of Gondwana and the derived from the work of [15]. Concomitant Late opening of a north^south oceanic realm from Permian^Triassic opening of the marginal Melia- the Mozambique area up to the NeoTethys (Fig. ta^Maliac^Pindos oceans (within the Eurasian 9). Changes in the subduction style in the Paleo- margin) and NeoTethys (within the northern mar- Paci¢c around Australia and Antarctica is cer- gin of Gondwana) accelerated the closure of tainly also responsible for the break-up of eastern PaleoTethys in the Dinaro^Hellenide region. and western Gondwana. Late Permian to Middle Triassic me¨langes and The position of the with respect to fore-arc basin remnants found in the Dinarides, Africa is de¢ned by the oceanic isochrons in the Hellenides and Taurides, indicate a ¢nal closure Somalia^Mozambique basins from Late Jurassic of this Paleozoic ocean at that time (Eocimmerian to Late Cretaceous. The rotation of east Gondwa- event). In northern Turkey and Iran, the collision na (comprising the future Indian plate) with re- of the Cimmerian terranes with the Eurasian mar- spect to Africa was responsible for intra-oceanic gin was more complex due to the presence of subduction within the NeoTethys along a paleo- oceanic plateaus and Marianna-type back-arc transform and the onset of spreading of the Sem- basins between the two domains (e.g.[50]). ail Marianna-type back-arc (Fig. 9). The direction NeoTethys subduction (Fig. 8) recorded of the Semail intra-oceanic subduction is con- through the onset of magmatism along its north- trolled by the age of the oceanic crust on each ern Iranian margin, created a strong slab pull, side of the , the older one subduct- which contributed to the break-up of Pangea ing under the younger one. and the opening of the central in The complex obduction/collision of the Vardar Early Jurassic time. This break-up extended east- plate with the surrounding passive margins, fol- ward into the Alpine Tethys trying to link with lowed the Late Triassic^Early Jurassic intra-oce- new Eurasian back-arc oceans like the Izmir^An- anic subduction of the Meliata^Maliac oceans, kara and south Caspian Ocean. The diachronous related to the southward subduction of the Ku«re subduction of the NeoTethys spreading ridge is Ocean. The north-east-directed subduction of the held responsible for major changes in the Late combined remnant Vardar and Izmir^Ankara Jurassic to Early Cretaceous plate tectonics and oceans, generated the collision of an intra-oceanic the ¢nal break-up of Gondwana, as well as the arc with the Austro^Carpathian and Balkanide detachment of the Argo-Burma terrane o¡ Aus- areas in late Early Cretaceous times. All these tralia, and the detachment of the Indian plate. If events are well recorded through formation of ac- the collision of the Argo-Burma terrane with Ma- cretionary me¨langes, fore-deep basins, deforma- laysia can be placed before the Santonian, there tion, magmatism and metamorphism. At about are still some doubts about the timing of its sep- the same time, the Iberic plate became part of aration from Australia. We adopted here a solu- the and drifted eastward, its eastern tion which does not ¢t rheological constraints but promontory, the Brianc°onnais, becoming impli- follows general views on a Late Jurassic drifting cated in the Alpine orogenic system. of Argoland. The problem is the necessity to de- The Alpides orogenic system sensu stricto velop a far too long transform to link up the new (Alps, Carpathian and Balkans) is directly related Argo mid-ocean ridge with the still-existing Neo- to the evolution of the Maliac^Maliata/Vardar Tethys ridge north of the Indian plate. An Early evolution and the fact that the subduction of the Cretaceous drifting of Argoland together with In- Maliac^Meliata slab was directed southward. The dia would be far less problematic. orogenic prism moved from the Austro-Carpathi-

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Fig. 8. See legend of Fig. 3.

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Fig. 9. See legend of Fig. 3.

EPSL 6084 7-3-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart G.M. Stamp£i, G.D. Borel / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 196 (2002) 17^33 31 an area to the Alpine Tethys and extended west- oceanic subduction within the NeoTethys south ward to the western Alps in Late Cretaceous time. of Iran and the onset of spreading of the Semail In contrast, the Tethysides system is related to Marianna-type back-arc ocean. a north-directed subduction of the NeoTethys and The history of the western Tethys is complex; associated back-arc basins (e.g. Semail and cannibalism of three generations of back-arcs Spongtang), the large NeoTethys slab was entirely (Maliac, Maliata, Vardar) took place and resulted subducted, leaving hardly any ophiolitic traces; in the Alpides orogenic system. Such a great com- all NeoTethyan ophiolites being derived from plexity in a small region tests the limits of the Cretaceous back-arc basins reconstruction process.

5. Conclusions Acknowledgements

The plate tectonic model presented here with its We thank all the scientists involved in the dynamic plate boundaries and synthetic paleo-iso- IGCP 369 project, J. Mosar for his pioneering chrons o¡ers new information on oceans widths, work on the subject and J. von Raumer for shar- on the timing of major tectonic events and on the ing his knowledge of the Paleozoic. H. Kozur has processes responsible for their existence and dis- actively participated in the choice of alternative appearance. Geodynamic principles provide stable models. This manuscript bene¢ted from the gen- constraints when geological information is sparse. erous e¡ort and constructive criticism of M. Gur- The PaleoTethys opened as a back-arc basin nis, R.D. Mu«ller and B. Murphy. Project partly due to the slab rollback of the Rheic and Asiatic supported by FNRS Grant numbers 20-53P646.98 oceans, resulting in the rifting of a ribbon of and 20-61P885.00.[RV] superterranes from the Gondwana margin. The Variscan orogeny in Europe is not a continent/ References continent collision but the accretion of these ter- ranes. The Late Carboniferous^Early Permian [1] G.M. Stamp£i, G.D. Borel, W. Cavazza, J. Mosar, P.A. calc-alkaline intrusions and volcanism found in Ziegler, Palaeotectonic and palaeogeographic evolution of the Variscan Alpine^Mediterranean domain is re- the western Tethys and PeriTethyan domain (IGCP Proj- lated to the northward subduction of the Paleo- ect 369), Episodes 24 (2001) 222^228. [2] J. von Raumer, G.M. Stamp£i, G.D. Borel, F. Bussy, The Tethys. Slab rollback of the latter produced the organisation of pre-Variscan basement areas at the north- collapse of the pre-existing Variscan cordillera Gondwanan margin, Int. J. Earth Sci. (2001) in press. and led to the opening of NeoTethys. [3] I. Vavassis, A. DeBono, G.M. Stamp£i, D. Giorgis, A. NeoTethys replaced PaleoTethys even when Valloton, Y. Amelin, U^Pb and Ar^Ar geochronological Pangea was stable during Permian and Triassic data from the Pelagonian basement in Evia (Greece): geo- times, pointing out the key role played by slab- dynamic implications for the evolution of Paleotethys, Schweiz. Mineral. Petrogr. Mitt. 80 (2000) 21^43. pull forces on ocean evolution and consequently [4] G.M. Stamp£i, G. Borel, J. von Raumer, Terrane accre- on plate distribution. tion in the Variscan domain, in: Basement Tectonics 15, The major changes in the Late Jurassic to Early La Corun¬a, Spain, 2000, 167^169. Cretaceous plate tectonics can be associated with [5] G.M. Stamp£i, J. von Raumer, G.D. Borel, The Palaeo- zoic evolution of pre-Variscan terranes: From peri-Gond- the diachronous subduction of the NeoTethys ac- wana to the Variscan collision, in: J.R. Martinez-Catalan, tive ridge along the Eurasian northern margin. R.D. Hatcher, R. Arenas, F. Diaz Garcia (Eds.), Variscan The slab pull forced opened the Argo Abyssal Appalachian Dynamics: The Building of the Upper Pa- Plain and detached the Argo-Burma terrane leozoic Basement, Geological Society of America Special from Australia, possibly together with the Indian Paper, 2002, in press. [6] G.M. Stamp£i, Tethyan oceans, in: E. Bozkurt, J.A. Win- plate. chester, J.D.A. Piper (Eds.), Tectonics and Magmatism in The subsequent Valanginian rotation of east Turkey and Surrounding Area, Geological Society of Gondwana relative to Africa induced an intra- London Special Publication 173 (2000) 163^185.

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