BIGGER, STRONGER AND READY TO GROW 2010 ANNUAL REPORT MINMETALS RESOURCES LTD MMG 12th Floor, China Minmetals Tower Level 23, 28 Freshwater Place 79 Chatham Road South Southbank Victoria 3006 Australia Tsimshatsui Kowloon Hong Kong GPO Box 2982 Melbourne Victoria 3001 t 852 2613 6300 f 852 2840 0580 t 61 3 9288 0888 f 61 3 9288 0800 e
[email protected] e
[email protected] w w Processing operations at Century, Queensland. CONTENTS CORPORATE INFORMATION 6 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 7 CHAIRMAN’S REVIEW 8 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REVIEW 10 GROUP LOCATIONS 14 OPERATIONAL REVIEW 16 EXPLORATION AND PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 24 EXPLORATION 26 RESOURCES AND RESERVES STATEMENT 28 SUSTAINABILITY 34 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 38 DIRECTORS AND SENIOR MANAGEMENT 50 DIRECTORS’ REPORT 55 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE report 67 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT 74 FINANCIAL REPORT 77 GLOSSARY 160 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 1 Concentrate loading at Golden Grove, Western Australia. Aluminium coils at North China Aluminium, Zhuozhou, China. 2 GROWING A GLOBAL BUSINESS Minmetals Resources, with the acquisition of MMG, has transformed itself into a significant upstream diversified base metals company. Minmetals Resources is set to become bigger and more profitable by maximising its returns from discovering, acquiring, developing and sustainably operating resource projects around the world. Minmetals Resources is now one of the world’s largest producers of zinc and a substantial producer of copper, lead, gold and silver. 3 Mining operations at Sepon, Lao PDR. Finished copper rod at Changzhou Jinyuan Copper, Changzhou, China. 4 GROWING A STRONGER FUTURE In the short term, the acquisition of MMG has increased cash flow and profitability.