Proposal for an Asian American Studies Program at Indiana University Bloomington November 5, 2001 a -- l j November 5, 2001 Greetings! This proposal forthe establishment of an Asian American Studies Programat Indiana University - Bloomingtonhas been submitted to the College of Artsand Sciences forconsideration. In developing this proposal, we had the benefit of support and advice from many offices and individuals on campus. We would like to thank the Officeof the Dean of the College of Artsand Sciences, the Office of the Vice President for Student Development and Diversity, and the Officeof the Chancellor and Vice President forAcademic Affairs. We would also like to express our appreciation for the informationand insights offeredby David Zaret, Linda Smith, andMichael McGerr fromthe Officeof the Dean; Kristine Lindemannof Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Student Services; AlbertoTorchinsky, Associate Vice Chancellor forStrategic Hiring and Support; Jean Robinson, Dean of Women's Affairs; Patrick O'Meara, Dean oflnternational Programs; Jorge Chapa, Director of Latino Studies; Bill Wiggins, Acting Chair of Afro-American Studies; Eva Cherniavsky,Director of American Studies; Dick Rubinger, Chair of East Asian Languages and Cultures; and the staffmembers of these and other departmentsand programs who helped us gather informationon course offeringsand operating expenses. Finally, we wish to acknowledge the contributions of current and formerdir ectors of Asian American Studies programs at other Big Ten universities who shared their experiences with us and gave valuable comments on our own proposal in the course of its development. If there is any further information you require, please contactthe committee c/o the Asian Culture Center at 856-5361 or
[email protected].