VOLUME I Statement of Votes
A REPORT ON THE TWENTY-NINTH GENERAL ELECTION VOLUME I Statement of Votes SASKATCHEWAN’S TWENTY-NINTH GENERAL ELECTION | OCTOBER 26, 2020 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER (ELECTIONS SASKATCHEWAN) #301 – 3303 HILLSDALE STREET, REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN CANADA S4S 6W9 TELEPHONE: (306) 787-4000 / 1-877-958-8683 FACSIMILE: (306) 787-4052 / 1-866-678-4052 WEB SITE: www.elections.sk.ca ISBN 978-0-9958097-3-4 VERSION 2.0 June 30, 2021 July 29, 2015 The Honourable Randy Weekes Speaker of the Legislative Assembly The Honourable Dan D’Autremont Room 129, Legislative Building 2405Speaker Legislative of the DriveLegislative Assembly Regina,129 Legislative Saskatchewan Building S4S 0B3 Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0B3 Mr. Speaker: Mr. Speaker: Pursuant to Section 286 of The Election Act, 1996, I am honoured to submit Statement of Votes, VolumePursuant I in to A SectionReport on 286.1 the Twenty-Ninthof The Election General Act, 1996 Election, I have. the distinct privilege of presenting the Annual Report of the Office of the Electoral Officer (Elections Saskatchewan) Thisto the volume Legislative provides Assembly an overview of Saskatchewan. of the election, including analysis of voter turnout, data on registered political parties, candidates, and elected members. Also included is constituency-by-constituency results by polling division and summary data of the official voting results. This Annual Report highlights Office activities for the period April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, Michael D. Boda, D.
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