NGCC Minutes 12 03 2020

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NGCC Minutes 12 03 2020 NORTH GLENROTHES COMMUNITY COUNCIL Web: Charity No: SC078193 Chairperson: Ron Page, 1 Juniper Hill, KY7 5TH. Tel. 743319. Secretary: Maggie Murray, 40 Stroma Way, KY7 6RD. Tel. 07960 094 946. Treasurer: Keith Barton, 6 Fleming Place, KY7 5GH. Tel. 07900 807 995. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- North Glenrothes Community Council Mee3ng Cadham Neighbourhood Centre Thursday 12 March 2020 at 7pm Present: Ron Page; Denise Wallace; Keith Barton; Ken Campbell; Lynn Mowatt; Kenny Crichton; Mary Wallace; Catriona Barker Mowbray; Andy Mowbray; Andy Barton; Brian Lumsden; Maggie Murray; Daniel Forbes (Police Scotland); Martyn Reidie (Police Scotland); Cllr Mike Green (Fife Council); Rose Duncan (Collydean Neighbourhood Centre); Tessa Sim (Fife Council); Roy Paterson (Plymouth Brethren Community Church); Ted Smerdon (Plymouth Brethren Community Church). 1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks Ron Page welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Apologies Shaun Jackson; Brian Turner; Margaret Simpson; Morris Brown; Cllr Jan Wincott (Fife Council); Cllr Fiona Grant (Fife Council). 3. Community Police Report There has been an episode of sneek-in house break-ins in Whinnyknowe; two houses were entered. An arrest was made and there have been no incidents since. Youths have been causing some issues around the church and mosque. Police Scotland have increased patrols in the area. Speeding monitoring continues at Balfarg junction. There has been a report of a wooden fence being damaged by a red tractor. Police have appealed for information in the incident. Police are trying to promote community speed watch and are seeking volunteers to undertake training. The initiative will start on Wednesday 1 April 2020. In response to a report regarding graffiti in the underpass at Kerrera Place, PC Martin Reidie advised that the Council will send out industrial cleaners if such incidents are reported. When asked what increased police presence involved, Martin advised that this involved driving through a given area multiple times and additionally targeting times when incidents have been known to take place. Rose Duncan thanked Police Scotland for the £1,000 diversion monies for youth in Collydean. 4. Report on RWE Generation UK CHP Biomass Plant Mark Picton advised that: ・the plant has now achieved 147 days on continuous generation; ・an outage is planned for 20 April for 5 weeks, during which time expensive maintenance will be undertaken; ・there has been a solid performance on health and safety since the last meeting; ・Covid 19 is a major concern but sensible company guidelines are being followed; ・currently undertaking a tonal nose assessment for SEPA, which will be completed by the end of March; ・two electrical engineer and technician posts have been filled with Glenrothes and Kirkcaldy residents; ・permission is being sought to fill the former Tullis Russell water clarification chambers with inert rubble and a pre planning application has been submitted for replacement of the existing conveyor system. 5. Minutes of Last Meeting Ron Page pointed out the the Minutes should include Maggie Murray was unanimously appointed as Secretary of North Glenrothes Community Council. The Minutes were approved subject to the above amendment. 6. Matters Arising 6.1. Fun Day 2020 Saturday 6 June 2020 Kenny Crichton circulated a report on the meeting to discuss Glenrothes Family Fun Day. It was agreed at the meeting that it should be Glenrothes wide and used as an opportunity to showcase Glenrothes businesses. A raffle is being organised by Go Glenrothes and money raised will be given to groups involved. He suggested that Community Councils be asked to donate £750. It was agreed that the event be organised under the NGCC banner for insurance purposes and that Fife Council be contacted regarding this proposal. In relation to Covid 19, it is intended to continue with planning, but no money will be spent at present. It was noted that the Scottish Government and Fife Council have not to date cancelled anything, but should this happen with no end date this would prove problematic for rescheduling. 6.2 Tree Project Grant After lengthy discussion it was agreed that: ・£5k should be ring-fenced for each community centre and that NGCC should write to them advising that this funding was available, subject to NGCC receiving proposals which fulfilled the criteria of the TREE project; ・Kenny Crichton and Tessa Sim would organise a sub group to come forward with proposals to consult the community on proposals and would e mail all members asking for participants. 6.4 Glenrothes Town Centres and Kingdom Shopping Centre It was noted that there are currently two groups looking at the town centre. Michael Westwater, of Halliday Fraser Munro, Architects and Planning Consultants is looking at the wider town centre area and the Glenrothes Area Futures Group and looking at the Kingdom Shopping Centre. It was agreed that anyone with ideas about the Kingdom Centre should contact Lynn Mowatt. 7. Meeting with Michael Mathieson, Scottish Government Cabinet Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity Members expressed disappointment that Micheal Mathieson felt unable to visit the A92 and that dualing of the A92 does not form part of the Scottish Government’s forthcoming transport planning mechanism. It was agreed that office bearers would continue to meet with Transport Scotland and BEAR and would separately request a meeting with Fife Council. 8. Treasurer’s Report Keith Barton reported that there had been no activity in the past month. Funds are: No 1 account £32,679.20 Designated Account £5927.67 Total £39606.87 Bank statements have not been received so a small amount of interest may be added. 9. Correspondence The letter from Fife Council regarding the naming of The Henge Retail and Leisure Park was noted. The responsibility of naming property lies with the owner. 9. Questions to Local Councillors 9.2 Roads and pavements Denis Wallace expressed concern that despite assurance that potholes in Pitcoudie Avenue had been designated with emergency repair status, no work had been undertaken. It was noted however, that the potholes in Aitken Road mentioned at last month’s Community Council meeting had been repaired. A member of the public expressed concern about the new path past Pitcoudie Primary School on Cadham Road. There is no rumbling strip which makes it unsafe for wheel chair users. Additionally the crossing in Cadham precinct at the chip shop can’t be used by wheelchair users as there is no dropped kerb. 10. AOCB 10.1 Plymouth Brethren Community Church Contact has been made with residents in the flats at Cadham Terrace. An engineer has been contacted regarding surface water issues and an arboriculturist has been consulted about the trees on the site. The Church trustees have agreed that a planning application should be submitted. 10.2 Community Council Newsletter It was agreed that a Community Council newsletter should be circulated later this year. Ron Page and Kenny Crichton will take this work forward. 10.3 Gilvenbank Park - Old Road Fife Council is no longer considering street lighting in the old road at Gilvenbank Park. 11. Date of Next Meeting Thursday 9 April 2020 at 7 pm in Cadham Neighbourhood Centre Further scheduled Meetings: Thursday 14 May 2020 at 7 pm in Cadham Neighbourhood Centre Thursday 11 June 2020 at 7 pm in Cadham Neighbourhood Centre.
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