P. G. Wodehouse | 282 pages | 14 Mar 2002 | Everyman | 9781841591148 | English | London, United Kingdom and Others PDF Book

Add to Cart failed. , Beach the butler, and others have put their shirt on this, and for Lord Emsworth it will be paradise on earth. Twistleton, nephew to the Earl, and otherwise known as Pongo to his friends, has a differing view. Retrieved 14 May Lord Emsworth and Others contains one story set at Castle , three golf stories narrated by the Oldest Member , one story featuring Drones Club member Freddie Widgeon, one tale narrated by Mr Mulliner , and three Ukridge stories. Susan Lord Emsworth and Others 5. Dec 30, Tony rated it liked it. There are nine stories in this collection: a Blandings Castle story, three golf stories told by The Oldest Member, a Drones Club story, and three concerning that resourceful scoundrel Ukridge. Please try again. To these Titans a private secretary is simply a Hey-you, a Hi-there, a mere puppet to be ordered hither and thither at will. His uncle is Lord Uppingham, and the girl he falls for is Constance Rackstraw. Narrated by: Nigel Lambert. Amazon Reviews. It was a lovely, still evening, and I was sitting in the garden under a leafy tree, thinking beautiful thoughts. Be the first to ask a question about Lord Emsworth and Others. If Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge had a fiver for every dodgy scheme he had ever floated, he would be a very rich man indeed. Waterbury flees to a pub, where Freddie and Murphy follow. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. When Maud Marsh flings herself into George Bevan's cab in Piccadilly, he starts believing in damsels in distress. Lord Emsworth is a hopelessly doddering old duffer with the tiniest bit of spark left in him, just enough left to make you love the old fellow. Eggs, Beans, and Crumpets By: P. He was humming as he approached the terrace. Unfollow podcast failed. Emsworth's favourite pastimes are his pig and his garden, and he spends many a happy hour pottering about it, arguing with his gardeners, especially Angus McAllister , whose desire to gravel the famous Yew Alley is particularly upsetting to his Lordship, and with his pig-keepers, who include Wellbeloved , Pirbright , and the Amazonian Monica Simmons. Twistleton, nephew to the Earl, and otherwise known as Pongo to his friends, has a differing view. By: Ben Schott. The Luck of the Bodkins By: P. Lord Emsworth and Others Writer

A bar-room brawl ensues. He is certainly the funniest. Freddie sings well, but a red-headed man in the audience, "Ginger" Murphy, recognizes Waterbury. On one of his rare visits to London he had once heard an extraordinarily vivid phrase which had made a deep impression upon him. Lord Emsworth and Others. Then came some Ukridge stories, about a man who continually comes up with wacky money-making schemes, only to see them coll This truly was a delightful set of stories. To these Titans a private secretary is simply a Hey-you, a Hi-there, a mere puppet to be ordered hither and thither at will. The Crumpet tells the following story. He did a great job; I'll even search his stuff out. What about pigs? Please try again later. Anyone watching Lord Emsworth totter blindly across the terrace would have foreseen that he would shortly collide with something, the only point open to speculation being with what he would collide. Italiano Edit links. After a plot to imply the drainage in the house is faulty fails, Ukridge decides to claim the house is infected with Scarlet fever , but receiving a telegram from his aunt saying she will arrive in Paris the following week, and knowing a trip there always takes his aunt a few weeks, decides to delay shutting down his plan to grab a few more weeks rent. Please try again later. Galahad knows this pretender to the crown must be pignapped. This is quite the catch-up collection of mid-short stories with some of Wodehouse's more popular non- characters. Women almost always appear as the inexplicable other in Wodehouse's writings but this is a fortunately rare occurrence where he crosses over to outright misogyny. Highly recommended for Wodehouse fans, and it would probably be a good introduction for those not familiar with his world. The idyll of Blandings Castle is about to be disturbed, for the Hon. The one thing that could be expected to disturb the peace of life at Blandings is the incursion of imposters. I cannot eat, cannot sleep. Brilliance Audio. What about him? The next day, Blicester decides to send Freddie away to the country for a few weeks. I want you to meet Mr Baxter. He had never met that genial Chicagoan, but he had always thought kindly and gratefully of him, as one does of some great doctor who has succeeded in insulating and confining a disease germ. She kept saying they were engaged. Listeners also enjoyed Benedict tells the story of how he faces them down, while promoting the love of Bill Lister and Prudence Garland. It is all settled. George traces his mysterious traveling companion to Belpher Castle, home of Lord Marshmoreton, where things become severely muddled. It's good to have these screwball sagas again, in a far more portable format and at an unbelievable reasonable price. It is not only hysterically funny, but it is also beautifully crafted. Amazon Reviews. But can the Empress in turn avoid a similar fate? Unmissable I've always been a big fan of the dramatised PG Wodehouse audiobooks, but Nigel Lambert does an equally brilliant job portraying dozens of different characters, from doddery Lord Emsworth to forceful Lady Constance, taking in numerous nieces and ne-er do wells along the way with apparent effortlessness. A moment later, the melody had died on his lips and he was rocking back on his heels as if he had received a solid punch on the nose. While Blandings Castle sleeps in the summer sun, the Hon. What did you like most about Lord Emsworth and Others? Freddie, however, is not alone: Blandings is simply brimming with criminals and impostors all intent on stealing Aunt Constance's 20, pound diamond necklace. Lord Emsworth and Others Reviews

His wife ruled him with an unremitting firmness from the day they had stepped across the threshold.. Not one I shall be hurrying back to soon. Mark Just the quiet life, with nobody to fuss him. Any additional comments? Leave It to By: P. It is perilous to put it into speech. Despite the political and social upheavals that occurred during his life, much of which was spent in France and the United States, Wodehouse's main canvas remained that of prewar English upper-class so Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, KBE, was a comic writer who enjoyed enormous popular success during a career of more than seventy years and continues to be widely read over 40 years after his death. We are sorry. The non- Blandings tales are amusing even This was a shared read-aloud with Donald. He shuns his administrative duties and generally has a secretary to handle such things; amongst the occupants of this post have been the likes of Hugo Carmody , Monty Bodkin and Psmith , although by far the best known, and least appreciated by his Lordship, is , the bespectacled efficiency expert, who made Emsworth's life a misery with his ruthless organisation of his master's precious time. For Galahad has led a thoroughly misspent life, and his acquaintances can all too easily recall their past follies in his company. Download as PDF Printable version. For a time the plan goes smoothly. Waterbury , is a professional pianist, and Freddie feels obliged to give him money occasionally. Do stop doddering and listen to me. Lord Emsworth is a hopelessly doddering old d I doubt I've ever seen more mileage gotten out of an air rifle! The remainder of the book is rounded out with tales of Ukridge, his overly confident ne'er- do-well character who never notices that he never does well. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. She had a silly flirtation with him, which, of course, she insisted on magnifying into a great romance. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. Lord Emsworth proceeded to the library, a tender pity in his heart for this boy who by his crisp summing-up of Rupert Baxter had revealed himself so kindred a spirit. Sarah What about him? Hot Water By: P. in the Springtime By: P. A major mix-up at Blandings Castle, in which Galahad introduces yet another imposter to Lord Emsworth's residence and the gets sloshed in her sty. Additionally, Lord Bosham pronounced "Bozzam" is variously described as having two sons or three sons. A chance meeting on a train brought together Lord Ickenham and Bill Oakshott - although being told that the love of his life, Hermione, was engaged to none other than Pongo, Lord Ickenham's nephew, did make Bill feel like he'd been struck behind the ear. If Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge had a fiver for every dodgy scheme he had ever floated, he would be a very rich man indeed. Pigs rise above their bulk to vanish and reappear in the most unlikely places Show More. It was a lovely, still evening, and I was sitting in the garden under a leafy tree, thinking beautiful thoughts. Audible Premium Plus. After a plot to imply the drainage in the house is faulty fails, Ukridge decides to claim the house is infected with Scarlet fever , but receiving a telegram from his aunt saying she will arrive in Paris the following week, and knowing a trip there always takes his aunt a few weeks, decides to delay shutting down his plan to grab a few more weeks rent. Italiano Edit links. I also enjoyed the three golf stories and the three featuring Ukridge and found even the Mulliner and the Drones stories to be well worth reading.

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An odd - but good - little smorgasbord In some ways this collection seems a bit odd: it starts with a fairly long Blandings Castle story a good one, in which the Efficient Baxter is pelted with air guns , which is followed by stories featuring several of Wodehouse's usual characters: Ukridge, Mulliner, The Oldest Member, etc. Whether he had been onstage and flopped as I have or just had seen so much of the stage in his other career as one of the 20th centuries fine comic play-writes that he could write a good stage appearance gone wrong I don't know. All day his mood had been one of perfect contentment and tranquillity, and for once in a way Angus McAllister had done nothing to disturb it. For pity's sake! He simply describes his uncle as being loopy to the tonsils. Views Read Edit View history. Your niece Jane. About P. When a forceful woman comes between a man and a coveted tournament medal, she sees the true depths of his soul. A Damsel in Distress By: P. From the mean streets of Mayfair to the scheming spires of Cambridge, we encounter a joyous cast of characters: chiseling painters and criminal bookies, eccentric philosophers and dodgy clairvoyants, appalling poets and pocket dictators, vexatious aunts and their vicious hounds. Collection of short stories including the extremely funny "The Crime Wave at Blandings". George traces his mysterious traveling companion to Belpher Castle, home of Lord Marshmoreton, where things become severely muddled. But what's here is all so good you don't notice the gap. For Galahad has led a thoroughly misspent life, and his acquaintances can all too easily recall their past follies in his company. What about pigs? Freddie loses the bet, and sees that it was Blicester whose hat was knocked off. His aunt is a little nonplussed, but is soon persuaded everything is alright. To these Titans a private secretary is simply a Hey-you, a Hi-there, a mere puppet to be ordered hither and thither at will. A Treat This is a truly wonderful Audiobook It is warm, funny, brilliantly observed, and superbly narrated by Nigel Lambert who misses neither shade nor rib tickling nuance. Also note that Lord Emsworth and his siblings are children of the previous Earl of Emsworth and thus have titles in accordance with forms of address for earls and their children in the UK. Published May 13th by The Overlook Press first published Any book that begins by pompous people at an English being popped in the posterior by a mysteriously-ubiquitous airgun deserves a place on my permanent rotation of reading material. Well worth your time. The best is the Blandings Castle story, which is hilarious. Italiano Edit links. Galahad at Blandings By: P. Jun 03, Nancy rated it liked it Shelves: read , audiobooks , humor , wodehouse-in-toto , shorts. Taxes where applicable. It is left to the debonair Psmith, with his usual aplomb, to unscramble the passion, problems, and identities, of one and all. Jolly good! Twistleton, nephew to the Earl, and otherwise known as Pongo to his friends, has a differing view. Wodehouse ". Jul 31, aPriL does feral sometimes rated it it was amazing Shelves: audiobook , humor. Add to Wish List failed. Wodehouse P Audible, Inc. If Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge had a fiver for every dodgy scheme he had ever floated, he would be a very rich man indeed. No trivia or quizzes yet. Adult Fiction. You may have noticed him about. Pure fun. Benedict Series: Drones Club , Ukridge , Book 3. It is perilous to put it into speech.

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