FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Nancy Christie to be part of Read- a-Thon July 13 at Barnes & Noble Booksellers-Settlers Ridge, Pittsburgh, PA CONTACT: Nancy Christie * 330-793-3675 * [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~ Nancy Christie part of To Kill a Mockingbird Read-a-Thon July 13 at Barnes & Noble Booksellers-Settlers Ridge, Pittsburgh, PA Nancy Christie will be joining other area guest readers for the To Kill a Mockingbird Read-a- Thon at Barnes & Noble Booksellers-Settlers Ridge, 800 Settlers Ridge Center Drive in Pittsburgh, PA. The July 13 event is in preparation for the release of ’s Go Set a Watchman on July 14. “To Kill a Mockingbird is an important book in American literature and I’m honored to be part of the event honoring Harper Lee,” said Christie. “I hope people will take the opportunity read To Kill a Mockingbird as well as Go Set a Watchman, and then discuss the meaning behind both works.” Christie is scheduled to read at 2 PM, and will be remaining at the store afterwards to sign copies of her book, Traveling Left of Center and Other Stories. Published September 2014 by Pixel Hall Press, Traveling Left of Center and Other Stories has garnered significant praise from book reviewers such as Hal Blythe, fiction editor of The Chaffin Journal, Charles S. Weinblatt, book reviewer for New York Journal of Books and Margaret Gust of Coastal Breeze News. Since her book’s release, Christie has done numerous blog tours as well as appeared at various northeast Ohio and western Pennsylvania venues, with more scheduled in the coming months. For more information about Christie and her book, visit the Traveling Left of Center and Other Stories book page at About Nancy Christie Nancy Christie is the author of the fiction collection, Traveling Left of Center and Other Stories and two short story e-books, Annabelle and Alice in Wonderland (all published by Pixel Hall Press) and the inspirational book, The Gifts Of Change (published by Beyond Words/Atria). Her stories have also appeared in literary publications such as Wild Violet, EWR: Short Stories, Hypertext, Full of Crow, Fiction365, Red Fez, and The Chaffin Journal. Most recently, her short story, “Remember Mama,” was selected for publication by Talking River, Lewis-Clark State College’s literary journal. Currently Christie is working on several book projects, including a second collection, a novel and a book for writers. Christie is also the founder of “Celebrate Short Fiction” Day, an active blogger, a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors and Short Fiction Writers Guild (SFWG) and host of the monthly Monday Night Writers group in Canfield, OH. -30-