
148 Gil T~e critical journal o! the &itis~ Science r~tion Association



l ' I 'l I He Snortlists

He Mlisner·s [oitor·s Stor1 Snaoes ol Bi~ Brotner

PlUS 8 0 0 k RIV i e W S and le I Ie IS VfCTUR 1· 4 · 8 FEBRUARY / MARCH 1989 C 0 N T ,------f --N - - -T- ---S 3 15 Soae • ialngs on u,. ,-r gene. and aw.wds, """"""- ~ Vile~ !Ed) - THE JWMml 800IC OF SIIOllT HORROR and UM nat,r• ot SF • 'fent-y Isaac Asl- - Pll'.£1.l»ETOFOUIIOATIOli' B'"'Bo.,e-lt11511.U' ,znns Scott Brad(l•ld - TIE SECttT LIFE 0F HOUSES John9rU11ner - nEDAYSOFNARCff Polltlca, the Fuu,re end SF, lrKludlng 1•urprtn!} cybe<"punll; Orson Scott Card - SEVDrnl sot! end .Vcturan Allft80.-IH a11alyHd Hnln11ly Jonathon CerrolJ - Sl.EEPI NG IN FLANi: JohnClull, Dav1dPrlnglel5! aon0unsley(Edsl- 111TER2D£: THE3RDAm«ll.OGY 7 Gardner l)ozo1 s (Ed l - BEST NEV SF 2 a:s?"0Fl9ea Chrt l> hy..::>nd E. Fetal• FU:IIETALE of our popular and UHflll en. -t ,_tune: Frederick S. fruk - OOTHIC flCTJON our,....levm-a'dlolceofthelr f•,,_U•boouofl.Nt,....,. ~ C.r11Hl (Ed) - TIE OUJT SCIDCE ncnOl'I

Robert MoldUock - Uf'CN>TSS 10 SlephenJon•••DevldSutlon(Edal-TI£8EST HOIIROII ll&STOF 196a CPart 2> FtoNFANTASTTALES Mo11reenPort•rdtsc11HffthellipoHlbletaekhclng J . S. LeFanu-THE I LLU5Tlo\raDJ.S. LE F,.,.U lhe ArlhurCClerke Avard judgn Dan1e!J.H, Leva<:k- l'ICD: A l'HILJPI, DICI BIBUOGUPHY, 11:EVISEIIElllTIOff Dante! J K. L.vact • Mark Willerd - Out£ N,!.ST1Jt: A II F~ l£l:llDT BIBUOGUPHT l'htlltpMann- PIOl€EIS Vllal's Ill\ Sf" publl!IIMr's ..:IJlor's JOb ell about? Beth ""'=hu (Edl - TEUJ'SUNJVEISE lath7 0.1- telt. all -,.Jy sill to Sten IIIICflDU. - -""-ffl

Ell1101UAL AIJlll£SS: V.,;tar, 2l Oruf1eld lto.G, Cro,don, Sun-ey CIIO 21.D. Tel: 01-668 6081

-=-:ISlm' SB:llrr.tJl'T: J- lt!JJM, ll Thonl•llle ._., llartlapool, Cl...i.,,d TS26 &EV.

_,, _ _,. • • ,_ -• . ,_.• ._,~, ... M - -••~•• H '•"••-- h • • - • _.,_,_.,_ -••• -• •-

TI£ 119'A:Thellr-1tiah5clenc•FlctlonAMOC:tatlot1 taan ~ Good artk:lN aN alwaye want/Id. All JIISS a11attur organlHtlon, founded ln !958, which •'-• to au• t be typed doubl.-,pecl-d on one •tell! or u,a paper. proaot•and111>couragethtlr11adlnjj,wrl\1n11andpubl1ahtng Mui.u• pr•f•rred length 3500 word1; HClpUon• wlll be o f SF I f111>taay In 111 thlllr for-. W1 publish 6 11- e a..S.. A pr11latner1 lettar 1, UHful but not ....,ti.al . year. VKlor, 1 critical ,Joumll. /Ulrb:, • ,,_ • agnlne, i..1aU.dtlld MSS C/1111\0t be returned vlthout an SAE. 1'1- and ~dt ln(«r>O, a r._.l_ Mgutn. of the latNI n,ote lhllt then I.a no p• yaent for publl.caUon. Mallar• pepert,11,;u; and 3 t1- a,- FOCUII. 1 ...:tine for SF who wlal'I to ,...,1_ bclOlm auat flN,t ..,.-U• to the Editor. wrtten. ou,,.r ISFA _...l.CN include Onirer, 11 ,....,.1 SF AIT: ea,,.- ert, llluetrat1- Ind flll• n 11lve,- v•laae • ..,.-n•r•• worbhop; "' SF lnf-tton _.,,ca: • ,....,.1 'IOt.UrnDS: The 8SFA ~ JDUI Pi- a.,tac:t the Edltor. • agn1nllch• ln;-an5Fl.nd"'811br•r y, AD¥EJrTlSDI:< All advwtl.alng copy -t be sub• lttlld • 8/V JIEJEEl9llP coat• uo per aMua

AllopJnlon,rr,,,,,,...HdlnVKtO.- en, f-Oflhe lndJ.,Jd- 11,11 c:DJlrlflul..-. 1/tO ...,n nol N cu.. ID ,...,,,..._1 I­ -111 ,Bll111s18rnm/imHA-mc111111111- of 11.. EDllor or 1/N BSFA exa191 -.. eqUdlJT rr11totd...... ,_ ,,.,,._,.,,.,.. . _ ,,..,..., _,...,--=ii,.. ""''-""'-1- ..,, __ ,.. ..,_u•._ ...... _._..._,.., [OITORIAl ~ DAVID VBAARrn ruur got to arlps with 19118. I bl.aae u.., ~lit.on fea,,g Iha rl•ln!! sun and rKII• • aantn. bablp •~b11>atl.gnof r1Uonaleb•hUld the •J'f~boobl1carefuUyal'Hl IOfll0:- I F"r.ndl n,,ic:)..,- utsts., Clwiri,obfl. end llled>on.llds' t,,u-­ 1111 worud out, but there a.ln't no dJ1ls end knobs t burg.- cartons> so u..,t I.est wtnt..-, for the flrst ,u.pect ltlat H T•lli• 11ac1 had to turn knobe ..-., 1•e•1111 llaeln • yUfe,ldldn'tSHAt!ftnOWonthegrtlUlld. d!Als IOflllff l.e'tOlldrss. tMbook • lgl'lt 11a ... stDOCI e IIOOolm - 111• unbotm; IN' fe•lllar end the sir~•: Suaury or • y !He lost year, uvenl thffl!• _,,, •Jllff/1 - (e11r11y. ..nother f•lr description of Sf Ho badly wrong: a fllW otl'len went 1pl.ndldly right: and I 1klffy el-• enll (....,11, there ls e • pot of tlae trove!, but ftnllly took th• decision to • tep down u \/actor lldltor. deflnltely no knob• •nd d!els); definitely not lhe sort of (Jto--oneh&11yt1tspplledfor11111lyforthej0b,1othlnkon: thtn15 Niven end l'ournelle would !or could) wrue. Not lf you r11ally """ t Vector to conHnu• after Ihle au•• er, sclomc1 fiction, than, you say. Fanhey? But C1rroll'a • aybllyc,uera th• rtghtpanonforthaJob... ) world II H reel•• lhe streel outside ey window, F•ntu• I wa1 t• praul!d by the aaount of good SF I Fanta!oy tlcal ls lhl\lOrd l used obove. lt'11 novelwhtch • GIISf that u .. o,,,t l.Ht yru1r - ... the "SNI of aa• fHtur, reeder• will Jove, 1ven If they don't like Fantosy or 1n 1h19 lHue - and •uch of it Dy 8r1ttah authors, Terry Hon-or. SowlllFontHyreadl!rl, SowlllHorrorrudfl"-. Prat,;t,elt"a 11)-rd si..1...... , tWat andno• IMtton roru for U1"1BSFAAw..-d911ould beln this cen 11lrect new rMde"s to eclenc:e flctlm, ..-., 1ncru- ulltng. 11ener•l ewer- or the l• portanai of Sf', r,ot just w1thtn •• 1lw1,s. __, mccellant boob f•llad to aak• tbe 20th oentury IUer,tur• but - an lndtspen96ble tool for ClarW A...nl 9hortlist. Haw 1-. not solrg to ir,-Uon uw .-.,..tendU'l!I our world end where tt's'-d1t1g.• IHteor thlsillJ\,lllgt,!1,; there...,...,Hl''IIMLd, - Hcow, thlH two b0c:cs oorn e:a·trepolatl MltUill poUtlcs exu... 1, gDOCI boon thb ,...,.• ...... i or •lf;M of vhlch or .... u-ona.iul n,ilnatlan .. do Ille f1"l t- Clarke ju,l:tf11l..tto11•tontheUIOrtltst. lt'sbNri1dlfflcult Ava.rd winner-. lut anpone rMding the• will be, to - an dKUllonforeadloftheJudfl-,andls~t lllefln.91 ... rut11-bte phr-. enrld,ed b)' the upertence. Thsy dts<;uUlan and dloke of lhe w1nn Gollana or blood on ths rtoor can be upectad, 1611Ulls" u t 110111!! to IA:8end. tofJndaor1of11>1soae.

W£ SHOtl.J) ALWAYS TREAT WtTH CAUTION T1'I05£ \ffC SEa: TO t• pou thalr oeftnltlon of vhat Sf' I• end WM\ It ahould tN, • bout upon,..., and Glorg• Turner la no uuptlan. The 119 111!.cilt StrHI, '"-'""""""'tol'IIIO~ El DBI vi- uprn1ed In h11 ll'ffdl O'H6) Hn fiCSting II now h&d b&-. around 100 or "" Thi• II I goad point and deflll1taly worth asl<.lfl8 . y,l!lr• 1110 tM g911r1 would no OOUbt l'laWt bt,en atranp;lRd at Troubla 11, I ~•t bill..,. that _, SF Ht ill the ru1ure birth. For exa• ple, Just ...... the hKk .,.., tht, sclentlflc 1s1c1u1lly1bouttMfutur1tnsny-inefulw1y, Htrapollllon In 11G Wells'• n,., Firs! If- ll! fM Hoon or Why? kc111M -t SF writ.-. don't gl,,,. • cent • n,, Tt•• Hacf,JflfR Nel of tht, end IIU~ of hu•-n org.... 1.. 11on - ,....,.,1"3, SIi)', b111C Ingredients o f SF, llllglfllHon. If • tortes of tlae ...... i car ..1_...., ...-•lat•, nllglou• bigot• - ••rkettng 1r... 11. Ult1rst1ll.ar 1r, ... 1. tll"J)ethy and the 11.ke be<:c.e .,.Kull•N - snd paopl1'1g lhe world with a •l• pler bwKh ol no .- t o Sf" tMn vii i t,,a no SF l•ft to s peak of or IHlly ....1pul1ted d!Ns• en HlKled for tN ablHty to lllul If Turner rejects this •o ld"' .,,_ of SF ""'°' doea pl• 7 off •-ch o,,._.._ oog.•allc stete-u 11.-.1, ts ,,_.. Ml attaapt lo portray people 1ean:,111,g n IAn.tY to u .. •Or Ule 01-tr <-, of u .. ucepU.- .,.. I ¥11 Ot .,.., IIOl!llrJ. Cl Jahn v,...._ llorlMI. OIi tlw ~,,..,.,., ti•• ...-It.- ttwls to ... t1w._ .. lolalcl,-powwofthenuc1Nr~ TIM vemtMXITf'S DlSSECTl ltHU llco, about .._,,_le'" end "spell", llr '"<;o• pet"7 For by produce trlbff of h• f'PY end fulfilled mer- S... people rhylkaa al w• HI end ..rch Iha CO.-puKlH of "u•pel•li11ht ere tw-nlff! oul Utereture In an SF 11ulH. tn P114, Jn ht& ere ever-coru,lalnllcl lo ••ru1111le beck tow•rd• their 90Ur ce revllN of IZ2,. Mdy "'ll• revt,... Chrl• Burn,• "Bllblll" by In "u•pel. HYlff! th,t It "tel11 ue 1h11 afler-the-holocaust-• en- Secondly, I cannot •11ru with lhl HIHl•• nt of Arc- wtll-lM-r1duced-10-1crebbUng-1n-tt>rashH-of-clvtllsatlon". turua "H • fantHtlt ldVll'ltw-1 pe~red with an H •orted 11 told•• nothffl8 of Iha 1ort. It told • e U111t In tilt! co\l•cllon of •y• DOI• r • t htr than H • co• prlfflitn• Jve 11 • t- F• n11• y Htt !n11 of the Towu of Babel, altar t he peopl• '11 ephor for life, thl unlvlf"H and 1v1ryth1ng" I wou ld ton11un l'llld ~ confounded, ther1 .,.,.. • en - • lva11ln!f the r• thar uy th1t II I• enetly th• letter. Tl• Wut ..cott wra.:U11• One lpKU141H wnh hi• frl..,.,• on the nature quotff fr• g• -nl• rtly lorl!'I EIHl•y'• Bal\11nlln• lntroduct- of tt,,. IOW1r al111 lllen • uffert an u111 ..1J • l crlala when lon,anobycolncldencelal.aoquotllclfro• thl• ln • yBllsh ht& ll• llef• on t he vllu• of hl• llf• 'O work lfil quastloned H5&)' of Iha HN LUue EIAley Hy•• • rwl I would l!Tff, by • .._,per,..1unl belna;, The 11tory II fltlhlltc, In ell "do nol • l11l • ke 1111 for • • uperflcl11l t• l• •.• It I• • •lory _,_ of th• ..,,,.d, One of the ba;t 1-... ,_ ell yem-, 11 of the _, dang•- jg,l,lmey 1n the ..,,,.Jd, U,. journey •t•)'llcl In .,, • ind end - I r-• d Ille revl- I had Ill go Into u,. Hll - beyond the -u.• Nothlrlg ,;ould b• ...... ~II~•~ ~~ o;ould rMllr be 90 • UMUW H vesn·t ~;:, t::- •=:,:l~p;:i: ~:..rr..:liea Anothr writer In lhlll • 11Ulng Wllf>Off• ...,_let, will - but IIO la !He - U.. ..,,--•: - • II la that 11-• "CON, t.....-, a• ltv

to h~~t: p,:;! ~.;:•,..:,;"~nr:~:1:.,:;t'"O:::cheY Don"t worry about leek cir • xp• r l-.c:• end cont•cta; !'d i lh1 CI A, th• little • en on the Cl1ph1• o• nl bu•, th• Mafia, l>l!Yer edited • • a g• zlne before, 1t1d 1 knew "'l' few thep• nnlln1Thlrd W11rldendvn\edln!erNt••r•1•n1 10 people lnlheSF a Fentlttiyworl dwlMlnllooli: ll on, do bal\ LI wl\h, uploU, or uplaln 1w1y 11 Ciod'• will/cap- IYou 1111 l he exp,,rlenc• - and • eet the peopl e - by 1t1llH'1 fault the rising ll110'1water1 or p011•11rHnhouw- doinfl t he Job, Whet s. needl!d t• v u~. t i.., wr!te tllls bool(? Brln? BIiliard? 11\d rw;ponslblllty. • ~i!1Aurlc11 Who wou ld No, • writer would do It. It'• l h• lr Job, Obv loualy If ,.,...,. been • Jourr,• 11• 1, or 7""''" pn,d- =• ::~"'::. t~dcc,-~~ ln~!':;.~•~ckT;!:': j~ ~,• 0~~1n=-ld~.,.>::u'::.i ""a-ft':.,1:.-,.:!!:I n,n, P• cckllcl With feel• end f'8urM gl--• d fro• ,...... of besl In the ISFA -1or f- f or ,...... - 7""' =~=lfl~!;;;:"',~i:::.;,'•.!t.., ~7~~:·=~~; I I ~ 1:::,~ '7:!· ."1~ ::.,~:,_e ...~ ~d:- = happens'• Thrlll• rll .,.. for thqa Ilk• that tn"1\e • - tt•l: balng .,_, 1•. wru.- to ow ...ri ..,,,.toa:,n for • trlef~ - wtnd Illa up. I.el" ¥83... • pecvlellon-. JI beJ.orc-.: ln SF t100b. 7""' "l'Jlly. u,. _.. I la • - •u t.•• • for • '1 lhir.k l,_..'I a bll-• lo 5F then._.... =.~ 7""' ';"'~'::t •~.::; .:f ..=~ sp• a,Jau""· &rt l -·t t.1.UqJ e11ou1 SI'-.. u-ti-!J, - ru 6 1...... _,.... •~ el- t• d, wrll• - _, - ,-Ible t« ~~,Z.~~ to~~~ :c;:i:,; S'J: ;:; I =::am~ ~1, &!! ua• trtewl o• d. en,.tcn ~=-J~: :::';!';,!'.:.r~~:=-10 ,o_ 1 ~~ , l f T T R s how II work lt6ted In e 11•ry Sf -,cyclopedia and s ource book PDH1bly, thts tiff In with the tnstructlve rOla c f UM! ) run" !l>e ga• ut of thoae • ut>-genru end categor1H th&t verlouswo• enencounteredbyMeskull/Nl!!ht•pore. you edllortelly correlate. I quote, 81-t at rando•, three Ancthar GrwM\lc work, "The Authorltsllve T-chlng". p.-ototypal11entencet1!8ellantlnep/b>: tells the ellegortcal • tory c f the acNI which originally pH: ceu frOII hfla,,.., but we1 "cas t into the body" to ••per-• •~nlull 1>111tld •1th 1w1 Ille tor~ o1 crytt1\ 11111 tence sen•ual eta.Ire, f"'Hlons, hstr..i end envy. The • 11 to con 'ly lhfl througfl Ille oholl brudth ol Ono&llc perception ofChrlet._ teac:hin11• !snot Ha tick-­ •illbil 101Ct, 0 et to Hlvatlon but ancoura11... nt lo actlvely engag• ln a ISo&t!what 11rchelc-aoundlng,b!Jtraocognl$ablySF.l procns cf ...,..thing for truth and fulfll11en1. Doctrines, p2!11, where tl1e s tone Colo.el Hlu• e llhi: tncludtns ti"' Onostlca' own, were only epproechH to truth, ' Out ol \I'll bl1ck11tu ot l~Ct I glgaMic Mia IM not truth ilHlf. chH! tHrgta, 1l111111n1ltd by I •yltit 101y glow, Katerh,l e•llltenc. involved. thrNfOld • urrer1ng, !,~. I a nttH", nct k"""'l"l! where to gc; perhope ty1ng in wllh the p211'5, <1escr!ptt11e of Ille o• bulous for• of diversity cf s pecln on Tor11ance which rt11ulls fro. the Cry1tel• 11n : arforh of the 1ptrlt freg11ents to r•turn to Muspel: they 'Tht IWlt\ 11tll tUUU~ !•o• II ••, 11ron;, don' tknowwhereto110consclou1ly.butonthedeeplevel, loathlOM, Ind lllriblt: it UIIM0r1n1,· '''"" convlnc•d th"t the only w1y out wn via an lnt•rn&l IHlld by pn11ent a tandarde. bul Horror none 1he lea,.,) Journey to d11cover th• truth about hurunlty'• pl"'" "nd Science fiction, Fantuy, Horror: lf one Hkll when dest1nylnth&untverH,lj0urney whlchled tcld•ntlflc­ • hall then three •nt again, th• ens w"r ••y ~ Mtncreas­ atlcncr the selfwlththa divtne. Chrtst w&1 llflf!n"•"" lngly fr..:iue ntly"; that H lf, u your ...ino<'lal s..e115 to ""Pf!Cl cf th& dlvln& which led souls 01,1t cf the world Into eugg"t, •or• genr•convergence than divergence 1"et WOl'"k enltght_,,11.,,t. All lhts co1,1ld lie 1n with S...rtur, th• true a11ong wr1ter1. But 1t'e not • new occur• nce. cf couru. God, \ryln8tol1adhl1peopleo1,1tcfthelr 1laveryvlee It la ell there lnHrlyWelle- tn"TheF!owerlngcf the l1plritu,ol) jourhf!y through Tor• ance so that they 11lghl Strenge Orchid" end "The Lord of the Oyne11os• for en11pl11; return to their for• er s piritual •~!stance. or If we want to 110 beck to the foundln11 • ethers and I al•c note tile u1urpallonof Surtur'&poiiltlon as fethere. tn Frankensfeln end tn "The Ancient Marin...-•. that the tr"" God t>y u,. falH Cryslel• an. The only • lss1ng 11ssterplececffent1e yand!'.Orrorwhlch,espoet lcnerret- •leHnt Ii the wurtng ew1y of the ort11lnal spirit fr"g­ 1ve. Is shot thrcu11h with pr~nant 111eg.ry de1"1.,ed fro,, • enta but the Onoat lc eects do charsctflrlH -t hu11.,ns, tol•rldg•'•reedlngcf th•Tren..,cttonaof the Royal Soc­ those who h&YI not received gnJsup furlher, supruely these •lnent s of l11agtnettve Insight OIJ I of -•1,1seruJt>ooklJ1re, whlch K.t.,,ce rtc tton/fentasy 11rew end which conttn....i to TheGnoattcGoapell, £lalnehgell Inspire It es decade by decaM the uturtns e11plrlcel Adu, Eve• thflSffpent, Elt1/neP1169ll sc:lene@S enU,r11e<1 the l!t..-etur1's er11nas of H"lrepclat!on ~!,!.cl.1111; ltehtstoryend1nf1...ance,Benja• Jn And specul&tton. Thu• tn "I/Jf7 "ArcturanAllegor\e11"ar.d e

FIRST, ITIIINK "MVSl'EL"MIJST BE DERIVED FROM MIJSPEUIEIM (er Huepellshe!111, depending on UHi tnne latlon you lcck at > A ft1w words on your ..i1tortal, I tried a Fentny novel which Is the lend of fire lnHorn•ythclcgy. ercundso• apubllsh•reaboul flyeyaersDgcandracelveCfl)I U ,' $ut Cete110rln halp Hrket !ng end rl\Ullng; that's why they •Ill" !It Hid th,u IMftgt Ill t!Mld 191lMt 1!] of ext1t,howev1r • t1 leadtns- hlatortcal ro• anceslu• ped ln 11111-•1110 .. , .. with Fentesy or whetaver. They're for publishers' end Scurcu \!ks this c herectatiH thrf11ale principle. A few Jn \he orthcdcxChurch &0• <1Horrorbut11et&b!t fltlupwlth •o • uchcflt. sf"'>l;@k..., end allowed wo•en" full role e s propt,etll , priKU, • W• a/•o hHNI fro• Xev llfcref8h arid RDM!sery tuchers, o\v

VECTOR H I! February/March 1989 "°ASIEISN:C.FOUII 11£GtLU:11£VID1£1STO~ tbe1r t11p rtft boob ar 19$$ - and, - • 1- ,., _M,,._,-intJl1•.rtedr....-. On11 • r.., tltla ..-. ..it lonllCI _.. U... «- - wb1dl _ ,_ -th1ng not an1, llbaut U. di___. B[Sl Of 1988 n, or t-t-. but •lsa MIDLlt u. uun..w;. of lal;; t ,-r's arr.-~ tthaugh flW!thJ.si.11 dl6puttld bf t- or U. writ..-.!). If yo,,i 1H111t • guldoi t a whlot'• ,-ctahl and goad, reed an. RfVlf W[RS' CHOICf kYS..lle1 Five best? Toa pr.. 1,111ptuoos, and of coun,. no one•• read lnto £s t/ler M Frlurter's Druid's Blood, along wit/I• plpe­ tile• 8ll; but lh• ftY9 (,ind 1 llhall lncludlo IJI( orlglnlll•l aaolder. shlph&slangtntrlgued •• ,endlhlsl!;, aP"rlperhapsfrOll Mont' or the other r-law boob c••- up lo its ,uendard, T•n Watiwn•• Qu,Nnaag1c/Klrf8•~Jc, ltH! • ost lnVfflt1vi, but If you're juSI after a fun read you could do wone r•cotnt ra• p around lllel field, ~Jti, dHfartill !n style, tllan toplckup1a•H811ylock'1vartconvol11ted Ho• uncul­ but p,-o•pttng sl11Uar re&ponH•, MlcllM!I Slsllop's Phlllp K u,: - tll&l other ps&udo-Vlctortan actent1'1c roaence, K.W, Dick ts Dettd, ,4Jes111111t be the yesr's aos\ r111arltable tour J&Ur'a Tnfemal 0e~1~ 1uffar1ng In COBli){lrl&on only by de force. IU predictability, Two non-llctlOMo: Oevld Pringle's lfodtHTI F'anlar:y, Ille fa,- (an11 of hard SF, Ben !!ova's H1Jl81llla, ~y cont• Hur>dnldBe,U NtweUfor ltr:90<:)'Clop,tnlccvduasnd for nil, oHers a rHltstlcc future Mlllng, a co• paulonate •ccns to a sharp and ._lllvs crltlcel lnt•lllgence; !::, =~ .:=r:!.. todlly'a pollt!cel conctrne Md an abund- Suah Lefanu',: In ti~ Olmb of UHt ¥orld Jfat:hin. for Us lnl91lf"al treet• ent of f-ln.a• and scJenca rtc11on Ther• are two reprints: MriilrJJ.la by Gordwatn..­ Sallll - 17>e lllJJKJa Tap•st,Y bf 8rlan #,\di.. . 0.00.lng bet- the•, the #,ldlsll cl.JnchN It de&plte Us flat -Ing IMlcaUN. Us t•. preaaln •trl• -. nana of t,.., labour, whlchSaJth'• bao1c ..-et1-0l11plaf$-- FWlly, Phll!p I Dl.ck'I Huapty Duapty In Oakland; thougll gMM!r•I fiction, exhibits all the btttsr-s.,Nt lronlNwhlch aakehls SF so utnordlnarp. lt',: a taxtbooll: HHple to • any I would-be SF ...-Iler of how lo h•ndl11 cllarachrl&&tton - a lea800 tlley•r• not likely to learn rrc11 .. ostwork11cf1cL1nceftctlon.

thqu«>cti.bJe Fir• by RIM:tlel Pol11cl1. aprtngs 111• ..tlalel~ to • Ind. The stor)' of J.,..H..- lillzdan, Ml In an A• arlca -• the • 1.-.cu1- Is an ev~y occwr.-.ce, H• surrullstlcl• ageryre• atnsvlvldto • e-,- Mert auat co• e Jack Vanca'• Ara• fnf" Station. U.. flnt bool( In UMI Cadvd Chronlcl- TlMI sheer bruthlHs scope of ¥anca'1 taaglnlltlon ll!len It c- to crNtlng his ownflon,andf•un.a...,erwheWany • inor-tn.adequec:IHln th plot. ,., aaau,, craft11• an - .-.ad ht.• and ....,P. Clar• Ball !Ill -~ IMIXt l\10 1Jots wltll Retha's CrNlure and Ha aequel CltJn Ground. Yes. I know 1l'a ~•t another Intelligent ant• al ltGt"y, but the lntalllgent felln"of 25 • 11\lon yaar• ago fescWtennd lnterut ae. The first book lsthebllllernf lh1palrl>ut the second al10ha• aa• egood-t1tooffer. O.dd'IBarrett Ftnall~, llrJ.fJ/18 ScJ.,,,ce FlcUon by Cllrl&tophar Evana A good year: l• ponlbl• to keep IO anl)' ftve boob;. lobi,n • akH up • y quota. Although po9slblp too dt!tallad for Holdstor::k'r: t.-..,,S.llnd Jonethanc.&rroll'sSJHflUllfln lhoN who Int 1lrffdy •flclOflltdOe of the gennt 11 Is -1- FI•- .,.. brilliant exaapl.. of fanl-HYI ltter•twe. In a,•,. r.• Yflrtheleu. Full of good ..:l"lce and long overdue lt U_,dyss. 1"- buutltullrportr•,-.:1 ll-,ear-old T•llls • ait..fasclnatlngrHod~ ..,ten the Wood. frtglll ... lngl)' •aangst the •)'lhagos. C..-rollr.uthe..,,.l•bletslentofbrlnglng • ..glctntoa Ml c:hMI Fe.,, ,,...,,ulworld: the problem 1.ssuiapen,11ngyourbllllef, bOI TheJudas6--by5uzett•Hadel\Elgtn. As• linguist I )'Ollr dlsbeUef, In his cruuon. Vhll• Robert90n DevlK'S flndtheldesoflang1.1ege,.lon1!tMllngstoolfo,osulwff.., MrY9llDUS Y,- Lyre oF Orpheus thows !he uH • •••t•r of lonquHelrrfflltlble. lalsoflndltsl81"• lngtll8tln­ •ooem Ut•r11ure can • eke of 1he fantastlcll In• eoregener11ton,eanyoflhereadlngpubltcwlllllavetoo llltle acqualnh0<;e wllh thfl • ec;hanl,;s or lang"-g• to Two •xcallent antllr opologlcal studl.es fro• C.,rry underatand •01St of the rahr~ntar:, KUwor111, Cfa11droclt, a clo,;ed 1!0<:lely 1n which Incest and 1,'1,Drf!sofS,,bylonbylanWatson. Th19 leOIHllwhkh eating tile dead era accepted behaviour: and AbandonatJ, Mltplllnto theconscloo1n1111a ov•r U•e1ndrepay1•s1tt0t1d about how the un.,anted lla.,...nou of 1!0<:let)' aurvt,,. .,llen reading. A dl.scourM on the nalur• of reality H\ In 1111 theyhav11!Mlerlebeodonlldbylheheves.AndU1••lrat111ffleS.S ancient Babylon whldl Is r1ttonstructtld, for nperlaental of Wraethlh11aoc:lel)' 1ns1or• Constantlne'•eo11pelltng n,., purpoHS, 1n the ,...,.,...,, .,.,,..,.t. ,...,ltdiaenfl or io... 1111d HIit• ls ullerly bllllfflDIL Sttlrffrabf P&ul l'reuss. Alt'-'gll tha c.haracterlUllan New In paper-bad<, .+.a.....s. !'rant-•• r;.m...,_ttans ts H fr9flrent as a aonth-old kipper, It Is difficult lo .,Uh ta-,,1 s,n,,, on /'lervenJon, IIU ,-,.n affar hf• Lord--­ urltealugttly.-..dabl•han!H1WK•-lthesedays,llnd llllp's DINfh, ls tl'Mt beo;t land -t r-.-ched) -1 on Pr.... Mscert•lnlysuc~ artlflct.al tn1a111g-,cce I'.,. ....,. rud. Syran elso a.es U~bplobllrtHol.diuock. Tliequalnroflhe -'rltlng 11nd the 11111glne tlon in this hMk, the sequel to lfl!hasto be justth11one,thenlt 11U8tbethe H_vthago W,xxJ, are both excellent. Does he kno"' s ometll!ng Jonen, ltde!llends fermoreof thereeder,buttherewards / :: of the humsn s ubconscious th"t the could t:,e that auch greater . ;:t0 :r:~~r BestBrltlshbookoftheyear,though,lsundoubtedly SJt,epffl$ in Flue by Jon,.thgn C11rroll. This highly Ulvot1dys1< by Robert lloldsto,:k. It 11> rich, beautiful, 11 nd co11plex 11nd hsc1natlng book ls the antidote to prescrlbe Incredibly mana ge,; t o be eVt rel~sed until they have

Proba bly I should list The Collected Sror1es of h>!llp K Dfrkin flve volulOes andhave don.,wtthit.but I haven't Al! the crltlclsiu that have been P1ade11bout the ?OP•uslc resdthem 11ndltdcess.,.,., ecopout. of t he l9stye,.rseemtobejustsseppl1cabletoth11S!' Three "contlnu11tlon" r~lly have t o be •ent• 11nd o ther lltereture of l9B8. Two of the authon• I'm loned: Sob Shaw's n,., Wooden Spaceship!<, Terry Pr11tchett's 11 1 Wy,d Sisters. and H8rry Morrison's Return to f:den. lf you ~~!:~de~o t~:~ls,:,11 '"'~;" d:d ~d 1::1~ :,kt~e:eui...:i~~:n y;~ haven't re11d the• you will assuredly know their predecess­ yur• 11go , end the other '-'Ork Is e novelle, you get e n ors and hence ,.,Ill have the11 on ycur re11ding llat already. ldeaofho..,badlfeelthlngsere. An aaezlng aHern11t11"" hls tcry nov"l fro11 e writer ne"' RunnJn,: WJld by JG Bellard IS the . one o f to roe will r.,11.aln on my "c!,111,ilc 100" list, 1'11 1111r•i: Ken beller d's treetroents of roodern proble11s. e prMcl"nl 10 .. nt­ Grl11 wood's Repl-,y I!! 11 daMn good read, Intelligent 11nd Hlcetlon o f some o f the •ore bizarre threats posed by the grlpplngand1Jellplotted ..,lthbelievable character1. Ju stified consu•er s ociety. Reed wh e t happens when the But the grutesl thing to h11pp('n In the year 15 ::~~-d of High Rise r e l oc11te~ to a ne'"' est11 te In the green undoubtedly /;'ot,.,d 5HV1!rbt,rg's Worlds of lo'onder from Gol19nc2. Tekln! 13 cless!c s horts and looking a t them Hu•pty-Du11ply In Oakland and H1try 1tnd the G!anl are w1thtwo eyes-oneeyetod11y'11 skilledeuthor,th.,other more posthuaous publications of Philip K Dick's straight hlaJuven!le"f!rs t cont11c t"lapre,;sJon-S1lverbergshows nove l s. ! can't help feeling th11t IHck's greet s kill was In us how II superb writer, 11nd e, superb lito.-y, ere made, hlsnatur11lls11,,.,hlch..,as s resultofhl&sy11pathyforhls Pity about the egoboostlng 11utoblognphk11l section. but ch..ractera. l read Peter Ackroyd'& Chatterton and found lt this Is a •ust for every fan, no e~cepttons ellowed. 1989 '"'"" not as good es HiJ"ks,ioor. Ackroyd t ends to '-'rite shouldbesogoodtcus! about people ... 1111 the,.,.,.., prcble11s 11S Dick, but his lltenry trickery uH\aately means you llke neither the novelnor th.,novel!st. Rob

I doo't think !! hi Jus t bed meaory that prc11pts ae to ssseable 11y "Top Five" largely out of the t>ooks I've read lnthelastthreeaonths. 8rl11nSt11bl.,ford'sThef:11pireo( FearmustbJohn Crowley appeared thielyear,here 'sthenext !,.,a t thing. full of mystery. lyrlcln and wlt Andlaslly,s\ncesenil!tynotonly leads to forget­ fulness ~ut also to noshlgia, the s plendid Me wkey f11c 11 !• ­ NlltHorton lle reprint o f two toervellous D9n Oare 11dventures In one 1o7i-, Je NetiOfl by Heethcoh \llllUlr,s crystallised auch of volume, The /;,,,f Hoon Mystery end J,f,.rooned on Hercury. and the feelings 1 hav" h11d for the plight of ..,h,.Jes since Jack Vonce"s ~ra,i/nta Siar/on, not bec11use It's vintage r"eding F11rley Mow11t'a A Wha le for fhe Kl/Jing. So•" Vence SI', but beoeus,. !t still hes delicate hint s o f the beautiful prose poetry, backed up with aany photogr11phs fine bolJGuets o f t he past. If only I'd been allowed 111or e and meues of extrscts froo, meny books 11nd perlodlcels apace, I \JOuld h"v" ,..,ntioned Doneld Mc ffltt"11 GenesJs r9nglng fro11Greec@ l!Ctothepresentd"Y· duet, and ',; Stroke~ .. Pr..c1 11us&ine byM,.ry ,1ebb (ad11lttedly 11best-seller love-stor y In 1924 through to the 1940s> i s 11 cla&sk PeulKlncald e~nmple cf dialect '-'Tiling the\ works , long be.for,. llo'-'te>Judg., egoo<:k..,orkOrahlf"llnd Hoban's R!ddley lo'elker. ap!lflofbooksstlllunrud11llofwh1ch\coksvperb.11nd llebbd!spleyse feeling fornature11nd mood th11t blends which have been highly pr,.lsKoko by Peter Str11ub was II tour de force in the sus­ v"r!ed. and tull of ~re" \ \de""· Steve Erld:son's CJ.oys pense/horro r cetegory; here were char11cters '>f ell s h,.des, Pet.,,._,,n st .. rtons l6 "wonderfully s urceal l ook et the all of whc a you cered e bout: even the v1ll11tn of the ?lee" ,,.ntury tMt has probably o,~de " g re,.ter lmpresslon on •e evinced syapathy when I le11rnad of his eaot\onelly dls­ th"n any other book I've read this yur , ebl ed childhood A d ll~"' "'"' should I choose Ge rry Kll.,orth's sp,sre a nd 7?le/MwJtchmentsoflove andHeteby5tcr.,Cons tant­ ,!f.-~tln! .!Mndonetl or Gwyneth Joo.,s' dense and Co!ApleK lne t s ay exceolton I<> the rule: steer dea~ of trilogies

VECT0Rl46 February/M11rchl989 eict She hae created" 1resh Ht of cnaracters, on 1n1-­ J,'er by 0.vld Brin thoroughly, altllou,;h SlerUIM Rfsln& Ls a •t1ng 91\Ylrona..,t and vrltu 111th perception and flelr betl• r, • o,-e co• poct nov.L Senaawunda, opll.• 1••, aav911t• Ase conc... 1on to tM! tncli.lon or 1110 non-SFIFent­ ur,, thet sort or old fashioned .IUnk. AnJlhlnt l•-- Ilk• uy booka, 1 IIOUld e lso Jointly noalnate two enthologlH. tha8rlnlhanStaveErlk• on'• Dil,1'5llel_,Stetfonslahe~ TIN, fftlrd Ii>t.-- AntholQSY and TIN, ,_I /IQrnr Stories to l.a• gtn•, en entropic fentesy vUh • hint of ~rqu• stan fro. F'.,tny TeJ&, both of 11111.dl off.- 11reat Yarlety )'l'!t OlherrMIH. ThU ..., ....11 be tllf! IIJwlp• of fiction IOCOff c:onsl.atantlr -11 vrltton fare. lilow • couple or nonfiction books Vfllch ougllt to b,., co• pulsary l"HOUig All creat lmlst and MJCISI dMWlJIISI PJ!!•I" wt,o vanl to contetn GOii ....i u,. ,.,ni•erw within tl'lalr own sltlptng for.-s ought to , ..o lkhero 0e .... - 1ns•a TIN, 8Jlltd ¥atd'l-.t..,. - • lllmdln5ly lllCIO e~lllon or lhera.l theoryof .....1utton. Tllerntofvacan ..ke do v llh St1phei, Hawlc1lll!'• spectecular A BrJef HJ• •Ot"Y of rt.a A pllf n.tther..,. pn,t-. to.,,, aort of no•!"" or C',oc!ot11wthanthecnodela,ogff)'or-.antap111 Faith, bop, faith. And to finish. one fro• an ota fnourlle - enotne.­ fro• -- desttned to becoae en old favourtt• lurt 11'or1Mfi:ul'a BJ!lffleard II• welcoae return to for• afu1r the dHappotntlngC.Jtl~"'1tlaFaulNcAulr,'•FourH,,ndt'N Bllllo,, s,.,.. Is• atete• ent or tnt-nt, • pro•IH of goodlntoco•• ,

1988 wea • • perae yur as far n I wn conorn-.:l and 11 W'H dHflcult to plck out five books which llood above the re1,t, But !sin Senks's Consider PhJebtl11 furly 1Mne. A re l urntospsc• opers!ngr1nd11tyle, o,tH tngtnatouchof e1ghllH r••ll .. to bring the whole thing up to data. Esped.Sr Slr"t Isn't SF, but 1 tlll • gOOd read, vary Scott1shlnplac• s&rldf1lled w!throck·•c-d-lltatl. '"HrY by Stephmi King I• not • supernatural tale like -t of his-.., but 11 Is horrOf'. A writer h.,. Johnllewstng...- ldlu'1d's TelelHt,...,. Age1n a uaual • u,n&,rd. But 1n u,., alsuse or -..,,c..,,, tna rool rnarlcable - that lhroll$ e seercntng llgtit on -,-,ui ofsll • -111C,tl'lls..,..hasetoughe.-, • ore...-1ousco.-.. of g-ei,,der relat!OrtSh.lps And ldeolop In cant-pors.ry .trdlDn I• IIM first of a sari• by St\lllrt Gonion. aoctety 1n the guise of• fuhre dy,ctopla An taportent Gordon 's boob s.r• all out of IIM onlin.,-y, 911d this - la -...laup.-blyvrluen. no eK9J'l1D11. '-"'-1 911d cmopln, the rnt of lhe ...,.,.. Another l'IOYel that •1111; both a gOOII rNd 911d an lap­ l1lobolant1c1p1ttd. ortaM 1tet-,1 W"'J Jeck WU11-•1 g-tlc f•lry ule, F'lrKl>Jlti M ..cutn:g tbr!Llar that ..lcff you went to WNp for the huoo condllton In Iha ag• of Iha s..~ .-.. Thebestno'<11l for,ow,gi-opl•.,.•RobertWntall's l..hi Burld Always en lnterNttng wrtt.-, the quality of W"tall's prOH In this novel ta oftan brutl\lakl"I!- A )"D'fflgihepherdatuablesKr-llWhlddenburlal11leofe 10113 loatgllactlcbattle fl

Maureenl'art111r F!veSFno.,.l• vhlch11adea b4J lapresatononme In 1988'? Iwntre• ffldot.islyt• pressedwlthPhlllpMann'• Pfan~ e pol!nant, thou11ht-provoking novel a bout g-tlc iffi8lneer­ lng, e• ong ottltir thlngli, 'a lal'Q'ldys,svn • worthy sequel 10 Hythaso Ii~• •tren11• and powerful =~ lr:::.•l~Od~~~~;._ c.,;, a~'i:.ht~ot~~1~a"! a ust for eny deYOl" of 1h11 ChrNto.arlCI •torles, - e ernapsthougt>.,theper-.whosevork hn -l taprnaed ae thls )'Hr IS Lucius Shl-pard. and l h,as.rtlly COll-,d n... J"6""f' Hun!.-, Life Durfn8 lo'art.ta. --,,1n11.11.- and ni. 5",J.,._unr..--. BMurJful Dl9ughr..- TlilS un cen l'• not too tnt.--tad tn whether 19&b .,., • vlnt•fie ,.... wrlt• lltenooth«personl cenlhlJlkof. lvond.-lfha -.udla,ll>dg1• en1--.1oneec1 • boutf1.,.ye• ,-.•01st• has ever YrlU_, a dud 1tory. l 911")' h!S tale!lt anca 10 be ob,IKU.,. - flUt 1 notice tllat non• of the t9!1 But why, when then Is IO auch gOOd writing eDoUt, orsovrllan,lconalderedf•p,,nlhashlt-•crlltdsaofl•t" lllarl yn Teylor What? IN no• \nate • Hugo vtnn.,-? I lltlJOyed ffta ~lift IURIIO PWII end yet It la full or atrange occurrencfl which we can't relate l•• edi.ataly to our own upsrJ111c11 of the world. 's Philip X Dick I• Dud, Alas, Rachf!l Polleck'a l.tiquencllatlle Fire and Ian olatllOfl'S lo'horH of B[ST Of 1988 &bylonffch hold up our world 10 a • t ranga • lrror. and then conalder It In the l!ghl of whet they..., there. Hot a nx:ket 5hlp In 1 1.ghl, and yet Heh of thes,e nov11ls hss-•thlngtosaywhlchunnotbe11xprQsedlfl any olhff way. Peopl• wrlte .ctenca fiction bllca!Jtio, they cen tap lnto • sra• Hr of fiction which ts g,,...... ally ARTHUR CClARKE unavell.abl• to • alnstru• writers. They are not tl.., In the ...,., "'"Y to the fullllf-"' recognisable as • any • alnatru• .,,Ii.rs WCH.1ld appear. Of cour• e, thl.5 • lght ralsetheprobla• ofhowoneahouldrss•rde..,instr• wrttl!I" who d«lde• to -ploy lhe ar• oury of • c tence flcllon taag.... , lo ... u 8 psrttall•r polflt. Doe• lhtil • Hll AWARD that he 1s an SF wrllar'l' Olwtously, U hs has vrttten an !1:'v~t. ~whs:o •=t ::ww;:;..-.• o~I;;::.,; so:,::17: l'>onestly • att..-, ln ths end? The po1blbhlng Industry has MAURHN PORTER •• anl.11 fuFlct1onand TlM, JUciies o r ll'le Arlhlll" C Clarke Avard - Mal tM shortlist ft of thoM which dl • l-t all of It pass Uvough ovr-hands Ill the ~of &<1• 11 or those which ,_ cl-. t 1•• • long tt,u .., t•• u,,. ~,-. and bet- us "" nod • o,;t of It It v..s an aotng to -n11on Just• couple vl'llch pert1c11:t.rly 1• prn•- ln111re-.tlng eaperl~. enJO)'able at Uan, fn.tra1tng at N -· 1-. __,.., that Rot>.t Hold1uock's t...... ,,._ didn't o l hftrs, and IM'ra woera __,,. wri.n I - II lafl wona,,rtng qulle aelousht• and Ideas. no1 to • entlon 1n­ "" hope to rin11 u,. tiff! SF no...l of 19&&"' tr0ductng •alp(! Veugl'IM WllU.11• 9 as• d\Mact... , 0.ftnltlOM. I've bH'II beHl with theoo all year p,,rti.a~, a«Wd1ng to -• lights. but t see It •ore " " an V!wt lfl science ftctlon1 What Is belltl' How fM" doi,s exploration of thll Inner Hlf, and Iha po• slbtlllles fll"'Orld taste ,;.,.. Into U, lllld can )'Oenoblood&hed. I wouldn'\ be so crau n to t•ll you ""a' I fevour at pr•-•U. but 1 think that tht• i;hort)ls t representa a very lnu,rest1ng HIKtlon 1nd provlOH ch11lenges for Jl>dgei; 100 general ruOer alike. Cer1e1nly, I 411tlclp'lte tl'lere IN!lng -• tr! t1cl1• thlt norie of the tltlea cen truly bedeatrlbed nSf. I shallofcour-sed!segr.,... It's tl• a \hls wretched 11!1,eonceptlon that r;elence fiction l,;; eOOut, or &hould be ebout, rocket ship• end space 1r,v"l ,..ag put out to graH, Th..-e 1, eo • uch • ore to It then that. Sc:!1nc1 fiction l1 J)erhep<1 out• oded u e ter11. I hvour "specul1t1v• fl(l!on", but I realise thl6 ts 1110&1ly r.,g.,rd•d with disdain. ~• I SH it, Sf ts 11bout eKploring ponlblllttn end ll11!latlons , and theH 1houldn't s l11ply be gO!Of!raphkel and/or physical. u In "Cen we get a Hn to Mera, whet can we do \her• and how long would 11 ta~e?w olhlch t, not tony thet ws should nacessarlly al>llndon traditional t he.ea and Ideas, but II IS surely tha duty of the auth<>f" t o tackle the• ln nev and challenging wey,. Tred111onal tha• H ere app11r111t In 8.-llm Su,bleford's Thi! E•p1re ,:,t FHr and l!lcnard Grant's llulfCllrll of Spring, for e>e on• hand, you have alternellve lllat­ ory, but Withanunexpe,,tt!dandht.glllyMlg!nel lwl,;t lo II; and on tl'\e othff, a 11urch for the ru,i.on b,,hind tt,e world'& one teH!nlng fornt uJJ1!f1ly engulflng averythit>II 1n slgnt, conduc:lNI In a atyle Which re• ltldt!d me vagu.,ly Bd even 1fcoapar1_,s • re • up~ lobeodloue,one &re ao cloH to now that U'• only the occi,s­ 1>oo11:hllstot>ec11oaenaboYet1>eo11>erslK,.....,"-scrlbed tonel ref•r..,,, wfllch convlnc:a Uw lMHenllve reader thal llSblling•t1est• And I 1lrsodyb>ow th• t •• nypeopl• wttl t~ aren't lu• t • aln• 1ru• novels; with a •• all dash or dlsag r ff v iii! trie choice of tilt! Judges, and 11'& po•slble ,.,...thing unel{f)eC led War ,• • tolen drug or llevlce, a world tMt the Jud,!K thl!aselv• ..,y not rNCh •sr-t tall~epert , ell very co•• on the- bul so freql>fHltly wlthout the grHl• -1 stru&gle. lt'a a sobeo'inS thought. dU.,,:rKed iroai the reeder'• own uperteni::a. ht Xalra. • Lght el• ost be Ht In • y 0"" ...u,,_ t"""', lln!I. L1feDur­ lr~ ~..,.fl_ cen be directly rela ted to the current polttlc-­ a\ ~ltua!lon In Cantr•l A• ..,lca, not to • entlon V~u,a•, P[ASONAl, PAOf[SSIONAl, POllTICAl KATHY GAU in comrsa1i on wi l~ STAN NICHOllS

• NlS ElllTOIIL\I. Rllil l'ErnW 13' (Dec 86/J-, 87l Of.VIII count-bal.,,c., lnaU.1teoras.nlan,1hagen•t"alp• ll~ llwnU J.oaud at the'- or C8Mllnlhtp. Citing of can•onhlp. Thu• • y •censonhlP" bee- a for• of pubu.i.n. - .,... group who pn ctl.Nd It, ha -..i, po• lt1¥• dl•c:rlalnatlan,l • uppc,ae. "'tlow _,,. boob new,r - print bace.- t hll publ!ah­ Peopl• er• .i-.k•d .,._, I say I'• In favour of c-­ er doeml't l.1klt thlllir Mnllll, or -•L ... pollllcol onhlp. l don' t - how It's pCIH l bl• not lo h• v• ll - . 1..,,.,.? W.lrnovthillgoes on ln SouthArr1c.a andlhe paopl• er• c-.,,.lng things all Iha tlH without raaU• lng So"1e l thlan - but how aaaon ill It In 8rlllln1" HI!! -,t It. Whal you h,..,. to bll cl....,. 111:>out l• why you 1r1 doing on,"Mor• a ubll7,haw-,ybarderlinll SfllOVfllll arabounc­ It. J fe• lv1ry • lrooglyebou11hts. lflcould l wo1.1ld ed becellM Ute y clan't fit .-l !lllfV"III lialtll79 c• nsor frffdo«i of speech In terH of Hying, foruemple, One o f ll'I• p,,opl• who reaponded to u ,., a ub&nq~t th1tEnochPow• llahouldnolbll1tllowedto1pe1koncsrt­ lleb!lt• -lathyGllle, llww> SP/Fanluy adltor (orlE. :.~t==:..~~- I W01Jld cenaor pornographic fll11• and ad- PIIJ)91'blldts, In this lnl.,,...1- with Stan NlchoU. lathy .....tal N her feo, Unga an the subject, .. ...u .. diacua&lng There /• en M'6U•ent that J• fl wJ11& S1" Js.,, lhecurTtrilpubU&hlngsa!fllllllgenaNIL ebef'Te/lon, 111• lr4d1/lon l ll •olJflyrHcl!onary. I don't think l ha"" ev• r bought a flrc•lyr1ght lo'ou]dyoc, Jib to •-...rl-,.,..,.-~ lo Iha lldltorJ•J wing book, llftd I VOi.iid be ash•a •d of •Y"lf HI did. Ir JnVl3' ? I r-...d a • -nu•crlpt, and decide lt'• rlght wing, I find I origin.Uy r ..pondllld to. llltter I NW following •rwlflookffl!foranaxcusa10tW'1\Udowt!. Thal-­ De¥ld'• .-lltorl1L The letter telkad about thedlrflcvltl.N harsh, but 11 "• IH.laon naltra. It-. dao -thing tMt • 110--. ha.,. g• ll1'1fl their boon Into print, On top of rlghl .,Ing - !ndudlng 0- who thlnlt lhep •r• ",1pollt­ .....-,-thing ei.., tl arg,.,,ed, the work hu to g• 1 bJ' an lc• t• - ..inor• dofro• 1haoppc,slta~le,w11M1Ute....n editor'• ,-,-l •~ • ysi-. - thta i.. • ro..-a of .-..U.ung ttil•, then~ I ...,..Id find lhia • ora of a • orally about. Jt'• tn.i• to say tl'lat If I - a • .,,...,;rlpt which proble•.• 11,; ,re. tn f•ct I'• •ur• - of the boon l'va l• perllcularlp laft wing, I fNI • or• rffponalva to tt. boughl,tfllhlnli:•bol.llthe•lnthaWlt)'ldoeboutbookll B1,1t lalaoknow lt'• golng toba•Vffp,Yffyhardbookto I rUd pur•ly for pl•a •urt, hava baer, quit• right wing, I ffll, II'• going to be dlfHcult lo gal Illa reps, lhe art cart.Inly can't afford to &dopl the po• ltton of not liking r:lepen• enl, ti... publlctty people behind, onanybookthat •dd• to t h.eganar• lrlghlwl"8•t-• IJeceun C~y • 1tka val"" .fud8U111!U 1001 pt,1ra. But wh1tl you cen do I• ""Y• "Look, 1h11 I• r aally YH. Thera l• enextent l ovhldl I cen1or becaueeof appalllng,endlr:lon' l wanlanythlngtodowllhll", I a• • y politic.. l think I .. r ight bKal.lH l belle¥, • y v,1ry cereful about ..,ylng this In tharlght way, end 1tbo11l poUllc1 ar• right, B1.1t In th!• lnd1.1• try • y polltlc. ar• prlorltlalng t h• bettln 1 c l'>oosa to flght1 I don't by any different fro• thou of • ost other dlClllon-Hk• n,, sc I •nn• f1ght • ll ll'>oH • y conscl ance 1.it• •• I should. l THREE COKrRJIIUTIONS UNF'ORTUNAT£!.Y ARRIVED TOO UTE FOR lnclu• lon, bul " ,o.. r;,f thlt dlolt•- aug•ent :bo~thoughlwe...,uldlJsttha•. ) REVIEW[RS' CHOICE IROM PW 9 f...-~J~:. 1 for lllPPlln8 to Cl"• ~J•co-,ofllan- Conlv alnltll -lwould • r • blddog, Co:lbl-poullndlt-.p)'OU,ltr T.. AJ- ,-.. ,1 Brief Hl$IOl7 of TUle - Stitpllen KewtlM I NU no uc- for inc;ludlng llldlaltl Swet1w!.d<'e Lhlcoln Dr-Na• - c.oml• 1111ua.. llecuu• n--. , g;iny1nctng llnd i-og-- • Uu of ttw 711• &pir. of Fear - 8r1an Stableford fulur• Ind sttll about - .,.lnl.,. U g1t1a. FlylnS ,.,..,., F1f1WWC.-.-Nldwl81c.or.ity •nd ,1111 only the rtnt CM.pl.rt V1tlL Jack up ., ,aalasy Th• N•• -th &id: of C1"sstc SF - Short ~J• ~"L of Iha 111Jrl1N • ed. A•lacw, lleugt, a c.r.•nberg Flll• lly, 11 I pull .., Iha turkl')"a wlshboM, I •ball b• ho9lng f« anotl_. tr• cUtlonal SF ro• p Mi- H la in 71>• Jqu,.v Hunr..- - Luci<• 9wp•nt 11•n1m-. Con• ld•rf'hl~ u,a kind of IJ'8bool 111• R"f8H A• lnnout• - Bob g,,.., th•y Mid thaydllln'l vrll1t thal It.Ind or book IMI)' • orlt, and -Thi H90f'l-1- rapublahlngs r;,f Cordvatn•r S.llh r• l• lr,g1glHsloanyfw1herou1pourtngsfroal'lrknts's Equal R11H- Tarry Pr• ICNIII raj•ctdr•...,. , How#udl for Just lh• Pl•lH//f?- JohnHFord •u•~t I uy he.,• _, 11ullty of puolt.tiU!fl uxlsl, or to be eble to Hp, Ihle I.a an IEl. book. Mith this ktntl of uen recllt, book• and ha-•t rHllnd It. They ..,y - con1en1, lhta kltld of Jac1t• 1, lht• kind or reader. That tlH•• get terrible r•¥1a.,. In, for H&•pla, CJty HaJls or =U In ten1 of ..111ng booke. \lhaU,er It's right or TJ•e WI, by pt,apll who haV11 lookeG at the• with "" eye to 1h11 polttlcll HH1111• But they h1.-en't HaaeG Jl"rtlc-­ I speak lo suthora who tell .. tha thin!! thel u\arly objectlonabl• when I accapteG thH, could happen to book1 MOUid be to rip the -Jukett• art. and I loo~ It booU with the eoo,Hrclal •s,-ct al the 11111 haV11e tlllepsge. sorudffs would opan topag•one forefront of •Y •Intl - con9ldllr11\ lon• about .arket anti he¥9 to bloody vell rHd 111 AnOr Jnt~ .,...... In, pl.dt up• book, ond ha.,.., Idea of Mhat they're lthlnk.,.,.of llltlpolntaDultl wH\ryU!fltoMll•ts gatllng n.«a er• adllllf"II who think lhl• pr•ctlce or cat­ that edll«• """ a ..rut 1n • Incl, - -ti- thay lry e:gorl•tng Utentura Is •onllp wrong, ond tn¥al!tl. S-­ to ..in OUI thing• ..... 11 ... fMI U.. on g•tl1ll!I a..-oss. bell- pou can aalul boob ,_.t,: wlthoul pl!!eonhol1flll tMe. y.,.,, ..,..,. to create a d1sllnctlan bat- ._n,.. ..Utlng. I MOUid Uh to think they.,. right. bul ,,.... yet to be whldl 1• • boul ••king • book MtlB', - insmwlt1"11 con•ll'Ked. An 1.0NI world le .... when peopl• MOUld M)' •Ull,ig, which ...,, be abou1 ..king n caaa.-<:111 at 1be to tt-1-, .,..,., lhla alghl ba -ll•Ulfl ,.._, end tnt­ H~ of otr- 111.i.na-. arHIIJ1f! to .....r, wUhout ref.,.enca to • gann. I really Franllly, .,. lake m, 911 f.., boob anyver that, unlHS cen•t - thl• happening Ml\houl redt.r;al d\anaff tslttllg dealing Mith a ... 11-ntebllslled ....-11..-, - .... unlll<• ly to pl.Ka t~t the tn


t>uy anything r;aadln11 subelantlel ed1ttn11, Thar• an so horizon. The industry Is gHrld l o II de11rly-t11flnllanao,•t•rs? l'enluy or Horror? British pubH•h•r• are loo!llnll for Brltl1h SF. Ona of SF he• • s tr011g core aerk•I, end 11 still attracting •y theorl-• l • th,t l>aCIUH lt'I bHn hart! for SF II lot of p,eople, althou11h I worry 1bout Lt• future, Science fiction writer• were nt on. There 11 a • H •Url of d,preselon In reader• have tradltl0111lly been .,.1.,, end quite young, It the Brttl1h sci ence fiction 1c1na. • haling e111ong wr11 er5 -•• to • I I lot now era • ldcil• egld. Thi• II• bit thlt they ore MV11r going to gal Into print Th• telenh,d 1haky. Dec:au .. I'• 11olng on \he evltlence of things llkt1 one,, Mith the l!llflr11y anti enthuslap to eucceed. llffd to conventlan•• end pwhepa alddle •gld p,,oplt1 ant bett...­ git CIMJ- They 5hould approach lg9"11, • 1rket lhea51ll¥N abl• to efford ell• nclln6 tl'lN 111111ru1l¥1ly, and ••k••ur• thepput •Vfl'youncaof tal""t Woco.• n·1 FanlHy Ind ltoaanllc Fantny Is Hlltng. I lhap ,._,,. into tl>alr proouc1 l>alora •-!ding It tn. It'• 1111 11,...... youcou\<1al..,.tputJ"""""''nth1tc11tegory good w1tt1ng lo be coaainlonld ba.c:aUH th1t'1 M¥er going Wl\@11 lhe suddenly took off, you rHll&ed you'd got • t o h•PfK!II IIIIIIM you •pprosch th• Industry In• t horoughly • 1rl'e\ ·•""II MOaen • .itio MUI now look II Fantasy lno;l1ed profff•lonel • ennar. ol JacU• Collini or somebody !'11• becoa• ""Y of telling pt,091• lo go eMay end Horr.,..- I• auc;h wldoir In 1ara1 of 1111r>Msl appeal. JI• write • book, bt!<::euM the.-••• no 11ueronlH of publtcotton H,ert><>rt Is r91<1 Py• l•rgar r11n11a of p,,oplt1 than Jack for anybody, end It ta•u year• of peofla"• 11 .. n. Who 111 ~anc'O l gues• ll<>rror hn elMaya been • - •arket, I to •aka that "-<:19lon f« thell? l'•rh1pa t11• y•<1 I>• bet ­ 1nd FantHy \1 !,alllnll that way. ter o ff doing a 9 10 5 JOb ond 11otng to Iha pub In the n--..-.anJncruslfllfl~locnwlt! SJ>Nl•l nenln:g But you try to encoure11• pllllpl• and tell 111ea Jar,-fnts far SF I• llll••&ood JrU,a:> W'hll you think lh• lr potw,llal Is QrMI eutt- told •• tha trouble "llh publ\o;tiers ls You uld !/ISi youtl!er people don'I - lo be 6'"fl8 •- trv to hide u,e r...:1 they .,.. pUttlng out scltenet! forSFbooh. 11 •!OIi. tn ~ to cepn,ra • 11_,.,1 ..,kn. IIDd lht!f' lt'1bookstngeneralthep'ranot...,lngout.lteadlng •-Jn•t tl sbout 11 like tlMI• Ot,...... ,.-1u1r• say, you're 11 s sktll you bJ.114. If )'OU •tert young, read a lot - t't­ 11...,, )ml bee ...... I ..I .,, lt«ln IP • futuristic •r•tc. II JOl,l'ra enJOytng II, It tall;• • ii y0lr -­ "•••arsdlff_t...,,.ltl tntton r,-. lttU• words .., Iha pea• can grab your In ,..,..., N Nlll1>3 tltln.. pwlllt.htng and bOOldln,; quite coaplluted • nu11n to pN>pl•. n.. .. 1..... 1. eltctronlc ,.,,... of ffllfftein-t Oftffl don't con- end V<>I.I ,..,,. 10 ~ui. wi..u,,.. to t•k• tM M.:t b)' \Mt '"Y •UCl'I • wlo• ranti• of NIOIIOIWII, poUllc•l - paraonel • uu,,,,._ I thinli: tl's ¥U•I to work on 1,tHdlly tnc:r ..slng ¥eh••• VI-, r•adlng • book It'• .,..., difficult not to a wr-llw'• plec• 1'I 11\e ..,.ket YO\I NI,,. 10 pu,h a llr• t - th• fl"t"•onaltly bel'llno:I It, bKa,.,.. of u,. ,..,,.,..., of ~ 90 - can ell r.ap the rewards on •u--• q...,,1 --~. or wor,k thulMl,,_ 't'ou're ort-, not dulUIII vtth IIU• con- le ~Mp pvbllahlng - whoH flr• t book Mln'l - • Klausly •• a reMlw, any --• then the autl'IOr ls cons- ""' eaounl of _,..,_ We c.an't ba doing with eu!Mno who clousol-.:llnglh--e.eges.. •1rn1nonecoapet-,t110'1'11l.,,.,ne•erpr0d1>Ceeenylhln8 Yhlrt ls a O.llbe.-.te undenlt• fllflg ln - lndu5try, ~,.,. M • clltorllol -Ung• • fr• qu• nt q,_tlon t•, ~ ~- ....-engasiu can't .n.,.. ..iu.or-. 10 get 100 1n.... 1- •bet'• he golng: to dO next'>" H's --thq I eJ.,.v. - vllh their booke. Whet__. an 1n,u ..1d1H1I • cl.llor'• •g11t11•, f"lingll lt>ol.tl tl\etr JOb, tlwy ar• P"'I of e -in•...... Ht,o, do""" •-• ...-fcer•, fur ... p('f.,,ll•J• t.u.._. ls ebout crNllng aaxla\a proftt for a1n1a.. ,.,.tly frc. thoe -1,: llwlf, pwtly ,,,_ te!JW111; to outt.y Whet .. dlff-l • bout publ!Ullflg I• t--e •1- the e,g•t _,or Ii.• • UIII«"; _,i.. 1, .. tr.. S.Obal ... lcn ,... to IN .._ for 111,u .. -1 ft.tr. - th!• tncorpar••- 1e11..- 't'ou get e reel for tt ,fl.,. • VIiii• dllrKIW, end Wllh chare,ctllt" ~ lnd1Vl ~=:::I:! r.,,~i!~:-, with .. auct, lndlvld,.,.I 1cm, encl ::~:tf~~... -:~I= .:~: ::l~ec:~lr.• ~ 11 -:t~oc= Ona of the thing, p,.,blishltr-. dOn't oo 1, broaden the of re,lKtlng e 11Ji.1.. 1on p•rtlJ on 1,-. bn11 of tha c- a1rku for book•. Mot enough effort II put tow•rd gettlog ,ring 1eu1r which ls too Iona, 100 Jok•f• end g1vee th• book• dl •cu'IHd on t1la¥lslon for •~a.pie. \/hat TV tltllds dltflnne t•pnulon Iha author I• golnf; lo ~ • bit of • to do I• turn out •tadu1lc progr•••ee ebout b0rlng book• p11\n H4t 1<>undl thl kind of bloke who's lfOlng to ring up dleCN. I'• ...UI\T10N pi1bh,h'hod..,,,.h.tt of It &•I• f"'bllshed? A11ti..-,....t,.,..i.,.-...-.eoi.... 1nlof e 8rlM Ahliu, J.G. lbllanl, Grard c... ,..,, _, of lfltWNllng • -twt.eL COIiing In that'• o .. lar11• c.lioo G- , llarrl9No.G• 1-r. )eotn, I'• .,-,t ..- vtth stuff; I .M .,-..• ,...,.... gt•-, I .... i- loo.It. a - Xe..-q, D• >'Nil.a•lfonl.CllnMopllc-tPrinl, JU1tc.,•t•-•llthe11MOl.tctt.., • -ter\.lltoo-enc1Ulcl! .U... s...... ,. it.bi.-. P-1• S.,p••• nuaber ofaclance f!Ctton-.uecrtpts~lng In le • nora-­ 1t• ns11- ,t,,o,., B,.... S.~. ~S1cr1-., -- l'a • .,..., -l unsollctt• cl Ulerlel (loel bfKk vtth U... T• uk. be W1noe &ad_, .,he..., onlyeper•arephh.avlr,at,.,-,r-. \11\tchlllWfUl Ther1'1 8 !MOiie ebout 111\elhllt" lt vould "'"' f"'blilh­ ... to ..ploy rHdlrs ,,.....1y for the 111WOllcltedl. ~ .... -y -11 be •lMlng pot-.tla.l lleltNll•• by t"" R>l/NDATlOH II pul,l,,l,- llsh

I .,..IJ H¥r rorpt 1111t rr.,,Uc plH or • POGfS ,..__. 111 c:aa,a al tondorl lk!J...,..Hy. an. belfW cold t,,.I he -.,Jd be Hid 111 ')rotectJ"'" cwro,Jy- tfldf!r th• Hile slall1r 10 • •Nling In Bornalay recorded In o,-,.,.,u•s Lo,H of £den. None of the r1fennu books 1'"11 diary; llar111rd OolOISllh - fo,- • Sha..-t tlas 114rllu<1nt- choteked a11t1Uon1 th• book or Ila eutl'lora, yott 11 ol>-­ 1ry oppo11tlon IO ths collabo.-.tors - his a •s1i-plllr.t1 .,toualy 1nflue11c..:l otkef" writers - 11nd apporent ly WH profile and BOhl plnce-n.i-. while Gold!11tln ln the Two widely rav!awed et thtl t11e: the cover flap quotea thre., " !nuts Kats hH 11 •Jong thin n01111, near the end or wh!Ch 11 ravllwl fro• l"I 0/IIJy Hlfll Ecluc•IJon and Th• New pelr of spscteclu wn perched. It rnt1abled the race of sr.,,,.,,.,,, 1 shHp". Oo\dsllln. of coun•, was aupposltd to be baaed JI HJ/Jar Co.11n ducrlti.1 the early years of the war . on Trot•ky, but why lhOfl.Cl. A govern• ent described !n a 111\ler way? waaker than Cha11barle!n'a takes power, whlll! fssclst ,._. !all H 19 43 when Oruell revlG!t­ crttper. founded on !he Justified nsu•ptlon that the uss \on 11 der.oralll!M and quickly collapg... The fnclst of the book only •ppeered Mtff the out­ br1H ,:, f war 11 ls 1'el")' • udl • w<1rnlng of the dangers of pHSllllsa, collab0r<1t1on and UMI r,ope of cOMblhtlon with ll>a Hai!•. TIHI al:tuH of parlJ,._,l.,.y ~....craq, - the fatlur• of Iha Clppoe:ltlon to ~ - Is a strong ei<••• fflt Sea• rNI !MOPl• eppaar In IIW book. but foo-tunately U>4 di 2 "71tlt ElltJ or CJvfJ/urJon .,. evu re.., any of the 1nll-fasclst n0Vllls -.tlcned lo'a ,_ tr, rnr. V.-mms's•, DVB• BO O K R[Vl[WS

fdi1ed ~Y Paul Kincaid

rDrU..dlcianeo:>_11.,....•tr~ Lee- -U •1-.• f'J.Nllp, I ...,.,Id •UH, but I .--...:ln ina,nvu,c:..i •bout req.-t hla edlto.- to tlghlWI up ,-.r...- - t,,a..,. dlHkulty 1n lM!nfl ,..,._•• .,.._ or I fo.- ..,. .. 1u e;h-• n .... io...1y. Much ...... u ..1 1a 11 ... hie_,, booiola • • lae - , • ...,.t la ulnll1y hon-Uylng can i. found nl.gfltly, ,,__ froa ht. ..,-Uw ,_-.._ ~--~~=~--~ •t •top--t•p, ln ay loc.&I, La>don 1,tr-1-. 0... pl-. U.. con--ldor-1, ot caall- wlth oinct.nt •Ii 1119U,N -a...ao.,. Tl£ MAJIICnl n>l OF sta'1" u,r- .,.. --, w.U, but wt-. la _..,... gollle NO'IEL5 - lllb Aahlloy (£d) Uleth-, 1964, 269pp. Cll.9'51 to...-lt•adacenth<>rrDratory•bout• ltoblnaon, 19&11. !SUlpp. U9!U t ...1-t,yTwrylr- t..ck-lo-baclt-wlth--out._10.-toll•l 1n R_,.lewed by JllthMI l'eern Droyladan? IH 19'9i,G IOI/A VllOTE AH EAJa.'t' VUS­ oi 111,,UC n 11tESEM11.£S " ,11awTD ==~~------1ton of ll'IU.,Jua whkh w.11a r•J,ec:1..:1 by ~Id!. A prplHlnf; p1Cluni or• AlELllDIE TO PCUli.TIOlf - l•--c A&1- publui..n ""erywt,«e. It fut..-e4 & -ll• wUh u. t,edp:ld,e In ri­ fGr•hon, 1964, • 6lpp. tll.~l ~KtW, Cnet l~•t, with wbDa ...,_ the co,,w. HCll _, e.,.plcl­ x... 1--i by Sarber• O.YIN ..... ~-•return.Ing to hi• l>aginnlrc, In 1965 wtth lheaho.-l lt.,..,."THI 1n During the,_ WNU or •r r-.d­ Orbit", foU- c., "Fut- 1111-• (1!1671, ~ •• U972> aod "BuW lng ~lnlllecl by lhl• ---- l-, I SUICE n£ UTE 1930a ISAAC AS1N0Y HAS c. dld - to ..rN wlU1 the e4llDr'a wrlUW1-350bcol<.-.Hlll-tf.. .. - • Nount•ln• Cl97U,. 1n 1916• .,.... •• «int-Uc.. thet M hold -bt.d e lltar,•••...,_,y,....Sfr_,...... ,ld lonofll'tllWll-rtn.lly •-wprlnl. coU.Ctlm, or ...,..1, In wt,.idl al 1-t ~. ere ,,__ -~lng ~llrottc ll.lMa«,, fint publt- _, _. or lhll orfwing• «in¥")' _..,_. r'tlOOI• and 11,e -..11oa TrlJl'out>vwerr oh vhy. elwey• u.. dKaylng c..tla, 1n..... to.-ofl'sydlohl1tory, U..aciW1Ce predlct•ble. Ill .. •Hlly rN·dlMn,llon.ltty k.-p? s1..,.,.. gho• t• wilh gr-. • p-ec­ of u .. •llknowlng, all'"lnfi Seldon or nvNllng • ..ch. l!.verthal-. n grip­ tral welll-1' 'l'upple• fro.1 beyond with the trnoa,--tay<>ungaanwho Jl9d, lffVintl .. lntere• ted to re&d actoplaaaMganlH.-•? I• &wept • long and controlled, • lb4ill •o.-•, which &ova'• rt,eScer-cr-os~and F""r or the noHll•• r•l• ••n• unwltlln!!lY, by otii..-.. n... plot con­ Voyq..-ahad hll..i to do. tlon, "Th• ParHll•~ ICon•n Doyl•I t a• cern• itMlf wlth the •oe.nt that Kln•• ,n, • pllot Ill the A•.,-lc•n ll•l• or the loH of .c•d••lc raputet­ lud• Seldon to t>esln hi• B•rBantu•n Fore, Ac•deey, ptireued•• con11rH•• loo throu11h ••••Ui••• well-wruten, ~::kr:f~~ will hava • uch an J•p•ct on ••n Mdlr11h to help th• •tngln11 can•r Hone • lghl expect , Ludu, Sh1p,rd'1 or Diane Lawr.,.ce, with who• h• l• "How Iha \l!nd Spok• a l M1d•~et" 11, A• l•ov'• current • t yle i& very having• tnuol rel,Uon• hip. Klne• an quirky, orlgln-1 and blackly hu• o,..,.,,. dHf• rent fro• hlli Of'igina l trllop;y, •oon beco- top ••tronaut, prldl ng A.C, !Mn.an (brother of E.C. kn•oo of written !nth• 40•• lt ls•..-bo--•nd hl•HH 00 not having had to kill Hopp •nd Luci•) coot.-tbutH "The Utt­ need&prunlng,Th•h0<>pathatthed..,1 anyone to g•t th.re. telotlon• between ..-• o.t Farthing",• -•I t•I• 1n •Jta•d>,,,.putss• ldotlth.rou11h-• th• A• erlc.en, •nd SovLete becoaa so which t11e •blllty to rajecl 11-t unnece""1'ily contrlvad enc• you •re fr•gUe thatonon••lqloohellr>Mrt ofhl• tnu­ n.. but of t he bunch, "'-del­ lnpartii;ul•rthecardbolrd5'lEa.• er M n..u .c.,.. .,.. pat, wtth plot -,'• God9 (1'.£,0, lleln)ctw-cnlclHltle Thelue-thelrrlt•tlng:..-chlnhych- .-.qull'_.. •-klnf; ll MC-)' !or ...w11o1- ~ or Ari., Hunt-, • Tllst •aid• • tt..-e llf'• -11- the pa)'Oltal.-lsl to Kl 1rr•-pon1iblp, dellverrc1r1.,.... wt,o tekN the ly.-tc• point-. It waa; pl__,t to be bedc In e1-t Ula!.Nlly, 11D th.al he c.n b. of • horror-rock IDfl( loo UtereUy, T.-..tor, and_. of ii• prec.lncl• put beck on ec:11.,. tNty .. pert of • An,-- wt,o ha• - the ll\ld!W1c.'e -• Intriguing, for ---.pl•. 1M dep­ C1¥l11Mlprogr--•ltla• coordbowd •-IM'-deplo,-ed .,._.Ing fod.11e U•toxl lntw,bHant& or tt,.:os-, c.• ught dl.llC.O'll.,-edt"-tMl••llllln,_of P.-t-t'e IUppw- canN>l fall to be • y lnlW•I. pn1f_l_lhelp,Theonlyw• phacW1 d'lllltd.Lhfort-te ly,Xleln'•~ To .... up,. pmi\apa •r Hpac:l•t- 11•t badt 1n10 •pe.ce i. to blediaatl ladg• or thl• ..,.bMlpm-__,t 1-.-, orlglnal - pt.ialble plot­ <1ls.• ppo1t1tlng. 4,._..•• coapul•.ton to lnlllell•.ltonOllthelloon.. line, In vh,u I.& 11-•lll' • predkt-­ •I• n>bot& vtth thll C..l.llC11e Ulpir. n--e er• f- ,urprt-. ln fact, ) ebUI f1cllon etyl.. put• loo•udlof••lr&in.ontheplot ....,.,_so,;,onec:1-or1t1pre<1- c.r... 1n1y, 1h11, II I c:allectlon and J could ..,,.,.,.euncar111nor....,cce1natu undHandlngllard-Sl'"IIOYt-opy 11\g H ll ho h•d -dQffdonDylan orlH, • coaporlson th.at Will probably lo Khuophranla. from nyapllo lo hoat­ Thoaaa, "Uh • trtnge of •lllt..-•tlve lrJnaH•.,,yvotc- t oprot.Httl WH d4el Mtll.t,, «>W1l.,.polntlnfj the cher­ 1~ adj•<:tlv-1 aleo 11,a ahorlqe of not IJ.laf"ICIW --· -,ina end dtslracl• lf16 ~. ho•lna aade e •1•1-1 for ti-Ml- " for u,. book - It talmNnt ate.. 1n...,10,-1- thr-ing or inl.,t, he t..c:... i- •trident and iatha.bfftbyllrunn.-Iha..,.rNdin U•lr -, u.,.ougb ,,.. taxi ..-1 1yap­ • long llaa., II ts g,ptlvetlng end toao,Uc. Sendt-1 ln '\.k>al.&tal<.ably U.. -• uurut - uie .,,i.. &ne1 the •tory bl.- togethr ra.•c1no11n11 - -. ., author tn rai-1• trooc11 a.,. -aaa%JM ~i.a: Micky o.- ts~• clngla, control of Ill.a. eub.J,ect - II.I.a <ill. II U, ,..u worth rNdlng ~~./l..,~~:!•~. ~::•~,::::t! Jl,la.t ..--ploy.d. I'll.a. I- C-Wn• ln !!Ultri:.=1111 Cf-1,ff 11111 INfil"!I U(e ere flndlno! • - ta ha" o ~ ... i.11onehlp with .,4 ..vtng TIie wUll'lg conaclo..- of the duor-- lhe world (r.,. erw>lllll aUon b)I the 1c1..-1 la oh-,•• Grff••h.k• n th1U'" -b. Not Iha.I CM! la a_,tloned l>y 1ct,..1l dr,,..a. Tlla -15lng of v~l any opp,rluntty ta adU01111 the ReYl....0 by Hartin Wall.- own body: 1n "GrHnr,a• fnMI Earth", 1n untnHloted Int o ti- tnllho, b)I r-­ wl'llch tne pertlll..,ln& of r-ltty froa •an and tM powor o( U,alr °"" ballaf f_,t••Y lhira to alaoal nolh"'5; and It I• not whet I ha.lf ••pac1..i rroa Ht.OI rs nus ~ VCUIME VD.l. AU!£AD'I' ln ~ Dr- of u,a liotr-, N u,. tM dua.t jadu,t blurb; II le boll..-, 11a r ..111ar . n. rtnt n... map,..-. _,.,.,...,1.ng Lo. ""ialM c ...ut...- ..... original and-• errec:th.. than ~,-i M "'Ko,trodc 11_.•, Card'• Iha. eHectlonota ln to a>ld re1,-pacu... &IOI")' rtret publw..d in ::,..7-1:~~~ p~;;:oc:,: U>a fectlonolt-lM ge1 • batter Mldty ts plaaeont, ll'tot.lil!hllul, Tha no'lella Geolt with tl'l<1 .. tirlully, th• aoat ball• veble pereon. lil>ef"• Brunner ,uc­ frontier on Iha. l'a.nna.ylvan1e/Oh10 ttor­ la1g tnellve of t"* aior lH, In pL,,cH ceede baat I• In char11n11 the work dere et theel.,..t o-r Iha. !9th ca,tury. It r-d• • 1-oll 11.ke I rewriting o f Involved In org anl elng • a.ajor aarch; Thia lnconclu,lve "flrll volu.. o( tho Kipling tty Thurber. Dnzle 1• • work which ov•rtaku the llvN o( the Tata• of Alvin Makar" take• th• ,tory phUoaophlcelly alnded dog end in hi.a VOlllll t ffr• ao they alH •leap, Hal• to h i• 16th y•or and hi• fJr •I pion& tutorln11 o f lhe pup Flaubart ha prod­ and ara forced ta ••k• eholc" bat ­ to aove •"•)' fro• the towneta• d uc.. e faw 11••·' .._. tha. ca,usa. and lhalr ~-I fout>dedbyhl•hther • ll'ltrt' , , n10dtfl 1on11 ... 11, w1-~ 11-. But Ito.Ir regreh are brief, Cud'• ..,.1)' 19th century Aaer-ka f19ftl lllC IMl,QI, ll'IOlqllt 1nd thl -OflG au, lllfl of d11co,1u1111, .,, beceut.a.lfle)'enin.-ol¥eclln-thJna 1• not ow own. Ct.- are sbtc:fly, but f li)' u. ee-.au.-. - coatrol Ae-­ Sc<,11 ....,fiald 11•t•- Yet 11,b; • • err u ... u Udl"'15 but -- or "NI H •iu•• _,u-,, col.an1aa.. The "-"lo:.> -'"I• w• on-, ....a ...... ---1, 1a ,,_Ing for tha - le 11rlppln9 hwalatlan 11M f1llad. .._.,. in U.. - po.Ill ... u ... the .-reu-· dieint .... et.eta or Appa.llchia, _,. 0--ge v..n­ 1rat1 ... pragreMt.on• ,,..,. IN - to "NI !~ '::-1~:' lea::.-:= ingtm, hM - ~ .. a r-1. e1tpec;t. 1t -allaN-• IMt the ,_ ha.I pr--,t•d '""' wchetype. e plc­ Hapol•an Bonaparte le a hlg;h-ra.nktng acllor, run• like v11.- into the cand: tur-e of dedl~t•d people -,-klnl With ofltcw ln the .,..., of th• French but, In fKI, ll>lf"a •r• ofl- intlal,t- little th•nb or r..,•ra beeaUH th•)' king. 8ut BenJ.. ln Franklin hM .....ia11 1.... of I ulfU•et1t and ran..,aL M Iha. believe In I UUH, ana 11...... kl)' !tie idoa of - country fr.,. ..,or• to Ill la ,tory and, Har11&r1 1 "fell &d.ep a pproacn ..ptu,&l.- lhl&,NeverlhelaN ahoro In th.a Aa..-lcan •Ind. on her couch and drH11ed the voet Mlcily J• working for tMI l'Hc. Mov,­ Thi. la• ! th... for •• h a l!gu,e w1\h "ocu ptanc, of thal t o even w111r thal>oag,could•nddld •••rg111ce or a n11tional Identity drown port ol the "orld you u"'t e.plain" attract vtolenca. Th•)' bal11w1, end fro. thl countrfe Aaerlndlan • • .,,11 w>d contlnu- through • revelatory n European root• in Iha wake or 1 eco-­ thunde,,to,a.. At the concluelon of :c;~::,b:•~t:~ie:~ t1:lr i:1:h :~ l"5lcal dl..,• tr. Brill.eh .--cter, could 8 0 0 K s ui.refor• r.....,..blJI ,_1 u,n out of N Eeatrl.lng lria• 10 - •-- 01 _., • ,,.,.uti... on the ~ or the 0- Hplor•U- gf U.. ,._.lo:..t h1S pMt and struu;IN to ••'ldent• _... l..-nlni![. pw,..,. Brl"" ayu, - c;11er.ct...-. It t• to tenl'• "Nt ls happening lo hi• "°"• Steblllfonr• ~I 0-1111.ry"' w­ crtldll that they lk> not . hMIRtdlliul•10, 11 f •U M .. 11 °"" 01 u,. fev ~- p~ ton- HI• _.l)I baroque ~ ...,-a. too '"""' l ad I IIH"'" WO 11.,. U'I cheek but With -.-Jyfr-6 N lb11,cl,,a, ,..,~,-- •11 1WIII «--­ HolSI... Ukhlnayatndfort.he _,111 on the • tale of -t• tJ. P•t•r ,uu .. _, euthor'• Nor-, upbrin(!;ing - hi• =t:- .!,:i";; 'e1 f:"i1 .. i..born llll.aon'11 "'Fountain of TlaS" ,..,._Uhy~1t1.... of AlYln'• Injury and •uti..• •Uon and past life • • perl....:N .. Iv><:• "" L•on - hla pest lille and q....,l oper•tl.., _,_ .. unesa. b,n c.rd Eeeterllng'• •-llty 15red..elly bec­ •cq"8lnt enc11•• OU-- • toriee er• by hM • wlld\ed Ir- •pk-9 opero lo ""-' U'l.-aded by the •ysterloue • egicl• tl 0,,,.-14 Brin, kill Ne--,,. l[erer,Joy 1a d- to full- bl-, ...... -1can Gothic.. (eodfat herftgure)..,,., ...Htobe Fovhn·, Laa Tuttle, RicMrd Kodrey, In Illa coaaology Goo and II•• Erl.<: Brown, o,,..,Jd r..•n,ford end P•ul J Devil •r• on u ...... •l.da, baultng Iha k~y !:1:het~l~h!:~•• Ilks • HcAuley, oil or vhlch a• U Mtldylng, for ~-Ion of 1111• ,,orld. O.r-.. • yst•ry with rari1uy ovwt«-, but iaaglnetlve rHdlng, The lu•t n i l•· v• r•pr-t..i by ti>• Unaak•r, t h• lhi• l•n'l rNll)' th• CH8, T1M el..,. fytng, for ••• va11 Cherry Wilder'• '"ll111 force of -,1,opy which ott•apt• to .... u t o .ol,,. the puz::le arwi't pr••· D•clina of SWl.,r,lne" wnlc;h, Hit llap­ grind everythinl! d""" to lta coapona11t en! for the rHder lo find, th•r•for• P9n•, wa• botto• \r, th• lttHt JZpoll. pl•c-. Ahln la " Jl!11kar, who ca n •y• tery ,,.,,. WO:811 t oo far beck Into the plot for ""d lnt.re• t lng blend• of • tyla. It OVHhtafutura. Rangedogainathl al• ~ -•• t hat IZ ha• played of• by !ne- o r-Uc• l pr ..cr-- of u .. Chraallan = · ;~~te.. :r. -.:~:1::. 1~.f~111:,; Church end 11'111 l.lna11k...- u ..H! on hla r-11ngrrust rate<1. t= rat:!."'::;~heM=~r;~ aipW", Jonat-. t:arroll'• •tyle au.­ It le • till ~-tlc,neble whet h• r ther• u,. 111rl "-s&Y who eHlal.d In hia the """•l readnble -a;h. - then le• • erket for the -,thology - pr..,. birth In "HetrW;k U....-• , - e vlaion, .,.. pl-,ty of tdees i--., but ,_ of • -bl)' U....-• 1S or - WOIIJ.ck,'t be the Gol- Karl. who ett•pte to a.di this can c•~t• for it• • hortco•- -ing • third. Elul if 1Z ll •uff«-tng hi.a u,. trua ... of ht& poweni.. For ina•• 0.- the ad'.• elz of u.. d01J1nB • ...-r• tt or aooct •tori-. - U'I f •ct ti• ..ill dlff.-ence be•- C.d'• 1s rajKtinll _. on .__ gn,,,nd• _.Id - _...... , Ml U..< pracUUffl'" vaof ..,.,c:and wltd'Kreh 1,e,,._ :!°':"ht •:":.:_n:t l:-f::t;i;•_-;,,.~ -1"'- to the col.an!.M.. ..._.. u..y OODZll'IE:ThlElRDAJm101.1XlY -Johr, gln•l &har-t &tariN In the entholcgy, _,,lit U'I .-7 rlvelry with the ~~ Dutd PMngl• • Slaon 0.-ley pertu,p• •long• ide the poll's IOfl ft_,.7 Owrdi, and i.u-. c:neraa - tna Ute ell work. tSJAon • Schueler, 1968, tUpp, LIO 951 t nor-aeU7 flnd this klnd or Rr,lewed byNikNcrtm, IIESTIE/51'2 - o.ro-- llo=ls CE.di pastoral r.,,t... ,. hirlyr-l• ttble. But uo1:t1n•on, 190a, 67epp, Card U'I the -U'I •-lda both wh.lalJy 'fEAlllkJOS - lrrHeUna, i--,opun folk w~ $TRANCE AHlKAI..S, ThlES[ JlfT02X:JIE All­ ~di;:r/59'.;~~ _ Ke vrll- -u end lapert• • trve thologt- they are not •lsed el the D• •ld s.c..n..u 1£41 •-1H of c 1vlllsatlon aa..-gU'lg fr­ ltkN of the l!SfA • -bW.,r,tp. ew-• ly, IOrbJt, 1911.l!, 3l6pp, .U-991 lhe •urrO\lflscrl­ =~•t:: ~1::~~~ ~l•;:-vou~~: ;!; ber I would r,ot nor• ally e:o out • r,d • t ory collactlona, tt,e,.,11, ""d othu­ buy &n !Zenthology. and I doubt If wU,,, and th•Y he.v•, oY•r the yur , , • ony otMen will fork out ti! for ror• •d" • top!• o f •Y r ..dlng diet. • tor!H they'v11 olrNd)' got lrMd, tA Ho, lh11 ree• on I app<'oech ti,e annual - •11 .. vlng s race, l h• • trocloua •rt· tuk with treptd• tlon I• 11leply thl•: work(?) of Tin• Korr,.,- I• not In ev l­ how doe• c,ne co• par• two 'bltsl or SUZl'LN0 111 f'LUIIE - J-than t:arroU aice - Hil ly, ,..lther ere w,y other y• er' enthologl-7 As David S. C.,,.,..U II.es-• 1984, 2 44pp, £10.95 l>erdbacll, ertl• t • fNtureot ==-"-=-==-----I Apart r,.. Jolwl ,1.,1••• lntroct...:- 1S the •-t• - eny Judll-t •u•t ttoo. wtudi • trains Ht.pt,,ors to ,...._-uy bit subjKU"8,. •, - Ult• 9.ED'ING DI FlAIE ts Pt&..l9EI 11' CD-­ brMklng point, U-• ..-. U • 1or1M. •ppl1- - • ..ch to r ... levlng hla prod­ Ury'• IAe:end laj:rU'lt- The lapltcetloft Th• ..lactloft la • good -; c• rteU'llp uction N blS r;rlt• rtll. 1n • -Ir.In& lllthellhe-lsbltingaarbted­ M)' r,on---e:...-, , ...... c-lnl lO thle dlolc-. ~ Do:ota, on the olht!r f-,1.. p, and to _. •.._-it U>.ls ll -,U.Ology ...,..lei bit eurprl• ed • t the hand, aoke• no co• ••nl on tile •ut,jitct .,_tlfled. 0n - i.-1 Ulla -1 ls .,.... tWly r,f • ubjse.l ..u.-, ...--1- HI• r;rlterl.co> 111 lapllclt In the lllle, ~~~~t lut on the ....-rec•, u 1-• •llon Mid • ty!es -.,loyscl: •ll fec•t• •nd for-••, lN• l, hlareput•llon .. thetC).,terlgt,tlyd1stin9ul...... , ar,tl,ologUt •nd ccapUw or 111.allar nw, ru-&1 ...... 1rood pag- .... Jt vae " pl... ure to er,cow,1.­ ...... 1 roundu~ le ... ,nc:1.. t th• l I s ,_,.bly • tn16"1 IOYe atary. Ve)- •geln O..vld S. c.,-,..u•e "The Only -U)'tru•.thUJVdg-t, One", • Mr-llOUII t1--par-• tale. To • J I he,,., b• for• """• ~he g id o f his .n.e-. =---~•=~~ .-::,~• .. tog•lller with the poa,sibly deflnUhe t• d.led the job fro• lheet•ndpolnlof o.,, llle ..,, ....,1.1\1 "....,,le 9roo H ...... 1on111the_tt .. • e,"f'°'"tg11t• claw HCI _111 .. ll'lf.l ODCI ll'II IOUICI t~to~ IOh the •IIIJl ' t btttlhh9 1ir Illy by l'llchul Swanvlclt; "'Hla lfegeleble :!:Ci'i':. -==~~ i:8~"~ he• Iha dia-ton - · · - .... brHllnng N , 1/1(.-byPat HurphywHatW-lni![, • or• houM brick. The r-t of the r,o-1 ••- •or• - In lte 51'-fentNy Mlllng Mid. conta lnc ZII &tori- •r1d • det•Hltd Uke • • yst.,..y wUh fantasy o....,.t~ grnt d+al elKKII the ,.,bJu11et1on of 11...... ,.yof lheysar In SF. inevitably

VECTORl'8 FebrUllr)'/ llardll989 B a a K s _t.t.,.-bt.e.-,IM.ltatillvaluablafor hla poea "Cwthagr. JlaflKllClfla uf a a ll uw, t llut thH "Pfl'"Olld\, lhls ,..,., Ma.-U..,"?), pl..., of C<>W"-, co• plllt• would oo • urt.oull ln,Justl.:. to Ger­ btbllagraphlcal a.tall wl>.lch ~ ,..u•a aU...,,, but ..qu.,,lly u,.,.i...,.,i,, -.-y appaarance of •-r 1100-, aDd vol-. T- atcw-1- OfUy ara lnCl.­ ..,...., adltlon of •-Y booi11 .,.-.d th.a ln OOth .-ol-. ~l ln I.ova•, t,p ...,..ld. With full chadtlUlt•, lUIU of Pat Murpt,1, - leta Vllhela's "'Fore¥..­ collaborat!or>aend~y• •and,_... Your., Anna•, whilst Kowanl V.tdrop flctlonwca'k.tl'>eypr""ldoi•coapra-• andluc.l... Shepani.,.arapr-l'41n i-..1,,.r-c:t,.-J..ecountoftheworkor bolhe..,. wood«1 and tha 1torylln• r_.,a,~. •ur•lr, would ..,.. th• froa crtUc Sohn Clute, and CIUlla . :/~?1c::! ~-.,:,t c:~~":."1:. :::~= bert'• third collaboration \11th 8111 I rafun tony lhet one collect­ along.,lthhill.Th•dang•rconfrontlng R"'1•o11,whlchauat1uralyhavabff:n ion la t,.,ttar then tt,e oll\v, If you the dltldren la dacldadly IUlhentlc known aboul et Iha ti.a or prapare\l­ a\l8t buy only tha on•, lnev1tably n WM'ritn th• conaplracy \hit ..,,,.Jop,, on. PK!} i. tn an•"- ..,..rlar alat•, hH to b9 Ult! Doiola ooll.ccllon. alAply ~r-=t.,/• obvloualy contrived Md • .!Ming Nldc ltlld Iha Glt...Ut'l(J, Iha for aUe, but J have to "Y the! your Jc:•oatna adltlon o f V•Jf1 and Cos.• o­ ~\lonofth41droo•lopooant•tnSF Fala! cunv•I"' quit• af1-c:Uv1ly J~y and C...O,.,,,y, • t 1.. ,1.,.,. of durtng 1987,•.....,lngyou r•iy•x,:lu- U..pr"1.lc--,tofthetwotioye, l h-.y U..ncn-SFn.,..a.l•...... ,.thadfroahla he,,.nowayofgattq l helruncoap­ U'chl.,..,and,unfor11t-bly,l"lleC...­ ~::::: ::...!ihl•-vol;::t~ ~.!!.d!:...~ r~U>l! parant• to ra«>g11laa u .. pl•I• Star-1• of ,t,IJJp X. IJlcJt. A •1-1. Tl>a Garnatt voluaa pr""tc.a natur• of the dangar thet u.r-i­ Uttla patl...c. tn prapar-Jng this u .. coa.pl-twycrttlcalb!t•lotl.. U- and ao M,.,. to faca It 11.,.,.. .-.v1-dadlt1an•'-!;hth.eY8proctuc• da The world .. uwy Hpvtanc• It a JIG"a«aplll•.->dh«lca_.•.,..ful !..~ ::.,~~l.:t :!.. 8:: .....,. dlffvant froa !Mt of U..lr blbllograph,. =-~-~ Mud>..,... ..,..ful UI Goth.Jc- FJ,::t+ •t)' ln,:IJyldu,o,J •utr-a FADIIETAU! - b~E.hi&l Yldao g-. CVI.U.l.aa llac.llrora to Hera<• llalpot.. ICnflon, 19M, 393pp, tJl.95 ha.-dbad,, 5a.on•,. law 11xp<,ldltl0n to r-.cu• Edgar All., Po. to Stapt,an 111\gl, aDd £6.!15 papwMckl hla brott-- r,.._ ll•• Fool l• nlClly by • ubjact. Myona with --• than• R•vi.wad by John Nawa!nj!:u dona.The _,,_.ofhlaflnalYJCtory, curaorytntar.. ttnlldr..,•• n<>Ya.1111 not antlralycon· RAYl!ONDf£IST'SL.An:S"rl'IOVEL1SM vlnclnfltnanadultwork, Thl•• •tory o r"" -,counl•r i,.,i,,..,. Rugan•• lo bathe prob!.. , Fal• t ha• fallen L.AVOll)Y'SS -Robarlllold•tock ,...•rJcaandthaworldorr... rl•,of• b,u.,...., lwo tOf chlldran'• Gnd adult litaret­ ov•rcoa,• • •upernetunl •vll that ura In a way tt.et 11 in th• 1nd Revlew..tbyK.V.llallay thraalana to dntroy It• ch!ldran end un•atl• hclory. Nevert hala11 thtl la an plung•th•worldlntoa11y11t1cwor lnUrHtlna novel and 11ada •n Br1•Hy, th• Ho•tlng• r ..uy • .,,,. anjoyabl.a raad. It • ult •11rdy ba ••"• LIKE M'nx.400 ~ ITS SEQUEL EIIDS 1nto ahou1aon th•adgaofhauntad lntoafli.. \11th an opan-1ndad Coda, lhla apl­ woodland and ba<:0119 un"Utlnflly lnvol­ gnphad by llhttaan'• "I draa• tn • y vad tn a plot lo braak th• canturlH- drNmallthadr-• -ofthaothar h~~ GOTHJCFJCTION -FradvtckS, Frank dr-• •rs, I And I bac:.,.. Iha oth..­ :!':..=":: :: f~:~ \'.:r1:'.'c• IMKJtl•, 191111, 193pp, u,1 dr..,..,..,~ A •tranath and I .,.. ktlaf; . n.. Huttne;• are a proapwou• PltD: A l'KlUJ' L DICI BIJ!l.lOCaAPttY, of tha ,.,.,.,..1 1• that, ltka Looktng­ atdal..-ciH• ..... vicar, f...Uy: huaband 11£VISEDEDJTION - 06nldJ.ll, 1Av1ck gtasaAlla, lt1rMClar1.,.•kaptwon• wld\llfa.,.adlvorc-,he••ucc-- INKltler,l!l&ll.l!i6pp,(27.,0I dw"'tlvho l l t. lhatha•--• DI.NEIIASTD:AFVJIIIEIEIT Jng (or • ythogo-•altlnel. btr•• ...U­ ~~<•~~~-1:~lp=l.:- ..,-Kl= Bal.lOCRAPHT-0....UIIJ.H.IAtraclc- Mbillti• of landacapa ond l.dantlty lurned -11•. 1l>ar• .,.. lhr­ candlsorlantata.l'oalllY8IJ,~, chlla..-: Gabrl•U. l.s "'balllc•lly • l lladr.l.er, 191111, 176pp, (27,,0l lheaytt>aaoa taythtc 1.mat1-1hataet­ r-1u-,,, ...u-aaJuatad - ""lthy ta,,t- b1 Paul 11:lnu.td erlaU.., .. lndl.,ldu.al atncla dr... II.Id" who .,..t Dy chanc• MW- to i,., thea out of Iha c:oU.Cttva ~ ­ Mir... to on MO •tlllun f,..-1,...., and oua) W-. one• "i..bl..lahed oHar u-­ thll •lght y.... old h•U.. Sun end TltE8lll..lOGIW'HlESOFDICl#JIDl£Rlltn pwt...,c- of g r""l poatlc ~ - Such Patrick. The- chlldnn becaaa the .,... tooth annotaud., prOYldlng "Vf .,.. the neoltllllc Tuthanad,-cl.., proapac:11,,. "1ctt•• or th• Fool, th.a ....1111 critical tools. W1 s•t the word Hltl...ent, with 111 wi-. tol­ ShtnlnaClne. J.qth of llorta-. a brUlf llf not _,., ..,..t..ry ~ T•ilil'1 tr_.. Thwe.,.• twon.arTatlv• thr-• alwa71 llwlt enll~ht-,tng) 1ynapata, th.a -taacri,1>.,._; and th.a undNd • tag. running throughth•noveL.,.,.•uc• oodcoa• B1lbythaau1hor...-r•-l- ero1,.,11oy. c•ulul, the 0th.er not ..., Wl\at can 1ng Hlda fdld ,au know lllatllerba.-1'• ThaTutt,,,nod\ • ylhogow-• 11\lro­ uufully IMI dff'"l"IIMlloft. TM.a u,o­ ...t.1 i...s• thla - put ..... bnln• d, !hr-fold pl..-aUty ts of the Hiat• for ht• heH-aiat.,. Tallia. -·•-~:butlheaulllltanc• le "'U FAHU STANDS A8SOLIITE1.T IN ,._ q,-t for hJ.a tabs her through ah••,-. • ultlfor• - ..,.,,,.11ou.a In He first r..nll.,.. • wrltar or 4hD&t ••or-- ltyhof,IIVoodtot..a...... iysa.thaMClfllc: proU(• rallng l• aog...,-ol fln- IU, 1-. That I• • y dalll,erat• vvdlu.• w!nt..-y shroud ever <:cnu,al.11'13, i..H­ tUlldr• ..-d forNt, life, llaalh and Thwl vrota M.R. 1--••• ht..aslr no • Hn p,-oalslng, Avalon, Lycneaae, U.. und..-- hondwll-,•gt>oat&tory.....i..i.,ru• ";:I:!..::~ ;~t~~., ..nd ace- to lng. l'va long t,ea, an e<1a1r..- or 1.... , but hla enthuotu• ror L• F•nu AU lhat In Part U. Part l has a TI£1ESTIUU!OitFROIIIFANl'ASTTIJ.ES ­ 1 raallatlc Mlllng, a H•nfordahka St~.,Jonff .tDllvl.dSuHon gr...,. up and ho lured (or Revl8"edbyli1kKorton 09-1\ted) lnlo Ryhope Wood by-•• :::oo~..,::w t~~=~~=-~:'7::t.r:r~"::. U\llly hallucinatory eat>odi.11..nta of her On th• slnngth of lha alevan till•• own 1aaglninga. A algniftcant hap~­ !'VE 8.EEli A REGU.AR READER OF FANTASY included hera, I was bsu..- able •o ing I• the ltDdiU Ofl<'ll folk fut1val T11lff &ll'ICB H<,. 5. It W88 dway• an apprac1ele L-.Fanu•• okill• as an tt>a t al.!oallcally praflgur- the eagle, attracllv• ly produced &mall pre" • 11g ­ lnvokar of mal.avol.,t praaanc•• and the challang.. and trau• Ga of Pert II n11M on 11.lgh-qualtty paper wlllch explorar of lll• P"YdlolD!llcal diaen­ - aadoal.oTallla'achlldhoodlnven­ a tUl 11.aan't d1acoloured, coaplue wUh s1on In ghoa;t •lorlao, the flrn peraon tl<>na and hlrytalN. We are ..r1y ••csllant Uluoarotion&. How, to cal.­ ....-touolytodoliO.So• aof•h••tor• inlroduc.d lO h« &elf-fabrJc.ted brat• publication o f UM ugulM by l.ff are vell-kn11rkandpeinl-Al"" Roblnaon Boal<-, waara tr.. ted to tntlJ wu1•. '"3challr.en tlM Pelnter• and beeutlful chapt.,..-head lu,na. t..a·• volu• al zo .ato..-tff... ch • cco• panled "Cr- Tea". but DtlMr I- lcno,m U.tf>g Ol'ld ganng througl, t~ •••ka. by an lllualr• tlon fr- lhlt orlglllal ge•oorealaolncludad.1ha-tout• Tall1a lat.,..,._..... varying per90nH .ppa..---lnFT. etandingbaingparh,,pa"NKB• Cr-l'• t o Interact with the • ythagos aha lne.,Uobly. coaporlson with the • and "Mr JUlilJCB Karbottlo'". Tho •ucc-fullyancount_.... 3rdlnl•001H1anlhol"9ybacltorM.Tha vol.... I• ~ly llluatrated and q ...1uy or u,. ,.,.-tttng 1n i:,o1111a 111311, includes • llatal.lod 1ntroau,;t1on to but lhankatoUMtnc..,.lonotgOO aora Utr..:Hva. II I& 8rlti-ti Choal Story Trodlt!Dft, u probabl• that FT -~lb9n --on't ... lncod in oilier recent publlcotlona v-,1 to DU)' a OOOlr. of •torlN U.., fro• Equal.Ion, tllJ.e ..011... prowldH a •ln•dyM,,.lntba.lrcollectlDn: lean tlaaly opport..,lty to opp,-•c:l•l• onlyhopethl.abo<>lO•1 concludH u. Allan Aahlty'o "'Dllad to Uw, World~ Jll>gared wlth ••fora long tt.o aflar KAHN'S PREVIOUS NOVELS HAVE SHOWN A reading It. Hf"tny •II• al1an writer hn conjured up: the nerrotor'• Ina credibla. lnt..-fflln!Mdraadabla p<>f"H t..gln to Hal up. An expoeltlon way. In P1onoor• ha return• to th• Coloured atranda ol &yth, folk­ on clau.iropllog ruUty (Of'" oftlMa...,klndthatcn,tedttie.. aHon• o( the arc:t•Olypal t-o. .sec.y, • prl&on paychologl• t . Mike Grace•• Thanarn1or.t,ngalo,1ae!an•l• reblt'll'I"""' Uie apiralllng cyci. of "'Tong,.,.lnO....k"b•ganH• • tr• lghl­ lcally engln..rad ertlf.lclal 11.uaan .,Ith Ha1,one, n.. atory"• ..taphyalcal fDll"Ward IJVlipOIIM tale, •-• -n•tran• ah1111ecla.,Jnplec• ofonalland,•y•• foundatlon,howfl,..-,ls-taxpr-.d d• cl H her car brota -l U..., UM bollc of his C11-l anculry, E,,., hla In word• apok.. to T•llla by ll'le good ...... -Han who picks her up u.irno -uonaar•g-tlc•llr pr.-pr-ot1r.. - •--exila.d .c1.. u.11aha. • --n, Wyn­ lnto-U.lng utt..-ly evil. and llM • -d.H• lshtHofaa..c... T-...,, raJathulc "Th• ._-ld In "111ch )"DU and ploy m, vordll of the title ...al!Hhor­ 1.0 rat..-n to Earth. the Pi-o or 11,e I exist Is not 1Mh.-e, it canalst• of rlble l•,og.-y (or tha dr.. dlul ending. 1111 ... dospotclMD olm1• to th• far • Ind,• It'• dtfflcult to HY auc:l'I &bout llM­ coniera of tht g•to.q, during Earth'• •torln wllhout glvlng awty tbalr o.,.­ ..1. !::~1n1:.,:!!.1aa.::y i:1.::~= per-.andlw0en spac.lally oaapt­ ...,... - p• rl'lapa or whet larl Popp..­ uredarotob..-tBloch.D• nnlaEtchlaon, ed to ....,Iv• rapidly 10 • Itch thelr" ,,.. atagorlsed .. lha "TlvH Worlds'": Chal'IH I.. Gr-ant, Fritz L.elbar, MaJ\ly ,..., ....1ran • .,•.and-WlthtN •~or e--,.u.1ng aat_.lal; con­ W-W•llaan,RlchordC.Mal'-i,larl gift of....,. l• aortaUty aciou. exp• rlanc-, laaalnlnga. -­ Edward Wagner and U.• N.w• --n. 0.-ar 600 yaora II.Ive pon.ed sine• !H,dra.. a;andlh•worldofob,J • ctlv• If you"ve nav..- trled FvllHY Iha P!cnHro I.aft Earth. Msan.,hlle aan lcnowladg•. Tall.la'• cl'IUdhood na• lne of ToJ .. nob• tt...- 1ntroductloncouldllll hoe Uftll!oshed the "Cataotrop'lt1anyaodernfan­ h..-..... 117 , ...... u to• bNlc >CWIOphobUI but lhey'veolldonefarbetterwork le1y writer• , In• tNd he ha• an eor an~ u,. r•turnln!I 11e..:11e T- rind andd U,a tr.. t,whatCarrlookitdfor-1ngOOdSF . :i1.~f= n. IIIO Dar• OIi.if tlll -I •-II rff8• P1-a..-.U..all-ofUIIAatary, This ls• very -o voi-.. blllKH to lht Hltlt-C 110[1d1hN •11-teof...,.Earlh,thelr--ld, IHt.rR-il,pllilll, by the reJ,K-Uon of tile, r•-lnlng l'owor• SHu•-• thU '""l!iC. H "00doo, huaarui, UM U>WlgH lhey Ul..,Hl"" ttillhMleholdetthatttae!nthe he_....,_.._, - lhechanfl• thay ~~ ...... World,not711t1vept..,.ybytbe (1ndon£.,rthaftrncl'l i.,..1n1- tloeofreUonaU..- - the..uof Ha.llar journey, llann - tt- • 1fva71>0UNbOt-an " --=- of h'3h draaa mrpwUy .,_.,... R..,1...-dbyKllrt!nWaller upanal.,. l>ardt>acl< ends cheap--and+ tnto the plot, Angelo afUr•• Ill• nasty ~b•<:lt, Power•• ..,111n, ....,y i,...... ,n,...., retW'M to bk- U. other•. llhowt hi•-lf to bl worth n. tl,e at.-Ue at• pfatt- to world. IT C0U..D WELL l!E SAID THo\T WHAT THE Mann's d\wa,c:t.-lutton. •h••ya world need• now ls • fillllllln,! Good V'!'IDsrsn.:RS+ Terry Pr• tchelt strong, la H 1oo111 •• • vw and bla R..a. It could eqU011l7 be NW lh• t 11.r IGollen,;z, !9&&,2'!1lpp, tl0,9'!1 l plotUn,11,though-ttae&looll,_.., Tia ,-.,, r.,,.tc,e.,t of eaurornlo Rev!-.! by Sue Thoaason taerta::Uva.Thiaiaecoapl•x-•t •!though )'OIi ...,..Id,.._. 11,..H, could t-aovuiet.ieoflov•and-xual juel be lha..., to provide It. I firat julc,,..y, ~•dwJe and .-nopnobu,, caaeacro5• hla,ast11d-lreod,tr1I liY1!P SJSTCRS IS THE SIX11t DIS::VOf1U) the •lien and the •U-tecl, WIIUh • up~,vtthht.• "breakthrough•,...... ). no.. 1 It doe• fer "Itch•• lllp l . =~=,..~n~;.::'). R;::w:..~d ~':.n:::= Did< -..rial Aw•,-d "Uh, l would ,,ura Cl-tl go out now and hu7 ttMI e;...,.•, the fin• • pproval of Jt• rec­ ::::a:..h- "•" to th• 11.,,.• •hould TERRY'S IJMMRSE • S.th H•adlaa (Edi ontly dec8115ed llporlS11d1, cwslne;, rtdlne Kl• next • Hert, oinm.r or Oevt• around Ol'I broo•sttch, you lcnov the TERRY C.0.RR Wo\S o\.N ACT1V£ ,'J,ID R£SPECT­ on1'1Poloce, l fnund le•• convlnclng, ltH of A•hblen, and Tides olso r e fers bock lntclu!ll'I 1M unMllght-d •oclety th• 11oat •lgnlfic11nt novel.ti 01 th• to Coleridge. You prohbly know that t ort t oo. !Ht 20 , ...r•1 hi• BHt o( Ille YHr It tello; the unnvoury tale of One derk Ind 1tor11y night, the John Chond"8ROC, 11 h11r•le11 clerk who anthologlH were the tie.\ of thtU- llloth :, ~::cr!;he..,,!ru~c::: ..~obr:~~ •• t';;,°": Qaanolcontrlbutlonto•clenc•f1ctlon, plr• cy ond witciu;reH, under the naat •ort cf Cook'• Tour o f 51\o~-p• oreen and It 11 fitting that ne •tiould IHI of Jack Shondy, 1n Horch of hi• love and ShokHpMrOld plot•, with • • utr rKognlH !lJji!i!• "< ,,. ... g ~~ • ! :;­ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !i!iili iiii!!iiiili ; 7 i e.J lil i! .,!.'"f~ !ll!1lm i~ i ~~~~--=:f~ um: g ~!: 1 ~.5- C=> 1 1 1HH ~ ~<-• ;1!ll!rl ;- !':<> 1 !l!l!iiliiii !!'!1!11 iii~~ s-~: .. :; ili iti [ 1iiiii!iii D~ ~:~~= K~81

;:::::,,:::::: 1 ,-ii iii ii : iiiii iii! l:i ii ii ii iiiiii:: ii Iii fr! iiliii ii. , ~ B 0 0 K s it.Ur. ta en •uthor i,,o,-th •tudr 1111°" linlr111, \1111111 lltt, I lle! I II~ 111d ""'· llot to twr 1 - 1, tng, t,,,,1 thteblogr•phJ' :l• t>0t .,,-1u., ru,11 1» ..,. c- 111mn-, _. ~::~;,llJr>lv-Uy Pr-. 1968. 6l4pp, to ..pt,ulH h:1• contrU,,.,Hon to Kl- ud '911 \ht tr.,111 Ina , , .. 11 piH - ~ 1'; 11< t u ,.,,!>19. Ru-t,yU. Hw-at =~~=,: t: o=.,. Thia :la Ult• stag• dlract1ons. .. U Unula IAGOt ...i..-., I thlnk, or ..-cpl.a of ~-1- ..., .,.., gh•"" - u ••• u,. aa • tallt ,..f.-anc:e boalc callad hia •• _, " ho bac.c,..., of th• cor1• 1 ....1 r.cr-Mtton or _.df physl.c.• l "-adl. tt>oittc to "cyt>arpunk", l••gr.. tlyput In the 1960aCol 1n WJllJOl'I f o\U'ld L5.95paperbackl orr, pref...-rtns nov• h, 11,.1 ha,,. •o • e­ quoutlona 1n Walla that ,..,• ..i o pra­ Revi• waclbyJirlEnjlland thtng to uy about the hua• n t»ndlt- curaor ol ht. own aataphy,alca. In the 1.on. It I• worth adding Ca• the blurb 70aaoreblographkal .otarlollitortad clo- • >: "Bruce St•rllng .,.. OOl"n In to appear, Hpectally deellng with n!ECOVER SHOWSANOll.~RIG STAHl)UIG 1954", and ha i• r • ported .. h,1Ylng Walle and-..,, It la thl.a llbaral, m, tripod lqi• in• rough..,. wlth •n utd <•1-here>: cyl,.,rptink l•cl..cl. p,-oto-faatntat Walla tha t David Salth w,Wuily-looktng pl.Jina hurtlittg to­ I.II prlnl;JP-llY concerned wllh, but words it. It :l• ..i•.o.t g ...rmit-10 ano111.-...., 11.:i1a Ila• alr.ad)'•l'P"!'-6 put orr r-•1.,--• .. 1th n • con­ "RAIISl'Ol!JI.ATION ~ llhltl")'Slrlebm­ - 1n U.. 1.ot"t l&aua or Nft;ScJ.,,Uef Jurad-up vtslan• of ucl,_1_.. ..1.­ lC..t,....y, 19&8,256119,!IO.951 t~aleanappro,,tniir-..16...-atton nMa, I MOUld ha- thought. YOll open Ravi- by JU.It• 0vlal1ct tha booli and rind yourealr .,,..,ine :,._111-n,::-~.1'i':~.:· : ;;;=.;-:~ Ufa through U>a .,... of L.,,ur• Web­ l(.,,...th lekr an UHi cun-1cul\a, •tw-, WIO UI realn1-:it o f Dor-1• DaJ l/l,ElfFJIISTEHCCK.NTaEOEIJCIIVOf' n.. 1...oanq, of N.G. lfaU., DN­ tn .... oldKDllyvooda... tcal full of 0-ibn oncl l.k-1 Gall.-, in • y •arly ,,_a1aly /fortal t. to pr-__,t W.:Lla M cwdboard dlsract.-.. apart froa _. t-•, J-a1-.-con.-1ncac1 a 11--•l. while c.lUng hill a --.lal- fraq...,t .,... of oi.c.,.i11-. Alaoat theJ --• for r ..L I gr- up. I r-1- ~ ~ ~ s---t-l01"'lOtr ..1er-- •• - thay _.., •ltr- null..-. or con­ '::u~ ~1~::, n,.bli,rttuys., ..._ - r rorgot •bout U-..Mdl KI-CthovghU l.anoacr•than• ~ l':.',/'V:R•, ":: '~,."'t:'':i g.,...Ithciught._,.,..,.,.•i..,g,-..,up t9flcl-,.). ~. it do99 lHci to - Mr t40rlCI DIYld I ll ~•1111111111 uP 1/wu too. otbarvl.N I wouldn't,._.,. b•en or- t..., contndlcUmu, - fraa llnllcJp.­ - ~U"f a I "'°rid .,..,. -IHI • 1- •uq:rJ...iwt,.,tr- Tr.n• roor.rlon. CJon• In 1901 1/dh .,_ Hying that ll'• • book onl y I dlil.cl-l lk• d birthca,trolw••-ort1,•-..,. alnd coulcl bolU...a 1n. Strlaber clat.. conchUOIM or _ _,•• Ut.or.,tloll, ,..._ to h• wt aat •Umi•• Vhich ha c.U. wt.._1... he -• to t,.,,,. f•U1.-..i !r ft Vt.ltore, S1nc. ha cl•-cr1becl th- In P•O•ldff two l1191t1-t• eM five 111-gttl-11•t• l14>POrl ,., Ille pr1viooJa book, C-0..unl• report • tailor n,~t..,_c••· Ny God, tnht• co• penton'• probl.. •ortheth• ..ya Striabar, thla auat ,._, lh•r• O eng.,g..i tn Illicit tnt• rccurH •o fr•• ;~:~~---~1 :\': ::.:~7t.aa ru,;Y::r:: ..-. thousands of •ll•n• cont• ctln& th• quently th• t th•eh""c••egetn• twar• •• fut-paced sc.l1mc• thrllUlr•. Earth! And wa n1v•r kn• wl My he!Jng lo.it tn tM t orr•nt. Al•o, a tnc• Well• I found It • I.,.,, t • d.lOUI CUlci U that perho.ps H wn just thouecond• of • tt.,chd psopla by naa• .,. abuetns hard to foUow a• the •aqu• l to ao•• nutter• contacting hi• wo.e • tr-,gth­ tn WOIIW,l•ar, otub• rt Bland, for • tCUl­ pr•YIO\I., unrud nov• L (P• rhc• ps It :la. ) enacl bye coupleof hi.I ett-pt• u c• > in hUI ExJ»rl..,,1, it • ak-• hi• For • r.tert, J.org• portlon• of the ac1-ntlf1c deduction. My fevourtt• .,•• outtobe,hypocrlte.And,••••tnor no_..l desa-lbe conductacl tour• of hi• out-of-body up•rlwice. 11<1 kn•w a-ltlCIU of p,-of....,.. S• llh'• aat•U technology-tnf.,.t,od pl•cas tn tha,,.ry t>Otlltng •bout Iha., but d•cidacl lo he MYer tails""' wllat cm.tr•c•pHon i,,o,-at tr,odttton or 50-y.. r-old SF, ,...., • book lht-1 Hp1'otnacl ll>- In I/alls ..-, though ha OUCo- I/alls vtthout ..,_, He etteapt to be ,...d­ grNtdttt•.11.Gua..wr,•t-Wlcl•• do.)', th..-• he .,_ (loating ..--ct lM llnd birth control UY..-el ti.... In -frl•ndly, Ther• lsegrHtdMlof contr.. t , ll•ll• di.cu- 111• par_,t•• w,tntell.1g•ntdialcgU11tnwhlchtech­ hOuu llflCI bouncing orr thll calling. birth cotllrol In 111• Lrp«"fa9f!L nlt •l conc• pt.a ..,.. tnt.erl •Ot • trlctlydrr-ono­ "Yeall","Y'• ll","'G<".. t" , "llo"• y","'Sort Ult• thl.r. vhid\..,. wou l d h""• thought loglc.1. bul clevot--d,,tpt.-.to of", "Or".,....ttls" •.,.,..-. "°"'ldprocl• U1Str laber'C1"'"'88Mtibll- • perl.ocl - •arly life, pro f ...1.0l'llol A rancloa ,uaapl,o or thll ..,._ 1t1 toU.world.8ut o ! - Np•,opl• aulhor, ._.ld .E.(h perlod stet---. Ii"' llttl1 llll11-• i11111 ll l t- wmit to i,.,11-. - Strlebw I• Ju• t -- Mith a chapt.- --In! up the Iha i.t-t In • tone Una or people to U-ofllel Ul'Uf• lnthotperl.ocl, t::;1:11!1,001:!!.,::~• ::,.~ '~r.r.. ·-: aDl<• eproHtouto(a#lll.tnd'egulll­ bUUy. n. m,ly tnt..-Mtittg q,_u.., :-a i'fc1:"'t>O~~:.. ~.u.::.:t•~t = :la -tMI" Strlabw la • cynical con­ .. If atail la • t•.ittg. Al•o, $• 1th • -or• Tr,... 8• 11...,. In~. n.• -• 1o raa.-d-•~ .. cont­ fln1t - ..,... llltely, If m,Jr be­ lnutngwhlleot1>er•ar-•~- So c.•_., 011 occaslan ha slaost -e to Walls llnd Uteraturs gats - Mrly be taking,.,_ pl-. ,or- •-pUI, on auaaarycllapter,butllall.s..>d-.n that ftrel °"t-of-bodJ Jaunt, ha spot­ get two~aclchapt..-,. tad • at on hi• bad - which • pp• r- 8 0 0 K s ffltly .,.. tapo,saibla. So OIU, ar• H­ lagand of a....., ...a Lllthtan - but It's funoy. It'• ..a. th•r• .,.. aoctot..:1 with out-of-body eKpert-,caa. Trott• hod not y•• i.... recast - a Ult!• trluaphl and aajor pnlf• lla.. GM vl'IU, Slrt.ber, what abou.t the It•• not SF, but wbo car-? - 11•1 llurt :'.; ""::f!;;an.,: E,gypu-• IMlbtt of .,....u,.1ng c.a••7 1:1-;:r:1;..,~a:..:.: vonneeut, -a I .,Joyed It. Doyou~1t•at1eceuaau..y-.. Uileatldthlito£Tolk1a1'1J"""Y"'Ulh. cat• ....-a Japortent 1f you -,tad to Though he r..d littla tdff 01 tho goon.nMlra lptaiJc?Su-tet,er~ lnt...,,.. i,,g 091--, Tolkt.l had • 1- T>£ ClFAClAL l'lllSOEI a»ll'NIIOlt - aupp<>M n, and • whoi. bunch or 01h..- r-y aeetaed Uwot Golltia "-lid try to Matlhe1.1 Wbll•6 1• ff..- "11 1dtociM u -lL If I hlld •- to tau u .. R!ngrro.Frodoondrall Into lS!dgwldl 6 Jadleon, 1960. o'Upp, relate t"-1 WO\lld, but Ic.an•ua U.. Creek of Doooo - ono or Iha -t £1.9'1 tMA up by uyln5 that thla 111 the lnlVHtlng inslght• provldod by tht.• Revl-byAl.,.Sl-.,.l -t a-atlnoualy atupld boo>i< I hue (..cinotlne book, vhlch • u.at Nlv• bNn .,,_.hl>Otllea1afor-tunetor-i.w. rar llardor toodil than II t•. tor-. Chrlatopr..r Tolkltlfl provldH ••11y LIKE IT OR HATE IT. T1E PRI'SDNER IIE­ pvclpi.nt footnot••· and • till IHYH aalns on• or th• lande•rk• of Britlllh n£Jit£TURIIOf"TI£gwJOV: n£HISTOIY roo• for tho DIY critic• of tll• t•I•vtalon. and Iha only rHl ()f"TI£LORIIOFTI£1llNGSP.\l!TotE ­ • urprW l a that a book Ulc• th!• hn takon eo J.II.I!. Tolltlen, ld l ted by Chrl• tophr longtoapp• ar.Th• probl••l•.ruc1n• Tolkien oting. eril,g• a tlc end •tyllllh u It IUnwin, 19&11, 497pp, ll7,95J undoubtodl y ""'· \lier• only I? Reviewed byJaHlca Yatu w•r• •pl•oda, avar produc•d; • lightly over ·~ 14 hour• of o r l,glnal Ht•rlli, whidl doe•.11•tprovld•anovfullotofground THESJXlllPOSTHUHOUSVOl..llHEOFEAl!lY to critical • tudy on. Y9'• tona of Tolktan'a Hiddl a-Earth ba••" writing• la diff• r..,l fr.,. t ha firal lf'• id• bl• !leount of data. flve wnleh aea H with t hlil S1l.aarlJ1Joo lCapo,19&1,300pp.£10,9SI riot only on UNI •pllod- th•• MIV-• • ythoe,. Now Cl'lrt• toph• r Toi.Jr.tan gtvff ll•vlowoelby!Ja.,ldV.BarreH butonthalHlckgroundtolMllho,.,.tha .,.. u,. flnt draft• or F•ll-.hlp n.. procoo, of flll,lng ll, public ructlon or 1"- Rtrw, incll.dlng tranacrlptlm11 • 1th• ti•• and In lt>o r•ar••lnc•. of • enuac..tpt• 1n hi• pocsauiot whld'I THE WOIIUI Of THE VlSUAL ARTS, ART arw1 .. t ... laliY••l•batan•lr•1n1- wera 11,1.,.,. unt lo M...qu,etla UlllYW"•- rora..-y, art alttct.•• and au tho pr.­ ity, end thua t,,a ___ by l'tObody of INI thellH - H • u• pttono -­ tonu.,..._. Uwotg-.,lthlt,-u. lying u .. bu.1c pro•IM. 1•.,. •-1 a • l-. The t..it of tr..a-1ptlon .,.. .., •sc•llont -t.a.phor for tho bMuty. 1rul dHlof lhlll aat..-t.• l,;overtld not ff• )'; hwa la the _..t of prob!.. • uriw-, c:,aplexlty, and che• ting on el--•.porllCtllarlyU..procl,.w;.ttor, Cllrl1Jlopl'.- Tolkl_, - feoaKtlll This fact oi.- ••- tho book IOII 1• u•, IOgl:llW• • •tll rl11trs o• o(lt;..,_BJ~ lypiully '11.I I IICI <-lH dUKUNI IOI ...,..,1, Inking a loolr.at. but wher• tM IMtrtu,...... Vonnoautianln1tyl•.butcon111lder•bly author• rHlly •car• II tn ....a bling The MSS dal• froa u .. LU• 19309. boll.,. uw,n-•ofwhatti•·•produc.a !hair dat• fra,o prlaary .OU.-CH vt,.,... Volu- 6 lunllll• lt>o 0U1•r S) t• • inc• ho l•rt SF bllhind. ..,.,.. po• ai.bl• : Jnr,Uably. pwhap•,, Ullladlat•ly rMdabl•, and any..,. who ~E.apon,rhasno cloth"•""" wllha.t.....oftht•. n,tur•.ru• ourand ~andlov..Th•FoJ.l-1pofCM lrll•l••koatMl)'<>ID'!llobolarabllkian anoc:dot• llav• •pun a1-t out of con­ RUl6 wUl en.)Oy n<1ttng u,. d•l•Uon• repeat tt,r_ II••• about • <> took I lla H ,!Qr plot pr•tatlon,.1H1for-••hrugging •hould•r• dacllion• about Thol.ord of fh•R.trws. a11d • ovlng on.lwa1•Ulo • urprl1odby Voiu•• 6 la arrang.a ln tllr•• ;~~ u:::•~~•• ~ .u~'il"o .~. c,•;~~~ lo 1tft hi• forlunt 1n I 11 rt1\ cl\y •o•• of th• o• IUW

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