Vector to Conhnu• After Ihle Au•• Er, Sclomc1 Fiction, Than, You Say

Vector to Conhnu• After Ihle Au•• Er, Sclomc1 Fiction, Than, You Say

148 Gil T~e critical journal o! the &itis~ Science r~tion Association HBRUAAY / MARCH 1989 LIFE DURING WARTIME LUCIUS SHEPARD l ' I 'l I He Snortlists He Mlisner·s [oitor·s Stor1 Snaoes ol Bi~ Brotner PlUS 8 0 0 k RIV i e W S and le I Ie IS VfCTUR 1· 4 · 8 FEBRUARY / MARCH 1989 C 0 N T ,------f --N - - -T- ---S 3 15 Soae • ialngs on u,. ,-r gene. and aw.wds, """"""- ~ Vile~ !Ed) - THE JWMml 800IC OF SIIOllT HORROR and UM nat,r• ot SF • 'fent-y Isaac Asl- - Pll'.£1.l»ETOFOUIIOATIOli' B'"'Bo.,e-lt11511.U' ,znns Scott Brad(l•ld - TIE SECttT LIFE 0F HOUSES John9rU11ner - nEDAYSOFNARCff Polltlca, the Fuu,re end SF, lrKludlng 1•urprtn!} cybe<"punll; Orson Scott Card - SEVDrnl sot! end .Vcturan Allft80.-IH a11alyHd Hnln11ly Jonathon CerrolJ - Sl.EEPI NG IN FLANi: JohnClull, Dav1dPrlnglel5! aon0unsley(Edsl- 111TER2D£: THE3RDAm«ll.OGY 7 Gardner l)ozo1 s (Ed l - BEST NEV SF 2 a:s?"0Fl9ea Chrt l> hy..::>nd E. Fetal• FU:IIETALE of our popular and UHflll en. -t ,_tune: Frederick S. fruk - OOTHIC flCTJON our,....levm-a'dlolceofthelr f•,,_U•boouofl.Nt,....,. ~ C.r11Hl (Ed) - TIE OUJT SCIDCE ncnOl'I Robert MoldUock - Uf'CN>TSS 10 SlephenJon•••DevldSutlon(Edal-TI£8EST HOIIROII ll&STOF 196a CPart 2> FtoNFANTASTTALES Mo11reenPort•rdtsc11HffthellipoHlbletaekhclng J . S. LeFanu-THE I LLU5Tlo\raDJ.S. LE F,.,.U lhe ArlhurCClerke Avard judgn Dan1e!J.H, Leva<:k- l'ICD: A l'HILJPI, DICI BIBUOGUPHY, 11:EVISEIIElllTIOff Dante! J K. L.vact • Mark Willerd - Out£ N,!.ST1Jt: A II F~ l£l:llDT BIBUOGUPHT l'htlltpMann- PIOl€EIS Vllal's Ill\ Sf" publl!IIMr's ..:IJlor's JOb ell about? Beth ""'=hu (Edl - TEUJ'SUNJVEISE lath7 0.1- telt. all -,.Jy sill to Sten IIIICflDU. - -""-ffl<A'-<-U. Tl l'OW11r1- 0HSTRAM:lERTIDES • Tarry Pratchen - WIDSISIEl!S Dnld Prt11gl• - KlDf:ltN F ANTASY: TIE KIIM)IEO BEST IIOVEl.S 14 Clifford 0. S!mak- OFF-PLIJIET ANYVIEl£11J1'Sl'Ol!:POCESI Cordwdner Smith - THE IIEDI SCO'IEltfOF MAN U Hurst wonders wh,etht,- George 0r-...11 knaw Oevid C. S11!1h - H.G, IE.LS: DESl'Ell.o\TU.Y IOITAL thewertt.eno-,ellflUtlueo.- Brue:• Sterling - ISL.UIOS TH TI£ /IET \11,fthy Streib..- - TtANSFORMATl(• J . ToltJen - Tl£ ll£1VRN OF 'TM£ SIIAIXJWI TIE HISTORY OF THE L0ID OF TIE IIMlS PUT ONE ...,, - 1..-1 Yonneg\lt - IIUEIE.UD 1( 10"/IMJ 41f(l,:uJl'I llrtdJrw your w.:,.-rxndV U 7 ~o!i,~~ wt,ll• • J11Her All - TIE OFFICIAL PIJS{llfEI IJO dfd ""'! IIM prlrllrs -pped e ,_ P'¥f- around. 011 Ell1101UAL AIJlll£SS: V.,;tar, 2l Oruf1eld lto.G, Cro,don, Sun-ey CIIO 21.D. Tel: 01-668 6081 -=-:ISlm' SB:llrr.tJl'T: J- lt!JJM, ll Thonl•llle ._., llartlapool, Cl...i.,,d TS26 &EV. _,, _ _,. • • ,_ -• . ,_.• ._,~, ... M - -••~•• H '•"••-- h • • - • _.,_,_.,_ -••• -• •- TI£ 119'A:Thellr-1tiah5clenc•FlctlonAMOC:tatlot1 taan ~ Good artk:lN aN alwaye want/Id. All JIISS a11attur organlHtlon, founded ln !958, which •'-• to au• t be typed doubl.-,pecl-d on one •tell! or u,a paper. proaot•and111>couragethtlr11adlnjj,wrl\1n11andpubl1ahtng Mui.u• pr•f•rred length 3500 word1; HClpUon• wlll be o f SF I f111>taay In 111 thlllr for-. W1 publish 6 11- e a..S.. A pr11latner1 lettar 1, UHful but not ...., . year. VKlor, 1 critical ,Joumll. /Ulrb:, • ,,_ • agnlne, i..1aU.dtlld MSS C/1111\0t be returned vlthout an SAE. 1'1- and ~dt ln(«r>O, a r._.l_ Mgutn. of the latNI n,ote lhllt then I.a no p• yaent for publl.caUon. Mallar• pepert,11,;u; and 3 t1- a,- FOCUII. 1 ...:tine for SF who wlal'I to ,...,1_ bclOlm auat flN,t ..,.-U• to the Editor. wrtten. ou,,.r ISFA _...l.CN include Onirer, 11 ,....,.1 SF AIT: ea,,.- ert, llluetrat1- Ind flll• n 11lve,- v•laae • ..,.-n•r•• worbhop; "' SF lnf-tton _.,,ca: • ,....,.1 'IOt.UrnDS: The 8SFA ~ JDUI Pi- a.,tac:t the Edltor. • agn1nllch• ln;-an5Fl.nd"'811br•r y, AD¥EJrTlSDI:< All advwtl.alng copy -t be sub• lttlld • 8/V JIEJEEl9llP coat• uo per aMua <Onr-HU l20 aurr1~. 1.35 ce...-e-rudy arl worli: with all nacaaury Mlft-. All -­ alr).Fordetel1",wr1t• qulrl- on r • tN, • ltN •le. to the Publlclty Mal\lgllr, Da­ (\15.0.: Cy Chauvin, !U4& WUfrl-d, DetroH. Ml 4&213) Wood, I Friary Clo•e, Marln• HUI, Clevllllon, Avon BS2L 7QA, AllopJnlon,rr,,,,,,...HdlnVKtO.- en, f-Oflhe lndJ.,Jd- 11,11 c:DJlrlflul..-. 1/tO ...,n nol N cu.. ID ,...,,,..._1 I­ -111 ,Bll111s18rnm/imHA-mc111111111- of 11.. EDllor or 1/N BSFA exa191 -.. eqUdlJT rr11totd. ..........,_ ,,.,,._,.,,.,.. _ ,,..,..., _,...,--=ii,.. ""''-""'-1- ..,, __ ,.. ..,_u•._ ........ _._..._,.., [OITORIAl ~ DAVID VBAARrn ruur got to arlps with 19118. I bl.aae u.., ~lit.on fea,,g Iha rl•ln!! sun and rKII• • aantn. <Ind .....,.U1• Ruut-, or u,., ..,_.kana. or whoeffr •1- n I.II BUP ... lhere you .,.... One jg SF <Ind - 111 fenluy. The IH.tgg_.lnguptheveet!wr (prl>bablp •~b11>atl.gnof r1Uonaleb•hUld the •J'f~boobl1carefuUyal'Hl IOfll0:- I F"r.ndl n,,ic:)..,- utsts., Clwiri,obfl. end llled>on.llds' t,,u-­ 1111 worud out, but there a.ln't no dJ1ls end knobs t burg.- cartons> so u..,t I.est wtnt..-, for the flrst ,u.pect ltlat H T•lli• 11ac1 had to turn knobe ..-., 1•e•1111 llaeln • yUfe,ldldn'tSHAt!ftnOWonthegrtlUlld. d!Als IOflllff l.e'tOlldrss. tMbook • lgl'lt 11a ... stDOCI e IIOO<I I w•• •tlll "•Ulng for v!nt..- to c .... ..,_, I "t oH for chorlce of wlmlng the tler1ce Aveni - but then, of cour-• 11, • y aU11...- holiday. l'• ainvtnclld thet Ml•• W'rOflg for ltwouldn'thelllbem'lthe..,..Dook. U•• whole yur, 1 don't knoo1 whU I"ll do If l dOn't 11•t S1Hp1fl8 kl FJ ..e la eboo.Jt the tntruelon of aa111e, • y couple of weeks trying oe,;pereuly not to bnuk • y rontoey and horror tnto" ~"ry reel end ordtn•ry world. neck on !cyp,ovu..nte th1-y@tll'- 71NI b>olm - 111• unbotm; IN' fe•lllar end the sir~•: Suaury or • y !He lost year, uvenl thffl!• _,,, •Jllff/1 - (e11r11y. ..nother f•lr description of Sf Ho badly wrong: a fllW otl'len went 1pl.ndldly right: and I 1klffy el-• enll (....,11, there ls e • pot of tlae trove!, but ftnllly took th• decision to • tep down u \/actor lldltor. deflnltely no knob• •nd d!els); definitely not lhe sort of (Jto--oneh&11yt1tspplledfor11111lyforthej0b,1othlnkon: thtn15 Niven end l'ournelle would !or could) wrue. Not lf you r11ally """ t Vector to conHnu• after Ihle au•• er, sclomc1 fiction, than, you say. Fanhey? But C1rroll'a • aybllyc,uera th• rtghtpanonforthaJob... ) world II H reel•• lhe streel outside ey window, F•ntu• I wa1 t• praul!d by the aaount of good SF I Fanta!oy tlcal ls lhl\lOrd l used obove. lt'11 novelwhtch • GIISf that u .. o,,,t l.Ht yru1r - ... the "SNI of aa• fHtur, reeder• will Jove, 1ven If they don't like Fantosy or 1n 1h19 lHue - and •uch of it Dy 8r1ttah authors, Terry Hon-or. SowlllFontHyreadl!rl, SowlllHorrorrudfl"-. Prat,;t,elt"a 11)-rd si..1......, tW<J 11r-• t bOolal by Carry K1l- Md so wlU rudl!rs ,mo 11<1ver 110 near ony or our 1<0!"lh, •t IHI th•.equel toRobHoldstoc;k-./fyth~l,lood, eut,-15enrn. Stor• Conatviu,.. •• econd WrHthlhu book (and 1-. u11erly To quote Ed J.. ea, -rhere 15 ,_, the ldN or trying; •w1tllng, "-f,11• USUillly despl11ng lrUDglH, the flnlll to pu.i, o bool( 11 - which should be rffd es w1a1, u -). and---· po15Jble.• Ths ClarU vtnner "ought to be I bool( whleh It'• ,\Warde t!ae, folu; the Arthur C. ClarU AW....., eny non-Sf ruder could plck up, recoSnlM es Sf, end •lea NIDl'tlbthNbNripubll.ehed(_lle_Port<lf''lplec1), perce!Ye u worthwhlle llter1ture. .• the_., or lboolil tt>at andno• IMtton roru for U1"1BSFAAw..-d911ould beln this cen 11lrect new rMde"s to eclenc:e flctlm, ..-., 1ncru- ulltng. 11ener•l ewer- or the l• portanai of Sf', r,ot just w1thtn •• 1lw1,s. __, mccellant boob f•llad to aak• tbe 20th oentury IUer,tur• but - an lndtspen96ble tool for ClarW 9hortlist. Haw 1-. not solrg to ir,-Uon uw .-.,..tendU'l!I our world end where tt's'-d1t1g.• IHteor thlsillJ\,lllgt,!1,; there...,...,Hl''IIMLd, - Hcow, thlH two b0c:cs oorn e:a·trepolatl MltUill poUtlcs exu... 1, gDOCI boon thb ,...,.• ......i or •lf;M of vhlch or .... u-ona.iul n,ilnatlan .. do Ille f1"l t- Clarke ju,l:tf11l..tto11•tontheUIOrtltst. lt'sbNri1dlfflcult Ava.rd winner-. lut anpone rMding the• will be, to - an dKUllonforeadloftheJudfl-,andls~t lllefln.91 ... rut11-bte phr-. enrld,ed b)' the upertence. Thsy dts<;uUlan and dloke of lhe w1nn<lf' lrl Iha Croucll,o Club on will look for olhar booD by the - euthore, end --. or flardl 15th wUI be .,_ything bl.It -r- r11Md voices sld tt,u, wlll look for o lher boon pub)~ b)> Gollana or blood on ths rtoor can be upectad, 1611Ulls" u t 110111!! to IA:8end. tofJndaor1of11>1soae.<ThJ.sU1•11DOC1rffSOl'I weigh •r JVd!e• l'llt and taste <Ind prefwancN ag1ln6t rorpublJ..,.,.eedvert1111ng-ofthetrolhertttlNon lhllrs, or quntlon Iha • unlng of the word "but• 1n this the beck flap of • noveL) Cerroll'& book donn'I """" • ny conte•t; Edward Jues, th• .-!!tor of Fovndorton.

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