Sigma Phi flame Sigma Phi NUMBER 132 • DECEMBER 2018 flameflamefflameConvention 2018 in Madison: 110th Chapter Anniversary Yields Valuable 'Sig Pearls' pages 10-18 DECEMBER 2018 | 1 Sigma Phi flame Disagreements, Debates and Our Dictate by Christy Lambden, T’11, 2027 Committee Chair
[email protected] One of the Currently, we are facing a have been hidden from brothers most singular difference in opinion about the who disagree with the actions, and frustrat- membership direction our Society and stakeholders have felt ing aspects should take. Many undergraduate uncomfortable in sharing their of my members believe that women views for fear of being labeled continued should play a greater role in our and/or being unheard. A debate involvement Society. The tenor of this debate premised on insults, secrets, and in Sigma Phi involves the dis- has varied, changed, and chal- fear-mongering will never result agreements that inevitably arise lenged friendships as well as the in a healthy outcome. There between brothers. The beauty of foundations of our brotherhood. seems a conscious decision by all any organization - including our In my view, the unfortunate of us discussion participants to brotherhood - is the richness of reality is that the greatest chal- not challenge, change, or correct different people, different view- lenge to our Society is not the the tone of this discussion, even points and different opinions. when we see it going awry. The issue isn’t limited to the In this ongoing matter, I know Thrice Illustrious, of course. I have failed to live up to the So- Instead, not knowing how to “In emotional ciety’s Charge to its members.