CATALOGUE THREE HUNDRED FORTY-ONE Colonial Americana WILLIAM REESE COMPANY 409 Temple Street New Haven, CT 06511 (203) 789-8081 A Note This catalogue is devoted to the history of colonial North America from the late 16th century to the American Revolution. Included are a fine copy of Catesby’s Natural History of Carolina, and classics of early Canada such as Champlain, Sagard, Thevenot, and Thevet. Early New England is represented by an early edition of the Bay Psalm Book, Morton’s New English Canaan, and Hubbard on King Philip’s War. There is a 1664 Cambridge, Massachusetts imprint by Richard Mather and a long personal letter by George Washington. Also included are early American views by Bowles, a series of important maps, and other notable graphics. There is a Franklin letter, a Poor Richard’s Almanac, a series of important colonial laws and imprints, and an extensive body of important material on the French and Indian War. Available on request or via our website are our recent catalogues 336 What I Like About the South, 337 The Federal Era, 338 Western Americana, 339 Pacific Voyages, Australia & Asia; bulletins 43 Cartography, 44 Photography, and 45 Natural History; e-lists (only available on our website) and many more topical lists. q A portion of our stock may be viewed at If you would like to receive e-mail notification when catalogues and lists are uploaded, please e-mail us at
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