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Tree Scale: 1 5 /1-396 5 1-396 bchX LYXE d Bacteria bchX GCA 000152145. bchX ADVR d Bacteria us aggregans DSM 948 DSM aggregans us us aurantiacus J-10-fl / p Chloroflexota c Chlor xus sp. Y-400-fl /1-396 bchX NQWI d Bacteria us islandicus 1/1-396 1 ASM15214v1 protein p Chloroflexota c Chlo loroflexus s 1/1-396 s loroflexus in subunit X Chloroflex X subunit in loroflexus s 1/1-396 in subunit X Chloroflex ein subunit X Chlorofle bchX GCA 000012485. oflexia o Chloroflexales bchX GCA 000016085. p Chloroflexota c Chlo hloroflexus s Chloroflex bchX GCA 000012585. EFO79826.1 chloroph roflexia o Chloroflexale bchX DCSM d Bacteria f Chloroflexaceae g Ch g Chloroflexaceae f de reductase iron prote iron reductase de f Chloroflexaceae g Ch ide reductase iron prote 1 ASM1248v1 protein A 1 ASM1608v1 protein A lide reductase iron prot bchX GCA 000020505. f Chloroflexaceae g Ch roflexia o Chloroflexale 1 ASM1258v1 protein A s f Chloroflexaceae g C yllide reductase iron pr bchX GCA 000006985. p Chloroflexota c Chlo s f Chloroflexaceae g O bchX GCA 000168715. flexia o Chloroflexales CL25985.1 chlorophylli CL25985.1 oflexia o Chloroflexales o oflexia BB24282.1 Chlorophyl BY33667.1 chlorophyll 1 ASM2050v1 protein A BP37253.1 chlorophyll bchX GCA 000020645. CM51883.1 chlorophyl bchX Viridilinea medios loroploca s Chloroploca bchX Chloroploca asia BB27673.1 Chlorophyl s f Chloroflexaceae g C roflexia o Chloroflexale 1 ASM16871v1 protein 1 ASM698v1 protein AA bchX Chloroploca asia roflexia o Chloroflexale otein subunit X Oscilloc bchX GCA 000015125. scillochloris s Oscilloch bchX GCA 000020465. bchX OHK Co dastool lide reductase iron prot CF11158.1 chlorophylli ide reductase iron prote Chloroflexota c Chloro 396/1-396 p Chloroflexota c Chlor c Chloroflexota p egans/1-396 egans 1/1-396 egans 1 ASM2064v1 protein A A protein ASM2194v1 1 96 ntiacus 1/1-396 1ASM1886v1 proteinA bchX OHK UC 40.cont bchX RYFF01 1/1-394 dicus isl2 1/1-396 bchX OHK Co maxb.04 lide reductase iron prot ntiacus/1-396 1 ASM2218v1 protein A dicus isl2/1-396 EAT58209.1 chlorophy bchX NQWI01/1-395 alina Kir153F/1-395 bchX RSAS01 1/1-392 tica B79 1/1-394 asiatica 1/1-394 hloroploca s 1/1-395 6 1 ASM1512v1 protein A M72651.1 chlorophyllid bchX RYFE01 1/1-395 1 ASM2046v1 protein A p Chloroflexota c Chlo 400/1-396 bchX GCA 000020625. s f Chloroflexaceae g U tica B79/1-394 hloris trichoides DG6 /1 /1-383 bchX Oscillochloris/1-3 loris trichoides 1/1-391 de reductase iron prote metabat 40/1-395 1/1-383 CF43263.1 chlorophyll ein subunit X Chlorobiu in subunit X Chlorobium bchX RYFD01 1/1-391 bchX Chlorothrix 1/1-42 bchX AZXV d Bacteria Bacteria d AZXV bchX bchX Chloroflexus spY bchX chloroflexus aggr chloroflexus bchX bchX JPIM d Bacteria p bchX chloroflexus aggr chloroflexus bchX bchX JPIM01/1-396 bchX GCA 000021945. GCA bchX bchX chloroflexus aura bchX PNIQ01 1/1-396 PNIQ01 bchX bchX GCA 000020545. ein subunit X Chlorobiu bchX Nak metab 64/1-3 igs 1/1-395 bchX GCA 000018865. BL65809.1 chlorophylli llide reductase iron pro bchX TC 147/1-384 bchX DOPW01 1/1-396 bchX RFHF01 1/1-396 bchX Chlorothrix/1-420 3/1-395 bchX Chloroflexus islan 1 ASM2062v1 protein A CD89976.1 chlorophyll e reductase BchX subu bchX chloroflexus aura bchX GCA 000022185. 83 bchX Chloroflexus islan bchX Pelodictyon luteo bchX J043 1/1-396 bchX J metab 161/1-39 bchX DCSM01/1-389 83 ide reductase iron prote BA1466 s 1/1-389 bchX LWQS d Bacteria in subunit X Chlorobac bchX Chloroflexus sp Y -391 91 bchX Anaerolinea YNP bchX TC 160/1-392 m luteolum DSM 273 /1 bchX Anaerolinea YNP 63 1/1-383 phaeovibrioides DSM 1 ASM2054v1 protein A bchX NP1 C 2 1/1-383 bchX TC 63/1-306 bchX RFGY01 1/1-383 s sp. RS-1 /1-388 de reductase iron prote bchX Chlorobaculum li tein subunit X Chlorobi bchX JP3 C 13 1/1-383 CF46555.1 chlorophyll m chlorochromatii CaD 41 /1-388 ide reductase iron prote bchX JP3 Bin7 1/1-383 bchX SJPA01 1/1-326 0 nit Chlorobium tepidum bchX J036 1/1-383 -383 bchX PGTN01 1/1-383 lum/1-284 bchX Nak metab 36/1-3 in subunit X Pelodictyo bchX Chlorobaculum p ulum parvum NCIB 832 bchX Nak UC 36 1/1-3 CE03882.1 chlorophyll bchX J CC 140 1/1-383 in subunit X Roseiflexu bchX Pelodictyon phae bchX J UC mh maxb.2 s castenholzii DSM 139 bchX GCA 000020525. ide reductase iron prote in subunit X Chlorobium 265 /1-283 -284 um ferrooxidans DSM 1 mnaeum/1-297 0.3 bchX N CC 20 1/1-383 in subunit X Chlorobium bchX NP3 C 7 1/1-383 3 /1-301 1.0 1.0 0.9 bchX J UC 75 1/1-383 TLS /1-283 1.0 n phaeoclathratiforme B bchX MPJE01/1-286 bchX Nak metab 36 1/1 ide reductase iron prote 1.0 Tree scale: 1 arvulum/1-283 bchX J metab 75/1-383 1 ASM2052v1 protein A bchX Prosthecochloris 7 /1-283 1.0 ide reductase iron prote in subunit X Roseiflexu 1.0 1.0 1.0 bchX TC 71 1/1-388 0.1 0.3 0.9 0.9 1.0 90 in subunit X Prostheco 1.0 oclathratiforme/1-284 1.0 0.8 phaeobacteroides DSM 0.4 1.0 0.7 bchX TC 71/1-388 1.0 1.0 0.3 1.0 0.9 3031 /1-286 0.3 0.9 1.0 0.20.0 390 limicola DSM 245 /1-2 0.1 0.80.0 bchX TC 152/1-390 1.0 0.0 0.0 bchX Prosthecochloris 0.0 0.7 bchX TC 152 1/1-390 4/1-390 1.0 0.9 CF15169.1 chlorophyll in subunit X Chlorobium 1.0 0.5 bchX TC 22 1/1-323 U-1 /1-284 1.0 0.4 metabat 10/1-390 BQ91621.1 chlorophyll ide reductase iron prote aestuarii DSM271/1-28 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.3 bchX TC 22/1-323 90 chloris aestuarii DSM 2 0.2 1.0 bchX OHK UC 10 1/1-3 266 /1-287 0.9 0.2 igs 1/1-390 86 bchX OHK C C 18 1/1- ide reductase iron prote 0.4 1.0 0.1 1-388 aestuarii/1-282 0.7 bchX OHK Co maxb.09 0.1 BU59786.1 chlorophyll phaeobacteroidesbchX PDNY02 BS1 1/1-322 0.9 0.6 0.6 1.0 bchX OHK Co dastool 1 ASM1666v1 protein A 2 0.5 1.0 71 /1-282 1.0 1.0 1.0 bchX OHK CC 13 1/1-3 388 bchX PDNZ01 1/1-291 0.9 in subunit X Chloroherp bchX OHK UC 10.cont 1.0 1.0 bchX Roseiflexus sp 1/ bchX NSLH01/1-267 /1-287 0.8 1 ASM1780v1 protein A bchX Chloroherpeton t 0.6 1.0 bchX GCA 000016665. bchX Nak bchXmaxb PHFL01/1-267 085/1- 1.0 387 0.9 1.0 0.8 bchX Roseiflexus sp/1- eton thalassium ATCC 0.7 0.5 metabat 108/1-371 0.9 0.9 bchX PNIR01 1/1-388 bchX MGTX d Bacteria 0.6 0.4 7/1-371 bchX GCA 000017805. halassium/1-267 1.0 0.5 267 1.0 1.0 bchX Nak concoct 8/1- nholzii/1-387 35110 /1-267 p Elusimicrobiota c Elu bchX OHK Co dastool nholzii 1/1-387 bchX WPS2 29 1 1.0 bchX OHK Co maxb.09 bchX WPS2 33 1 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.3 bchX roseiflexus caste tigs 1/1-388 simicrobia o UBA1565 bchX roseiflexus caste 1.0 1.0 5/1-388 1.0 bchX kouleothrix/1-260 1.0 1.0 metabat 106/1-388 f UBA9628 g GWA2-66 1.0 bchX OHK UC 106.con 4/1-387 BA965 s 1/1-390 1.0 1.0 0.91.0 bchX OHK Co maxb.00 1.0 0.6 bchX OHK Co dastool igs 1/1-387 -18 s 2/1-297 0.9 s f Roseiflexaceae g U 0.4 bchX OHK Co maxb.00 metabat 77/1-387 0.7 e1 /1-278 bchX OHK UC 77.cont roflexia o Chloroflexale 0.8 bchX OHK Co dastool rium modesticaldum Ic bchX FOPK d Bacteria 1.00.3 1.0 bchX QWQZ01 1/1-390 p Chloroflexota c Chlo in subunit x Heliobacte p Proteobacteria c Alp bchX LGEI d Bacteria p bchX QWQY01 1/1-390 0.8 de reductase iron prote Proteobacteria c Alpha haproteobacteria o Rhi 1.0 bchX DBCF d Bacteria 0.3 0 ilum B /1-246 proteobacteria o Rhizo zobiales f Beijerinckiac bchX DBCF01/1-390 BZ83893.1 chlorophylli bchX FPBW d Bacteria odesticaldum/1-278 dobacterium thermoph 0.9 1.0 bchX QWQO01 1/1-39 p Proteobacteria c Alp biales f Beijerinckiacea 1.0 eae g Methylobacterium 1 ASM1916v1 protein A tein subunit X Chloraci 1.0 bchX Heliobacterium m ovibrio sp. 970 /1-289 bchX GCA 000272495. haproteobacteria o Rhi e g Methylobacterium s s Methylobacterium ph 1.0 246 6 llide reductase iron pro bchX GCA 000019165. tein subunit X Thiorhod 1 ASM27249v1 protein bchX FOQW d Bacteria zobiales f Beijerinckiac Methylobacterium purp 0.3 yllosphaerae 1/1-289 bchX Nak maxb 100/1- ium thermophilum/1-24 AEP11691.1 chlorophy llide reductase iron pro -289 p Proteobacteria c Alp EIZ84117.1 chlorophyl eae g Methylobacterium urogeneiscleroticus 1/1 1 ASM22629v1 protein icoccus mobilis 8321 /1 bchX FOTK d Bacteria haproteobacteria o Rhi lide reductase iron prot bchX Chloracidobacter EIC20041.1 chlorophy s Methylobacterium or p Proteobacteria c Alp -289 otein subunit X Thioflav zobiales f Beijerinckiac ein subunit X Methylob bchX GCA 000226295.
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