The Kentucky Kernel: 1953-02-27
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. The Kentucky Kernel VOLU.MK XLIV LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1953 NLMBKR 19 UK Student Wages IFC Holds Four Plays Remain 9 Heidt Show Auditions Will Be Coi pared Leaders In Drama Festival Workshop Four dramas will be presented in wald: Claire Wood. Goneril; Mary the remaining nights of the Shake- Lewis Patterson. Cordelia; Earl In UK Studio Tonight To Other Colleges' speare Festival at the Guignol Thea- Jones. Tom Gover and Of ter. Three other Kentucky college vent, attendants. Goal Meeting diamatic departments are partici- Len Tracy will portray the Earl pating in the Festival, highlight of of Kent; Jim Harmon. Earl of Glou information On I sed-Btn>k Coti$ Is To Aid Frato Guisnol's 25th anniversary season. cester. Inman. the Fool; Jim £ Talent will be Search "Merry Wives of Begin Windsor"' Bettye Deen Stull. Regan. On Cmmpm§ Is Sought By SGA The first annual Leadership played tonight by Morehead State Staff Members Listed Training Workshop sponsored by the College. "King Lear," the only Staff members for "King Lear" held \ study of student wages at various American universities will Inter-Fri-ternity Council will be tragedy in the group, will be given include Mrs. Lola Robinson, associ- today and Saturday in the Student by Guignol Saturday night. Th'> ate director, costumes and proper- Ik- made by the Student GmOMI Association in order to make Program Is Union. Georgetown College Players will ties, assisted by Mary Bryant. Nor- a comparison it 1 * tlie wages now Ining paid at UK. The program is designed to aid "As You Like lit" Monday, maglen Fields. Margaret Eversole In the meeting of the Asscmhly Monday night. Jack Karh fraternity chapter officers in more uid Eastern State College will dra- and Holloway; Ernest Rhodes, tech- Wednesday efficient r.r.d successful operations matize "Twelfth Night" Tuesday. nical director, with Marshall Amos, iim iiiIht of a committee appointed to Stud) student wages, stated of their organizations. Wallace N. Briggs. director of the assistant: Stull. stage manager, and T that l niversit\ Comptroller. Frank D. Peterson, has agreed to A mass meeting of all delegates roup, said the plays are be- assisted by j UK Jim Read, electrician, In Coliseum send letters requesting information on student wages to several at 3 o'clock this antrnoon in thV ing performed on a modern adapta- Lois Cammack. Student Union Social Room will tion of the Elizabethan stage, de- Box office is under the direction By DIANE RENAKEB universities throughout tin- country. open the workshop. Following the signed by James Harmon. of Meg Bailey, assisted by Jessie e information will be used as a system with Joe Boston. Engineer- Auditions for the Horace meeting, various round-table discus- Directors of the Morehead. Sun, Bettie Tuttle. Janet Wood. of comparison for wages re- Inspector of the Maintenance and sions and meetings will be held. Georgetown and Eastern dramas, Norma Gibson and Laura Roberts. Heidt show will be held from by students working for the Orations Department. Cost for respectively, are W. P. Covington. Mary Lewis Patterson is publicity be about $4,000. 7:30 to 10 p.m. today and Sat- Miss Rena Calhoun and Keith chairman, assisted by Jim Read and after the Ganj: said Subjects for these meetings will urday in Studio A of radio sta- Brooks. Anne Beard. Tom Rogers Is in from Dean if Men A D. Kirwan. com- irclude executive and administrative Cast Is Named charge of music: Robert Schnatter. tion WBKY in McVe> Hall. Jos menting on the situation, said that problems > presidents and vice presi- In "King Lear." William Nave program advertising: Normaglen i. publicity of the men s dormitories "need a lot dents chapter finance < treasurers Gardner, chairman will play Lear. Students in the Fields is prompter: Fred Silhanek paid at more than telephones " He said that and assistants>. pledge training the three organizations drama are Dave Stull. King of is house manager, and Dolly Sulli- UK clerical work. 40 "there is an urgent need for furni- 'pledge masters*, and alumni, cam- France; Don Hartford. Duke of vent is assistant to the director. sponsoring the show, said this to 65 cents an hour. 70 cents with desks, lamps These neces- pus, and public relations (one dele- ture, and Cornwall: Bill of Al- Eddy. Duke will be approval of the president: steno- a luxur- gate and one officer from each fra- The Guignol box office week. No advance application sities should come before bany; Buddy Purdom. Duke of Bur- 50 to 65 cents an hour. ternity). open each day until the end of the graphic. 85 iou telephone service." gundy. is necessarv. cents on approval by the president: of the instal- Farther discussion Schedules of all meetings and Don Clayton, Edgar: Jim Hollo- Festival. Plays begin at 8:30 p.m.. Any person over 14 years of age library. 50 to 65 cents an hour: lation was postponed until such round-table discussions have been way, Edmund: Joe Matthews. Os- and all seats will be reserved. who has an act adaptable to radio labs. 50 to 65 cents an hour. 70 cents time as accurate figures concerning mailed to each fraternity. goal is eligible tor an audition. No act on the president's approval: main- The the costs can be compiled. may consist of more than four peo- tenance. 65 to 85 cents an hour, and A motion to appropriate funds for of the workshop is to strengthen the \eic Radio Series ple and entrants mast furnish their cafeteria 40 to 65 cents an hour, a dinner to be given the dean of fraternity system on the UK campus. own music and accompanists. Gard- with cashiers receiving free meals of Degree Filing Set the University Tennessee and Sessions will continue Saturday HORAC'K HKIDT ner said. Visitors may attend the possibility of installing tele- Starts March 4 The nine other guests, members of the tryouts. morning from 10-12 a.m. followed To Bring Talent Show To I K phones in the men's dormitories was was passed Tennessee student body, For March 6, 7 Two acts tor the local perform- 12:15 final "The Way of Mankind." a brought up during the meeting by will arrive in by a luncheon at a.m. A The students Lexing- ance, scheduled for 8 p.m. Wednes- Manocher Ganji. who was previous- ton on 27 to discuss problems critique will be held after the lunch- series of radio programs, will begin Students who have not applied March day at Memorial Coliseum, will be ly assigned to study the problem confronting Tuesday, 4, over for degrees should do so on Fri- the two schools with eon. Delegates from each fraternity March WBKY chosen by John Murphy, talent for SGA. Ganji told the Assembly of day or Saturday. March 6 and 7, will take part in this There are 13 programs in the series. scout for the Horace Heidt show. that figures given at earlier meet- Dr. R. L Tuthill, registrar, has Need For Med School exploration Shew Given Only One Night ings of SGA were incorrect, and Guest Speakers Expected The programs are an announced. This applies also to The show will be presented for that the cost of installation might Information concerning the prices into the origin and development of graduate students who expect to Guest speakers for the workshop one night only under the sppnsor- exceed the funds available for such of second-hand books at the book- cultures, customs and folkways in complete requirements for grad- include Warren Ramshaw. executive At UK Is Discussed ship of Mortar Board, senior wom- a project. store was requested by George Law- uate degrees. Applications should various parts of the world. It is an en's honorary: Lances, junior secretary of T. in- of American Medical men's Ganji reported he had discussed son, president of SGA. in order to Sigma Chi, Robert be filed in Room 16, Administra- One of the major problems leadership society: attempt to understand the ways of first and and Omicron a complete telephone and buzzer make further studies of the advis- Ross, executive secretary of Sigma tion Building. volved in establishing a medical with the UK committee Delta Kappa, senior men's honor- ability of setting other peoples so we can better get school at UK concerns the methods then discussed the situation with up a student book- Nu; and Hugh Collett. director of Candidates for the bachelor's group of doctors. ary. store. Lawson suggested that James along, live, think, and grow with of showing the need for a second the Public Relations and editor of the degree will be charged a gradu- The new Horace Heidt show is a E Morris, owner of the campus medical school in the state to both The doctors also agreed that the ation fee of $9. which includes Kentucky Chamber of musical featuring popular tunes, Aid Available bookstore, be asked for a written Commerce members of the medical profession state needs a second medical school rental of cap and gown, diploma local talent, and other attractions publicatons. The title of the first broadcast is in Kentucky and the people general- but that the state aid now being fee. and Kentuckian. Candidates presented against a of received University of Louis- background used texts. Approximately 100 delegates from "A World In Your Ear." which will ly, local doctors agreed in discussing by the for advanced degrees other than a big top circus. The show has a ville School should not be For Students. This statement. Lawson said, will study of the project Saturday.