Retention Survey Spring 2019 N=1023 1.) Have you ever had a class in Blazer Dining? Yes- (27%) No- (73%)

2.) Was the classroom conducive to a positive learning environment? Yes- (57%) No- (43%)

3.) Please explain: Bug infestation, little space, outdated It is too crowded and never a good temperature. Feels like we are being stuck in a random building. Does not feel inviting. Blazer Hall is outdated and, frankly, disgusting. There are consistently cockroaches in the stairwells, classrooms and restrooms. I got an email a few weeks back about an angry animal somewhere in the ceiling and to avoid the building. The bathrooms are disgusting. too hot and air conditioner is too loud so it was to be turned off to heard the professor. the bathrooms are gross Bugs were found often, which caused major distractions. Cleaning crews often used what smelled like bleach to clean (probably from all the mold and rust in the building) and the odor was so intense it would give me headaches. The layout of the classrooms are terrible. You can never see the professor or the screen in the front if they are presenting something because of the computers being in the way. It's never a comfortable temperature and if the window units are on you can't hear the teacher talking because they are so loud. The smell is distracting. The animals that run through the building scare me and make it hard to focus. If I have to think about my own personal safety during class I cannot focus. People wouldn’t go because it was so far It was gross It is not a building up to the standard that my tuition pays for There is not a proper place in the class room for a board that the teacher could write on. No one was ever able to see and the room had A/C but it was too loud and no one could hear over it so we have to sit in a burning hot room. The air conditioners are too loud so you cannot hear the professor, but the room gets uncomfortably hot if we turn them off. The classrooms were sometimes too hot, and the AC was too loud most of the times. Student computers faced away from teacher in awful rows so easy to be off task and distracted; we all faced different directions and none of them were the screen The building needs to be taken down. It's not a comfortable environment that any student wants to be in. Worst building on campus, I'm convinced. cockroaches on the floor Blazer is extremely dirty and gross. It's a very outdated building and I don't think anyone would want to learn in that building. It's a bit annoying trying to get work done but you have to worry about the elevator shutting down or rodents running around. It's not productive at all. very far and extremely out dated The smartboard screen was on the side of the room. The computers were facing the opposite direction. It was hard to see and very cramped. Also extremely hot. Computers would block view of projector screen. Computers in lab were never used. The air conditioners were too loud. The classrooms are so hot, so the air conditioning units must be on to maintain a comfortable environment, but they operate so loudly that it is impossible to hear professors and classmates. The rooms get hot very easily and we have to turn the fans on, but the fans are so loud that it interferes with being able to hear my professor and classmates. That building is so old and run-down. It needs to be condemned honestly It was so hot it was hard to focus it was a small classroom away from campus (before the student center was built) and it was really hot in there. The class itself was fine, but the construction and age of blazer was annoying. The classrooms in Blazer are hard to learn in because often Times the computers are slow or won’t connect to the server. In addition, the rooms are muggy and it is hard to sit in there for the hour and a half class. The room was really small and too hot. A lot of the times it was really uncomfortable and our teacher complained about the room everyday The rooms are hot and the building has a serious pest problem. The classrooms are not built in a way that is conducive to open discussion or group work. The two times I have had a class in Blazer, almost every class was interrupted at least one once by noise from a classroom beside us, so much so that the professor or another classmate had to politely ask them to lower their voices so that we could hear speakers in our class. Additionally, the classrooms become incredibly hot when the weather is nice and it is incredibly distracting- there are window A/C units in the classrooms, however these units are so loud that you are not able to have them run while class is in session. We could hear everything through the temporary walls. The rooms were not big enough for the amount of people they were squishing in there. Blazer just feels like a poor building to be learning in. It's too hot. When the A/C is on, it's too loud. Blazer is a terrible building and while in it you just feel dirty. Also, you have to worry about roaches and critters. Very old, hot, smells off We either are sweating to death from having to turn off the AC units, or struggling to hear the professors while we have the AC on. I'm also severely allergic to mold and can't breathe the entirety of class. It was always really hot and far away Room temperatures were always either very cold or very hot, classroom had awkward layout. it is old It was extremely hot it's hot in there. The heat, even when it's cold outside, makes it hard to concentrate. Old It was old and hot at the time it was freezing. too cold for anyone to pay attention. we ended up moving the class to POT Dirty, loud heating or cooling unit, too hot or too cold, bugs You never know the temperature in the rooms as well the leeches that share the building. It is dirty and a place that is not safe for use. Rooms were often too hot and noisy from air conditioners The fans are super loud, to the point you cannot hear the teacher. The WiFi was very spotty, and the bathrooms very far apart. Also did not appreciate climbing 3 floors every morning. The class was very old and not sanitary It was too small, had loud AC unit and couldn't hear teacher The classroom was very small and did not allow for conversation and moving around. Temperature regulation is nearly impossible, and as a result you are either overheated or competing with noisy air conditioners. Blazer is not a positive environment The building was very gross, i don’t feel like I should drink the water there, AC units in classrooms are distracting Outdated rooms with little space Blazer Dining is a hellhole that makes every teacher, student and faculty member want to die. It should be DEMOLISHED Blazer dining is uncomfortably cramped, the temperature is spotty, and the classrooms are dirty. Sometimes the classes were too crowded or things like the air conditioning made it hard to hear. It wasn't bad in every classroom, but there were a few things that made learning difficult The classroom building is not the most comfortable environment especially in the months that have severe weather such as winter and summer months. The classrooms become very cold/hot and are difficult to learn in. Way too small and overcrowded Hot, smells bad, small space and bad service It was tight and very hot in the building which made it harder for me to pay attention It was always very warm and too cramped of a space It was an awful room, a far walk and felt like jail The classrooms aren’t good for teaching because of the layout Too hot and way too small. We were removed from our building and stuffed into a closet Too hot and cramped Blazer hall is really hot and the technology does not always work. It’s tiny and old. No technology and bad AC Old and hot The A/C units are too loud but it is too hot without them on. There are bugs everywhere. The rooms are very old and the a/c units are incredibly loud. However if they are not on, the rooms are too hot. It is hot and cramped and the technology was difficult to work. The classrooms are moldy, stinky, dusty and roach infested. the building has Bad Energy, Ants and Roaches It was hot The building is disgusting and not fit for students or faculty The set up of the class was a bit cramped and made it hard to collaborate. It felt very closed off and disconnection from the professor/other student at times. It was dark and scary. There was no desk room, it was hard to see the board with the compturs in front and it was always hot Was so stuffy and hot that it was hard to concentrate, there weren't enough seats for everyone, and to move around to do group work was incredibly difficult and a task of its own due to the lack of space and seats provided. The classroom was extremely cramped and it was always entirely too hot. It get hot and the rooms are small. The classroom we were in was too small for collaborative work, which was necessary for the course. The classroom was also one chair short so one person had to sit in a wooden chair from the hallway. Crammed workspaces and old resources that make it difficult to work. The classroom was very hot and dark. It felt different from the classroom we have had in the past. The window unit air conditioners are noisy, making it hard to hear your instructor when they are on. However, if you turn them off the room becomes humid and uncomfortable. Also, in Blazer room 245, one of the walls is a divider, therefore if another class is in the room next door, it is hard to focus on your instructor because you can hear the professor next door lecturing. Always hot and loud Loud air cooling and heating. Projector had issues it was too hot and cramped and we couldn't have good group discussions. It was dirty and the lights sometimes didn't work Dirty , old It was dirty, there were bugs, the internet was always inconsistent, the heating/cooling was inconsistent, etc. The classrooms were small and very outdated, it was difficult to have group work or even have the room set up in a productive way. Very cramped and closed in. It was hot, and the walls were too thin. Temperature and location of building its cramped, hot and you cant hear the professor or learn anything. The temperature was always malfunctioning, causing us to take time out of class to open windows. The room was way too small for our discussion-based class environment. It is very small and does not embody the typical learning experience that I have in other buildings. While Blazer Dining is one of the only options left for us COM students, you can tell it's certainly decrepit. Not to say learning didn't occur, but problems with the building can definitely be distracting (AC off, AC way on, AC being very, very loud). the rooms were cramped, not temperature regulated, and the whole building reeks of mold Classroom was very crowded It was cramped and hot. Loud. Hot. Uncomfortable Loud during class often and can be extremely hot In room 245, the screen is not elevated, so it's very hard to see the notes on the screen. The classroom was too small and also very hot. It was hard to focus or do group work. Air Conditioning too loud when sitting in the back Temperature was poor quality Distracting Gross, roaches, dirty and old place 4.) Have you ever had a class in McVey Hall? Yes- (20%) No- (80%) 5.) Was the classroom conducive to a positive learning environment? Yes- (87%) No- (13%) 6.) Please explain: We didn’t have enough class space. We get so packed in the tiny classrooms that it’s uncomfortable and makes paying attention in class hard. The classroom is musty, the temperature is usually much hotter than it needs to be and is very difficult to do group work in McVey is outdated. Old and plain Outdated The condition of the building is kind of, a distraction Very dark, not enough room and horrible wifi It is not as nice as the newer buildings and doesn't have many windows. Not as welcoming and hard to focus on while in that building. The room was very outdated Just didnt like it Small, dark, smelly. I miss Grehan It was old, it smelled horrible, and the temperature greatly fluctuated. It’s very disappointing to pay so much money for out of state tuition to have such poor learning environments. The rooms are very bland and don't seem like much of a classroom The AC was broken and the tables did not work with laptops Mcvey is a very confusing building, and the classrooms are not big enough. It is also sort of run down. It was in the basement and did not seem well taken care of and like an afterthought The building is so hard to navigate and the teacher was very very unorganized It’s very confusing Old as well but better than blazer Needs to be remodeled and cleaned The class is in the basement and it is very dark and depressing, I feel like I'm going to fall asleep all the time. 7.) Have you ever had a class in Lucille Little Fine Arts Library? Yes- (46%) No- (54%) 8.) Was the classroom conducive to a positive learning environment? Yes- (97%) No- (3%) 9.) Please explain: I am not the type of person who likes to be confined in a small space I like classrooms where you can sit at a table in groups. the small, cold, unmodernized classrooms don't provide a positive learning environment like the classrooms in JSB do None of those places are as nice as Patterson. Classes should have had a lot more hands-on work and lab activities. Ancient classroom building feels uncomfortable The classroom in Lucille Little Library was a room with only desk, chairs, and a computer/projector and the lack of windows made it hard to be in. No windows, weird lighting no color just Didn’t feel like a comfortable learning environment. It seemed like it was down a dark hallway in a forgotten part of campus small class room Old, dated, bad smells 10.) Do you know the location of your department's (for either major or premajor) office? Yes- (92%) No- (8%)

11.) My classes are close to my faculty's offices. Strongly Disagree- (6.5%) Somewhat Disagree- (19%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (15%) Somewhat Agree- (37%) Strongly Agree- (22%)

12.) My classes are close by one another. Strongly Disagree- 19(5%) Somewhat Disagree- (12%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (11%) Somewhat Agree- (42%) Strongly Agree- (30%)

13.) My major provides a sense of community. Strongly Disagree- (3%) Somewhat Disagree- (9%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (19%) Somewhat Agree- (43%) Strongly Agree- (26%)

14.) If I had the opportunity to do it all over again, I would choose the major that I have. Strongly Disagree- (3%) Somewhat Disagree- (8%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (14%) Somewhat Agree- (28%) Strongly Agree- (46%)

15.) Do you have any specific recommendations to improve the learning environment within your major? Move the communication building at a different location

Unexcused Absence policy

more hands on activities or things like field trips!

In my opinion, our current branch system should have more options that are more focused to provide students with a path of classes they should take in order to find the jobs they are interested in. Our current system allows for a great deal of student freedom in choosing classes which is perfect for students who know what they are interested in, but the students that aren't sure which classes they should take to get the most out of UK end up getting lost and taking courses that may not lead them to a career they are interested in.

Offer more sections and more times for the courses provided. I know this is not as easy to be solved as it sounds, however, being someone who gets anxious easily--when it comes to registering for classes this provides an extra amount of stress because it almost feels like the schedule is never going to work out.

More extracurricular opportunities in film and mass communication

I think ISC 261 was tough, and the intensity of the course varies per professor. I felt like the portfolio help would have been great, but it was rushed towards the end of the semester, and I felt like that work was the most important thing. I think making the class a little less harsh could be better.

I would really love more online classes offered pleaseeee

More in depth PR writing without having to take the PR writing class, sports PR or com classes having a professor that is truly qualified to teach the material for the class would improve the learning environment

Other colleges have events that they do together, that would help us have a sense of community. I hate the fact that most of my teachers are graduate students, it makes me feel as if this college does not care about its students enough to give them real teachers. In addition, these graduate students are often unprepared to teach a class.

Have more clubs associated with the major

Have an actual building on campus for both offices and classes.

Add more technical classes and hands on work

Unfortunately, I don't think any of the decisions about the environment and current state of the College of Comm are departmental level decisions. I understand the University is making changes that seem ultimately out of our department's control. Often times, our department seems like an after thought to the university.

Last semester I had a class where none of the students even had desks to take notes on. I'm happy to see that this semester our classes have condensed into fewer buildings, but it still sometimes feels like we just get placed wherever they can fit us and not in classrooms that are most effective for our major. Having open spaces where people can discuss and collaborate is crucial in the College of Comm - many of our current spaces are small and tight and difficult to work together in. Also, the elephant in the room, is the advising office. Meeting with my advisor and getting students excited about majoring in Comm is super difficult, as an ambassador, when our community space is in the basement of blazer dining. a more modern look to classrooms and the schools for technology focus majors. students will see the clean cut atmosphere and be more appealed to be a ICT major

Eliminate the 48 hour CI limit and have more classes in the same building

Make coursework relevant to degree plan

Better classrooms! classrooms that are more group oriented

Listen to the reviews of your students, Some teachers are not entirely motivated on the subject they teach so it's not as enjoyable as it could be. However, some really are and it does show. I would also love to see COM 314 broken up into smaller classes because it is so interesting but hard to engage in such a large class.

More Discussion based learning

Yes. the online classes need to larger. It is not fair that pre major classes only offer 10 seats, when several students need to takes these classes. it is also impossible to take any other classes until pre major classes are completed. this is ridiculous and needs to be fixed. offer more sections for classes

More hands on equipment to exemplify the content being taught

Desantis makes me, as well as many others, very uncomfortable. No required classes with him would be great.

Please offer more online classes, I learn much more effectively online than traditionally and in a computer focused major it frustrating to have so many in person classes that I struggle to learn from

I hope that in the future, College of Communication, gets a building of its own. This will definitely help create a sense of belonging and would be very beneficial.

Offering more data science and machine learning classes

Having all ISC related classes in the same building.

Being a non traditional student, we need more online classes

New professors within the MAS department

COM 315 needs re-evaluation.

Provide more hands on opportunities

Great so far!

ISC 161 offered at more than 8 am, ISC 261 offered at more than 9 am

No, I am mostly online at this point.

The faculty are generally very kind and helpful folks, but this program does not cater to students looking to get a job in IT. Please spend some time on technical courses. I suggest developing courses around various certifications such as A+.

Remove Lainee Kiaser from being a professor

It would be good if you all were more specific about the kinds of jobs we can get with this major

Make it easier for DMD minors to get into classes

More opportunities to connect with other students in the ISC major

Only to have more hands on stuff. I worry sometimes that I am learning everything I need to know but when it comes to actually doing it I’m more worried.

Have a smaller intro to ISC/ ISC 161 class it would be beneficial to have more discussion and time to ask more questions and receive feedback from your peers

There needs to be actual technical classes within this major. I felt the major was kind of deceitful upfront. On the outside it appeared as a new student that it would have a lot of structure and classes that were technical. That was not the case as most of the classes loosely had anything to do with an IT major. The only classes pertaining to IT were Sherali's Networking 390 and his 500 level security class. If every class was like his this major would have been a much higher quality and would relate to system administrator jobs. Also the major needs labs big time. Whatever you guys making the big decisions are thinking you need to let someone experienced like Sherali take the lead on this major or the word will get out that a lot of the classes are lacking.

How can I be more involved

I think with non-traditional students that have a background in Information technology and has taken course work at BCTC, they should get course credit for those classes. Also thinking about career or life credits. Without IT technology ICT could not exist on it's own. more technical classes

More frequent communication from advisors

Emphasize the meaning of respect between students and faculty within the classroom.

Not basement class rooms

Newer classrooms

The classrooms in Patterson Hall do a great job of providing a communicative environment. I have really enjoyed having all my classes in the same building this semester, however it is far. I think it would be nice to have more com classes in Patterson Hall meaning, the classes held in Funkhouser. I say this because the learning environment in Funkhouser is uncomfortable.

Just better email communication between professors and students.

I just would like to have a better classroom environment, being in whitehall all day is miserable. don’t penalize students for not going to class

None! Hope the real JOU building gets fixed soon

More opportunities to meet and get to know the other people and professors in the major.

I don’t think the attendance policy should be as strict as it is.

Not really, the only thing that somewhat bothers me and some of the other students that have my major that I talked to is that we seem to have significantly lower tech than a lot of other colleges. We are ICT majors so it revolves around technology so we just thought that it was odd.

Add the Technology Management track to the Online Courses

Making required classes available online all throughout the year vs just 1 or 2 times a calendar year

More media classes offered. Towards the end i had no choices, i had to take any class I hadnt taken already.

There's also a required class (MAS 310) that is only available online. Some students cannot learn that way and it is extremely important material.

Build a ISC building stop putting us in Whitehall

More ISC events

Just sad I'll miss that nice and BIGGER new building1

Offering a mentorship for students in the program. Maybe have someone from ISC 261 helping someone in 161. And someone in 321 helping someone in 261 etc.

Less group work

More face-to-face communication

I wish there wasn't mandatory attendance better air-condition in buildings/classes

Air conditioning

Build a communication building, such as gatton business school having their own building

Have more activities that involve people within the major getting the opportunity to meet with each other

Maybe have our own building eventually

Not really. I came from Gatton this semester and I’m so much happier in Comm.

Classes that are not at 8 AM

Remove Lainie Kaiser as a professor. Worst professor experience throughout my time at UK (fails to lecture) provide more class opportunities

Revisit the expectations regarding online group assignments and the accountability being held. Professors are unanimously wonderful with reacting, but some proactive measures (like required checkpoints and communication with group members) might be helpful (read: less stressful) for those who try to complete assignments ahead of time.

The advisers wish the new com building was built so can build more connections thats all

Offer more technical classes that give us hard skills we can list on a resume. Having coding and experience dealing with specific softwares are very good things to have on the resume and I feel as though quite a few of the classes I took did not give me any specific skill that I could point to on a resume

Put things closer together. Hire more POC. Hire more women.

Selection of which teacher will teach each class

Personally I would like a restructure of some of the classes. I feel as if ISC 161 & 261 should introduce more elements presented in upper division. In a specific request, I would to suggest a grading restructure for ISC 431 for future students.

Make them all in one building more attentive advisors take away the intense attendance policy. Turns good grades into not so good grades.

More Black Faculty

Learning at a desk/table

Add "hands-on" learning environments/classes we have been pushed to the random spaces of the campus which does not provide us a communal space to hang out and study together. we deserve a designated class space

More hands on/ creative approach

I take online classes

More challenging and technical tasks to actually prepare us for a role in the field of information technology.

Way too much wasted time with discussions and writings that have not offered any real positive skills.

There should be lab activities and more hands-on technical work dealing with software.

More meetings for all com majors more time slots for classes

Make it easier to get into business classes

Less tedious work and bettering the classroom environment

We need a place that is like the study for students for communication classes.

Specify the differences between the pathways

Provide more research opportunities, or at least some sort of visit to a health care system where we can observe or put what we have learned into practice

Maybe a newer more updated building

Patterson Hall is a very long walk for some people that do not live in student housing including myself. all in all good experience. Help students who fall behind the "4 year graduation plan". Course sequencing is difficult especially when you fall behind. Focus on those students. Everything else is great.

More group activities for our majors build a communications building, create an environment/ classes with more com majors all in one class make the intro class easier to understand, especially when it comes to grading.

We need a building for strictly CI college major classes and an improved studio space.

More interaction with people in my major smaller lecture sizes with more sections available

Being able to minor in the college when you also major in it

Not having an 8 am

We need more technical classes that satisfy requirements. Like video shooting/editing, motion graphics, and all adobe programs

Utilize classrooms that are suitable for communication classes so students can participate in group discussions/exercises more efficiently

None really. It’s wonderful. It feels like home to me.

More hands on activities

Make sure all ISC classes are on the same side of campus, unlike 261 currently is.

More clearance on where to walk into blazer hall. I walk from the back of blazer and the first time I ever entered blazer hall for my advisor meeting I was in the old dining hall, lost, in the kitchen looking for my advisor hall.

Make the different paths for communication major a little different. It just seems like I’m taking the same class over and over again. And I’ve yet to feel like I’m making the right choice with my major because i haven’t taken one class that’s specific to Digital and Mass Media.

Most of the ICT classes feel like filler classes. Many are irrelevant and there just aren't enough actual tech classes. It would be nice to have more classes along the lines of networking, security, system administration, databases, coding inside of the core curriculum for the major, ethical hacking, etc.

A more welcoming and explanatory feeling to the class. I feel that if I had a better explanation of what everything was and the way I should think about this major in general, I would have done better.

Maybe a little less group work, its hard to learn how to do things on your own because other group members may do portions of the assignment you never have to do.

Fill us in more on the internship credit and requirements

Not particularly; I am online-only

More places to connect with students in same major

I love my major. less spread out class locations

I wish we had a specific building with all our upper division classes

I love it

Include more technical opportunities such as PC repair, screen repair etc. Also include more classes on topics like VoIP, configuring switches and network troubleshooting

Maybe offer tutoring

Clearer instructions

A group either through Facebook or email for students to interact with one another in regards to productive study techniques and other course/department related matters.

ISC 161 Shouldn't be as lecture focused but more hands-on work, in a smaller learning enviorment.

God awful professors. Have not enjoyed one communications professor that I have had. Fire Lainie Kaiser

Make classes more challenging for students.

The only thing I would improve are the class availability times and class sizes. For instance, a lot of the ICT required courses are only offered during one semester. The one semester that they are offered in, there are usually only 1-2 sections offered with a maximum of 15-25 students. In my opinion, that is ridiculous and it has made my experience uneasy.

Hold teachers more accountable for understanding Canvas, a program that literally everyone else knows how to use. Also holding teachers who use decade old information responsible for updating their irrelevant powerpoints. more community resources just that I wish this major was more publicized I had no idea what it was until a friend explained it to me make it more business related smaller classes

This major is so boring. the environment would be so much better if the classes were interesting and not so repetitive

More technical courses instead of plainly focus on communication related courses because technical skill is what help us get a job

Professors need to be more sympathies to personal situations

I think it’s good how it is

Required classes should be provided in all formats in all terms.

Professors could be a little more organized.

Newer, more developed building and classroom

A lot of people want to learn more about product rather than Mas 210 or 255. Put us in classes that are more geared towards production

More group work opportunities so you can learn from others in your classes.

Make classroom settings electronic free, professors have PowerPoints that can easily be followed with hand written notes. If needed make specific days to bring laptops/phones ETC.

"'- There should be an introductory graphic design class for creative path. Later path classes have an expectation that you should know creative cloud, but don’t provide the resources to learn through the major. This causes students to struggle and feel left behind.

- Certain ISC professors don’t act as professionally as should be required of their position. I’ve heard/seen instances of disrespect and dilbrate insulting towards students and their work. That type of behavior should not be tolerated and should be addressed.

- The internship application isn’t really explained to students prior to needing to fill it out. " more hands on classes

It would be beneficial to have more seats available in classes. There has been multiple times were classes run out of spots early in registration and I was unable to get a seat. change attendance policy

More design classes right now is just fine

More workshops or successful people in the industry to come out and speak to journalism majors

A main building

No, this is my first semester & the Journalism department has been great so far!

My major seems like it's only rich white kids, no diversity at all. If this wasn't the case, I would actually enjoy going to class for once. BTW I'm Mexican.

More online classes offered as I am interested only in online courses

Offer more courses with more applicable and enjoyable content for the commercialization pathway. Would enjoy having more interactive events for the major.

Rework attendance policy for COM classes. more professors in the major so that classes are easier to get into

No everything is amazing

This major needs required technical courses and not just communication courses that seem like the same course back to back

The work load is a lot and more guidance within the major could be helpful.

Provide more hands-on experiences

I love ISC, and all the teachers have been great so far

Improve the major by adding in broadcasting as a major

I wish we were located In the same building, but understandable as of right now because of the renovations taking place.

Get rid of the COM attendance policy

The attendance policy classroom locations have outdoor classes somedays its always nice to switch things up

Not really, everything seems great.

Make better, easier accessible communications building

Make them not 8 ams media arts and studies is a creative field. I wish there was more opportunities to get be creative on campus and have an impact, these opportunities would need to be regularly talked about by teachers and easily accessible for students

No! The ISC department is awesome at what they do.

More events for the student body to interact. We are doing all the networking internally. Have computer ranges for classes such as Technology Security so students can have hands on experience. Work with the Computer Science/ Engineering colleges so that we can work together and network even more.

The students in ISC are all great to work with and I have met some of my best friends through ISC.

I don't know because I've only taken one class that resembles my major. nope, I love it

I know the JOU school can't make the move back to Grehan, but there HAS to be a less gross option than the cockroaches of Blazer. need a building that isn’t so old and outdated. have the kentucky kernel office be in the journalism building the air conditioning and bigger classrooms with more space

The professors need to be more engaging. One of my professors for JOU 304 and JOU 499 only assigns busy work which isn't beneficial to my learning. Also if we had a better building I am sure it would make me want to give more effort.

Strong encouragement to build course material relevant to student activities/jobs in same field relating to major. Make sure that instructors teaching Major classes are adequately professional in being a teacher.

It is imperative, that the College of Communication hires more African-American professors, faculty and staff of color going forward. Currently you only have 2 professors with one leaving and not being here next fall. At the start of the 2019-2020 school year, you'll have one professor of color in your college, that is a problem. African-American students do not have someone they can connect with nor do they have someone that looks like them in in high positions in this college, and that is a problem. More diversity brings about more perspectives that all students can benefit from. In this process of hiring a new dean, diversifying this department should be the top priority. Having slim to no representation of people of color should not go forward in this college. Make the change for the success and well being of African-American students.

The lack of classes offered for journalism students is actually ridiculous. This year alone i know 5 people who don’t think they will graduate on time because they can’t get into classes early enough before the full up. I’m having to spend my own money this summer just to get into classes when the only reason i couldn’t during the school year is because these classes aren’t big enough. I spoke with another student today and he is transferring next year to OU because they actually take care of their journalism students instead of making them feel as if it is their fault for not being able to get into a JOU class before it’s full... of 16 students. Like really? This must be a dumb joke because it’s embrassing that everyone thinks this and then U.K. takes our journalism building away from us. A joke of a department. more diverse (African American) teachers within the college

I think we need more classes in the print journalism major that teach us how to write for news and write on a deadline. I feel like we only have a couple classes that actually teach us how to write news articles, but we take them early on. We need some higher level courses on just plain old news writing

"Please, please, please fix the conditions in Blazer Dining. That or leave classes out of the area, because this is ridiculous.

In Lucille Little, you need to install the water bottle water fountains. Everyone has water bottles and it is obnoxious to try to get water out of the fountain for a bottle."

Offer a wider variety of electives

Make the place cooled centrally so the AC’s aren’t too loud where it’s is louder than the professor trying to talk.

Clearer understanding of path through major.

Make all JOU related classes in 1 building. Preferable in Blazer Dining

Just make improvements in blazer in terms of comfort and air conditioning.

Get out of Blazer, the building is awful

More one on one time explaining my mistakes.

The program is outdated. Teach more about online and television commercials. Scriptwriting, editing, analyzing a commercial. Judging a commercial whether it is good or bad.

I understand that each professor teaches differently, but some of my classes, there is so much information in one lecture it is too much to remember even when I keep up with the notes. There is also no study guide, which is not necessarily a problem but considering all of the information we are given it would be helpful to at least break down what and what will not be on the exams. change the building we are in. it is hard place to be in and not a good place to conduct classes

Redesign the curriculum so that students do not have to take multiple classes where they learn the same things over and over. Or, have professors converse more about the content of their classes so students' time is not wasted. I'm currently in a class where I have not learned a single thing and where my attendance to that class is a colossal waste of my time.

I feel like we did not get to connect with other com majors much like I have in other majors

Have a better community within the major to meet other professors and students.

Not as of right now, everything feels great! give us a building

Honestly it is hard going to class knowing that I’m going to be stuck in Blazer all day. I know there might not be many options but the building is not a nice place to have to spend my entire day.

Add more classes that deal with real world problems

Blazer is not an ideal building.

Low cost of Food

Are there any specific clubs/ organizations involved with the major? possibly more interactive classes. Not just show up and listen. more group work and more engaging classes

Have an actual Journalism building again.

More specific learning options have classes in a better building, or have better amenities in the building

Find a better building to hold classes

Move the advising office

More class offerings for non majors. I literally can take ONE class for my 300+ level elective that isn't JOU.

Help print majors find more opportunities. advisors who actually understand ISC

A building specifically for journalism cleaner facilities

Would love to get out of Blazer

Get professors that don’t cancel class so often.

Better organization

The professor to be nicer

Teachers and lessons should be oriented so that students get a real world benefit

More new equipment and more assistance for faculty.

Have a building that isn’t so nasty. The classes are great. Just the building is bad.

Better classrooms, new hall.

Better qualified teachers

Although the proper technology is available to us, Blazer dinning is fairly outdated and on the edge of campus. A renovation or a more updated building closer to the center of campus would definitely improve the learning environment with my major.

I think that the college does a very good job with the learning environment in my college

My only recommendation would be to have a specific building dedicated to most things communication, which I understand is the plan to have built.

A capstone intro class

More general seminars or events to work on cover letters, resumes, interview tips/tactics. Things to assist us in the internship search and real world.


Make classes closer together and encourage more social interaction.

In regards to my specific major, I do not like how students are strongly pressured and referred to as reporters, albeit in some classes more than others. I understand that in the journalism major students are studying journalism, but in the college's process of recruiting students it is often advertised how the skills learned in studying journalism can be translated to another career path, such as law. I also wish that students had more of an opportunity to learn how to use technology within the major. The college provides access to a lot of technology, but I've noticed that in broadcast journalism classes there is such intense pressure to complete a package that sometimes it is glossed over how to effectively edit, shoot, etc. I also do not like that there is a cap in how many classes one can take within the college of communication, as I believe that if a student wants to learn more of a specific topic than they should especially given the amount of money that it costs to be in college.

A better and cleaner classroom building make the required course load clearer to your students sooner rather than later, and move out of Blazer, because it needs to be knocked down

Needs more opportunities including a variety of focus points. for example, my focus point is production and there aren't enough opportunities to expand on that knowledge or experience.

I know this is a bit of a stretch, but I feel as if some of the professors I have had have been a bit older, so the content within the courses is a bit dated. I feel if the professors were encouraged to teach/use more up-to-date topics and examples, it would help a lot in the students' understanding of the topic and future use.

Get our faculty and advisors the hell out of blazer, we hate walking there, and they clearly hate working there

More specialized

Update the communication and journalism building.

Teachers that are more in touch with the changing industry. More social media based

No. Everyone that I have worked with has been helpful so far

Get out of blazer dining hall. It is dirty, uncomfortable, and distracting to learn in. I think we should do more to foster a community within the college

I would like to see more hands-on assignments.

Not really, I think the teachers do a good job of engaging everyone and most my classes so far have been fun and successful in teaching me everything.

YES! the college of communications does not know how to communicate specifically ISC , all the professors majored in something different and are trying to teach ISC and people contradict each other and a lot of the classes are repetitive. A lot of the students talk and it is almost unanimous that we are graduating not knowing what we have learned smaller class sizes, better recitation

Many of the classes I have taken repeat the same information. I wish there were more expectations for us to build on the previous classes we have had to know that information and to dig deeper.

Don't put a classroom in a dining hall. Its common sense.

Try to get all professors offices and staff in one building.

I understand that the JOU department is doing the best with what it is given, so not particularly.

Have a more hands on style classroom, that fosters good discussion

I know we're in transition, that's the reason for the less than ideal building situation. I would suggest looking for new, younger teachers who have been in the field more recently than some of our faculty. And definitely an attempt for our advisors to be familiar with the coursework, not just the hours we need.

If a teacher is bad then you need to get rid of them. This major needs to be relevant more emphasis on hardware

Get rid of the roaches

I love our learning enviroment and feel like a lot of people are close, I just say being in blazer sucks There needs to be a better building for everyone as communications majors to go. Gatton is for business, SAVS is for arts and design, com needs a place for themselves too.

Blazer doesn’t feel like a home for Journalism.

Sound proof in Blazer

Updating the buildings would definitely help!

Obviously none of us are big fans of Blazer, but I think that's mostly manageable for now.

A better building for our major. workshops on learning programs

Blazer Dining needs to be remodeled or have the journalism department in another building. I learned well, but the building itself makes me and others feel uncomfortable and it is not sanitary. There are roaches and there was a loose animal this semester. I do not feel safe when having to come late at night to do edits or recordings. Action must be taken. It's also extremely hot.

Scheduling is always stressful because it’s hard to get into the classes I need in order to graduate on time. Then I’m left scrambling for random classes to fill my schedule.

More expansion when it comes to types of Journalism, seems like all we prepare for is printed newspaper stories or broadcast news stories with hardly any magazine and radio coverage at all

Blazer Dining is a terrible place to hold classes and advising meetings.

Different building, nicer building seems like we repeat information in classes a lot and it just seems like we're not learning new things

We need better resources for Broadcast JOU students.

More technical classes such as database, programming, networking, data analysis. Not so much focused on policy.

We need normal classrooms. I know it’s hard since there’s so many students and limited spaces, but half the time it feels like UK doesn’t care about our major.

Adjust the paths of the major.

Many of the issues that currently at hand would be/ will be resolved with a new building mcvey hall classroom was hard to keep up with notes in class just because there was nothing we could use to write on besides our laps.

Better department building

We need our own building or at least have more more classes that are not in Whitehall because that building is too rundown.

Less exams, more group work finish the construction

Dr. Eckman shouldn't teach 261

More diversity with professors

Stop forcing people to take 8 AM classes and encourage students to make new friends.

Advertise it more, when I became a Com Major it was like I didn’t know who or what to talk to about it

More interesting, tech savvy , newer classrooms

This semester I have my capstone class in the basement of McVey and I like this classroom setting more than any others I have had within my major. It is very open and great for meeting with groups. I really like the class setting.

Exams that are more relatable to the world I just hope our department gets a new building soon! not so focused on having a specific career at an agency

I like it the way it is

More scholarships for Minorities in Public Relations.

Be more mindful of students who have children. Sometimes you can tell that only traditional students are in mind.

Communication 101 is not an ideal class for communication majors. The only grades are five exam grades and the lecture's are not always easy to understand. In my opinion, it is the hardest class I have taken at UK.

Having professors fluent in English

Make classes easier to enroll in if they are required. stop all the construction during school hours or school year

Less group projects. I learned a lot from them, but it was hard to juggle a group project for every class in one semester

I have loved my professors, but the language barrier for most of them made it difficult to pay attention in class. I depended almost solely on the slides on canvas.

Sports communications/ marketing

Better classrooms

491 is re-teaching a lot of what we have gone over -would like it to be more of a project and learning with the teacher and asking questions instead of lots of reviewing

Mr.Lowe and Mrs.Lewis are very good teachers here

A building for com like gatton & pence but for com yes teach more adobe creative cloud classes

I like the fact that the major has concurrent classes and paths, but i only did PR because i wanted to get out of school faster. If creative classes would’ve been offered in the summer, i would have done that path instead. I had several years of creative work before getting into ISC, so i would’ve appreciated getting to explore that more!

Windows in McVey. Feels creepy in the basement. Every student in ISC should HAVE to take a Photoshop class and creatives should HAVE to take two.

To have a space that creates more community among the ISC students. ISC needs a building that is dedicated for our specific major, therefore we can have a place to study and ask other students and faculty members questions.

I think it would be incredibly productive for there to be some form of a diversity class for ISC majors, even if it is an elective. While there are multiple different identities within the major and the demographics probably match the overall statistics of UK, there have been multiple instances of students clearly expressing their ignorance to other identities and cultures. I think there comes a point where the department should consider how involved with mass audiences their students will be during their future careers. For that reason I think it is worth it to consider either adding a course about “connecting with all audiences― or adding a requirement, similar to the philosophy requirement, from departments such as gender and women’s studies and sociology.

Don't have so many group projects in every class. After 161 and 261 we rarely get any individual projects.

Group projects are stressful, bring out the worst in people, and usually end up turning people against each other.

Creating a stronger sense of community through advertising the major more frequently and promoting clubs more.

I think the grading requirements are a bit harsh for freshmen. I would certainly understand and agree at the upper level classes, but there is very little room for error to improve learning.

Some professors do not seem super committed to their job. It seems like instead of trying to become better everyday at their job, its just the same mundane day over and over again they do not necessarily care about the class that they are teaching.

Have sports marketing classes

Stop scheduling major exams and papers within the same week of one another more graphic design/photography opportunities

More available seats for classes

Have more access to labs during class times to use correct software: i.e. adobe creative cloud new buildings

Relax attendance policies, I will have an A in the class and get bumped down full letter grades because of strictly attendance when I can keep up with the work and do well

More code-heavy classes.

Update the buildings

Don't take the unexcused absences so seriously

ISC 491 was not condusive

More events as a college... mixers or meet and greets. Networking opportunities.

More fairs

I think the path for ICT needs to be more flushed out. Along the way I had teachers that quite frankly did not care at all (prof Ubelhor for ICT 301) due to him being contacted out of desperation and no other teachers available. Yes this was the case, Ubelhor himself made this known to his students. While teachers within the department were the opposite and strongly fostered a sense of community (Nemer, Oltmann, Martin). So staffing was an issue throughout my time here, as well as the major path not being fully flushed out (requirements were shifting as I took classes and classes were not widely available so it was a scramble to get the necessary courses). If those issues were fixed I would recommend this major.

Not really, I like it.

Updated curriculum, more technology access, more course opportunities

We are a hugely influential major, and we deserve a big, inviting classroom building. We are creatives and deserve to be located in a space that sparks creativity.

Get a designated area where all ISC classes are to create a larger community that spans classes

Because of the structure and timing of the two PR class I took, I never wrote any PR materials in my 2 pathway courses. Definitely recommend more opportunities to build portfolio pieces.

I think providing freshman with information about how to get involved right away would be beneficial for everyone.

If it seemed more open and inviting to people of color/minorities. I feel very uncomfortable in my ISC classes because I do not see many people of color, only white people

My biggest recommendation for improving my major (Broadcast Journalism) is to actually hire people within the field. Find more Mel Coffee's that have had 10+ years experience. Having someone with little experience or just having a bachelor degree is not cutting it. I don't pay an outrageous amount of money in tuition to be taught by multiple people who are not cutting the criteria. do not put classes in blazer; hire better advisors that know what theyre doing; teach more about completing the portfolio in capstone class

Be more high tech, modern and vibrant. The communication department should be ahead of every other department on campus because COMMUNICATION. But it's not. We look outdated, boring and we're literally all over the place on campus. More modern, exciting, inviting messaging and branding needs to happen.

More online opportunities

There needs to be an intro design class that every ISC major is required to take. Getting to the first path course and never having opened photoshop or illustrator is a problem I saw among my peers. I was in the digital media and design minor so this wasn't an issue for me personally.

I think there are a lot of professors that really hurt the program as a whole and it people who love the major

I feel like I'm not an expert in my major. I know a very base level of creative and public relations.

I would love a new building!!

The capstone courses are extremely unhelpful and are conducted poorly. They cause unnecessary stress and the directions for assignments are extremely vague.

Nothing much, nothing the department can control How it stands, I don't feel like there is a good progression through the major. It goes basics (161), basics a little more in depth (261), then specialization courses, then our capstone. There needs to be more broad training at a more in-depth level.

Expand the classes that you offer to reflect on what is needed or expected in the workforce nicer classrooms

The ISC program is not as structured as other programs. The path classes, specifically PR, have not taught me anything. some instructors... who shall not be named.. are very rude and dont respect their students

Have all of our classes near each other

Have a concept test in every class

On building for all of college of comm with study spaces

New building

Thought it cannot be controlled at the moment, Blazer Dining is not completely ideal

More hands on experiences. Some classes could have been designed to serve students in a better way

The major itself was great. The classes were great. My only gripe is the environment itself and the fact that we were in Blazer (difficult situation, not in your control). I’m just hoping future students will have a better building to work in.

More helpful with internships

Make different paths work more closely together, basically establish an agency type project each semester so that this will better prepare for capstone

More programming classes

update some things to accommodate for how technology is changing

Hands on outside the classroom experiences

the learning environment is great. the nature of the major attracts social, in-tune kids and the teachers are all extremely kind and knowledgeable

16.) I receive emails directly from my advisor, faculty, and/or department. Yes- (97%) No- (2%)

17.) The emails I receive from the major listserv are useful. Strongly Disagree- (2%) Somewhat Disagree- (5%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (14%) Somewhat Agree- (31%) Strongly Agree- (43%) NA- (3%)

18.) I am satisfied with my access to printers. Strongly Disagree- (21%) Somewhat Disagree- (22%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (18%) Somewhat Agree- (18%) Strongly Agree- (17%) NA- (4%)

19.) I am satisfied with my access to necessary computer programs (i.e. photoshop). Strongly Disagree- (5%) Somewhat Disagree- (8%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (17%) Somewhat Agree- (27%) Strongly Agree- (40%) NA- (3%)

20.) How do you (or will you) help prepare yourself for the job market? Choose all that apply. UK’s Career Center- 460 Talking to Faculty- 551 Websites like LinkedIn- 675 Other- 279

Use personal connections that I have from home.

Having a college-specific career center would be incredibly beneficial to help me answer certain questions I have about what I should be doing while in college to benefit my future and questions

regarding what steps I need to take after college.

I will use any resources available in order to find a job or internship.



Networking through my current relations and job experience

UK applicant site and Handshake

I use my family and friends to connect me to work opportunities in my hometown.

I use Indeed.

Business owner

I utilize Handshake, I spoke with my advisor (Deloris Foxworth), I get assistance from my parents who are very educated in this

I searched the UK jobs website and was able to get a job working hands on in the field that I plan on going into when I graduate

I used an advisor from the career center and she had no idea what to tell me about jobs in communications. So I’ve never been back.

LinkedIn and other websites are useful to find job openings.

I’ve gone to the career center and I’m trying to find a way to utilize both of my majors in one job

I went to the Engineering career fair and found a job.

Looking for summer internships through job boards

I look out for myself, ISC hasn't helped me in this facet.

I work for UK HealthCare IT and would not need the career center.

I will be using any and every opportunity that is available to be able to find the right job for me

I will network with individuals that I already know to get my foot in the door at places I would like to work.

I take advantage of attending career fairs.

I will do everything I can to land a good job. connections

When the time comes I will use the tools necessary to help me find the job that is best for me.

I will probably just apply for any job available and hope i get one, because the is no such thing as entry level positions in media anymore.

I like to use the career centers to consult about resumes and such, but for career opotunities I tend to do my own research online and follow up on advice from others

I have talked to faculty and I try to go to events that will better inform me on jobs and resume building.



Going to law school, didn’t have to network for a job.

I think it would be helpful to many students.

I’m already working as of now, so my resume has a plethora of things

I am apart of a professional development organization here on campus named MANRRS (Minorities in Agriculture Natural Resources and Related Sciences) that has given me access to internship and full time job opportunities.

I use HandShake mostly or just online

Applying to UK’s second degree BSN program

I would use the connections I've made throughout Lexington over the past several years.

I'm offcampus/distance learning so it does make things difficult, and I've likely already found my future job.

Experience, connections, traveling, Indeed.

Talk to family and other industry experts talk to advisors

Receiving advice from people in the workforce

I network myself

Face-to-face interaction with several different persons

Already in the work force

I have not pursued a career from UK

Military, networking

Already in my field

I am not really looking for an internship due to my job already.

Looking online


I utilize all the tools I can get.

It would be nice to have a specific area

Focusing on the communications side as well is essential. Consumer Data Software Sales, Cloud Computation, Artificial Intelligence. Data is an increasingly growing industry ISC can focus on also. It is somewhat difficult to find people in this field, having a career center would be ideal.

I am involved in the community and I do extra curricular activities outside of school in order to make connections for my future career. who I know

I feel that most students that go into a major that they like, often do not know what kind of career they are going into after college. Of course, there are always career fairs, but they really only apply to finance majors, chemistry majors, and business majors. There are hardly any careers that apply to Communications at these fairs and I feel if students had more of an idea of their future career they could change their major or keep their major accordingly.

Self made

I usually just google internships to get the help I need and contact their manager to achieve my goal.

I am 38 and I already have a full-time position.

Talk to mentors

Interviews and internships

I never felt too connected to many of the staff and have better connections outside of the college

ROTC is a job


Family friends

Self generated applications.

Connections through people i know.

Apparently what I have learned has no impact on what I want to do, having to supplement with self training, MOOCS and YouTube

I have spoken with people in different work fields to see what I would be interested in.

If I had concerns of potential careers that I could have with my declared major I would utilize going to the career center for my college. I do not know many people within my major and do not have any connections to the career center or anything.

Prior employment


Already have a full time job so I'm not currently looking for one.

Other job posting sites like,, etc. i already have a career setup

I already have a job.

I’m not sure honestly

"'- Making connections with people has led me to several opportunities

- Ad Club

Air Force

Want to get as much experience as I possibly can before applying to jobs

I will use everything but the career center. I have never been told what the career center can do.


I just network

I prefer to find a position that fits my interests during my undergraduate period.


Online job cites

I have been using my own skills and reaching out to organizations in my own.

Joining the Air Force

Network on my own.

I use mobile apps to search for jobs around the country, as well as talking to my professors

I don't understand what I am supposed to be explaining here

I looked for jobs on my own, mostly.

I will use Handshake.

I've already been in the professional career prior to coming to college. The Army has resources to help me.

I don't know anything about that

I work in a student org extremely relevant to my major. I want my coursework to revolve around the work and promote the work I am doing for the University.

I looked at websites that had job offers online.

I haven’t needed to use the Stuckert Career center, but it’s a great resource

This would be a great tool for seniors about to graduate. It would be amazing to have people there specifically to help with resumes and helping us find jobs.

I have a job

I feel like I really don't know where my career is going to lead me at this point and time.

Sometimes there aren't many jobs specific to my major

Journalism Listserve, advisors

I have a job through rotc as a active duty ordnance officer

Personal contacts

I will take most of the job search into my own hands by looking on job boards like Indeed.



Indeed im not sure

Already have a job personal connections

I am new to my major, and didn’t know (still kind of don’t) what I wanted to do after college, so I try to get as much help as I can when it comes to professional development.

I already work for my friends dad making media at a locate business, they intend to hire me full time after graduation so id be wasting my time looking for a job after college, even though I am aware senior year is supposed to be spent job hunting.


"I will get more involved with LinkedIn and I have people I know within ESPN and other sports programs that I can talk with " I have talked to alumni and my advisor about interships and other programs to help further my in my career.

I have used multiple sources to help guide me to a possible future position in the media industry

I have used all of the listed career search resources and combined I have found them helpful.

On my own


I already have a job lined up thankfully in NY

Work experience

I know people who work in the broadcasting industry that help helped me and given me opportunities/jobs/internships.


I am going into ministry so my job search was more person to person

Glassdoor, etc

Through internships

I manage a personal LinkedIn page where I search for career opportunities. I have also spoken with multiple members of the department about their careers, experiences, and recommendations.

Networking and other connections

I accepted a job offer via the people I know within the industry

I will prepare myself and network at the internships I get myself

Reach out to possible employers through family, and friends.

My advisor can't even remember when I'm graduating and I am going to law school, so ISC faculty is not my best resource for job guidance.

Career Fair


I got a job on my own without help from anyone in the ISC department.

I've been involved in organizations that help me get internships

Other wfforts seem more useful

I found my post-graduate job through someone I already knew. I went to the Career Center multiple times and they were not very helpful.

My own blog

my coaches and personal networking it what has landed me a job

I'm a non-traditional student finishing a degree. Not looking for a new career.

I feel that the journey of establishing a role in the job market should have started a little earlier than it did this year for me. If I could do it all over again, I would have prepared myself in high school to receive more opportunities of success in college.

Jobs on UK's website along with job search.

I’m going to move out of state and take a job in California with a family member

I have been applying to jobs using Indeed and I found it more helpful than handshake.


Most likely won’t stick with this and find something I’m more interested in

I would use connections that I had made throughout my college career.

I’m already employed full time.

Using the Ukjobs website as well, getting resume help from multiple faculty members also. Meeting with advisors to discuss employement options and resume tips.

Connections, indeed, graduate school

search online; not very good organizations at the career fair.

I can network with local professionals through Ad Club.

If we had one I’d visit

Internships and faculty email of job opportunities

I will use people that are already with a company.

I have not done a ton of job searching so far.


Job Fairs, Indeed, etc.

use linked in and current jobs to network

21.) I would utilize a college-specific career center if we had one. Strongly Disagree- (4%) Somewhat Disagree- (4%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (15%) Somewhat Agree- (32%) Strongly Agree- (45%)

22.) Having one required meeting with my professional advisor is sufficient. Strongly Disagree- (3%) Somewhat Disagree- (10%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (11%) Somewhat Agree- (43%) Strongly Agree- (33%)

23.) I understand how to use my GPS degree audit. Strongly Disagree- (4%) Somewhat Disagree- (9%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (9%) Somewhat Agree- (36%) Strongly Agree- (43%)

24.) I understand what is required for me to complete my degree. Strongly Disagree- (1%) Somewhat Disagree- (4%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (7%) Somewhat Agree- (36%) Strongly Agree- (52%)

25.) I do not think I should be required to see my advisor in order to register for classes. Strongly Disagree- (30%) Somewhat Disagree- (27%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (16%) Somewhat Agree- (16%) Strongly Agree- (11%)

26.) Did you transfer to the College of Communication and Information from another major at UK? Yes-498 (47%) No-525 (51%)

27.) Did you meet with a professional advisor in the College of Communication and Information before you changed your major? Yes- 302 (61%) No- 196 (39%)

28.) I would like more opportunities to visit agencies and organizations related to my major in Lexington or other cities. Strongly Disagree- (2%) Somewhat Disagree- (3%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (17%) Somewhat Agree- (35%) Strongly Agree- (43%)

29.) What location suggestions do you have for visiting agencies and organizations related to your major? No Responses 30.) I would be interested in attending more major-related events on campus. Strongly Disagree- (3%) Somewhat Disagree- (6%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (23%) Somewhat Agree- (35%) Strongly Agree- (33%)

31.) Please choose all of the CI student organizations you are aware of: American Advertising Federation- 184 CI Student Ambassador Program- 371 Communication Student Association- 273 Grehan Associates- 197 Innovation Network for Entrepreneurial Thinking- 21 Intercollegiate Debate Team- 67 ICT Student Association- 157 Kentucky Kernel- 655 Lambda Pi Eta- 47 National Association of Black Journalists- 155 Public Relations Student Society of America- 267 Society of Professional Journalists- 364 Student Leadership Council- 150 WRFL- 363 Other- 62 (Other organizations listed by respondents were outside of the college)

32.) Please choose all of the CI student organizations you are involved in: American Advertising Federation- 37 CI Student Ambassador Program- 16 Communication Student Association- 31 Grehan Associates- 19 Innovation Network for Entrepreneurial Thinking- 5 Intercollegiate Debate Team- 5 ICT Student Association- 19 Kentucky Kernel- 96 Lambda Pi Eta- 5 National Association of Black Journalists- 21 Public Relations Student Society of America- 51 Society of Professional Journalists- 59 Student Leadership Council- 8 WRFL- 47 Other- 56 (Other organizations listed by respondents were outside of the college)

33.) What barriers do you experience when getting involved in student organizations? 798 I don’t have enough time 418 (52%) I’m not interested in any available student organizations 104 (13%) I don’t find student organizations useful 46 (6%) I’m unable to find information about college-related organizations 157 (20%) Other 73 (9%) didn't know about a majority of the ones listed. Haven’t looked and none have stuck out to me Haven't checked on any I am a non-traditional student, work and family absorbs most of my time I am a student athlete so most of my time is taken up my that i am apart of orgs outside of my college I am in sports I am in student orgs outside of the college I am new to major I am not typically on-campus I barely have enough time for what is already on my plate I didn’t know about lot of the organizations that were listed I didn’t know they existed I didn't know that there were student organizations relating to my major. I don’t live on campus so it’s harder to get to meetings. And you guys don’t make it easy for commuter students to feel welcome. Or as if we’re a part of the student body. i don't feel comfortable or do not feel i am qualified enough I don't feel they fit my career interests I don't have enough money to join the AAF. I would love to be involved with it... I dont have the money. I feel like I always miss when the information for them is put out so I never know when meetings are I have tried to get involved in some but then get little information back about being involved. I just haven't explored all my options fully I live in Asia. I tend to be a bit shy when it comes to getting involved and have a hard time putting myself out there. I was involved with the pre-law organization instead, since that is the field I am going into. I work 40 hours a week I work full-time and I am an online-only student. I work, take care of my household, and help take care of my parents which live with me. I’m apart of other organizations outside of my college-related ones I’m in a fraternity I’m interested in entrepreneurship with a focus of media, not anything in my college that offers that I'm a non-traditional student Involved in fraternity It is genuinely difficult to determine whether or not a specific organization will be beneficial for an individual without committing. There should be more efforts towards educating on the opportunities we have in this context so that students can make confident decisions to be a part of something. It's hard to get into clubs in your major when youve swtiched from another major. In other words, its hard to start being in a club when youre a junior or a senior. Living off campus Many cost money never thought about it No Parking on campus Not enough confidence to join them. I need a final push to get involved with them. nothing clicks Question whether my voice is heard The student organization that I was involved in was very unprofessional Wasn’t aware of them.

34.) Faculty are easily accessible (e.g. office hours, office location). Strongly Disagree- (1%) Somewhat Disagree- (5%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (12%) Somewhat Agree- (50%) Strongly Agree- (31%)

35.) I feel comfortable talking to my professors outside of class. Strongly Disagree- (<1%) Somewhat Disagree- (6%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (13%) Somewhat Agree- (37%) Strongly Agree- (43%)

36.) My professors understand the courses required for me to complete my degree. Strongly Disagree- (1.5%) Somewhat Disagree- (6%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (17%) Somewhat Agree- (38%) Strongly Agree- (36%)

37.) Faculty provide helpful feedback on my academic progression. Strongly Disagree- (1%) Somewhat Disagree- (6.5%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (15%) Somewhat Agree- (41%) Strongly Agree- (35%)

38.) I believe that faculty members in my major are genuinely interested in my success. Strongly Disagree- (1%) Somewhat Disagree- (5%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (15%) Somewhat Agree- (43.5%) Strongly Agree- (39%)

39.) I am satisfied with the quality of instruction in my major courses. Strongly Disagree- (2%) Somewhat Disagree- (8%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (12%) Somewhat Agree- (44%) Strongly Agree- (34%)

40.) What aspects are you not satisfied with? No Responses

41.) My faculty members use Canvas in an effective manner. Strongly Disagree- (2%) Somewhat Disagree- (5%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (8%) Somewhat Agree- (34%) Strongly Agree- (49%) My faculty do not use Canvas- (<1%)

42.) What aspects are you not satisfied with? No Responses

43.) All of my required major courses were offered to keep me on track for graduation. Agree- (90%) Disagree- (10%)

44.) Please specify which classes were not offered to keep you on track for graduation. 1sc 441 was cancelled over the summer 300+ level electives for non majors A lot of the pre major requirements such as the 200's and 300's were only available every other semester. All classes are offered but WHEN they are offered is VERY limited. As mentioned perviously, there are limited amount of classes available, which makes it extremely difficult to stay on track for graduation if you cannot even receive a spot in the classes you need in order to graduate. Com 312 needs to be offered every semester COM 326 offered time was inconvenient and I was unable to make it fit into my schedule without complete rearrangement Completed all UK but couldn’t move to upper division until ISC 261 was completed. Had very little options for courses to register for. Due to not being able to schedule a simultaneous meeting with my advisor and my faculty advisor, which is a stupid issue, i was late registering for classes, and so i missed out on 2 courses this semester i have to take next, pushing my graduation date back a semester elective courses every class is a challenge to get into. ICT 300 not offered anymore. ICT 305 waitlisted. Took a whole year just to complete the 3 pre major classes because they were so difficult to get into (ICT 200, 201, 202) For the ICT focus areas not enough classes were offered so we had to just use any 300 level ICT class. Also had to take higher level course before the lower level ones because those were full Had to take classes from ISC to supplement my ICT track i dont remember. some of the classes required were only available in spring I figured it our myself, classes are not offered for cybersecurity I had to switch my track my last semester bc there weren’t enough classes/seats available for everyone which is unfair I had to take multiple summer classes in order to graduate on time with many obstacles thrown in my way. I just have to have a permit to get into these classes and I have no idea how to get this permit I switched into ISC halfway into my sophomore year and still had to meet pre-major requirements so I will not graduate on time. ISC 161 was not offered this summer or else I might have graduated on time. I was not allowed enrollment into ISC 161 during the school year even though it is a class that I needed to graduate. I ended up having to take an entire semester over the summer. This is something that I feel the department should have been much more willing and able to help me with. Because my scholarship did not apply over the summer, I spent thousands of dollars when I should have been able to take the class during the semester. I’ve had scheduling issues for the past 2 semesters ICT 201/202 Fall Semester Not Enough Seats ICT 205, 301, 315, 316, 320, 325, 415 not offered online fall 2019 ICT 300, various ICT courses ISC 161 ISC 161 was cancelled over the summer ISC 300 level course ISC 331 was not applicable ISC 351 isc 416 over the summer ISC 441 - summer course ISC 441 was near close to impossible to get in ISC 441, ISC 497, ISC 491 ISC capstone class It is not necessarily that it wasn't offered, but my advisor, Maria Rivera, did little in the way of helping me gain access to my capstone course 491. It seems that ICT requirements are always changing jou302, jou404, jou531 JOU500+ classes. They weren’t offered in one of the either semesters. And the class is offered during times when athletes have practice. For example, JOU532. Was offered 3:30pm-4:45pm but practice occurs during that time. JOU 535 and JOU 541 weren’t even offered for the fall of 2019 and I need them for graduation. Lack of comprehensive online class offerings have caused me to delay graduation. linguistics mas 335 MAS minor classes Media industries is only available in the fall. My advisor never told me that after i already scheduled my classes. Luckily, i did a degree audit with another advisor and she caught it. If she hadn't i wouldn't graduate on time. MKT 300 and most of the first and second path courses are offered only at the same times which is difficult most lol Most of them. I would have been graduating on time if half of my classes were offered. I feel like the system is so backed up with students trying to get into one class that you constantly have to keep doing overrides and if there is still no room, you're screwed. Nearly all of Technology Management None of the classes I need are available. Every time I go to register classes are filled. I can’t get a job this semester because I had to pick random classes to fill my schedule because the ones I needed were not open. We all know you make classes unavailable so students don’t have the ability to take that class, therefore making them wait to take to class, which then prevents them to crossing into the upper division. We know you want to make us stay longer than 4 years and pay to take random, useless classes while we wait for our other classes to open. Not enough 252 couldn’t get in and put me a semester behind Not specifically just limited offerings semester to semester Online courses needed Online during spring and fall term to complete degree Please let ISC students take 311, 321 and 341 at the same time. Every ISC class has been the exact same, content wise, for a lot of us so not allowing students to take those at the same time is a waste of our time. Quite a few classes have been very small with only one section offered that I needed and had to wait a semester for and some times even two semester for. Some of the ICT 300 courses, required courses that were not made available for the spring/fall Some of the ICT classes are unavailable because there isn't enough seats like ICT 201 & 202 I couldn't take them this current semester because of it. Some only offered in spring which made it difficult The fact our internship has to be taken after all of our classes The path courses . I switched paths and I am unable to register for ISC 341 and 351 There is such a limited space to sign up for classes that I often found myself unable to enroll in the courses I needed to take, even when I did everything in my power to do so. For example, JOU 302 and MAS 312 were notoriously difficult amongst my peers to enroll in, which is very inconvenient as the courses are prerequisites to many courses within the college of communication. they were all offered, technically. but no every semester which prolonged my graduation They were offered but not enough people teaching the courses they were offered only in spring or fall semesters too many classes that we had to take to graduate too many to count. Too many to count. WRD 300

45.) All of my required major courses had open seats to keep me on track for graduation. Agree- (79%) Disagree- (21%)

46.) Please specify which classes did not have open seats to keep you on track for graduation. 202 205 A few Account management courses A lot A lot of them ACC 201 all of the ICT required courses All of them Almost all classes were full before I registered Audio production barely got into capstone Campaign Can't remember, but many classes have been full CLD AND COM Com 249 and 252 were full when I originally tried to get into them COM 249, COM 326 Com 252 Com 300+ COM 300+ levels. COM 312 COM 312 COM 315 didn't have any open seats at first but then eventually I was able to get in. COM 325 COM 325 Com 325 & 453 COM 326 COM 351 instead taking 326 COM 351, COM 449 Com 352 COM 352 COM 400 Levels COM 425 Com 525 com 535 com 581 COM 581 com disasters Com-325 com425 DHN 101 Do not remember specifics, but we do not have enough options to choose from on what time we want class. I wasn't able to take some of the electives I really wanted because the times were the same as the courses I was required to take. dont remember Don't remember but when I was signing up one was closed Elective for Juniors/Senior in the major but credit- wise is still a sophomore/Junior Fall Semester ICT325-201 FIN 300 HHS classes for my minor I am unable to register for the courses I need for the Fall because of my summer classes, so I won’t know if seats are open until I can register. I can’t remember. Some of the required courses fill up quickly. I cant remember specific classes but there were a ton of classes that didn't have enough seats unless I emailed the teacher- especially my minor of Art Studio. I cant remember what class numbers, but they were upper division like JOU 330. I had to be overridden into the classes or got lucky because people dropped them. I can't remember, i just took electives when i couldn't get in I do not remember i dont remember I don't remember I had to ask to be placed in my last path class I had to contact my adviser to get a seat in JOU302 I was able to get into JOU 304 after requesting an override I was not allowed enrollment into ISC 161 during the school year even though it is a class that I needed to graduate. I ended up having to take an entire semester over the summer. This is something that I feel the department should have been much more willing and able to help me with. Because my scholarship did not apply over the summer, I spent thousands of dollars when I should have been able to take the class during the semester. ICT 200 level course filled up quickly so my first year I had to make 300 and 400 level courses ICT 200, 202 ICT 201 & 202 ICT 201 202 ICT 201 and 202 ICT 201, 202 ICT 201, 202, 300, 305, etc. ICT 201, 202, and 205 ICT 201, ICT 202 ICT 201/202 ict 201-202 ICT 202 ICT 202 and ICT 201 ICT 205, ICT 300 ICT 300, ICT 301 ICT 303 ICT classes seemed to fill up very quick as the major has progressed. It would have been helpful to have a few more sections whether it be in person or online ICT201 and 202 internship was not open for the fall IS-381 ISC 161 ISC 161 ISC 161 ISC 161, ISC 261, JOU 204 ISC 231 ISC 261 last spring ISC 261, MAT classes ISC 261, PHI 330/332 ISC 311 321 341 ISC 321 ISC 331 . I wanted to be on the creative path but all the seats were taken. I registered for ISC 341 just so thatI would not be pushed back a semester and waste more time. ISC 331, 351, 497 ISC 341 ISC 341 ISC 381 ISC 399, ISC 431, ISC 491 ISC 441, ISC 491 ISC 491 ISC 491 ISC 491 didn't have any open seats so I had to have Dr. Jeong put me into a section to keep me on track. ISC 491, ISC 341 ISC capstone class ISC261 It was really hard to get ISC 441, had to wait longer to get it. JOU 302 JOU 302 Jou 302 in the fall of 2018 JOU 304 JOU 304 JOU 304, 404 JOU 304, JOU 404, JOU 532, JOU 535 etc JOU 455 JOU 304 JOU 531 JOU 531 and JOU 531. Also there were only like 2 seats open for JOU 301 and 303 so I almost didn't get into those either. jou 531, 535, 319 JOU 531, 535, 498 jou302 jou302, jou404, jou531 Last semester when I transferred in Linguistics Linguistics, Communications classes, PSY Linguistics. Statistics. Many of the Graphic Desing Minors Marketing 300 MAS 300 MAS 312 had to be overridden for many of my classmates, I believe last semester there was an issue with a required course MAS 300, that had to made into two sections. That should have been foreseen based on the number of incoming MAS majors. It seems like we have more students than room in classes. MAS 335 mas 335 MAS 335 and 300 Media psychology Most ISC classes fill up and you guys automatically say do not ask for overdose so most semesters a person can be taking close to 4 ISC courses instead of them being spread out over time most lol Most of the pre req and major req classes are very difficult to get into while taking other major classes. multiple isc classes Multiple sections (also online courses). I would look to register for online courses for an alternative, since some of the "face-to-face" courses did not have seats available, so I would resort to online classes and even these would be full. Multiple times I had to scramble to get seats in specific classes that without you could not access the upper areas of the major. I believe it was ICT 205 and excuse my language but it was a literal shit show to get seats. They even had to expand the class size so more people in the major could progress and that caused an even bigger second scramble for seats. networking, security Org and business track Over the last semesters, I have had trouble getting into JOU 304,404 and a couple others. plenty of them Practically every DMD class PSY 223 Smaller COM courses some of the ISC497 classes filled really quick and ISC261 fills quick. some specific journalism class to my major Still, there were a few but I can remember. The isc class has little openings and the linguistics classes Their have been so many along the way There are no enough classes at the school for JOU. Every classes is full before my window even opens and I’m about to be a junior there were not enough sections of JOU301 when I needed to take it. There were time conflicts. There is also a minimal amount of time-slots to chose from for certain classes. This takes away from a students ability to build his or her own schedule the way they would like to.. too many to count. The upper level PR courses were always overly full and required me to message an advisor to override. video game studies waitlisted a few times--normally got override though

47.) I understand how my major courses relate to my career goals. Strongly Disagree- (1%) Somewhat Disagree- (7%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (13%) Somewhat Agree- (42%) Strongly Agree- (36%)

48.) I am satisfied with the course offerings during the summer for my major. Strongly Disagree- (5%) Somewhat Disagree- (7%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (18%) Somewhat Agree- (18%) Strongly Agree- (21%) I have not needed summer courses- (30%)

49.) I understand the requirements for completing an internship in my major. Strongly Disagree- (8%) Somewhat Disagree- (10%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (13%) Somewhat Agree- (35%) Strongly Agree- (34%)

50.) I would like to do more than one internship for major credit. Strongly Disagree- (11%) Somewhat Disagree- (11%) Neither Agree nor Disagree- (32%) Somewhat Agree- (25%) Strongly Agree- (21%)

51.) I have completed an internship for major credit (not including EXP classes). No- (79%) Yes- (21%)

52.) I was satisfied with the process of applying for an internship. Agree- (78%) Disagree- (22%)

53.) Please explain: All of the forms and steps to complete before approving my internship contract was very complicated. I don't think it was the process itself but the person in charge of it that made it more complicated than it could have been. Applying for an internship was extremely frustrating due to the lack of structure. It would be very helpful if the contract was not by email and had a document or form instead. Confusing Deadlines and proposals for internships were confusing and made harder than they needed to be. Dr. Whitlow does not make an effort to help you succeed while applying for internships, it seems as if she is just making excuses to criticize. Most of the criticisms given by Dr. Whitlow were out of my control, all things that I should not be asking of my boss or employer. Dr. Whitlow is extremely hard to work with. She writes emails that are hard to understand and is very dated in her knowledge of how ISC translates into present day times. DR. Whitlow was extremely picky on the internship contract and to be frank the contract was bogus and the way to apply for internship credit was made to be harder than it should be, it is not even that hard to apply for a job. The process needs to change find a different method Dr. Whitlow was very rude and wasn't super understanding of the fact that the internship was a full time position. extremely difficult and unnecessary faculty was rude when it came to developing contract Finding an internship was not easy I got mixed messages about the process and still dont know what I am supposed to be doing to get credit I had zero help, and I felt completely frustrated because I wanted to do my internship earlier but I was never accepted into an internship. I hated how the entire class was an email based class, which doesn't translate very well when you're not given specific templates for how to submit work. I wish that the internship class could've simply been an online class that you were required to submit your weekly assignments through Canvas. I was not a fan by any means of the email format. Very confusing. I think it was difficult and stressful to find an approved internship in time to complete the credit. Maybe more direction from a faculty advisor would be helpful I think the application process is very confusing. I understand why it is important to vet internships, but the process is stressful, extensive and inefficiently communicated I was told at late notice that my internship wasn't approved and I had to quickly find another one Internship supervisors can be somewhat fickle and hard to get a hold of. The process can be somewhat daunting to them if they aren't already listed in the JAM system It is a confusing format and doesn't make sense It took too long to do. Pinning down an internship took MONTHS, and there weren't any recommendations of where to apply. It was done through email, sometimes wording can get confusing. I’d rather meet face to face and discuss what I need to fix in my contract, rather than wasting time emailing back and forth. It was very stressful only being able to communicate via email with a deadline. It was extremely difficult and stressful to obtain an internship that was accredited by the university. It was very difficult to go through the process of getting my internship and contract approved. I had a lot of difficulty getting in contact/hearing back from the correct people. The entire process was unorganized and very stressful. There are a lot of improvements that could be made to better benefit ISC students. Limited help long process My advisor should have told me more about it. There should be easier guidelines to apply for an internship. Too extensive and there was no clear communication between faculty members which delayed the process. Too many restrictions Was not put into the course on canvas until I asked about it good ways into the semester Was not straightforward enough Whitlow made it too complicated and was too picky Whitlow was incredibly RUDE and unhelpful. Called me dumb for not understanding. Whitlow was terrible. She was the worst. Not helpful, mature or kind at all. Worse part about ISC, easily.

54.) I was satisfied with the process of getting my internship approved. Agree- (77%) Disagree- (23%)

55.) Please explain: Again, it was hard to meet necessary requirements when only form of contact was email. Instructions got confusing. It would be easier to do it all in person. Confusing instructions and lots of miscommunications difficult Dr. Whitlow had super high expectations and every time I would turn in my contract she would find something else wrong with it which made it very frustrating. Dr. Whitlow is hard to contact. Dr. Whitlow is so nit picky and tredious when it comes to the internship. As long as we are putting in the work and effort then the format should not matter. Dr. Whitlow is very hard to work with Dr. Whitlow's emails are incredibly difficult to understand I ended up having to ask students who had previously completed their internship to help me format my emails and my contract in the way that she wanted. Emails were extremely difficult to read explaining the process Getting the contract approved was a pain. My internship site gave me examples of things to use in the contract that had been approved in earlier years, but it was still no approved. Inconsistent. Hard process- took longer than it should with specific requirements that were stupid I had to get my internship approved by Dr.Whitlow several times before it was approved to her liking. It is an extremely stressful process. It was a lot of work if the internship wasn't on the list. My internship advisor made it more stressful with process or being short within emails. It's already a stressful time and having to jump through hoops made it harder. It was hard to get a contract filled out it was very tedious and did not make a lot of sense its is overly complicated even my supervisor said so It's super complex and there must be a way to simplify it. My internship was great! no internships Process was too complicated really enjoyed it RUDE Signing up for an internship included a lot of fields that weren't applicable. I made up a lot of things about my internship form because the fields didn't apply. Staff could be more helpful The contract was too strict about things like structure that didn't seem important enough to require it to be changed. The email process with Dr. Whitlow is a mess. Making it a more streamline process online would save us all some time The entire process was unorganized and very stressful. I had a lot of issues in getting my contact approved. The main issue was the lack of communication on the departments side. I was very unhappy with the entire process. The hassle students have to go through to do an improved internship is unnecessary. It's already a stressful experience. Working with Whitlow to get that approved makes it more stressful. The directions are ridiculously hard to follow and way too particular. The department should understand that creativity and self-expression are important in the advertising field. So allow for that throughout everything we do. The instructions for the contract were not really clear. I had to redo it multiple times, and I was not allowed to meet with the professor in person to have a better understanding of what she was expecting. It was a big ordeal and I believe that it simply related to the professor formatting emails in a strange way, or not necessarily getting to the point. It was always tip-toeing around the point, and it was very difficult to work with. The process is too picky and does not allow for wiggle room that is sometimes needed with the company. The process of the internship contract is much more stressful than it needs to be The professor in charge of internships is very confusing and difficult to communicate with. Too difficult Was not specific. The formatting was SO hard to understand. Directions were confusing. Whitlow sent out everything in caps email and it was really hard to follow Whitlow was completely unhelpful, and always felt like she thought of us as children and just yelled at us for making a mistake on an overly complicated document that we were required to make from scratch. Whitlow was very picky.

56.) I was satisfied with the quality of my internship. Agree- (92%) Disagree- (8%)

57.) Please explain: I felt they did not have enough work for me to gain sufficient professional experience. I got it last minute so it wasn't the best internship but it was alright. I learned a lot, but it was disorganized and a bit unprofessional at times. As an intern my place there was confusing. But, I was appreciated and learned a lot. I was let go in the middle of the summer without reason. I also absolutely hate the fact that you have to pay to work an internship, it's ridiculous and should be illegal. It didn’t provide me with the learning experience I wanted for the oath of my major. IT WAS TERRIBLE. I took the trash out of everyday I worked and had to ask my boss to change my duties so that I could complete internship requirements. It wasn't directed to my major or in my interest My internship did not prioritize the needs of my portfolio This may the same with all internships, but I was hoping to learn more and get more experience than I actually did UKPR has way too many interns and not enough work.

58.) What is your preferred method of communication for school-related information? CI Website- 10 (<1%) Email- 822 (81%) Listserv- 83 (8%) Social Media-75 (7%) Other- 28 (3%) Canvas Canvas canvas Canvas canvas Canvas canvas canvas canvas Canvas canvas and email Canvas email too Canvas Notifications Canvas, emails Email phone personal cell Social media and email Text Text text message

59.) Is there anything else you would like to share with us about your major or the college? Help student to make more connections before go to the real career

I think the faculty needs to come and create the curriculum. This semester, in particular, I have seen how being taught one way can affect students negatively with other professors and their preferred way of teaching.

I think the department should push more students to do other paths than PR. In capstone classes, 90- 95% of the students are PR and it's stressful when the idea is to collaborate on projects. We can't collaborate when all of the group is PR and nobody knows how to budget. A lot of students are not shown how other paths can prepare them for great careers. Especially Direct Response. In our capstone of 30 people, we have 1 DR path student.

I think a better community in ISC would help. Maybe if we were encouraged to know each other more or were all in the same classes consistently. In ISC, we kind of do group work and then don't speak to each other again. Department events, seminars, etc can all help with knowing more people.

Overall, I am so thankful for the work I have done in ISC. Outside of Dr. Eckman and the PTSD I have from 261, the faculty has done nothing but help me. Chike, Dr. Baek, and Dr. Barnes have made ISC the most worthwhile for me. They are key faculty members that care and are keeping students in this amazing major.

As a transfer student, I have thoroughly enjoyed coming to UK and studying ISC. I know some of my rankings may be harsh, but I hold UK to a high standard and I feel there are some areas that could be improved on. I have met with each of my professors this semester, except my major ISC 431. Although I may have taken it the wrong way, I feel that she is unapproachable and discourages students from coming to office hours. Until this class each of my ISC professors have been so professional and so helpful. I really hope that some things change within the grading structure of that class as well. I currently have a C in the class and I have worked endless hours on campaigns while other team members slacked. My grade suffered due to the grading structure of the class. Other than that, this degree program has been one of the greatest experiences of my college life. I look forward to being an alumni and proudly representing the ISC degree program. - Hope this helps

As mentioned throughout, if there were more sections and times available for courses it would make registering for courses a lot more efficient and a lot less stressful. In addition, emailing back and forth with advisors, etc. would be limited because there would be a better understanding and more availability of how to enroll in these courses.

Attendance is the big thing. People should not have to prove they have a disorder or disability or if they have anxiety or depression in order to get an excuse. The idea should be to motivate us to come to class with positive reinforcement, not punishment. Especially when they are college seniors trying to graduate. No one wants to deal with it this late in the game.

Attendance policy is awful

Attendance should not be required. I could still receive a very good grade without attending every single class.

Attendance shouldn't be mandatory

Be kind. We are doing our best.

Be tougher and more specific in the content taught within the classes. After being on competition team, I realized I had no real sense of how to perform a job in advertising. I do not believe the program is entirely at fault, because most of the jobs are ones that can truly only be learned by doing. However, I think being more strict on grading and holding students to real world standards in their projects would help prepare them better for a job in this career field.

Besides all of the trouble with the internship process, I have very much enjoyed my time being a part of the College of CI.

Blazer Dining is by far the worst location to have classes in. I wish I would have known that our building would be given to the engineering before and I would have never gone here. It is hard to hear in blazer because the air conditioning is so loud. If you turn it off, then it is very hot. It is so tight and cramped you can't see the screen without turning the macs over on their side. For a teacher to help, they literally have to go through an obstacle course just to get to your computer and they can't reach it because there is no room.

Classes need more seats.

COM 482 is too hard

Could not be happier to be a journalism major at UK

Current attendance policy is ridiculous diversity geared organizations and events

Don Lowe is great

Dr. Alan Desantis is known to not treat students with as much respect as my other professors. I have had to take COM101 twice and both times I took his course (he was the only professor teaching it so other professors told me to keep quiet until I finished his courses to say he was unprofessional to me) almost every student said he did not cater to the class and was disrespectful (whether in emails or in person). I must also say that I was one of around 3-5 students that visited him in his office hours which he thanked me for which shows that I do care about my education. I cannot believe that he has worked here for so long after experiencing those things with him. All of my other COM professors are amazing, but he is absolutely disappointing and my parents, friends, and family were absolutely appalled by the way he talked to me and did not even call me by my first named, but by my last name "Rysell." Still shocked by my treatment as I was going through, and still am going through, incredible health problems. All I wanted was what the other teachers did which was meet with me to create a plan. I would have received a C instead of an E if he worked with me regarding my excused absences. He even DENIED meeting with me about this and said he would not even consider it because he saw no purpose to it. DENYING a meeting with a student is ridiculous and if he has talked to me over email in this way, and denied me the right to speak about my education with him, I can only promise you that he has done the same to others.

Dr. Real is the best

Enforce that every teacher is required to use canvas regularly

For international students, they can only do internships in Lexington or around UK. They should be able to do internships out off Kentucky too.

For the broadcast Journalism Major, there should be a way to reconstruct the requirements. Some required classes aren’t even offered and there should be more classes that can be accepted if they choose not to take the other. For example, students can take Kakie’s African American history class in order to achieve the History of Journalism (JOU535) class.

Get a track for is major now

Get better professors

Get labs and add way way way more technical classes pertaining to IT get more professors in the major so I don't have to go an extra year! Offer all required courses every semester!!!

Good people involved in college

Good program

Great advising staff great advisors.

Have a more solid structure for finding internships and make sure at least half of all the ones offered are PAID.

Hire and recognize people who genuinely care about their students success. People like Traci Letcher, and Megan Kidd seem to care about students futures and provide great opportunities.

Hire more African-Americans

Honestly, the faculty in the ISC major are made up of some of the most caring, knowledgeable people

I absolutely love it and feel that it is preparing me for my future.

I absolutely love my major, I do with there were more courses offered with more specific categories. I think a marketing based course would be beneficial as this degree partners close with marketing.

I absolutely loved my time at UK and I’m so excited to be earning a communications degree from an excellent college.

I am very nervous for the future of this program. I feel as though UK is slowly weeding out the journalism program at UK, just as it was really on the up-swing. We're losing our top broadcast professor, and our current director has been sick and largely unavailable for two semesters. Are we going to replace these professors? We don't know. We can't just keep giving more and more responsibilities to the faculty we already have - they are overworked and overwhelmed as it is. Despite numerous student complaints and suggestions throughout multiple semesters, one professor continues to take on more classes instead of hiring additional professors. We got kicked out of our building and moved to a shared space in an old, disgusting, bug-infested facility. This program is in a state of crisis right now, and I truly hope the university makes the decision to save it, rather than to let it die.

I am very thankful for my time here and I wish the ISC faculty all the best moving forward :) I appreciate industry professionals sharing their experience, but patience, leniency, proficiency in clarifying expectations and information sharing is not their strongsuit. Also making adequately representative test material.

I believe that because of the growing film industry here in the state of Kentucky, the college should introduce a film major, or provide a film concentration within the MAS major.

I believe the design of the major needs a huge adjustment, particularly for transfer students. The faculty within the department do not bend based on circumstance and I feel that is a major downfall. Just because a freshman does not know what major they want from the start does not mean they should get held back as a sophomore when they choose to change their major to ISC. I love this major and would like to see others succeed without the trials I have been through.

I could never relate or work well in groups because I was Mexican, and my major is full of a bunch of stuck up white kids who looked down on me. I was always the last one to be put into in a group and my opinion never mattered. Although it didn't really bother me too much, future foreign students may make a bigger deal about it than I did.

I do not believe ISC needs to be so structured. I have three classes I can’t take because of other courses as pre-reqs when I could get all of them done within one semester rather than only being able to take one required course each semester. I just think it’s more of a money thing than learning because an ISC Major could be completed in less than 4 years but because of the structure, it makes it way more difficult to complete. Especially for someone who changes their major.

I enjoy this major

I feel a lot of stress from finding an internship for the summer. I wish that it wasn't required, but I do understand the value of an internship.

I feel that MAS isn’t really teaching what people want to learn. Most of the MAS students don’t want to work as technical people, rather they’d like to be creative. Focusing more on production would make the course more in line with peoples interests

I feel that the ISC department is incredibly disorganized. I feel that the campaigns/capstone course has done NOTHING to prepare me to use my skills in the real world, nor has it felt like a good use of my time. The projects we complete are very relevant, however, that is the only thing being done in these classes besides two other tests (brand and isc concepts). I just feel that the campaigns course has been a waste of time and could be restructured to be much for impactful for students. Additionally, discussions about portfolios do not occur frequently enough at any point in the program.

I had a great experience!

I had a great time here. I’m happy I chose ISC as my major.

I had a lot of hopes in coming into the College of Communication and have been constantly disappointed. Please do a better job with advisors, teachers, and just the overall department.

I had a positive experience !

I have a friend who is doing a similar major at wku and his adviser essentially scammed him out of a whole years worth of tuition by lying to him about the classes he needed to take for the major, so thank you for having advisers competent enough to start me off on track and keep me on track

I have enjoyed my major thus far. Although, organization is more often than not scattered. Advisors also seem distant and not so involved with my process.

I have had a great experience with it so far! i have loved being a comm major here at uk

I have loved my time here at UK in the COM department. Kelly McAninch, D Lowe, and Jennette Sutton have all taught me information that I can apply in my professional and personal life. I hope students get to experience them for years to come! I am a double major and one thing we do in ENS is have dinners 3 times a semester. I would love to see COM do something of the nature. It's important to network with older generations but it's more important to make friends in college and network through them. I know I would have been better friends with some of my classmates and my professors if we were given an opportunity to hangout outside of class. I'm excited and proud to be graduating from the college of communication and can't thank you all enough!

I have to work a lot and only having two free days to miss is hard to work with considering after those days you start to lose 3.3 percent for each miss. Being bale to make up the day or have more free days would be better. Also the doctors office is always full so if you are sick on a day you can't get a note for the class. You should be bale to go to the doctors on a different day than the missed day.

I honestly think that the structure/course content of ISC 491 needs to be updated. This is considered the most important class of my ISC career, yet I feel like half of what I've learned or been tested on thus far will not benefit me after graduation. The ISC concepts test that we just took tested us on terms/acronyms that I literally have never even heard of during my undergraduate career as an ISC student, yet we were told this test is a review of what we've learned up until this point. It is also irritating that these terms are supposedly "very important" to know for our careers but when the professor is asked what one of them means, he literally googled the term in front of the student and told her the first meaning that came up. If my own professor doesn't even know what some of these terms and acronyms mean then how are we expected to know them, especially when this is the first time we've ever even seen some of them? I just feel as if hours of my time have been wasted reading about and studying content that I don't need to know when it could have been spent studying material that will actually benefit my career. The only benefit I am getting from this class is doing our group project about our brand because I'm getting experience performing tasks that I will have to do multiple times after graduation. Overall, I just think that the capstone course content needs to be re-evaluated and reworked to give seniors a more meaningful conclusion to their ISC careers.

I hope it improves for future students because it is too late for me.

I just want to reiterate how badly I want to see more online classes available. It would help me a ton and improve my GPA

I just wish that there were more classes geared towards the sports side of Journalism as right now there has been only one class taught by Professor Dawson.

I know my major has had career fairs which I could not attend due to working every time they have one. If they have them more than one day then I could attend one. Most events are done on Wednesdays and I work almost every Wednesday.

I like it

I love being a part of the JAM school!!

I love it especially all the JOU professors

I love the College of Communication and Information and I love my ISC major. Hopefully I can pay for school so I can stay and finish.

I love this college and my major but there really need to be more resources for careers after graduation, outside of the Lexington/Louisville/Cinci/sometimes Nashville area. We have a stellar program and we should be bringing it companies to show off everything our students have to offer and instead I'm desperately searching for a job while some of my peers in other esteemed communications programs are being actively recruited and having their schools advocate for them. It puts me at a disadvantage and ISC has so much to offer, we need to show that off.

I love you guys :)

I need face to face learning, so please make professors attend class as best as possible. My profs are always cancelling class to the point I feel I’m not getting my money’s worth.

I really don't think the journalism capstone class is beneficial to anyone in the major. Of the classmates I have discussed this with, none of us have learned anything from the class and we do not enjoy having to attend it. It does not need to be two hours long, and frankly since I have not learned anything from it, I really don't think it needs to exist at all.

Also, I don't think the portfolio is beneficial to broadcast students. I think it makes some sense for print students who are wanting to apply for print journalism jobs, but journalism students will never use that portfolio for anything in their futures.

I really enjoy the ISC major! The only thing that I would consider changing is having students required to chose a path. I'm interested in all aspects of the ISC major and don't feel like I should be asked to pick a specific one. Also, I don't like being limited to 48 hours in ISC courses, I'm going to be a senior and I'm limited to the number of ISC classes I can take my senior year.

I really enjoyed my time here at UK and am very happy with my major selection; however, the one complaint I have is the attendance policy. I don't think that there should be such a huge reduction in grade percentage, when the majority of other majors do not have this.

I really enjoyed the smallness of it! I wish I was more involved within the program but love the students and professors

I think a HUGE thing for this college in particular when it comes to JOU (print/broadcast) is to not only have a geared sports program but politics, entertainment, etc. Not everyone want to reports on sports and after being a student in this program for almost 4 years now, I felt left out in my classes and extracurricular activities because of not being a student interested in sports. It seems like JOU programs around the country give their students more options or a particular field to report in. I believe this program lacks the diversity of topics to report on. Not everyone wants to report on sports.

I think all my professors are capable and help me in any way possible. (Inside and outside of classes and the major)

I think classes could be more challenging and need to have more group discussions over group papers.

I think it would be beneficial for students to be made more aware of their faculty advisor and what thy are for. I didn't quite realize I had a faculty advisor until my senior year. I feel like if I had been more aware of what they did I would have reached out more and it would have been more useful. I also wish the set up of the capstone was a little more organized. I felt like no one quite knew what they were doing and since we all had learned different things through our paths we didn't all quite know the same things that we were all expected to know.

I think it would be helpful for students to be made aware of the portfolio and ISC Concepts test before senior year/final semester.

I think it would be interesting to see more research in the Department of Communication that isn’t so focused on health comm.

I think it’s focused a lot more on broadcast jou, more classes and opportunities that cater to print would be so beneficial

I think it's f***** up how lazy the college is with their faculty. It was up to the faculty individually to provide quality education, and more often than not the required major classes pandered and recapitulated. I don't need good grades, I need to be able to compete in media industries. And Robby Henson, Jim Hertog, and John Clark are comically bad preparing students for the industry.

I think MAS is a little bit broad major. We learn a lot of stuff, including theoretically and production. But, it also means we cannot get deep enough as well.

I think the advisors are extremely efficient and helpful.

I think the advisors should go over the entire degree audit with students so they know what type of classes they need to take.

I think the classes become repetitive by the time you get into senior year. You end up not learning as much because of this. I think the curriculum needs to be changed so that it varies a little more and can be applied to real life situations and careers.

I think the communication methods are ineffective and confusing.

I think the paths aren't effective and everyone should be required to learn all of the paths.

I think the process of portfolios needs to be more interactive and hands-on with students. My professors have not mentioned them or provided guidance on them and my advisor in charge of reviewing mine has yet to email me back with response to my inquiries. I think if there was either dedicated class time for assistance/explanation or a dedicated time with an advisor then I would feel much more confident in my portfolio.

I think there is a gap between overall concepts you learn in 161/261 and when they come back up in the capstone. It’s hard to jump back into the main concepts after focusing only on path concepts all while worrying about the plans book.

I think there isn't enough events/clubs that promote a community within the CI major. In the beginning I had a hard time finding other CI classmates because there wasn't really any events to get to meet each other and network.

I think we are missing a big opportunity at the College of Communication and Information student awards. In the past, it is essentially just students being handed their awards and shaking hands with the Dean. I think it would be really cool to have some students, perhaps scholarship winners or something, speak at the awards ceremony. Many times students' families and the faculty are in attendance and it would be cool to hear the student perspective of their success and talk about their experiences within the college. Giving the students who have obviously gone above and beyond in their studies a voice around the people who mean the most to them in their academic career would be really huge and impactful. Also, the Canvas shell for specific majors that was thought up at the SLC meeting I think is a really good idea for communicating events and messages to students. I know we have begun to roll that out and I have been able to help pilot it a little and I think it could be very effective and I'd love to see it implemented in next year's incoming CI student class.

I want to be an event planner and there is not much help in finding internships or information in general for my future. I was hesitant to join an entirely new program online and knew that most of my courses would be entirely new to the University. However, I couldn't be any happier with my experience attaining this degree. Any and all faculty I've interacted with (with the exception of 1 professor [email protected] if you'd like to discuss more) have been such a pleasure to work with. This has surpassed my expectations and I'm so proud to be a Wildcat!

I will most likely be transferring junior year because I am not enjoying journalism.

I wish my 40 hours per week IT Job would be eligible for my internship. I cannot work under a different manager as there is only one IT department and I need the money in order to attend college.

I wish that faculty spent more time with students helping them solidify their career track. I'm currently in a place where deadlines are approaching for an internship, but I'm stuck not knowing what to do because I feel like I don't have enough information to make a decision. There should be a lot more effort towards educating students on career/internship opportunities ESPECIALLY in terms of specific information and questions students might have as opposed to the general information available online.

I wish the college had more connections with the media outlets in lexington and had more opportunities for students to work with them.

I wish the Sports Journalism major would have came my freshman year

I wish there was a way for myUK to adjust to your schedule and specify a major map just for you.

I wish there was more technical course work but it can also be because I've only taken the pre-req classes.

I wish there were more sports related classes besides the sports broadcasting class. Additionally, i think having a class or implementing broadcast entertainment into classes will be helpful to students interested in that type of journalism.

I wish they'd go over the internship/future of your major/portfolio/applying for jobs and stuff like that more

I wish y'all just called it Telecommunications, that sounds a lot better than Media Arts.

I would like for the internship credit to be open up to internships in other cities and abroad. I was planning on doing a summer internship in Spain, but I would not have received credit for it.

I would like guest speakers in our field to talk to us.

I would like more classes offered for ICT

I would like more classes on magazine journalism and production.

I would like more guidance in finding internships/job in my healthcare communications field

I would like to say that advisors/the college in general should not recommend taking the Digital Media minor path. I have been so stressed out trying to take classes (even get into the classes) because I am not considered “their major―. I pay the exact same tuition yet I still find myself taking woodshop classes instead of classes that I ACTUALLY need for my major such as photoshop. Basically, I am earning horrible grades for my lack of photoshop when I have not learned it nor can get into it. The only way for me to get better is to take a class on it yet no one in the CI college seems to care. This is messing up my graduation date, my financial aid.

I would like to see more courses involving video games, and to have the college reach out to major developers to make it easier for prospective students meet employers

I would like to see more online opportunities for non-traditional students.

I would like to see more seats offered in the online classes. For my ICT degree, I have to complete the pre-major before taking any other classes and it’s difficult to get into those when I schedule late and there’s 15 seats. It would be helpful if some required courses for the Major did not require the pre- major sequence to be completed first.

ICT doesn't make it easy to get into the classes I need pre-major and pre-path wise

I'd like to see more upper division classes offered online during summer.

If a professor teaches directly from the book and doesn’t offer any further instruction in class that we can’t get from the book, attendance shouldn’t be required.

Im glad I decided to major in communications

I'm going to be switching soon due to the lack of interest in the major after I transferred and realized what it was.

I'm graduating late because the directions given to me when choosing my classes were unclear and I missed a single course for my degree. I was preparing to be done by May, but I won't actually be finished until August because of this error, and I'm going to have to pay out-of-state tuition for it because the costs won't be covered by my existing Patterson scholarship that got me to the point I am now. im happy with ISC

I'm so glad I found ISC. The ISC professors have always believed in me and guided me. I'm so grateful for their support.

In my opinion, our major needs to incorporate more computer programming courses, and there needs to be less emphasis on anthropology and public speaking.

Information more easily accessible

Internship credit should be awarded to upperclassmen who transferred into CI even if they haven’t completed the upper level requirements. I currently have two amazing summer internship opportunities and cannot get credit for either of them. internship opportunities

IT IS SO BORING. Please make the classes less repetitive. I understand adding on, but I have heard the same lectures over and over and it's a waste of time, honestly. it needs a lot of improvement. The classroom buildings are always old, in either Whitehall, funkhouser or Chem Phys. It is uncomfortable to sit there in class feeling like I’m going to pass out. Half of the time my teachers can’t figure out how to properly work the projectors or speakers and we end up sitting there wasting 15 minutes with them trying to figure it out

It seems a little disorganized at times and I believe it should be easier to obtain overrides especially as a senior

It was difficult transferring from a community college to UK. For my major, some that started as freshmen seemed more prepared than I was as I was new to UK.

It would be very helpful if my professors would use Canvas! its too broad which can be a good thing with finding a job but it leaves you unprepared for any specific job you want. people learn 10000% more in internships than in any class in the department because they don't actually prepare you and most people just take the major because it's easy.

John Clark does not teach anyone anything. He’s a joke among MAS students. Cher Reynolds should be promoted. Best professor I’ve ever had

Journalism faculty at UK is fantastic.

Just having more technical classes and less theoretical ones would be my biggest complaint

Just like I said before I would like more hands on tech stuff. Maybe a lab where we get to interact with computers or learn physically how to take it apart, fix them, etc. just new tech would be nice to help with things. some of the tech is outdated.

Just to continue to improve and grow based on where the IT field is headed

Just would like more online options and more class options in general each semester

Keep up the good work!

Let people take capstone with their last path course as long as those are the only two needed courses left for graduation. There are plenty of people ready for capstone (and who will be successful at it) who are also in need of their final path course. It’s frustrating staying full-time only to spend another $1300+ in the summer for a crammed course that will not result in the same experience/learning/understanding as it would if taken during regular semester hours.

Linguistics 211 is the worst class I have ever taken. Many other students in my college would probably agree

Lots of classes are repeating the same content from previous classes. For example, my current COM 313 class is discussing everything I already learned in COM 101 and COM 314.

Love it. Would do it again. Expected more hands on approach like more media that we would actually create instead of just studying it.

Love the faculty in the ISC department! They make this major!

Make nice with Gatton. We need a better understanding of the business side of things if we REALLY want to be competitive for jobs.

Mandatory advising meetings checking up on securing an internship and assistance in obtaining an internship

Maybe class time offers for the lower level MAS classes

Maybe more class options!

Media Arts and Studies majors, as well as Journalism majors, desperately need an updated studio space.

More discussion on potential career paths

More path programs are needed. If I was going into the work force directly after graduation, I would not feel prepared at all, yet I've maintained a 4.0 throughout the entire program.

More resources for non traditional students

More students need to know about ISC. Some student probably are stuck at Gatton only because they are not well informed about the ISC program.

More time slots offered for classes, more online classes for the summer offered, advisors knowing what’s actually going on.

Most of the major classes are just theory-related and I just feel like that’s not going to be very helpful for my career. I would like to have more practical classes. Like C++, Python, etc. It’s fun to talk about theory and stuff but that’s not really a demonstrable skill I can market to employers.

Multiple classes were cancelled over the summer last minute. This was really frustrating and stressful to deal with. I had to reach out to multiple people in the department to get an accommodation.

Nathan Stevens is probably the most dedicated professor I’ve had during my time at UK.

Need more hands on technical courses to prepare for the work force need to offer more courses for more semesters needs more classes available and more caring faculty

No need for paths. This major is reputable and helped me get a job, but I’m doing sales and nothing really related to ISC. My advisor Maria, was not helpful. She scared me into thinking I wasn’t going to graduate by slowly counting out my hours when she could’ve just came out and told me right away. Easily one of the most frustrating moments in my college career, especially as an out-of-state student.

No, I love ISC.

No, I love my college!

Not enough up to date software on the designated lab rooms. can be tough to complete projects with designated areas that are also used for classes

'-Once again, an introductory ISC design class should be introduced. one central source for ALL information and resources, I am overwhelmed with the amount of information and where to go for tools needed for me to succeed.

Only that my advisors consistently throughout my time at Uk provided me with advice and course choices that either hindered me or were exactly what I was going to choose based off my degree audit.

At no point in my four years here did a single one of my advisors give me more information than my degree audit, or did they do anything more in my meetings than consult my degree audit which I already did at home and lift my advisor hold. If there wasn’t an advisor hold in the first place they would be useless to the student body. In my most recent meeting with a walk in advisor, they were unfamiliar with any information on the internship qualifications for my major and consulted google for information. I do not need advisor meetings so my advisor can get on google and look for information, I can do that myself.

Out of all 4 years, the only complaint I have is the attendance policy.

Parking stinks and can be a problem getting to class everyday. Even if u have a parking pass. There isn’t a lot of places to park.

Please be mindful of the professors you have for JOU 101. This course is extremely important and can make or break a student in wanting to further their eduction within this department/major.

Please change the attendance policy

Please do not have 8 am anymore

Please fix Blazer Dining as a location, or relocate journalism... Camera/equipment checkout should be 8-5 pm with no gaps...

Please work with the College of Fine Arts with minor classes. Scheduling these are always a nightmare because I have to wait a month later than everyone else which can really mess up my graduation plan.

Print majors who wish to gain experience with covering sports should have the opportunity to cover sports for the Kernel before broadcast students. When print students use a wheelchair, every sport is not accessible to cover.

Rachel Dixon is a GREAT advisor!!!

Remove Laine Kaiser from the department. She does not care for her students nor apply useful information in her courses

Since ICT is so broad may be a course of the different careers in it and the different focuses in ICT. so far, I just want to keep on track.

Some teachers should need to have their class observed. There were a handful of teachers that should update their teaching styles.

TCE's should be done half-way through the semester so that some teachers can make improvements, rather than students struggle the whole semester

Technology Management should require more business and management classes. The technology side should have more in depth classes that allow people to progress in. Having a network administration, cyber security, system administration, etc. Partner up with CISCO, the Defensive Cyber Operations Unit in the KY Army National Guard, UPS in Louisville, etc.

The advisors are not helpful with the internship process

The advisors need to do better with helping with classes. My advisor acts like he doesn’t know anything the attendance policy is truly awful and shouldn't be so strict. sometimes people just have to miss class.

The building needs updating. The teachers need to be more relevant. Get rid of any and all animals in the building. Come up with someone else to do the camera checkout (because the one that is doing it right now is not very professional at his job). Let us access the server from our houses surrounding campus and not just on campus.

The com department faculty is by far the most approachable and caring at UK, very glad I chose this path.

The fact I have to do an EXP credit for my internship because I haven't done my second path class really frustrates and confuses me. I don't understand why the EXP credit can't go toward my major. I pay all this money for school and to not be able to have a career opportunity count toward my degree is stupid.

The faculty tries hard and works hard for their students and it shows.

The program needs to be updated to the current state of advertising in today's world. Emphasis should be put on scriptwriting, editing, and public speaking.

There are so many classes only offered one term, which makes something like studying abroad impossible because finding credit that transfers over MAS credit is impossible. More class offerings need to be offered. Also a great deal of MAS has to do with the Internet, and many of my MAS professors cannot figure out how to use Canvas, and use their own system for grading which prevents students from accessing their grade information.

There is little investment in each student's individual success. I felt like just a number in the majority of my classes. I would have benefited from having an advisor in my major throughout the entire program. there should not be so many hoops to jump through for the 399 internship. The process needs to be refined and simplified

They have made me happy with my choice to switch to CI!

They need to get it together from advising to the way you guys communicate, I am happy to be graduating because I couldn't imagine doing this again. The advisors honestly are horrible and they do not help I have heard numerous people complain and even with me my advisor screwed me over countless times. This department is not cohesive and honestly it comes off that you guys do not care

This major has potential to be wonderful and unique to UK. Please consider relevant and technical courses. Networking for example should be required. There should be required hardware courses.

Required programming. Too much of this program is up in the air and based on academia - IT is a technical field. It is borderline vocational. Theory is important but we do not need those courses taking up over half the major while we are graduating students who do not know common port numbers!

"To elaborate on an earlier question about how relevant classes were to my ""career goals"", which I answered ""somewhat disagree"" to, I feel like some classes are missing the mark. For instance, I recently interviewed for an internship and was describing Sherali's Networking class. They said that I really didn't need to know some of those things and that they didn't know them either. That's not to say it's not a good class. Some of the things he taught they asked me.From the other side of things, I thought Sean Burn's Linux Sys Admin class was very good -- mostly due to the fact that it was extremely hands- on.

ICT 200 and 201, I thought were utterly useless in just about every facet. I can honestly say that I learned literally nothing from either course, except what a ""BRM"" is, which I don't even remember what that stands for and is not something I will ever use (from ICT 201). ICT 202 is certainly good knowledge to know, however.

This isn't necessarily something ICT specific, but was something I expected. Most every college and university seems to fail in this regard."

Very happy with my experience in this major. Thank you!

Wanting a major for people wanting to go into radio

"We deserve our own building again! Not split up across campus. Our college is important and we deserve to feel appreciated like some of the other colleges on campus.

I never ventured outside of ISC classes but every professor in ISC has been amazing and so helpful. They’ve done an amazing job and the hiring decisions were amazing.

I also have been apart of the Kentucky Kernel since my first day of college and it has taught me more skills than any class has. I’ve heard that some faculty/staff don’t view it as “real world― experience, but credit is not given to how hard the students work there. It’s a colloborative, agency- like, workroom that creates amazing opportunities for everyone there!"

We need a new building.

We need to modernize. Offer more classes (typography for example), get rid of paths altogether, allow for more people to take creative courses. I wasn't a creative path, so I could never take any creative courses (they were always full). I feel like this hurt my growth as an ISC student.

Why do we need so many cognate or "science" courses? It's pretty frustrating when I love taking my ICT courses, but there are 1 or 2 classes with 10 open spots, so I can't schedule with those, so I have to take classes like astronomy or sociology. Nothing wrong with those fields, but I'm here to study ICT. I don't really care about astronomy or sociology. Why should they, or other general "science" courses be required for a degree in ICT?

Why is it so hard to get into classes on time

With graduation quickly approaching, I have thought back on my experience and am somewhat disappointed. Many of the classes I was required to take have not helped in any capacity and some of the professors were of no help in my education and should probably not be in the department.

Would there be more courses for people trying to obtain positions in audio/music production

Y’all need to chill about the attendance policy

You all are awesome. I have loved my time in CI

You guys make it as hard as possible for students to feel successful and graduate. Especially us students who don’t live on campus and have any kind of real life problems that don’t benefit the school. Also, as a student with an undiagnosed chronic illness, you guys have not been at all accommodating to that.

You need more classes for JOU required classes. It’s ridiculous.

Ethnicity: White or Caucasian- 787 (77%) American Indian or Alaskan Native-4 (<1%) Asian-23 (2%) Black or African American- 110 (11%) Hispanic or Latino- 52 (5%) Multi-Racial- 27 (3%) Decline to Respond- 3 (<1%) Unknown- 17 (2%)

Major: (some double-majors in the college) COM- 318 ISC- 388 MAS- 80 ICT- 123 JOU- 129

Year: Freshman- 103 (10%) Sophomore- 227 (22%) Junior- 309 (30%) Senior- 381 (37%) Non-degree seeking- 1 (<1%)

Gender: Male- 396 (39%) Female- 627 (61%)