Corporate Finance Leveraged Finance/Europe Through the Looking Glass: Special Report European Mezzanine Revisited Analysts Executive Summary Pablo Mazzini So it was all just a bad dream. The steep declines in pricing, +44 20 7417 3540 further subordination from Second Lien, weak covenants, lower
[email protected] equity contributions and constant pre-prepayments and recycling Edward Eyerman of the same credits at higher leverage and lower spreads over the +44 20 7862 4056 last three years, were all a bad dream! What a difference a crisis
[email protected] makes, as European Mezzanine investors anticipate a return to bank-driven structures with modest leverage, amortising debt, tighter covenants and pricing more in line with the equity-type risk borne by subordinated creditors to risky borrowers. Other Related Research 1. “European Mezzanine Reconsidered” Of course, we are yet to witness the emergence of post-H107 (16 October 2003) trends in the European leveraged credit markets, though once 2. “The European Mezzanine Market in 2003: Still Upwardly Mobile?” transactions trickle through – and they will – Fitch anticipates a (24 March 2004) material pull-back to terms and conditions for Mezzanine more 3. “The Inevitable Rationalisation: The consistent with the bank-driven structures of 2002-2004 than the European Mezzanine Market in H104” non-bank structures that evolved from 2004 to H107. This means (25 August 2004) that together with European regional banks, which remain open for 4. “A Record Year for a Bifurcated business in the senior secured leveraged loan market, European Market: The European Mezzanine Mezzanine funds anticipate considerable structuring and pricing Market in 2004” (22 February 2005) power.