92 bus time schedule & line map

92 - Peterseld View In Website Mode

The 92 bus line (Midhurst - Peterseld) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Midhurst: 8:30 AM - 6:20 PM (2) Peterseld: 7:55 AM - 5:50 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 92 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 92 bus arriving.

Direction: Midhurst 92 bus Time Schedule 26 stops Midhurst Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:30 AM - 6:20 PM Station, Peterseld 34 Lavant Street, Peterseld Tuesday 8:30 AM - 6:20 PM

Station, Peterseld Wednesday 8:30 AM - 6:20 PM 34 Lavant Street, Peterseld Thursday 8:30 AM - 6:20 PM The Square, Peterseld Friday 8:30 AM - 6:20 PM The Square, Peterseld Saturday 8:30 AM - 6:20 PM Madeline Road, Peterseld

Churchers College, Peterseld

The Half Moon, Sheet 92 bus Info Direction: Midhurst Adhurst Junction, Sheet Stops: 26 Trip Duration: 26 min Meadow Mist, Durleighmarsh Line Summary: Station, Peterseld, Station, Peterseld, The Square, Peterseld, Madeline Road, Durleighmarsh Farm, Durleighmarsh Peterseld, Churchers College, Peterseld, The Half Moon, Sheet, Adhurst Junction, Sheet, Meadow Mist, Pear Tree Cottage, Durleighmarsh, Durleighmarsh Farm, Durleighmarsh, Pear Tree Cottage, Rogate, Post Oce, Rogate, Terwick Rise, Terwick Common, Fyning House, Post Oce, Rogate Fyning, Old Rectory, Fyning, St George's Church, Trotton, Chithurst Turn, Trotton, Lane, Terwick Rise, Terwick Common Stedham, The Hamilton, Stedham, Village, Stedham, Terwick Rise, Rogate The Street, Stedham, Woolmer Bridge, Stedham, Heathbarn Farm, Midhurst, The Half Moon, Midhurst, Fyning House, Fyning Guillards Oak, Midhurst, Convent, Midhurst, Bus Station, Midhurst Old Rectory, Fyning

St George's Church, Trotton

Chithurst Turn, Trotton

Iping Lane, Stedham

The Hamilton, Stedham Village, Stedham

The Street, Stedham

Woolmer Bridge, Stedham

Heathbarn Farm, Midhurst

The Half Moon, Midhurst A272, Midhurst Civil Parish

Guillards Oak, Midhurst Peterseld Road, Midhurst

Convent, Midhurst

Bus Station, Midhurst North Street, Midhurst Direction: Peterseld 92 bus Time Schedule 24 stops Peterseld Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:55 AM - 5:50 PM Bus Station, Midhurst North Street, Midhurst Tuesday 7:55 AM - 5:50 PM

Convent, Midhurst Wednesday 7:55 AM - 5:50 PM Cobden Road, Midhurst Thursday 7:55 AM - 5:50 PM Guillards Oak, Midhurst Friday 7:55 AM - 5:50 PM Peterseld Road, Midhurst Saturday 7:55 AM - 5:50 PM The Half Moon, Midhurst A272, Midhurst Civil Parish

Heathbarn Farm, Midhurst 92 bus Info Woolmer Bridge, Stedham Direction: Peterseld Stops: 24 Village, Stedham Trip Duration: 25 min Line Summary: Bus Station, Midhurst, Convent, The Hamilton, Stedham Midhurst, Guillards Oak, Midhurst, The Half Moon, Midhurst, Heathbarn Farm, Midhurst, Woolmer Iping Lane, Stedham Bridge, Stedham, Village, Stedham, The Hamilton, Stedham, Iping Lane, Stedham, Chithurst Turn, Chithurst Turn, Trotton Trotton, St George's Church, Trotton, Old Rectory, Fyning, Terwick Rise, Terwick Common, Fyning St George's Church, Trotton House, Fyning, Post Oce, Rogate, Pear Tree Cottage, Rogate, Meadow Mist, Durleighmarsh, Old Rectory, Fyning Durleighmarsh Farm, Durleighmarsh, Adhurst Junction, Sheet, The Half Moon, Sheet, Churchers College, Peterseld, Madeline Road, Peterseld, The Terwick Rise, Terwick Common Square, Peterseld, Station, Peterseld Terwick Rise, Rogate Civil Parish

Fyning House, Fyning

Post Oce, Rogate

Pear Tree Cottage, Rogate

Meadow Mist, Durleighmarsh

Durleighmarsh Farm, Durleighmarsh

Adhurst Junction, Sheet

The Half Moon, Sheet

Churchers College, Peterseld

Madeline Road, Peterseld

The Square, Peterseld The Square, Peterseld Station, Peterseld 34 Lavant Street, Peterseld 92 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved