THE RECENT HİSTORY OF THE RHODES and KOS TURKS “The Silent Cry Rising in the Aegean Sea” Prof. Dr.Mustafa KAYMAKÇI Assoc. Prof. Dr.Cihan ÖZGÜN Translated by: Mengü Noyan Çengel Karşıyaka-Izmir 2015 1 Writers Prof. Dr. Mustafa KAYMAKÇI
[email protected] Mustafa Kaymakçı was born in Rhodes. His family was forced to immigrate to Turkey for fear of losing their Turkish identity. He graduated from Ege University Faculty of Agriculture in 1969 and earned his professorship in 1989. He has authored 12 course books and over 200 scientific articles. He has always tried to pass novelties and scientific knowledge on to farmers, who are his target audience. These activities earned him many scientific awards and plaques of appreciation. His achievements include •“Gödence Village Agricultural Development Cooperative Achievement Award, 2003”; •“TMMOB Chamber of Agricultural Engineers Scientific Award, 2004”; and •“Turkish Sheep Breeders Scientific Award, 2009”. His name was given to a Street in Acıpayam (denizli) in 2003. In addition to his course books, Prof. Kaymakçı is also the author of five books on agricultural and scientific policies. They include •Notes on Turkey’s Agriculture, 2009; •Agricultural Articles Against Global Capitalization, 2010; •Agriculture Is Independence, 2011; •Famine and Imperialism, 2012 (Editor); and •Science Political Articles Against Globalization, 2012. Kaymakçı is the President of the Rhodes and Kos and the Dodecanese Islands Turks Culture and Solidarity Association since 1996. Under his presidency, the association reflected the problems of the Turks living in Rhodes and Kos to organizations including Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Parliamentary Association of the European Council (PA CE), the United Nations and the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FEUN).