Clerk to the Council Mrs. H. Trustam 30 Armstrong Close Wilstead MK45 3EJ Tel: 01234 743598 Email: [email protected]

28th August 2017

Central Council Priory House Monks Walk Shefford SG17 5TQ

Dear Sirs

Draft Local Plan consultation

Marston Moreteyne Parish Council has considered the information contained within the Draft Local Plan currently available for public consultation.

The Parish Council notes the importance of an adopted local plan and that it should address whether there is a need for additional housing to accommodate a predicted rising population within . However, the draft local plan - albeit high-level - is very vague and lacks clarity on important matters such as infrastructure, education and health facilities. It also does not distinguish adequately or transparently between the future housing needs of the existing population and those who choose to reside in Central Bedfordshire in the future. There needs to be further explanation of how the headline numbers for future housing numbers are calculated as they stand in stark contrast to the adjacent Bedford Borough.

As a community, Marston Moreteyne has experienced a substantial amount of development and understands only too well that additional homes impact upon existing health facilities, road usage and education. The current new lower school (Forest End) is being extended to accommodate additional pupils as a result from increased housing developments in the Parish. There is therefore some concern regarding the proposal of four new villages in for up to 5,000 new homes and 40ha of employment.

The Parish Council is sceptical whether the proposed villages will be sufficient in size separately to generate adequate infrastructure and services as self-sustaining communities. This will clearly have an adverse impact upon services within surrounding villages – especially Marston Moreteyne. This would include an increase to traffic on the C94 (Old A421). Members are deeply concerned over the potential of coalescence of new development. Therefore, Central Bedfordshire Council needs to ensure the creation of a sufficient, credible buffer between any new settlement/s and the surrounding villages.

Furthermore, the Parish Council struggles to envisage how four distinctly separate villages can be located within the geographical area designated for them. In addition, during the public consultation there were references to a ‘ style’ village development which is more accurately described as series of interconnected housing estates.

Any alternative counter option to expand existing settlements within the Parish of Marston Moreteyne should only be entertained and conditional on the provision of improved existing roads, a new health centre to cater for the village and acceptable education provision for the community. This should include clearly delineated, protected, green open space providing a large green space buffer around the village to prevent any future coalescence.

Housing Growth Location Sites

The draft local plan refers to several infill growth options within the Lower and area of the Parish of Marston Moreteyne. Lower and Upper Shelton is primarily ribbon effect housing and offers very little in amenities. The primary access to Lower and Upper Shelton is via a single-track road with passing places. This road is vastly inadequate to deal with any significant additional traffic. It has been noted that in regard to growth options, all other areas state that development is subject to infrastructure, however, this is not specified or provided for with regard to Lower and Upper Shelton.

If you need any further clarification on any of the above points, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully

H. Trustam

Mrs. H. Trustam Parish Clerk