WA Council Transfer Advisor Workshop August 2019
CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY THE EVERGREEN STATE COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY WA Council Transfer Advisor Workshop August 2019 Julie Garver, Director of Policy and Academic Affairs About COP YOUR PUBLIC FOUR‐YEAR COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITIES ABOUT COP COP is an association of Washington’s six public baccalaureate degree granting college and universities. We strive to be a common voice for the public baccalaureate sector and the most respected and trusted resource for decision makers on issues affecting public higher education. We foster coordination and collaboration among the public baccalaureates as well as with myriad other partners. Leadership Policy Legislative General Strategic Collaborate with educational partners on Represent Develop and update development of Washington's public sector‐level academic, business, sector reports, briefs, student affairs, and four‐year sector in the and factsheets. policies, practicies, legislative process. and advocacy. workforce policy. Communicate and Facilitate institutional Proactively engage Organize events for collaborate with and sector conversations with legislators, collaboration within and education, workforce, to advance public four‐ statewide elected promotion of the sector business, and year higher education. officials, and their with external audiences. community partners. staff. Represent sector on Implement state Increase the profile of state cross‐ sector Develop and respond to legislation. the sector through social councils, committees, policy and budget proposals. media and other work groups, and task communication formats. forces. Advocate for public Partner with the Engage internal four‐year higher Education Reseach stakeholders in the education at the state and Data Center on legislative process. and federal levels. data collection and analysis.
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