International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology (1 999), 49, 147 1-1 478 Printed in Great Britain

Thermoanaerobacter siderophilus sp. nov., a noveI di ss im i I at ory Fe(I I I) = reduc i n g, a naero b i c, thermophilit bacterium

A. I. Slobodkin, T. P. Tourova, B. B. Kuznetsov, N. A. Kostrikina, N. A. Chernyh and E. A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya

Author for correspondence: Alexander Slobodkin. Tel: +7 95 135 4458. Fax: +7 95 135 6530. e-mail : slobodki ru

Institute of , A thermophilic, anaerobic, spore-forming, dissimilatory Fe(lll)-reducing Russian Academy of bacterium, designated strain SR4T, was isolated from sediment of newly Sciences, Prospect 60-letiya Oktyabrya 7/2, 11781 1 formed hydrothermal vents in the area of the eruption of Karymsky volcano Moscow, Russia on the Kamchatka peninsula. Cells of strain SR4T were straight-to-curved, peritrichous rods, 04-0-6 pm in diameter and 3-5-9.0 pm in length, and exhibited a slight tumbling motility. Strain SR4T formed round, refractile, heat- resistant in terminally swollen sporangia. The temperature range for growth was 39-78 "C, with an optimum at 69-71 "C. The pH range for growth was 48-8-2, with an optimum at 63-6-5. Strain SR4T grew anaerobically with peptone as carbon source. Amorphous iron(ll1) oxide present in the medium stimulated the growth of strain SR4T; cell numbers increased with the concomitant accumulation of Fe(ll). In the presence of Fe(lll), strain SR4T grew on H,/CO, and utilized molecular hydrogen. Strain SR4T reduced 9,lO- anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonic acid, sulf ite, thiosulfate, elemental sulfur and MnO,. Strain SR4T did not reduce nitrate or sulfate and was not capable of growth with 0,. The fermentation products from glucose were ethanol, lactate, H, and CO,. The G+C content of DNA was 32 molo/o. 16s rDNA sequence analysis placed the organism in the genus Thermoanaerobacter. On the basis of physiological properties and phylogenetic analysis, it is proposed that strain SR4T (= DSM 122993 should be assigned to a new species, Thermoanaerobacter siderophilus sp. nov.

Keywords : Thermoanaerobacter, Fe(II1) reduction, Mn(IV) reduction, therrnophiles, magnetite

INTRODUCTION restrial subsurface (Boone et al., 1995; Liu et al., 1997) and submarine petroleum reservoirs (Greene et al., Reduction of Fe(II1) by micro-organisms has im- 1997). portant implications in the cycling of iron and organic matter and has been intensively studied in marine and Dissimilatory Fe(II1)-reducing micro-organisms can freshwater anoxic sediments and submerged soils be subdivided into several physiological groups ac- (Lovley, 1991, 1995; Nealson & Saffarini, 1994). cording to the electron donor used for Fe(II1) re- Dissimilatory Fe(II1)-reducing micro-organisms have duction : (i) fermentative, which use Fe(II1) reduction also been found in a variety of thermobiotic environ- as a minor pathway for electron flow while fermenting ments, including sediments of hydrothermal vents and sugars or amino acids ; (ii) hydrogen-oxidizing ; (iii) hot springs (Slobodkin et al., 1995; Slobodkin & sulfur-oxidizing ; and (iv) organisms that oxidize Wiegel, 1997), sedimentary basins in the deep ter- poorly fermentable substrates, such as organic acids, alcohols and aromatic compounds.

Abbreviation: AQDS, 9,l O-anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonic acid. Iron-reducing thermophiles available in pure culture The GenBank accession number for the 165 rDNAsequence of strain SR4T is are represented by several phylogenetically diverse AFI 20479. micro-organisms. The aerobic archaeon Sulfolubus

00967 0 1999 IUMS 1471 A. I. Slobodkin and others acidocaldarius reduces Fe(II1) with elemental sulfur molecular hydrogen to serve as an electron donor was (Brock & Gustafson, 1976). The anaerobic Bacillus studied in 60-ml flasks containing 10 ml medium and H, infernus reduces Fe(II1) with formate or lactate as the (100 %) or H,/CO, (5:95 v/v) as the gas phase. The cultures were incubated for 2 weeks and the ability to utilize a electron donor (Boone et al., 1995). The anaerobic particulate substrate was judged from culture growth and (eu) Deferribacter thermophilus (Greene et Fe(I1) accumulation. A medium in which the organic carbon al., 1997) and Thermoterrabacteriurn ferrireducens source had been omitted was used as a control. (Slobodkin et al., 1997) couple Fe(II1) reduction with the oxidation of complex organic substrates, organic The ability to use various electron acceptors was studied in acids, alcohols and molecular hydrogen. Recently, the the basal medium containing peptone (10 g 1-l) as a sole electron donor, in which amorphous iron(II1) oxide was ability to reduce Fe(II1) with glycerol under oxygen omitted. The electron acceptors were added from autoclaved limitation was shown for the moderately thermophilic stock solutions. MnO, was prepared by the method of acidophiles Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans, Sulfa- Lovley & Phillips (1988). The medium was pre-reduced with bacillus acidophilus and Acidimicrobium ferrooxidans Na2S.9H,O (0.5 g 1-l) in the experiments with sulfate, sulfite, (Bridge & Johnson, 1998). thiosulfate and elemental sulfur. No reducing agent was present in media containing 0,, MnO, or 9,lO-anthra- In this paper, we describe an anaerobic, dissimilatory quinone-2,6-disulfonic acid (AQDS). Both reduced and Fe(II1)-reducing, thermophilic bacterium, Thermo- reducing-agent-free media were used in nitrate-amended anaerobacter siderophilus sp. nov., isolated from hy- experiments. Cultures grown in pre-reduced basal medium drothermal vents on the Kamchatka peninsula. without any electron acceptor were used as inocula (5% v/v). The use of the electron acceptors was judged from culture growth (for all acceptors), sulfide production (for METHODS sulfate, sulfite, thiosulfate and elemental sulfur), change of Environmental samples. Samples of sediments and water visible colour of the medium or precipitate (for MnO, and were collected in March 1997 from newly formed hydro- AQDS) and from the accumulation of Mn(I1) (for MnO,). thermal vents in the area of the eruption of Karymsky Temperature, pH and NaCl concentration ranges for growth volcano on the Kamchatka peninsula. The temperatures at and susceptibility to antibiotics were determined in basal the sampling sites ranged from 70 to 94 "C, pH from 6.1 to medium in which amorphous iron(II1) oxide was omitted 7.1 and E, from -215 to -305 mV. and peptone was replaced by glucose (5 g 1-l). The medium Media and cultivation. A basal medium used for enrichment, was pre-reduced with Na,S.9H20 (0.5 g 1-l). The pH range isolation and cultivation of Fe(II1)-reducing bacteria was for growth was determined at 70 "C. The pH was adjusted prepared anaerobically by boiling and cooling it under CO, with sterile stock solutions of HC1 or NaOH and measured (100 %)gas phase. The basal medium contained (IF1 distilled at 70 "C with a model PHM 82 pH meter (Radiometer) water): 0-33 g KH,PO,, 0.33 g NH,Cl, 0.33 g KCl, 0.33 g equipped with a temperature probe and calibrated at 70 "C. g g MgC1,.2H20, 0.33 g CaC1,.2H20, 2.0 NaHCO,, 10 Microscopy. Routine examinations and cell counting were peptone, 0.20 g yeast extract (Difco), 10 ml vitamin solution performed under a phase-contrast Amplival microscope (Wolin et al., 1963) and 1 ml trace-element solution (Carl Zeiss Jena). Transmission electron microscopy was (Slobodkin et at., 1997). The pH was adjusted to 65-64 (at performed with a model JEM- 100 electron microscope 25 "C) with 10% (w/v) NaOH. No reducing agent was (JEOL) as described previously (Bonch-Osmolovskaya added to the medium. Fe(II1) was provided in the form of et 1990). Gram staining was performed according to Norris amorphous iron(II1) oxide at about 90 mmol Fe(II1) 1-1 al., & Swain (1971). medium. The amorphous iron(II1) oxide was synthesized by titrating a solution of FeCl, with 10% (w/v) NaOH to pH Analytical techniques. Fe(II1) reduction was monitored by 9.0. The pH of the autoclaved medium measured at 70 "C measuring the accumulation of Fe(I1) over time. Fe(I1) was was 6-8-6-9. measured by adding a 0.5 ml sample from the culture to 5 ml Unless otherwise noted, enrichments and pure cultures were 0.6 M HCl. After 24 h extraction, HCl-soluble Fe(I1) was grown in 10 ml medium in Hungate tubes under an determined with 2,2'-dipyridyl (Balashova & Zavarzin, atmosphere of CO, (100O/0). All transfers and sampling of 1980). Iron-containing precipitate was analysed by X-ray cultures were performed with syringes and needles. The diffraction analysis (Slobodkin et al., 1995). Mn(I1) was medium was heat-sterilized at 135 "C for 30 min. All analysed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry after incubations were at 70 "C unless otherwise noted. HC1 extraction (Lovley & Phillips, 1988). Determination of short-chain organic acids, alcohols and gaseous products of Physiological studies. Growth of bacteria in medium con- metabolism was performed by GC; sulfide was determined taining amorphous iron(II1) oxide or other insoluble com- by a colorimetric method as described previously (Slobodkin pounds was determined by direct counting with a phase- & Bonch-Osmolovskaya, 1994). contrast microscope and a counting chamber. In media with soluble components, growth was determined by counting Cultivation of referencestrains. Thermoanaerobacter suyuro- and by measuring the increase in optical density at 600 nm philus strain L-64T (= DSM 1 1584T)was from the culture (Spekol 10; Carl Zeiss Jena). collection of the Laboratory of Hyperthermophilic Mi- crobial Communities, Institute of Microbiology, Russian The ability of the organism to grow on different substrates Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. Thermoanaerobacter was determined in basal medium, in which peptone was wiegelii strain Rt8.BlT(= DSM 10319T)was obtained from replaced by autoclaved or filter-sterilized substrates, both in the Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zell- the presence and in the absence of amorphous iron(II1) kulturen, Braunschweig, Germany. The strains were oxide. When Fe(II1) was omitted, the medium was pre- routinely cultured in the mineral medium described above reduced with Na2S.9H,0 (0.5 g 1-l). The potential for with glucose (5 g 1-') as the main energy source. Tests for

1472 International Journal of Svstematic Bacterioloav 49 Thermoanaerobacter siderophilus sp. nov.

Fe(II1) reduction were performed in the basal medium with RESULTS amorphous iron(II1) oxide as an electron acceptor; the electron donors were 20 mM lactate (for Thermoanaero- Enrichment and isolation bacter sulfurophilus), 20 mM glycerol (for Thermoanaero- Four sediment/water samples obtained from newly bacter wiegelii) or I % w/v peptone (for both strains). The formed hydrothermal vents in the area of the eruption cultivation temperature was 60 "C for Thermoanaerobacter sulfurophilus and 65 "C for Thermoanaerobacter wiegelii. of Karymsky volcano on the Kamchatka peninsula were used for enrichment of thermophilic, dissi- DNA characteristics. The DNA was extracted and purified by milatory Fe(II1)-reducing micro-organisms. Basal an- the method of Marmur (1961). Its base composition was aerobic medium, in which peptone was an electron determined from the melting point according to Marmur & donor and amorphous iron(II1) oxide was provided as Doty (1962). The molecular mass of genome DNA was determined based on optical renaturation-rate measure- an electron acceptor, was inoculated with 10% (w/v) ments (Gillis et al., 1970). DNA-DNA hybridization studies of the sample and incubated at 85 "C in the dark. After were performed by the optical reassociation method as 2 weeks incubation, no accumulation of Fe(I1) was described previously (Krivenko et al., 1990). observed. After that, the same flasks were incubated at 70 "C. After 72-96 h cultivation, in two enrichments, 165 rRNA sequence studies. The 16s rRNA gene was non-magnetic, brown amorphous iron(II1) oxide was selectively amplified from genomic DNA by PCR using 5'- a AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3' as the forward primer converted to black, solid material of less volume, and 5'-TACGGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3' as the re- which was strongly attracted to a magnet and con- verse primer (Lane, 1991). tained a significant amount of Fe(I1). For the isolation of a pure culture, the enrichment with the fastest rate The PCR was carried out in 100 pl reaction mixture of Fe(II1) reduction (sampling point: T = 94 "C, pH containing 1 pg DNA template, 200 pM (each) primers, = 6.1, E, = -215 mV) was chosen. After three suc- 200 pM (each) dNTPs and 3 U Tet-z polymerase (Bio- Master) in reaction buffer (100 mM Tris/HCl pH 8.3, cessive 5 YO (w/v) transfers, the enrichment was re- 500 mM KC1,20 mM MgC1,). The temperature cycling was peatedly serially diluted to extinction in the basal done by using 30 amplification cycles of 1 rnin at 94 "C, medium in which iron(II1) oxide was replaced by 1 min at 42 "C and 1 min at 72 "C. The final extension was AQDS (20 mM). The highest dilution that was positive carried out at 72 "C for 6 min. The PCR products were for AQDS reduction was serially diluted to purified using the PCR-prep kit (Promega) as recommended extinction in agar shake tubes (1.5 YO Bacto Agar) in by the manufacturer. The 16s rRNA gene was sequenced in the basal medium with AQDS. Single colonies were both directions with the use of forward and reverse primers. removed and subcultured in liquid basal medium with DNA sequencing was performed by using Sequenase version amorphous iron(II1) oxide. Light microscopic obser- 2.0 (USB). vation revealed that the organism in these cultures was The 16s rDNA sequence was aligned with a representative a spore-forming rod. The culture was then transferred set of 16s rRNA sequences obtained from the Ribosomal (5% v/v) to fresh basal medium with AQDS, auto- Database Project or from recent GenBank releases by using claved at 121 "C for 90 min to kill vegetative cells and MULTALIN software (Corpet, 1988). Positions that had not incubated at 70 "C. After 48 h incubation, this culture been sequenced in one or more reference organisms were was serially diluted to extinction in agar shake tubes omitted and a total of 1593 nucleotides were used in the (1.5 % Bacto Agar) in basal medium with AQDS and analysis. Pairwise evolutionary distances were computed by the procedure of isolation and subculturing of single using the correction of Jukes & Cantor (1969). The rooted colonies was repeated. After that, the culture was phylogenetic tree was constructed by the neighbour-joining considered to be pure and was designated as strain method (Saitou & Nei, 1987) with bootstrap analysis of 100 trees using the programs of the TREECON package (Van de SR4T. Peer & De Wachter, 1994). Nucleotide sequence accession numbers. The accession Colony and cell morphology numbers of the sequences used as references were as follows : In agar-shake cultures, the colonies appeared after Thermoanaerobacter thermohydrosulfuricus DSM 567T, 18-24 h. The colonies were uniformly round, LO9 16 1 ; Thermoanaerobacter sulfurophilus L-64T, Y 16940; 0.5-1-0 mm in diameter and white. When grown in the Thermoanaerobacter wiegelii Rt8.B 1T, X925 13 ; Thermo- anaerobacter acetoethylicus ATCC 33265T,LO9 163 ; Thermo- basal medium with peptone and external electron anaerobacter kiwi DSM 2030T, LO9 160; Thermoanaero- acceptor [amorphous iron(II1) oxide, AQDS, sulfite or bacter brockii DSM 1457T, LO9 165 ; Thermoanaerobacter thiosulfate], the vegetative cells of strain SR4T were mathranii A3T,Y 11279 ; Thermoanaerobacter thermocopriae straight-to-curved rods, 04-06 pm in diameter and JT-3T, LO9 167 ; Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus JW-200T, 3-5-9-0 pm in length (Fig. la, b). The cells occurred LO9 162 ; Desulfotomaculum thermobenzoicum TSBT, singly or in short chains, were peritrichous and L 15628; Thermoanaerobacterium thermosulfurigenes exhibited a slight tumbling motility. The cells stained E 100-69T, LO9 16 1 ; Dictyoglomus therrnophilum H-6-1 2T, Gram-positive in both the exponential and stationary X69 194; Anaerobranca horikoshii JW/YL- 138T; Bacillus growth phases. Strain SR4T formed round, refractile infernus TH-22T, U20384; Moorella thermoautotrophica JW 701 /ST, X58354; Deferribacter thermophilus BMAIT, endospores in terminally swollen sporangia. Maximal U75602 ; Syntrophospora bryantii DSM 30 14BT, M2649 1 ; sporulation was observed in liquid medium with and Thermoterrabacterium ferrireducens JW/AS-Y7T, AQDS: up to 10% of the cells sporulated during the U76363. late exponential phase. The cultures survived 90 rnin

International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 49 1473 A. I. Slobodkin and others

20 40 60 80 100 120 Time (h)

n --I


20 40 60 80 100 120 Time (h)

...... Fig, 2. Growth of and Fe(ll) and H, production by strain SR4T with peptone as a substrate with or without amorphous iron(ll1) oxide as an electron acceptor. (a) Growth in the presence (0) and absence (0)of Fe(lll), and Fe(ll) production (A).(b) H, production in the presence (0)and absence (0)of Fe(lll).

Fig. 1. Electron micrographs of strain SR4' cells grown in basal H I medium with peptone as an electron donor and sulfite as an electron acceptor. (a) Negatively stained whole-cell specimen. (b) Cell with peritrichous flagella (negative staining). (c) Ultrathin section showing cell-wall layers. (d) Ultrathin section showing cell division. Bars, 1 pm. $ 60- 2 40- .-> exposure to 121 "C, thus confirming that the spores .P 20- were heat resistant. zDz

Ultrathin sectioning of strain SR4T revealed a distinct O* 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 peptidoglycan layer in the cell wall (Fig. lc). The cells appeared to divide via a septation mechanism, with the

formation of V-shaped membrane invaginations (Fig...... 1d). Fig. 3. Effect of temperature on the growth of strain SR4T. One hundred per cent was equivalent to a specific growth rate of Growth and Fe(lll) reduction 0.24 h-' . Strain SR4T grew anaerobically with peptone as the main organic carbon source (Fig. 2). Amorphous iron(II1) oxide present in the medium stimulated the without Fe(II1). Reduction of Fe(II1) was not observed growth of strain SR4T. The number of cells increased in non-inoculated medium with peptone (1 YO w/v), with the concomitant accumulation of Fe(I1). Without incubated at 70 "C. an external electron acceptor, the growth yield of SR4T In the presence of amorphous iron(II1) oxide, strain on peptone was reduced; addition of Na2S.9H,0 (0.5 g SR4Tgrew on H2/C0, (80 : 20 or 5 : 95 v/v) and utilized 1-') to decrease the redox potential of the medium did molecular hydrogen. The consumption of hydrogen not stimulate growth significantly. During the growth did not exceed 5 mmol H, 1-' culture. For each mole of strain SR4T in medium with Fe(III), the production of H, consumed, 2-15f0.32 mol (meanks~for five of molecular hydrogen was lower than during growth cultures) Fe(I1) was produced. Cell number increased

1474 lnterna tionaI Journa I of Systematic Bacteriology 49 Thermoanaerobacter siderophilus sp. nov.


51- Thermoanaerobacter sulfurophilu;,

93- - Thermoanaerobacter siderophilus SR4 ,oo lhermoanaerobacier ethanolrcus 8L -c 7hermoanaerobacier aceioeihylicus Thermoanaerobacter brockii

100 9o Thermoanaerobacier kiwi Thermoanaerobacter thermohydrosulfirricus '8 - Thermoanaerobacter fhermocopriae Thermoanaerobacier maihranii


Fig. 4. Effect of pH on the growth of strain SR4T. One hundred per cent was equivalent to a specific growth rate of 0.24 h-'. from 0.9 & 0-3 x lo6 cells ml-' in inoculated cultures before growth to 2-5f 0-5 x lo7cells ml-' in outgrown cultures (mean SD for five cultures). Without external electron acceptors, growth on H2/C02and consump- Rhodococcus ruber tion of H, were not observed. The products of amorphous iron(II1) oxide reduction Fig. 5, Phylogenetic tree showing the position of Thermo- anaerobacter siderophilus SR4T. The scale bar represents the with peptone and molecular hydrogen as electron expected number of changes per sequence position. donors were magnetite and siderite.

Ph ysiolog ica I characteristics (10 g 1-'), carboxymethylcellulose (10 g 1-I) or filter The temperature range for growth of strain SR4T was paper (10 g l-lj, with or without Fe(II1) as an electron 39-78 "C, with an optimum at 69-71 "C (Fig. 3). No acceptor. The fermentation products from glucose growth was detected at 79 "C or at temperatures of were ethanol, lactate, H, and CO,. 36 "C or lower after 3 weeks incubation. The strain Strain SR4T reduced amorphous iron(II1) oxide grew in a pH range from 4.8 to 8.2, with an optimum at (90 mM), AQDS (20 mM), sulfite (5 mM), thiosulfate 6-3-65 (Fig. 4). No growth was detected at pH 4.6 or (20 mM), elemental sulfur (150 mM) and MnO, (20 8.4. Growth of SR4T was observed at NaCl con- mM). Sulfite, thiosulfate and elemental sulfur were centrations ranging from 0 to 3-5% (w/v), with no reduced to hydrogen sulfide. Reduction of MnO, growth evident at 4.0% (w/v). resulted in the formation of a whitish precipitate The substrates utilized by strain SR4T in the presence, composed of the Mn(I1) state. Strain SR4T did not as well as in the absence, of Fe(II1) as an electron reduce nitrate (20 mM) or sulfate (20 mM) and was acceptor included peptone (1 0 g 1-'), yeast extract not capable of growth with 0, (20% v/v in the gas (10 g 1-'), beef extract (10 g 1-'), casein (10 g l-'), phase), starch (10 g I-'), glycerol (20 mM), pyruvate (20 mM), Chloramphenicol, neomycin, polymyxin B and kana- glucose (25 mM), sucrose (25 mM), fructose (25 mM), mycin completely inhibited growth at concentrations maltose (25 mM), xylose (25 mM), cellobiose (25 mM) of 100 pg ml-I medium. Penicillin, ampicillin, strep- and sorbitol (25 mM). Strain SR4T used H,/CO, tomycin and novobiocin at 100 pg ml-I did not inhibit (80:20 v/v) in the presence of Fe(II1). Fe(II1) was growth. stimulatory for growth of strain SR4T with all sub- strates utilized ; however, Fe(II1) was chemically re- DNA character istics and ph y logenet ic analysis duced in sterile controls in the experiments with carbohydrates. Thus, the results of the test on stimu- The G + C content of the genomic DNA of strain SR4T lation of growth by Fe(II1) on carbohydrates should be was 32 mol % ( Tm). The molecular mass of genomic considered equivocal. Strain SR4Tdid not use formate DNA of strain SR4T was 3-14 x lo9 Da. (20 mM), acetate (20 mM), lactate (20 mM), methanol We determined an almost complete 16s rDNA se- (20 mM), ethanol (20 mM), propan-1-01 (20 mM), quence for strain SR4T, corresponding to positions propan-2-01 (20 mM), butan-1-01 (20 mM), pro- 1 1-1 506 of Escherichia coli numbering. Phylogenetic pionate (20 mM), n-butyrate (20 mM), succinate analysis of 16s rDNA sequences placed strain SR4T in (20 mM), malate (20 mM), maleate (20 mM), glycine the cluster comprising members of the genus Thermo- (20 mM), alanine (20 mM), arginine (20 mM), anaerobacter, with a mean sequence identity of 95-9YO L-arabinose (25 mM), olive oil (10 ml 1-'), xylan (Fig. 5). The closest relatives of strain SR4T were

International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 49 1475 A. I. Slobodkin and others

Table 7. Specific elements of the secondary structure of was isolated from a sample that was collected within 5 165 rRNA in different Thermoanaerobacter species months of the formation of hydrothermal vents in the area of the eruption of Karymsky volcano indicates Helix types present in each region of the 16s rRNA are early colonization of high-temperature environments shown for each taxon. by micro-organisms capable of Fe(II1) reduction.

Species Region of 16s Strain SR4T is a facultative Fe(II1) reducer, capable of rRNA sequence oxidizing organic substrates in the presence and (E. coli absence of Fe(II1). The mechanism of microbial Fe(II1) numbering) reduction with complex organic substances, such as peptone, is unknown and may include fermentative as 80 1040 1140 1440 well as respiratory types of dissimilatory Fe(II1) reduction. Greater cell numbers were obtained in T. siderophilus strain SR4T 11 22 media containing Fe(III), suggesting that Fe(II1) re- T. wiegelii 12 2 2 duction may play a role in energy conservation. Strain T. sulfurophilus 12 2 2 SR4T is also capable of molecular-hydrogen oxidation T. acetoethylicus 13 11 in the presence of Fe(II1). Although the net con- T. ethanolicus 13 11 sumption of H, was relatively low, it was enough for T. kivui 22 2 1 sustainable growth and formation of a magnetic T. thermohydrosulfuricus 21 11 precipitate. The finding that strain SR4T can reduce T. mathranii 32 2 2 Mn(1V) extends the known upper temperature limit T. brockii 32 2 2 for biological manganese reduction to 76 "C. T. thermocopriae 32 2 2 The anaerobic, thermophilic, -forming bac- teria that are unable to reduce sulfate are currently placed in the genera , Thermoanaerobacter, and Thermoanaerobacterium, Caloramator and Moorella Thermoanaerobacter wiegelii Thermoanaerobacter (Collins 1994; Lee 1993; Wiegel, 1986). sulfurophilus (levels of identity 98.1 and 97-9%, re- et al., et al., spectively). However, bootstrap values for the The results of 16s rDNA sequence analysis placed branching point of strain SR4T (less than 50%) strain SR4T in the cluster composed of Thermo- indicate that its position is not yet conclusively anaerobacter species. resolved. The capacity for dissimilatory Fe(II1) reduction has The affiliation of strain SR4T to the genus Thermo- not been tested among the members of the genus anaerobacter is also supported by additional secondary Thermoanaerobacter. The involvement of Thermo- structure analysis. Comparison of the 16s rRNA anaerobacter species in Fe(II1) reduction in the deep sequences of Thermoanaerobacter species with small- subsurface was suggested by Liu et al. (1997) on the subunit rRNA of prokaryotes revealed the presence of basis of molecular analysis; however, pure cultures of unique long versions of certain helices around the micro-organisms were not obtained. We tested two positions 80, 1040, 1140 and 1440 (E. coli numbering) species of Thermoanaerobacter most closely related to (Rainey et al., 1993). The number and type of long strain SR4T on the basis of 16s rDNA identity, and versions of these helices vary in different Thermo- found both Thermoanaerobacter wiegelii (Cook et al., anaerobacter species (Table 1). Strain SR4T differed 1996) and Thermoanaerobacter sulfurophilus (Bonch- from all validly described Thermoanaerobacter species Osmolovskaya et al., 1997) to be capable of dissi- by the combination of specific versions of these helices. milatory Fe(II1) reduction during growth with peptone as the electron donor and amorphous iron(II1) oxide Considering the high levels of identity (more than as the electron acceptor. However, the rate of Fe(II1) 97 %) between the 16s rRNA sequences of strain SR4T reduction was considerably lower than that observed and Thermoanaerobacter wiegelii and Thermoanaero- with strain SR4T. Thermoanaerobacter wiegelii and bacter sulfurophilus, quantitative DNA-DNA hy- Thermoanaerobacter sulfurophilus did not reduce bridization experiments were performed. The levels of amorphous iron(II1) oxide significantly with glycerol DNA reassociation were: between strain SR4T and or lactate, respectively, as electron donors. These Thermoanaerobacter wiegelii, 50 YO,and between strain findings indicate that the capacity for dissimilatory SR4T and Thermoanaerobacter sulfurophilus, 48 % . Fe(II1) reduction with complex organic substrates as These data confirm that strain SR4Tis a new species of electron donors may be widespread among the the genus Thermoanaerobacter. members of the genus Thermoanaerobacter. The stimu- lation of growth of strain SR4T by Fe(II1) resembles DISCUSSION the positive effect of thiosulfate or elemental sulfur on the growth of some Thermoanaerobacter species Iron-containing compounds are abundant in some (Fardeau et al., 1994; Faudon et al., 1995; Bonch- terrestrial, geothermally heated sediments in Osmolovskaya et al., 1997) and probably has a similar Kamchatka (Karpov, 1976). The fact that strain SR4T mechanism.

1476 International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 49 Therrnoanaerobacter siderophilus sp. nov.

Table 2. Characteristics that differentiate T. siderophilus from T. wiegelii and T. sulfurophilus

Characteristic T. siderophilus T. wiegelii T. sulfurophilus

Reduction of elemental sulfur + - + Temperature optimum ("C) 69-7 1 65-68 55-60 pH optimum 6.3-6.5 6-8 6.8-7.2 G + C content of DNA (mol %) 32 35 30 Mass of genome DNA (Da)* 3.14~109 3.77 x 109 3.94 x 109 * Masses of genomes of T. wiegelii and T. sulfurophilus were determined in this study.

Strain SR4T differs from Thermoanaerobacter wiegelii or sulfate and is incapable of growth with 0,. Growth and Thermoanaerobacter sulfurophilus in the tempera- is inhibited by chloramphenicol, neomycin, polymyxin ture and pH optima, capacity for reduction of el- B and kanamycin but not by penicillin, ampicillin, emental sulfur, G+C content of DNA and size of streptomycin or novobiocin. G + C content of DNA of genome (Table 2). The fact that strain SR4T does not the type strain is 32 mol%. The habitat is hydro- belong to any of the described Thermoanaerobacter thermal vents in the area of Karymsky volcano on the species is also supported by the presence of a specific Kamchatka peninsula, Russia. The type strain is combination of long versions of helices in four regions SR4T, which has been deposited with the Deutsche of 16s rRNA. On the basis of physiological properties Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen and phylogenetic analysis, we propose that strain SR4T under the accession number DSM 12299T. should be assigned to a new species of the genus Thermoanaerobacter. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported in part by Genencor International Desc r ip t ion of Thermoanaerobacter siderophilus sp . and by grants 98-04-49079 and 96-04-50820 from the nov. Russian Foundation for Basic Research. We thank G. A. Karpov for providing environmental samples and A. Thermoanaerobacter siderophilus ( ro'phil. us. Gr. Lebedinsky for valuable discussion of the manuscript. n. sideros iron; Gr. adj. philos loving; M.L. adj. siderophilus iron-loving). REFERENCES Cells are straight-to-curved rods, 04-06 pm in di- ameter and 3-5-9.0 pm in length, forming round, Balashova, V. V. & Zavarzin, G. A. (1980). Anaerobic reduction of refractile, heat-resistant endospores in terminally ferric iron by hydrogen bacteria. Microbiology (English trans- swollen sporangia. Cells occur singly and exhibit slight lation of Mikrobiologiya) 48, 635-639. tumbling motility due to peritrichous flagellation. Bonch-Osmolovskaya, E. A., Sokolova, T. G., Kostrikina, N. A. & Anaerobic. The temperature range for growth is Zavarzin, G. A. (1990). Desulfurella acetivorans gen. nov. and sp. nov. - a new thermophilic sulfur-reducing eubacterium. Arch 39-78 "C, with an optimum at 69-71 "C. Neutrophilic: Microbiol153, 151-155. pH range for growth is from 4-8 to 8.2, with an optimum at 6.3-6.5. Growth occurs in an NaCl Bonch-Osmolovskaya, E. A., Miroshnichenko, M. L., Chernyh, N. A., Kostrikina, N. A., Pikuta, E. V. & Rainey, F. A. (1997). Re- concentration range of 0-3.5 % (w/v). The substrates duction of elemental sulfur by moderately thermophilic organo- utilized in the presence, as well in the absence, of trophic bacteria and the description of Therrnoanaerobacter Fe(II1) as an electron acceptor include peptone, yeast sulfurophilus sp. nov. Microbiology (English translation of extract, beef extract, starch, glycerol, pyruvate, glu- Mikrobiologiya) 66, 483-489. cose, sucrose, fructose, maltose, xylose, cellobiose and Boone, D. R., Liu, Y., Zhao, 2.-I., Balkwill, D. L., Drake, G. R., sorbitol. Utilizes molecular hydrogen in the presence Stevens, T. 0. & Aldrich, H. C. (1995). Bacillus infernus sp. nov., of Fe(II1). No growth occurs with formate, acetate, an Fe(II1)- and Mn(1V)-reducing anaerobe from the deep lactate, methanol, ethanol, propan- 1-01, propan-2-01, terrestrial subsurface. Int J Syst Bacteriol45, 441448. butan- 1-01, propionate, n-butyrate, succinate, malate, Bridge, T. A. M. & Johnson, D. B. (1998). Reduction of soluble maleate, glycine, alanine, arginine, L-arabinose, olive iron and reductive dissolution of ferric iron-containing minerals oil, xylan or cellulose, either with or without Fe(II1) as by moderately thermophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria. Appl En- an electron acceptor. The fermentation products from viron Microbiol64, 2 18 1-2 186. glucose are ethanol, lactate, H, and CO,. Reduces Brock, T. D. & Gustafson, J. (1976). Ferric iron reduction by amorphous iron(II1) oxide, AQDS, sulfite, thiosulfate, sulfur- and iron-oxidizing bacteria. Appl Environ Microbiol32, elemental sulfur and MnO,. The products of amorph- 567-57 1. ous iron(II1) oxide reduction are magnetite and sid- Collins, M. D., Lawson, P. A., Willems, A., Cordoba, 1. J., erite. Sulfite, thiosulfate and elemental sulfur are Fernandez-Garayzabal, J., Garcia, P., Cai, J., Hippe, H. & Farrow, reduced to hydrogen sulfide. Does not reduce nitrate J. A. E. (1994). The phylogeny of the genus Clostridium : proposal

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