Grantor Index to Land Records
^^^ Common Surname. - Family Name, and Other, Active in YOUR Locality are "SET OUT." Other, are on Mixed Gronp Page,. Nale'is^SET OUT "tm» iKi">i ! ^"^ ~"^l00k Under Pr0P8r PRIME 0r MASTER SUB-0IVISI0N' (firs, letter or le,,ers of Sumame, Prin,ed • ,0P of tolomn5 "• detemiine if not listed, SECONDLY rsfer to proper Mixed Group Page at bottom of column. Groups start on Front of Sheets—Right Hand Page. They continue on Back of Sheets l 54 Copyii9hl 1951-AA199 757 No. 12-63 IStHT^iT*'** *** «• u . ^t _-„ OM.^ I„d«.. Sine. 1888 TO COW DTOD COMrAHT Cl—k-. OW. I* WW 63 Lbf-UnlU-tartly «T.OF„c.6^l^«<5^frAn|d.ndWn.Tr.d.M«k flKWWCSHfiC'jSS^ Rai a toiRam Ran to Raz - Rb to Rd PAGI FACE MM PAGE I , . Rav 15 ..— _ • — 1 - - 1 ••"• , • 1 MIXED NAME GROUPS—Page Reference for Surname, Not Set Out. Ran-Rao- Rap 7 Raa-Rab-Rac-Rad 1 Raq-Rar 7 Rae-Raf-Rag 3 : Ras-Rat 9 i I Corpo- Rah-Rai-Raj-Rak 3 Rau-Rav-Jlaw 11 rations, Rax-Ray-1 laz 11 Firms Ral-Ram 5 and Rb-Rc-Rd 11 Special OVER Assign the First " 5ETOL IT" Name of this Unit to Page 15 Awifn additional (set out) Names to succeeding ODD numbered pages. Corporation,, Firm., Partnership., Etc., Active in YOUR Locality are "SET OUT." Other, are on Mixed Group Pages. To find page on which Name desired is en.ered-FIRST look under Proper PRIME or MASTER SUB-DIVISION, (first letter of First Principal Word, ignore prefix "Th.") printed at top of columns to determine if Name is "SET OUT." If not listed, SECONDLY refer to proper Mixed Group Page at bottom of column.
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