Cold-Pack Cheese Food
Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 133.124 (d)(1) The name of a cold-pack cheese colby cheese, granular cheese, or any for which a definition and standard of mixture of two or more of these, such identity is prescribed by this section is cheese or such mixture may be des- ‘‘Cold-pack lll cheese’’, ‘‘lll cold- ignated as ‘‘American cheese’’. pack cheese’’ or ‘‘lll club cheese’’, [42 FR 14366, Mar. 15, 1977, as amended at 49 the blanks being filled in with the FR 10093, Mar. 19, 1984; 58 FR 2892, Jan. 6, name or names of the varieties of 1993] cheese used, in order of predominance by weight. § 133.124 Cold-pack cheese food. (2) If the cold-pack cheese is made of (a)(1) Cold-pack cheese food is the cheddar cheese, washed curd cheese, food prepared by comminuting and colby cheese, or granular cheese or any mixing, without the aid of heat, one or mixture of two or more of these, it may more of the optional cheese ingredients be designated ‘‘Cold-pack American prescribed in paragraph (c) of this sec- cheese’’; or when cheddar cheese, tion with one or more of the optional washed curd cheese, colby cheese, dairy ingredients prescribed in para- granular cheese, or any mixture of two graph (d) of this section, into a homo- or more of these is combined with geneous plastic mass. One or more of other varieties of cheese in the cheese the optional ingredients specified in ingredient any of such cheeses or such paragraph (e) of this section may be mixture may be designated as ‘‘Amer- used.
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