Granular and Stirred Curd Cheese
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Food and Drug Administration, HHS § 133.144 (iii) Enzymes of animal, plant, or mi- § 133.5 and the maximum moisture con- crobial origin, used in curing or flavor tent is 45 percent by weight. development. [48 FR 2744, Jan. 21, 1983] (iv) Antimycotic agents, the cumu- lative levels of which shall not exceed § 133.144 Granular and stirred curd current good manufacturing practice, cheese. may be added to the surface of the (a) Description. (1) Granular cheese, cheese. stirred curd cheese is the food prepared (v) Benzoyl peroxide, or a mixture of by the procedure set forth in paragraph benzoyl peroxide with potassium alum, (a)(3) of this section or by any other calcium sulfate, and magnesium car- procedure which produces a finished bonate used to bleach the dairy ingre- cheese having the same physical and dients. The weight of the benzoyl per- chemical properties. The minimum oxide is not more than 0.002 percent of milkfat content is 50 percent by weight the weight of the dairy ingredients of the solids and the maximum mois- being bleached, and the weight of the ture content is 39 percent by weight as potassium alum, calcium sulfate, and determined by the methods described magnesium carbonate, singly or com- in § 133.5. If the dairy ingredients used bined, is not more than six times the are not pasteurized, the cheese is cured weight of the benzoyl peroxide used. If at a temperature of not less than 35 °F the dairy ingredients are bleached in for at least 60 days. this manner, vitamin A is added to the (2) If pasteurized dairy ingredients curd in such quantity as to compensate are used, the phenol equivalent value for the vitamin A or its precursors de- of 0.25 gram of granular cheese is not stroyed in the bleaching process, and more than 3 micrograms as determined artificial coloring is not used. by the method described in § 133.5. (vi) Vegetable fats or oil which may (3) One or more of the dairy ingredi- be hydrogenated, used as a coating for ents specified in paragraph (b)(1) of the rind. this section may be warmed, treated (c) Nomenclature. The name of the with hydrogen peroxide/catalase, and is food is ‘‘gorgonzola cheese’’. subjected to the action of a lactic acid- (d) Label declaration. Each of the in- producing bacterial culture. One or gredients used in the food shall be de- more of the clotting enzymes specified clared on the label as required by the in paragraph (b)(2) of this section is applicable sections of parts 101 and 130 added to set the dairy ingredients to a of this chapter, except that: semisolid mass. The mass is so cut, (1) Enzymes of animal, plant, or mi- stirred, and heated with continued stir- crobial origin may be declared as ‘‘en- ring, as to promote and regulate the zymes’’; and separation of whey and curd. A part of (2) The dairy ingredients may be de- the whey is drained off. The curd is clared, in descending order of predomi- then alternately stirred and drained to nance, by the use of the terms ‘‘milkfat prevent matting and to remove whey and nonfat milk’’ or ‘‘nonfat milk and from curd. The curd is then salted, milkfat’’, as appropriate; ‘‘milkfat stirred, drained, and pressed into from goat’s milk and nonfat goat’s forms. One or more of the other op- milk’’, etc. tional ingredients specified in para- graph (b)(3) of this section may be [54 FR 32054, Aug. 4, 1989, as amended at 58 added during the procedure. FR 2893, Jan. 6, 1993] (b) Optional ingredients. The following safe and suitable ingredients may be § 133.142 Gouda cheese. used: Gouda cheese conforms to the defini- (1) Dairy ingredients. Milk, nonfat tion and standard of identity and com- milk, or cream, as defined in § 133.3, plies with the requirements for label used alone or in combination. declaration of ingredients prescribed (2) Clotting enzymes. Rennet and/or for edam cheese by § 133.138, except that other clotting enzymes of animal, the minimum milkfat content is 46 per- plant, or microbial origin. cent by weight of the solids, as deter- (3) Other optional ingredients. (i) mined by the methods described in Coloring. 405 VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:52 May 15, 2014 Jkt 232071 PO 00000 Frm 00415 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\21\21V2.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 133.145 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–14 Edition) (ii) Calcium chloride in an amount those for which there are definitions not more than 0.02 percent (calculated and standards of identity, except that as anhydrous calcium chloride) by cream cheese, neufchatel cheese, cot- weight of the dairy ingredients, used as tage cheese, creamed cottage cheese, a coagulation aid. cook cheese, and skim milk cheese for (iii) Enzymes of animal, plant, or mi- manufacturing may not be used. All crobial origin, used in curing or flavor cheese ingredients used are either development. made from pasteurized milk or held at (iv) Antimycotic agents, the cumu- a temperature of not less than 35 °F for lative levels of which shall not exceed at least 60 days. Moisture may be re- current good manufacturing practice, moved from the cheese ingredients in may be added to the surface of the the manufacture of the finished food, cheese. but no moisture is added. One or more (v) Hydrogen peroxide, followed by a of the optional ingredients specified in sufficient quantity of catalase prepara- tion to eliminate the hydrogen per- paragraph (c) of this section may be oxide. The weight of the hydrogen per- used. oxide shall not exceed 0.05 percent of (b) Composition. (1) Each cheese ingre- the weight of the dairy ingredients and dient used is present at a minimum the weight of the catalase shall not ex- level of 2 percent of the weight of the ceed 20 parts per million of the weight finished food. of the dairy ingredients treated. (2) When one variety of cheese is (c) Nomenclature. The name of the used, the minimum milkfat content of food is ‘‘granular cheese’’ or, alter- the food is not more than 1 percent natively, ‘‘stirred curd cheese’’. lower than the minimum prescribed by (d) Label declaration. Each of the in- the standard of identity for that gredients used in the food shall be de- cheese. clared on the label as required by the (3) When two or more varieties of applicable sections of parts 101 and 130 cheese are used, the minimum milkfat of this chapter, except that: content is not more than 1 percent (1) Enzymes of animal, plant, or mi- below the arithmetical average of the crobial origin may be declared as ‘‘en- minimum fat content percentages pre- zymes’’; and scribed by the standards of identity for (2) The dairy ingredients may be de- the varieties of cheese used, and in no clared, in descending order of predomi- case is the milkfat content less than 31 nance, by the use of the terms ‘‘milkfat and nonfat milk’’ or ‘‘nonfat milk and percent. milkfat’’, as appropriate. (4) Milkfat and moisture contents are determined by the methods described [54 FR 32055, Aug. 4, 1989, as amended at 58 in § 133.5. FR 2893, Jan. 6, 1993] (c) Optional ingredients. The following § 133.145 Granular cheese for manu- safe and suitable ingredients may be facturing. used: Granular cheese for manufacturing (1) Antimycotics. conforms to the definition and stand- (2) Anticaking agents. ard of identity prescribed for granular (3) Spices. cheese by § 133.144, except that the (4) Flavorings other than those dairy ingredients are not pasteurized which, singly or in combination with and curing is not required. other ingredients, simulate the flavor [54 FR 32056, Aug. 4, 1989] of cheese of any age or variety. (d) Nomenclature. (1) The name of the § 133.146 Grated cheeses. food is ‘‘grated cheese’’ or ‘‘grated (a) Description. Grated cheeses is the cheeses’’, as appropriate. The name of class of foods prepared by grinding, the food shall be accompanied by a dec- grating, shredding, or otherwise laration of the specific variety of comminuting cheese of one variety or a cheese(s) used in the food and by a dec- mixture of two or more varieties. The laration indicating the presence of any cheese varieties that may be used are added spice or flavoring. 406 VerDate Mar<15>2010 16:52 May 15, 2014 Jkt 232071 PO 00000 Frm 00416 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\21\21V2.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150.