Małgorzata Mizia architektura twarzą kultury Kraków 2020 ISBN 976-83-66531-44-4 1 PRZEWODNICZĄCY KOLEGIUM REDAKCYJNEGO WYDAWNICTW NAUKOWYCH Jacek Pietraszek REDAKTOR SERII Mateusz Gyurkovich REDAKTOR PROWADZĄCY Anna Agata Kantarek RECENZENCI Klaudiusz Fross Marek Pabich SEKRETARZ SEKCJI Marta Wlazło OPRACOWANIE REDAKCYJNE Ilona Turowska SKŁAD, ŁAMANIE Małgorzata Murat-Drożyńska PROJEKT OKŁADKI Małgorzata Mizia Obraz na okładce: Małgorzata Mizia, Implosive, 2016 oil/canvas 60×70 0000-0002-1417-3805 © Copyright by Politechnika Krakowska ISBN 978-83-66531-44-4 Wydawnictwo PK, ul. Skarżyńskiego 1, 31-866 Kraków; tel. 12 628 37 25, fax 12 628 37 60 e-mail:
[email protected] Adres do korespondencji: ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Kraków Druk i oprawę wykonano w Dziale Poligrafii Politechniki Krakowskiej. Ark. wyd. 10,0 Zam. 113/2020 Nakład 100 egz. 2 Małgorzata Mizia The Architectural Face of Culture (original title: architektura twarzą kultury) Translation: Krzysztof Barnaś Proofreading: Piotr Mizia 3 Preface This text intentionally has the form of an essay, for its content concerns matters that go beyond universal and specialist research methods. It encompasses the digital records of technical devices and digital software and paintings by Rembrandt or the record-breaking achievements of the Paralympics, or a cosmic black hole. The subject discussed here concerns problems customarily qualified as belonging to scientific, technical issues, which concern measurable problems and phenomena. However, it also refers to essential problems of man, who is the model and subject of humanist explorations. Architecture pertains to the art of building and shaping space, and therefore its very name indicates discrepancies and oppositions, for the pendulum that swings towards the most technical measure, that is construction, swings equally far towards aestheticization, artistry and art, while also dealing with such indefinable matter as space can only present.