Burundi Agribusiness Program: PY 5 Second Quarter Report 1 January – 31 March 2012 Under Contract # EDH‐I‐00‐05‐00004‐00 Task Order # 10 Prepared for: Alice Nibitanga, Cognizant Technical Officer, USAID/Burundi James M Anderson Country Representative, USAID/Burundi Prepared by: Benjamin E Lentz, Chief of Party DAI/BAP 17 Rue de Coton, Qtr. GATOKE BP 1643 Bujumbura, Burundi
[email protected] 17 Rue de Coton, Quartier GATOKE BP 1643 Bujumbura, Burundi Tel : + Fax : + ii Table of Contents Page Number Acronyms and Abbreviations Executive Summary 1 Value Chains 4 Coffee 4 Introduction 4 Deliverables Matrix for Coffee 5 Activities 6 Reforms to the Coffee Sector- The Long Road to Privatization 6 Improving Coffee Productivity and Stabilizing Cyclicity 6 Training of DPAE Agronomic Staff and Community Administrators 7 Actions undertaken to improve Soil Fertility 8 Capacity Reinforcement of Farmers and their Organizations 8 Promotion and Marketing Activities 10 Initial Observations on Changes linked to Mini-Washing Stations 16 Conclusion 17 Principle Coffee Sector Activities for Q3 18 Dairy 19 Introduction 19 Dairy Deliverables Matrix 20 Activities Accomplished during Q2 21 Improving productivity the Capacity of Dairy Associations by ADC 21 Training facilitated by Lead Farmer/Community Veterinary Agents 21 Development Plans for Dairy Associations 21 Improvement and Diversification of Forage Species 22 Genetic Improvement of Dairy Cattle through Artificial Insemination 22 The Milk Collection Centers 22 Technical Support