INSIDE: • UCCA leaders meet with U.S. government officials – page 4. • Ukrainian studies in the state of Washington – page 8. • New releases focus on the Holodomor – page 9.

THEPublished U byKRAINIAN the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profitW associationEEKLY Vol. LXXVII No.26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 $1/$2 in Ukraine Vice-President Biden Yulia Tymoshenko consolidates her power by Zenon Zawada to travel to Georgia, Kyiv Press Bureau KYIV – Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko hasn’t allowed her Ukraine on July 20-24 lack of a parliamentary majority, shrinking Cabinet and worsening fiscal problems deter her from maintaining control of Ukrainian PARSIPPANY, N.J. – The White House government and even consolidating it. announced on June 22 that Vice-President The pro-presidential Our Ukraine People’s Union will make a Joe Biden will travel to Georgia and last possible attempt to dismiss Ms. Tymoshenko before the presi- Ukraine during the week of July 20-24 and dential election. At its June 27 congress, the party could decide to will meet with the political leadership of make its members resign from their Cabinet posts and thus force each country, as well as opposition figures pre-term parliamentary elections. and civil society representatives. At its June 23 session, Parliament approved January 17, 2010, as The official release from the Office of the date for the presidential election. Meanwhile, pre-term parlia- the Vice-President noted: “The vice-pres- mentary elections must occur at least six months prior, leaving only ident will demonstrate U.S. support for a week to maneuver, said Volodymyr Horbach, a political analyst at continued democratic and economic the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation in Kyiv. reforms and discuss issues of mutual “Our Ukraine’s ministers could resign, make it impossible to Web-Portal of the Ukrainian Government interest in both countries.” work and could cause Tymoshenko to resign,” he said. “Whether The White House released no other there’s enough support in Our Ukraine is not clear. A parliamen- Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko speaks on June 11 during details about the visit. tary election is the single way to extend President Viktor a meeting with the board of governors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. In Ukraine, the Ukrinform news ser- Yushchenko’s political life.” vice reported on June 23 that during the While such an election may be the president’s only hope, it’s million of Ukraine’s postal service advertising budget to print visit Ukraine and the United States are bleak at that. Our Ukraine People’s Union wouldn’t even muster the campaign placards for the presidential election. expected to confirm their intention to necessary 3 percent to qualify, according to a poll conducted on June “I have no sacred cows in the government,” Prime Minister develop cooperation in the spirit of the 12-22 by the Kyiv-based Research & Branding Group. Tymoshenko said. “My minister or not my minister, if I catch Ukraine-U.S. Strategic Partnership The Party of Regions of Ukraine would earn 29 percent of the him doing something he didn’t promise and behaving dishonest- Charter signed last December in vote, 16 percent of voters would choose the Tymoshenko Bloc, 11 ly with finances, he will be dismissed.” Washington. percent would vote for a political force led by Arseniy Yatsenyuk, 4 While she claimed both the dismissal of Mr. Vinskyi and According to the Ukrainian president’s percent for the Volodymyr Lytvyn Bloc and 4 percent for the Defense Minister Yurii Yekhanurov was caused by their involve- press secretary Iryna Vannykova, Communist Party of Ukraine, the poll of 2,079 respondents revealed. ment in corruption, other facts uncovered by Ukrainian reporters President Viktor Yushchenko is going to Research & Branding is Kyiv-based polling firm that relies indicate that it’s the standard political game of fighting for discuss with Vice-President Biden a wide on undisclosed clients for its financing. money or power, at the expense of solid governing. spectrum of issues on deepening Ukraine- Ms. Tymoshenko’s opponents are criticizing her support for Mr. Vinskyi resigned because the prime minister allegedly U.S. cooperation in the areas of overcom- two recent dismissals of ministers from her Cabinet, leaving denied him an attempt to privatize seven state railroad enterpris- ing the effects of the global economic and four critical posts vacant: defense, finance, foreign affairs and, es controlled by Ukraine’s immense rail monopoly, financial downturn, and speeding up most recently, transportation and communications. UkrZaliznytsia, reported Dielo, a Kyiv daily newspaper. cooperation in the international arena, Minister of Transportation and Communications Yosyp The general director of UkrZaliznytsia, Mykhailo Kostiuk, including energy security, strategic stabil- Vinskyi submitted his resignation on June 17 after being ity and settlement of regional conflicts. accused by Ms. Tymoshenko of attempting to expropriate $2 (Continued on page 16) Cleveland’s Ukrainian Museum-Archives holds grand re-opening CLEVELAND – The threat of rain thousands of individual items – embroi- receded, the clouds parted and several dery, pysanky, ceramics, leatherwork, hundred visitors at the Ukrainian woodcarving, etc. – the collection was Museum-Archives (UMA) in Cleveland displayed in their home in Livonia, Mich. welcomed the grand re-opening and re- The UMA has been working with the dedication on June 13 of the century-old family and Rep. Marcy Kaptur over the building, which displays magnificent past 10 years to preserve the collection. examples of Ukrainian folk art and tells Mr. Szmagala pointed out that the the story of Ukrainian immigration to UMA was not ready to take over the col- America and specifically Ohio. lection until it had completed renovations The Rev. John Nakonachny from St. that made the building environmentally Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral suitable to display and store such a pre- led the gathering in prayer and blessing cious collection. Many of the objects date of the renovated building. UMA President from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Taras Szmagala Sr. described the exten- In brief remarks, Anna Hnatiuk sive work that went into restoring the described how the collection began as a building to the look it had when the project to educate her children about Ukrainian community first acquired it Ukrainian culture and then grew to such a nearly 100 years ago. vast proportion that it is now educating the broader public. The text of her In the process, the UMA replaced the remarks will be placed in the UMA time heating and cooling system, installed capsule, which Mike Dobronos is coordi- weatherized windows, insulation, restored nating. The capsule will be sealed at the woodwork, painted, etc. Walter Ciszkewycz end of the summer to be re-opened 100 Board President Taras Szmagala speaks at the grand re-opening of the Ukrainian Most, importantly, there are new exhib- years from now. Museum Archives of Cleveland. Seated (from left) are: UMA Director Andrew its featuring the collection assembled During the program, Mr. Szmagala Fedynsky, Anna Hnatiuk, her daughter-in-law Wika Hnatiuk and son Dr. over half a century by Dr. and Mrs. Bohdan Hnatiuk. Myroslav Hnatiuk. Consisting of literally (Continued on page 18) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 No. 26 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFS

U.S.-led Sea Breeze 2009 Yushchenko honors Chernomyrdin Commission. “The parliamentary resolu- tion [setting the date of the presidential exercise cancelled in Ukraine President Victor Yushchenko on June 18 election] has passed, and when it is pub- received the ambassador of the Russian lished, it will take effect and will be filed, Federation to Ukraine, Viktor by Vladimir Socor Some of the combat training phases including by the Central Election Chernomyrdin. The meeting was held on Commission,” the official noted. Eurasia Daily Monitor include live-fire practice. Naval, air and the occasion of completion of Mr. ground force elements from the partici- According to Mr. Mahera, the second On June 22 Ukrainian Naval Chernomyrdin’s diplomatic mission in round of the elections could be held on pant countries perform tasks together as Ukraine. President Yushchenko honored Headquarters confirmed unofficially that part of Sea Breeze, using each other’s February 7, 2010, in view of the fact that, the country’s political deadlock has Ambassador Chernomyrdin with the Order according to the law on presidential elec- equipment in some cases. For Merit, third grade, and wished him doomed the multinational military exer- Sea Breeze-2009 had been envisioned tions, the second round of voting is held cise Sea Breeze-2009. According to the good health and further success. Mr. on the third Sunday after election day. as the largest exercise ever in this series, Chernomyrdin was the ambassador Ukrainian headquarters sources, the U.S. according to the commander-in-chief of (Ukrinform) Armed Forces European Command extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the the Ukrainian navy, Vice-Admiral Ihor Russian Federation in Ukraine from 2001 Transport minister resigns (EUCOM) and the U.S. 6th Fleet notified Tenyukh. It was planned to include prac- Ukraine’s defense ministry on June 17 to 2009. (Official Website of Ukraine’s tice of anti-piracy operations as a major President) KYIV – Transport and Communications officially that foreign military units had new element in this year’s Sea Breeze. Minister Yosyp Vinskyi resigned, the to cancel their participation because the The Ukrainian navy was looking forward Tymoshenko thanks Chernomyrdin ministry’s press service reported on June Ukrainian Parliament failed to authorize to the anti-piracy phase of the exercise, 17. “In compliance with Article 18 of the KYIV – Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia the entry of such units on the national ter- preparatory to Ukrainian participation in Law of Ukraine ‘On the Cabinet of Tymoshenko met with Viktor ritory for Sea Breeze-2009 (UNIAN, NATO-led missions against Somali Ministers of Ukraine,’ I send in my resig- Chernomyrdin, the Russian president’s Ukrayinska Pravda, June 22). pirates (UNIAN, June 22). nation from the post of Transport and This exercise has been held annually adviser, special representative on econom- Under Ukraine’s Constitution and leg- Communications Minister of Ukraine. since 1997 (except 2006) on Ukraine’s ic cooperation between CIS member- islation, the entry of foreign military units My statement is caused by serious differ- Black Sea coast and at sea, as well as at states, and former Russian ambassador to on the national territory requires legisla- ences with Prime Minister Yulia the Shirokyi Lan base in the Mykolayiv Ukraine. Ms. Tymoshenko thanked Mr. tive approval in each case. Traditionally, Tymoshenko regarding political, person- Oblast. Sea Breeze is a joint and com- Chernomyrdin for his significant contribu- the government prepares and the presi- nel and economic issues, as well as ethics bined naval, ground and air exercise, tion to the development of Ukrainian- dent submits annually to the Verkhovna of relations among members of the U.S.-led and mainly U.S.-financed, last- Russian relations and for his fruitful, Rada a list of international military exer- ing two weeks in July. It normally lengthy diplomatic activity, the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. In addi- cises to be held in the given year in involves more than 2,000 military person- government’s press service reported on tion, the prime minister blocks reforms Ukraine, requesting parliamentary nel from about 15 NATO members and June 19. The prime minister also wished that are badly needed by the sector and approval in the form of a special law. partner countries by invitation. the former ambassador good health and allocation of the necessary funds for President Viktor Yushchenko duly sub- The exercise is designed to enhance success. (Ukrinform) restructuring of the infrastructure objects mitted the draft law to enable the holding multinational interoperability – particu- related to holding the Euro-2012 soccer of Sea Breeze-2009 and other exercises larly with Ukrainian forces – by practic- Presidential election set for January 17 championship in Ukraine,” Mr. Vinskyi’s on April 24. The Verkhovna Rada, how- ing operational information sharing, mari- statement reads. (Ukrinform) ever, stalled and ultimately declined to KYIV – The Verkhovna Rada of time interdiction, boarding and seizure of consider the draft law as late as June 12 Ukraine on June 23 passed a resolution 100 candidates for president? suspect ships, anti-submarine operations, setting the next election of the Ukrainian mine countermeasures, diving missions, (Interfax-Ukraine, June 12, 13). Five days KYIV – National Deputy Dmytro later, with time running out for holding president for January 17, 2010. On April 1 amphibious landings, urban warfare the parliament had decided to call presi- Shlemko, a member of the Yulia improvised-explosive-device detection Sea Breeze in July, its cancellation Tymoshenko Bloc, has predicted that about became inevitable. dential elections for October 25, 2009, and disposal, paratroops’ landings, air however, the Constitutional Court declared 100 candidates will take part in the next warfare, and peacekeeping elements. (Continued on page 22) this decision unconstitutional. (Ukrinform) presidential election. He expressed this opinion at a press conference in Ivano- Campaign kicks off on September 19 Frankivsk. At the same time, he said he believes the battle in the presidential elec- KYIV – The presidential campaign will tion will proceed between only two camps. Ukrainian government launches start on September 19 in Ukraine. “The On the one hand, he said, there will be point is that the first day of the election Yulia Tymoshenko, and on the other process is September 19 [2009], provided bailout plan for three banks “everybody against her.” He added, “We, that the law is not amended [regarding the our team, will do the best for Tymoshenko terms of the election campaign from 120 by Pavel Korduban billion hrv ($5.8 billion U.S.) will be to win and complete political reform.” Eurasia Daily Monitor spent from the reserves of the National to 90 days],” said Andrii Mahera, deputy Bank of Ukraine (NBU) to bail out the chairman of the Central Election (Continued on page 14) Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia ailing banks. The government will invest Tymoshenko announced on June 10 that the equivalent of $1.26 billion in the first three banks will be bailed out. The state three banks to be bailed out, so there FOUNDED 1933 will take over stakes ranging from 84 to should still be funds to help another two THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY 98 percent in the mid-size banks Rodovid, or more banks. NBU Council Chairman Ukrgazbank and Kyiv. The government Petro Poroshenko said the sum allotted to An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., does not plan to keep the banks perma- the three banks will be more than enough a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. nently. They will be auctioned as soon as to return deposits to all their 730,000 cli- Yearly subscription rate: $55; for UNA members — $45. they start to function normally, she said. ents (Ekonomicheskie Izvestia, June 11). Periodicals postage paid at Parsippany, NJ 07054 and additional mailing offices. The government also plans to bail out This should help the government (ISSN — 0273-9348) two more banks, including Nadra, which restore trust in the banking sector, which The Weekly: UNA: is one of Ukraine’s few large private dropped to dangerously low levels in the Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 banks not controlled by foreign capital. wake of the global financial crisis. Ukraine’s banking sector was among Restoring trust in banks is the cornerstone Postmaster, send address changes to: the worst hit in Europe by the global cri- of the anti-crisis package that the govern- The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz sis. The bailout plan for the banking sec- ment agreed upon with the IMF. The gov- 2200 Route 10 Editors: Matthew Dubas tor resulted from cooperation with the ernment declared its bailout plans initially P.O. Box 280 Zenon Zawada (Kyiv) International Monetary Fund, which for seven banks last April. Later two large Parsippany, NJ 07054 pledged $16.4 billion in loans to Ukraine banks, Imexbank and Finansy i Kredit, last November. The IMF agreed that 44 rejected the plan as they did not agree to The Ukrainian Weekly Archive:; e-mail: [email protected] pass the control of more than 75 percent of stock to the state (Kommersant- The Ukrainian Weekly, June 28, 2009, No. 26, Vol. LXXVII Ukraine, May 26). Copyright © 2009 The Ukrainian Weekly Correction Thus, the number of banks to be bailed ABT principal dancer Hee Seo, per- out shrank from seven to five, three of forming the role of Natalia, Sergei’s which will now be recapitalized. Nadra is ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA sweetheart, was pictured in a photo by probably in the worst situation of the two Gene Schiavone that accompanied the banks that are still in limbo. The govern- Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3041 story “American Ballet Theater presents ment is not going to bail it out until after e-mail: [email protected] ‘On the Dnieper’ ” (June 14). Due to a it has restructured foreign debts amount- Maria Oscislawski, advertising manager (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 communication problem concerning pho- ing to almost $900 million. Acting fax: (973) 644-9510 tos sent by the ABT, Ms. Seo was mistak- Finance Minister Ihor Umansky said he Mariyka Pendzola, subscriptions e-mail: [email protected] enly identified as principal dancer Irina hopes that talks with Nadra’s creditors (973) 292-9800, ext. 3042 Dvorovenko, who appeared on the same e-mail: [email protected] bill in Balanchine’s “Prodigal Son.” (Continued on page 22) No. 26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 3 NEWS ANALYSIS: Energy and the Russian national security strategy by Roman Kupchinsky energy markets determines, in many concentrated on controlling the sources of to strengthen ’s “benevolent” con- Eurasia Daily Monitor ways, its geopolitical influence.” energy resources in the Middle East, on trol of gas supplies throughout the Central This thesis was not new; it found its the shelf of the Barents Sea and other and East European gas markets – the ulti- On May 12 Russian President Dmitry way into the 2003 “Energy Strategy of parts of the Arctic, in the Caspian Basin mate goal of which is the neutralization Medvedev approved the latest version of Russia for the Period of up to 2020,” and in ” (, of the role played by these countries with- the “National Security Strategy of the which stated at the outset that “Russia May 12). in NATO, along with the unending strug- Russian Federation up to 2020” (www. possesses great energy resources... which The document portrays a somewhat gle to increase the profits for Kremlin-, May 12). The text of the is the basis of economic development and apocalyptic scenario of future conflicts friendly Russian companies. 7,300-word document was posted on the the instrument for carrying out internal over energy resources: “In case of a com- The lack of new, forward-thinking con- website of the Russian Security Council and external policy” (, petitive struggle for resources it is not cepts within the latest Russian National and is certain to be studied by analysts in August 28, 2003). impossible to discount that it might be Security Strategy doctrine is its major the hope of finding clues to Russian Mr. Putin’s views were incorporated into resolved by a decision to use military shortcoming. The latest security strategy behavior in the years to come. the security doctrine in a roundabout but might. The existing balance of forces on appears more calculated to preserve the The National Security Strategy doctrine nonetheless blunt manner. Paragraph 9 of the borders of the Russian Federation and current Putin-Medvedev-Sechin-Gazprom outlines the basic fears and assumptions the doctrine states: “The change from bloc its allies can be changed.” clique, than to offering genuine answers shared by the current Russian leadership confrontation to the principles of multi-vec- But who will supposedly change the to Russia’s security needs. It is question- about the state of the world and Russia’s tor diplomacy and the [natural] resources balance? According to the strategy, the able whether the strategy is workable. place in it. It addresses these concerns potential of Russia, along with the pragmat- United States Ballistic Missile Defense Some European Union member states within the context of Russian national ic policies of using them has expanded the program is allegedly being constructed to such as Germany and Italy, have appar- interests, and by doing so opens a window possibilities of the Russian Federation to destroy the Russian monopoly on gas ently reconciled themselves to the possi- into the thinking of the political elite on strengthen its influence on the world arena” supplies to Europe and, therefore, the U.S. bility of long-term Russian control over such an important issue as its use of natu- (, May 12). remains the main antagonist. their economic well-being, and are turn- ral resources – above all hydrocarbon In other words, Russia’s energy Paragraph 47 continues the linkage ing a blind eye to any and all of Russia’s reserves – as a foreign policy tool. resources were once again officially between energy and Russian national opaque energy and pipeline deals in order During the past decade Russian leaders acknowledged to be tools of Russian for- security: “The sources of danger to to remain on good terms with the Kremlin have frequently rejected charges made by eign policy, or as some believe, a lever national security could become such fac- – and maintain access to its gas pipelines. European and American leaders that they for blackmail. There was apparently no tors as the crisis of world and regional If the framers of the Russian security are using energy as a weapon of foreign further reason for denying the obvious, financial-banking systems, the intensifi- doctrine have determined that the energy policy. The facts, however, point to a dif- and the authors of the security doctrine cation of the battle over natural resources, Balkanization of Europe is part of their ferent conclusion. On February 4 decided to lay out Russia’s cards on the among them energy, water and consumer strategy to keep Russia safe and trans- Ukrayinska Pravda reported that Russian table. goods” (, May 12). form it once again into a great power, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin stated: Paragraph 11 lists the geopolitical bat- As dramatic as the new Russian then they are off to a good start. “Russia enjoys vast energy and mineral tlegrounds where Russia believes that the National Security Strategy appears, it resources which serve as a base to devel- future conflicts over energy will arise – does not differ substantially from the pre- The article above is reprinted from op its economy; as an instrument to and where, by definition, its national vious doctrine. Furthermore, Russian Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission implement domestic and foreign policy. interests lie: “The attention of interna- security policy appears to be betting from its publisher, the Jamestown The role of the country on international tional politics in the long-term will be heavily on resource nationalism in order Foundation, UKRAINE’S ECONOMIC CRISIS: Interview with economist Borys Kushniruk by Zenon Zawada today’s biggest bankers. Kyiv Press Bureau He got his start in the business by acci- dent, as he describes it, showing up for a To offer an independent analysis of the job interview that was mistakenly sched- current economic crisis in Ukraine, The uled at the collector’s office in the central Ukrainian Weekly decided to interview bank of Kyiv in 1990. They sent him to a three economists who are independent of Soviet bank next door and he began work the global and Ukrainian financial elite, the next day. which is widely accused of corruption and Mr. Kushniruk was also involved in the mismanagement. This is the last interview YuneksBank banking scandal of 1997, in in the series. which board member Yakiv Rohozyn was murdered in an alleged conflict with the KYIV – Borys Kushniruk is a movie board chairman, Oleksander Sadykov, who buff, recently encouraging readers of his was arrested and released for lack of evi- blog on the Ukrayinska Pravda website to dence. watch the Russian film “Gruz 200,” which Amidst the scandal, Mr. Kushniruk was amply depicts the deterioration of Soviet accused of embezzling $3.5 million with society in the 1980s. Mr. Sadykov to an Estonian bank, which Those who wax about the glory of he insisted was a smear campaign. He was Soviet society and how orderly it was are arrested and released for lack of evidence. either wistful for their youth or forgetful, Incidentally, he returned to YuneksBank he said. in 2005 to serve as its board chairman until “I was at a chess competition in 2006. He currently offers financial con- Zenon Zawada Horlivka [in the Donbas region], and we sulting, writes blogs for Ukrayinska Borys Kushniruk, an experienced banker and economic commentator, believes weren’t allowed to go out in the evening,” Pravda and the UNIAN news wire and the Ukrainian banking system faces a worsening crisis because borrowers have Mr. Kushniruk recalled during a June 15 offers economic commentary on national less and less money to pay back their debts. interview at the Mokko café in the Pasazh, state radio. Kyiv’s luxury alleyway where homeless the government. The government produces imagine how to properly launch it. So what disturbs you the most about people beg amidst the shadows of money, which is spent on consumption. Who are “they”? $200,000 Mercedes Gs. the Ukrainian economy? The problem is not the issurance of money, These days, Mr. Kushniruk, 43, is a What disturbs me to the largest degree but that this money goes immediately for The government and the central bank. self-described freelancer, a lifestyle for is the decline in production. [Editor’s note: consumption. They don’t understand it. This seems established professionals who do freelance Industrial production fell 30 percent in the funny – but what’s complicated here? But Those who lead production very often there’s even the experience of the U.S. work, write blogs, network and plan their first quarter alone, the government report- influence the banking system because Look at the policy of Henry Paulson buy- next career move. ed.] This is the decline of revenues for they have large factories and banks. ing up toxic assets. I view this quite criti- Earning a candidate of sciences degree legal and physical entities. [Editor’s note: Meaning such oligarchs as Igor cally. Why? In this way, you rescue a part in finance isn’t one of them. After consult- Ukrainian law recognizes two entities – a Kolomoisky, Victor Pinchuk. Why can’t of the banks to a certain extent. Fine. But ing with the doctors who would have legal entity which is typically a business, they influence the government so that excuse me, the banks are left with all these served as his academic mentors, Mr. and a physical entity which is typically an more is spent on infrastructure rather toxic assets in the economy – someone’s Kushniruk decided it wasn’t worth his individual person.] Why? There are many than social payments? obligations which aren’t being fulfilled. time or effort. “I understood that they borrowers, as a result of which there’s Firstly, they all have the same effect – might be doctors of science, but not a day nothing to pay banks with. There’s quite a Truly, the problem is twofold. For the these loans can’t be returned. The financial had they worked in real business,” he said. significant crisis for banks and that’s why government to properly organize a system of developing production, it’s a lot more situation didn’t improve for those who are “And they quite confidently and categori- the main problem that currently exists is debtors to these toxic assets. Secondly, complicated than simply taking money and cally began to say things which I couldn’t inflation. fine, the banks received money. The gov- giving it out to people. It’s a display of take seriously because I understood that The problem is the central bank ernment, the Central Bank and the Federal populism, meaning they need money now they’re talking nonsense.” [National Bank of Ukraine] believes that it Reserve bought these toxic assets. Where Once at the core of Ukraine’s banking buys on the secondary market, but practi- to distribute immediately. The second to put this money? These enterprises are establishment, Mr. Kushniruk now mingles cally it buys government bonds from the component is they aren’t able to properly in and out, having worked with some of central bank. These bonds are bought from organize the process. They can’t even (Continued on page 10) 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 No. 26 UCCA meets with U.S. government officials in advance of Obama-Medvedev summit UCCA tions that historic U.S. support for continue to support the April 2008 NATO fact that the Verkhovna Rada refused to Ukraine may be waning despite increas- Bucharest Summit communiqué with consider the bill approving President NEW YORK – Two and a half weeks ing pressure exerted by Russia on regard to Ukraine, which states: “NATO Viktor Yushchenko’s decision to admit for- before the Obama/Medvedev summit, Ukraine. welcomes Ukraine’s and Georgia’s Euro- eign military troops into Ukraine to partic- members of the executive board of the Meeting with the UCCA representa- Atlantic aspirations for membership in ipate in these multinational maneuvers. Ukrainian Congress Committee of America tives, Robert Boehme, director of the NATO. We agree today that these coun- (Editor’s note: The Sea Breeze-2009 mili- (UCCA) on June 17 met with representa- Office of Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus tries will become members of NATO.” tary exercises were cancelled on June 22.) tives of the U.S. Department of State, the Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, However, he emphasized that NATO Addressing the issue of the Bilateral White House, the U.S. Senate and House of expressed the administration’s current membership is a process. Charter on Strategic Partnership, Ms. Representatives to discuss the new adminis- frustration regarding the appearance of At a meeting with Kristina Kvien, direc- Kvien agreed that this is a good frame- tration’s policy towards Ukraine. Ukraine’s lack of political stability and tor of European affairs at the National work for future U.S. policy toward The UCCA delegation included Tamara economic management, particularly Security Council, Ms. Lozynskyj of the Ukraine. She added that a U.S. outpost in Olexy, president; Roksolana Lozynskyj, regarding the budget and banking system. UCCA’s External Affairs Committee Crimea is a viable possibility in the chair of the External Affairs Committee; Although Mr. Boehme defended the expressed the Ukrainian American com- future. Furthermore, she expressed the and Michael Sawkiw Jr., director of the current policy of “resetting” U.S relations munity’s concern that, “the Russian U.S. interest in continuing the Joint Ukrainian National Information Service with Russia, he reiterated the Obama Federation is increasing its pressure on Consultative Group between the two (UNIS). administration’s commitment to its rela- Ukraine both internally and externally.” countries with the hope of strengthening Ms. Olexy commened: “It is important tionship with Ukraine. He assured the Ms. Kvien sought to assure the UCCA its effectiveness in the future. for the Ukrainian community to express UCCA that any decisions the administra- delegation that, although there is present- The UCCA reiterated its concerns in its concerns to the new administration, tion makes with regard to Russia will not ly a sense of frustration with Ukraine, the subsequent meetings held with Jonathan especially during this critical period of be made at the expense of its neighbors, administration continues to be fully com- Katz, senior advisor to Rep. Robert policy formation, and we look forward to including Ukraine. mitted to maintaining and supplementing Wexler (D-Fla.) and staff director of the commencing such a dialogue.” Heartened by these words, Mr. Sawkiw, good relations. She assured the UCCA Subcommittee on Europe in the House In an effort to maintain high-level con- of UNIS noted that: “the bilateral charter that there continues to be much interac- Committee on Foreign Affairs; and Jason tacts between the U.S. and Ukraine – on strategic partnership, signed under the tion with Ukraine’s government, citing Bruder, professional staff member of the defined by both parties as a strategic part- Bush Administration in December 2008, is the recent trips to Ukraine by such high- Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. nership – the UCCA relayed the support an effective framework for formulating level government officials as U.S. Special The UCCA delegation thanked the of the million-strong Ukrainian American future U.S-Ukraine relations and would be Envoy for Eurasian Energy Richard congressional friends of Ukraine for their community for a visit by President beneficial to implement to strengthen bilat- Morningstar and U.S. Deputy Secretary continuous support and reiterated their Barack Obama to Ukraine during his trip eral relations.” of State James Steinberg. desire for the new administration to to Europe in early July. The UCCA dele- Mr. Boehme assured the UCCA that Ms. Kvien expressed some concerns, engage Ukraine, as many Ukrainian gation also expressed concern about the the new administration was taking the referring in particular to the probable can- Americans are concerned that Ukraine current administration’s seeming lack of a bilateral charter seriously. Moreover, he cellation of the Partnership for Peace (PfP) might get lost in the shuffle as a result of clear policy toward Ukraine and sugges- stated that the Obama administration will exercises scheduled in 2009, due to the a reset of U.S. relations with Russia.

Helsinki Commission urges White House to raise rights concerns at summit WASHINGTON – Sen. Benjamin L. discrimination. “As an OSCE participating Collection have appeared on the black over a century. Earlier this year, the Cardin (D-Md.), chairman of the State, Russia should be encouraged to fully market. The prospect that the integrity of General Prosecutor’s Office of the Commission on Security and Cooperation respect the rights of all Russians, including this religious library has been compro- Russian Federation reportedly contacted in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission), Jehovah’s Witnesses, to freely profess and mised has caused profound sadness local prosecutors suggesting that investi- along with Co-Chairman Rep. Alcee L. practice their faith without fear or intimi- throughout the Chabad community and gations be launched targeting the commu- Hastings (D-Fla.), Ranking Minority dation,” Commissioners wrote in the letter great concern to those of us who have fol- nities of Jehovah’s Witnesses in their Members Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kansas) to President Obama. lowed developments relating to the area. At least eight cases have been filed and Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) sent a letter The full text of the joint letter follows. Collection over the years. Recalling that under Russia’s Law on Counteracting to President Barack Obama on June 23, you were among the 100 senators to write Extremism, with the aim of banning reli- urging him to make the discussion of viola- * * * to then-President Vladimir Putin in early gious literature produced by the Jehovah’s tions of human rights, including religious Dear Mr. President: 2005 on the Schneerson Collection, we ask Witnesses. A wide array of government and press freedoms, high priorities for his We hope that your upcoming summit that you raise this longstanding issue with agencies have been employed as part of upcoming summit in Moscow. with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev President Medvedev with the aim of secur- this nationwide sweep which is having a The leaders of the U.S. Helsinki results in improvements in bilateral rela- ing the return of these sacred religious chilling effect on this minority communi- Commission cited Russia’s violations of tions and decisions that prove mutually texts, archives and manuscripts to Agudas ty. As an OSCE participating State, religious and press freedoms – including beneficial to citizens in both countries. In Chasidei Chabad without further delay. Russia should be encouraged to fully the country’s attacks on Jehovah’s this regard, we urge you to raise three spe- Finally, we urge you to voice concern respect the rights of all Russians, includ- Witnesses and its failure to prosecute cific concerns with President Medvedev regarding the countrywide crackdown ing Jehovah’s Witnesses, to freely profess those who have murdered journalists. during your meetings in Moscow. against Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia, a and practice their faith without fear or “Human rights, freedom of the press and Mr. President, the Congress is on community that has been present there for intimidation. freedom of religion are critical issues that record expressing concern over attempts need to be raised with Russia at the highest to limit the free flow of information in levels possible,” said Sen. Cardin. “Silence Russia and the fate of journalists, includ- allows others to wrongly interpret our ing American Paul Klebnikov, killed as a actions as tacit support. I strongly encour- Canadian MP’s motion seeks to protect result of their professional pursuits. age the administration to include human Notwithstanding pronouncements by rights in a very visible and frank manner.” senior Russian government officials integrity of Immigration and Refugee Act The joint letter voices concerns which were highlighted on June 23 in a commis- regarding the need to ensure protection of OTTAWA – Member of Parliament actively engaged in the war on terrorism,” sion hearing titled “The Medvedev Thaw: journalists and the importance of objec- James Bezan (Selkirk-Interlake), tabled a Mr. Bezan said. “Why would we allow Is it Real? Will it Last?” Commissioners tive investigation of the murders, inqui- private member’s motion in the House of people who have been involved in these heard from the leader of Jehovah’s ries into such cases typically falter. Commons calling upon the government crimes to come to Canada?” Witnesses in Russia about how members According to the U.S.-based Committee to uphold the integrity of the Immigration In early June a federal court judge of that religion face official harassment to Protect Journalists, scores of journal- and Refugee Protection Act. refused an appeal of a deportation order because of their faith; a prominent busi- ists have been murdered in Russia alone M-356 asks the government to take for an ex-KGB agent that has been in nessman whose company was stolen by a since the early 1990s. As your visit coin- necessary steps to refuse entry into Canada for the last 12 years, having been network of corrupt government officials; cides with the fifth anniversary of Paul Canada to people who have engaged in, admitted on a student visa. Mr. Bezan and the widow of murdered Forbes Russia Klebnikov’s murder, we urge you to or have been members of a group that has said he believes that the Department of editor Paul Klebnikov, who was assassi- impress upon the Russian authorities the engaged in acts of espionage, subversion, Citizenship and Immigration and the nated five years ago July after reporting on importance the United States attaches to terrorism, genocide or crimes against court have made sound decisions in this political corruption. Nobody has been held bringing to justice all of those responsible humanity. It also calls on the government case in accordance with existing legisla- to account for Mr. Klebnikov’s murder. in any way for his murder. to denaturalize and deport those who have tion. “I hope President Obama will make The Helsinki Commission has a long obtained Canadian citizenship under false “Canada should not be a safe haven for discussions of freedom a central part of history of engagement on the Schneerson pretences and to enforce removal orders terrorists or former members of any his visit with President Medvedev and Collection, a library of sacred Jewish texts against all persons who are inadmissible Communist state’s secret police forces,” show human rights advocates the world written by rebbes of the Lubavitcher to Canada. Mr. Bezan stated. “People that have been over that America’s commitment to reset Chasidic community prior to the Bolshevik “The people of Canada have always members of organizations such as the the Russian relationship should come Revolution. Seized by the Soviet govern- taken strong positions denouncing and KGB, Gestapo, Al Qaeda, or the Taliban with a corresponding reset of Russia’s ment in the 1920s, it is currently held in combating crimes against humanity. do not meet the requirements for entry human rights record,” Rep. Hastings said. the Russian State Library and the Russian Canada has always stood on solid ground into Canada under the Immigration and The Russian crackdown on Jehovah’s State Military Archive. We are particularly opposing the Holocaust in Germany, the Refugee Protection Act. If they have Witnesses, including the banning of reli- concerned over recent reports that hand- Holodomor in Ukraine, the Armenian and entered Canada, then they should be gious literature is an outrageous display of written pages from the Schneerson Rwandan genocides, and we have been deported,” he added. No. 26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 5 CIUS and Kyiv Mohyla Academy to cooperate on scholarly projects EDMONTON, Alberta – An agreement informed him about the Ukrainian programs on scholarly collaboration between the at the Department of Modern Languages Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, and Cultural Studies. At a meeting with rep- University of Alberta, and the National resentatives of the Faculty of Graduate University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy Studies and Research, Dr. Kvit acquainted (NUKMA) was signed on May 4 in himself with the administration and structure Edmonton by CIUS Director Dr. Zenon of the faculty’s doctoral programs. These are Kohut and KMA President Dr. Serhii Kvit. particularly relevant to the KMA, which The agreement will promote cooperation intends to establish the first such programs in the fields of history, culture and Ukrainian in Ukraine on the basis of Western models. literature of the 16th to 20th centuries. More Dr. Kvit also visited the Alberta School specifically, it includes a project involving of Business, where his host was John Doyle, the study and publication of old printed texts the program director. At a reception held at and manuscripts, especially polemical, the Faculty Club, the KMA president was didactic and homiletic works of the 16th to greeted by Dr. Britta Baron, vice-provost 18th centuries; the study of literary, histori- and associate vice-president (international), cal and social aspects of contemporary and by the director of the Education Abroad Ukraine; seminars and short-term educa- Program. tional and research trips for undergraduate He also visited Grant MacEwan College and graduate students; and the exchange of and was hosted by Roman Petryshyn, the books, journals, and other literature and director of the Ukrainian Resource and CIUS information. Development Center. Dr. Serhii Kvit (left) and Dr. Zenon Kohut sign an agreement on cooperation The first project will deal with the study Dr. Kvit gave two lectures to members of between the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy and the Canadian of Ukraine’s religious and cultural heritage. the Ukrainian community in Edmonton, Institute of Ukrainian Studies. A series of texts, including works of promi- speaking in detail about the NUKMA as the nent preachers and clergymen such as oldest higher educational institution in reduced to a military school. Only with the Briukhovetsky, the first president of the Inokentii Gizel, Varlaam Yasynsky and Ukraine. Founded in the early 17th century, proclamation of Ukraine’s independence in NUKMA. He is the author of 10 books and Stefan Yavorsky, as well as collections of it developed Ukrainian intellectual life in a 1991 was its academic status restored. numerous publications in the fields of com- occasional and thematic sermons, will be period of radical social and political change, Today the NUKMA is proud to be one of munications and media, journalism and lit- published under the title “An Anthology of liberation movements and wars, and pro- the most prestigious educational institutions erature. Seventeenth-Century Ukrainian Sermons.” moted the formation of the Ukrainian state. in Ukraine. Oriented on Western models, it Dr. Kvit’s visit to Canada was orga- A catalogue of manuscript sources will be The many famous Ukrainians who stud- has adopted two working languages, nized by the Canada Ukraine Foundation published separately. ied there include the Kozak Hetmans Ivan Ukrainian and English, and well-known lec- and its president, Bob Onyschuk. In the The project will also include a collection Vyhovsky, Petro Doroshenko and Ivan turers from abroad are invited on a regular course of his busy trip Dr. Kvit also visit- of scholarly essays on these texts that will Mazepa, the architect Ivan Hryhorovych- basis. ed Toronto, Ottawa and Hamilton, address the culture, language and stylistics Barsky, the composers Maksym Berezovsky There are important architectural monu- Ontario; Winnipeg, Manitoba; and of the Ukrainian sermon, the evolution of and Artem Vedel, the poet and archbishop ments on the KMA premises, such as the Calgary, Alberta; where he met with rep- theology in Ukraine, rhetorical and ethical Lazar Baranovych, the Orthodox metropoli- congregational Church of the Annunciation, resentatives of various Canadian univer- aspects of oratorical prose, and its philo- tan Stefan Yavorsky and the philosopher where the academy’s students and gradu- sities, business circles, and Ukrainian sophical and anthropological analysis. Hryhorii Skovoroda. ates hold their weddings and baptize their organizations to promote the activities of Dr. Kvit also had an opportunity to meet Between 1819 and 1918 the KMA was children. the National University of Kyiv Mohyla with the staff of CIUS and other University turned into a theological academy by impe- Dr. Kvit was elected the university’s Academy. of Alberta units. Dr. Irene Sywenky rial decree; during the Soviet period, it was president in 2007, succeeding Dr. Viacheslav – CIUS Press Service Work of UCU “akin to building our state,” says President Yushchenko by Taras Antoshevskyy form basic essentials: what needs to be done so that we have a successful Ukrainian state. LVIV – During his visit to Lviv on May Believe me, starting with blessings and end- 28, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko ing with the spiritual ‘locomotive,’ we need visited the Ukrainian Catholic University the Church everywhere,” said Mr. (UCU). “I bow my head before what you Yushchenko. do,” the president told UCU’s rector, the Speaking about the role of the clergy in Rev. Borys Gudziak, Ph.D. “It seems to me the building of the Ukrainian state, the presi- that the work of your university is akin to dent said: “The Ukrainian Church – I want building our state.” to talk about all denominations, including Mr. Yushchenko met with administra- Greek-Catholics – provides a strong national tors and students of UCU. The Rev. compass. And this gives us, both politicians Gudziak informed the president that UCU and other people, the possibility to seriously is the only Catholic university on the ter- re-think our mission today. Day after day we ritory of the former and he become more mature in the idea of under- focused special attention or the social, standing the category of citizenship, the cat- ecumenical, catechetical and pedagogical egory ‘citizen of Ukraine’… Only with the activities of UCU. The university was the Bible in our hearts will we be able to build main proponent of the necessity for the the Ukrainian state, with the Bible in our government to recognize theology as an hearts are we able to solve society’s prob- academic discipline and also the need to lems,” he emphasized. introduce the subject of Christian ethics In his speech to students and staff of Hryhoriy Prystay into Ukraine’s schools. UCU, President Yushchenko underscored The Rev. Dr. Borys Gudziak, rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University, tells In his speech, Mr. Yushchenko gave an the matter of a single national Church, with- President Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine about the university’s future plans. excursus on Ukrainian history and turned out which, in his words, the nation cannot his attention to the important role of the have unity. He positively assessed discus- Church in state-building. “I am deeply con- “Step by step, day by day we are creat- would ask the pope to support the university sions being held now among the Orthodox. ing a more tolerant society,” said Mr. at his meeting at the Vatican on June 1. “You vinced,” said the president, “that the Church He particularly praised the participation of Yushchenko, adding that this involves are worthy of attention and support,” today is carrying out a unique mission... the Ecumenical Patriarchate of difficult discussions on the theme of President Yushchenko stated. Through spiritual values the human being Constantinople in Ukrainian matters. Church relations. He emphasized that can come to understand his purpose and The president emphasized that he sees *** mission in this life. Everything else is sim- the Church as a partner of the state. Thus, “through the example of the Church in ply dust.” he said, the state is ready to help the the organizing of relations, the organizing Further information about UCU (in “Colossal efforts are needed to renew Church solve its problems. On the other of the tolerance of society, we can give a English and Ukrainian) is available on the morals,” which, as the president said, were hand, he said, the state cannot be indiffer- unique example for other spheres of rela- university’s website at ruined through 75 years of a godless, ent to “how Church life is organized, in tions, including political.” Readers may also contact the Ukrainian Communist regime. In particular the presi- harmony or schism... In the name of the At the end of the discussion the president Catholic Education Foundation, which is the dent acknowledged the role of the Church in secular government, I only want to say that promised to assist in the matter of normaliz- largest supporter of UCU’s annual operating the consolidation of the community around we are concerned about Church life. And ing the question of religious organizations budget, in writing at 2247 W. Chicago Ave., the issue of building an independent all the time I demonstrate that the state is founding schools for general education and Chicago, IL 60622; by phoning Ukraine. “I hope that this was the last, tri- not indifferent to problems in Church life. the financing of an obligatory program from 773-235-8462; e-mailing [email protected]; or umphant declaration of our independence, We are partners of the Church and want to the state budget. browsing its website, The which will not be subject to revision. But I help Church leaders find mutual under- The president also promised to support phone number of the UCEF in Canada is am convinced that here the spiritual core can standing and harmony.” the work of UCU; in particular, he said he 416-239-2495. 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 No. 26

NEWS AND VIEWS THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Preserving and sharing Canada doesn’t need Since the first Ukrainian immigrants arrived in this country, they and their descen- former KGB officers dants have sought to preserve their heritage and pass it on to succeeding generations. It is thanks to their dedication that our community today continues to be strong and by Lubomyr Luciuk KGB man “sought sanctuary” in the First can boast of myriad institutions, organizations and groups that are active in diverse Lutheran Church of East Vancouver. He had no right to come here. fields of endeavor. Folks who come to an understanding of He has no right to remain here. The front page of this week’s issue features a venerable and valuable institution in the law by watching re-runs of “The He was an officer of the KGB, the noto- the Cleveland area that was founded back in 1952. As the Ukrainian Museum- Hunchback of Notre Dame” may feel other- rious Soviet secret police. Every member Archives notes on its website, its founders, members of the Third Wave of immigrants wise, but there is actually no right of “sanc- of the Communist political police was to the United States, were “displaced scholars who took on the mission of collecting tuary” in any church, temple, synagogue or either directly or indirectly responsible for and preserving items from Ukrainian history and culture during an era when this kind mosque in Canada. While imagining a KGB the enslavement and murder of millions of of material was being deliberately destroyed in Soviet Ukraine.” The website points man on his knees praying for forgiveness is innocents. out that, “Over the course of its first quarter century, the UMA compiled a huge col- amusing, what is not is that this bolthole was The men and women of the KGB were lection that includes many rare, even unique items.” Since then, of course, the collec- set up before the good judge rendered his not conscripts. They were an elite that tion has grown, and the UMA has expanded its reach and its goals. Today the UMA’s judgment. In other words, the KGB man and enjoyed perks in the USSR – better pay, bet- holdings include books and periodicals, Ukrainian fine and folk art, a Taras his friends decided that if they didn’t like the ter holidays, foreign travel, a privileged sta- Shevchenko collection, and countless unique archives and artifacts grouped under the court’s decision they would just ignore it tus – just like the SS in Nazi Germany. And heading “general collection.” and spirit him away to a church basement. they had an identical function – the repres- The UMA’s grand re-opening on June 13 of its century-old original building is per- That’s where he now sits, thumbing his nose sion of dissent, the orchestration of genocide, haps the most tangible evidence that this institution is alive and well, and looking for- at the authorities. the running of the concentration camps of ward to overcoming new challenges and meeting new goals. Also noteworthy is the The remedy is obvious. Canada Border the Gulag. The only difference between them fact that in recent years the UMA completed the construction of a new archival build- Services Agency officials need to enter the ing (which stands next to the museum’s original home) that provides state-of-art facili- and their Nazi colleagues is that the Reds building, seize the KGB man and put him ties in a humidity- and temperature-controlled environment. butchered more people – no less than 20 mil- on the first plane back to Mother Russia. In 2008 alone the UMA presented an exhibit on the occasion of the 60th anniversa- lion victims – because they had a longer run Those who deliberately aided and abetted a ry of the Displaced Persons Act, which paved the way for tens of thousands of in power, from 1917 to 1991. Thankfully, the fugitive from the law should then be given Ukrainians to immigrate to the U.S. after World War II, as well as an exhibit com- Nazi regime lasted only 12 years. their day in court. The notion that there is memorating the 75th anniversary of the Holodomor (both exhibits are available also Canadian immigration laws forbid all some kind of “sanctuary” in religious build- online); hosted a film-screening and lecture by Damian Kolodiy, director of “Orange veterans of the KGB from entering Canada. ings needs to be undone, once and for all. If Chronicles”; screened the film “Folk” by Roxolana Toporowych; welcomed field trips And, let’s be clear on this, you need not all this doesn’t happen, it’ll be obvious the organized by area colleges, schools and clubs, Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian alike; have been a killer. If all you did was make country is not governed by the rule of law was the venue for orientation workshops for Peace Corps volunteers headed to lunch or iron the executioners’ uniforms you but by the whims of those whom Lenin Ukraine; and provided assistance to university researchers on Ukraine-related projects. are still inadmissible. That’s the law. appropriately enough described as “useful Today, under the leadership of Andrew Fedynsky, director, and Taras Szmagala Sr., There are some Canadians who don’t like idiots.” president, the Ukrainian Museum-Archives is continuing its ambitious oral history this rule. Fair enough. They can work to But it won’t be enough if we only deport project (over 40 people have been interviewed thus far), installing professional muse- change it. That’s their democratic right. But this one KGB man. Ottawa needs to finish um collection software on its computers, installing new permanent exhibits, and more. this man has no such privilege. He is not a the job. There are other veterans of the Clearly, this is a thriving institution with a bright future. citizen. Whether he has lived here for a Soviet secret police – the NVKD, SMERSH We wish the Ukrainian Museum-Archives many more years of successfully fulfill- decade or been a nice neighbor or grows and KGB – here in Canada. They have, so ing its declared mission: “To preserve and share Ukrainian culture and the immigrant gardenias in his garden and gives them to far, escaped justice. We need to purge our experience.” the poor is irrelevant. He should never have home and native land of all of them. Even been allowed into Canada and he has no one is too many. * * * right to stay here. Finally please don’t start whining on The Ukrainian Museum-Archives is located at: 1202 Kenilworth Ave., Cleveland, Being compassionate, we have given him about my lack of compassion. There are OH 44113; telephone, 216-781-4329; e-mail, [email protected]. Information more than one chance to prove otherwise millions of genuine refugees in the world. on how to support the UMA is available online at and to do so at our expense. He had a hear- Canada can and should provide victims of ing before the Immigration and Refugee persecution both asylum and opportunity, Board. That tribunal rejected his claim to just as both were once offered to my parents. refugee status. He appealed that finding. Half a century ago they found sanctuary After carefully reviewing the case a federal here from Nazi and Soviet oppression. Ever July court judge concluded that he should be since they have helped build this country. Turning the pages back... deported. Instead of obeying the court the It’s unconscionable that we would now tol- erate a veteran of one of the evil regimes Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk serves as chair- that tried to eradicate them in our midst. 3 man of the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Canada doesn’t need KGB captains as citi- One year ago, on July 3, 2008, the Parliamentary Assembly of Liberties Association. zens. Not even one. 2008 the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which comprises 320 parliamentarians from 56 European and North American countries, adopted a resolution on the Famine of ACTION ITEM 1932-1933 in Ukraine that “strongly encourages all parliaments to adopt acts regarding rec- ognition of the Holodomor.” The resolution stated, in part: “The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly pays tribute to the innocent lives of millions of Ukrainians who perished during the Holodomor of 1932 and Continued advocacy for visit 1933 as a result of the mass starvation brought about by the cruel deliberate actions and poli- cies of totalitarian Stalinist regime.” The resolution also “supports the initiative of Ukraine by President Obama to Ukraine to reveal the full truth of this tragedy of Ukrainian people, in particular, through raising pub- lic awareness of the Holodomor at international and national levels” and “invites the parlia- The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) welcomes the recent White mentarians of the OSCE participating states to participate in the events commemorating the House announcement of Vice-President Joe Biden’s upcoming trip to Ukraine at the end of 75th anniversary of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine.” July. His discussions in Ukraine should prove fruitful for enhancing the bilateral dialogue The Holodomor resolution was passed during the plenary meeting of the assembly’s 17th between Ukraine and the United States. annual session held on June 29-July 3, 2008, in Astana, Kazakhstan. Oleh Bilorus, chairman Indeed, having just successfully met with various administration and congressional offi- of Ukraine’s delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly, authored the resolution. Members of cials in Washington, last week, the UCCA considers the sustainability of bilateral relations the U.S. Helsinki Commission, who were part of the U.S. delegation to the OSCE between Ukraine and the United States as crucial to the further development of their strate- Parliamentary Assembly, co-sponsored the Holodomor resolution. gic partnership. The measure was passed over objections from Russia and Kazakhstan, which insisted As noted in the strategic partnership agreement signed in December 2008, the United that the Ukrainian people were not the only ones affected by the tragedy. The speaker of the States is committed to Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration, democratic transition, sovereign- Russian Federation Council, Sergey Mironov, called the resolution acknowledging the ty and territorial integrity, and supports its reform processes. Famine “complete nonsense.” Russian delegate Natalia Karpovich said, “We should Notwithstanding the vice-president’s discussions in Kyiv, the UCCA considers it worth- acknowledge that the Holodomor was not only in Ukraine; Russians, Poles, Kazakhs and while for President Barack Obama to stop over in Ukraine during his trip to Moscow on other peoples suffered in the tragedy.” France also did not support the resolution. July 6-8. Such a visit would signal Ukraine’s strategic importance as an ally of the United Speaking at a news conference, Mr. Bilorus said the Ukrainian delegation, when formu- States, especially in light of the external pressures positioned upon the Ukrainian state. lating the draft resolution, “adopted a reasonable considered position and characterized the Thus, the UCCA urges the Ukrainian American community to continue its advocacy of Holodomor as scientists and historians do.” He added, “We proceeded from particularly President Obama’s visit to Ukraine by sending letters, e-mails, or faxes to the White House. humanistic positions emphasizing that we blame neither modern Russia, nor modern states, E-mails may be sent to the White House’s website at but we, first of all, defend the honor and dignity of 10 million innocent victims who died as Our collective success depends upon your support. Let our voices be heard! a result of the Holodomor in the USSR republics.” The additional information, please contact the Ukrainian National Information Service at 202-547-0018 or via e-mail at [email protected]. Source: Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE approves Holodomor resolution, The Ukrainian Weekly, July 13, 2008. – submitted by the Ukrainian National Information Service, Washington No. 26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 7

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR faces and places by myron b. kurpoas There must have been some, even vile ones. Faces and Places Questions about Let’s face it, Ukrainians aren’t saints. However, to date, none of the numerous by Myron B. Kuropas Demjanjuk case post-World War II, most-thorough and worldwide investigations by the assorted Dear Editor: Wiesenthal and B’nai B’rith centers, Zionist John Demjanjuk has been deported to movements, hordes of the so-called “Nazi- Obama, Ukraine and the age of Zinn Germany. If the German court finds Mr. hunters,” the KGB, Mossad, OSI, CIA, FBI Demjanjuk innocent, and the U.S. considers and others, were successful in the discov- News that Vice-President Joe Biden rorist was a close friend. That’s about it. him deported, he will not be allowed to re- ery, let alone conviction in any criminal will be visiting Ukraine in July is a wel- That’s our president’s pedigree. enter the United States. When Mr. court of law, of any Ukrainian guilty of any come development. Mr. Biden has been Unlike other American presidents – Demjanjuk was extradited to Israel in 1987, war crimes during World War II. sympathetic to Ukraine’s aspirations in Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman and after the Israeli Supreme Court found him And it’s highly unlikely that in the the past and his visit bodes well for U.S.- Ronald Reagan come immediately to not guilty, the U.S. had to take him back upcoming show-trial of John Demjanjuk Ukraine relations. mind – President Obama is not steeped in because that was an extradition. the “evidence” submitted to the German Ukraine is not my country, however. American history. He demonstrates little I question Germany’s interest in putting judiciary by the vociferous finger-pointing America is my country and right now I appreciation for America’s greatness. Mr. Demjanjuk on trial. Germany in 1969 bigots and the perpetual whiners of the par- am more concerned about its future than Images like “city on a hill,” “land of the gave amnesty to its citizens who took part tisan media, will be adequate to convict the about Ukraine’s future. Ukraine will sur- free, home of the brave,” “one nation ailing 89-year-old of being an accessory in in Nazi war crimes. How can they now, in vive and eventually thrive. America will under God” – don’t resonate. Already he this killing, by German monsters (are they good conscience, try Mr. Demjanjuk or the survive as well. The question is what has begun replacing historic White House all still in jail?) some 65 years ago of 29,000 same charges they exempted themselves kind of America will it be? paintings with more “contemporary” art. inmates of the Sobibor concentration camp. from? Every day we learn of a new presiden- President Obama seems to think that The charges potentially make Mr. The Office of Special Investigations at tial initiative, another photo-op followed American prosperity is the result of Demjanjuk the greatest and only Ukrainian the U.S. Department of Justice has been by a lengthy Obama interview. oppression of the downtrodden at home war criminal of World War II. pursuing Mr. Demjanjuk since 1977. One Everybody loves Barack Hussein Obama and the exploitation of others abroad. He Really, if Germany has any decency and would think that if he really was guilty of – Congress, the major media, Blacks and romances post-Christian Europe, espous- is genuinely interested in the prosecution of these heinous crimes, it would not take the Hispanics, American youth, academics, ing “the promise of a secular nation,” World War II-era war criminals, it ought to OSI this long to have him convicted. socialists the world over and Ukrainian ignoring America’s Judeo-Christian heri- leave the eternally terrorized Mr. Demjanjuk In my opinion, the OSI in the Democrats. Even Notre Dame’s president tage. The leader of the free world joyfully alone, and go after its very own war crimi- Demjanjuk’s case has lost all of its credibil- loves President Obama. The “perfect can- accepts anti-American books from Hugo nals. There must be many thousands of ity. Now its trying to save face. They didate” that I wrote about during the Chavez, listens intently to offensive rants them still alive who either murdered or accused Mr. Demjanjuk of being “Ivan the campaign has now become the “perfect by Marxist Daniel Ortega, and bows were accessories in the slaughter of 8 mil- Terrible” and sentenced him to death in president.” before the ruler of Saudi Arabia, whose lion brave Ukrainians, especially Ukraine’ s Israel. It took the fall of the former Soviet I respect Mr. Obama because he is my nation has been exporting anti-American 5.5 million peaceful civilian “untermen- Union to prove that the OSI falsely accused president. He is charismatic, intelligent, Wahhabi hatred for generations. He apol- schen.” Were any of them ever prosecuted Mr. Demjanjuk, and that a much older man, and eloquent. But he scares me. I see a ogizes to Muslims in Egypt, birthplace of by Germany? Ivan Marchenko, was actually the brutal man who wants to transform America the radical Muslim Brotherhood (still “Ivan.” Israel had no other choice but to Myroslaw Prytulak into his own image at my expense. preaching the restoration of the exonerate Mr. Demjanjuk and send him Windsor, Ontario President Obama seems to believe that Caliphate), and a corrupt state suppress- back to the United States. America is a diseased, depraved nation in ing all dissension by its poverty-stricken This did not sit well with the Nazi- need of major surgery. Academics and people. hunting group in Washington. They now others have been pounding this drum for President Obama may not be proud of claim he was someone else somewhere Obama: stay decades. We live in the Age of Howard America, but his Kenyan roots are a dif- else, and an accessory to the extermination Zinn, the revisionist historian whose text- ferent story. As president, he returned a of 29,000 Jews. Isn’t this a case of double away from Ukraine book, “A People’s History of the United bust of Winston Churchill to Great or triple jeopardy ? States,” is the standard history text used Britain (a gift to the American people The evidence that the OSI has against Dear Editor: by our universities and high schools. after 9/11) because his grandfather was Mr. Demjanjuk was based on Soviet forger- Today, Dr. Zinn’s children are running reportedly a Mau Mau supporter, tor- ies. The infamous Trawniki ID card initially The Ukrainian Weekly is urging the the White House. You’ve heard their song Ukrainian American community to encour- tured, allegedly, by the British during Mr. used to accuse Mr. Demjanjuk was proven many times: America’s rich get richer Churchill’s tenure as prime minister. in court to be a forgery. The OSI along with age President Barack Obama to visit while our poor get poorer. America is an Ukraine. Having never produced wealth, Mr. Federal Judge Frank Battisti decided to evil empire. The world hates us. We are a The main purpose of his trip is Moscow, Obama knows not of capitalism. Chrysler overlook this important fact because this benighted people, hugging our Bibles and and if he decides to visit Ukraine, it will be in trouble? Turn it over to the United was not in their favor. The composition of cleaning our guns. President Obama has a side trip and demonstrate that Ukraine is a Auto Workers proletariat, the very people the paper on the card itself was authentic been singing that tune since his inaugura- stepchild of Russia. who helped sink the auto company. from that era, but the ink on the card came tion. Ukraine is finally a free democratic Federal deficit? Double it and add tril- from a ballpoint pen, which was not invent- Am I surprised? No. Mr. Obama is a country, unlike the dictatorship in Russia. lions more to fix the problem. ed until 1963. product of his origins and his time. Recall We do not want a Putin Russia, which Mr. Banking problems and Wall Street In my opinion, Mr. Demjanjuk has been his lineage. His was a broken home. His Obama supports. greed? Turn regulation over to the very railroaded. He’s innocent of the charges Kenyan father, a Muslim, left his mother, Mr. Obama’s socialist views and influ- Congressional leaders (i.e., Chris Dodd, against him. With a jury trial, the outcome a white liberal from Hawaii. She spent ence will only add fuel to the fire between Barney Frank) who helped create the cri- would have been different. One has to won- time in Indonesia where the young the infighting of Russophiles (Putinists) and sis in the first place. Health care reform? der, had Mr. Demjanjuk been of non-Ukrai- Barack attended school. Later, his mom freedom-loving Ukrainians. Let federal bureaucrats manage your nian descent would he have been so relent- returned to Hawaii. When she died, I urge all nationalist Ukrainians to write care. No money for health care? Tax laws lessly pursued by the OSI and the Simon Barack was raised by his white grand- need to be revised so that certain charita- letters to President Obama to stay away mother who worked day and night to Wiesenthal Center for more than three ble donations and mortgage interest are from Ukraine. send him to an elite Hawaiian private decades? I think not. no longer deductible. Energy crisis? Let school. Walter Bura the environmentalists solve the problem, Jack Burscu Mr. Obama was already a young man Woodland Park, N.J. but please, no coal, no nuclear power, no Brooklyn, Ohio when he moved to the lower 48. He grad- oil drilling in Alaska. uated from Princeton, worked as an Following the shootings of a Kansas ACORN “community organizer,” fought We welcome your opinion abortion doctor and a guard at the U.S. poverty on Chicago’s South Side. Today, Holocaust Memorial Museum, Attorney A reminder The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes letters to the president’s old hood remains one of General Eric Holder called for “hate the editor and commentaries on a variety of the most destitute, gang-dominated sec- crime” legislation. Islamic terrorism? to Germany topics of concern to the Ukrainian American tions of Chicago. and Ukrainian Canadian communities. Please don’t call them terrorists. Our Graduating from Harvard Law School, Opinions expressed by columnists, commen- homeland security chief believes the real Dear Editor: Mr. Obama moved to Hyde Park, a high- tators and letter-writers are their own and do danger to America lies with U.S. military This is my reminder to Germany, the not necessarily reflect the opinions of either end oasis on Chicago’s South Side. He taught constitutional law at the University veterans and abortion opponents. greatest war criminal of World War II. The Weekly editorial staff or its publisher, What’s next, you ask? During the cam- the Ukrainian National Association. of Chicago and fell in with Chicago’s According to the findings of the Institute paign Mr. Obama mentioned the need for of History of the Ukrainian Academy of Letters should be typed and signed (anon- political machine. He was groomed by a domestic security force to serve as a Sciences, published in 1984, 8 million ymous letters are not published). Letters are king-makers Mayor Richard M. Daley, counter to the U.S. military. The crowd Ukrainians (2.5 million soldiers and 5.5 accepted also via e-mail at staff@ukrweekly. Rahm Emmanuel, Bill Axelrod and Emil com. The daytime phone number and address cheered. million civilians) were killed in World War Jones Jr., who greased his way to the of the letter-writer must be given for verifica- Ask yourself, dear reader. What is II. In addition, 2.3 million of them were Illinois State Senate. Mr. Obama attended tion purposes. Please note that a daytime more important to you at this time in our slave-laborers in Germany, and 10 million the church of Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who phone number is essential in order for editors history? Ukraine or America? were left homeless. to contact letter-writers regarding clarifica- preached that 9/11 was just “the chickens The above-listed facts alone do not tions or questions. coming home to roost” – decadent prove, of course, that during World War II Please note: THE LENGTH OF LETTERS America’s payback for being an evil Myron Kuropas’s e-mail address is there were no Ukrainian war criminals. CANNOT EXCEED 500 WORDS. empire. Bill Ayers, a 1960’s student ter- [email protected]. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 No. 26 Ukrainian studies flourish in the state of Washington by Lida Mykytyn-Voronka to devise appropriate ways to dispose of nuclear waste. Research and technology SEATTLE, Wash. – Despite its loca- for fighting cancer are being shared by tion far away from the original centers of medical experts in the Pacific Northwest Ukrainian activity, the state of Washington and Ukraine. has experienced growth of its Ukrainian The work of the Ukrainian Studies community, which in turn has been able endowment has begun. Through a com- to establish many ties with Ukraine: mittee, the Endowment has facilitated humanitarian, educational, medical, com- numerous lectures, forums and projects at mercial, technological and scientific. the University of Washington. According to the estimates of the In March 2008 faculty and students at Ukrainian Consul General in San the University of Washington had a rare Francisco, Washington is home to close opportunity to hear a presentation by a to 100,000 Ukrainian immigrants. leading Ukrainian intellectual, Mykola A long-time Seattle-based professor, Ryabchuk, who at the time was a visit- filled with passion for Ukraine and for ing scholar at the University of Alberta in intellectual advancement, Gene Lemcio, Edmonton, Alberta. His lecture, titled together with a colleague and professor at “Climbing Up or Just Muddling Through? the University of Washington, James West, Democratic Transition in Ukraine” had the vision to harness the growth of the focused on Ukraine’s post-Soviet devel- Ukrainian community in the Seattle area to opment, featuring its cultural and histori- create a Ukrainian Studies Endowment at cal peculiarities within a framework of Lida Mykytyn-Voronka the University of Washington. the path-dependence theory. The lecture Panel discussion on the topic “The Cultures of Post-Communism in Ukraine: They envision that instruction and ended with a lively discussion. Perspectives on the Creation of New Identities,” held in March at the University research to be funded by the endowment The event was organized by the of Washington; from left are: James West, Serhy Yekelchyk, Maria Rewakowicz would focus not only on Ukraine’s lan- Ukrainian Studies Endowment Committee, and Alexandra Hrycak. guage, history and culture, but also on its sponsored by the Ellison Center for current geopolitical significance, its polit- Russian, East European and Central Asian Identities.” The topics and presenters Pavlo Grod, president of the Ukrainian ical development, role in regional security Studies and generously supported by the included: “Ukrainian Feminisms,” Canadian Congress; and Michael Sawkiw and ties with the United States. Ukrainian American Club of Washington. Alexandra Hrycak, Reed College; Jr., president of the Ukrainian Congress Both professors realized that Ukraine’s Mr. Ryabchuk is a senior research associate “Geography Matters: Regionalism and Committee of America. highly educated population, natural wealth, at the Ukrainian Center for Cultural Studies Identities in Contemporary Ukrainian The Ukrainian Studies Program was size and location, make it an important in Kyiv and the author of five books as well Prose,” Maria G. Rewakowicz, University enriched with the addition of Prof. country both regionally and globally. For as numerous articles on civil society, state/ of Washington; “What is Ukrainian about Rewakowicz, a Shevchenko Society post- example, several private companies in nation building, nationalism, national iden- Ukraine’s Pop Culture? The Strange Case doctoral fellow and visiting professor at Ukraine, Russia and Norway have joined tity and post-Communist transition in the of Verka Serdiuchka,” Serhy Yekelchyk, the University of Washington for 2007 with the company Boeing in implementing post-Soviet countries, primarily in Ukraine. University of Victoria. through 2009. She joined another the Sea Launch project. He has lectured at a number of Polish, Prof. Hrycak, is an associate professor Ukrainian professor at the university, Ukraine began its independence as the Canadian, and American universities. of sociology at Reed College. She Laada Bilaniuk, associate professor in world’s third largest nuclear power, and is In March of this year the Ukrainian authored numerous articles dealing with anthropology. now seeking partners in converting its Studies Endowment organized and hosted feminism and women’s movements in The fellowship bestowed on Prof. military-industrial technology to peaceful a panel discussion on the topic “The Ukraine and other East European coun- Rewakowicz by the Shevchenko Scientific uses. Chornobyl scientists are working Cultures of Post-Communism in Ukraine: tries. Society benefited the Ukrainian Studies with colleagues in the Pacific Northwest Perspectives on the Creation of New Prof. Rewakowicz is a visiting lecturer Endowment program by allowing her to and Shevchenko Society Fellow in the lecture for two years at the University of Department of Slavic languages and liter- Washington department of Slavic languag- atures at the University of Washington. es and literatures. In 2007-2008 Prof. She is co-editor of the recently published Rewakowicz presented three courses: book “Contemporary Ukraine on the “Literature, Language and Identities in Cultural Map of Europe.” Post-Soviet Ukraine,” “20th-Century Prof. Yekelchyk is an associate profes- Ukrainian Poets in English Translation” sor of history and culture and chair of the and “Catastrophe and Culture: Chornobyl department of Germanic and Slavic stud- as Text.” These courses were well attended ies. He is the author of two books: “Stalin’s by over 25 students, mostly non-Ukraini- Empire of Memory: Russian-Ukrainian ans. In 2009 the new course “The Other in Relations in the Soviet Historical Ukrainian Literature: Female Characters Imagination” (2004) and “Ukraine: Birth and Authors” was added to the curriculum of a Modern Nation” (2007), as well as as was “The Ukrainian Tutorial” (as an numerous articles dealing with culture and independent study offerning). identities in Russia, Ukraine and Eastern The Ukrainian Studies Program at Europe. University of Washington is currently The work of the Ukrainian Studies preparing for a Summer 2009 Intensive Endowment extends beyond the purely Ukrainian Language Course, which will academic. On May 4, 2008, in memory of run from June 22 through August 21. This all the innocent people who perished dur- is an intensive course for students with no ing the Famine-Genocide of 1932-1933, previous knowledge of Ukrainian. The the eternal flame that had traveled around course is designed to facilitate the acqui- the world was passed from Canada to the sition of basic vocabulary and grammar United States. Seattle was the first through practice in comprehension, American city to receive and pass along speaking, reading and writing. Listening this commemorative symbol. comprehension and conversational skills The endowment, in conjunction with will be practiced through audio sessions the Ukrainian American Club of during regular class hours. Students will Washington, organized a very emotional also learn about the Ukrainian culture and gathering. U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott heritage. attended, representing the U.S. govern- The demand for Ukrainian studies in ment. Prof. Stephen Hanson, director of the state of Washington is strong. This the Ellison Center for Russian, East demand can be met by the Ukrainian European and Central Asian Studies Studies Endowment, however, not with- School of International Studies at the out financial support. The key for the University of Washington gave the key- Ukrainian academic community is to keep note presentation in which he deciphered this momentum going. and presented a historical analysis of the Contributions to the Ukrainian Studies Holodomor. Endowment, which will be managed by The commemoration was attended by the University of Washington Foundation, many Ukrainian diplomats and Ukrainian are tax-deductible. Pursuant to RCW diaspora leaders: Oleh Shamshur, ambas- 19.09 the University of Washington sador of Ukraine to the U.S.; Ihor Ostash, Foundation is registered as a charitable ambassador of Ukraine to Canada; organization with the Secretary of State, Tetyana Izhevska, ambassador of Ukraine State of Washington. For further informa- to the Vatican; Mykola Tochytskyj, con- tion readers may visit the website: www. sul general of Ukraine in San Francisco; No. 26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 9

NEW RELEASES Scholarly journal devotes entire issue to Holodomor Canadian American Slavic Studies, defines them as a group.” This article is many topics, including disease, cannibal- Vol. 42, No. 3, edited by Charles Schlacks. not only a memorial to the Holomomor, ism, border closures, prison camps and Idyllwild, Calif: Charles Schlacks, pub- but a relevant and contemporary exami- others. Despite the wide range of topics lisher. ISSN 0090-8290. 379 pp. $20color nation of the underlying problems and individual experiences, the survivors edition, $10.00 black and white edition. between the two nations. unanimously point the finger at Stalin, The second article in the journal faulting him for the deliberate targeting In memory of the 75th anniversary of explores the geographic distribution and of Ukrainians. the 1932-1933 Holodomor, the fall 2008 population data of ethnic Ukrainians dur- Additionally, the journal features a sec- edition of the established journal ing the Holodomor, clearly showing the tion on Holodomor-related art and graph- Canadian American Slavic Studies was high numbers of Ukrainians in areas tar- ics, “Holodomor: Through the Eyes of entirely dedicated to awareness and proof geted by Joseph Stalin, as well as the Ukrainian Artists,” compiled by Morgan of the Stalinist genocide. This edition sharp decrease in the populations and Williams, founder of the Action Ukraine includes scholarly articles, an interview “genocide-definition-required disruption Report and president of the U.S.-Ukraine and Holodomor-related artwork. of Ukrainian language.” In this article, Business Council. With the help of guest editor Cheryl “Once the Grass is Cut, the Snakes Show Despite the lack of photographs of the Madden of the Community College of Themselves: The Holodomor, The Paper actual Holodomor of 1932-1933 – Mr. Rhode Island, Charles Schlacks, both the Trail and the Maps,” Ms. Madden writes Williams asserts that most photographs editor and publisher of the journal, com- of this clear and convincing data. “Read it are from the Famine of 1921-1923 – Mr. piles the perspectives of contributors from and weep, Josef Stalin, for here is proof Williams stated that it is still “important all over the world concerning the scope of your crimes,” she underscores. to show such human suffering visually.” of the Famine-Genocide. In the next article, “A Curtain of Thus, he initiated a collection of artwork This edition is more than just a collec- Silence: An Essay of Comparison,” Siriol aimed at Holodomor awareness. Now the tion of commentaries on the subject. It is Colley compares two British journalists, collection, available for use and display, filled with maps, reprinted letters and both of whom had hoped to expose the boasts over 350 original works – 50 of documents, all of which contribute to a horrors of Stalinist oppressions in the which are printed in the journal. solid, erudite argument against virtually 1930s. Both were thwarted by “a curtain Mr. Schlacks is currently the publisher any Holodomor denier. edition dedicated solely to Holodomor of silence from the powerful establish- of 17 specialized journals in the field of In the introductory essay, “A Call to scholarship. ment.” The letters and excerpts of writ- Slavic studies and is affiliated with Arms for the Holodomor,” the guest edi- The article “Holodomor: The Ukrainian ings by Welshman Gareth Jones and Monash University in Australia. In the tor, Ms. Madden, uses the Rudyard Metagenocide – Its Origins and Why It’s Englishman Malcolm Muggeridge are past, he has been affiliated with many of Kipling poem “Justice” to explain the Not Over” by Peter Borisow, asserts that first-hand accounts of the Holodomor, the most prestigious universities in the importance of Holodomor research and Ukraine is still the victim of the Russian adding more credible eyewitness testimo- U.S., including the University of Southern scholarship. She claims that the poem abuse that catalyzed the genocide, stating ny to the ever-growing store of survivor California, the University of California – “addresses many of the experiences … that “Russia’s metagenocide against testimonials. Irvine and Arizona State University. and hopes of the victims of the Ukraine is limited only by what Russia This issue also includes the article This edition of Canadian American Holodomor.” can get away with.” It traces the prob- “Ukrainian Post-War Migrants in Western Slavic Studies can be obtained by con- “Far too long has justice been denied lems of modern Russian-Ukrainian rela- Australia Remember Ukraine’s tacting the publisher directly: Charles in the name of some transient political or tions to a “long-term ongoing genocide Holodomor of 1932-1933,” a compilation Schlacks, Publisher, P.O. Box 1256, economic expediency,” she states and systematically targeting for destruction of survivor testimony about the Idyllwild, CA 92549-1256; e-mail, explains the importance of publishing an not just a group of people but also all that Holodomor. The article touches upon [email protected].

New journal focuses Edition presents papers on Holodomor studies delivered at symposium Holodomor Studies, Vol. 1, Issue 1, edit- “Hunger by Design: The Great ed by Roman Serbyn. Idyllwild, Calif.: Ukrainian Famine and Its Soviet Charles Schlacks, publisher, 2009. 142 pp. Context” edited by Halyna Hryn. Cambridge, Mass.: Ukrainian Research Following the publication of the Institute of Harvard University, 2009. Holodomor issue of Canadian American ISBN: 978-1-932650-05-1. Softcover, 150 Slavic Studies in the fall of 2008, pub- pp., $24.95 plus shipping. lisher Charles Schlacks has begun pub- lishing a new journal devoted entirely to In commemoration of the 75th anni- the study of the Holodomor titled versary of the Holodomor, Halyna Hryn, Holodomor Studies. Like the fall 2008 editor of the journal Harvard Ukrainian edition of Canadian American Slavic Studies, in collaboration with the Studies, the new journal is filled with Ukrainian Research Institute of Harvard articles and documents that effectively University, compiled this collection of aid in the dissemination of information papers presented at a symposium in surrounding the Famine-Genocide of October 2003 about the Holodomor. 1932-1933 in Ukraine. The symposium, “The Ukrainian The first issue of this semi-annual jour- Terror-Famine of 1932-1933: Revisiting nal features a section devoted to Raphael the Issues and the Scholarship after the Lemkin, who coined the term genocide HURI Famine Project,” was held at the and was one of the earliest voices of Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute in Holodomor studies. Additionally, it Cambridge, Mass., in commemoration of includes five articles on a broad range of the 70th anniversary of the Holodomor. Holodomor-related topics, a book review The volume contains six previously and reprinted letters from 1933. The arti- published articles by renowned scholars Possible, and What Would Its cles, though almost entirely primary during the Holodomor with those of the from all over the world. All six articles Consequences Be?” he explores the state Ukrainian community. source-based, are as engaging as they are previously appeared in issues of the jour- of present-day Holodomor scholarship, as Following the memorial section, the informative. nal Harvard Ukrainian Studies. The vol- well as the concept of genocide. article “Competing Memories of The section in memory of Mr. Lemkin ume also features a foreword by Lubomyr Prof. Graziosi investigates the two dif- Communist and Nazi Crimes in Ukraine,” begins with a short biography of his life, Hajda, the associate director responsible ferent “camps” of Holodomor scholarship. written by the editor, examines the two written Dr. Roman Serbyn, the journal’s for academic programs at the Harvard While both sides recognize the criminality greatest evils that befell Ukraine in the of Stalinist policies, Prof. Graziosi editor. Mr. Lemkin was born in what is 20th century. Dr. Serbyn focuses on the Ukrainian Research Institute and the now Belarus and “devoted his life to the organizer of the 2003 HURI Symposium describes one side as those who see the 1930s Holodomor, as well as the war Holodomor as a deliberate plot and the further development of legal concepts and between the USSR and Germany in the on the Great Famine of 1932-1933. norms for containing mass destruction The first essay is a commentary by other as those who see it in the framework 1940s, and the effects these detrimental of a broader set of circumstances. and punishing their perpetrators.” His events had on the well-being of Ukraine Andrea Graziosi, a professor of contem- biography is followed by his valuable, porary history at the Univerita di Napli Next, Hennadii Boriak’s “Sources and as a nation. Resources on the Famine in Ukraine’s though often overlooked, article, “Soviet The second article, “The Soviet “Federico II” in Italy. In “The Soviet Genocide in Ukraine,” in which Mr. 1931-1933 Famines and Ukrainian Lemkin interweaves his own observations (Continued on page 22) Holodomor: Is a New Interpretation (Continued on page 22) 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 No. 26

as though he was destroyed forever. debts. I understand $2 billion to $2.5 Interview... billion is needed every year. But no one will vote for him. The problem is (Continued from page 3) Yes, but it’s not that much. There are To great regret, in our conditions we credited. And what way then to launch the that Ukrainian much bigger problems with the corporate can, firstly, get a situation where he, not growth of production? When you buy sector, because the debts there are about even being elected, could become a minis- toxic assets, then you resolve problems for politics is based $80 billion. Most of this debt isn’t long, ter in Tymoshenko’s government. She can banks in order for their owners to profit, meaning these are debts which need to be invite him. She did everything for him to but for the economy… not on resolving returned in a year, two or three. And $20 return to a key post in the Higher Justice billion to $30 billion is needed every year. Many people have the view that this is Council, which has an enormous influence problems. It is A much bigger problem exists, but not done merely for the bank shareholders. on the judicial system, and at any moment sovereign debt. he can again end up in the government. If oriented on two But I repeat, I offered an example. When they say Ukraine will declare a Tymoshenko, God forbid, becomes presi- When we Ukrainians don’t understand entirely differ- default, I always say, “Don’t talk non- dent, then I guarantee that he will end up this, that simply reflects a misunderstand- sense,” because truly, from the point of in a key government position. That applies ing of certain things related to what needs ent things – stay- view of the state [the Central Bank and the to the majority of Ukrainian politicians. to be done and in what sequence. ing in power or government], its aggregate debt is not as We have arrived at an interesting So you believe that the money cur- significant and National Bank reserves are theme. Would you say that in Ukraine, rently being printed is fine, within expanding it and, more than enough to cover this debt with- there’s a lack of people who have ade- bounds? out any problems. quate or satisfactory financial or eco- That can be normal, and it would be secondly, personal But foreign exchange reserves have nomic education, or are these people normal if this money went into the produc- fallen from the last year by as much as simply not in government, and instead tion sphere and supported production, enrichment. 50 percent. the government is filled with “kumy” enhancing production. (parents of godchildren) and old friends Well, a little less. But you need to direct and their close entourage? But this is not being done? Only your attention to the fact that, so far this social spending? – Economist Borys year, they grew quite a bit. At first they It’s the latter. The problem exists not in increased, and afterwards they declined. It’s not being done. There are social the lack of people, though undoubtedly Kushniruk Undoubtedly, this reflects the general eco- expenditures, or filling gaps, for example. professionals are always lacking. In any nomic crisis and the government’s populist For Naftohaz to obtain money, hryvni were sphere in any country, this is a normal situ- politics, when the government makes issued. The National Bank can’t lend in a in her matters. I am absolutely sure the ation. But the problem is to what extent absolutely detrimental Naftohaz agree- foreign currency. The scheme was such: National Bank will be accused of some- can their experience and knowledge be ments for the country. Absolutely detri- The National Bank prints money for thing, because the fight for the money used. mental. Oschadbank. [Editor’s note: Oschadbank printing press will be quite significant for The problem is that Ukrainian politics It was written, including by me, why it is the main state-owned bank.] Oschadbank her. is based not on resolving problems. It is was disadvantageous and what risks con- issues loans in hryvni. Afterwards This year she accused the National oriented on two entirely different things: front us. And, afterwards, at the expense of Naftohaz goes to the same Oschadbank Bank of currency speculations – and not staying in power or expanding it and, sec- state resources, we cover these losses. and asks to buy currency. Oschadbank baselessly, by the way. But until then, ondly, personal enrichment. That’s why Excuse me, what can be done? We need buys currency from the National Bank, not when the National Bank exclusively when some wit emerges and says, “I will to replace the leaders who did this. show you what’s correct, and you won’t even on the market, but outside it. It buys engaged in quite doubtful operations, refi- have any corruption on top of that” – there currency and that currency is paid for nancing separate banks, there’s a basis for Are foreign exchange reserves fine at will be benefit for the state, but there won’t abroad. There aren’t more hryvni in the believing that she kept quiet for bribes. this moment? be corruption – then what is this wit need- economy from that. As a result, the hryvni But then when the National Bank denied There are enough reserves to absolutely ed for? We came to power not to do some- that left the National Bank simply returned. the government money to fill gaps, she calmly pay all sovereign debts this year, thing good for the people. Who came here The currency simply went abroad. began to accuse them of speculation. We because there aren’t that many and the to do something good for the people? No, You cited interesting figures, which I will have this same situation now, when issue is to what extent all enterprises and they come for absolutely other things – the understand are not very accessible. For she will really need money. corporations would be able to pay their personal enrichment of their entourage. example, Treasury …. Practically, the National Bank came to debt. But the problem will lie in, “Well That’s why, undoubtedly, they are not the government with concessions and good, they wanted to buy currency, but interested in the advice of these people. Truly no. At that moment they were began to buy money. We see that this year they won’t have money.” Corporations They don’t want to have them nearby. accessible. The fact of the matter is that the National Bank doesn’t have any gov- won’t have hryvni to buy this currency. beginning on April 2 the Tymoshenko gov- ernment loan obligations at all, but already This irresponsible economic and fis- Meaning if everyone who has debt wanted ernment concealed the majority of eco- has $33 billion, if I’m not mistaken. to buy currency, then undoubtedly that’s a cal policy can’t drag on without an end. nomic statistics. One of the goals was to Meaning it’s this money which is practi- Sooner or later, it will lead to a collapse. risk for reserves. If the exchange rate fell conceal what is happening in the economy. cally printed by the National Bank and significantly, the hryvnia would collapse in But that will help lead to a collapse of Tymoshenko only joyfully reports that given to the government, because the gov- relation to foreign currencies; or in reality the economy and their collapse as politi- pensions are being paid. Pensions are ernment bonds are in the government’s we have a situation that the entrepreneur cians, but… good, and even civil servants’ wages are portfolio. The National Bank is quite doesn’t realistically have hryvni. good, but that is only one of the functions actively criticizing the government; more They can take their money offshore Therefore, likelier than not, there will of government. than that, I think, new accusations could and go somewhere… either be defaults or debt restructuring. If the state doesn’t stimulate investment now emerge from the government’s side There will be technical defaults – so-called And everything will be very good for demand, doesn’t stimulate processes, if because it will need money and, God for- corporate defaults on private debts, and we them. Everything will be absolutely bad there isn’t the possibility of ensuring a bid, the National Bank will lock horns and have them now. for Ukraine. Why not? We have seen that normal functioning of the court system, not give the money. I am sure that she will more than once, and I think we’ll see it law enforcement system, then the country again accuse the National Bank of any- Why did you say the economic prog- further... will simply collapse. thing she likes, that it’s destroying the nosis is quite pessimistic? But that will be the end of their politi- But they say that Tymoshenko under- state, it’s not helping the government, that It’s pessimistic. We are looking at the cal career. stands pensions are an important indi- they’re so very bad and she will demand situation from two angles. For example, a cator that most influences voters. either [Volodymyr] Stelmakh’s resigna- bank has two components. It has to return That’s possible to a certain extent. But, tion, or this money again. Meaning she and it either has or doesn’t have liquidity unfortunately, there are peculiarities of She understands that pensioner-voters needs this, she’s not interested in what will to pay its obligations. The second compo- Ukrainian politics. People who joined are a significant segment of society. They happen next year. nent is its clients. From another angle, it some political circle remain in Ukrainian vote significantly more actively than other If she becomes president, [she knows] has clients that owe it money. If these cli- politics for many years. If you look at the parts of society. It’s understood that their winners aren’t criticized. The economy ents have problems with revenues and they start of independence in 1991, you will see pensions are supposed to be ensured. It’s can fall, but she will be president. won’t have anything to pay their debts a multitude of people who started then and another matter that real pensions decreased At the present moment she is declining with, then the financial state of banks will practically exist to this day. and inflation grew. Prices grew and real to raise prices for the populace for gas and get significantly worse. ... revenues for these people fell. But from a But they currently exist behind the heating because she understands well that And what if this is not one bank, but the nominal point of view, if a person received curtain. Viktor Medvedchuk, Leonid it will hurt her electoral results. That’s why whole banking system? ... This problem is 800 hrv, he continues to receive it. Kuchma – no one is going to vote for she’s saying, “No, I categorically won’t do not only with Ukraine, this problem is with them. [Editor’s Note – Mr. Medvedchuk There is this view that by the end of this.” What is happening instead of this? European and American companies. This was the ruthless Presidential the year the prime minister won’t be Naftohaz is accumulating debt, which year there was debt there and the problems Administration chair between 2002 and able to pay pensions anymore. She dug someone has to repay. The people will were quite significant. And it’s there that 2004.] herself a possible grave, meaning she is repay it. No one else exists who can repay we can expect the main crisis in the next depending on this indicator, and when the debt. The people always repay debt. In half year; it’s there that the main danger is Truly that’s an illusion. They can disap- she won’t be able to fulfill it, that will be this way, what won’t be paid this year will corporations not being able to pay their pear for a certain time. [Volodymyr] her electoral collapse as well. be paid in subsequent years in larger debt. Lytvyn was gone from a single term of amounts. In this case, what happens? If they can’t Parliament. I don’t highly view his morals Truly, in spite of my intense criticism of But when Tymoshenko becomes presi- pay, then the bank is “kapyets” [Editor’s or intellectual ability. Lytvyn returned, the Tymoshenko, not paying pensions is the dent, it will be much less interesting for note: Russian slang word for ruined], even same as Medvedchuk. Everyone believed last thing she will do. It’s absolutely guar- her whether this will please or displease if it formally has cash. In appearance, it he was absolutely destroyed. But I learned anteed that she will do everything for this the people. has money in accounts and in cash, but it that already in April 2005 [Yulia] money to be paid. Other than that, Yulia practically will be bankrupt because its Tymoshenko actively was working with Volodymyrivna knows well how to find We haven’t even considered the fac- Medvedchuk. At that moment, it seemed others guilty, where someone else is guilty tor that there’s a foreign debt now – old (Continued on page 11) No. 26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 11

upon itself... revenues and they can’t sell them. There And what if they’re not performed? Interview... will be a problem, and it’s even larger in … and not only, but it’s using this But these leading current politicians Western countries than in Ukraine. (Continued from page 10) money for social payments, and the IMF aren’t interested in reform – the Party The aggregate debt of Ukrainian entre- capital practically won’t be there. Its entire typically forbids this. of Regions and the Tymoshenko Bloc. capital will be in bad credit, which isn’t preneurs and physical entities comprises being returned. This is quite a significant Truly, this is the problem of the IMF 60 to 65 percent of GDP. Why? Because Many problems are related to the fact problem for banks and for the whole econ- itself because it, unfortunately, isn’t a com- we were still a low-developed country that there are no people, or almost no peo- omy, because this is a chain. mercial structure. It’s a bureaucratic struc- with a poor population, which is why we ple, who can do this. Truly, the issue isn’t ture. Yes, with highly professional people couldn’t have a large debt-to-GDP ratio. In about beautiful things. We need to save Consumer loans? with not a bad general level of finance and Western countries, it’s 2.5 to 3.5 percent of energy, we need to conduct such a policy. Not only consumer loans. Mortgages, understanding of problems, but this is a GDP, which is why emerging from the cri- Fine, you need to lay this out in the form corporate credit. There are quite a lot of bureaucratic structure, and in this case they sis will be very difficult for them because of concrete documents, describe the instru- corporations that can’t pay their debts. look at processes from that point of view. banks can be filled with money, but what ments in the form of normative acts, how If a country can stand up as a result of my will you do with the borrowers? Borrowers this system is supposed to work. As it turns Not long ago, you spoke on national money, then I can write down a plus for can’t cover these loans. Moreover, you out, there’s no one to do this. At first, it’s radio saying that instead of recapitaliz- myself. What will stand behind this? Truly, can’t issue new loans because everyone is necessary to show how this new chain ing banks – and so far three will be the domestic economy will be degraded. in debt. Who will you give money to? works, how to organize the process and recapitalized – the debtors need to be Crisis phenomena won’t disappear, but, I am convinced there is a single road, afterwards, you need to write all this and helped in a direct way. Yes? conversely, will metastasize into a degra- which is devaluing debt. And that can be implement this entire system. But what if Not in a direct way. What’s the prob- dation of society for many years. done only on the account of what the you have no one to do this? lem? Imagine when the government recap- The IMF in this case is significantly Federal Reserve is doing with the govern- The “Ukrainian Breakthrough” program italizes some banks. It is recapitalizing less interested because, regretfully, they ment, which is disposing additional tril- was quite an example. [Editor’s note: This three banks now. The banks will have are financial bureaucrats who have a large lions of dollars into the economy, which I was the Tymoshenko Bloc’s platform in money, but what will happen? Firstly, it office, a large territory and for whom think will be $10 trillion and $20 trillion. the 2007 parliamentary campaign.] With has depositors whose prime desire is to Ukraine is a very important recipient from Why? It’s necessary to change the scale of its collection of slogans, meaning ideas of take their money away from there as the point of view that they help large coun- prices. Meaning say an American’s wage what needs to be done, it’s super. The sin- quickly as possible. In this case, you can tries exit crises, but not to simply exit the is $3,000 a month and, for example, he has gle problem is there isn’t any idea of the help depositors take their money. Super. crisis, but to possibly give a new system of a $100,000 mortgage on a home. The task consistency and terms to realize these Applause. Meanwhile these banks have values for developing the country. is for his wage to become $8,000. All pric- instruments. Why? Because it’s not possi- large numbers of borrowers who now can’t The idea that the IMF practically lent es are also rising, but the debt remains at ble to perform all these reforms simultane- return their debts. What happens in this money to people, who either directly or $100,000. In this case, his ability to pay ously. You need to choose an algorithm case? What did the government do? It indirectly destroyed the hryvnia and the off the debt will be much easier at the along which you will realize these reforms, didn’t give money. It issued government economy... expense of inflation. That has to happen consistency, risks and results which you bonds, which the bank then takes to the and the scale of prices must change. That are supposed to achieve. If this is lacking, National Bank, which gives them cash in Yes, to a large extent, they ensure salva- can be quite quick, in one year. It’s then this means that this is merely an return. tion for the people who created this crisis undoubtedly possible to print $20 trillion aggregate of nice wishes that don’t have Imagine, this adds to the risk of infla- from bankruptcy, who very significantly immediately, but then the catastrophe is any real meaning, which is what we have tion because here the money indirectly is made the crisis as it is today. not just for the U.S. Undoubtedly, the U.S. now. They can declare wonderful things, swept from the bank in the form of hryvni. Last question. There are different will be forced to do this over the course of but when you say, “Okay, super. And now The cash is swept away. Physical and legal risks and they are quite significant. So a certain number of years. The same prob- show me how to implement this,” that’s entities take this money and, in that case, we can expect that this winter will be lem is in Europe. This problem is related when the BS comes in. quite a significant part of this money could quite difficult? to the destabilization of the entire currency That’s the problem with many of our end up either in currency, or simply on the system. politicians. I mean politicians and econo- At what expense can Ukraine exit the mists, all these Soskins. They say very consumer market and, in this way, there So you believe... will be a risk of inflation. crisis? There are two versions. There is the nice things, but can’t imagine a real instru- Once again, you’re deciding the prob- improvement of the world economy, and The West won’t help us. The single mentation, a real mechanism of realization. lems of three banks, but we have a prob- that’s at the expense of the export compo- possibility is to conduct internal reforms. Only nice slogans. lem with bad credit in the while banking nent, which is quite significant for system. Good, someone is pulling and Ukraine. It would expand so that Ukraine’s hasn’t yet fallen. But he can’t be in this economy begins to exit from the crisis. kind of condition and if no steps in Exports are growing, and that helps the sit- improving the situation with debts are uation. That’s one way to exit the crisis, taken, then truly what is happening in even if nothing is happening inside the banks? For individuals, about a third country. The second variant – when you stopped paying in December, January and are doing something with your problems. February, right? This was a sharp collapse Global phenomena occur in the global of delinquents. After that, the situation economy, but in Ukraine gradually, on more or less stabilized. Collapses take account of domestic instruments, domestic place, the number of delinquents increases, possibilities, the country rebuilds itself, but at a much slower pace. But there’s becomes less corrupt, more efficient with more every month. And if you don’t energy resources. In this case, situations improve financial conditions, then in one emerge for the possibility of exiting the moment, these borrowers simply can’t crisis. That’s the second version of events hold on and stop paying. In this case, developing. you’ll need to recapitalize not three, but 33 Truly, I have significant confidence that banks. Yulia Tymoshenko, for example, is count- The government doesn’t have so much ing on the West to help. Therefore, the money. An absolutely different path should world economy begins to exit from the have been taken. I devoted several articles crisis and, on account of that, the domestic to the procedure, even writing technologi- economy will emerge. But I am sure that cally what needs to be done. this won’t happen because of the enor- mous funds that have been thrown into the What’s your opinion of the economy by European countries, the International Monetary Fund loan? European central bank, the European gov- From a monetary point of view, the ernment, the British government and the National Bank today has enough reserves U.S.A., which truly don’t solve the prob- for this year, and even a part of next year, lems all these countries are faced with. to fulfill its obligations without the IMF There is an enormous aggregate debt loans. But the main advantage of this loan and that’s according to official statistics. depends only on two things. First – you The aggregate debt of physical and legal know, already guaranteed, what you will entities of the U.S. accounts for 3 percent have in any situation of satisfying obliga- of Gross Domestic Product. I’m not even tions after a year. You know clearly that talking about the fact that the very GDP of you have reserves for this. Secondly, when the U.S. is, to a very large extent, inade- the IMF gives money, then this means that quately supported by real economic devel- for all other Western investors to a certain opment. It’s the same situation with extent there is hope that in this country Europe. There are enormous problems everything won’t be that bad, and therefore related to the sum of debts accounting for it’s possible to invest in this country and 2.5 to 3.5 percent, and even larger, of GDP. money won’t be devalued there. Undoubtedly among these credits a large part was issued though buying bonds or Interesting, in the view of Oleh buying real estate at high prices. And when Soskin, the IMF wasn’t supposed to give the processes declined, then it appeared this loan because the government... that there isn’t anything with which to Isn’t fulfilling obligations which it took extinguish these loans. They don’t have 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 No. 26 No. 26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 13 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 No. 26

military counterintelligence departments in NEWSBRIEFS the Crimean cities of Sevastopol and CLACLASSSSIFIEDIFIEDSS (Continued from page 2) Symferopol. (RFE/RL) (Ukrinform) EU addresses issue of gas supply TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL MARIA OSCISLAWSKI (973) 292-9800 x 3040 U.S. energy envoy visits Kyiv OR E-MAIL [email protected] BRUSSELS – The concluding docu- KYIV – The Ukrainian president’s ment of the European Union summit held commissioner for international energy in Brussels on June briefly addresses the SERVICES security, Bohdan Sokolovskyi, met with a continued threat of disruptions in Russian U.S. delegation headed by U.S. Special natural-gas supplies transiting via Ukraine. Envoy for Eurasian Energy Richard The EU declaration said the EU is confi- Morningstar. The meeting was held on dent that “all parties will honor their com- the initiative of the U.S., the presidential mitments,” adding the EU will “continue press service reported on June 20. The to carefully monitor and assess the situa- participants of the meeting discussed tion.” There are serious worries in Brussels bilateral and multilateral cooperation in that, come next winter, the bloc could find the context of ensuring national and inter- itself facing a repeat of last January, when national energy security. They focused on large swathes of Eastern and Southeastern the urgent situation concerning the sup- Europe had to go without Russian gas for plies and transit of Russian gas. At the weeks on end because of a pricing dispute request of Mr. Morningstar, Mr. between Russia and Ukraine. “We must Sokolovskyi briefed U.S. representatives not sleepwalk into another gas crisis,” said on concrete measures being taken by the Jose Manuel Barroso, who was picked to Ukrainian president to resolve problems head the European Commission for a sec- that arise due to unbalanced relations on ond term “There is indeed the risk of the Ukrainian gas market and gas con- another major crisis in weeks, not months. tracts signed on January 19. He noted the And we must protect European citizens.” expediency of raising additional funds to It looks increasingly unlikely that any pre- make payments for gas that should be emptive EU measures will include a credit pumped into Ukraine’s underground stor- line for Ukraine, which, in the throes of a age facilities to ensure gas supplies and very serious economic crisis, has run up a gas transit for the current season, as well mountain of debt to Russia. A senior EU PROFESSIONALS as autumn and winter. The U.S. side source told RFE/RL the bloc’s patience is praised the actions of the Ukrainian presi- running thin with Ukraine, which he said dent. U.S. delegates also stressed the need appears “unwilling to help itself.” Prime Jaroslaw Lemega Minister Yulia Tymoshenko reportedly Architect & DesignBuild Contractor to reform Ukraine’s gas sector and said Custom Residential & Commercial they were ready to help Ukraine in the admitted to a visiting team of EU gas Design & Construction Service negotiating process to settle the problem experts last week that Ukraine does not Tel 732 872 2512 issues of gas supplies to the country’s gas have the money to pay for the Russian gas Serving all of New Jersey transit system. Mr. Morningstar called for it continues to need and use. The EU is the consolidation of efforts regarding this worried about the apparent lack of trans- GEORGE B. KORDUBA question by all branches of power in parency in Ukrainian accounts – the reve- Counsellor at Law Ukraine and economic entities. The two nues the Ukrainian government is assumed sides preliminarily agreed that they to earn from domestic gas sales appear to Emphasis on Real Estate, Wills, Trusts and Elder Law be not accounted for. (RFE/RL) Ward Witty Drive, P.O. Box 249 would soon discuss cooperation in the implementation of the Euro-Asian Oil MONTVILLE, NJ 07045 54 Peace Corps volunteers take oath Hours by Appointment Tel.: (973) 335-4555 Transport Corridor Project on the basis of the Odesa-Brody oil pipeline. (Interfax- KYIV – Fifty-four volunteers of the Ukraine) U.S. Peace Corps in Ukraine took their oath in Kyiv on June 18. The volunteers Penalties for desecration of state symbols pledged they will serve the cause of KYIV – President Viktor Yushchenko “strengthening mutual respect and friend- on June 19 signed a law that increases ship between citizens of different national- penalties for the desecration of state sym- ities and cultures.” The Peace Corps pro- bols. The law “On amending Article 338 gram in Ukraine – numbering 259 volun- of the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding teers – is the largest of programs in 73 increasing the penalties for the desecration countries. The arrival of another 115 vol- of the state symbols of Ukraine,” was unteers in Ukraine is expected this year. passed by the Verkhovna Rada, and comes (Ukrinform) into force when it is published. As per the MERCHANDISE amended law, public desecration of the PRU sees Yatsenyuk as main rival state symbols of Ukraine – the state flag, KYIV – One of leaders of the opposi- coat of arms or national anthem – may be tion Party of Regions of Ukraine (PRU), punished with imprisonment for up to Mykola Azarov, said he considers the lead- three years. The public desecration of an er of the Front for Change initiative officially set up or displayed flag of a for- Arseniy Yatsenyuk as “the most competent eign state is punishable with a jail term of competitor” to Viktor Yanukovych in the up to two years. Earlier the Criminal Code upcoming presidential election. “But it of Ukraine imposed a fine of up to five seems to me that he needs to work for five minimum tax-free allowances or imprison- years in politics in order to be regarded as ment for up to six months for these offenc- a worthy competitor to Yanukovych,” Mr. es. (Interfax-Ukraine) Azarov said in an interview with the online Kyiv wants FSB officers out of Crimea publication Versii. He noted that, besides Mr. Yatsenyuk, “there are no worthy com- SEVASTOPOL, Ukraine – Russian petitors to Yanukovych who could really, Federal Security Service (FSB) officers not in words, compete for a top position who are working with the Black Sea Fleet and propose some realistic decisions to FOR SALE must leave Ukraine by December 13, RFE/ society.” PRU leader Viktor Yanukovych, RL’s Russian Service reported on June 18. Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and Mr. Upstate NY There are currently 19 FSB officers on the Yatsenyuk, a former chairman of the Near Souzivka and churches - Ukrainian staff of the Black Sea Fleet, which is locat- Verkhovna Rada and a former foreign community - 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, garage, ed in the Ukrainian city of Sevastopol in affairs minister of Ukraine, are the highest balcony/screened porch, large yard, Crimea. Ukrainian National Security rated candidates for president of Ukraine. finished lower level with extra kitchen/bath. Council Deputy Secretary Volodymyr (Ukrinform) 561-309-5908 or 845-210-3593. Ohryzko said Russian statements on the need to have its intelligence officers on Bohatyriova heads NSDC commission FOR RENT Ukrainian territory show a “lack of respect KYIV – President Viktor Yushchenko to the country that hosts its Black Sea has signed a decree concerning the inter- Fleet.” FSB officers joined the Black Sea departmental commission on information Fleet in 2000 to allegedly provide security policy and information security under the for Russian sailors. Ukrainian State National Security and Defense Council from $59 per night Security Service (SBU) chief Valentyn (NSDC). National Security and Defense Nalyvaichenko said the Russian sailors’ security is under the control of the SBU’s (Continued on page 15) No. 26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 15

Russia Kostyantyn Gryshchenko with the on June 24. The museum is mainly created Self-Defense bloc, is calling on President NEWSBRIEFS chairman of the Council of Ukrainian from artifacts brought by former prisoners Viktor Yushchenko to deprive National (Continued from page 14) Communities in Russia, Vadym Soloviov. of the Nazis. Visitors can also see extracts Deputy Dmytro Tabachnyk of the Party Council Secretary Raisa Bohatyriova has The parties agreed that the Embassy’s from various publications, orders of the of Regions of Ukraine of his Ukrainian been appointed to head the commission in cooperation with Ukrainian communities Nazi occupation authorities and documen- citizenship. Addressing the Parliament, place of Yevhen Marchuk, it was reported could become more effective by strength- tary photo-materials. About 3 million Jews Mr. Kendzior accused Mr. Tabachnyk of on June 19. (Ukrinform) ening the current ties and establishing the were killed by the Nazis during World War Ukrainophobia, as he believes that Mr. new ones between Ukrainian and Russian II on the territory of the former USSR. Tabachnyk’s statements and his criticism Donetsk leaders meet EU ambassadors regions and by implementing particular (Ukrinform) of the Education and Science Ministry for projects of economic and cultural interac- KYIV – Donetsk Oblast State alleged oppression of the Russian lan- tion, as well as cooperation in other areas. Lutsenko on government’s neutralization Administration Chairman Volodymyr guage are inadmissible. Mr. Kendzior Moscow is home to many residents who Lohvynenko and Donetsk Oblast Council KYIV – News media reported on June said that the reason for the “growing” are natives of Ukraine, as well as Chairman Anatolii Blyzniuk met with 24 that Internal Affairs Minister Yurii activity of Mr. Tabachnyk in proclaiming Ukrainians who study or work in the ambassadors of 19 European Union coun- Lutsenko charged that the Presidential such anti-Ukrainian rhetoric is that region. (Ukrinform) tries it was reported on June 19. Mr. Secretariat, along with the Party of “Ukrainian history is being now cleansed Lohvynenko presented the region and its Ukraine commemorates war victims Regions, has a plan to dismiss any three from the darkness of the Communist economic potential. He said that the region ministers and dissolve the Verkhovna Soviet historiography.” Mr. Kendzior had been maintaining economic relations KYIV – Ukraine on June 22 commemo- Rada. Mr. Lutsenko made his comments added that he believes Mr. Tabachnyk with 140 countries, with EU countries rated victims of the Great Patriotic War, as on Channel 5 TV. He said that, according should be deprived of his academic ranks accounting for 22 percent of the region’s World War II was known in the Soviet to the law, if the Cabinet does not have for such statements. On June 23 Mr. foreign trade. The envoys proposed that Union, on the occasion of the 68th anni- two-thirds of its ministers, it would be Tabachnyk accused Education and the EU and the Donetsk region cooperate versary of the war. The day of mourning declared unable to function, while the Science Minister Ivan Vakarchuk of in the field of developing environmental recalls all those who died during the war, Parliament would be dissolved. In this depriving “thousands of talented children technologies and in the coal sector. whether in battle or as civilian victims. connection, Mr. Lutsenko suggested that from Ukraine’s western and eastern (Ukrinform) President Viktor Yushchenko laid flowers the coalition should take decisions not regions” of the possibility to enter univer- only on the dismissal of ministers, but also at the Grave of the Unknown Soldier in sities as they had failed the obligatory Yushchenko on Central European summit on the appointment of new ones. On June Kyiv. (Ukrinform) Ukrainian language test. (Ukrinform) 23 the Parliament passed a resolution on KYIV – The participants in the 16th Sailor dies off Somalia coast dismissing Yosyp Vinskyi as transport and Lviv beer drinkers set world record summit of Central Europe heads of state KYIV – One Ukrainian sailor died dur- communications minister in accordance held in the Serbian city of Novi Sad have with a submission from Prime Minister KYIV – A new record has been set in demonstrated their mutual understanding ing the seizure by Somali pirates of the Lviv for a mass Ukrainian toast titled Marathon, a dry cargo ship that had a crew Yulia Tymoshenko. Party of Regions of the need to continue Euro-integration “Budmo” (Let Us Be), according to June of eight Ukrainian citizens, Ukrainian National Deputy Oleksander Yefremov processes, particularly with respect to the 24 news report. All who wanted to partici- Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman Vasyl said that the Verkhovna Rada had also reg- Balkan states and Ukraine, President pate in the mass toast gathered at Festival Kyrylych said on June 23. “He died during istered six bills on the dismissal of Justice Viktor Yushchenko said after the end of Minister Mykola Onischuk, Education and 1715 in front of the stage. Festival orga- the forum on June 19. “An important out- the ship’s seizure on May 7” off the coast of Somalia, he said. Somali pirates Science Minister Ivan Vakarchuk, Culture nizers said that each of 1715 record partic- come of today’s summit is the fact that a and Tourism Minister Vasyl Vovkun, ipants had raised a symbolic glass of beer number of countries have unanimously released the vessel on June 23. (Ukrinform) Industry Minister Volodymyr Novytskyi, and shouted “Budmo” three times. A spe- called for Euro-integration policy to be Internal Affairs Minister Lutsenko, and cial representative of Ukraine’s Book of logical, transparent and predictable,” he Peacekeepers’ rotation in Liberia Health Minister Vasyl Kniazevych. Records national project, Ihor Pidchybiy, said. “It’s an extremely important outcome (Ukrinform) then registered a new record. “According when the number of our supporters in KYIV – Ukraine’s Defense Ministry is to the results of a preliminary examination, Europe and the European Union is grow- conducting the 13th rotation of peacekeep- Kendzior on Tabachnyk’s comments Ukraine and the world have never seen ing,” Mr. Yushchenko added. He also said ers in Liberia, the ministry’s press service KYIV – National Deputy Yaroslav mass toasts of this kind,” he said. that the participants in the forum had reported on June 23. A regular rotation of Kendzior of the Our Ukraine-People’s (Ukrinform) stressed the importance of joint action to the 56th separate helicopter unit of tackle the crisis. Mr. Yushchenko said that Ukraine’s armed forces, which has been the talks had demonstrated a mutual desire fulfilling tasks of the United Nations for a deeper liberalization of trade rela- Mission in Liberia since January 2004, tions. (Ukrinform) began on June 23 and will be held in three stages. During the rotation the 300 Lytvyn may run for president Ukrainian peacekeepers in Liberia will be KYIV – Verkhovna Rada Chairman fully replaced. (Ukrinform) Volodymyr Lytvyn has said he will partici- Rada toughens smoking restrictions pate in presidential elections if a “national rescue government” is not formed and a KYIV – The Verkhovna Rada has plan of “urgent measures” is not drafted. toughened restrictions on smokers. A new He said on the Inter television channel on tobacco control law envisages new no- June 22 that if these proposals were not smoking areas, an increase in fines for With great sorrow we announce that our beloved husband, father and realized, he would “appeal to people that smoking and the placement of warnings grandfather the time has finally come to thank those about the effects of smoking on packs of who have already had a chance and abso- cigarettes. The law was passed on June 12. lute power in the country twice and those According to the law, smoking is prohibit- Roman Wolodymyr (Perih) Platosh who will ensure the next split of the coun- ed in trains, municipal transport and taxis, try, the next squaring of accounts, and the at airports and stations, and near educa- passed into eternity on May 28, 2009. next distribution of posts if they win presi- tional and medical institutions. It also stip- dential elections.” He also said: “In 2010 ulates that no-smoking rooms and sections He had a Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering and was a the country will not survive one more year in hotels and restaurants must constitute member of the “Khmelnychenky” fraternity of Plast Ukrainian Scouting of 2004. At that time, there was a reserve no less than half the space of these facili- Organization. of transparency formed by the previous ties. Businessmen who break this norm authorities that were described as crimi- will be fined 1,000 to 10,000 hrv. The law Panakhyda was held on Sunday, May 31, 2009, at Newington Memorial nal.” He added that it is “necessary to also introduces new fines for smoking, Funeral Home. Funeral services were Monday, June 1, 2009, at St. declare an emergency economic situation some 250 hrv and more. Tobacco compa- Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church followed by interment at St. Michael in the country and create a national rescue nies have managed to postpone the regula- government.” (Ukrinform) tion about warning labels until 2011. They Cemetery, Glastonbury, CT. believe this will be a burden to producers, Embassy in Moscow expands activities as they will face new expenditures for In deep sorrow: KYIV – The Ukrainian Embassy in printing the labels. (Ukrinform) Wife Sophia (Sonia) née Radowych Sons Damian Moscow on June 22 announced plans to Holocaust Museum opens in Odesa intensify its cooperation with the Ukrainian Paul with wife Melanie (Bonacorsa) and sons community of Russia. This was discussed KYIV – Ukraine’s first Holocaust Peter Roman and Andrew Nicholas at a meeting of Ukraine’s Ambassador to Museum opened in Odesa, it was reported Mark with wife Martha (Klufas) Brother-in-law Myron Radowych with wife Mary and son Myron Kushnir, Hadzewycz, Sochaniwsky families Extended family in the U.S., Canada and Ukraine DEATH ANNOUNCEMENTS Deadline: Tuesday noon before the newspaper’s date of issue. Eternal Memory Rate: $7.50 per column-inch. Donations in Roman’s memory can be made to “Dollar for Ukraine” for Telephone, (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040; e-mail, [email protected]. orphans in Ukraine, 26 Troy Dr., Short Hills, NJ 07078, or to “Our Life” Please include the daytime phone number of a contact person. magazine, 203 Second Ave., New York, NY 10003. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 No. 26

BOOK NOTES IN THE NEWS: Bohdan Bejmuk named to NASA review panel Western Pennsy Ukrainians PARSIPPANY, N.J. – Bohdan Bejmuk, Shuttle Orbiter Program, responsible for all introduced to readers of The Ukrainian orbiter engineering efforts in support of the featured in pictorial history Weekly in the June 17, 2001, issue, was shuttle program. He had previously been the appointed on June 1 to the panel review- program manager for the shuttle’s system “Ukrainians of Western Pennsylvania” ing the National Aeronautic and Space engineering and integration. by Stephen P. Haluszczak, Charleston, Administration’s plan for human space Mr. Bejmuk’s previous appearance on the S.C.:Arcadia Publishing, 2009. ISBN: flight. The panel, assembled by the pages of The Weekly was in connection with 13978-0-7385-6495-1. Softcover, 128 pp. administration of President Barack his June 5, 2001, reception for Kostyantyn $21.99 Obama, is set to review NASA’s goal of Gryshchenko, Ukraine’s ambassador to the returning to the moon by 2020. U.S., which he hosted on behalf of Sea Since the late 1800s the Ukrainian com- In addition to this recent appointment, Mr. Launch, as Ukraine is one of the countries munity in western Pennsylvania has played Bejmuk is the chairman of NASA’s participating in that international endeavor. an important role in the area’s development, Mr. Bejmuk is also active in the California while slowly integrating with the greater Constellation program, a review board that oversees the development of next generation Association to Aid Ukraine, a Los Angeles- American society. A new pictorial history based organization dedicated to organizing book by local author Stephen P. Haluszczak of NASA rockets. He is also the former executive vice-president and chief engineer aid to Ukraine in areas such as education, covers the four waves of Ukrainian immi- ecology and the economy. gration to the area beginning with the late for Sea Launch, a joint venture managed by the Boeing Co. dedicated to the development Readers can follow the progress of the 1800s through the first world war, the 1920s, U.S. Human Space Flight Committee by vis- of commercial rockets that are launched 1948-1950s, and 1992 to the present. iting from the ocean. The goal of the author, according to the index.html. publisher, is for the reader to “develop a bet- When he retired from Boeing in 2006, ter understanding of the Ukrainians who Mr. Bejmuk was the director of the Space –Tyrssa Korduba immigrated to the region and will appreciate what an important role faith, hard work and dedication play in the development of com- Yulia Tymoshenko... dent of Ms. Tymoshenko. munity and a sense of belonging and self- Ms. Tymoshenko is eliminating ministers worth.” Mr. Haluszczak said he regards this Arcadia Publishing, 888-313-2665 or visit (Continued from page 1) at a time when she has very few allies and book as a tribute to the “worker bees” of the belongs to the business clan of Verkhovna little support in Ukrainian politics beyond past hopes that his book inspires future gen- Mr. Haluszczak is a native of Carnegie, Rada Chair Volodymyr Lytvyn, which suc- her own political bloc. erations to build upon their work. Pa., and is assistant manager of the cessfully lobbied the prime minister’s sup- “She can’t resign and recognize her polit- The book features vintage photographs Ukrainian Selfreliance of Western port in blocking Mr. Vinskyi from taking ical weakness and, at the same time she’s from 66 private and public collections, Pennsylvania Federal Credit Union, a long- control of the state enterprises, drawing the not capable of running the government with- representing all 36 Ukrainian churches in time parishioner at Ss. Peter and Paul minister’s ire, the newspaper said. out Parliament’s support,” Mr. Horbach said. the area, highlights the history of commu- Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Meanwhile, the corruption scandal “She is looking for other methods, monopo- nity organizations, and underscores the Ukrainian Orthodox League of the U.S.A. involving Mr. Yekhanurov distracted the lizing power in her hands and eliminating importance of family and the Church in He is the founder of UCHI, whose mission, public from the international disgrace ministers who interfere with her line. I everyday life. according to its website (, is to involving Internal Affairs Minister Yurii believe she’s using this because she’s left A portion of the proceeds from the sale of develop relationships between the U.S. and Lutsenko, while at the same time eliminat- without options in the situation she’s in.” this book is being donated to the Ukrainian Ukraine on cultural, educational, and ing a thorn in Ms. Tymoshenko’s side. As Ukraine’s politicians and businessmen Cultural and Humanitarian Institute (UCHI). humanitarian levels. It also serves to devel- Mr. Yekhanurov is among the presi- battle each other and raid the country’s The book is available at area bookstores, op cross-cultural understanding between the dent’s most trusted allies and has always resources, the nation’s government has grad- independent retailers, online, or through peoples of the U.S. and Ukraine. maintained a political position indepen- ually lost ministers in key posts, plunging it deeper into stalemate and ineffectiveness. Mr. Vinskyi is the fourth minister to leave the Tymoshenko government this year. UNF retools for new Ukrainian schools in Canada Parliament dismissed Defense Minister Yekhanurov in a June 5 vote for alleged cor- by Halyna Klid ruption and sacked Foreign Affairs Minister EDMONTON, Alberta – Twelve Volodymyr Ohryzko in a March 3 vote for Ukrainian language teachers got on air- his pro-Western policies. planes at Edmonton International air- Viktor Pynzenyk resigned as finance port on April 26 to return home, their minister in late January upon realizing the arms full of learning resource manuals, financial crisis had spun out of the govern- checklists, sample programs of study, ment’s control. information about online resources, and Mr. Yushchenko accused the prime min- lesson plans. They had come to ister of trying to usurp power through the Edmonton on April 24 from Sudbury, dismissals. Toronto and St. Catharine’s, Ontario, Ivan Lozowy, president of the Institute of Regina and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan; Statehood and Democracy in Kyiv, dis- with the mission of working coopera- missed the president’s attacks, stating it’s tively on restarting “Ridni Shkoly” merely Ms. Tymoshenko’s style, which is to (Ukrainian Studies Schools) under the run things personally. aegis of the Ukrainian National “It’s not a Cabinet of Ministers meeting – Federation. it’s the fuhrer calling together nominal war In response to a request from UNF chiefs,” he said. “She’s in control either way, President Taras Pidzamecky and the even if the ministers are dismissed.” Ukrainian language teachers at a seminar in Edmonton Education Committee (Daria Meanwhile, Ukraine’s Parliament has no coalition majority to approve legisla- Diakowska, Ulana Pidzamecky and ing the findings of research that identity using the Ukrainian language and cul- tion, having yet to approve any package Nadia Babyuk), Marusia Petryshyn, is formed through emotion and encour- ture, as well as learning how to learn. of anti-crisis measures to deal with the director of the Ukrainian Language aged teachers to ensure that positive Additional elements that teachers might financial crisis. Education Center at the Canadian emotion characterizes the Ukrainian lan- consider adding to their programs of A delegation of the International Institute of Ukrainian Studies, agreed guage and culture classroom. study include careers using Ukrainian, to organize a workshop to provide Later, Nadia Prokopchuk introduced different variants of Ukrainian and com- Monetary Fund (IMF) arrived in Kyiv on teachers and community leaders with online materials like “Mova and parisons with other cultures. June 23 to begin discussions about a third the tools they need to restart these Rozmova” and other resources that Ms. Pidzamecka presented her second tranche of credit. schools. could be used by students working on a collection of “sources of resources” and The state-owned natural gas transit com- During the workshop held at the computer, while the teacher worked with programs of study that are a very rich pany Naftohaz is hemorrhaging financially University of Alberta, Ms. Diakowska another group. The online materials also resource for teachers. and threatens the Ukrainian economy’s sta- presented and demonstrated a lesson are useful for students to work with at Evaluation comments – “I enjoyed bility. Aside from lacking funds to pay plan that used a story to eventually home ( the variety of topics covered,” “I enjoyed Gazprom for its June supplies of gas, develop a puppet theater production to Melodia Kostiuk with Romana Bedriy the intensity of work.” “I enjoyed feel- Naftohaz has a $3.3 billion domestic debt involve students of different ages and presented an Alberta program of studies, ing like I was a needed teacher” – and $1.7 billion foreign debt. It also lacks language abilities and teach Ukrainian pointing out that Ukrainian studies reflected the participants’ high satisfac- money and access to credit to pay for stor- language at the same time. “More schools ridni shkoly should focus on tion with the workshop. age of Europe’s winter natural gas supplies. learning and less teaching,” she empha- what the students should be able to do Materials from the workshop and fol- Ms. Tymoshenko has spent the last sever- sized. actively. A model program of studies low-up information will be posted on the al weeks meeting with European banking Dr. Olenka Bilash followed up, shar- should contain learning outcomes for website forums on officials and pleading with them to extend more loans to her government. No. 26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 17 Rochester’s Ukrainian Federal Credit Union holds annual meeting ROCHESTER, N.Y. – The Ukrainian analyzed the credit union’s 2008 financial Federal Credit Union (UFCU) held its successes, listed all new technologies that annual meeting on Sunday, April 26. The were used by the UFCU and thanked his meeting was presided over by Wasyl co-workers for their devoted hard work. Kornylo, UFCU president, and attended The Educational Committee reported by 158 members. on its work with scholarships and noted The meeting started with a minute of that last year, the UFCU has started silence in honor of those who passed awarding special scholarships in memory away in the last year. Then, Stephan of the UFCU’s outstanding leaders. The Wowelko, Educational Committee co- Supervisory Committee chair, Dr. Eugene chair, read the minutes from last year’s Lylak, ensured members that UFCU annual meeting, which took place on finances are safe under the tight control April 6, 2008, at the Pentecostal Church of the Supervisory Committee. in Rochester. After the presentation of the reports, a Following the presentation of the min- discussion was held. utes, Mr. Kornylo read his report, which The Nominating Committee then focused on key issues – such as the announced the results of the 2009 elec- finances, demographics, and marketing tions. The following nominees were strategies of the UFCU – and underlined voted into office on the UFCU board: the importance of unity, especially at a Yaroslav Fatyak, Yaroslav Kirik, Barbara time of world financial crisis. Gutierrez, Richard Harris and Bogdan Next, Christina Oleksyn, UFCU trea- Zakharchishin. surer, took the floor. She noted that in At the end of the annual meeting, CEO Tamara Denysenko addresses the annual meeting. spite of the economic crisis, the UFCU is members of the UFCU welcomed a dele- a safe financial institution that serves its gation of librarians from Ukraine, who members well from coast to coast. visited Rochester under the aegis of the CEO Tamara Denysenko then analyzed Open World Program and Irondequoit- the successes of the past year and pointed Poltava Sister Cities Committee. out that 2008 was a year of financial hard- Following the meeting, attendees ships for the world as well as the UFCU. enjoyed dinner prepared by George UFCU General Manager Oleg Lebedko Hanushevsky and his team of cooks. Credit union opens new branch

Wolodymyr Pylyshenko (standing) makes a point during the meeting of credit union members in Rochester, N.Y. 20-YEAR TERM LIFE INSURANCE

Andrea Zharovsky JENKINTOWN, Pa. – The Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal Credit Union (USFCU) GREAT RATES celebrated the official blessing and grand opening of its newest branch here at the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center on Sunday, March 29. USFCU directors, staff and members, along with representatives of Ukrainian organiza- CALL 800-253-9862 tions and clergy met at noon at the UECC to take part in a historic day in the life of the Ukrainian community in Greater Philadelphia. At the blessing (from FOR MORE DETAILS left) are: Roman Petyk, vice-chairman of USFCU board of directors; the Very Rev. Volodymyr Hanas of St. Mary Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Church; Metropolitan Archbishop Stefan Soroka of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia; Pastor Yaroslav Pristatsky of the Ukrainian Evangelical Pentecostal Church of Philadelphia; and Mary Kolodij, chairman of USFCU board of directors.


Since 1894 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 No. 26

representative from the office of Sen. Cleveland's... George Voinovich. (Continued from page 1) A special commemorative card printed introduced UMA Director Andrew for the occasion listed 97 individuals, Fedynsky, as the person who played a families and institutions that made the special role as “savior,” stepping in dur- rededication possible. Singled out for par- ing a time of crisis in the institution to ticular recognition were UMA Curator continue the work of his father, Aniza Kraus, who coordinated the volun- Alexander, and others who had assembled teers and prepared exhibits, and architect a collection of books, periodicals, photo- Danylo Kulchytsky, who designed the graphs, maps and various ephemera when archival building, worked with the City such items were suppressed and even of Cleveland on the rehabilitation of the destroyed in Ukraine itself. original building and oversaw construc- Mr. Fedynsky put the effort in context, tion of a striking sign with original deco- pointing out that the renovation of the rative tiles of his own design, based on original building and construction five traditional Ukrainian images and themes. years ago of an archival building provides Following the formal part of the pro- the next generation of Ukrainian gram, participants and guests enjoyed Americans with the basis of continuing the work of those who laid the foundation food and refreshments in the courtyard two generations ago. between the original building and the new Among those speaking at the rededica- archival facility. Guests ranged from infants in strollers to 102-year-old Emilia Walter Ciszkewycz tion were State Rep. Peter Ujvagi, a Some of the items on display at the Ukrainian Museum-Archives. Hungarian who has enlisted as an honor- Wolanyk, who, despite her advanced age, ary Ukrainian, Cleveland Councilman Joe insisted on not only seeing the exhibits on Cimperman, a Slovenian American who the ground floor, but also climbing the cited his “Ukrainian envy” for what the stairs to the second floor to view the community has done with the UMA and a exhibits on immigration and culture.

Ukrainian National Association First Vice-President Dr. Zenon Holubec and his wife, Myroslava, chat with Anna Hnatiuk (left). A view of the Hnatiuk collection donated to the UMA. The New York Times spotlights continuing legacy of Surma PARSIPPANY, N.J. – The New York the gamut of flower children looking Times recently published an article for peasant blouses to elderly about the continuing legacy of Surma, Ukrainians searching for something to the Ukrainian shop on the Lower East read in their native language. Side of Manhattan. Recounting the He also details the career change three generations of Surmaches who Markian Surmach chose in order to have run the store, a hallmark of the prevent the closing of the store, which Ukrainian community, columnist Jim has stood as a landmark for Ukrainian Dwyer wrote in the May 31 edition, Americans for close to a century, not- “no place stays the same …, certainly ing that this was more than a return to not in Manhattan,” and pointed out that his roots. even the Ukrainian neighborhood in Mr. Surmach, the new proprietor, this part of the city has changed. says of the store, “Here, the book is Mr. Dwyer focused specifically on fully written. I’m just trying to write Markian Surmach, whose return to in the margins. I haven’t given up yet. Surma was the topic of a January 6 I’m trying to find meaning.” article in The Weekly by Helen The Times article was headlined “A Smindak. Grandson Returns to Retrieve His Recollecting his encounter with Legacy.” Surma’s founder, Myron Surmach, in For more information, readers may 1983 at his apiary in northern New visit the store’s website at, Jersey, Mr. Dwyer reflects on the call 212-477-0729 or visit the store at changing needs of the store’s patrons, its location at 11 E. Seventh St. as well as the changing face of the store. He notes that the clients have run – Tyrssa Korduba

Visit our archive online: No. 26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 19

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE Florida veterans remember comrades on Memorial Day by Jerry Zinycz Ihor Bilynsky, U.S. Army, Korean War; and Capt. Joseph Lesawyer, U.S. Army, NORTH PORT, Fla. – It is customary World War II. for Ukrainian American Veterans Post 40 Post 40 members were among more to participates in all veterans affairs in the than 300 attendees who participated in Town of North Port and is actively honoring veterans at North Port Veterans involved with other veterans organiza- Memorial Park. tions in honoring living and departed vet- The UAV Post 40 wreath was laid at erans for their service to the country. the Veterans Memorial by Marian The May 2009 issue of North Port Bojsiuk, national chaplain; Lt. J.G. Magazine included an article honoring Stephanie Homick, U.S. Navy aviator; deceased veterans. Eight out of the 12 Col. Askold Mosijczuk, M.D., U.S. Army pictures were those of members of UAV (retired). Credit Post 40: Cpl. Roman G. Lazor, U.S. The North Port Sun covered the com- Members of UAV Post 40 at the North Port Memorial Service: (standing, from Army, Korean War; Lt. Cmdr. Eugene memoration with color pictures of UAV left) Dr. Askold D. Mosijczuk, Stephanie Homick, John Homick, Paul Wozny, Steckiw, M.D., U.S. Navy, Korean War; post members on the front page. Demetrius Yadzyn, Zenon Stromeckyj, Julian Helbig, Orestes Lazor, Clifford V. Staff Sgt. Henry Sheldon, U.S. Army, UAV Post 40 has added 10 new mem- Heiser, Atanas Kobryn, (kneeling) Marian Bojsiuk and Gene Tomashosky. World War II; Sgt. William Byk, U.S. bers to its ranks; the post now has 42 Army, World War II; Spc. 5th Class Ivan members the post will host Ukrainian For more information on UAV Post 40 or 941- 539-1490; or Jerry Zinycz, public Prynada, U.S. Army Vietnam; Pfc. Wasyl American Veterans 62nd national conven- readers may contact Post Commander relations officer, at [email protected] or Mackiw, U.S. Army, Korean War; Cpl. tion of the UAV on October 15-18. Gene Tomashosky at [email protected] 941-492-4860.

Parma youths commemorate St. Josaphat Cathedral Choir Holodomor of 1932-1933 is fi nalist in choral festival PARMA, Ohio – The choir of St. cal selections by the other finalists. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in St. Josaphat Cathedral Choir was Parma, Ohio, was one of the six finalists founded in 1962 by Eugene Sadowsky. in the Jubilation Church Choir Festival on Following Mr. Sadowsky’s retirement in May 7 and 8 at St. John the Evangelist 1992, Anna Keller became choir director Roman Catholic Cathedral in Cleveland. and has successfully led the singers since. The competition was sponsor by Even though all members of the cathe- Cleveland’s classical music radio station, dral choir are volunteers, who joined the WClV-FM. The choir’s 20-minute perfor- choir without audition, they were able mance on May 8 consisted of nine pieces through both their talent and hard work to of Ukrainian sacral music and was broad- successfully compete with some 200 choirs cast live by WCLV-FM, along with musi- that took part in this year’s choir festival.

PARMA, OHIO – The youth of St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral led the annual commemoration of the victims of the Famine-Genocide in Ukraine on Sunday, May 17, between the 8:30 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. divine liturgies. The commemoration began with a memorial service served by the cathedral clergy; St. Josaphat Cathedral Choir of Parma, Ohio. responses were sung by the parish choir. Following the service, youth from the parish’s Junior Ukrainian Orthodox League chapter and the Taras Shevchenko School of Ukrainian Studies spoke, in both Ukrainian and English, about the trag- ic events leading up to the Famine and the subsequent death of 7 million to 10 million innocent victims. The program concluded with the singing of the prayer for An open invitation Ukraine, “Bozhe Velyky” and “God Bless America” led by the choir. Seen above are young parishioners gathered at the Famine memorial near their church. to local community activists

Would you like fellow Ukrainians to know about events in your Philadelphia-area center offers community? Would you like to become one of The Ukrainian “Conversational Ukrainian for Adults” Weekly’s correspondents? What are you waiting for? JENKINTOWN, Pa. – The Roshka. The cost is $100. Ukrainian Educational and Cultural The UECC is also considering offer- The Ukrainian Weekly welcomes submissions from local com- Center has announced that it will be ing the course during the summer, offering a new course, “Conversational depending on interest. munity activists. You may reach The Weekly by phone, Ukrainian for Adults,” this fall. The For more information or to enroll, 973-292-9800; fax, 973-644-9510; e-mail, staff@ukrweekly. course will begin September 15 and readers may call 215-663-1166. The will run for 10 weeks. Ukrainian Educational and Cultural com; or mail, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ The course will be offered for an Center is located near Manor College 07054. hour and a half each week at the begin- at 700 Cedar Road, Jenkintown, PA, ner level. It will be taught by Osip 19046. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 No. 26 80 golfers participate in 33rd annual Tryzub tournament by Orest Lesiuk nearby Tryzubivka grounds in Horsham, Pa., for an awards banquet. Gene Luciw, HORSHAM, Pa. – A gorgeous vice-president of the Ukrainian American Saturday interrupted five straight days of Sports Center, welcomed everyone, rain in the Philadelphia area. The weather thanked them for participating, reminded on June 6 seemed to yield to the strength them about all the exciting sporting, cul- of the friendship and camaraderie that tural and social events at Tryzub, and Ukrainian golfers and their honored turned over the program to Mr. Homick. guests had cultivated over the course of a Mr. Homick thanked his committee 33-year tradition that is the Ukrainian members – Roman Jarymovych, Andrij American Sport Center Tryzub’s annual Zajac, Orest Lesiuk, Bohdan Anniuk, golf tournament. George Lucyszyn and Alex Woloszczuk – Eighty golfers from Pennsylvania, for their hard work and dedication. New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, The committee acknowledged three Delaware and Maryland flocked to the golfers who had played in all 33 annual Limekiln Golf Club. The course, although golf outings: Mr. Anniuk, George Baer “long” because of the heavy rains, played and Lou Leskiw. well and presented a challenge to all Messrs. Homick and Anniuk aspects of the players’ games. announced the winners of this year’s “The Tryzub golf tournament is competition and rewarded them with cus- designed to reinvigorate old friendships tomized plaques. The competition win- and to start new ones; our golfers… pass ners were as follows: the tradition on to their sons and daugh- A woman golfer, Pam Remmey, distin- ters,” said avid golfer and golf committee The winners of the team trophy, the Ukrainian National Home of Hartford, guished herself by winning the overall Conn., with Joe Homick (right), Tryzub golf committee chair. chair Joe Homick. A sizeable attendance “Closest to the Pin” award. by younger golfers and women marked • Men’s Low Gross: 1. Bohdan Anniuk • Women’s Low Net: Lori Henkels The sponsors for this year’s event were this year’s event. (Tryzub); 2. Mike Szegda (Ukrainian After golf, everyone gathered at the (Tryzub). perennial supporter Fletcher-Nasevich National Home, Hartford, Conn.). • Men’s Low Net – “A” Flight: 1. Funeral Home, which, in addition to a Michael Andrusko (Tryzub); 2. Zenon generous monetary donation, also brought Kos (Tryzub). four paid players to the competition, and • Men’s Low Net – “B” Flight: 1. the Pepsi Bottling Co., which donated for Andre Shevchenko (independent); 2. auction four highly coveted tickets to an 1933 issues needed Greg Homick (Tryzub). upcoming Phillies vs. Boston Red Sox • Women’s Low Gross: Pam Remmey Major League baseball game. Company The Ukrainian Weekly is searching for original issues (Tryzub). representative Alex Woloszczuk raffled • Longest Drive: Mike Szegda off the tickets for donations totaling of this newspaper published in 1933 (Ukrainian National Home, Hartford). $300. in order to scan them for our digital archives. • Closest to the Pin: Pam Remmey Each player received a generous and (Tryzub). thoughtful door prize and a popular 50/50 • First Place Team: Ukrainian National raffle replenished the pool for next year’s If you have original copies of newspapers from 1933, please contact Home, Hartford (Mike Szegda, Bill tournament with $440. Naturally, $440 the editorial staff at 973-292-9800, ext. 3049, or [email protected]. Zeurbliss, Roman Zastawsky, Glen went to the winner of the draw. Cassells). Next year’s golf tournament will take place on Saturday, June 13. No. 26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 21

Boxing Vasiunyk, in reporting Kyiv’s prepara- risks of losing talented domestic players. and Dmytro Sheretov (73 kg) tied for tions for the tournament, said that Kyiv Currently, seven foreign players are bronze, and Artem Vasylenko (81 kg) • (53-3-47 KO) may win the venue city status for the allowed per club team. won bronze. defeated Uzbek Ruslan Chagaev (25-1-1, finals on condition that Kyiv meets the • Ukraine and Poland will hold a soc- Synchronized swimming 17 KO) in front of 61,000 fans on demands of the stadium, airport infra- cer match between the two countries’ Saturday, June 20, at Veltins-Arena in structure and transport network facilities government leaders in a series of events Ukraine’s synchronized swimming , Germany. Referee Eddie by November 30 of this year. leading up to the two countries co-hosting team won silver and bronze at the Cotton stopped the fight to give Klitschko • Ukraine defeated Kazakhstan 2-1 on the Euro Cup in 2012. Vice-Prime European Synchronized Swimming a 10th round technical knockout and earn June 10 in Kyiv in the Group 6 FIFA Minister for European Integration Champions Cup in Andorra on May him The Ring magazine’s World Cup qualifier. Serhiy Nazarenko Hryhorii Nemyria announced on June 19 15-17. Daria Yushko and Yulia Marianko championship belt. Klitschko, the IBF, responded to Tanat Nusserbayev’s 18th that Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk won bronze medals in duet and silver IBO, WBO heavyweight champion, was minute goal for Kazakhstan, with a free- would announce the date for the match medals in free combination. scheduled to fight British challenger kick in the 32nd minute to even the score. during his visit to Ukraine in late June or Athletics , but Haye bowed out due to Ukraine took the lead with another goal early July. injury. Klitschko sent Chagaev to the can- by Nazarenko off an assist from Artem Ukraine won five medals at the Grand vas in the second round with a right and, Milevsky in the 47th minute. In Group 6, Hockey Prix European Athletics Association by the end, Chagaev was cut above his Ukraine is tied for second place with Ukraine will host the 2010 Division II Tournament on June 9. Natalia Semenova left eye and wasn’t landing his own Croatia at 11 points. After six games Junior World Hockey Championship, won gold in the women’s discus throw punches. The crowd attendance was the played, Ukraine has three wins, two according to the Ukrainian Hockey with a distance of 62.57 meters, Maksym largest in Germany since Max Schmelling draws, one loss, and nine goals for and Federation. Participating countries Mazuryk won silver in the pole vault with knocked out Adolf Heuser in front of six against. Ukraine’s next match is include Slovenia, Holland, Belgium, 5.6 meters, Oleksandr Korchmid won 70,000 in in 1939. Klitschko set against Andorra on September 5. Spain and Australia. bronze in the pole vault. Tetiana Petliuk an IBF record with this, his seventh title • FC Vorskla Poltava won its first won silver in the women’s 800-meter defense. This was Chagaev’s first career Ukrainian Cup 1-0 over UEFA Cup win- Martial arts race, finishing in 2:01.25 minutes. defeat. ners FC Shakhtar Donetsk on May 31. • Oleh Nekliudov (60 kg) defeated • Ukraine’s team won seven medals at Shooting Vorskla scored in the second half when the World Judo Cup in Tallinn, Estonia Samuel Rodriguez of Cuba to win the Andriy Pyatov parried a shot from Jovan Mykola Milchev, an Olympic gold division at the Amateur International (for men) and Madrid, Spain (for women) Markoski and watched as Vasyl Sachko in June. Anastasiya Matrosova (78 kg) medalist at the 2000 Olympic Games in Boxing Associaiton’s World Junior headed the ball in. Shaktar’s chances won gold, Tetiana Lusnikova (48 kg) won Sydney, won the bronze medal at the Boxing Championships in Yerevan, dwindled when Fernandinho was shown a silver. The tournament in Spain attracted World Cup in Minsk, Belarus, on June 8. Armenia, on May 30. red card after bringing down Markoski 128 competitors from 26 countries. In This is Milchev’s second medal this year, shortly after the score. with a previous gold medal earned in Soccer Estonia, Stanislav Bondarenko (over 100 • Shakhtar Donetsk half-back Jadson Cairo, Egypt. kg) won silver. Maksym Korotun (60 kg), • Dynamo Kyiv, champions of the was named best player of the UEFA Cup Serhiy Drebot (66 kg), Valtentyn Hrekov Miscellaneous Ukrainian premier league, earned an auto- final on May 20 by the Organizational (90 kg), and Vitaliy Polianksy (100 kg) matic entry into UEFA’s Champion’s Committee of the UEFA Cup. Shakhtar Ukraine’s Ministry of Family, Youth won bronze medals. Athletes from 19 League tournament group stage, in the defeated Werder Bremen 2-1 on May 20. and Sports announced on May 15 the countries competed in Estonia. third seeding pot. This is a first for Shakhtar will meet Barcelona in the inclusion of three non-Olympic sports • Ukraine won four medals at the Dynamo Kyiv and group stage matches UEFA Super Cup in late August in events to be hosted by Ukraine, including Men’s Judo World Cup in Bucharest, are scheduled to begin on September 15. Monaco. Barcelona defeated Manchester wakeboarding, poker and dance. Shakhtar Donetsk and 55 other teams will United 2-0 in the UEFA Champion’s Romania, on June 7. Anatoliy Laskuta compete for the remaining 10 places in League final on May 27. (60 kg) won silver, Konstantin Aanchenko – compiled by Matthew Dubas the Champion’s League tournament. • Oleksiy Mykhailychenko, head coach Qualifying games will be held in July of Ukraine’s national team, called for through August. reducing the foreign-player quota in • President Viktor Yushchenko remind- Ukraine’s soccer clubs to six players, ed Kyiv municipal authorities that according to the Football Federation of UEFA’s Euro - 2012 final should be held Ukraine on June 18. Mykhailychenko in Kyiv. Vice-Prime Minister Ivan said that this proposal could reduce the

Chicago’s Wings travel to Ukraine

CHICAGO – Members of the Wings soccer club (seen above) of the Ukrainian American Youth Association of Chicago left for Ukraine on June 17 to play against their peers in western Ukraine. The team was invited to Ukraine by the Karpaty soccer club of Lviv. While in Ukraine, Wings (also known as Kryla in Ukrainian) were to play Karpaty of Lviv, the Lviv soccer club, Karpaty of Yaremche and Hazovyk of Borodchany. The group traveling to Ukraine compris- es 16 high school and college students, as well as their team leaders. Chicago’s Olympic Committee officially designated the Wings soccer club as ambassadors in conjunction with the “Windy City’s” bid to host the Summer Olympic Games in 2016. 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 No. 26

further examines this topic with an in- was moved to the Odesa region in 2007 New journal... depth look into the particular case of U.S.-led Sea Breeze... and 2008 to avoid another outbreak of (Continued from page 9) Polish diplomats stationed in the USSR (Continued from page 2) anti-NATO sentiment among Crimean Nationalities Policy Change of 1933, or during the Holodomor. Sea Breeze was aborted also in 2006 Russians. The protests were manageable Why ‘Ukrainian Nationalism’ Became The article “‘Blacklists’ as a Tool of for lack of parliamentary approval. In that in these cases. Although originating in the the Main Threat to Stalin in Ukraine,” the Soviet Genocide of Ukraine,” written year, Mr. Yushchenko failed to request overall framework of NATO’s Partnership written by Hennadii Yefimenko, focuses by Heorhii Papakin, focuses on the use of parliamentary approval for the holding of for Peace program, Sea Breeze is not a on the social and political changes in blacklists by the Soviet government, par- Sea Breeze. The president apparently did NATO exercise. It is, rather, a joint Ukraine that coincided with the ticularly as applied to the Holodomor. not want this issue to spoil the political Ukraine-U.S. exercise, in which other Holodomor. According to Mr. Papakin, this system of coalition he was negotiating with Party of countries are invited to participate. In 1933, as a reaction to these changes, blacklists was “the deprival of certain Regions leader Viktor Yanukovych at that Oblivious to such distinctions, local pro- the Communist Party of Ukraine declared populated areas, because of their ‘offens- time, nominating Mr. Yanukovych as testers and their handlers use the opportu- Ukrainian nationalism to be a threat, in es’ against the state.” Using this method, prime minister. nity to demonize NATO. direct contradiction to Bolshevik Party’s Mr. Papkin asserts, the Soviet govern- Seemingly unsuspecting U.S. troops The Verkhovna Rada’s failure to policy on nationality. Mr. Yefimenko ment identified and targeted whole landed in the Crimea without the neces- approve the entry of troops for this year’s asserts that with this policy change Joseph regions of ethnic Ukrainians during the sary parliamentary authorization, spark- exercise reflects a deepening crisis of Stalin took preventive measures against a Holodomor. ing vociferous protests by local Russian institutions in Ukraine. The posts of Ukrainian population disgruntled with the In addition, the editor reprints several nationalist and leftist groups (with signifi- defense minister (and one deputy minis- economic development of the USSR and, letters to the Red Cross on behalf of those cant reinforcements from outside the ter), foreign affairs minister, finance min- in that framework, orchestrated the suffering during the Holodomor, along Crimea). These exploited to the hilt the ister and other government posts are Holodomor to target and subdue that pop- with a brief history of the attempted relief opportunity to pose as defenders of the vacant due to infighting among political ulation. movement for Holodomor victims. Ukrainian Constitution and laws. U.S. forces. Ukraine’s financial crisis threatens In the article “Foreign Diplomats on Finally, Mykola Ryabchuk’s review of troops were blocked inside hostels by the funding of the country’s international the Holodomor in Ukraine,” Yuriy David Marples’ book, “”Heroes and protesters, while the U.S. military cargoes military cooperation programs with a Shapoval explores a different kind of Villains: Creating National History in were sequestered on arrival by local port near-freeze. Inaction pending yet another documentation of the Holodomor. He Contemporary Ukraine,” provides a sug- authorities. Local police in the Crimea round of elections is impairing Ukraine’s focuses not on the classified Soviet files, gestion for further reading, as well as a and central authorities in Kyiv were pow- capacity at this time to advance, however but rather reports of diplomats stationed recommendation for this currently rele- erless to change the situation. Then U.S. incrementally, toward ultimate NATO in the Soviet Union during the vant work about Russ-Ukrainian rela- President George W. Bush was also membership. Holodomor. tions. forced to abort his scheduled visit to Diplomats, according to Mr. Shapoval, Dr. Serbyn, the journal’s editor, is a Ukraine at the same time. Russian televi- The article above is reprinted from witnessed the impending catastrophe of professor emeritus of the University of sion channels propagandized the protests, Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission Stalin’s policies and reported back to their Quebec at Montreal. He was born in so as to encourage participation in them. from its publisher, the Jamestown governments. For example, documents of western Ukraine shortly after the The center of gravity of Sea Breeze Foundation, the German Consulate in Odesa indicate Holodomor and relocated with his family that in 1933 the Soviet government did to Canada in the 1940s. He is known for not let up on persecutions, that “on the his studies of the famines that ravaged households keep their money in Nadra, heels of one misfortune, they are already Ukraine in the 1920’s. Ukrainian government... therefore Ms. Tymoshenko must prevent preparing others.” The information in Annual subscriptions to Holodomor (Continued from page 2) this bank from going under, to avoid these documents indicates acknowledge- Studies can be ordered directly from the social unrest ahead of the presidential ment of the gravity of the Holodomor, as publisher: Charles Schlacks, Publisher, will be completed by the end of June (Ekonomicheskie Izvestia, June 11). election expected in January 2010, in well as the culpability of the Soviet gov- P.O. Box 1256, Idyllwild, CA which she plans to run. ernment. 92549-1256; e-mail, schlacks.slavic@ Nadra is the victim of the excessive optimism of its owners, who relied heavi- Politics may still spoil everything. On The article “The Question of the Subscriptions are $20 for June 12, parliament again asked President Holodomor in Ukraine of 1932-1933 in individuals and do not include shipping ly on foreign loans in order to expand its network across the country to reap profits Yushchenko to fire NBU Chairman the Polish Diplomatic and Intelligence costs, which range from $6 to $20, Volodymyr Stelmakh. A respective Reports,” written by Robert Kusnierz, depending on destination. from the consumer spending boom that Ukraine experienced in 2006 and early motion was backed by the overwhelming majority of 319 votes in the 450-seat 2008. The large retail network of Nadra chamber (Ukrayinska Pravda, May 12). suddenly became useless when the mas- at the University of Trento in Italy, talks Mr. Yushchenko does not have to obey sive outflow of deposits started last fall; Edition presents... about the devastation of the Kazakhs dur- Parliament in this matter according to the at the same time, many of those (Continued from page 9) ing the 1931-1933 period, as a result of Constitution, and his first reaction was to Ukrainians who had borrowed from State Archival System” examines the Stalin’s policy of collectivization. reject the motion as he did in January. Additionally, Gijis Kessler, a research fel- Nadra in foreign currency (mostly U.S. However, an informed business daily sug- sources available for Holodomor research. dollars), found it difficult to repay loans Dr. Boriak, head of the Department of low of the International Institute of Social gested that Mr. Yushchenko may change History in Amsterdam, in his “1932-1933 as their wages in the dollar equivalent his mind, jealous of the fact that relations Specialized Research and Electronic plunged when the national currency lost Resources at the Institute of History of Crisis and Its Aftermath beyond the have apparently improved between Mr. Epicenters of Famine: The Urals Region,” almost 40 percent of its value by early Ukraine at the National Academy of Stelmakh and Mr. Yushchenko’s arch- discusses the unique effects the collectiv- 2009. Sciences of Ukraine, discusses declassifi- rival Ms. Tymoshenko, who previously ization and mass starvation had on the Nadra had been among the top five cation, survival and availability of these insisted on his dismissal (Delo, June 15). Urals. leaders in the Ukrainian mortgage loan Mr. Stelmakh’s two main weaknesses sources for research purposes. Finally, George G. Grabowicz, Dmytro market, and this became a heavy liability. are his political neutrality and his age of In the next paper, “Victory over the Chyzhevskyj Professor of Ukrainian Prime Minister Tymoshenko’s allegations 70 – five years above the legal maximum Peasantry,” Sergei Maksudov, an associ- Literature at Harvard University, closes that Nadra was illegally refinanced by the for state officials. He can only hope that ate of the Davis Center for Russian and the volume with his essay, “The NBU at President Viktor Yushchenko’s President Yushchenko will remain on his Eurasian Studies at Harvard University, Holodomor and Memory,” which stresses orders were the last straw (Eurasia Daily side, otherwise the post of the NBU chair- studies the demographics of the the importance of feeling and emotion Moniter, January 30). Nadra subsequently man will become a bargaining chip in the Holodomor to come to a conclusive, doc- when remembering the Holodomor and ground to a halt as a credit institution. continuing war of all against all in ument-based analysis of the losses of the discusses the impact of the Famine on There are hopes that Nadra’s well- Ukrainian politics. Holodomor. modern Ukraine. developed network might attract foreign Changing the NBU leader at a time The volume also includes two works Readers may obtain a copy of “Hunger investors and save it from formal bank- when the country’s banking system is in on the related genocides of Ukraine’s by Design: The Great Ukrainian Famine ruptcy. Former NBU Chariman Serhii shambles might come at a very high cost, neighbors during the Stalinist era. In his and Its Soviet Context” by visiting the Tyhypko, who co-chairs the council of including more delays to the bailout plan “The Collectivization Famine in publisher’s website at http://www.hup. investors under the Cabinet, said in a that might prove fatal to banks. Kazakhstan,” Niccolo Pianciola, acting or recent interview that he found a potential professor of the history of Eastern Europe through Western investor for the bank in May, The article above is reprinted from though he did not provide details Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission (Ukrayinska Pravda, June 15). from its publisher, the Jamestown ODUM Resort Center, Inc. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian Foundation, P.O. Box 151 Rockaway, NJ 07866 June 1, 2009 Dear Member: Need a back issue? Pursuant to a resolution adopted at the last general meeting of ODUM Resort Center, Inc., the corporation is preparing to dissolve. Accordingly, if you have If you’d like to obtain a back issue of The Ukrainian Weekly, any claims against this corporation you must submit a written statement of your claim(s) within 30 days. send $2 per copy (first-class postage included) to: A claim should include the name, address and telephone of the claimant, the amount of the claim, the date and nature of the claim. All claims must be Administration, The Ukrainian Weekly, mailed to the above address and received by July 3, 2009. 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280 Respectfully yours, Wolodymyr Stepowyj Parsippany, NJ 07054. Secretary ODUM Resort Center Inc. No. 26 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 23 OUT AND ABOUT

July 3-5 Independence Day weekend festivities, Bobrivka, July 23 Concert fund-raiser, featuring bass-baritone Pavlo North Colebrook, CT 860-883-1391, 203-932-4376 Beamsville, Ontario Hunka, Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce, or Rosewood Estates Winery and Meadery, 416-253-6700 or July 3-5 Vegreville Pysanka Festival, Vegreville Cultural Vegreville, Alberta Association, Fair Grounds, 780-632-2777 July 24 One-person exhibit, “Of the Seasons” by Aniziya July 4 Jubilee concert of works by Myroslav Skoryk, Lakewood, OH Karmazyn, featuring paintings, woodcuts and mixed Jewett, NY featuring soprano Maria Stefiuk, Grazhda Music media works, The Beck Center for the Arts, and Art Center of Greene County, 518-989-6479 216-521-2540 or

July 5-18 Teenage Conference, Ukrainian Orthodox Church July 25 Fund-raiser concert, violinist Alexandre Emlenton, PA of the U.S.A., All Saints Camp, Jewett, NY Brussilovsky, cellist Nataliya Khoma and pianist or 412-279-1076 Volodymyr Vynnytsky, Grazhda Music and Art Center of Greene County, 518-989-6479 July 6 Film screening, “The Living,” Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 617-495-4053 July 31-August 2 Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival, Selo Ukraina Dauphin, Manitoba (Ukrainian Village), 204-622-4600 July 6-11 Dance day camp, Eurasia Dance Society, St. Silver Spring, MD Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, August 1 Piano recital by Juliana Osinchuk, Grazhda Music [email protected] or 202-841-8325 Jewett, NY and Art Center of Greene County, 518-989-6479

July 10 Lecture by Tetiana Stawnychy, “Rebuilding Civil August 1 Ukrainian Film Festival, Soyuzivka Ukrainian Washington Society in Ukraine: The Role of the Church,” Kerhonkson, NY Heritage Center,, U.S.-Ukraine Foundation, 240-205-1889 845-626-5641 or [email protected]

July 11 Concert, violinist Eugene Fodor and pianist August 2-5 Adoptive Parents Ukrainian Heritage Days, Jewett, NY Volodymyr Vynnytsky, Grazhda Music and Art Kerhonkson, NY Soyuzivka Ukrainian Heritage Center, Center of Greene County, 518-989-6479, 845-626-5641

July 11 60th anniversary banquet, Ukrainian American August 3-7 Pysanka workshop, with instruction by Sofika Ellenville, NY Youth Association, UAYA Oselia, 845-647-7230 Jewett, NY Zielyk, Grazhda Music and Art Center of Greene County, 518-989-6479 July 17-19 Ukrainian Cultural Festival, Soyuzivka Ukrainian Kerhonkson, NY Heritage Center,, 845-626-5641 Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome July 20-24 Ukrainian Arts Day Camp, Assumption of the submissions from all our readers. Items will be published at the discre- Ottawa Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church, tion of the editors and as space allows. Please send e-mail to mdubas@ 613-841-9489 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2009 No. 26 PREVIEW OF EVENTS Soyuzivka’s Datebook Wednesday, July 1 CGIS Building South, 1730 Cambridge CAMBRIDGE, Mass.: The Harvard St., Cambridge, MA 02138. This event is Ukrainian Summer Institute will host a free and open to the public. For more June 28-July 5 Tabir Ptashat 1st July 19-25 Discovery Camp lecture given by Joyce Dove, founder and information call 617-495-4053 or visit us session; Exploration Day Camp 1 director of the Foundation for Children at July 25 Zabava with Oberehy, 10 pm Inc. Her lecture, “Children of Ukraine Friday, July 10 July 3-4 Friday: Hrim Unplugged on Hospital Rotary Project: Twelve Years of WASHINGTON: Tetiana Stawnychy, the Tiki Deck July 25-August 1 Sitch Sports Camp Working Side by Side to Save Children,” will be held at 7 p.m. in Room S-050 development director, Ukrainian Greek- Saturday: Zabava with Hrim, 10 pm Session 1 (Concourse Level), CGIS Building South, Catholic Patriarchal Curia, Kyiv, will 1730 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA speak on “Rebuilding Civil Society in July 5-12 Tabir Ptashat 2nd session, July 26-31 Heritage Camp session 2 02138. This event is free and open to the Ukraine: The Role of the Church.” The Exploration Day Camp 2 public. For more information call lecture, to be delivered in English, will be July 26-August 8 Dance Camp ses- 617-495-4053 or visit us at http://www. at the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation, 1701 K July 11 Zabava with Fata Morgana, sion 1 St. NW, Suite 903. Coffee will be served 10 pm Monday, July 6 at 6:30 p.m.; the webcast presentation July 31-August 1 Friday evening: begins promptly at 7 p.m. To watch the CAMBRIDGE, Mass.: The Harvard July 5-18 Roma Pryma Bohachevsky Kagero on the Tiki Deck webcast on line, go to Dance Workshop Saturday: Film Festival, hosted by Dr. Ukrainian Summer Institute will host a screening of “Zhyvi” with Yuri Shevchuk. events/civicsociety071009.shtml. The July 17-19 Ukrainian Cultural Yuri Shevchuk and the Columbia The film, presented under the theme of event is sponsored by the Shevchenko Festival Film Club; Zabava with Na “The Holodomor in Film,” is co-sponsored Scientific Society, Washington branch, The Zdorovya, 10 pm by the Ukrainian Film Club and the Washington Group and the U.S.-Ukraine July 19-24 Heritage Camp session 1 Ukrainian Studies Program at Columbia Foundation. Admission is free; contribu- University. It will be held at 7 p.m. in tions are welcome. For further information Room S-020 (Belfer Case Study Room), call 240-205-1889.


Preview of Events is a listing of community events open to the public. It is a service provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community.

To have an event listed in Preview of Events please send information, in English, written in Preview format, i.e., in a brief paragraph that includes the date, place, type of event, sponsor, admission, full names of persons and/or organizations involved, and a phone number to be published for readers who may require additional To book a room or event call: (845) 626-5641, ext. 140 information. Items should be no more than 100 words long; longer submissions 216 Foordmore Road P.O. Box 529 are subject to editing. Items not written in Preview format or submitted without all Kerhonkson, NY 12446 required information will not be published. E-mail: [email protected] Website: Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of publication. No information will be taken over the phone. Items will be published only once, unless otherwise indicated. Please include payment for each time the item is to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Also, senders are asked to include the phone number of a person who may be contacted by The Weekly during daytime hours, as well as their complete mailing address.

Information should be sent to: [email protected] or Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054; fax, 973-644-9510. NB: If e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments; simply type the text into the body of the e-mail message.