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BASEBALL TENNIS MOTOR INQ BOWLING PUGILISM ATHLETICS EVENING NEWS SPORTING PAGE FISHING BOATING ALASKAS BUMP Α. 8. & R. ; A THLETICS NOSE SAINTS CONTINUE IN RUBE ROBED EE OUT SHERIDAN S FOR EASY WIN TOPPLETO IN GREAT GAME! WRETCHED FORM AND West New Brighton Nine 3RD PLACE First Tuss!· ior South Amboy ARE SQUELCHED. 9-2 Poles Out Fifteen Saie 000 IS Championship Won by RAHWAY TAKES is Puzzle to Hits Saturday. Auggy Uliner Ο'ΤοοΙθ Band. Make Six Errors-Kinsul'a GIVEN DEFEAT Booz's Team Who Fall ZIG-ZAG GAME Disep- KELLY GETS HOMER from First. RESULT OF FRAY IS 6-5 PAT BY FREEHOLD FROM poinis--ftppleeate Allows But 3 T. A. C. Scores Runs on Er- STINSON GETS HOMER Murray Borlund and Bucka- 'SAINTS^ Hits-New Pitcher Although Not rors-Luther Pauqh Does After Leading for Six Inn- lew in Pitcher's Duel—Re- Union County Clan Evens Up Lead Works Downed by Bar- Nitty Clouting. ings, Spotswood Infield cord Crowd on Hand. In Series by Taking Pounded is No Puzzle. ber-Cable Works Lose Falls Down. Tussle, 8-6. Harry Applegate and his Frank- died stealing. Coley fanned. Ful- epertal to tile EVSXINO Ν Κ ITS. to ttf BVKHryr? NS w*. to Atlantic. lins tightened their grip on the claim lerton singled over short. Foster July 21:—Rube Robe- South 21:—Eight Tottenville, Amboy, July for the city championship yesterday out. Toolin to Hunt. dee's slants and other offerings were hundred Tans saw the Athletics nose afternoon, when they took the meas- I.oesrr out, Apple to Coley.. Stln- accepted by the strong FINAL SCORE IS 8 TO 3 out the Sheridans after- IS EXCITING AFFAIR pleasantly W. L. P.C. yesterday ure of the Saint Anthonys in the son died, Smith to Coley. Peterson Alaskas, of West New Brighton, noon on the latter'» field, fi to 5, in Barber Asphalt Β 0 1.000 second gaifte of the series on the out. Smith to Coley. afternoon, when the Tot- the first battle of a series Saturday Works Β 1 .833 three-game copper works diamond before an as- Seventh filed to leeclol to the EVENI\Q NBWM. Copper Rahway evened lip accounts with inning—Eyerkuss tenville A. C. was handed a costly for the championship of this burg. of fans. When the A. 8. and R 3 1 .750 St. baseball of semblage 1,000 Christy. Apple hit through Stin- 8-3. Without exception 21.—After hold- Such and as was the Anthony nine, beating, Spotswood, July rooting cheering hostilities were over, the scorers an- son and went to third on Loeser's Chesebrough 3 2 .600 this on every member of the visiting com- ing the crack Freehold team down done has never before been equalled city, Saturday afternoon Lead Works 4 3 .671 nounced in a chorus, 9-2, in favor of error. Wilson walked and stole sec- bine found the Rube for least one for*six full and of the here and the fine exhibition Riverside Park grounds In Rahway 1 ^t Innings, part Atlantic T. C 2 4 .333 fully the Franklins. ond. Rodda's sinble to short right Robedee was bombarded and next, the Spotswood infield "crack- warranted the enthusiasm of the when the locals were sent down to, safety. Cable Works 1 4 .200 Kinsulla, it was reported, refused scored Apple ami Wilson. Christy's the fifteen ed" on afternoon and al- were defeat In the second game of pelted all around lot, Saturday crowd. Many of the old fans aj to for un- bad New Jersey 0 6 .000 The pitch yesterday reasons throw gave Smith a life on first. registered by the lowed the Monmouth team to romp to vouch that the was series by 8 to 6 odds. battle punches being willing game known and the St. Anthony manage- Yalla was hit and there were three whose claim on the cham- with a hard earned the best that has been in was one of the most interesting and, Alaskas, away victory. Pitching in nil hie old time brtl- staged ment was forced to a new twir- on bases. the witnessed In the Union, get On hit and run, Rod- of Staten Island now looks Sheffield clever ball, and, if South In many years. exciting yet pionship pitched Inancy, Auggy Ulmer was a proposi- Amboy ler. The new monnd artist, whose da scored and Toolin's errer gave than ever. he had received would Borlund the burg, many close plays being effect-] stronger good support, tion too difficult to solve for the A. Murray decorated name was given as Vance, hails from Coley first base. Fullerton out, runs which the T. A. C. col- havo 3 to 2. The final score the tossers and ed. The tussle was a zig-zag affair Both won, S. and R. nine, who toppel down mound for O'Toole j Newark, it was stated. He was hit Vance to Hunt. Foster died the lected in the sixth stanza were tal- was 8 to which makes the de- Buckalew was on the line for with the Saints and Rahway taking 3, only to third place in the factory league tiring freely at all stages and the eleven same way. on miscues and the run scored feat suffered this turns at forging to the front. lied year by Spotswood race, while the Copper Works mount- Delaney'e favorites. By striking out wallops landed by the city champions Toolin tiled out to Fullerton, who in the was also more than one run Through some poor work by the by Tottenville ninth by margin. ed to second berth as the result of six men and allowing but eight safe with the six black er- also infield the locals collected coupled big caught Yenk's line fly. Hunt made 011 an error. Out of their total The tale of woe: earned a shade over Rahway the latter's victory over the former bingles, Murray rors by the "Sain" players, gave the was out, Apple to Coley. six of their coun- four tallies in the second stanza, but the Alaskas earned Spotswood. Saturday afternoon, 5-0. Ulmer was Buckalew, who was touched safely victors their nine tallies. Eighth to show that the I'nion county lads inning—Eyerkuss out, ters. Luther Paugh did some nifty A.B. R II P.O. A Ε in danger several times, but he al- nine times and caused four men to On tho other to Hunt. on the Saints be- hand, Harry Apple- Vance Appie filed to T.oe- his crew. Pat 4 1 1 3 0 C on the had nothing them, clouting for Kelly Jolly sg ways proved master of the situation, drop the willow three-strikes was In form and allowed ser. Wilson filed to Peterson. to In their half of gate great slammed out a homer off the delivery Mankowskl 3b. 4 1 0 1 5 1 count. issued three free gan play poorly as the A. S. and R. team plnyers were Each passes but three hits while his team mates Elle struck out. Christy out on a If the second and before they "came to" of Robedee. *!. Appleby 3 0 1 2 1 C unable to send even one tally across to base No. 1. him The to Rodda. Vance struck out. the was 4-3. gave wonderful support. fly The reason: 2b 4 1 1 Ο 1 5 Borlund and did tally Bailey the plate. Joe Mullen and Oscar Ajidy Campion Franklins had an easy time, taking Ninth inning —Rodda out, Toolin R. lb 4 0 0 8 1 C best for the Ritter twirled for the State street Appleby Wilson were helpless before the de- the clouting victors, tho lead in the when to Hunt. Smith's took a he was second, they grounder Alaskas. De Voe cf 4 0 2 0 1 C while Manaker and made the crowd and while not as effec- livery of Ulmer. Hardy pushed live runs across tho olate. bad bounce and went as a hit over AB R H PO A Ε F. Dinkle c&rf. 3 0 tive as Armstrong, the opposing 0 3 1 C Pox Booz was in his usual form most timely wallops for the Sheri- Johnny Fullerton and "Yalla" Pe- short, Yalla singled to center and Ε. 2b. 5 1 1 3 4 0 slabsman, only half of the runs were McGrath, Sheffield .... 3 0 0 0 3 1 dans. ρ while on the rrfound for the A. S. terson were shining lights at the bat, was out when Coléy hit to If .... 3 0 1 0 0 0 earned him. Hunt Christy, Daniels, rf ... 1 0 against Johnny Wagner 0 0 0 C ; and R. crew, to whom came How and why: while Mat. Rodda's playing In center who threw to Toolin. stole Seaton, lb 4 1 2 8 0 0 cjefeat made an error In the first inning Coley c .... 2 0 0 5 0 C Browning for the first time Saturday. Pudney Athletics. field was also a distinct feature. second, Fullerton hit Pat. Kelly, cf 5 1 2 2 0 0 j which was not a costly one. 'Pete safely through ! Stinson, the faet little third base- PO Α Ε AB R Η Louis Kile's triple was the longest Stinson. Fostef 11w'fty*'ttui;",riy<yTin!"tti' .. 5 2 2 in and. Serrlck, ss .. 1 1 2 Totals 32 3 5 23 13 4 Peterson, center field, Harry. 0 1 man of the St. Anthonys, starred by Keating, ss 2 8 0 4 1 0 lilt of the day.