The New Zealand Gazette. 883
MAR. 25.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 883 MILITARY AREA No. 12 (INVERCARGILL)-continued. MILITARY AREA No. 12 (INVERCARGILL)-continued. 533250 Daumann, Frederick Charles, farm labourer, care of post- 279563 Field, Sydney James, machinist, care of Post-office, Mac office, Lovells Flat. lennan, Catlins. 576554 Davis, Arthur Charles, farm labourer, Dipton. 495725 Field, William Henry, fitter and turner, 36 Princes St. 499495 Davis, Kenneth Henry, freezing worker, Dipton St. 551404 Findlay, Donald Malcolm, cheesemaker, care of Seaward 575914 Davis, Verdun John Lorraine, second-hand dealer, 32 Eye St. Downs Dairy Co., Seaward Downs, Southland. 578471 Dawson, Alan Henry, salesman, 83 Robertson St. 498399 Finn, Arthur Henry, farmer, Wallacetown. 590521 Dawson, John Alfred, rabbiter, care of Len Stewart, Esq., 498400 Finn, Henry George, mill worker, Stewart St., Balclutha. West Plains Rural Delivery. 622455 Fitzpatrick, Matthew Joseph, messenger, Merioneth St., 611279 Dawson, Lewis Alfred, oysterman, 199 Barrow St., Bluff. Arrowtown. 573736 Dawson, Morell Tasman, Jorry-driver, 12 Camden St. 553428 Flack, Charles Albert, labourer, Albion St., Mataura. 591145 Dawson, William Peters, carrier, Pa1merston St., Riverton. 562423 Fleet, Trevor, omnibus-driver, 305 Tweed St. 622362 De La Mare, William Lewis, factory worker, 106 Windsor St. 404475 Flowers, Gord<;m Sydney, labourer, 270 Tweed St. 623417 De Lautour, Peter Arnaud, bank officer, care of Bank of 536899 Forbes, William, farmer, Lochiel Rural Delivery. N.Z., Roxburgh. 492676 Ford, Leo Peter, fibrous-plasterer, 82 Islington St. 490649 Dempster, George Campbell, porter, 24 Oxford St., Gore. 492680 Forde, John Edmond, surfaceman, Maclennan, Catlins. 526266 Dempster, Victor Trumper, grocer, 20 Fulton St. 492681 Forde, John Francis, transport-driver, North Rd., Colling- 493201 Denham, Stuart Clarence, linesman, 81 Pomona St.
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