Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-28-1907 Journal Publishing Company
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-28-1907 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-28-1907 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 10-28-1907." (1907). abq_mj_news/3274 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALBUQUEKQÜE MORNING JOURNAL. TWENTY-NINT- H YEAR ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1907, By Mall. f S M a Year. Br t'nrrler, U. Month. PRICE 5 CENTS Reports From All Parts of Country Tell ofContinued Prosperity ;Money Stringency AffectsNew York A lone It was found In 1 893 that while cur- - on theju, not only for the normal re- - and chicanery on the broail basis of Ihe needing In the Culled States of 111 general prosperity. goveinm nt t currcuoy i irutj mill in tl niiKiii Jieiinuill (luireinents of their business, but they control over hu mi ii in certain cases ine punne generally ac- would also be required to supply the It is pointed out that prosperity will and of the necessity lor a reorganiza- cepted the suspension of currency demand ordinarily supplied from Chi- - be cleaner "for the removal of rotten tion of Hi,, monetai v svstclll Ml It STREET ii I Will FINOS un payments with equanimity. Huns upon cago and New York. CHICAGO FINDS superstructure, and in the wreckage be able to bear tile equireincnts uiiiicu hu hanks ceased because the object of One of the leading bank presidents caused by the downfall of the gain-ble- r. of immense prosperity and withstand such runs, namely to lock up cur- stated that the conditions in Omaha Investors will find more of an .unlib n gusts ,,f unreasoning bale. rency, was defeated by the decision to were never better In the city's history, i opportunity for picking up cheap, pay only in checks acceptable to the and that they could hardly be better sound etoek." Mllvv nukco 'ollovvs Now York Plan. are. one savings bank "Now is the time to buy." Is a note clearing house. than they The Milwaukee Oct. 27 -- Milvvau-Hoii.s- o A decided today to begin enforcing the not Infrequent in general comment. Ii The IS SOLVING large force of clerks were at the SCANT E kee Clearing MONETARY clearing house today prepared for the time allowance provision In withdraw- is not unreasonable to believe that the association held a Issuance of loan certificates tomorrow. ing funds. comparative calmness with which Mu-ro- meeting to. at w hlch It w as deehl- - These are In $r.,ini(i, Jlu.iiiin and views the situation may be due e.l to follow i in. plan adopted in New niltl denominations, ami in Ihe followi- No Alarm In tilvoslnn. 'to the greater and more reliable dls-- i York, Chic-ig- and other cities of Is- ng; form: (alvcston. Oct. 1. Summing up seminat ion of news. A few oars ago suing clearing house certilii ates and ' "This certifies (name of hank) has the linanclnl situation In c.alvestoii, '1. in the news from the I'liiled sta'es, a to reMiliie a t hilt ila v notice from de-p- IN GIAL depositeil with this committee securi- .1. (Irace. president of the alvcston FOR ALARM panic was a'panie, ;ind nothing more; ns ile. Ming lo withdraw o MOSES ties In clearing house asHoclatlon and presi- now reasons fur and details ot a crisis its from sivings batiks. accordance with Ihe provisions - of a meeting of association, upon dent of the lialvcston National bank, enable thoughtful persons to dil'feren- The association Issue. I a statement the Hp Ig- - which this Is Issued. said today: "There are no disturb- ti bctwi banks by lonighl in which it defines the mean- certificate This In, w it aw by certificate will be received in pay- ing factors In the local situation. The irau! foreigners aiul Inn als ing of "t idling house certificates" ment of balances for the sum of $5. uno bank are working along quietly ami d ini stors. .in.l HIIUM eh' their IsNlie. 'nl-- i conservatively. Insisting on the grad- BANKS DECIDE UPON M till' St.ll K,nk: from any member of the Clearing obligations iui'ii MORGAN PROBLEM Mouse association. ual liquidation of outside Iliiltiiriore Hanks in (.00 I SllllH "Since Wrt Yu k Hiiti Chirac"! without any pressing or lianas-sln- g ' PROTECTIVE MEASURES: hi ii K (is hat i.!cl (u "On the surrender of tlii certificate neces- Halt itooi c. Oct. 27. Heci nt events by methods and emphasizing the - house TI ifi. al. s. M il w a ukt'e b.i nkrr the depositing bank above named re- sity In gradually In s in New c iinpHli-i- l ti the committee will endorse the amounl of financial clivh York have ,ii t'ntl.'W tlu'ir lieving .situation." been without l - as a payment the -- of Speculation, considerable clfcct here lu Mi.hf i'H uve Uulr ntsh rf- on the obligations of Curtailment ' Moiicv tight Week Opens in New York With said bank held by lem, anil surrender has been locallv for some VÍí;oious Woik of Poweiful a St. I 'a ul Ailopls I'rotcetivc Measures. is by '.M ilw a u ki e ban's were never In a proportionate: share of the collateral which strongly Ursed , .?;",::::::! t. l'aul. Oct. 27. Hcpiesentatives ,zL? "!".!:r more sound and pro. perotis eomiillon. Leader Finally securities held thereunder." í't -- Brinfís Order Renewed Confidence That irii h i Is In nf the banks of St. Paul. Minneapolis forrr.l lit sarrift, first r! ts. but Itcuinstanccs In New York have This the form as Only Result LooUcdi used 1S3. Bankers, bul c.ifli'M brought a when these certificate were last used. and lblluth this afternoon agreed to tlirse hve lirni 1V. !";tl about situation that makes Out of Last Week's Chaotic Relief Measures Taken Will banking It utimis In It tb.-i- At that time the were of discontinue the payment of money on in Windy City, tnr m rxrrllrnt Imperative all banks must certificates For shopr ami fin ; n r st. preserve great benefit and aided materially In checks, certificates of deposit or draft lialtinii'io uiru is in.l together and their cash Conditions. Prove Adequate. clearing the very except for malí sums, and that for to bHit'VP that minlitioiiM in Ww Y"ik hninnccs. II will doubtless be tr.vlng serious situation pas'-ft- l tin- staK; wilt then existing. New the present no money should be fur- IIt Morning Jnnraal Ntas inl Imsed Wire.) bttvi wiiiht ami and inconvenient for both hanks and In this connection, It nmv hUiI1I inijii itviv depositors, but if people will York hankers commended the nished to bank correspondents. 27. their the CONDITIONS CONTRASTED nction was agreed, however, that Ihe banks Chicago. Oct. financiers and willi the hanks and under- HYSTERICAL DEPOSITORS of outside cities in adopting the same checks on bal- bankers of Chicago tonight for- - be In Ihe plan for the protection of sup- arlould certify their i..k lniliamtHilÍH Adopt 1'rccnuiion. stand that all will gainers their ances In their handa, payaule through hopefulness to tin- probable end by the course adopted, the situa- NO LONGER DEMAND MONEY WITH THOSE OF 1893. plies of cash. They foresee that this ward with polis, Oct. !T Although ac- the clearing houses only. present Indiana tion will rupidlv improve and bo'ticss will relievo out- ea continuance of the financial greatly the strajn at The Savings banka and trust I'lim-pani- tion was nknii late last night by the return to normal conditions." side points, permitting thorn lo use the will require Ihe sixty ami ninety Holvency of Ihe banks and trust com- - Indianapolis illearlng bouse In connec- ' Confidence That Worst is Ovec Pointed Out That Present Sit- certificates in the place of rash, and dav notices. The payment of check jianle. basing (heir expectations or. tion with the trust companies to pro- also having the salutary effect of Money Plentiful in Noilbwcsl. and drafts through the clc.irlng house the protective measures taken by the tect depositors by issuing clearing Thoroughly Finan- uation Deals Only With Cur- keeping down the drain of outside will proceed in the usual way. house certificate for exchange be- Portland ore., Oct. Pervades cities upon New York. When New-Yor- clearing house association lust night tween Inst it ul A statement was Issued after the Ihe local financial ions bankers of this city arc a unit In the Fol- adopted In lS!i:i of clearing1 I , cial Circles; Good May rency Supply; of the certificates meeting that the action as outlined in ordering the issuance to settle balances, and by the truM l...h,.r ... .......ul,...h., Un I. L. in... iu Industries the system became universal ,' almost was taken lor the purpose of protect- bouse certificates and the putting In! com, .anics, taking advantage of 'halare not going t,, affect Portland or t throughout the country, every- pre- no- low Recent Flurry, Nation Never So Prosperous, and ing commercial Interests anil of force of the legal notice that may be law requiring thirty to sixty davs north Pacific financial lustilulioiis.