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9-2-1911 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-02-1911 Journal Publishing Company

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HIRTY-THIR- D YEAR, VOL CXXXI, No. 64. 1 By Mall SO CeuU Month; Single B I ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1 01 . Coptr oraU : airier. 60 Cents a Month

road otiiiiais mil i... s.maht. Liile tonialu Piesai, ,lt Kline, of ths BARTHOLDT PRESENTS NO RECOGNITION i.'.icKsmuhs uii.ii ann.iuncvd: B E ATT I E MURDERAVIATOR KILLED BYlMASKED BANDITS TURMOIL ATTENDS 'win4 to the between the STATUE TO EMPEROR committer and Mr. Kruttschuitl. It is all o rt.tni t:,.,t the Kt n-- commiltee o: the u..,,.is i,u dve.lwili lb I 'm. Sept. I The Non! D. tr FflH SHOPMEN'S be . all. .1 lo s.m et. Ki.m. is. o iiumediaie-- 1 CASE WEARS FALL FROM L0OTS0UTHERN to. me (Uiiils a CONVENTION IN lor t Chi"! I. t.l.Utt t''hltiVC tO the pie- ' "The international officers now hen-hav- "etiiauoii to Cmjieror . not receded from their demand now b Kepi, selilalix e Ii!, that the federation he revoemx.-d- . and S. H. Wolitrui ,.n FEDERATION The re, E .. railroads oaniz- - and deal CLOSE PACIFICTRI '"bill the American pe..p;. . ,,; a MEXICO anil ...lie, tiv,. tKiiis,,,,,-!;,,,,,,- orcani-nation- s; ICIN a o- Hi.. Karon von m. ai.. r, they shouhl receive the shop m mi., in Washington. 111 " tratles on Hie same basis." Air Kline '"I .lis rtl I he new spap. i s added. a; n , hi e, ts general attention to Id a tul historic hetw, n KRUTTSCHNITT TURNS "Joint action is recognized on PRISONER FATALITY DARING HOLD-U- P IN illations EXPECTED ATTENDS o I m. , ., SECOND PLACE ON TICKET fourteen railroad svstcms with entire in and the l lllt. d Slates. DOWN UNION DEMANDS success, and the TO TAKE TODAY CALIFORNIA ms; Lack to the revolution a. H.irriman lines will STAND KANSAS COUNTY FAIR NORTHERN , REMAINS TO BE FILLED have to tome to ii. v.n si. ui. w ho as u young uni-ei- sought i i.-- "I have teceie, a telegram from mull Frederick the Ur. it. the t v.u.d !iis rioer years lo the ni1115 Denver board trade, ' trom the II. e state across tho ocean, und lie Holds That Company Would text of which I taki it ;h.- - board has Defense Introduces .Witnesses Man Crushed to Highwaymen Invade Expiess Ail Unfortunate r. pr. lite l '.. una 11 In build- - J kvates After Day Session hern misinformed. We no in- 'cuts share To- have im: th- great state, win, Be Hampered in Its Duty tention ol diet. Hint:." to Support Wo- Blow Open and Es American lit in Stoiy That Death Beneath fone After Car, Safe ii"W as world power, int. i pore in Succeed Eliminating Only Members of the f;. n, I i ial conventions, shape Hie historv t.l nations ward Public Were It to Yield Mr. Kline man Was Slain By Flight cape in Automobile; said. would tome from Robber Beiiis Driven to By Three! We iii t'.ei'iintny .an und. istun l One Candidate; Police Forc- , San Antonio and Kl Paso, llie spe, ra- Men. Not By ial pride with which our to Ti.x.; Tucson Ariz,, Louisiana, and Husband. Taunts of Crowd. Posses in Pursuit. cial kindred, who have tound tin Ir ed to Clear Galierics. nit-sum- . Cheyenne. Ihtivcr, Sacramen- second bom., across ocean, te- to, the l.os Anwel.s, Sparks. Xev., tmaha, nanted their eminent . ounti y men, au.l Journal fllwclal Norih Plane, Po.ittello, City M.irttin Bi.i-r- al ; 11 II, Mi.rnin Wlr.l Kansas Illy Jiaimxi t Wlr Dt M.irnlDS Jaunuti npeclnl Win) Morning Journal (Mxwlal Wlra.l we regard with high sHtlstactiou Ihe B Jooncil Wir 1 .., 1. ImiSnuth-vr- n fBr Mraloc Sawed mh is. Sept. The and Portland, la4 - Sim FMitu tire. j Chesteriichl ltilVa., Sept. Norton. Kas.. Sept. 1. J. !'. Krishie. liedding. Cal.. Sept. 1. Three rob- honor Willi which the entire Mexico t'li., S. pt. I.- Jose I'lno company, through Julius Willed by - upll smith nation pa., to the leader and l.llow Snares had iii". votes as a result nf F:i' ili'' 1. Henry Clay p.eattie, indicted tor the Curtis aviator, was a fall bers, tun- a negro, held the (lire.-- . r.oMi i sr.isvK South- t iiii. n of Cei uiun slot k." the prost essive convention's firsts r; KtnttschiiUt, and i:ii Ks I th murd. r of his til the county fair Ibis even- hound Oregon express on the Norn i: on ii wife, did not take balb t li-- a vie,, presidential eandl-tlHl- e. .if m;i i nlf nst nf? ami operation of i.ivois i:rn.u ern Pacific railroad, a mile and a half llir Chicago, Sept. 1. the stand today in his own behalf as ing. I'rii.bie met with' an accident Di Frantlsco 'as,tiex Cornel lines, absolutely t'cjeit- - Kepresentativen north of l.amoine. forty miles north th,. llurrimaii of the iniei national unions eomposintr was expected, but the assertion nn and only went Into the air received tbui. Fernando Iglesias . Kediling, o'clot k tonight. They ., .'. ui. i i'r recognition 01 tin- shoi employes of the again today when driven to do so by of at HOBO CONVENT! a.'l. nml Alfredo ltobles Dom-lngin- made just before court adjourned thai blew both 111 Ihe express tar. tom-iiritt.- n Illinois Central, re- t sales .'!iT. lttl. r;'tnii (if shop employes, which has been the taunts an, jeers of the row.l. ,i. m use 11 aped accompanied simp, craft unions with n fused reeonntti.m by President .Mark-ha- the del. would toiichiile Its tast Frishic ft about 1H0 feet und the titled them and est Itobb-- Doniitiguew was officially . bv two who had been ot li' rslup of 5,MM im-n- of the railroad today nave thirty tomorrow with the prisoner's testi- engine .1 his machine fell upon him. other robbers declared out the race lor the vice ,.t;tl nietiii" Thai No one! M', recognition. If" implications days' formal notice to the railroad mony. crushing-- his b It side und chest. He riding on the roof of Ihe car. presidency after ihe first ballot and they IN WASHINGTON to- ,iulil hamper company in that desire alterations in their lingered for about an hour before he was hurl. The value of the robbers', the convention adjourned until tin' An argument ensued between coun- its duly to tho public was contracts. died. booty has not been learned. morrow, notwithstanding- Ihe agree- hy sel for both sides as to the I'risbie been givihp. ment to make it continuous. tn,. i.tsil ion taken its officials. This move followed the commitntejt-lio- n whether had exhibitions reported at Delta. days. The robbery was S . i in lead, is asked tor it on grounds of President Mail.ham to the cross-exa-uin- ion ol the accused also at I'htiwiioil park for several if iharKes of corruption Ii,ni badly Cal.. bv Conductor Dickey within fif yelling- th supporters of ,1 "lid expedition ami union refusing Yesurday his machine that Jse irnlionO representatives, to - could be finished tomorrow ami " it occurred. X 1 1 CIlAio llr. In In . ansi- ol a feeling that recounize any oruanization except and he had a fall of about lorty feet, teen minutes after 0 C H DdC TCltCS I'lno Snares had ugbt their votes, ii up special uunietiiaieiy w.i .i.-....- supporters of Dr. Francisco Vas-quc- s ! nti.iiiz.'lii'u ol capital anil those with which the railroad has con- was obvious that the defense wished bui beyond bruises and shaking train the left, hear- con- iuttvr mail.' corresponding trails, and calling atleiiiion to the to have tin- - prisoner rest over Sun- was not injured. ed nt Diinsinnir. Cal.. and Where Two Thousand Were Homes inarched out of the .u-- Montgomery of tonight, It Imposslbl iitimnn various unions desirable. clause retpiirim; thirty day.V day He was skeptical about the ability ing a posse. Sheriff tention making hail before tiie attack upon him by county was Informed Expected; BretJuen Delayed for the hullotlnp- of the vice presiden- Tlir unions involved asked their notice to abrogate the contracts. . of his machine lo stand another Telniina also fin- in the prosecution should Thomas tial to tor ii, nil The union representatives also for- Might today and announced that he end another posse organized which candidates continue Lie ti Hancock, one of the jurors, however, closely mile- HI ''I'' event of the rtlusal warded a communication lo the rail- would not lake the air this afternoon, was picked up by a special at lied Emoute. time. This followed on the jspoke up ill a plaintive voice to the eleaiing- by po- - traiit recognition of ill.' federation. road, asking for another eoul ,'rem e but when this statement was com- A posse was organized of one of the galleries ; court ,say ing: Hluff. third A . in histitirf three hours wiMi President Tuesday. ITt was an Ik e assisted by delegates. niiti Markham municated to the crowd Ihere at 11 siding, and Joined the Ited Mlurf was t . r M ; 1 n, mill ininiit.N .will await until tomorrow to formu- j "Please consider us. Judge," a the angry demonstration. The spectators (ttr Morning Juarnal HnMlal lawd Students who began rooting for ti Illell. lr1 i.i At r. K i in is. nitts final answer ami late an answer. liinmeiliabiy II. M. Siittih, honied and shouted "KHkir" ami Washington. 1. James Fads Yasqtics Homes created so sreat a .tour asked the ban- Sepl. jutlnwiiiK it. tli' uiiion representatives, The union leaders are confident he I Jr., for ilefciiso how lo listen to explanations. A battle Is expected with How's opened to- that the work of the ussembly hy counsel the west of "llohu" convention tumult went into session will receive them ami while uwaitimi many more witnesses lo' would lulro-- I .Filially Frisblo announced, that dits, who fled to the forests day with barely a baker's dozen in was temporarily closed. A semblance s, go lh imm'Iv. t" consider the strike the expiration of the thirty-da- y period rather than have the big crowd th" Southern Pacific rlKht of way. id r ..! oi-.i- ol i.'.'d for Lot rn. .ri- blnd- - duce. TM' "' .,te, which they may accept as i away with impression that he as iiur-iii--- lo chunm- the exisiim; contracts, they "Just a lew more." said Mr. Smith, the The robbers boarded the tram .1: I'fs Wl"- to ll ..forward when may i willing do his best, he ." iir I'eji l, li'iusnm iii mini ii'iu intend to continue their efforts to "Put we will surely close our case was not to It stood on a sidintf al Uibson, near ui"inbei's of tho coinmittie tor tu; ihe suppoit is ot lioous tuilai'ia they itrikc. would attempt a flight. He ascended gain recognition for the federation. tomorrow by pining the piisomr on Lemolne. When the train got untlel unemployed who gave 'J.mui delegates woul.i have nothing more to Jo With t without difficulty, hut These who conferred today were, The notices to the railroad by' nun the track way way liiiiilmuiii. Tile lew that are sin h a "I at'ee. the stand.' in attempting to make a turn the three of them worked their its the fur railroad, Julius K riitlschnitt, the onion officials 'are not cancella- more The first ballot was In progress and ihe Judge Watson announced that hi and Vrlsbie lost control. Into (he express ear. hold in If the. mes- here prt smile that somewhat ',. and neut- tions of contracts. They were sent plane tipped were in K. Calvin, vice president the to- sengers Only than llKiii of their belated bretbr.-- Dr. Homes and snare far the Pa-tin- would hold court later tlufu usual came crashing to earth the at bay with revolvers. ral manager of the Southern In an effort formally to comply with As he delayed b ad running side by side. Fernando general of morrow evening If necessary to finish spectators could see the aviator try- one of Ihe handils, the negro, was Hie route. W. K. Scott, assistant the letter the contracts and union Dissension cropped out as soon as Iglesias Cableron was In third place : lead, they delay fur- the case but an agreement was reach- ing to right tin machine, but ns it masked. They blew the safes, and at A l'i s niaing-cr- H. J. Small, superintentleiit is tay will not opened. This was ov. r with redo Itobb-- Doinlngues a thirty-da- y ed to suspend judgment as to hold- approached the earth one of the wings explosions, the train the convention l inulivc power: K. K. Clary, assista- ther mvotiatiotiH during the the sound of the bad fourth. ing the night session until the testi- crashed Into a barn and then glanced grasped a name for ihu organization, lirother nt in the general manager and period. slowed down. The robbers supporters of Homes hud ! No ol fil ial mony of the accused had been pre- off to the ground, with Frisbie under- How, who glories in the fact that lie The (i. Atheni, chief ol the bureau of statement from chher what they could lay their hands on vclopc,! unexpected strength during the railroad or the unions were issued sented. Court will be delayed in the neath. Is n "hobo" wanted the convention hOllnltncS. to avi- and Jumped Into the darkness, where so tleslgnatt d. associates chose the day anil every avatlnble vote was W. during the day. morning by the taking of a deposi- Physicians who hurried the but his For the unions appeared J. ooin-bi- n their two companions Joined them. "Until-erin- g guarded Jealously. The supporters of lioth sides, however, indicated that tion from Mrs. M. '. stager, who is ator's assistance expressed the the more dignified appclatlon Klin', international president of the were The negro is described In dispatches llroth-e- r I mares had already been rharHed witti a is nut probable. ill at hi r near scene of at that his Injuries of Fnemployetl," to save Hl.nKMtiiths' union und spokesman strike home the the received here as being about five feet Irregular methods, so when a delegate gen-rrt- il it latal. How's feelings they made the till fur his colleagues; M. F. K.van. crimi an, who is claimed, saw tin . Rirl weighing HO u, trom. placed fifty votes s.M.T I.AKI-"- lll alleged Frisbie's wife, son ami little six Inches tall, ami double one by lidding "or Chihuahua president of the lirotherhoot. ot sli:ss bearded highwayman prowling itecid.-nt- mi-.- were witnesses of the Mrs. pounds. He wore 11 black slouch hat. representing live thousand members A. Di.i'Ki i st m n; d:iv of the murder hobo convention." Hallway Carmen: J. Franklin. ati: around the being prost when she In his state, there was an Instant cum-inni- iioilcr-nuk.-r- s' Frisbie ra'tv One of the white men was slightly A vacant store Is hondiiuarlcrH. president of the Sa't Lake, Sect 1. At a meeting Testimony today was pcrfum-tory- bu- notes, , saw her husan.l mil. Tn light she of with the result thai t). ol tb-- Salt, t.uke city club taller, had a sandy mustache nnd wore There is an abundance of room except union, J. commercial Peverul women friends of the accused tt rlv the of the he was charged witn abusing the Assnci-iiini- n liei(t a r denounces The man was of when the free meals are served. The of the International loni?h solution was passed blue overalls. third coiikH- -t , und his dead wife, testified the si eeta' In forelnn basband to planed In him by his I ram-- tt. oieseiit i omlltlon ul ihe h.i height, wore u. gray suit free lunch 1s il feature which tends ui Machinists ntul J. i.iormii iiie couple lived happy to geth.r. make flight with n disabled ma- medium and in ula who had l employes the greatly low-aid- Increased instructed, llin of tie loenl sheet metal relations between the of the and gray slouch hut, No description attendance Vote his ami "Kxcept for the Impromptu admis- chine. All sessions will be held III Ihe day- for dome. lurkers' union, who represented rninii Pacific and other railroads b d was obtained of the men who were yelling: Impromptu to sion t f Douglas peattie, n brother of the accident It was arn Is After much and rrafl in the absence of Presiib-- llitir employers and uiiiintt them Alttr ear. time as there no menus of lighting the accused, he would have de- the Frisbie had told several of those outside the oratory a majority of the disgruntled of Internationa- consider carefully the results to follow tint - the place al night. MiiIi.kI (I'Sullivan the starting, his Tin- first special train was not due-t- delegates b it the hall. union. a general strike. 'I he riolution recites stroyed evidences of the murder had about him before that After business had been started a l seri- hl.s was to charg- machine not properly balanced. reach Ihe scene of tho robbery until are more 1.600 dele- Today's begun at eleven that a strike at this time would he known brother be w clerical delegate was introduced to There than mcttimi ously damage business and with crime, most Interest- This, he said, had caused the acci- after midnight. gates, inort of whom iiold proxies. n'elurk a. m., ill the local offices til interests ed the tho Ilrotln r How. Ills trousi rs were gird- conditions in the west. ing development day was dent' yesterday. F.ven while the ma- A btakemaii on the trnln, It was Tite vote was taken by roll call. Un- tlif Smithem I'arllie. President Kline of tho the ed by a buckle strap but a pill beta discovt ry or a new by de- chine was rising from tho ground to- learned late tonight, saw the men leap der the system of elimination agreed il was learned tonight presented the witness the kappa key, dangling from Ihe strap to fense, Joseph Casselberg of Itlchmoiid. day It did not apptur to act right, in Into an which header for on three ballots are required, caxp fur tle unions and replied automobile gave Its wearer an air of acudeinlr rg, many persons, and I 11 In- Determined to brln the conven- ilMtinns 1'iit to him hy tin- railroad Casselbf it had bt 'n rumored for the opinion of ns r. This Is believed to distinction. II,. proved In be a good GENTLEMAN FROM out tion lo 11 ( lose possible (illliiuls, wit limit a formal some time, hns had mysterious knowl- tlu se were not surprised at the crease the chance of capturing the 1111,1 his ideas so Impressed a at the earliest who talktr moment, it was morning siiukisiiiati durim; the discussion, edge of the ease. He is reported lo Frisbie was plainly averse lo bandits. suffragette or religious tendency agreed this that In the Since his pleading on economic have been on the Midlothian turnpike making the flight, lie said Hut, In she nearly broke up the meeting with make session continuous. Un- the delegales have their .'.minis, nml one ()r tile officials sa;.i with another person about the same addition lo the disabled machine, TI". frequent and bt arty "nmeiis," then retained g NO FSTIM OF VAI.I'I! "lit-l- thequcs-twiiiii- in seats except for brief absences for twiiiht, his own" in time that the murder occurred and Is wind was unfavorable "coining d iiv Alexander Law of New York ulso angle case, OKLAHOMA SOME .supposed to spurts,'- he expressed it. of limit skci ki lunch. 1111,1 tonight they purposed to from his t'f t'"' be the man who stopped ore., Sept. 1. The Cali- aildresst il Ihe unemployed 011 his fav- "noe became manager Portland, stay until the business In hand was or twice the discussion to crank his machine and was seen J. W. Scott, of the Curtiss express, orite theme, the eight hour tiny. All livfly. ranged heyond fornia tile Southern Pacific finished. hut it never by the group of bnvs on Ihelr wav finnpany who Is here said, however, unemployed present were unanl-niini- Iriiin held up near Dunsmuir, left the 8 o'clock, eon-ve- nt tool headed argument. The railroad from the dance at Hon Air. he is tonight that the blame for the Hi'-el- dt I'nlll the lime of the posit- ff nt 7:45 yesterday with the In their demand fur short hours, olTifluls in their turn took tho as a nt was not to be laid lo the ma- Portland Ion was consume,! In checking by called witness and admits that of passengers. This should labor be supplied them, They o ion iilreudv publicly announced SCRAPPER be stopped to chine. usual number the number votes lo which each' had fix his machine at also want free transport H Ion to the deb-gat- Ur. train carried but two pouches of mail was Krnttschintt, the federation's the point where Hie boys say they saw Mr. Frisbie was forty-seve- n years entitled. It as It leaves shortly the Shasta Job. li'-- and woultl render did ,11 lid was " native of Oswego, N. alter An iinlVrseen obstacle presented It- the the car with a woman on llie running limited. one pouch was from Seat- sllie lor them to perform hoard and a man In front of il. the de- Y., where his parents still reside. He self Immediately after the convention Ailh-- which tle other from Portland. At und tarry responsibilities fense considers this would controvert is survived bv a widow and four and the got down to business. Delegates, are imposed upon them by law. and Duiisiuuir a mail car ami two clerks CONGRESSMAN WHIPS mneh of the testimony ti nditif to children. The oldest son, Donald, , "SOLDIER party leaders and those directing the make t li in, in the words of hi-,- picked up by Ibis train. JEWISH show that Mrs. was aged twenty-on- e and a five year olu biislniHs of the big meeting; wer,. con- Mr. Kruttsi linilt, ".uasi-piibli- e Ilcatlio while Wells Fargo nljjeals could not stale FOUR STORE CLERKS on m.t daughter. In to Mrs. Frisbie, gratulating themselves that a s the running board ami in tin addition dellnilcly value of contents of car seat as alleges. were at the grounds when today's ac- the the would suffice to select the vice At which her husband open tiie end of the conference, s, Ihe safes blown by the robbers. tonight, however, cident occurred. Two other daugh-lil'- candidates. The secre- Mirif al ':." p. m., Mr. KruttschniH It wits rumored inly a small amount of registered many g aged respeetivi Iv eighteen and EXAMINED FOR tary announced that telegrams i'siied statement; His that the defense may not tall Cnssol-ber- was hoard. the lulliiwinK One of Them Insulted ihlileen, are livlnn in Kochester, mail on had been received over night from "A conference was held between the because of coiiflii tinir reports . New (lulis desiring lo mime other proxies national shop employes concerning his probable testimony-- York. officers of the Daughter and Others Inter- l 11. 11 those originally authorized. -- Frisbie, popularly known as the ail Southern Pacific officials." Here The uuestlon of whether Mrs. Ileal Apparently scenting a coup of some hp present, and Tc-- tie was on "Irish aviator," has been attempting VERDICT CENSURES imiineratcs those fered in Fight is Story shot while standine the sort, hundreds of deb-gule- begun aviation twenty-si- x years, PROMOTION '"tltilities: running hoard or in (he road or as her fiats for shouting disapproval of the change . of Insists, sat In according to his son Donald, but his "In the inherence tho question Police; No Arrests Made, husband while she the 11 the existing representation, I"'1 experience heavier than ma- lienel'its to HClTUC to both the front seat to the left of him. again with air Out of Iht bingle that resulted grew I'edera-Um- nuto-mobil- only n more H'lniuiiiy ,ui. tin- men from u i was raised today when several e chines dates back little an Insistent demand Unit a new can- was Inter-no- t experts n large than n year, lie was formerly with S ROW MANAGER fully presented by tho B Mornlm Jiiumnt Rperlnl Win) testified thai vass of he delegates be made to ii.ii n oi'iieei-- ol fleers ol found the Molsant flyers, and took part in Pouth Whose Cause Was anil the Washiimton, Si pt. 1. Representa- pool of b'oed such as was at check the number of votes to which ri'ilroail iuniiaiiy explained at of the crime could hav trickled the meet at liclmout park and the was entitled beforu a Vole was lf'ii;tli Oklahoma, Championed By each the embarrassment that the tive Charles I). Curler of tbrouuh the machinery of the car nml recent big race at Chicago, lie was President taken Fach delegate is entitled to a '"'iiluny would ex.u rlelice in created excitement in the heart ol flowed from the drip pan under- last al overland park, Denver, when vol,, for every lull members of the. if ,hnm-I'Ti-- 'l Given to Obtain its puulic functions today by neath tn ground. Italph Johnstone was killed. Inquest Held On Victims of Taft Chance , he represents. -- the shopping renter the lull which by a vented with sill smalt .Mrs. will it G o'clock committer The testimony ls Frisbie hale The balloting was Ireiiuclilly Inter- 'Hint power partially assaulting four clerks, one of whim of the with body Commission in Army, to control, or was in line with the contention tomorrow tit'ternoon the Canonsburg Picture Theater rupted by outbursts ol enthusiasm "mtiul lie alleged insulted his eighteen-year-ol- d Oswogo, X, V. 1 its operations: also that blond dripped from the ma- for for one candidal!- or another, in "The 11 a. discussion lasted from daughter, Miss Italy Carter, who chine in many places from the scene Horror; No Criminal Prosecu- spite of the earnest ohjuragn tion ot "i.. to alt-r'i- IM'OUTI XATi: M W AN (By Join-mi-l KiiM-lit- l Wire nearly :!::) p, in., without was with her father on a shopping ex- of the erlmo to the Owen home in Morula I'ul the chairman, who declared that this Hi,, siiuaiioti." ACHOVUT !' F.XI'ftHII'An'. tions Recommended, I period of i I'll hmond, where youic; luuhand Sept. Private Franh was ilia most solemn the Millie ainbiKiiily in the I'in-- ;l pedition, the Chicago, Sept. 1. John J. Frisbie, " i seeminu his wife. Ulootn. on account President onveutioi: t phrase, alli-rii- Having deall summarily with the took dead a whose the who was killed by fall at Norton, i Our-rar- ', ssion was characterized i was elcaretl up tonlnht I'V " four t lerks, Ucpresetitative Carter, The defense introduced a seoiv of Kan., today, was one of the rellabl-- Taft reprimanded Colonel Joseph Tie 'a.s ' By Morning Journal SpacU' ImmI Wirt oy ; ,ions; as pronounced as were raili'ii:iil oflieial who said aulhorita-,l,'l- ) who is seven-sixteent- Indian, sent witnesses to attack various other de- .'viators al recent International commanding the military posts the A llie eisorueis of yesterday and the that il was intended lo mean his daughter home in an automobile tails. In the evidence of the prosecu- ini ition meet here. Although he made Canonsburg, Pa.. Sept. 1. at Fori .Slyer, Virginia, because thin tliat .Mr. nearest poliett promotion-- - nl' day before. However, some excite-m- i llute was no ehaime from and proceeded to tile tion and tomorrow il is expected the mi efforts at spectacular flying his coroner's jury which held an innuesi officer disapproved llie il inci- nt was caused just before the vote Kruttsihiiitt's previous iiositioti, out-n'- station where he explained the prisoner will make emphatic contra- biplane was In the air every day iiml a moving Ihe private on the ground tout be wits led to trouble. He today Into the panic during pres- when Chiiirnuiii Sanchez Aitcona, In in a. imblic statement, in which dent, which the diction of his cousin Paul's entire his pi ri ot made him popular a Jew, was examine, under th,. it detained. He regards the in- malices picture show nt the CanonslinrK opera an appeal lor the continuation of good uiil ret iiK'hition of llie federation was not testimony, clinging to his story at the with tiie spectators. ident's order at Fort Leavenworth. w"l(l be closed unless the four clerks Inquest high- night, when Kas., today ft r a second in order, announced that he had received iiiiiiisslble.' cident coroner's that a bearded Frisbie was an Irishman, forty-fiv- e house last Saturday twen lieutenant ' ' an investigation. Inlornialion that a supply of eggs 'e demand wayman IiIh wife x x the army, have not refused to see the murdered and that years old. lie had spent, twenty-si- persons wen- killed and scores oranges had smuggled n b, Representative Carter assailed tho part con- HI00111 failed in the preliminary ami been Into flirt r. however," said this ho took no In a transaction years of his life as n balloonist and a Injured, tonight a verdict Mist clerk. Joseph Josephson with bin cerning shotgun. returned Ion ami il was then that Col. the galleries by a eerlain group of "We ;ire slill toKrant young the purchase of the parachute jumper in Kuropo. Al- who purposed to . and when three of the censuring" Ihe manager of Hie show papers, culling spectators, hoiubard '1 ii s i st fist The prisoner was more t in erful at the llorrar, indorsed his lor a conlercnci though he flew a Culliss machine, he del.-L-iii- "'"unh man's companions came to their an, tiie state department of factory to bu t that he was thi- in case llie resulting tit the our position is fixed." n end of the day's discussion than he attention the - ... conaress-ma- was allied with and flew miner the Fi-'- ..,.1,.... L, I':- riend's aid the Oklahoma has been for sdme lime. As each of ami building inspection. ll of Hi pos,' t :br ut My. r ..Ii' I'niun bailers niude no secret flyers. ., 01 .1- hrtve brought bis walking stick Into directions of the Moisant wus to find 1 ...u uiai "' tlit-i- his five women who lest if led The Jury unable an: who m ,1. it. ..i n i. r. al If anxiety to avert a strike if it and wielded It vigorously until friends persons guilty, c. P. Ft rom the crowd and u rpceeh trom an he end play enlored the court room he smib-- and criminally wi iibl not dc ii- him In his command 'n done, anil means to that was of the Held. manager show,!.-.iiai- suspect. 'fi' he master greeted warmly. gr ty hair-- d of the wits us an iitliecr and a social and per eanvasiic fullv in their mectlim According to Mr. Carter, Ids daugh- them His The Republican Central liiliivlit. - for not providing pollen sonal assistant. describetl to Josephson a certain lather, who sat beslib- him and "iir ter escorted tn witness stand nml protection. In admonishing Colonel HORACE myelins with Mr. Krutlhehniti kind of coat which she wished to pur- rath the Committee New I TOOK GREELEY'S "."'"v was V. lias-e-l of the president waived the exit without result," said J. chase. He declares the clerk thought when lleattie. his daughter, took Mini- bmij-lit- . Bide would stand to testify to Henry's pleas- GOVERNOR OF SINOLOA which llli". 111 tailed to pass anil an MAIN ".eitlicr was unattended and the . AUVIUL WtiLN YUUlNu '""'"'le Miss Carter Mexico Called Iholl'eil him to t.lkn ihe lllial test antthitm. Tho demand that sought lo engage her In conversation. ant home life the aged father bent tin. fi.ib.ralion iviiH nre- - which over and kissed voung girl. PROCLAIMS "SECESSION This will deterniiiie his fitness ""'""1 "Continuing his advances, the i Mr. Kruttschnitt, but he by Mr. to Meet. for promotion. were followed repulses," said Or, elev, Colo., Sepl. I John I .envy .''"w.l to it. However, we still Carter, young man became In- hopes MARK TWAIN'S BOYHOOD 11 on,, ul Ihe founders of (Ireeley and r avcrtinn a .strike." I politely asked the A :i is hereby made for a FOUNDERS IN sulting. When L'l Sept. 1. STEAMER I "U'-- : until a Paso, Tex., AccnrdiiiB said to have been Hie list man t' hi eolilinnini' seswiou clerk the cause of the trouble, he meeting1 of the members of the hi - y HOME TO BE PRESERVED lo spot ial to Times tonight from respond to Horace llreeley's appeal mr. tile labor leaders adjourn- tincom-plinienlar- the WATERS Mi , . . became infuriated and said Territorial Republican Central PHILIPPINE nr- ui. i i ...i t. Slnoloa, Mex., u to bu governed .. "I'l'i i aim tiieu things my daughter. Hernmsillo the state of to found community in inn. - about to he held at Fe, "IU'l'lttionv Tl ..u.l .lorliin- committee Santa Is In a against by prohibition principles, tiled hero I to accompany me from tl'8 slate of rebellion the tiihl her at ten o'clock a. 111., Monday, the aged a 'i.eiss that no decision had been and as we reached the (lour he .Mexican Kuveriinieiit. (loveriior Juan today, eighty. Mr. Leavy hub store Hannibal, Mo,, Sept. 1. The boy- 4th day nt September, A. 1). Kept. 1. The steamer "ail relative to the action to be culled me several names. I returned M. Handeras. of that slate, who has Manila, naturalist of repute. lle was born in to- - hood home of on High con- - today on the .'111. view of the failure of :iid prepared to strike him when he Mark Twain 1011, for the transaction ami considerable reputation as a fighter, Francisco foundered in Dublin, Inland. May 131, was filiations hut that they urnb- - me. street, built by his father, John M. slderation of such business as north canst, nf the Island or Negros eiliicaled in Fngllsh universities nntl 'Mt wnul.,1 started toward has openly and brazenly defied the have a to k'ive lickin," in ls;i!), was bought today by thlrlei 11 passengers and New a yoniiK man. '.lit statement I then gave him as good a Clemens may he deemed proper. national government, Including Fran- and of her came lo York is Inter. on plains (leorge A. Mahan, a wealthy attorney four members of the crew are miss- Greeley's ad- ns mv long experience the t Kneh nnd every member f the cisco I. Madero, and Is In open revolt, Then he took Horace at, a iioxer would permit. I started to and his wife and was given by them ing. vice and was one of the union colony 'Mov i;i city or It might committee is earnestly requested with a large number of active sym-'.TTi i:s leave when three of his associates to the Hunnlhal, that to person. All persons Among those believed to be drown- lo settle here, ' ALL I out- he preserved. attend in pathizers. u Kepplor and two Sfin mvi i'lu vri.' took UP the fight. was plainly having-- ed ore Mrs. her Praiu 1 Is twnstory throughout tho territory, (Irivernor Handeras has issued a 'tiv... lseo. Sept. 1. Itepresi ht' numbered, but would not run. struck The old home a frame children, memi-r- of the family of a lleiuv Iteglstriitlon nt Vlnof. f the I'ln-ul- In n good of preservation. the success tit the republican pruelamation to people of Hi nil Uliiim live shop craft unions right and left with my cane and house state the Swiss planter in Negros. F.lght of the Mini. I, X. D Sept. 1. total It Is a away from he fh "11- Hl'ldieatboi for ..ieo.rf,iltoii nf routed the entire hunch." nnlv few feet the parly nt heart, ore Invited to loa in which he declares Hie Mexlcoll passengers the Francisco were registration for In the B rthobl '''''ctalion had of claims of shon employes was The fUht was brief but exciting un- alley where "Tom fcawyer" the present. II. o. lU'KHLJM. governmeta tins nothing to do with to Hollo, In the Is- reservation, th drawinsT " boys ' rescued and tuken Indian f'r ,, '""IV hy the Southern Pacific. til the eh rks Here vanquished. Mean- other paint the fence. Itiieltle. Attest: Chulrman. state, Which he declares shall he land of I'll nn j'. which will be held September IN r In on berry Finn" lived lit the other end of 'lhi t '"Prrrenet late toniwhl while Miss Carti stood tears 3 free nml Independent. Two columns Hl.llH, as announced by Judan Wlt having Until the alley. It is n block to Holliday oar. r. sf.xa, reached any definite the sidewalk outside the store of troops fire moving" againsl him and Available shlppng registers have no ten, 111 charge ot tho roRlsliatlnn i u 1 nnd took Hill and across the street was "the ul "r1"'"- tlioustlit possiblo her father reached her side a serious entag;ement Is Imminent. record of the steamer Francisco. nlkbt. auothvr nieetlnu with the rail- - lor from the scene. new paiier".oJ'flee of "Tom"' father.


r.-- . at the r.'suhir r: -- t: CASCARETS 'Special Agent U. S. Office of mri s.i.iv, June 1, Ittl !. WORK of J AM MS s SLAI S' X, r. ...,,i 'it. s- - IN Att. st: WHILE YOU SLEEP Pub!k7 r KI'.AXK WHI HNS, Secretin y. R?adsCs U lul- - r ( 'Hi w ill n,,t i... ex,, i rail to Boost bouthwest Route Co. 0 F AR ZONA NOT Ii on the main line of tli r,,,l(1 Grocery y, 11 Jaffa now pr.'poM'J, iur riMit to ii,,. Sail". I mI..iim I I ami allium. PdL t. 'iis . ill he Miihin a t'.iort . r.l.-r- s h.lrnt I Im . imi llnurl- - v. her,- Hi.' roa.l Ariz "'1 1. an, to Harry xt. union of it M ill put . i l in Wealthy Easterners Coming Coast Via Albuquerque; 'I in t.. h ilril. Good Things to Eat llitll this Mint. it Dunn, As Representative of Touring Club Transcontinental Tiie piopos..,i southern Ir.ins r,i, ' MEM 1:. 11. .111 New H I Tike 8 v. ,.r.. t v t i.,i. lb. ntal roa, . of ".s ,i,,! t.ij.-ht- y V America. Starts Ealy This Month For Motor Journey your i if.tit. ,()lr i,; M. (,..,. l.e route! thi' uh iti ainl .... '.Hoi I'o'-M'- Mini iii h any ctlnrt on your part will utui ) Over Sajne Highway to Organize Boosters For the Purpose i It you 11. i 'cat lli.'IIIUl. .'.., C h a m an Transcontinental uiy pui.'e on is line, win, M w. om,.ti who rone l....,, r ... . of Swinging Official Ocean to Ocean Route to Scenic South- - Start the Month Right inters, st tho im now,i . !!.-- t In- Ioiivuiv ni l '. i,tt Highway Committee Gets soiucwlni alou iim liila la .1 ':!" lni s.n.l t, Lotto ( Ai'igii'im Ii 11 ilj y ' "west.""" uliii also "ii - ( iwv di).rl r. .1 (.iiD. t to Communication With Sil-- er rcct connection ivun tins r.oi. lU k Ml h. Hll'l I Mil We will help you do it. Give us the opportunity I have aivi-- a crcat aiimuni of im ' City People. r i mi " '"' Mr. ... V. Will. - of ill ..inl ni.,.,n-- t .ih.iia lh.. lin tinip for th last four in I stin!. , 1 . i 'a it 1 i tit l Ii l -- i - . .. t.-- n 111.-- liu ,1114 ,. tK, iir- - ij. ut l wart Hint inl. Lit-- ti. hi k tin' and we will show you. Jiiuil. and these W w ' tius an. Way !. il.n' iih . cotuliiiu',1 iirv i dii .!...'.!, Ii i' ... r till1 i ii. in. .ii. ,n .i tin' If in- -i untin. iitai in." r .nit ot the iii,,ns ,,t i illi I.I r nil Tills"' , ,.,,.,.,,,, . . I VI "nli-'iii.-- iit (Spisilml raiTMiMAdrara lo w join, il ,, mtrmrtlc l 'i.i . r. U ill.v! mm., an. Iriiislaimn Buy your groceries and table supplies from us. Maraiaa Jnmsi tl;,,s,. ho have in,' in th,. Important. - lriM-lui- i i.i rf lit 't lhi.r.iii:hlv rmili' lh.- trip mul Sili. r City, N. M Aus. 31 The lor. I ti I . I. I l .:l luilll .ti.. li mul ; Hu i! Ht.ii. ti .I n r..iii1 ,.ii.i,ir.' 'II nth an to rna.l cr.n- - We can make it interesting and we will save you r"fs Arimna mails hoostern are not If yon will hi nie know what . ' l (.111 till1 i r th.. sl.ona, I I'h tin .i uml't'lllIC hi, nt.itilii fur th w I M irultitc in..i h " '.Hit ia in this IlllOl w I a lay in t ' t ish r tion take 1,1, I III. .1 . H ' CI'vSt,e lii. Ii ' ill money. Note our prices: tly campaign i"ut, uii'liif r.',i and nliiiB f.,,.,1 ' r.nii. f r..nt at the with .Mr. Wc tijar,! the d ivi rtin - . ' i tl,- - southwest, Immedi- ,,f Hll'l (out lk. Hi.- X. l.,- 'l. Hiliol.-- ll i.i i. ii. .in. luMi.r .if trij. tin. firM .,iii,l,'t.' the in auto route city -, ocan-to-0- the patty to j our over any roni.. limn ihe llur and . nil til,. ,1 . I.' lltl.t . III. tli- - trHtu" ..iitiii' i miitf li..i'li In iK. j ately in shapr for the Lis aiti foliow-11- vim may H'ir c;i ne ma.i." p.,ssii,,. I Haste ii"-- il'Tiul II.,. t .i). ,111 lours this fall. The 1 nl for thrill in lime r th, in; ,.,,.1 flt'. t Low, AI...IU f I.I II. tie.-- ir ti tfii tiiifitiiit-- and ft. I'riimm llll'- I communication has rei'ciicii trni Ah.lttr thi. il,'iir to fnllril riinoj (oioDiiio foiiiiis's liuincilinti !v take up with pe.ipi,. ' ..f - 1,1 .1 ..f Bcikery Dept. . nir u li'iiiiiht wirl flu. th" mul iiiHH'ili it.' j if. If I may haw It. Inl. ol our part 'rt.uiH, i.r,- , the of the r,,.i, n 'hi I'Ht i.i mil .luii Klnlll M.llr Inlirilli; 'X In" (h- - I'liHon. Ariz.. Aits. 20. 1911. Mmmhti i'r.nun iiIhk. n. f null iMTH'lirr 1'assahlo. nn, sm h resolution.. 1 Ann fl, ... an unto, I'r mil ur ilivmii'fl v.ii ,i,.i ri'alizr ivliat It in.',. ns lo r ,.f Commerce. Silver City, X. M. thnusjht necessary. rin in I II ... IHIMl iaki: he III. .Illl.' it with Hi'" i . PI I, head hihI i h'- hIiii'vk a, hr. ii n nr an ni-- iilt nt In can SI lent lenten In Novenilier Mr. A. f..r ha,...... you o 011 . n If ciin acn a route for in.uiihs I inn I Hi.. . liil.lri-'i- . .1 "iriina.' .iiiiiiry ntiil mt Kni.w iihr-t- Mo Westuaril will have New York for th. i.ok.i lll-l- can t ottiilciic SI..V) rKi:s party.- - I'solutions Irmn (ii l"i r, I'ain r Hi,. I'ucilir coast with 11 party of forty all limns, iiarl. counties ami imlhidual invitations, I1 thin ri'iiHun to i.hlnln 3 mil. ran P lr 9I.OH IK H ATI : TO s. iiaiit ill. OT will assist in havinir this party ;c4nv th, n.'i iii. .1 nil lh. .1. ill. i.i nithin ii Mi- - present is that this 3 Tixk. - information to the proposed charm.1. nulinw i.i 1. 1. 'IMI in.' nr liny nill'.s of rails Miect (aia- ...... party will traiel via the proposed MASHER INVITED ii an. thi will If you have an aiitoiiuthil,. asMi;i. 10 imr iit.i. hi' ami car hianil) 2,"i iiiinsi highway, which Jo tion in i 11 r city this atou s!n,nl, hi. h lli.i Ii.iiiillr: no Ihnt If a man AM. I I. I'OOIl cross your territory Istat.' would he asin l join In in itatons; ttrmiis through In a I'piTl'f, i:v.r., ,.. pi ..per irom the north, nst corner, the anil also all an. - p. lane r.;,x ton'iihil,. I'h rri- A i row, I'a. kiiril. I.ozl, r. lia Sanla I'e. thence over your scenic flssoeiations of the territory; nr nnv nth. r make of rnr 2 runs l,,i,iM.,l Sarili,,, ml ilowii .M.udalena, ami all 01 Lin tiizat ions ol every 11. in,,,, TBAWEL" 0 ,). TK : I,.Ui;s a mar join you. h inuht hi. IM. iilniti. il. mul li,i.v lliencr west to the eastern lin" of shoiihl H hliiik-iloi- i n, hi- - Mill Titniw '" " Just i;osT( i:rM ru s Alizoiia. just ol Spritmerville, While it will he Impossilil i,,r iiht ic hi' i. hi H' I i.'ii'M or rHpairy fur s. e 2 runs Miiokcil Sarilinrs. tin m e westerly to (Ilohe. party to all of vniir Krcut sani.. M n hi nt it.' la . IIOM'OX IIIKHW ItKI'M) you 111,. puhlie I helicyo tliis party know spiiite,i ami th. - the route for If yon ra illicit Kiipply name- we lnirori. il :, w l( r:s cm he chunuei! to come to your city, fact that this H the first party of thi, Louis Conbny, Found Ouilly ( f lit It you siii;t( si any tvtiii aiipri riati' it iioiilil havi' tin lice over tile Murro mountains to kind to attempt such trip, anil th,, III city Oilt I plui TYItOI.IW SI. It KS ,1,, iilll, nil'' rlsr lour Mlllkl' cxira l.iruc l,lk jthe old Mutro Springs, thence to the arc, it ainoiint of anoil it will vonr Annoying Yomur Lady at th,- - li!i h ni'iirli n ioH"ll.i.. 'I l l V 1:01.1, tate. shoiihl every New M, oiiics ;,i Ilia at the old 111 ciity-fou- r circle I'lir ii n" rcanni) vvmilil ask .11 'V ran. ll. In this matter. Show, Given Al'ci-nati- ve lIsl T MtTS Pictuie in iim lim name of Mill inn sin, the hist ! Veil larur nml fancy.) That part of the road from the liur-- ; An cull rrplv he nrrrssary tint h.'i, In i Ity ll.. of Prison or Txile. ami i;atac ji.ur linn V;s ro Springs to the ilila would reipiire We may surccil. others :i il 14 tile line, mi that if tlnse Dian I I I'i- - AIKKIVS Yours very truly, Viniiis M( Inn if any work, heim; uvirf 11 tnnrists at.- lalltht mil n hi lt, fur tne little , II llltKAl) h iel country: hut the other part of DKl.l. M. 1'tiTTP.n. i j nixhl tlie.i will knoii' lihere to ro for Ita. ou. j; l lll.. I. Ii II. M l l IIS jthe road would reitiin some, lilllo (Tcirman Transcontini tilal iy t'llH!H.', Willi II . lim Lest in i mnmii, I. illnii ami treat- - llihu Hlltl'llillK M.IIIIU 'l nl Vi ii Mi'lii Viilnliiiihlh' 11.w mti:i ,,f Arir.uiia. j lllelll. Coinmiltee Imlv ill ii h.,n. l,mii mh IiiI Imi, I 'ii- -l i i ti I ii I'lilur.' r..til.i. r anialull In ri:i:( m:i:.i Ymir city would have many atlrae-lion- s j Von remllly - n 'I )iurilin iiIiii; li Xilu i'llk). Sniii'l I iilil realUi. thai ie I'ai kam- lain v SpiiKhctll . .HI III nrrrrii'il im i'ii. Ns for this patiy, includim; Kurt Hii:c-llu- ii ii ill not hrtie the time to stoi anil iiri ami Ii.. wii.-- ti ', Sl( I Maymd. your 1I0 tint MiJllllln. VrxliTilii. It , I'MtM It IIOI Si: IMH S 1'roin cilv riilff iiit'iuii,. nt oi n.inl.liiii tin' k'.o.I roiii1 all tliis Infi tinnlhui on the trip, His. l ain N rvlra ll is not the iUality of louil inl; I rout,, r rn u ii f hi n ll 11 , -- 11 - know what would he lir't and 1, fi.r.. J I'nilii lm ImioI.TK III III,' Milllt t ill tli'liT- as ll,. K'l, lint Mill nierely lie alile to vii'A'w i: 111 the ns - ii.i.s miii--t amount diosiid and it irtnl l .'. III i a ia Imi I Peek It as ll e a a Mil III- - laruc 2" the littractiie; this, however. oil l, llliin.lcil I, tn In l.til. 'I'll IM tlli.l'lilllU inlll. in t" lli r'HI lollu ill that itivrs streiu-'t- and yilalily j riiiMitii; t en M'SllKlll,.. it. von could determine, ami what moik rivliiu Ihr i. ijililli iii, HMon to the system. ln Sloin-ac- h I ( Chnmhei in's lh JlilltIK lllllll Mill Ii.' 'ill.',) I,! Ill,-- I. - I'nnrj Cream ami liochilo to make the toads in as tpiod 01, mi- I, IIIH'lHll Hill o Hall lo Ihr Ni.lit ll vv.kI As Is iir lin t Ii.mI of selling the time Kr'ittlnK khint, I tickets . and Liver Talilels inviuorate lh" 1)1 I I . possihl,, he decided on. Ity it llll, i III I, It I'll) I'll ,Y lieu .is llHll. rill III M ill thank a for con- - poiiml 2." Homl lor rciitsi hi truth- - ti sliiiuach and liver and onahle them tn I jmir curliest ninli. nt ! nny illt.-fllnti- , . Willi A. I.. Wi', .mil it'll in in do not know of anything thai m Iniiu M iimt iliiii-- i em. tit t eply. - peril nn their functions nniiu.illy. llli' li i, ""' 25" ,,r 85 f'"- In ainl ni'Kalil.iitiniiM uhli tiny Mlx.,1 Hani, 211 will advei'lise your pint of the now sale hy dealers, linn HMHV frniM AlllllMI'1'"!'!'" As you see, liCL-lee-t rto-la- il I'or all kiii h Hi. 'Ii im Williy. .imi olln rs He shall Im reduces tlu i,r '". slat,, as this party will, as Ihey arc At i iirilltiu to Hi.. ,ull. ,, t I prlcr our llakcry i'i.iiln., llll, Minim K",,.l IoiiiIh III ami his, hellcye, will bo one of Hon, ( lH-.- r. pounil ,:itl . very influ- hllf iiillim u x, nlk'aill.llttoll l...4 g(MU M,p composed of wealthy and nll. ,ililnn. khim, lit all anil tn of the most sneeessliil points of the (vn Trv a journal Want Ad. Results ii imte l a .Minim laily In iimli, in , .ll,,iia iimknu nitlu ,ay ential people. tin i route In ilr.nvltm tourists It !l plitts. nny Kir , .2.1 Vr you ml .'HI., ami iiii, i,,i,' tin. Suiii'i iyr nickers want lo (.lie us a trial. I Invlllnu In J. mm ti in In ii nt 1 was takintr up with your Ii.t tlnntiii i shall Im., no you a t'nvoriior . (rail. H W Inn for N. u Ali xn n to at later lale of Mnliii'i-- Thin IhiiimIiik tin 'm i t i ii fc. ii ili flnili- - ilny Ihe holding of the iin ilinu sumuested j "Hi, i illi Into III,' H'lim- unit il.i the of our Marl. wiiiii.i, Invltlnu hi r In tin. Iinnl fl TlintikinK in in tin- - letter Irom lain Angeles chani-lic- r III liil I'iil'l to until Inaklnu lh,' hit; imii- - inn inlvanec fur this llll llltllKI'. .i HI nl. Tin. Miniii; klmlness hihI e may of commerce, of which I cm lose a Shctcct .(ll!ll 11 trustlriK that Ifctittcf: lml i linlli H i .. a . MII'lI'M ll tin., ins I lul li, m l' en-o- j copy; am very jlad say to ' i 'siill luriher lor com- and lo ,11 Mil, i .. I tliliiK r .i-i- MiMin ami AMiii,iiii-- irate the I.ilill. lnli.rini il tin. iiulli an. ' I you I your Get Ni .M. i, mon rause. am en nlticerolv, that have Iminil uuvrrnor the Original and Genuine I'nliliiiy iim uIiNIm',1 ii nnv In i lit' Iuim- - 'tin. inn! lh.. l' Aiitimiolill.. II A It It V I IU'.M, iiiesi enthusiastic In the transcnntl-11- 1 llli- - iiMum hill,, n Is mm' making ly ! C. In mi hn (..My. Tin. ''li (Imirmuii Tunis, ntal road project, and he has anlccii H : tn mvaki'li a i of lf llli' llrl f H um rum. fort ninr, iilhiislaslli fill ' lllllr - U nl I'ml nvcnile. to aiipoint del, nah s to attend Iho iiii, I l milil In hull. x,,iii i hlmt nt ;, j on tin. inrl of thi- stain Hi - I Wllhv'N j im Mm:. ICS ii n iiiiikIi.t. Afi. r ol loll- llllil ll,. ,' ,,,lr. l.cltor. HORLIC rrtnitiitlon Innhlnu t'ol. follow- - 1 Til,, lull, li t iK il Sellers has rccHvii the 1 him out i'ii r1 ' , stifi'i ("iitnmin. in nK ti li'ri'ivi l.v JAFFA--Phones-32 i,..s .iiieies iiamoer 01 ommerce. pi., liiiu-- r Tli'tnry iIim'Ii...I thiil, rnnlniyj I'lfslilini Si'IIitk ol tn" Aiilnniolill'' letter fiiini Mr. Williy with A 31 I...S A.ikcIcs, .'al.. June 7. MJll. U U elilipitiH which fxplaltiN . flALTED vmili1 i In- h. . u it UHkO. lull. in h i I'.il' lln iiisi'lvi'X nii'1 imell: tesol n t inn in r,,.ini.l of lie MIL! in. vinrili hh I liiltoli-ou-l- a ke (ieorKe, N, V., AilR- - t Unt kl'r nil llli- hiik. Inn, (. tlic linni luii I'luihijr ri inllim for thnHn ranseont ineiita jnod assoc-ia- Food-drin- k ill.i1 2 I roads i The for All Ages. ili-- t l . ItKt 0, HI I. 1.. ,, Inlofl iwr ni-- lilin I.i lh.. i lly lim- - who iur n I iMt il In lim nii,.t.illiiii lift I. lull,.-- tin- - fun-- H ForlnfanU.InvalicJs.ancJGrowing Crildren. mul hi him of rail. Colonel Sellers. .Keiv Mexico A ntomn- - Men, li e, 1, that the yoyettior ho ro - liriiinni's I t ii r. hile Assocla Inn Satita I' l'e nil Ihe cerlincate plait. Appli- iiui sicil ('. appuini sin h iieiinates, PurcNulrition.upbuildingthe wholebody. Sir; Vim j Jour iai Want Ads Get Results I'hieami, III., A . lull liear Mill see irom the cation has heeii maile to other lines whenever mid uieetlru; he deciiled up- - InviooratesthenursinffmnlKcranrltliP.m. ,M K. II. cnrluKetl ll M I CALL ISSUED FOR w Ii ji'li I Ml- I... - . r. I'. Sellers. AllilHlIll roue in that am icailnK usually concur. on nll.l III, ,,,ll...' so lnlorm- - n- U .:!!. ; J 1 Vi a t.J Neil MKli.i. Neil rk In ilny or In o for n Ioiih Tii lids will he on .sale .Septemher i d. and that the Arir.onn luml I Iliads '"allt:u iji"'". in powaer lorm. ( j tniiml iiniiiuiohile trip ,,l (tie nlteil to 22, h,. My Mi'iir Mr. Hellern: I pleas., li Inclusive, huoiI fur return assiiclatiuii informed throtiuh Mr. A quick lunch prepared in a minute, Sillies. In hehull or the oei'nineni. S.'litetnher 25. I'olter of our deep in SOME SWELL DRINKS In liil'.Hiji I I n interest their ion that ill ami as rept'esciitliiu - j hae the Totirinu chih Special features, ol the program w ill pioi. i t of the iniprovt nn nt of ronda Take do substitute. Askfor HORLICK'S. Miwizano Ale, Mnnzann li'i ti il l.l III,, i.illelals or out I'lnh t.i of America. W. G.T.U.MEET- fllnurr Im c. meilal ilepatt-inci- it in that territory, and we prom- st an - j matrons omitest, that Koiln, MmiKiinn Hi exi,',n tlimnuh the ninth- My n trip M ill he I'rull Water, Knot turn niaile fmm ileiiinnstraiiuii ami nime sur- ise them our hourly in Not in Any Milk Trust I .Mist tn til'ttl III ihltll ami lie nslrale, I.o.s Annel'M i j II err am all klmla of miliix. via the tn canyon prises. - I I en ti, this plan to hrimr ahout the construe- 'If ..r their enliKlilniilit ami into Neil Mexico, hi i as tn the mwzavo CO. strike 'onifiKles, pn sem 0 conse-cratc- il tion 01 a highway from l,os vti:k that nl the ciiimi essmi it n ho are sup- - the of Amides, Thou. I Iroiithr at liallup ami take in Zunl Into, J. Tnpliiini, I'rojv tiff lee 2d !:. llllllllW the lllol ellK lit llllil tills Is III.' workers Is necileil lo inaho a and through Arizona: ami, he it L'.'.S. ami lolloiv the line of Ihe railroail to fi'nlral. I'hinx' laihurntiiiy 110 S. lea-llil- e I Twenty Eighth Annual Conven- MiiceNiful convcntioii. ami we want further a lis. enl Inetilii roiile. II Alhuipiel'ipie. My hlea Is to Ion thi.-- Going Out the Mtilnut. r'hoite U'l.'i. In Ihin to he the very host hoi hupo pro. of lias en mi nisi task In ohlnin Ihese lor n Irunscoiitltienlal route, tn tht... Mesolved, thai the Arizona (Inod tion of White Ribbonersto Be urc.siio leiitls to victory (iKKoria illrei linns us i nlls from nthi r ivork may 1 hcspcaU the thotifthl in Munds linn and the C.ond reform lines us well as in iH'i llnlis of the rnlllllly hllle III, lll.'iir. ol your esteellicil ial ion. in other Moads association of New Mexico In THE WM.FARR COMPANY en many ii.ii Held Las Vegas September Yours in service, rtnoil Mr. poit.-- ol our lii' inln rs their way. I infi throu.nh tha Junk Business no an I I hale ilala to Ihr kill, of cxpoi t to st.u t (tils trip sum,, time S. ". NT'TTKM, Whole-Hal- e niJ rftall r In Vrmb I, ail or trail I shall llllil helween .1 19, 20 and 21, President. in nr Si pleinhei' in, I u not .M A I! V W. M A II IONS, ,'ittemlanco the meniioncdj iiltluuiwh in liii ntiil A Ihiiipiet'iiue. Can you Klye Secretary. at aliovo mul Bait Mphik Kinimifeii m nirliiltjl lloll ill piisiltiin ,i set il.'lilille nicetintt. j mil me n rt l 11 In im I of the route nt yoni 'late. llil hope tn so 1. iMIlle I tl ' AY SI'IOCI l. SAI.K I THE I'nr ratlin and hnga thw IiIk''I tniirkiil earliest conienleni e an, also let lim STI lilt hcrehy certify that the llhove Is STATEHOOD iiinliitNls i ii..iiu ilif line ami present have nny map The oruanir.atloil of the New Mexico 1(1 Ik. rotator true and correct copy of the resolu- rlcr ar pahl, I) tiuinh of the rnule .t' in Is i Woman s Un- II . 2.-- sin mi tin return that hull shuiviiiic ilistancen anil Chl intlnn Teiuperanee llw. or ttootl UiiT tion adopted hy the hoard of direc- I stoos for the tuen-ti-eluhl- h OF he Hllle mi he lo ion puhllslieil a call the 2 . CAUSE IT. in iiik mute the IiiIkIh. Will mil Iinnl ol piloting (,e has for pkus. Saitit lar tors of Ihe l.os AiikcIcs Chnmhef of Sollt llll est u nil,, ut any ' 2 , tioulil". 1 ? iilinunl convention of the iUs, of (.rape Nuts . 2."r n.'cess.'u . White Kil.iioriers al Venas, Sep-lenih- l Pumpkin, s r can . Kit-- ll 'hall In mi aim t .rij.iiilp W'hnt I inn lookliiu for Is the hcia aiici $ 1,000 wuilh of second lianil furn- 111. SO 11ml 21. The prohihi-tio- n t liaophri f. lite II '.mi (1alhii m A limiiierime nllloruia rir I.V iture will he sold at auction hoKiniiui Establish Your c.iinpaiKii I'm' I orn pUu . Vx. Credit l 11 l: in Vleiv ra lis, , ml the cotniiui firsl March. Molnlay, Septemher 4th, continu- lie nenl II Send nil,. ailed ithes to state will he hiunchcil at this Itakrd Mean. after-noo- n THF. jlilKhiiay ami facilities iur (eltim; at e...'t.n r ing fiiini 3 to f o'cliick, each Ill-ni- l ineeiliii;, al which the matter of work- I'linry Marly .lunr I'ras The Duke City I'lells. Ihe ii, II knniin the niters of siL'titseeili'..: Ill S JW lo. Cleaners, lliereal tor. until the entire thou- 11 t I i 1- ing lor Ihe llilnptton ol carry of the most roinpli 10 Neiv Vmli linaiii'ler inis thai Mexliii Mich - Ziinl. Isl.-t.- ami f tinr 220 u (ioi.i) avm. sand dollars' worth has been snlil. SIMPLE ENGINE Ai o ma. iinstltntioiiul amen, Im, nl will al,sn he asMirtmriils of fruit prcrrvliij. sup- i:sr This esluhllshllllt l reilll slmnl.l he OIL ami the slhisc, Inj. nniunu Tlie mist cleanins consists of almost cvcrytliinK lspaiiola. hroaeheil. The call Is as follows: plies lo he found in I'm 11. used in or Moils nf the firnl eiinslilerntlntl when m plant In New Mexico, ahout the house. The In cnly-clK- h utinual coincn-tim- i .i:, MahoKany, with a No Allow me In lliiink you In mil thi: Outside Orders solilcllnl. Walnut, Oak, Pine, nrttnniKimt neiv hiisiness. ancr Wo, llliiim Kic kc, Prop. Set-lie- l of the nan's Christian Teni" springs and Settees, him for any help ion can cxic-m- me. mattresses. iniieern enoiiRh nimiev tn a pelaiu e union of New Mexico will hi 21 Siuiili ITrst street. Seltoes. the I will pay , cry H illy onrn, and like. lsiHie ciilisi'leratlnti of tills r . . i liehl at I. .is Septemher 19. 20 stoiaKO on thes,. koiiiIs no longer. All fz TH 1.if s w. vn,r,r. 'cas, illlcxtlnn. i. 1111,1 21. !H 1. pieces arc of of (piml V Cure .Mr John 1'. Polls, Pin south PRESIDENT TO DEAL value and some Too iiiuih i teillt W ii thlin; , Ii. value. (), the fun wo expect lo have! MichlKnti uvi-nuo- rhleimii. Another year has hern reeorileil S PILLS , CHICHESTER iii.hi aril of, i iihi-- I Let. ovcrylioily iitt.'iul this sale, wheth- ii.l Ihe I'. S. - 1111,1. stmul tne mini tn the annals of the past mul the tifnr WITH ALASKA PROBLEMS llll I Mi 1,1 ll ll,'l-'- . In ll ii H r er ou expect to buy or put. Tliis iiu nseil. Is r.nKiina. Ilmv Is Hits has com,, tor th,. Kcnct'al review ol ; ,l , 5."."'' .ioma fnuii l.i,..rr' llii.ui.,.,,1 l(, sale w ill he coinlui led 220 South ii irloninlilh s '.' - our noil, ami to plans fife atl, ydV al Iur Is Islclu cislli ac- loriuulate Uli ll,, u.ij lumAl Seeolld cessllil,. In uiitoniohll.'',' the future,. c n.i .in, in,,, Kil.h,ii. street. At the Rink Counter I loverly. Mass.. Sept. 1. When The clipping from a Now pa-p- i The Mexico VV. a I ''III. I lfl.S-Tr- .1. Vutk activity of the New j;ru,l.. S M. Is MillMI UKIt SOU li:, thf plinc tn cKtalillsh yniir r Is as nllmi-s- c. T. I'. asslstcil luaterially In the President Tall visits Ihe national con- XII PII.I.H. I... Ili yews luiiwni.Bf st, Safe, Ali.lyiKtlls Auctioneer. iifilll iiinl heeoniinit it ri'uiilar Mr. Mia. nultalion of prnhlhitinn ipiestlon, congress ' ami TIi....::m w. Wllhy, the servation at Kansas City. 011 010 BV DSLTitilSTS tVRYWHRE il..osli,ir Is one of the nnisl Im- the hope constl-tulion- who are npi'tiilliiM ihe summer at Mil- uith that the creat Septeniher 2.1, it is pmhnhle he will portant fm lors In hiillilliiij up i- -n onvcntlon, i u,,,,,it or Keruiciiia. lion, Lake licoine, In on,, of Hp, , which asscmhleil mako clear the administration's Ill Iteslilcti, as ll al Sanla 'e last t ictohcr, w FRENCH FEMJILE ire. o th Alnon.niu hotel, will oulil altitude on Alaskan affairs. "ST AND hEALTH 10 Ml!l HER AND CHILD m nil the ,rh ami shortly to the .reipiest nuiile hy thnu-saml- s Is expected In No I'm hurelur, n purl return to New York whence it Kansas City, or Wummt'ii SunriPNo Svarp lias I. Im ii ppi. ot petltliincfs some provi- a days - I im SPILLS.! ties of the Institution tue lliei start 'ii the ,'tlsl for an aiiluiun-hli- e for possihly few hel'ore, the presl- .ill Toul Sl.Vl'Y YliAKShv MILLIONS nl p I, iced (ll mill- - Ilip i f the sion lookiiiK forwaril to the nholition (lent will meet Secretary of OTIII'S lot chetr CIIII.UKKN WIIII.K llisiisal. t'llileil Slates. The the In' KNOWN Hur- -t I Nu tmtlerlea, of the HiKTllIM'., with PHKLHCT SICCKSS P BIYIR 10 FAIL AiKk 'I'liln ..It.nii',, no trouhla. Hip will liivcr seventy ilavs ami take li,u,,f trafile. terior Fisher, who is iiuiy in Alaska r. un tinmanttft-- t,f su.wi H(ttni(l.-f- nir,.l, rnnservallie aCHlTHliS (lie CHILI), SOI'THNS the C'.l .MS, for 11.00 pre. box. H i' Kin-pir- Is nn a ac- ill tbniioiHrtal.tu tie Hie tourist from the We ciirniHily that, every land counted fur first hand, l'A N IVINL) when l.'.nk nlll iielriiiiie lour ai'i'oiint state rciiiest ALLAYS all , CllRKS COLIC, U0 .Siwi,i,. U yur ilruiiai tlu:, dul Sen nvt-n- in Ihe nil, 1,11,, union as many curate report of Conditions in the i lie ri incily 11 iui .win wiuiia i lie ami ivi he xla.l tn ti.-- nil In iitin o;rui at 107 (!oh1 loss went route lo San win setul ileleuales as is ior iilAKKIKMA. is ah H' Kraiiilseo, which Ihe car will luisslhl,, to com eiiliun, we northern territory. ictiiti ly liminles.. lie sine and ak for "Wis UNtTtO MEDICAL CO., BOH 74, LaMtalTrx LiiHiiit's.. lifter this that v f mir w as pointed out tenia proh-ahl- o '.Vin-lm- s Soetlimt; Sirup," nn l ukc O'J olliei l or ail.l-r- n prince,! to tlie Mexican may plan in- as iisitli'iilam anil prlcca limiUer ami tonether lor the last . twivii-aiciimii- Hie that after the talk uilh iiis sec- iiuid Uxile The Bank make return to New Yolk lioin terests nl the work. Sodin Afcuateraue bv Tie I. H. 0'Reillv Co. of Commerce, I on 1 retary, with nil audience interested In Anisclcs la Arizona ami New New uiiintiH have lieen tornu'it. Athiiiiiriii, , m. mi snirt i: on. r.xtiiNK m.. or M' xiiu, ami through conservation hclore hint, the presi- Kansas Cilv, St. li en, 11 M niin ourauemenl hei kIvcii ami dent Mould announee tlie administra- ( (KMI.nO Nl ICXIt'O. l.uiiK Cinrltiimll ml WashltiKtini. miltnl ami nnrpliin I'JtMI. much prie.iiess iiitt.ii'. 'I'hereliire, It policy or it to ex- Sh-- Mr. W'llhy 1 tion's outline some lh pohli-m- r Honnia llnrnctt Itlock. is an fnlhimiastl.' Irans-- Is MANZANO l.uilii.dim.tlO I nil), Hint we de-- GINGER .... malelul hearts 1 ALE , issue The president AIViuiiurua. "lllilitiiHi-t- Is oil,, of lie Inilllllcis tent. is said to he this call tor our annual nieotim;, lie-- j i i tn il to as nr Hie Tonrlnir ('hili of Vnu mul riti settle soon as posslhle iica u.'i no; nil i.lessillys will iiieslions that confront develop- A Swell Drink With a B u c t the hest know n n ut li.u ii in tliis iiiioiuouai the Delicate o q come with illineni (lie sen-II- , In Alaska, may o'Hilii on furcimi the full of ment and preach his tMttUMMUMIt aiilomoliile rout nenl of our slain inoito; 'U' doctrine not only in Kansas City, lull Ms lh' has I, ,111; luitialeil this anil or He u fit o you, nl points In the w,sl uml north- iini.ii.. tonr lor the puiposii of making salth i,i il." other Is-- west. Oak and Maple Polished Flooring a l.'K "I the mlihlle west ami suutiiern This call a "cull In arms." Me. '.' Sufl'raiirltcs (nil on Sultan. lollies Inl' the hclle'fll of traiis-- I"eil, will you I'csponil tlltlllc ' ( 'onstantiiiople. Sept. I. Kor the .intiiienliillsis. He nues as special lo mu forget that l.iis Crtices won first. time in Turkish history the sul-la- n Builders' Supplies aui lit nl the I'liili il Slales olliie of the pli,. hanncr last year ami smiir i;nnil ma, Is unluii It year. today received a deputation of at iishliiKton, nn, ),,. must take this Who promised Vincent's Academy m III '.' lie them Unit, he St oiilhleiilallv hoics that it Im lour wilt he th,, 11, st notion. Albuquerque Lumber Co., 423 N, 1st St. r. May would do what he could lo Improve suit in ciiiii Tint; a. etsslhe to 1110. ,,,,i dues promptly ntn) he AUlVjQtKKQrE, the lot of (Kloman women. The hiciii-I- n N. I. iti.iMs Ihe sicnle spots ami his- - coiiiiie.l, of all reports liiust he in l,v I. uif iiuiiileis nt Arizniin ami ',.i Si'ptelnl,,' rs of the depiita t inn 11 ore western M.-xi- costumes, i i ill i Ir. nt .1 rati-- of one ami firth l'ut'oiieaii ami ie he ivllv veiled, 1 f'te has 11 k ran toil hv the Santa 27th Scholastic Year Begins September 5th, 1911. Mi lefinest of my repuhlicin Iti, nils Harmonious development nf the moral, physical I h.11,1 aurecil to nntiiuince myself a. Intellectual nA GROSS, KELLY & CO. a camliilatn for Jmlue of the district citiallties is the standard of tills well-know- n institution. 1 The & (icoitron urn) coin nf the secoiul jiiilicial disiriii, Gradi Domenici Brand of Young ladies prepared for any aphere In life. nhiill is eoinpnseit of the roiinlli'g of Home Mel tiallllo, McKinlev anil Siimloiiil. 1 and educational advantages excellent. VhoIcsale 1I0 Merchants, and Deal- so with the unilcrstiiniltiiK that my! -e- Kxperirttued faculty, rniiiliilacy w ill I.,, nuhjei'1 to the tic e0LIVE oi- s Hon of Mepuhlicaii il, j ' - Ileaullful ntal ers in the h location. Hides, 1, Healthy Wool and Pelts miles ol We Itellcve this is the finest 1II10 Oil nn tin market. t mail. Iho III. ill,. Ilielltloiieil In lllcl Naiajo Itiaiihcln, I'liiou Uran., ( hill, PuialiMx anil Other lolilllies in Italy, wh. re the ii li are grown, front the fim t select, d PKPATIYMKNTS: rrimary, Preparatory, Academic. Nuk St 'lie olivenl Ion. I Niitlic I'iisIiii is. only. f 1, 111 are n, kin,.. I,,, 11 I:, Tlioroii-- h In Mtm'.o, . KI.KKiin MACA, extra ipiallly T hie Use or f eottrses China Painting and Kloentlnn, iiiMilnl. ih in. no I The Model Scliuo tor Yoanr; Ladles. , Uuo, at Hat. N. M., Alhiinurrquo, X. M., Taramrarl, Attorney at l.nw, then ' . ; Ii. M., l'ix, , J , jAitiiii, N. ,M., ami I rlnlilnil, Colo, A Ihuuiieripm, N. M. For 1911 catalog nddrcts. s . SISTRTtS CHARITY, i t The & Of Try a Morning Journal Want Ad Gradi Domenici Brand Fr. Plrectresl THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1911. ME CGNFIOENT GRAPPLERS READY TALL KDIH HERE' MeivYditfaUFor Gin nthat :r-Geba3Qi- is OF ABILITY TO GHEA T CONTEST TO PITCH FOR J " " PORTS IfjifoHirrlt ActaDistilledCompound SAY Tl SCOT MONDAY AWIARILLO CORONET DRY GIN As Bridget Gin all - thefrrwst touched out. a as tin- feature of yimyj of an otlu-r- Im-- fculurv!i.-- s name. Scpre: TO-DA- Y SEVEN-FOO- , SAV IT ,JL 1L F- - OKLAHOMA FARMER Gotch Reaches Chicago For T CHOCTAW BASEBALL Chicago OoO 000 0l 1 4 0 Cleveland 2 !' -- Hack and at' SAID TO BE PHENOMENON, I .... (ml to.0 onO BETTER THAN EVER Match With III: Ml I KS Ml.. I.' nUtrtbulotS Hatteries: Walsh and liluck; M . UuS j VI I KOI M. and Smith. . . Once Gets Down to Hard ill f. STANDING OF THE TEAMS. rhilalrlilila takes IIimiIIi Hiwler. Both Men Working Hard x.v. Woik of Final Preparation, jGame This Afternoon Starts at, Huston, Sept. 1. Although lioston Should'; loui.aiiieti liiuud, Iphiu in both games Fans Aro Assured Ruii For - 3:45 and No One National League. toilay, tup won world's champions (B. Juurml im4iil I Wlr ! TO B!G Wini Lust. IVt. both contests. Tin- - game was a Their On D.iy Mritc Miss Chance to See Fast RACE RESULTS WELLS OFFERED first Money Labor - Apparently ill j;, n York . . 74 4 1 .627 pitchers' battle between Mender ami (Miieao, Suit. ST alreads lor lux mated ENGLAND fhira- - 44 .04 Oleotte. the latter having the Isctter Eveninc', pimie eomliiion Texans in Action. PURSE FROM . 71 7 wrestling, j'Ht.-liur- t; . ... r.'i ..IS in ih fens, of thf worlds of it. 1'ncertain tieUlluj; by Hostott Wlii-Uor- . t!4 54 .r.42 ehamplonshlii title, Frank lioleh, t jl,ilniii'lihia lust for them. Scores: I I. Tod.iN's 61 Sj in Humboldt. Iowa, Windsor. Int.. Sept. (jt. l.diiis .526 11. II. K. today fn - MoDon-H'- d. First Kami 1 A fans tu Windsor, uliall X. w York. Aug. I. 'ieorge . traln- - of elithusUstie raee nt tile r ill r.6 1 with u iuorous number feature ... 64 62 .4 S "If dent win tllih nialeh hi home, hexan 1:1 cmciiiiati I'oston 000 000 000 0 and . i - I I(!t .1 In it l of Wells, champion iro-.- n uiim-.- haiidbaii, Willi a purse of St, Jiol miinauiT Matt . . . 46 70 .3117 . 6 0 MaedonaM." said ltiy Maliee, referr- in to remove any ronun spois. ...0,.k.. proktyn Philadelphia tmo 000 010 I ... . by in I Knulish ligl'tw, who defeated si .:;s ing to the wiestllni; bout vtaued for to nieetini: tieorce llaeken-ot- i vile nauou mm imo, deil. w.ih won liouhani lollip. lht. Biistuii Batteries: Cicotto and Carriyan; iwratorv . I bos easv W.iln.sduy night Monday opera I. ; Amutill,. Monogram baeball team ai i.iiotion Mark dinlb;M "Knockout" I'lowii Iteiider, niuht at the Klks' sehmiut the afternoon of iboi an- I'lank and Thomas. I elty the W e.lnes.iay nv ruoe.iiig no hi MaiMv. a Sou. iv,- iard. ii. today K. house, "it will be simply lieeause I letmue baselial! rli Ins in this lair for s.ii.n vielorv of American Second game It. H. lav at Ameiiean ' r- - lio rccclv.-.- by cable : man I iK'KililliliK 'W alt. mile and a sixteenth handle n. in ro. nounced that Iv.l Won. Lust. l'ct. P.ostoii OMO 1 i 3 have taken a better than iul.k tine,. mtnx'H 000 010 I the an of ;in "on i, r e I. out in Lon- 4 ' a. n. Hut I no thought that - park, aw, iv .as.don. M.Cahev rode .iter pl,i!:,.i.hia . . 7!l 2 .653 I'liiladi Iphia . 000 Oil 3 0 have iep. rterc lar a pos- noon at Tiaemni i will every eonfideliee Shunnliu person to et df the tia In xi three winners. la the mil' don between either Wells ami I'ueke)' jietroit . . 74 4X .007 Itutteries: 11. Collins Corrigan ; io... have in a of spoitlni; writers The first and I fast- sible. shoit-- i ii oiill.m McF.irl.'lul. or Wells and Ad . . 62 en ,r,os that will win. Heine and eountry, was Shorty Merrill, tne i lassy ' raie the etav.'il'. H'nlm. p.nit'i'i 1'lunk and Thomas. hiwr from all part of the f.oteli .Mellon ,l yiild be lc.,t taken the of- . . r.:i er than before, with, an added ...... r.,pi d Albu.iueroue with won easily. Summaries; York . . til .520 cut .... ii, ..f sloe, who visiti tvonld do 1 from fer under advisement, but . . CI .Mill eoeriet!e ;ained while nay , ,'i to- - te am on formi r visit. Then V r ue, six furlongs: The lippln flllfUK'' K. ti,.... on his arrival the the tu i,-- ! l Sieon.l game. SYore: K.ll. ,..i .f.. -- p n n . . Alhuiiieriiie, the wreuttini; fans are b tan to open Footsteps, sen. ml; cabin" flfvet:iml in mi .r.ot 1 mm.! Hu n nlnncm! into hard work tile oy of the fans won; I'ivlng i Huston 202 OHO 000 4 10 Bollix to iv Mabee, when ,hi. and Wolgast limit in Mllwuukee. Then . 72 see a lie of "Hook him Not, , Tim. 113 Washington :i ,4n Imo 1 7 1 ..,. h i.e. .ikfast. "i'l Thi' m. aihcrs thi' third. Jirooklyn onO 010 lor the i of time on Monday he Would begin hegl tl.ltlons lookillR . . . . . 3 j !5 .29 1 strln all Cow brigade from the lily of tin ndicap. St. Louis I 1 eh. impion uppearnl en tin mat Second race. Canadian tia . W In Ho- Fnttei ies Prow n and ltari.lon; niuht. am have this man The i , oiitiln,. ells ling at Lomtuii sure began to g, l larger and laig see-on- Knitar, Scanlon and Knvin. Ma' iloiKild's in the Kyinnaslum oi me Chic mo liains mile, Donham won: i'iar Same or In some western city in this couu- - measure." w - they i am,, oil tl iln until this - Western League. A til III ie assoeiutiotl, lore he tussel- as the I: Cainmohi. third. Time 1:40 vrlo-r- It would lie slag'tl by lex V Won. Lost. IV Rogers Jeiss usti Joins person, a Choctaw Indian pitch.) Third race, mile: Out'un won; San lr. K- - O. ed with Joe end Hl. It Is umb rsloo.l that llii Mi 4 1 h 'llU, O: asliinutun, n began unload hlnts.lf. lie was My third, Denier . . . .lid:' Muard lor two hard falls er, to I'.crnlto, sieond; I'dlow, stands readv to outbid any offer .:.;.n 1. Cald- to down to ard St. Jiiseph 72 :i New York, Sept. IMteher manv hours. They were falls jo tall that he had lean iim, l:in. from across Hie water. r.s .r.r.o holdini; get car. la- w is a enlh: 1'nelil 7i well shut out Was.iiiiKton. the for the w whom i.oich tooK out of tlie Then Fourth race, mile and iti h'e had Jiu-Mi- k sec- Lincoln . . 70 visitors: to five Hcaltil-e- hits, (irnoni on one other without a so broad across thi shoulders ii M.ily won; Hla. Ford, aitir the WELLS-BROW- . . (it li.". .4'.lli a and then to; third. Time N FIGHT (imalia was hit Iht two triples and double II II ' II t s to clinil. down sidewa. ond: Melton Street, City 112 lis .477 in who w cup climax, took one st. p and j Sioux the seeond InniliK. and Heeker i lolell .aiM ording to the few lm the lie Ti)(iek i . . iiii 7:t .":ts was in -- train to tin PROMOTERS UNDER :IRF. sueeeeded him iasil.v found im saw I he work, appeared to have e landed clear off Lie live furlongs: Ihliiv- 4:' Si .32$ was II he had Hit lair, Pes Moines foiinh and tilth inniiiKs. Wolter .t lie ver hud, and Just a little ground just th. same is Forty won; Congressman .lames, s .vtliiliK i Wln-- put out ot In the tov In off one step. t I the Kume fourth more. II,. has been tauwht by far- ell vetting small Mini : Hamilton, lild. Tunc - :itl plotestiii); a. was perl little Dan. Where They Play Today. deii.on. mer" Hurnx to whose belt Catch fell he Inlioihncd lo Xew York. Si (it. 1. ". r aid. r.itlmi It. II. R. Inianagir ! locals, had to I. an Keere: heir bv default. The fanner Is cauti- the he , lilts nilli'iTiiilK disorder OOO u 5 0 saving s .th in. e, lx furlong Montcalm of the Wasliinlon ...000 000 He is. Kdward Smith, the down to hear what Dan wus sori.'un.'ing 1 ous. as Mi Mm n.i . second, ellcta on the Mr. .is Madl."i National League. New York OL'O I'M 00' 6 9 h- i- about In lug glad to meet him, aim referee, s.ivs, of him. oily. Anil Sti una third. Tine 1:12. S.iuare Harden and the alleged crowd- liuston nt Jit'ooklyii. Hatteriex t'.iooia, lleeker and tiiose sinewy liuischs of the tlieii It took two minutes for the lianu tai'dlng room inside hind mil,, a l ot long ing of He I'. New York at rhiladiiphia. Strret; Caldwell and lilair. j shake w hich began at the should is Seventh raee. and fight "Farmer" Hums his 1 n nt ti e Wells and l'row n ('ineiiinnti. lowan whom small atgomciv won: l .a it or .a iigdiui. gard. Chicago nt so tissidously til. tc Is a world Ito eoniii'iinieate Itself to the Wed'o ' I: was taken up trained manager Hie local So olid; Third Hall, third. Thin st. Louis at Pittsburg. str.-nnih- . niiw of the of State AtV or I mi etlng of tin New York WESTERN LEAGUE. ' a man is this Joivs Followers id the wrestling, who Uluclillus. Such letie eoll-llls- i this n t. i'iiooi.. opening j Amerlenn League. have w atched Uekensi hmldt work pel son. lie will pilch the Ai th n w as postponed In order to against the liuliel At iiaeonda. Detroit lit SI. l.ouis. Sioux City : Omaha 7. for several days, says that if the Rus- tame of the Huei'ii give a chance for those Interested hi Cleveland lit Chicago. Sioux City, Sept. 1. Sioux City sian wins tlie 'championship It will be 'Wicks. Anaconda, Sept. 1 Two favolil promoting boxing to he heard. 'liiladelihia at Huston. seoted six runs In the heventh and i because liotch cannot enduring the 11 Is said about the Indian Junes. ami a second choice rewarded tlm Frank S. o' a iivinher "f t"" Washington nt New York. won from Omuh.i in the tenth. Seore; ' smothering. All the experts seem that's his name since he went lo Tex-- j public to.luv. iiliis took the mil eon. mission, said the commission felt It. 11. K. agreed on this. They say it will be a us, tin- origin il Is too hard to spell, race lasily. going light to the front that the mailer sh 'ltd ml be allowed 2 ' w object, NATIONAL LEAGUE. Omaha 000 4H0 003 07 12 sinew v "cat opposed to the heavy, that hi' throws Hie baseb.ill ith such and winning with plenty to spate, to go unnoticed. Seme of the ioux City.. 000 000 fial 1 8 s :i powcil'ul Russian 'bear," for they impetus It looks likj. a put before it lieclrow an, a b ng shot, oaiilured t ic of the commission are to see II' Arbu- - III liatteries: Lolz. Koliilison and say in kin ihuililt Isn't last enough gets to til" batter, and besides he Is so lust In ihe pn tllcsi llnh-.l- i of the day. hosing contests nr.. conducted nil provide for Split llouble llemler. Uast; Steis.r, KleplVv, libber and i t a Hon. itall can field a ball and th: Results: orderly manner and to lie b rni"il he tig by VilslmrK, Si pi. 1. (imiiinati and 11-'- and safely t., patrons I.Miller lawsoti. Spi who have seen wrestling baiter one between first und second First i ace. -' furlongs selling: "riorl ti rtsiocn split liender, I regulating the of tickets soi Plttslmra :i double since tin' when the sport without moving out his tracks at Manasseli won; First Kashinn, S'ooiki; number i matches das taking the first. ,",,",: Miilel Double Header. was young In America ale agreed that the mound. Di l'i, third. Time . to thi' name and was loudly for llnlleoii Unit. Sept. 1. St. Joseph nild Is the stronger, ..ii, i f,.- -. Funics c:d;uired. is not entirely St. Joseph, while llacketisehmidt Cuiiey Hlehardson, the I'anhandl. Second rue itul .st- His ankle ncl- -' Topi ka, Kan., Setd, I. The W lies Moines thvmeil a iioume ueuuei, Mioteh Is a better master of the mean one looks w on; well .mil he was not permitted lo take ptehcr who has i that longs, selling Frank Ferris Aero club announced today that l)es Moines ttikitiK the first hy heavy cnee ol the game. Is to bo y.ool. t ti ern jiart In the second came. Seores: easy and deceptive, reputed si conn Helen iawku.s, ii ti. t In sei-on- was ealled on tntoi city balloon ie,. which H. hltllliK. 'i'lie (,'ame notch work tomorrow und th,," host batting pitcher in , 1;0S the Kirs! ani' H. Time ui',. City, St. Louis. 2 !) 2 seven inninus of play on aeeoanl jsundnv as n he has worked brigade, entered Kiinsis J'ittl.urir .... 000 000 200 after hird was Willi the as was alsn Tlilrd race, six lutiongs selling: City Topeka, will start ! 2 of Seores: of training at Salt Lake and . . . 010 imo 3 darkness. during th. seven weeks (Vales whose gi ntlcinanly Cincinnati 200 1!. 11. K. .Manager (iramercy won; Stone, h re oil the at- - t Horn Wisl'uvva Tk Batteries; I.eifield, Camnilz ami 3 ilunihohlt. coiidni on the last ui elision won him Hen Stolie, Millie 1 012 040 9 13 lining In- - third. l:ir t. mi on o September 20. Mel.ean. Heh Moines ..01 k( pschmiilt is also tt f (iihNon; Suk'S and 0IMJ 4 S 3 lbo many friends. Fi mill r ue, mile selling, i iliis 11. St. Joseph ... 103 000 that Hutch Seioiiii nauir H. K. Haehiuit; ilnstrlously and he sas Willi the h am also cam "Slim won: Littleton, eeooiid; 1'i.ving, Hiiro. :!17 17 1 Hatteries: Ilueston and iiov m'ii:i:i: a champion m: f. m; PlttsliurK ... 01x II I on will be defeated alter j IVak' the lightweight catcher who 1:42 ai to.moihi ohdovfh ami C.ossett. Wrislliiia nemer Wliu ioes Tim. 1 oon on;! 4 8 S Chelletle, Johnson ihe i Ttiiiteh. F.I (.IN. 1.1... ItsF. LAST flnelmiatl .. ool Willi MiK'ilounlil at (lie Motnlav afternoons Is ""CuiiyV batti ly mate, l'e.ik may Kl.'th race, live furlongs. selling: tl Si- Seeond Kanio lil.' frWsr-Hr-l.ils- . v VI and (iibson, 1 i FrWHtiutr New I'llD.W. ginneries: Adams 0 002 ! indi'v Miht. writt'M catch the Indian Jones today, but Tilllnghast won; (ieiiovu, seioml: I. ill McLean. lies Moines 02 i York, mon; Keefo, Humphries and X 8 1 3 1 Orleans, New fun frinciseo likely Ashley will be the 1:02 St. Joseph . 003 ' more l.'ed Mayhatn, third. Tina Last Saturday, Len angel, who and other places one-ha- lf Hatteries: Owens uiw l iiowski, While telliim this to the .Mornlntr Kansas (ily, Denver receiving end of the bull is of the Sixth race, live and won the Ligln National Trophy on a Imtilile II. r. .1 I to the icsult from I (.iants Take Kieeniaii and Crittenden. hi run repoiier last eveniim Malice are trying forecast Indian. Slillns: Kleiirownn won; National ear, nv eraued 1111.42 miles nil 1. -- was, time, point of view, but most Hay. i l'hiladelnhia. Setd. New York's at the same tiilinu how 'a Kieiililie j prominent In thy reception line at reeeiid; i'utior third, 'iilllO hour- for Hie .ntlre di lance id 30. bl he had been with his Hain- - those hit rested I ; OH. csinbllt-h- pennant prospeets look a jiimii it: Mmolii 2. iiireful of them admit that 'tlie depot W"s O'd I'roken Arm Dill miles l mi a record for Ilenver 1111;', so in possible outcome is It ttiilny when MeUraw's team won two as to be the best will have lo await the Ha rover who In order to heat his the i nurse, lialnh Mallard, last year's Sept. 1 . A single, three ' is not next rim piKiuTH- liattles Il'oin I'liiiaueipinu. Denver. shape for the no. lb ticu lectins' win h,. clielud ovir.the wires to town had in Alhu- - winner average, tiJ.a miles an hum. innings. on halls a wild pitch In the any Item may cotitiiliute to his friends arrived CHALMERS CONSISTENCY Harry Orant, 'l'he first (Jtame went eleven bases and that Monday. uccr(tie same six hours earlier. Hill in Saturday's contest seeond Marqhard innin nave Denver the wtnninK condition. At Ihe i anie time he is u r of Vamlerhllt Cup hi the niiuie, ninth pitched a Hi force Smith tonight gave out was with hells on, when the bell twice wiun the season Healy. a recruit looking all the business affairs then TOUR WILL BE RUN i Hugh Hughes, lilliiied the best ball here this run totbiv. niter Hint bolle lit' the wfstlors engine began signalling that ll'ilslii'd oi ond and K'ettlnt," no-h- it irnod the locals. The score: match, bavins; statement ef the County and en mo. near a imirk. mime lor incident In the the pureed to a modified s of rules hud who won the 17o mile Kane oil' him was It. 11. K. tickets printed, the posters made, had i the one and only Alhmiucl'ipiu IN COLORADO THIS MONTH Friday, was liriint The otilv hit made of ! tiy these, it is Trophy third. inn-int- r. OHO A"0 5 to gov. rn the nvilcli. In en Hill was alvso the find p dniile'hy in the fifth Lincoln 2002 retitin;; the hall and other necessar- leached. drov e A ten ear ami Hughes a Mer- l.mlerns 8 iiossildlity of foul play is s mi w "00 001 I ies. isald, all to grab the hand in Manager Coati I 'I he latter as the only hit player Denier 0023 will be gov- cer. Like .etigel s National. hoy were did Fox, HaKerman and In is elim'lnali d. The mutch and Shorty .Merrill, w ith his left mil lr:'S. tu reach liist base, as Maniuurd liatteries: Another thiiiK his favor that b- - Morning Ji.urn.H both e(n.po(l with .Mhiolln old , (tlieWiil riirreinilrni-- was perfeet Healy and Framhcd. while he is not trylnt; lo hurt his erned by the Laiicasshlre ihe rendu for Slim l'eak and Curly ehaiiged a from sttirt liet Kive a pass and Klvell Strallon; by ilefl-- ! Colo., Aug. 31. socoiu' Zoim.i novel- tire a foil! partners, he Is all the time .wresthng liiles, supplemented Hichurdsmi, but win n tlie big Indian Denver, oontoM, support exicnt lor tli muff of tniiiiim; or-- to finish of Hie 8. be burred In I '.111 annual Chalmers ewtu-r- consistency v DueliUi 9; Ti kn wnrkhiK with them so us to develop nltions of what shall oft' Ihe train, was so surprised events Friday Wire also what ti bv Myers. sec- - iot will or. It and The I.niiert Mtisee co'lbled af I'n.dilo. Sept. 1. l'neblo won a s.icrd find strength. lioy Is a bin der to nsxitre clean sport. he had lo chase away to sonic thlrnt tour he :.iii In Hie automobile buslnes. cull and today by absoliitely 15, Dili, I'reiti the MeDuffce those ter a fly the termor hurt his saw name from Topeka husky who really (bus not know how "All holds are emporium to clear ins vision before startlna races." None of the winners foul and . 1617 "tire . on-- wen Motor company's salesrooms, lei;' fo baillv Hiat he was forced to seore ot in n strons: he Is, but tit the same time barred." said Kofi roe Smith, "as lie would hi lieve lilmslf. However, w ho used Mil heltn tires, stopped 11. II. K. Tremont Place, Denver Colo., at :30 ai lcne the M.ame. Seores: very eonsiderate of the amateurs and IIH i holds and breaks which eouhl he signed up wllh Amaiillo before th.) once la miike s change. 000 S 10 3 s a, m. First H. K. Topeka 300 230 others who visit his training iiuari-er- in imv way be eonsiuereo uiri I'csHv Itles- of Hin ting laid been finish- liiinu h- v.T! be via itl. lit , New 002 000 !l 1 for tryouts. wr.'stl'ing. While this Is to - no hi' felt The t'oolo li York 000 013 ( rls;r, Kills, ed end wllh that better. llrblgca, Mllllkett, .lohnstow n ENGLISH FLYER BREAKS l'hilu 000 110 000 002 10 3 Itutteries: Ftwate and As for Maedonalil, lie is working 'pnrior mateli' the bout will he clean, The game t! altornoon will begin Twin her and lemons. on It und I ovelnnd to Hie imoitli 'd the und Myers; l'crry, Jackson, Fa hard get tint; Into trim. With runs man will win. If takes " : r Hatteries: Jlathewson and the lest at promptly. The Hour has been At paint RECORD AT SQUANTUM Moore and Madden, the road, boxlnn with several local p llcemen In Chicago to en- business Rig Thompson erinon, this all the set late In order that the of run Will be termi- Second I'.. II. K. fast ones, and wrestling with Simon the first lap the Bumc ASSOCIATION. force t'lc rules." men may si e one grand 'Xhlblton of - OnO 7 1 AMERICAN Deschlcr, Canadinu Scot, vim nated, und a basket- picnic lunch New York ... 000 0202 the i niemlii r - the nut n:il pastime, the OtMt- 0 1 4 claims" to met Dr. Holler, Is will be served. I . I l'hilu 000 OdO have time, the place, the game. Huston Sold, The plum of ho Myers; Kilting into better condition every ami und Hostou Hatteries: Marquiii'd and At Kansas City Milwaukee ULUU nil, yes, Hud Ms Is with the team, The party will then proceed up the third day of Hi. llaivai'il have to fict onto I (ho Slack and MadTTen. City 2. day. Mae does not on canon m hotel In l.c.iutiliii a. o me. t, III" $l,:.n.l jui.e for Kansas thi- - and Hud will bo In uniform the t.ieMaulev 1: Louisville 3. Hue points of the Rail"', he RIBBON AT READVILLE iv .three-mil I'll l- lit lo Huston At Toledo Toledo Hold iMiting In.' Hug this after- Hiies park, where the,.' will arrive Ihl! H: .. Minneapolis 6; St. knows them, what he is after ic will light the S'tiin nt ntti Ibid, went lllHKikltn lloston At. St. l'aul Hi see Hud. about 4:;!0 In the a liernooii. This from 1. won now is porfi t physical tiim In order noon, ami Hie llronklyn, Sept. Urnnklyn S. give amide lime .or ,t gunu-- of golf to "Totn" upivilh. Ftr'llshfnan. i'anl Co- - pe with his husky youim imiaii- - 31 inimiies, the first anil lost the seeond name Al Columbus Indianapolis i. It Sept, I. Miss or a. drive- around the park. who broke Ihe record of lfrooklyn's oniti. Kiadvillc, Mis". last .year by with Huston. Ilnrke, ;;. be- seconds sit lumbiis - on the two b.V K. a canoe will given pitclier, In the first pitnc. was taken i'odav Ih- which I'tokes. owned and bred W. P. DON'T BE FOOLED After dinner hi 31 minutes, 33 seconds, Ho- l,f in ol the In w same de- will strive for championship a nt Stanley hotel lamer Claude tlraliani-Whlt- o was conced- out cause of ildnoss. The . Slid, i s of New York, was haiolv LEAGUE. New will be pul down on the - s guests, was dls.piiill-ile- d fect iause, Tiler of Boston to uivc COAST Mexico winner of the American hmse i.reeit- Chalmer ed to he the winner, but wav ineffective, slat;'' of the Klks opera house. and o; There is only one Coyote morning f the R'.Hi. H'e pnnv not circling the Held I wire, to Criffin who was I nt itrit valued at I7,0n0, The lor (lie Ihe ers' - "ml r. in elyhlh. Huston won al the sa'me time tickets for will to foot of I In- cation, liarle iivlngton, who eaine In sct'ond lircd the Mat- which f r.,IMIll goes to the first horse, Mineral Water, the mm of At San, Fr iseo: blK event .will no on sale at Springs and 32 seconds, ivvns the und name by l'i hi II circuit meeting al Uoatl- - w.iete Hie coiilests will bo resumed.. in .la mlnoles and K. rons A crowd Is promised as jut the grand took-S- HrMiMi'si sleiolv tiitchinu und by time Score 3 record The route will be for the t'l lurn lm. the onlv oilier man lo finish. He In Iht cn has grown no- i.,o...,. that is bottled by us. It's good $7 .".li. ly hittini;. Scores: 0 the local Interest post- bv way of the Houlilci'iiilu lintel lit eoiid pluce of 8 - i i' the meet, rain having caused H- - '' greater from the dale the article:- t r K Inooln Heaohey lodny furnished First k i! " Oakland Marti- - ponements since Tuesday. The track Houlder, where the piilt.v will 0(12 " 1 Stein and Kuhn; enough to imitate, so must be taking llt'M ItoMnii 001 200 liutteries: were tinned. heavy lunch. tlie most thrills. Alter R C 1 was 2,0oit III 3 or.o tilno and Milz. e money tor rbitiH to feet Droiikhn .... 010 02x or Hrooke, e tiromlnetit ealnil-dal- good enough to drink. Watch Last your thirteen ch liiners owners' Hatteries: Tyler. Crirtin, lloKseaml Diarrhoea Is always more less: Justice mil. ales and 1.1 seconds, he volplaned pre-- ; In Ihe raee, was withdrawn and guests, making n parly ol KIiir; und lieruen. At Sacramento: nrevalcht during September. Re and their Ili ad foremost 1500 feet. Kopwilh took r.urke, iiuekcr U. i:- shipped to' Kentucky for Ihe ?2l,0iKi the label for the name rtevetity In all, piirthipiiled In (lm toiu. II. pan-i- ror it. Chamberlain's Colic, teeond III Ihe altlluile test. First pluen Score n. xt month. W. D. (Jttaekcnhu.-- h r Colorado ( Heinedy Is iutnrltv there Mr. (illicit starling contest went to crnoii ini,ra mill Diarrhoea i In Ihe H morrow wit ILVARAD0. ; , won cup In eoitiosi. 'it The meeting closes Kjirlngs, the the away AMERICAN LEAGUE. Sao-aine- ptompt eli'eetuiil. II, cab always, Sopwith, who got in ten seconds. Ilogan; and classic' Massachusetts rind I'M Tin- tour will be a content, nut of; Raleigh and di ponded upon and Is pleasant lo the . . , i l.aiteries: be 2:11 pace class. ... oiaiiageu..-o- mo. liyram and Thomas. by nil doners. Hill slakes and the B)Uling Co., toil oi Havana 'I'cnuiMiix on Strike. t luielaml 2: ( lilenao 1. Haste, lake. For sale Results: 24lvarado ear driving ahlllly. The general con- the Havana, I, A general strike I'hlcatto, Seit. 1. Four limes American hors,. breeders' 'futurity, ditions will he practically the crime us was meat Kl'ont , f ..i...... or 3.4110 Havana teuinstcrs culled La idle stood before the M Los Angiics: PLAYERS DRAFTED trotting; purse, $7,000. (foals of 1008) I a Houocls, IHHl ,VOHr. .VII .,ei..H- ' Is outgrovUlt e IL K. leu nie ..e.'i.l today. The Walkout the Walsh and three times the fcreat Stokes, by Peter the Clubby (Ighteeii miles an hour w ill hn the j not Score two beats: Miss Mllw HUkee, Sept. I. .Iimniy ol n 'minor strike declared fifteen days struck out, but was INTO BIG LEAGUES i l'.ox, Oibbi-m- No ai that San 4 0 Or. at iv n In straight heats: of Milwaukee and Mike of preserlhe,! nice. chauffeurs ago an of employes to iiniiHli. play ami 1. ut- tlie refusal There was (cam Angeles Thompson, third. I of it professional automobile men will be wages. Cleveland Los Rmwnlng Miller and fecund; Prtcr St. Paul, boxe ten tame rounds grant the nun higher hittliiK at crucial moments. itutteries: ile Lee and Mamie starled. Thin cotllcst tonight, the ic.p. allowed lo enter. .Amuiciin coot rucluoc urn ulteotcd And besliles It nil. then) was Agncw and Abbott Clahliy ' HeriM Cincinnati, L One hundred 2:14 2:12 tilar oidiilon being that hud A eon fell ear will blaze the Hall, be Ho strike. ChniiKinl, who stood calmly In front purse. : play-el- s Hrpoiler I'uturlty. trotting a shade the be Her of it. will In- provided with banners, f Kcciind played and ton minor league baseball owners base while oleson of the ma- $2,000, di als of 10 i : Princess Tocld Tlie, competing cars will leave Ihe tin' old "hidden hall stunt" and was TEXAS LEAGUE will become members jor league clubs next season as the wc p first and ve oncl heats. Rest STRUCK OUT FOURTEEN itnrllng point one minute apart. of the. (iraillng process oeioie time, 2:17 Junior Walls, s.roiiil. Tlie lour "ill '"' "peri to nil l Palm- . ; ( lUlahonui v I Dallas Dallas the National baseball commission to- The Ainacnn. laird. MEN IN FIVE INNINGS ers owners In Colorado, Uyenilng and sisty-tlirc- e lairing, purse. INCORPORATE City I day. Of this number, will Hreeibr loimilv. Xuw Mexico and over three hundred ilveston forty-seve- n DeFor-- I At illusion Houston cnier the National' league and $3,(100, (fowls .of 100IO Miss owners iiml guests will participate In second heats. Rest I. A YOUR1 3. the American. st won first and TuImm, ok lit., Sept. Sliiking out tills year's tour. beautiful silver -- 3; Antonio soe- -' i g At. Austin Austin San The Hrooklyn team of (lie National him,, 5;t .1; Fleetii Amerlctis. fourteen men In a game lovinn cup will be the trop.iy that and Cleve- tlilrd. a It. Pitcher C. M. - league and the Detroit ' ond; Olive Hirielie. horn this rnooti. will be compi led mr. BUSINESS " Worth rr. Wa- trotting, ' tin- Worth Fort of the American league Tldrd race. 3:11 class, Marlon, who was on mound for A associa- - At Fort land clubs - The Ainerl'.in iltoniobl te Corporat- in the , Itec! won second, newsboy of Twilight ns- t'se Kanen New Mexico upl r to Imve been luckiest nurse, l.nnit: pfter the the Hon under whose auspices the run ion cotnpll-- d players. and race. a local organization that Lnwn, Kules and I'ormi, draw, Rrooklvn got sixteen third snd fourth heats soelatlon, be made lien', wired thai they Ah.-rd- today will to date. and eleven vvPI o to Cleveiatm. 'Rest (line 2:13 I'nron mi. pluvB late alloinoon bull, representative to supervise SOUTHERN LEAGUE. got nine, yet won labilshed is believed to be a roe-lor- d will f WmCWm A uspfiil While Hetrolt only second; Fvn Tanguay first heal. what guide for corporation were game was the contest. no fewer than four d those ITlmt M 4 D2, In baieball history. The Invited attorneys and engineers. You ac-- j Lnily drivers are especially 0; .un- hv other tennis. c;i Ii i at the etnl of the lillll on no other. It has everything In At Nashville Nashville. wanted several to compete for the Chalmers trophy. one Player Cravaih of Minneapolis, count of darkness. book. la, . 4 PAINTER WINNER New Oilcans, i, Vilt of San Francisco and Dilbuc of MISS Post yourself. Avoid expensive New Orleans ' v Aeroplane Itaee. At Toronto were the best liked da ers. SHOOTING Funics lor "dt likes. - I.mliuc, DF GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP JERSEY Sept. I. All applica- ""Meniphis-Momp- hls, 1; Chntta- Detroit got both Vltt und Minneapolis, All Territorial lows on ALL classes obtained Cravat h, tion for entry In the proposed Min- f Blinking, Building while I'ittsbutg TOURNAMENT OPENS VK STICK TO OL'H l'P.OMISB , 11 i submitted by the neapolis to New ("'leans uero ui" n3 """V' Montgomery Montgoniory. trill' l.le.l l.iini Loan. Benpvolent. Industrial, that It hud race was received todtiy from a New ymt Mln-ln- Tu rhiliidehihia Nalionals Chicago, S. I. Miss Caroline to give you good bread. If InBiirance, Mercantile. 1 d. ti. i hi i''hii Cravnth is allow today won th York aeroplane inamiiiicnii .r. iutit could see our ovens ami observe Hallrnads, Taxation, etc., with Painter of Midlothian I. Keen com-petiti- Will bo en- Sicretnrv Hruee previously to .th" g"'f eh imploiiship. Sea tllit, X. J., Sept. several oilier aeroplanes how exactly they are operated, "tensive Citations. IIiihcIiiiII nt. received western t probable. proposed Fi Tonriirnit meeting itated that lie had mute, Miss Atvn marked the contest for tic tered seems The van would not wonder how our The Mexico Lou's, 1,-- The tvpos from defeiitlng her club be longest on record, only complete New Sept. American Ic;'?"1' 111 race would the al- St. checks from the 3 2 lo play, trophy ut the (jvveiily-llj's- t bread, cakes and pastry are Mining pi Int. - up and til. Columbia M.".2 miles Corporation, Irrigation and .., the New York fo.- firartn.i nlavers nmntiiumg in Sat'ders, covering 1,017 miles, or ways so baked. That's Code ' "" K," 6. In the, hole filial''. S. a flirt shooting tourntiment covered by perfectly published. tl to li.'.O und the Aalionai league lehlcen annual further than the distance we best home . from Miss j , nl-,-ti- e where beat the i on As In the si Fainter W, h o ( ned today. The Fourth Harry X. Atwo.ul, Hying from St. Complete Forms and Rules for scnl-fin- gamn iourn .i $lflS,4oO. ' linkers. You sometimes have- tt l,theNational L.isehalt won in a i (nun finish. was oiii aient National C.iiard. Xew Jersey, to New York. Orawine. and filing all kinds of Friuters' il (illO Louis poor nut eh of bread or a heavy the Fnion w h"l . "'it s(ii wain nl 200, ;,00, and foot- A treated, a sprained anUI' b n at Ihe ninth m the match du. So ynu pnpers; references, usually w with a score cake. We never when Irrl-ntlo- p n nih. She then on una yanls by ton points ( notes, s. n ''''cincinnall Chicago will piny the threu or four the match the New until For Lawrence. etc. Territorial and will disable a man for (Mint-Mi- are especially anxious to have winner three, Neither oT the of 1,0114. Only Now Jersey tenuis Kules nn() Forms. dechll.ig Rame totn.rrow. the weeks, hut by upplylng Chaiubi rlaln's tbfee and halves Lawrence, Kas., Sept. 1. Italph A. fine bread or cake, try ours, ,. , trophy now held Injury were rettiarl-nlile- , !' lilltcl peted. united States Laws which appb to taking Hie Hermann l.lnlmint licelv es soon as the cards of the tonrii.l- - Shct vvin, the new loutlnill coach of "v observing the dir.-o-- i gblllf out In 4 one of the fealuris to- Mexico: Cnrey Act. Irricatlon, hy Nov.' Y'ork. Is n reived, and Is regimental team lb,, liilvcrslty of Kansas, arrived Minlr?, "irnent the interstate Dati-inoal- li BAKERY Rule and a (lite can he I Riillrosds, Taxes; lions wllh inch bidile, match scheduled lor tomorrow. iut day. Mr. Hhervvin conies from PIONEER rorir.s S. to four days, j TO CLASSIFY university. He said tie hail not 4i for sccuf'ig U. Ulshts " of Confidence In Oii'i lcd In two TOO LATE are a of entries from nil part RlRht( Way, etc, I have world ' number on any style uf of Cough Itcmedy for I For sale by all dealers. of tlie country. The match was won vet decided particular fhanib.'iiuin's (1 I XTK CI A SSI I' l fool First Street "ffut with or without statehood." Inst by the Fifteenth Culled training for the Kansas 207 South , with l'rf,l'-J,.,c- for light housework yrnr vol., 936 paces, buckram binding, have (ilii si no il , t writes Mrs. M. I. Rnsford. journal Want Ads Get Results, cure of biibv, PhoiK Sin. States Infantry. II j,; u dealers. I f, K NT Santa Fr, N. M. Md. I'or sal,; hy THE ALE'JQ'JERQ'JS f..3?..'..V3 JQURL SATURDAY. SEPTLVCER 2. 1911.



; SOP1EBE COURT ,.-- . v. - V v. ;! l- - r. .'wi Appears Before! Uji Case is Pci'pjrd h&rKAPPELLS

Cca.ityof !? , r. WATER BAG V 3 'jti.r-- i 4"fiitc f.n i,,i .f . 1: '!. H !?! il .f(:- -r r t'u- j Kf?j M.ij. . i l h. f...- n l H -- J .. .ir .r,.'t'-- Cool 4 iV,, Jt. . i . , Mir in. i'li ".th.-- h ! a',!,. (.. V J i I ! - or t"TiEr, in H. : f- J.i,!p - - hk.'i, rVi t b. f. a , - . t'raic nm or j.hi(le . i'i- - ... '.f' ' ri;.' f,.r r. iim.i.nrv i.. .ir.tu,. it t.'i . . i . ' 1 ' t ' , h.nn i ,.n ii,,,-;- n t .f I'i,. .Iiviri. ! - I I . .1 ;ri"r- In t. ! It. . - i. I ,, . ' Tabta SakstHat I.. i,: u.j ,! I ir. . protptctor., ' ' , .1 ('. . ' . -; h. t. uric-."- .'. '. i , Il l. ,f ..s,-- i lit;!.!, ,..t l.i i;M'.nirr,, tiockmrn. frir! I. -- ' ... :t f ., d r.'t it. r I to pi.-- p.-,- w,:i, i,.,. . rt., tiiii txpo to jrr ! I I .. ., .. .. ' ,j . .' ,!. St.. i . warm waiiVr. bj V. S. . .n t' tl.l.l . A Gov't. !,)! (.-- . , ,.,. ,i. ., , , S ,, , !..... i. ' . r n.i un x Zt tt r3rf c,,.., ...!. ' i ;.r J t, ,i ., u .. iiHii.-- t Jin .1.... , ..ii ir ThU Letter Typtn the i r- ... . ,.,. ,.,-- . . Attltad. : i,, ' ' ' i..Mi . f All I'Kn r i , !.. r f i . . ; ' "I.T . v ..;,,! t' V i : i. t t a rr- - , ,,'. i...: tlkkit K Ml ' . ' v . I V. , ''' ' (,.'. Ti l.nri.; in Srrtt tfT'r I bl t .. ..g I lhi ' ' : !,... f , ': CM W'tm Bajjt, WV, '' I..l J i .- - Ai.i.. ' ' Wi at I ,r-.- J - ' .. r .,.,r 'T'wSi; iaw , 'i . v f I f..r Fe W II: ' - . IU( fn . "n ' It 1'.' t ft . . ' iivtsaur,. , f j ! a ,j th.- - '' W. lb . 1. r'i:r.'.r-- ...f atfi ft i't n. 4 .., .,, . ,.,.,. . of if. f ..f j i ,J ,' ,r i i.i.i. . .,i n . . ' A. lnftaI ,j i:,,,,,, U1, ,.,,,, u, Mn,,, ,,,.. ,,,,,,.,, r :.. !i.r that firt.,. r - ir tl Kff.ef 1., j tll, -. - f - i ci? -i . la. ..f .;. ! - fkf-t- u- - ' w I u .:r. It , ...if"! t. r'.snu Ir V- - .i t -. tbe ' i .. . liniff ,r "' in ..r .'I.. A k . arii ft,. I in th;. itv. p. r i,' f j, i r TI:.- m'.-r- w. , .i' in th.- it.'.--j ut'. ri .t r. i...'i. inn t.r-- , ,. ij FOR S1LE ET DEALFRS IVEBT : .,J,,f f, i,,t, .( ,,; i,. n f m- - f. Va.4. to tTimit ihi i- - 1 '(i . , - I , i,.i a It. ,,(. f ". j it!...n th- - .t'ltijt t. l.ut th- - rgm- - l.m tiwx l! H,i,., o.. rriUn.l.O, m i (v im1 .i i - . Ij (r (f(t r it- t. .: i..,:r.':. ,! i- - . t.i.n .iv. I .., i ,, ! h' 'rni!, at,, ti o,r..f... uti-.- I ;..r u, :,.!!., n ! !' i,j i .j j, : : ' ! .I'',! .Iriifi. a, t ,., !, p.- - h. i"l.Jr U r ir...n..'' ,( r.r 1. - . (.ri..t ti v.iTn iih- i.r lit ,r-.- . .,f... ,1... .,1...... t f.. , ..i'S ... .., lug iu ' l'! tit i r ,,,, f ..tiuHl.lV ' ,h fh. ' I 1 .t ' il . t.'it- !ul,-r- . ! ," unlit, Sf ,t, r in i ,,iii la i lh- - ,..t!,- - ,1, th- i.",n - ...m,.ftUMilla, ti, ::ks- hmUliriK, Monr T .' '. .f.,,ii J j. .,, ; i' f- -r - .,.,n( t. t.i.- M,r- - ,h;:, lhj, niKt,,,- Mnk,.,, vxj!1 , -- ,.r. kn.-t- V -- v;.,.,..-.,... iils:s uhin li" that vi.-t- th,- - - 'il,K- , ., 1.1. i;1 . V ,,t, into uml,Mq- rr,x t,u, ,,,,,, f j ,,, 4 I. t..' .flrts fJi- t e ,' - r(. MUi.a .r,4 tn t., 11,1,.,. ,ff t.i- - I. i 1;iks. In- lias 1 idiut.-i- l I . I ...... i - ... ! .... vii (tiiti M'1 ,B rf .i til jiili in i. f.rcii.t anutlur ii.stanr. making wit.i r- .II 'jMunts tin' usual apiit tizini; - f ' lar.-- further li.iblr. . -- ' " i .ain.'iii:-, nnm-rii- i K ;in,I 'i' liu ni.niiti i'r. Fi fu r's el. I'Mtrd Iwrati 'wlii.-- rh-i-- rs. i.ut f::Ms ti. Incl.riato. ''.. J. I nilrf Kr!n JJIJ, J '..rut. C.-,- " SATURDAY U,.- - OFFICIAL NOTES FROM ii t"(, ,.r,'r r,( it,,, h ,.,:, Si It till) ori til. K.!ilt,t , MEXICO I't imrfit m ,.Ml,tmtrtrr lh NEW CAPITOL ''I t Uir, iMfr;-r- i (or f r, . ! ELKS Htl'lM,..'!,! f ), ( f .k).t I Of 10 BE ly.l M tlmnlnr Joaraal) 2 A j !u.liri.l If. iirtiln.ii uil S him Fi'. X. M., Sept. 1. T. rrilui--ia- l hi. ii fr, i Hvht .f in par-- ) Tn .'niri r A. i.iti-ri- has rt-- t- r l tf j. ift.'.-.f.- . l ini, Hi.- - vuni "I J.;:..s,1 lrnin It. I'. Krilrn "'- j ;;..:, r (,. i i nminis.-iiii- H 7 ,". fn if.,, v.i,;n of land r; ) h . i 4 fi.un BEST . I EVER f.'.; it i.d (f.u . rrin Ri.nii ri , triasuri r 4f San Mit;iH'J county. Slrrrri inini v.

1 Traveling Anditur Juhn Jm tins ' ' ' . rns v. : .4.4 ri .'iv-- .i tin- - rul fruin it'..,y. i v-,;- . - Classy Program tax Sirrri coim. .? ;':; Promised For vhii h Mjiowg that that county lias Brethren of a in t n.i'ti f sm'1'Ii- irn..rtv tlii.-- the Antlers at .M ai- nl 1" '..4 4.!. Th,. iii r.un . 1.4 lax roll ids iri fMMHi r,.m i,f trwr I was tl.:ils,:i:i:', and in 1911 il w i if,,, A, .' )j Club Rooms September 9, ir.f iilim ..i $ : 1. :!.".. 'J'li,, trains or ;h'i I tti.lli urnl M. lirfii In i, i k- -d i I . y (,r ll'x-i.i- - !,' r iiiai in lb- - r.itli.winu ' r ,. ui.,1 ,a!-t,- ,. i. gndir a ,,r ,)v,.,iB ( '"" - r4,rri..,r, m. li,,,,,,,'. III' i.illi; bin. Is. Jll.'i.ii:!!. .in, i riv. , yiiuc, rt,..ii-- or . Th. r. i i -- itrvui odur "ilV iin-- l III.- - 111(4,1111; bin I'li'ii Mii'kir-- .111.1 tin'.,! luls, $l'..l.'l; ilil,i, iin'tits n, .ovl,- . i.iaMe f.jr(,..r(iiiK to ri lllili.-s- 1,1 . coi.My 11111,1...... i ...... r- - ii, 1,1 I'll!; hoiiM In K"i"'l-- l ra'li. ?iri"ki mi VMii'.us ami iniilrv in !.', nti i fdiij.lian, f, DesA i?oom IVi j li' iii.n tun, an; be l. 'I''" r. a.ii' is in f'.riii ( .I,,,!!,!!,! ...'en tli- - I' mid vl the n, p(. jt. ln:i.l... at Premium nr.! iv nilit.s In the i is bv Hi., Hrnnl(.ii, (.iruiilprn. ,,.. i LOS AflGELES , Agricultural l.inl'. r h' lrx i.n, m Albii.nn-,,i,- ',' . "ii) nt imim. Ic-lr- t : VH tic (rait (ri'in vih'c iht-i- i :: :i:. I:. ii J ,'. I in r. nt ' live IN lb li, Vi.l. m , t lii-,- i (M.mlK i n t,;.i.n, I!!, inn! I'i .,i iv,. r ' 1.1 to ;virl'r lil.! l.y wntn.-- af St. Vincent's is Believed "'I" .It 4. .L',4" i ,)!,.;,. 14 .11 li i . w J'.-- f Klks. liut .!ii,'i.u. r,f t),f if. riln-i- l vf liMr tin..,, piiil.u,,,, i i.iti in l'llin lllltt III,.!,. ,li1,.r.l ..... ' tloals. JT.fill. ui h ' iinvi yatic . I.. (ullv un, .,r Hln, , f 'flint n.inr,., .V iM ..f ;'!. V .. ,. "1,1 n t'UI'l it. ' nil, ,j- b NSPECT GRAN I (,, h. ,:i, s. It!. r T fit .v ' ','nlirllin .'it ui; v. i I'll'-.- .:l ;;lura j tut mid (H il . i ,.r cui.icrn hu'l j. n.l. j u, Alliii,iit-i'i.,- i in.j i,ur..,.1 of nd th POPULAR ACADEMY ii- tit m po.c, mriijivliiK n fr..m m," unj pruiirMii the riclitu of f jiotiMir wit fncurlnt the Indium. Tin hi. dim hIio in jj.j.Mi IX'iTi rir.lB hi a vrjr Kiili mii.n, and lul-iI'..(- trr.Jt IN THE JEMEZ lfii.rnfil Tlic inakiiiq inH r, i 1.1, 1,-- , vtuaiil laml nf the l(, DRY MAYOR IS WOT 'lt Ull.SC ( ll'lltl('ll Mini .t . i , . , nil wltl-li- EOR When .ii ur.iniH Ih.r GIRLS .M.. Iiii; llio .. , ,,,,,, the (tlit. f,,r Farmer t,,, (. ILL lorv. thy fiv. i. r. Ii 1, .,( ui.h h i,,tp kn"',n. "l nli- n.ini II. minim . li.ii,, mi, i.,,. Illllll Cl.llllllllllH 1.11,1.: . .., Mill. Iltl.l M, ,,i I.. ii. .ii '".j ,i,,... ; ' i , A Wealthy , " tni ir r11;i.t,. h m Purchasers of Canyon c.n'.r . . ,l CANDIDATE Is iViakmg Hay do Oieqo 1, San Giant Invcsti . I,,,,. ,, , " "' I i ..Mjr-HM..- ,,. ,!. ... U'ttiiru Feasibility of R.iilioad He doesn't stop to fix his fences. Not a bit. Veil (f Ivisvvt.'ll UiMiie Piojeci, too f:i' hun'orj He's busy making money, so he ':.!'!'' I f 01 Resilient t!'vi Day leaves it to Tli.if II,; Will n foi :;;H i... r,,., i a more Hi! ,i,.M convenient season. Mer- "I II. J Lll! 'dlli'K.Mlt (JiU lb- - ., Just so, Mr. I'I On Pmliibition Tic-- ! T" ",1',i"'"' I. a ibilili Iih 1,1 l Will Ht! nK a i a ilia d t" lh- - li'.-i- with fj'f.ilcsl IliMciy of kef. la. chant, your business. Fix your commer- i s ,,( (I,- - i - i. s.iiii. inintri nl the Ji ini z iMriiilm, ,,f i ... v:- " "i'"i' .itit''i:i..ii, f . i rt lb- I ii was - In, r i ,),,). i ( a cial fences 1 i,.. i V tli- i i i uf now during the ' ' i - ii ,,i it, slack season that ' nil "i Mil in i . i " bin, a I, ,, llV 1iiii.ii ..f Li. tli,,, M,,,,., i ,,., ., ... l.lh'll" lain, l"."-b.- l "- -,. "" r' J' I III- Mi.r... M..r,.,t I your . lb, i, ,,,,,, (,.,- ... , ,.,;' 1:1' .'11,1 ,. competitor will Mi'i 'l. in II, ..i i.. .' il,,. 'II. an,, I' Wall-- Vein .in. not sneak through ,,,ii,. i it. the ' -- v in 'i Al A! U A . ! "' M' .. l i" ir ' '' ' "i iiuiixi Ii. :"' "'" M'.t'l"". 'ii" tt.i.lthv ni-- n Mini ""'"- I'1"1 I - Mil i ,;, I 1,1 1,.M' ill I. Th, ,.,., ,,,.. !''"' 1," I' in. Hi, ,, . ,,,,,, ., ..... bars and steal all your h, ,t '"'II I'i. I,.,... crop when the harvest M ,11 hill ,M ,,l II.. ,., , , . II IiIh b , ' i l.i '. tb- - ) ' 11 ' w.i lb- -.. , i '" '" 'in 'I ,,i-- i . i.,bbil!,i,i ,Mi land Tin ,1 .1 l II ri ii II,,. Ml vi, ,i crant. I'l nil' in i -1 ,; I . time comes. And .,iuii,,.f .,,)a i )ttt i l i)"i' ,,, a i ,, li i,".l .l;i I rum the best way to do it is to in i"N i i , 'null i' niiili in r. , ,j . a, i ,1 ; ini.., I S ,',,ii a!,ii In t'ul. i K. 'In- -- n. I t.i "I. ,,,',! I'll, ' "li i.i. 'l J.iini.ii. 1, i.i ..I i,. ''l I!, i.. h,. i,b,, .l lb, n, tliiaimih lh - advertise in the l ii'il m.I.i ,, : m : a:- I'm. i. mi, ,,, I ii. I' II lasl iiiu lii ,',.i .1,1.1, ,, , ' ' '" '.Vf-i-,- 1, 1, i,.,,.,i, ,ll , -- l I',.' j 1. ,i,a, ii- - to ocr-- I I si.,, I'll' t n ,1.. , RIIIIDAD PAR lb i; i, i -- i .nil ,Cl,.,1 i,, h i ' 'l l'"! ."I and inak- - a t isit I,, the . ..i,i i .,1 , -- i ,.( "ill ' hi' ,rt. ,,(, i,i ii, ' ii, ail, .inn l""lt.lipM I" k. lb- - I,,!... I r Morning Ti M I. u ., , , f I. i ' " 1''', i,-- " ".bill iii.iii4 - iiiliims el tli- Aun rii ,in Lnm- - Journal . . , , , nil. ii ll - " I' ' " ,t, 'II I! ' Regularly l. I,,, ., and half-heart- lll,,l l.i M, III, yelll'n ,.1. persistently. ed ,.,ll,j,, ,,i )(,, if. bail h- V-- Tin- III. 'II Mif'ld l. Not in LEAVES TODAY boal d of - H' in ni a (I. i r, . ,, ,m,, ,.v I a h- 111 :,, ,,, iii lh- , ., .iir,,., A t, in' i nl , - mountain.-- .ar-i- ni Mr .. oa Ion I,,,. ( Nn"' ". ll,il (I, . I,, ,,, 'lh- - i linn id th- - r. -, way - I'" I'" nil' nl I, I, ' l ,i, in, l,i;si ,t iiis. sour- s ,,,U ,),,, but with force , trd and energy.- Keep l'iniu'iii,..l i in- i ,i ,., , i i, ,,.,,,,,.. ili,i: lb. I I ' I'I 'til. X.-- M. Mi-,- l'"!"l,"ll"" I'Uia ha.'.... c,,l lh.' m,.,. s "" I. I, b- . t'V I Il I ' ' J , -i iii k '"'! 'II ,l,,l, ;,. III I d in - K I ,, inn uiih him n hiK hammering nun I, away truth-convinci- ; ; i m at the public head ng i..iiiiiiii"....iii r (1 " a -- .. I .'in. oi with ..i.j "i T',, an, ml- trout Hum ,U, !1o I nl I , ,, ,, , '1loii5its Lii Ruiile tn An '. holla. ll'iik, muni, I,,,,,,, ,,,,, (. i '.; i j t,t b, ,, .1,1. ,. ,,,, ,,, il" i' an pt t lh t i ' '" '" "I ,,, ,,vi . II' in- - .ii-l: t advertisements you will l.'l,,,lll, ' a ai'.l !;.. and soon '.des Will Make " ' I' 'I III ;, .iani-- . M '''' '" nil, ii.- i,l II,, I. ii,,;, ,,, Gehiway ,,i I nk Iih, 1. i " " 1" ' ' ii ' -- of ',,lo II , ,,,, ,, "a I" .ill II,. f".ll, III,,, . make ,l, ,M,' ,h. ' nli. I deep and lasting ',- oi aliliu f impressions. to- ,..,., ,, fiveO'duek This - a. ail, ., ' BUFFALO Now, vlci, ,..,1,. Mni!:!;: "I'.' I i . . t HUNTERS ,,tl, ,( ' !,, ll " ' in i ,, ! i t.t uiti'Ml v in, s iilii. I.iIiiiiiiiIh Iih, i ,,, f ' j,,., a- day, is oi Coast, -l ,,,,., , .,, the time to hi. ! Il III ,, ''"Mi start and then when fall lll.l till' Mill. M I, 15 the .I.-- ''" II s ,1 "liail- l.fu :,) HV. nut - an - , Il,,,,,, I),,. ,,, ' ."...ii in-- ,v,,, '" In a -- lb- lis. in llic r.inl-- , In.- l.,i,,iH , ,v I'b in: maun - m-- trade opens up you will ,,ii,i,., (i,, n, ,u,, ,, ' t surely gather ni '' t'"'- - v, ' ' a bumper 11 M' ' "I billlilllu:,. ,,., ' a ll. a n a r M. ,, HOLD ' " "it- I Ii '"'il Ml- - .I..M ., I ,, ,. lii oi al REUNION I" hi' h n II,, "' !l' lb- - ;, ,, n- ' ' I' -- ''I' i, "".I,- In. I, Mv-- nl " ' ' . ' l. Anil.. i ii. h id . b hail crop. (f l.i ,i. m Trinidad. , if I' iim '" " "l"in ha n v II' d liftl.t- I -- ,,, i "'l,w,l I,, ,', IU ,,nM ' trow and ri as .1 mill oi i, all --mm i ii . u hi- - II"' l'"li.,idii and alw K i irasolii,, iuibIiiiiu linn hllli' ilolh-- s I illy, liaii. bruin .,,,,i " " -- ' ', n I - f, i nli lb- - ,,r t1' '1 ' iii.u-li-- M i'i lb III t'lii'ly at ii -- lock thin liiortui - i"" ilfi in ,. "i i'", The ma- - 1,1 - tin- :""i'" I'" 'l'!', " ! il.ui. n I'i- S,, ..i A!i. .''".v..-.'!:- ' W .''. iinnii'.. in i, -a ;,r;,,;,.v; i..,"".',: Mi'n Fought Everybody ' un ( Indians on .1 ill- - (,ll 'In ir Ui, In Lni, Auk, i'i, .id i i,i ,i,:ri.",.r Reads the Journal1 ' ,i Th. ',"' I '''.', .it-1- . " f ai- -i 'iii I " ''i - n on. h'l'IMn ,. , " ". the 'Mo ll.'Ulli', WV.-l'I'l- bni-n- nun. nr.' tiilui,,. a .i"i,.,,i m,, ,,,, ' at '"'t Western I ' a. id. h I ... Plains Get Together 'ili a i.. la ( in. i.i, ,,r a ii"l mum to nv r i,,, itiv did tt. r Hum that. " '. Th.' fir.' d, partmrnt IDl b,,;,t .ni., I i'i ' ll'liil I,, ki.1,,1 Irll-- I" a d I In ih-- v iii'oilin. ri In th- - hiKh hi honl as nillfd (1ut bla-.a-- Jl,l,i;.ui,( f ,y - i i.i i :,rii, ,i. ,,t Ihi' and Condemn Lurid ' . iii last .M In, Tales of ','" ' "" "I"' I'I'' I, lb- - lilo'. i'i ,nl,,ii,i, Siiiimi,,, .M.i.-- a bailic ar nl. li t ...... I,., i . a . tinv...... i" ' r 4,i i III, il,, r t.t ' 1..."- - I''i-'- ii i,i,, A rnt-i- "l''i"':' ll and I'll I. Mi,,, ,,n, ""' ri ions Kail- - o, if sold lh. ,, Laily Day Strife, "r ' '1,1'., the !!,",. ,,! M ,,, Tin I'I', -l 111 II !; , ,,,,'fl 'I- - - ,,,,-- ,,, ,., t J."'" liuii, aiim; ,!.,, ' Hull' - on id,, ,t, ' ml ,1 l'"1'-- ' i ' ' ' I III ''' cl, thai lh i I'I i, ' '' ' '" ' " '"'i'i and mi- - "' I.',.. Al,,.. I,, llni lit -- 1,1 ,., i , In - b, ,, , ni- -l ' l a u ,,, ,,.,,, al an abb. i i. il' bo, llo 111 i'" ((.j,, all, V,', ' -- lit-- II, i "'u" HIT 1l..r..lti , , - ! i -- n- a- . - , -- j In.- lo ii I. -a It,.,', '"' J.mrnul ba i,,,i - u i. ll'l nil ItllMUi i,l 4" .- 1- Hi I '" ,,,,,,''" t ...... Start Off Right I of l. .. in .',, ''V 'l "."". ' ' '' "4'- . a ,S H.i the New State and lib Hi i i'i'"4on,ljni( iniT, as- lis ....1 tii l!.., b.rado h in '"' - In I.,,. Mill' 111, I'll ..... , .,,,-- th- - "il.,- al ini l". I I' i a, UH. i i, i in,, "I'I"' 'I III nil ntiii rri.i dial" ib ui;. I'M'.!,-- - its exploits .,f i,.iiiiM,i.-r- i Your in-i- ' hl- Mill I ll' i nut ti ,ui-v- b luil Work wh;, . ... liiini'd ful.. ami roiiKhl fn- - 'Get at .. i . at ii ablv u us t I" -- iflirial .i. .i.i. hi - b.,,1 r, ',t a, ss ' , I VALENCIA COUNTY i.i(ii ii,,. throa r mil i in li.iiidi,,. jcli'St aii, vo, imr ,t SALOON Vv'V,";.',., ' 'M lai'-bui- pt -, Chicago '' rr- ' ' ' ini'iif,!' re. '' Mill & - lut MAN FINED uSCiZ ill Lumber Co. U liiirH,.-.- BECAUSE rt,' linn 11 o $100 lOl-ll- li'fv an.' ib'vol.'d tn 'l Xoilh i;r, si. Ul ' "I i :i, linn; toiilh, w ni, HE ;iw;n ' HAD WOMEN AROUND " d . !,,! f. ''.!'" tii .ir tint iiju ii ,,l i,n- i, LiiiKi'sl "i clal.l. I, r lANCILNl PLOT TO ST Al hi'l In uVZZ:(n,lt.iM 1'lnnmir Mill ill Uu: Si.uthiv,... t. Xi i, " 'f'-- wiali-- n .Mod,.,.,, m,.i,i,,..,-- II - III! I'I Iltl. l ,' ,, ".,'1. iinn nun niHiit olhfra'l about the ,,l, Uhvm, kiiiaii. "'u' " "J" " i "ini iiri.i".i" I'I ' I. I. Mil, II, a I, i . "' 'lu i,tcrclaiv of f,'.vf,. 'lli- - Wi f ,i, H, ninoNF spain ' the lof. of caki '.."C...",',,";; r:;:::::;;'; 11.4,. UI ' i ;i j ,i i i r- I..- nrri,.p4,riiltoi- In nam. ii n ii - ' 'l 'I'. III! I i ,o Slrnli J,lrn,i iiiflinic,.. r,.(ld Ill' ,',. II. -- r,. I'll III' ''. M . .11 I iiii soiii- - old fiflK'lit-- Iff !.. la'-- l, i ai, on c . tltlltloll ''' All r. thai r mi,) f i,,, utixz - ,,,',,!, -- ,, -- ' ,; 'd in i' ' it ill '"I I... It. I'.' a "ib.,,,, " "" ", :,.,, J,, Ult. i,., i llorl ,,i iluniiK I. - x M t ' -- t f - , '"'i'. I'i'ilUiaiJ. rit'lit t. b ' ' ' 1 4 '"I" ,s n ,'la , ,,,,,,, ' in,- ill. n ni I,, . - iiiiiij; ,u ,i t ),,. oi, I a.,,n -- lh- - A maintain - ., I, , Moulding i. v in, ii v. ' -. fa- .... u v , a, o ..ll. I, Store nib 1114 Hi,' I,;., (,, ,, Iv ). iih ii, - ' ii ml , '""' I", Fixtures , in,, '.,',, b, h I -, , , iilmi mi, m "li hi ,,f In y i in- ill ,, ' A. liin.-tv.n- , 1.1:.. il i i ., - , """ "' lilli: lh" , 'I'""'" HoMhn. n ,, nil ai i" Ti hi-- i -- "Hi hi lo .In, ,,(,. i,, ,.,, .,i,, '""'I III- I . ''" w -- i -- i ... ,',-!,j,- In - it t il... .. ii ,., l ,, nt- l, plainsman. Sash l 11 1" i, 'I - ., , ah a a,' ,,, 'Vc ..,.,.' ,,. Off; ,l',,,, I,,',, '""I tin a,,, ,.. . .iif ioil II Of III, I..O..I cils 111 I'i-- ,. ,,,,, dri'd- ii..- ,., bla-- k wil.i n i" ."- - v -- ou liil,llll. "I n.',,ii-,i- ii a,,, ,,, S', jl'i'li'i" hulfalofs. i'b bl.i ib I'I -i t I. ''''" ' ' I i t ,i !,, till, II, I. 111!' 1,1 . Mi ... W '' i l a i "- - -1 , ,, in t hilf inn'." If i an v "I In, , i i, t v. lo n a t. .iiiii; l ot. Doors I r,,,i, lh ' .Iblllldo,,, ,J j,y ,,. ., .'t,i,,i.,i,M V'b I' - ', Tin- Mission C 4, S 1,1 '. - ,,. Miuiuast man in th,. Furniture lfl-- I' ,, , , In l i .. I.,- llhlobi 'I., "in i inn in I,,,,, ' ,,,, n,,...!,,.. .ainiij II K 1,H , ,, , ,, ,, I . T. ' a , ." tt,,,, old, lh- ;, 'I lb. t hat- - i, I,, , and - an lli ." "'"' thai cit, II .1 ll 11 M 7 "I Frames . '.'l'1" "' riiffl.t "'' ' v .1.-- U.l I. il .. 'I htlclH Hll..ll, ha It, ' l ,, l . x'''' '" ll . ti'- - i, ., I ll, ' V, l"""""''''V I'i.ntl'll j I .HIM , "I ,, am via,-,- , Kill, ll I ll- - '"" ii'i, a, li.ii-.- I ",' id uas all I. ,l,,ll,c "I, HI -- I' in lh. II. ,,,,,,,... ' ' ' a a ,, ,,'il ' '"'III, I lh II., , I I,,. ,., .I'' a. '" V" ,'M ,",';n'"' K"lM'' 'ii'Mlilim r.i,. a linil.u,,- - .,,,,,,,,, ail ;;::.,:,T;;:t,:;:7.t;;:: vj;;;-,:-,,:.- I, " .i m.t Tin,:';", in f-- ll.iiiivni.n '"lh o - l,,j, ' - I th., conn ii,,,,,,, Sll , ,::J : atols al- ,., -- "a i . Wo f I'liin. ' 1, 4. ,, .a a i ii an "l"'b'lt.v. hh.,, v -; I' Hh l I'll id-a- d ,i inn c. w.iik. Lave "I it alld '(,11 ilia lit ' ' klli...lrl...l iii,-- l1""1"'-- -i- m...,,.- 1' b -- . "'I' H" ,i $;a ai,,i ..l in your or,l,.r , , vhu:;;",;;' ::,l::::u;:llr,:.;;:: ..w ll I" ii ,!,,. al ion h n,l ,, ,1S wlt v I" I" ' It ll - M . 'It. S , ,m1(lit " ' ' i )". ' ' ,1 , "' """"I" Mo.,,,, '" "'" it III., tt.n unit l,,M '":'" 1"! iliirit,... . .in. In. Wll St,.,, Kin- - tiur lii, imsincss; Small i.t. "' .,, uniraij tniii in ,, r4:""" "'' ,:in', ""- iihtii'v llonilUHlai ..!.,, litm i,r,.,l ''" Ado - 1 - ' Th. j li' i'l 'li'tmitiM II .a- -. , , '! in ..I ii,, , , anil t,,i ,,,,,, (., (j, fltllll Is Iii ihii. of i i . . a . ll M.- ..). !l" 'Tn. 1.1 n fci I,,. ".!, 1"' i.ib i. j u j viiii Mu. , " WM. F. ""v " i vani fiesuii.t, ::, ll'.-h- l OHLRAU, I" MHUH ,H'.hltU'17- - Manager


3 x'.OO Ed. S. $1 $- V SaMillaiw. X. l'.oad. 13. cists. . iota! 14 37. costs. $1.20. total. -' W M. Personal proper- l.u'vro ii. pel Chaven N. S T Ma:-- , I'. Sanchez. E. W. Ace- Lewis Mrs. Alice M. Lot 23. Blk Dominico N. ty. 113 02; PsslWltv, .60. 1122 a. Bd. - r.'in.i. rJ iiani. 2.iS ft JiJ. $45: tax. Acequla. W. qula i::xU '0 vs. 1M. X. tannugo 26. N M. T Co. Personal proprty, J. M. Baca, S. C. A. OraiMe. E. Koad. costs. 14.6ii. total. $17.22 tir.rz. K. Sa"ador Arui. 4 crws. ;'040M s t;l. N. C.urvla. S. Mivuel C.arcia, E. Andrea $15: taxes, iU.t4: teraltv. .3: costs, W. C. A. taxts. $5 ;:; - Aguetin 39x3SO ft. BJ N. about I. tVr.tova. 1". S. R. i'.. I.uccro. W. Pub. Road. 45x534 vs. u; total. f 07. ty. $1 60; tot.U. R. S K. E. R K.. W l,uiiTi, l.turo. Slador tl.f costs. $;.is. Gmgo. lava. I I'd. X. F. Pustamantu, S. Telcsfor LI51 Lopez. Vidal Lot II 25.1 r. 7. A nan. W. 175 .. Blk. feeder. J. I. Lot Blk. 11. Kast- - Road; taxes. 13.13: penalty, .16. cots, It I X. D. l.uctro, t. 1'. Murtiiiii. Ii. Garcia. E. Aiequia, Pub. Kjad. Eastern Add. Personal proprty. i em Add. Personal property. $100; $1 $4 ld. $2 i: total. j D. Liu oi o 1', 30x115 Hd. N. Pub. Road. S. 5; taxes. j . K. Lu ero. W. HI 11.69: uenaltv. e; costs, taxee, 20 13: penalty. T. Lot Blk. Marqu-W- . $i.o. costs.; tdward. 3. a;, Jacobo Lucero, E. B. $160; total. 11 37. G. $1 pera'ty, pioperty. $74. tax, It peualt. $1.60. total. $22.73. Eastern Add , taxes. 2i: 1.07: . Jrsus Mirlira. IVrs.nia. pro,)rtv. Luna. Refuio Low 11 IS. Blk. SeJi'.lo. Francisco 2x125 ft. BJ w. costs. U total. 13 SI. cost. 14 i. total. lj 24. 2. Lucero y Guiula Kamon 13 aor.'t $;0; taxes. $.' 55: pen ilty, .S; ci Perea Add. Personal property, N. G L. Sedilo. S. Felipe Se,ll!lo. K Franco. Lots 7. I. B'k. f ; Frank X. . moo i te l, 112. 3. S25.1M). $25: $9 costs, V : ltd. Manuelito Gurule. l". Than taxes $21.00; nenaltv, $1.05; costs. taxes. 43. penalty. 42; Allev, U. U SeJillo. Personal Kastern Add 12.5; p' naliy. .1 I. tx. Luceru v M. V. R. R W. 4i'j too Sanchex. 39x151 s lid. X. $1.60; $.'3 i.stt: total. $10.41. taxes, .08. e. "otice is hereby given that the foi- total. 65. property. $5; ti penalty. .12: costs. 11.20: total. $J.2. .. S H. Roil-r'- S. O Gui errez. K Pub. - i t. Bd. X Juan Moya, Cooper, E'.la 8. . 10, Lefi.nt C Lot 2. Blk. 37. .15; 12 00: total. $i,15. R. W. Una 11. 12. xllo contain the names of the IC Lots Blk. r.t- (oU. ' Fulkrrson. 1. 4 Koad. W. It. K. s. Bd. X. H. ls Ii. 4th. W. 3xt3s Perea ern Add.: taxee. penalty. .16; Sheehy. Martin, Estate of Lot Blk. S. Add. Personal prop Pacheco. Ateouia aires owners of all property upon which I. Add. Personal property. $32; t. Eastern S. ! P.iehei-o- E. Rodurte, S. l i ar Gaiiosoti. E. R. It, ; Bd. X. Luta Lucero. taxes. ; costs. $1.20: 14 27. A. A P. Add taxes. 17.00; t $5 46; penalty, h taxes levied in the yew 1910. In $5; $l.2:,; penaity, costs. total. Blk. A. ertv. $45: taxea. L. S3xt '.0 vs W. Salvador S.ineli. 40x26"i vs. B'L Lefont. C. Lot S. 10: $1.20; $7.33. Acequla, W. Paoheo... Territory of New Mexico. $1.60; total. $21.81. Blk. Eastern penalty. .35; costs. total. $S.5. custs. $1.60; total. Komt-ro- . S. X. y Gh'.U sos. S. Tomaa and for the j Bd. X. Anastacio A. Jose Garcia Al- Add: taxes, $2. OS: penalty. .10; costa, Stacy Co. 10x10 vs. Bd. X. of Bernalillo and City of Cordova. Gregorlo vs. A Personal property, Gallegos. Pedro GonxaKs, E. Ga'leg. , W. County l!Hx300 $1.20; E. Talovo. E. and W. Aoeqiua; taxes. Garcia amounting to less than Bd. X. Felix Martin. S. Martin. E total. $3 31. $125. taxes, $$.7. penalty. .44; B. O. Armiio, S. Kistmann Bros.. Espuiiii. Prrsonal property, $95; buquerque, Lamb. Mrs. - prop 11 14; penaltv. .05; costs, $t.ii; total 00 have become delinquent, to- Grant Line. W. Capt. Vow. Personal Edna Stewart Pron- costs. $1.20, total, $10.4o. G. Barela. W. Street. Personal taxis. 11 7J: pe.ialty. OS. costs. al proptrtv. $40i; taxes, $14.00; pen- G. Lots 19. 20, penaltv. .a4; i $5..''. gether lln description of the prop- property. $10; taxes. $14.00; penalty, Stevens. Chas IS. erty. $20; tuxea. $10..: Marra, J. M :2."xl0 miles Bd. N. $4 00; total, $5 .70; alty, .70; costs, $1.20; $U 0. 21, 22, Blk. 16, Add. $2.00; $13,41. 0 erty and the amount of the taxes, costs, to;al us 70. total, Pert Personal costs. total. J. Trulil'lo. S. J. MotaPo. E. Moun- Sanchox. Andrck 2x4 s. P.d. N. T, property, $190; taxes. $12.13; penalty. Garcia of. Jaoquin 40xf, Sam-hex- and 008,8 due opposite each Cornell, Irene Lot 3, Blk H. H. Estate V. R. 1 acr- (iiltuut.d T. Santhez. t. Koad. E. M. ntnalties Maharam. S. property. .60; $1.60; total. 114 33. vs Rd. X A. liardott, S. M. Apodaca. tains. It nam and description, together with a Add. Personal property, $20; taxes. Personal costs. 742 ucrea land. !"2 as. xlO W. 841S0 s. Hd. X. It .s.Uiiiovul. S. P. (N. Y. Suit $125; Stevens, N. Uu 400. X K Road. W. A. 25x45 It. Hd. and baren eparate statement of the taxes due $16. C3; penalty, .S3; costa, $1.$0; t and Cloak Co.. Uuv S Bardttt. n N. O. Guti'rrcx. S. J. Mon-tan- V. Sahizar. E. R. W. P. ; "403. K l.e Bd. property, whether tal. $19.06. taxess U i penalty, .44; costs. $1.60; 401. all 402. 404. B'.k. 37. A. N. Ownt r. S. F. Guitierrez. Pedro x Romero, ltd. N. G. Garcia, on personal the 23. 0 E. Mountains. W. Aequla. 7x5oO is. Coverdal total, $10.10 Bros. Personal property. $25; taxes. Chavez. W. T. A. Garule Pr. S Si. V. i:. H. W. V. taxes are due from the same Mrs. D. D. Personal ' -. 900 vs. X. I'nknown. Bead, E Sakiar. Caruba.lul. leveral Masters, J. W. & Co. Personal $7.18; penaltv, .35; costs, $.'.00. 100 vs. X. It. GutWrre.- S. M. Cur- - I'd. or owners. property, $200, taxes, $7.00; penalty, total. I'd. W. La Vega. IT. 4it:lJl vs. Koinero. rsmial pro( r:y. 1:1.40; ewnr property, $25: taxes, .89; penalty, .04; $9.53. K. HiMs. W. Pub. Road. Personal and l' Alexander, A. F Personal proper- .35: costs, $1.20: total, $8.55. da, lid. X. Garcia, S. Road, K C. Gutier- Lives. 1S.S4; penalty, .45; i o.-t-s, $3.60; costs. 1.;0; I Strong Lots I to property. taxes. $12 22; penalt. . ty 10o: taxes. $7.00; penalty, 35; Cox. I. H. Pr. 13. Lets 10. 11. 13, total. $2.13. and Hazld'n II $11; rez, W. Grlego, , air.-- Pr. VS. 16 total $12.99. Maple. C. E. 14. Blk. 1. Cor 15 24, Blk. H, C K Add ; 1.61. $3.60. total. $16.43. Blk. 4, B. & L. Personal property, Lot and to t costs. acres ltd. N. Jaramillo, S. Zedillo, K. Sanchez y I'.iml. luri.i. Jose 96x $250; taxes. $20.56; peraity, $1.03; onado. Personal property, $25; taxes. taxes, $8.75; penalty. 44. costs, $1.60; Goetz. O. C. Personal property, $15. 4.; 10u0 vs. Bd. X K. Sai.. hex. S. Diego lbuquerque wi ui. ana v.ranue $8.06 ; Road. W. Sand Hills: tuxo. penalty, .4"; costs. $1.60; total, $14. j 97; .50. . iq.-g- Work Personal property, $300.00; costs, $1.60; total, $23.19. total. $190; taxes, $9 penalty, cost. penalty, .77; costs, 15.20; total. n.::'. Romero, l;. I:, u , Sanchez, ; $10.06 Stowell, C. A. Mattie Lot I, 67. Sun-eti- n. taxes. $21.00: penalty. S 1.05 costs, 1). and $1.20, total. $11 Pali. Atulres 30xU'0 s Bd. X. :'U aires. t",0.ioi vs. H,l. N. K. Martinez. Miguel 65x120 ft. Bd. 33. H. H. Add. Personal prop- Di.-g- J1.60; total, $23.65. Denham, David Lit 4. Blk. A, Jr. Blk. tienuerson. ii. r. Manuel Carabajnl, E. Pedro lilz. W. S. Romero. E. Acequla, N. M. Sedlllo, S. A. Lombardo. E. D. erty. $17.6!i; penalty, penalty.". " Altheimer and Rahel Kalter Lot Highland South. Personal property, $"; taxes. .S; Eastern Add.; taxes, $1 22: Manuel IVabajal. PerM.nal proper- W. Owner 2 acres. '.itW'.iiia vs. Hit. X. Rodriguez. W. R. Vnes. Personal Costs. $1.60: total. $20.16 totul, $2.41. ; S. 17, is. Blk. . A. & P. Add.; taxes, $30; taxes, $9.98; penalty. .50; costs, .08; costs. $1.20; ty. $40: taxes, $3 67 puuilty. .Is; Canuto Apodaca. S. Pedro l'eralta. property, $10: taxes, $3.28; penalty. Swan. N. R. Pr. 23. 200x400 yds. L'. 7, . 9. 10. 11, V. 115 75' penalty, 75c; costs, $1.60; $1.60; total. $12 .08. Hoffman, J. Lots Co.ts. $2 00; total. $55. Sum In., Koad. 6 .ores. 36x300 Direct Line Coal Co. Personal 16; costs, $2.00; total, $5.44. in Atrisco Grant Bd. N. Zamora. 6. 12, Blk. 21. fclaatern Add. Personal liodarte, Gregorlo 74xl0 vs. Bd. vs. ltd X. Canuto, S. D. San- 75x116 ft. K. Rd , W. Chavea; 77; property. $150; taxes, $5.25; penalty Martinez and Sandoval Chavez. I'ld River property, $20; tales, $6 penalty, X. Emillann Sois, S. Manuel Gurule. chez. E. Uoad. W. A'cqula. IS acres. 25x91 ft. Bd. N. Bd. N. S. R. E. 12 71; .14, costs. 70. Apodaca, Daniel .26; costs, $1.20; total, $6.71. Atno St.. Garcia, taxes, penalty, $2.; .43. costa. $1.(0; total, $8 E. Owner W. Km ilia no Sais. 96x400 vs. H. I X. '. Apodaca. S. D. Alexander. 8. Daniel Apodaca. St., W. M. Berger. taxea, $3 80; $4 15. 0x6 Bd. X. b.n V. 8 Sofer Doharty. H. M. Lots 7. . Blk. 7 Walter total. Jaramillo. Pedro ft vs. Bu. X. S. K. I'ala. E Acequla, Romero. K. Acequlii. liiver, W. St. 21 Lot 8. Blk. A. K and Sofer Alexander. Public Terea Add.; taxes, $7.00; penalty, .35; penalty, .18, ,osts, $1.60; total, $5 Seenev. Richard J. P. Haldonailo. S. A. Bratina. P. W. property. $40; aens. 25r.ou vs. ltd. N. C. Apodaca, t $10; taxes, $1.01; $9 30; Owner Personal personal property. costs, zo; 18.55. ldarkowita, C S. Lot 11. all ol A. P. Add.; taxee). penalty. Baldonudo, W. Road. Personal prop, taxes, 15.14, penalty, .25, costs, $2 0; S Manuel Martin. I.. V. Koim ro. W. $2.00; $3.06. il. total, 12 $10.99. penalty. 05; costs. total. Dragote. Mrs. Frances Lot 2$, Blk. 16, Eastern Add. I'ersonal .49. costs. $1.2; total, ertv, $20; tuxes, $6 64: penalty. .28. total. $8.19. River. Personal properly. $5, taxes, Arrhlbeque, Smbronlo Lota 1$, Blk. A, Springer Add.; taxes, $15.75; property, $160 taxes. $22.61; penalty, T. costs, $2.00; total, $7.92. Jaramillo, Pedro 66x440 vs. Bd. $n.00; penally, .50; 16. SO; tot ', ier--.m- . $1.13; costs, $26.34. H. P. Lot 6. Blk. yds. Bd. IT, Blk. 1, J. A. Lee Add penalty, .78; costs, $1.20; total, $17.73. $1.60; total. Thomas, Mrs. Lopea. Cresenclo 125x400 I.opex. H. D. Ramtre. K. Acequa, W. $17.30. Marquez, Eugenio 25x85 ft. Bd. N. 18. H. H. Add ; taxes, $19.25; penalty, N. Nicolas Or- 6bx40O sropfrty. 5: taxes. $4.92; penalty, Dunbar. E. H. Iota 1 to 4, Blk. 34 X. Dunarlano Chaves. C. 163x700 vs. ltd. X. t'rtcKO, Sanchez ile Garcia Juana S. B. Mayo, E. Miguel $21.41. W. Williams Trlsarrl. 24; costs, $1.60; total, $6.7$. B. & L. Add.; taxes, $1.66; penalty. J. Martin, J. .96; costs. $1.20; total. tega, K. Pedro Garcia. S. Yrlsarrt. K. Koad. W. vs. lot. N Manuel R.ul.irtc, S. Pedro 2nd, W. Pub. Road. Personal of Geo. 10. X. R. Caudel-arta- , Armijo. A. R. Lots S, 4, 6, . Blk. .08; costs. $1.20; total. 12.94 Martin Ttmmis Estate St 21X400 vs. Bd. J. Rler. Personal property $i5; taxes, Romero. E. It. It, W. Juan Rodarte. $S5; $3.68; penalty, S, Ao"!; $4.20; W. Jose - - 17, A. y O. Add.; taxed, $21.00; Anna Ma. vs. Bd. property. taxes. Blk. Northern taxe. S. R. U'pe. E. Hills. $9. "7- nenalty. .49; costs. $2 SO; to- 36x270 vs Hd N. Santingo Garcia, S. Duran. 100x300 $1 20; total, $5.61. $35; $105; costs, $1.60; total, X. S. Lombardo, E. Hills, .18; costs. $2.00; total, $5.86. penalty, .31; costs. Chsvea. Personal property $13.06. Juan Biirel.i, I".. It It. W. Junn Bar- petia'iv. Alexander, N. Candel- - UMs 25. 26, $3.20; totul, 65. Arroyo. vs. S. Merrlnan, L Land Bd. Trauer, Mrs. Regina taxes. $1.30; penalty, .07; costs. No. 4. ela. 36xl-- vs. Bd X. Roman Gar $23. W. 20x100 Bd. X. Road. estate, Add.; taxes. $7.00. Prwlncl i Ditch, E. Angelo, Vf. taxes, aria, E. rub. Road, S. Martin Blk. 10. Perea penaltv. $4.57. 7 N S. Ola. S untrance. K. It It, V. S. Gar. Armijo Cocepclnn Piece of land, Lucero; and costs, $1.20; $8.65. BOxlOO ft. Bd. Allen. W. H. acres Hd. and to- W. Kent and SturRfs, 200x200 peualty. .35; total, Maldonado. Pedro Proven-rhe- r: Personal propirty, $65, taxes, east of City of Albu-uerqu- e, $16.79; penalty, .84; costs, $2.40; E. 4th St. W. John da. In south part 700x300; taxes. $17.50; penalty, .88; N. A. S. P. Sena, K. and W. Trlsarrl. penaltv, .22; costs, $4.00; to- on side 84 tal. $20.03. Uratlna. taxes. $7.50. penalty, .38, costs, $4.47: measuring each costs. $2.00: total. $20.38. Yasques, Eutevan 60x100 ft. part A. Bratina. Personal property, $30; tal, $8.6 9. on west side 78 and t in. E. & $1.60; tidal, $9 48. ft. and ft. S Marujo, Casto 28x64 Bd. N. Al Of Lots 21. 22, 23, 34. Blk. T. A. P. $11.89: penalty. .69. costs, Trujlllo, 26x1000 yds. east 482 Ellsworth, Ed. T. Lots 1, 2. Blk. ft taxes. Armijo, J. It. of 5 pieces land Preclllano and in lenirth from to west ley, S. P. Pacheco, E. F. F. Chaves. Add. Personal property. $50: taxes. $2.00; total, $14.48. X. S. Canuto Lu- S. Northern Add. Personal property, (undivided Interests. Ram bos de Al Bd. Cosine Garcia, ft. Bd. X. Jos. Johnson, Guadalupe, W. T. Chavez. Personal property, $2.90; penalty, .15 costs, $2.00; total. Anna 150x200 Bd. N. cero, E. ld Road, V. Gutierrez E. $25; taxes. $19.63; penalty, .93; costs, Martines. ft buquerque, about 125 ydsxnH (un- Txuato de Sedlllo, and F. sedlllo. $10; taxes, $2.12; penalty, .10; costs, 15.05. a S. F. Gutierrez, E. R. R . taxes. $3 12; penalty, .15; coats, M. Sandoval; $1.60: total. $22.16 Stanton. Interest), about 50 acres at Trail; Broadway, W. J. taxes, $2.00; total, $4 22. W. W. Ditch. 27x200 vs. Hd. N. divided $5.27. to- Henry Lot 7, Blk. 3. L. Barelas Lot F. containing; 13 $2.00; total. 110 50- penalty, .52; costs, $4.00; Errickson. Medler, E. L. property, Lot 6. Blk. 25, S. I. M. Chaves. E. $2.50. H acres S. Add.; taxes. $22.75; penalty, Personal Walker. John Franco Gutierrez. Is 1 acres. Pixvlnct No. 5. tal $15.02. $1 93; .09; costs, $3.50: penalty. acres. about. $100; taxes. penalty, Terea Add.; Williams St. W. R. R. Personal 8 $1.13: costs. $1.20; total, $25.08 taxe. Iait G, containing 12.01 is Baca, Antonio F. 25x1 25 ft. Bd. X. Armijo, Febronla G. de X. 4$ ft. F, $1.20; total. $3.22. .1$; costs. $1.20; totul. $4.88. propertv, $30; taxes. $17.38 penalty, EwlnK. R. J. E. A Lot 2, Blk. about 1 2 acres. Lot II. omtainlnn A. y S. S. Simpler. E. 3d St. 13, 14, 15. 16, Blk. A, Morris. L. E. Ixit 13, Blk. 1, Cor- Mrs. K. A. Ut 6, Blk. 5, .87; costs. $3.1(0: total, $21.01. J. Garcia of Lots Duran Armijo No. 2. E. V 3. Blk. F, Wardell. 8 2 acres. Lot 1, Lot $14.35; .72; 2; $14.00; penalty. M ft. Bd, 16 acres; is about I'ersonal property, $30; taxes. $11.89; ind Alex Add.; taxes, $7.00; penalty, 2. onado; taxes. penalty, Armijo Xo. taxes, Murtlnei, Juan 17x250 Int., Armijo No. Personal property, total, $15.90. Chavez, E. contalnlnn 6.29 aires. penalty, .59; costs, $1.60; total, $14. "H. $8.95. costs, $1.20; total, .70: costs, $1.20; X. F. S. Jose con-talnl- .35; costs, $1.60; total, .47; costs, $t.27. Gutierrez. 4 Lot J, $60; taxes, $9.31; penalty, 12. 1$. Millinery Co. Personal prop- about aires. Baca. Ines C. de 29x112 ft. of Blk. Moore, Hannuh B. Lots Welvart Rosd, W. R. R. Personal 8 Alarld FulRenolo Baca de 25x125 $2.00; total, $11.78. Pub 6.79 acres, int., 2. 3. property. Blk. 5. Perea Add.: taxes, $14.00; property. $200; taxes. $14.00; penalty, erty, $125; taxes, $5.61; penalty, .28; Lewis No. I'ersonal ft. Bd. N. Frank Trotter, S. Jtsua F. 4 acres. K, containing taxes, $4.58; penalty, .23; costs, penalty. .70; costs, $1.20; total, $15.91. .70: costs, $1.20; total. $15.90. costs, $2.00; total, $7 83. . about lot $10; Bomero, E. Jesus Romero, W. Tubllc Flanigan, Replat of Lots 4 98 8 Interest, about ai re. $6.41. John Mova. Jesus M. 60x142 Bd. N. Wendell, Frank II Lots 17. 18, Manuel ft. Bd. N. seres. $1.60: total, Road. Personal property, $25; taxes, 3, 4, Lot 3, Blk. 16, Perea Add. taxes, ft Xuanez. lx$3 Pr. 8. of 60 vs. In San Mateo ranch 78x17 ft. Bd. Mieuel Garcia, fl. Albuquerque R. E Blk. 4, A. y O. Add. Personal prop- 8. and E. Jose Chaver, Barela, Jose Maria $7.00; penalty, .35; costs, $2.40; total, $10.42; penalty. .52; costs, $1.60 Crus Sanchea west of the Rio Grande, with portion X. S. Simpler Add., E. I Co E. Alley, W. Albuquerque erty, $30; taxes, $13.48; penalty, .67; W. taxes, $3.84; penalty, .16; Ptllsbury, $9.75. total. 112.54. and R. R.: of grove. Personsl property, $230; W. Acequla. R. E. and I. Co. Pr. 9. 2H acres costs, $1.60; total, $15.75. costs, $1.60; total, $5.10. South 2nd St, Contra Flynn. J 40x80 ft. Bd. N, taxes, $9.09. penalty, .45; costs, $7.20; 2, C, Simpler Xo. 2. Person- Patrick Bd. N. Dolores Gallegos, S. Trinidad Wtlkerson. Thos. X. Personal Padilla. Fredico 36x185 ft. ild. N. Lot Blk. vs. N. Unknown, 8. B. Bletcher, E. Kfl Ssn-ehe- total, $16.74. property, $50; taxes, $7.83; penalty. Baca, Juan 25x150 Bd. Mnt. Oabaldnn, E. Pub. Road, W. Acequla property, $270; taxes, $4.38; penalty, M. Padilla. P. Street, E. Dlegn al Candel-ari- a, Ave.. W. Luna Place: taxes. $5.27 vs. Bd. costs, $2.40; total, $10.62. load, 3, Merrlnan, E. Tiofilo her Madre; taxes, $11.05; penalty, .56; .22: costs, $1.20; total. $5 $0. W. Williams St 70x140 ft. Bd. Chaves, EtiKenlo 100x2560 .39; TV". penalty. .26: costs, $1.60; total, $7.13 SO S. Severo Land Hd. X. Sev- Morris, personal property, costs, $3.20; total, $14.80. Wilson, D. E Pr. 6. Middle ft. N. orunsfeld, S. Apodaca, E. Digo X. Chavez and Zamora, Terfecto Barela. B. P. S. 20 ft. Lot 20 Fer-son- al 40x700 S. Tafoya, E. 1st $20; taxes, $8.76; penalty, .43; costs, Freelove, Mullenberg, A. Lot 4, Blk. 16, 4, 6, Blk. 39, H. H. Add. W. R. R. Personal proper- Armijo. E. and W. Acequla. ern Sanchez, Simon Add.; taxes, Lots Panchez. 2 W. $2.00; total, $11.19. All 21. Blk. 6. Northern property, property. $11S; taxes, $21.58; taxes, $1.87; penalty, .08 vs. Bd. N. J. Munsev, !. rc. i navez, r.. St., W. Alley. Pr. 9. acres Hd. $19.25; penalty. .96; costs, $1.60; to Eastern Add. Personal tv. $35; Sanchez, p. A. Huh. Baca Felix Personal property, $25: taxes. $2.90; penalty, .15; costs, penalty. $1.08; coats. $2.00; total, costs. $2.80; total. $4 55. Acequla. W. A. Zamora. lOHx.oo J. De la Lur a $150; taxes. $10.49; penalty, 53; costs, tal, $21.81. vs. Bd. vs. Bd. D. cnavez, N. r. knaves, r.. j. bell, E. Pub. Road. W Severo Sanchez. $1.60; total. $4.65. $24 66. Padllla, Mellton 3xT K taxus, $2.87; G. K.-tL- M. W. Road. 6x2000 vs. property. $S0; $1.20; total, $12.22. Mundell, A. F. Personal property. Wilson. J. ots 8. 9. Blk. H. P J. Gurule, 8. and E. Barbara Munsey, Pub. Personal 22, Garcia. F. F. 40x60 ft. Bd. N. Al S. P. penalty, .13; costs, $2.80; total, $5.60. Baca Estevan S. 50 ft. Lots 21, $115; taxes, $2.30; penalty, .11; costs, B. & R. Add Lot . Blk. 7. Armijo Gutierrez. W. Railroad. 20x112 ft Bd. D. Chaves, Chaves. E.Cham. lev. S. T. E. F. Martin, W. T. 7 2x196 vs. Hd. J. W. Lots 11, 12, Blk. 10, 53, 24, Blk. T. A. & P. Add. Personal Perea. $1.20; total, $3.61. No. 2; taxes. $17.80; penalty, .18: Bd. X. Fellpa Trujlllo, 8. Brick Tsrfl, isal. W. Pub, Road. Barnes. Chavez. Personal property, $10 B. P. Armijo, University Hgts; taxes, $1.28; penalty. property, $10; taxes, $ii.01; penalty, Mundell. Eva M. Lot 2, Blk. 1, costs, $160; total, $19.8. E. and W. Bafael Garcia. Personal X. Manuel Bustamsnte, .63; costs, $2.06 TC 10x229 $1.20; ttetal. $2.51. ,10: costs, $1.60; total, $3.71. taxes, $1.26; penalty, taxes, $7.00; penalty, Wltzel. Geo Persot al property, property. $45; taxes, $2.88; penalty, Poh. Road. W. M. Chavez. .06; costs, 13.89 Lewis Eastern: P. Armijo. 15x125 ft. Bd. Baca y Anaya, David 60x50 ft. total. .36; costs. $1.20; total. $8.65. $250; taxes, $17.50; penalty, .88, ,11; costs. $2.80; total, $5.24. vs. Bd. Manuel Barela. 8. Barrnras, Trinidad Garcia, Seneca Lot C, and W. H W. M. Chavez. Per N. Simpler Add., S. David Sanchez, K. Bd. N. Epitacio Sandoval, S. Enrique McSpaden, T. L. Personal proper- nn.t. tl '.(! tntlll . S119.58. Padllla. Cesarlo 36x76 vs. Bd. N. E. Pub. Road, 76. 7. Armijo Bros. Add. Per taxes, . R, W. P. Gabaldon; taxes, Gomez, E. Broadway, W. Andres of Blk. $7.74; penalty, .38; wooton. Mrs. U. M. Personal M Sedlllo, A. Grunsfeld, K. Felipe sonal property, $7o; ! It, $3; taxes, $4.73; pen ty, $110; taxes, 8. total, .31; costs, $1.60; total, $8.15. Romero. Personal property, $40; sonal property, total, $9.32. property, $90; taxes. $6.38; penalty, Trujlllo, W. Wlllams Ht Personal penalty, .45; costs. $6.00; $15.3I. penalty, $6.66. costs, $1.20; N. f in. mi . taxes, $17.55; penalty, .88; costa, alty. .23: costs. $1.60; total, N. costs, $31.20; total. $7.90. $30; taxes. penalty. uarcia, miauei aiuoiuu Bryant. l. Lot nod Bel. N .32; property, $8.; S. M. B. Simpler No. 2. re.rsonai $2.40; total, $20.83. Gardeta, It. A. 124x108 ft. Mrs. W. R. Personal Z. .44; corns, $2.00; total. $H.42 Bd. X. J. E. Barela, Trlsarrl, Blk. W. Menbrlck. - vs. Hd. n. $25; taxes, 4 3 : penalty. Beckham, Mrs. Prewcry Lot I, El wood, P. and E. Westtendorf, $150; taxes. $10 49: penalty. 7nnl Mountain L. and T. Co Per- Tom. F. PB. H. Pec. 13. Road, W. River. 8x300 property, property. Phelan, 8. Sena, E. Ace- - 21; costs, total, Blk. 18, Eastern Add.; taxes, $2 10; Prea Add. Personal property, $55 costs, $1.20; total, $12.21. nniil nrntiertv. $240; taxee, $16.79 Twp v N., R. 2 160 acres; taxes, Fidel Gonrsle. Celso ll.tio; .62; 50x110 vs. Bd. N. m. Sarlota Land Bd. X. penalty, .10; costs, $1.20; total. $3.40. taxes. $11.58r penalty, .67; costs, Neustadt, Leuh D. Lots 9, 10, Blk. ...naitv .84: coats. $160; total, $4.37; penalty, .42; costa, $1.60; total, quia. W. 4th St Candelarla. . 8. Hamora, k. Ace Between 2nd ami 3d Sts. E. 2nd St, Becham. L. P. Lot . Blk. IS, $2.00; total, $14.15. 7, Perea Add.; taxes. $9.09; penalty, $19.23. $6.39. Trlssrr Rerlna 4, 45, H. H V. Acequla Chanilsul, Personal W. Allev, $taxes, $8.76; penalty, Eastern Add.; taxes, $8.76; penalty, Olelitz, L. C Lot Blk. .45; costs, $1.20; total, $10.74. rreclnt No- - 60x60 Bd. X. qula, ,t; property, $25; taxes, Romero, Abel ft property, taxes, penauy, costs, $1.60; total, $10.80. .44; costa, $1.20; total. $10.40. Add. Personal Nash E. S. Co. All N. 8 ft. of 25 Anndaea. Alfredo 37 from 9. B. Montoya, E. $.6;; 1, 2, 40, .62; costs, $1.60 ft Juan Martluea. . 13; costs, $3.00; total, 4.M. ft. Bd. N. Beebe, L. B. Pr. Lot Blk $12.42; penalty, 6, Belvedere; personal proiier-t- v lioad to 2nd St. Bd., N. C. It. propo-- IV. Chavez. Selcdon25xll0 ft. Lot Acequla, W. It. Personal Salvador S. Gregorlo lltuela, E. Eastern Add.; taxes, $1.04; penalty, totul, $14.64. penalty, .84; nrls S. J. Apodaca. E. 2nd St, W. 13. costs, Garcia, manuei Pedro Chavez, Lot 1, Blk. H, High 1430: taxes. $16.80; Apodaca, $60; taxes, $2.75; pena'ly, vs. ix. canoeinriB, a. ioiun Broadway. W. .15; costs, $1.20; total, $2.28. Gobin. Leslie 42 Acequla to Gar- $4.88. Bd. It Jose Candelarla. I'er N. 6. S. 20 ft. fonts, $1.60; total, $19.24. Road. ft. from $2.00; total, Gutierrez, E. Pub. Road, w. Acequia. taxes, $8.98; pen Blavaschl, John 18x18 vs. B1. land South. Pr. Lot N. A. Barela, 8. M. Apodaca, 20x100 lid. N. sonal property, $28; 7 L, South O. cia, Ed., Ruiz, Felipe ft property, $80; taxes, s.db, 111.43. Metrro Suarez, S. Jesuit Fathers, E. N. 20 ft. P.Ik. Highland Garcia, W. Acequla. 18x140 ft 8. Ara- Personal alty. .45; coats, $2.00; total, taxes, taxes, $7.84; penalty, .39; costs, $2.00 Ortiz, Antonio Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, E J. Cresenclo lopez, Ciu.i"iril penalty, .2;); costs. $2.0; total, Chavez v Xunnes, Jose Jhxiis n. A. Vivlani, W. formerly Priests, Bd. N. J. Garcia, 8. Manuel Apodaca, gon, K. Arequla, W. Joie Hula. Per- costs, $2.00; total, total, $10.23. Blk. P. A. & P. Personal property, Oomez, Francisco- - mxiuu yun. iu. Bd. X. J. Vnlo, S. A. Simpler, E. Road, $1.40; penalty, .05; B Rarelaa Road, W. Manuel Apodaca, sonal property. $50; taxes $7 06; OofT, D. 6, Blk. 24, H. It, $25; taxes, $21.36; penalty, $1.07; . N. Q. Candelarla, S. J. Garcia, a. D. Pr, 1. 25x30 Tt. $3.45. C. Lot 17 Road to Grant uine, uu, coats, $2.00; total, $10.36. W. J. Soma. H. 4, $50; taxes costs, $1.60; total, $24.03. ft from penalty, .40; W. 4th St. Personal property. S. Chavez, E. Ace Braun, Harry Lots 17, 18. Blk. Add. Personal property, Apodaca. S. J. Apodaca, K. Grant 50x100 Bd. N. Road, X. F. Gutierrez, J. $1.11; costs, $1.60 Oxendine, Q. Land on east side of C. Sals, Jose U ft $25; taxes, (i.u; penauy, W Road. Personal property. H. Q. Spot. Personal property, $50; $22.23; penalty. Line W. Road. 37 ft from Williams r ti.irelii S. Vincente Sedlllo, E. qula, .40; costs, $1.60; total, $24.94. Edith St. extended and north of S. $2.00; totul, $11.49. .i $25: taxes, $15.65; penalty, .78; costs, taxes, $8.08; penalty, Bt. Asqua, Bd. N. C. Apodaca, T). W. Saluzar. Personal . S. 2, Blk 1 Marquette Ave., ext. Personal proper- to Mures, Gonzales. Manuel y. jr. idxsuu $19.23. total, $10.06. Goodwin. Mrs. R. Lot Apodaca. E. Asqulra. W. Williams $30; taxes, $11.89; penalty, $2.80; total. & $15 ty, $45; taxes, $1.91; penalty, .09; J. nrooertv. N. M. D. Gonzales, . Mariano ignacio u. Bronson, A. S. Lot 9, Blk. 1. Core B. L. Add. Personal property, taxes, $6.66; -- enalty, .33; costs, 2.00; total. 14.48. Bd. Chavarlu, Joso ddxii. costs, $1.60 costs, $2.00; total, $4.00. St, .69; costa E. Acequla, W. J. irmurri. X. T. A. Gurulo, S. Chavarla anu nado; taxes, $17.50; penalty, 88; taxes, $4.92; penalty, .25; total, $12.99. N. Barela. Rd. P. $6.00; Savedra, Perfllio 60x160 vs. Bd. Personal property, $50; taxes, Silva, E. Road, W. T. A. Gurule. Per cos's. 11.20: total. $19.58. tolal, $6.77. Apodaca, Manuel 74 ft. from S. Holder, K. 10, Blk. 1, Greb, M. N. 3 Lots 5, 6, 18 'ft. xl5 vs. First Xatlonal Bank. penalty, .29; costa, $2.00: total, x.i. sonal property, $20; taxes, ij.ob; pen Bronson. A. S. Iot John Parras, Ambroslo S. Albera, Per- - . prop E. J. Barelas Road to 2nd St Bd. pmi, vtoMii. w. Vernlce azxauu vs. nu. coats, $2.00; penalty, Coronado; taxes, $17.50; penalty, 88 Blk. 22, H. & L. Add. Personal Bd. N. F. F. Garcia, S. P. Perea, Apodaca, W. Pub. $6.40; lse. alty, .10; penalty, .96 $1.93; E. 2nd St, H. N. muii nrooertv. $165; taxes, Romero, 3. Manuol Sena, K. Blodaon, Clavtiool. Daley Lot i a, ms. i. costs, $1.20; $19.68. ertv. 120: taxes. $19.26; Montoya, W. F. Chavez; taxes, - total. Road. 43 ft. Acequla to Anaya. Bd. .,,.itv '.'7- coAtu 12.00: total, $7.1. Ditch. 27x200 vs. Hd. .83; penalty. Bucklln. D. S. Lot 8. Blk. 1. Belve costs. 11.60: total. $21.82. penaity, ,10; costs, $1.60; total, $3.63, K W. Chamlsal UnlverBlty Highta; taxes, N. A. Apodaca, 8. P. Trlsarrl. Sedlllo, Manuel 75x140 ft Bd. N. N. T. 8. Manuel Mena., w. ami dere Add. Personal property, $50; Grleeo. Gorr 40x76 ft, Bd. N Penman, K. C Lot a, m. 18x140 Romero. .04; costs, $1.20; total, ??.(. An.ira w. Areoula Barelas. r Jf.oner. W. Moore Realty Co., E. R. 1XT KOxSO) ft. Hit. IN. IBlliru 67x134 Bd. N. taxes. $19.45: penalty, .97; costs, and S. E. Keleher Avf, W. Luna Eastern Add. Tcrsonal property, Apodaca, S. B. dmnr nnninls. Maria ft lid. N. Alfredo p.. w. 2nd St. Lund Rd.. X. Sedlllo, M. Garcia, E. Chamlsal Ditch. Add.; E. R.. $1.60; total, $20.02. Place; taxes, $3.50; penalty, .15: $10; taxes, $15.06; penalty, .76; costs, ft W. Manuel Luna, 8. F. Tafova, S. Simpler It Anaya, E. Barelas Road, s r. IT. Albers. K. R. It. W. 2nd St w. Guadalupe ttoan; 6. taxes, $12.60; pen M S. 47 and 3 ft. costs, $1.60; total, $5.21. $1.60; total, $17.41. Bd.. N. W. It Saluzar; Bullard, E. Apodaca. 34 ft. to Grant Line iRxl'K ft Rd. N. Moore Realty Co., H. coHtri. $8.20; total, $12.18 1 4.7 J. Co, Dlefro Lot 10, Blk. X, W. 20 ft. Lot nermltv... .43: - . alty, .62; costs, $1.60; total, Lots 13, 14 15, Blk. 27, N. M. T. Gutierrez, Perea, Alejandro A. Apodaca, a. P. Krisarn, a. Road. E. J. Apodaca, V. Rio n. a nn Bil. Add.; taxes, $3.50; penalty, 9, 10, W. A. & P. Add. Per- uiu Iterelita Luecro, jarono Elder, J. E SI'.. '4. soc. za, nvp. Personal property, $50; taxes, $19.43; Eastern all Blk. Line, W. Highland Road. Personal BlixlSO vds. Bd. N. Moore 8."Lucero E. C $22.00. .18; coats, $1.20; total, $4.88. property, $30; taxes, $(1.82; pen-!. Perfitin Lueero. 10, X It 3 K. 160 acres. Personal penalty. .97; costa, $1.60; total, sonal property, 30; taxes, nn a. J. Anodaca. E. Juan C T.,.... w l.h Ht. 20X6IIU vs, Bd. Slid taxes, $5.23: penalty. , 10. 25x101.65 ft. Bd. costs, $1.60; total, $8.7. propertv, $75; Buliington. F. C Lots Blk. GuttexrM, Juan alty, .34; ft. Bd. N. i V. llOBll. 25 2 20; costs, 15.20. total, ij.oh. v Molina. W. River. 45x250 a 4th St.. W. taxeu, $1.60; total. $7.09. 26. taxes, $7.00; penalty, N. Rafael Sedillo. S. Armijo No. Add. K. t K. .26; Perea. Adj.; t p.Hiitu R. P. ADodacn. E. Acequla xlOO vs. Bd. N. Nlcolaa Sanchez Kepinosa. A. M. Lot 6, Blk. 74. $8.56. E. St., W. J. Gardtino; tax's, Co. Personal y , .35; costs, $1.20; total, William Record Abstract A.lrt . W. IjOI J. w. Williams St. Personal Road, S. Ileatrlz property, $50; C. $4.57; penalty, .23; costs, $2.00; total, property. $225; taxes, $17.28; penalty, T.trn Road u.rir. Pub. Terraco Add. Pcrnonal Add, 17 Highland taxes, $12.34; penalty, S'lx200 vs. Bd ,B-- -; total. V9.2S Eastern ft property. $75; Acequla del Pueblltu. taxes, $12.10; penalty, costs. 50x145 yds., (.$. .$2; costs. $1.20; Line Bd. N. A. Apodaca. S. r. $5 20; total, $18.16. S. Juan Jose Sanchez, Candelarla, Tiofilo H. a. TV Lots 17 to 20 Blk. to Grant .62: costs. N Jose Fspalln, Jl.tiO; tolal. $14.92. Bd. N. Mnt. Road, and Simon Garcia, n.h.n Apodaca, E. Grant lin. w. noan. Stone, Julian 26x60 Bd. N Uoad, W. River: taxes $3 .13; I, mik. Cnl- - prop- 39, And.; taxes, $14.00; penalty, ft W, E. River ntnc. C. N. Lots J. S. Merrlnan, Bernalillo Road, W. Hamm, F. W., Jr. Personal Perea Williams St. to Acequla. lid. in. a. aii.v M. v.. Bars. E. Jose. Torres, t 17. n.sls. 14.00; total. $7.60. taxes, $1.25; penalty, E. penalty, 70; costs, $1.20; total, ft Acequm. vrrslty Hlnhts: Juan Baca. Personal property, $20; erty, $250; taxes, $3.68; 1; lift.". Apodaca, 8. M. Aporado. K. n Arm I In. Personal property, 4p, THiiirenlo 40x160 VS. Hd. N. costs. $1.20; total, $2.51. $5.06 Reynolds, Chas. A. Lot coron 37 ft. Barelas Road t.,m Bond, .06; taxes, $19.27; penalty, .98 costs, $2.40; costs, $1.20; total, l, W. Williams St. taxes, $3.15; penalty, .15; costs, $2.00; Kntraace,' S. Juan C. Lucero, E. Gallegos, Calletano Mi of Lots 5, M; K L. I' prop- ado. Personal property, IJs; taxes. Bd. N. A. Apouuca. o. Hd. X. total, $22.63. Hanks, to 2nd St total. 15.30 W. Jacnbson. 15x80 vs. lj; 6 Blk. H, Simpler Xo. 2. Personal 2, 4, taxes, $14.00; penalty, $17.08; penalty, .85; costs,, to W. L Cantrel, Ernestine Lot Blk. erty, $200; Anodaca, E. 2nd St, uareit", Francisco Lot B, Blk. W rti.rrM. S. Juan C. Lucero, $15; taxes, $1.67: penalty, proper- costs, $1.20; total, $15.90. tal, $19.5$. .. , penalty, .44; costs, Tapla, properly, Armijo Bros. Add. Personal .70; . taxes, $8.76; taxes, $2.08; penalty, W. Francisco Luecro. I'ersonal $3.35, 7, 8, Blk. 39, Rodriguez, Hill Lot iz, m. Eastern Add.; and ,08; costs. $1.60; total, ty, $20; taxes, $10.16; penalty, 60; Hannigan, Jas. Lots total, $14.00. . $3.38 130: taxes, .93: penalty, proper- .35 Add.; taxes, pennuj, . r. m. ut 11.20: total. nr.nertv. Garcia, Grcgorlo personal costs. $1.60; total, $12.26. Perea Add.; taxes, $7.00; penalty, Eastern .i; Apodaca y Molina r., Domain oi Lota 7, 8, Blk. 63 R0: total. $10.08. penalty, .54: ' costs, $1.20; total, o. rv. Um fleet, Mamie .i. ty, $240; taxes, $10.88; Carson, E. L. Lot 3, Blk, 27, East- costs, $1.20; total, $8.55. 45; x600 vs. Bd. X. J. a lift. I'ersonal property, $20 Lucero,' Porflrlof 20x000 vs. Bd. X. , 6, 7, TI KCgtnniiiK o n. 60 Pouiorn , costs, $1.20; tolal, $12.62. $25; rtan-lson- Geo. W. Lots Blk. nmih Phas. E. F. Wilson, W. RlgT. H. 1',. reii-o- ern Add. Personal property, al-t- v Apodaca, taxes. 17.08: nenalty. .35; costs, $1.60; V Mtitiino J. Lucero, 11. Lots 23, 24, Blk. 10, penalty, north east cor of S. J. Apodaca. 1 Gibson, K. taxes, $7.12; penalty, .36; costs, $1.60; 2, Perea Add.; taxes, $10.50; north from the X125 vs. Bd. N. Owner, xv Kt zflxriOO vs. Bd. and S. taxes, $1.25; pen- $12.23. rnnnin nost and west through zs, total, $9.03. i.h taxes, University lligbts; total. $9.08. .63; costs, $1.20; total, K. River, W. R. R. Pr. ft. " H. Lot 10, Blk. 41 T v.. 4th St.. W. Road; $2.61. on me iu . Wright, Geo. '.r - ally .06; costs, $1.20; total. prop- 6, Add., . 'A, $2.40; to- W. Harsch, Elizabeth Personal Bik. Baca wri Vi, Sec. 25. E. w. 6; u. ,. , .10:- - . costs, 2, Castillo, Roman L. Lot 20 and 'M IIOI Lii, - Add.; taxes, $1.2 penalty iiIS.VIT, '.nniiv" . J. Lots 3. 8. Blk. penalty, .70; 1A at thnr Ml II. 4 160 acres, rerson- Eastern Hammond. It & 19. Bik. 1. J. A. Lee Add. Person erty, $200; taxes, $14.00; Twp. 9 X R. E. .06; costs, $1.20: total, $2.51 tal, $4.59. taxes, $1.25; costs. west to allev. running non.. -- 43 University nights; penal costs, $1.20; total, $15.90. thence property, Pm-liu- t ii. r v veren. Antonio al property, $15; taxes, $4.22; 01 WIS. al J6it, tax, No. j , 06: posts. 11.20; total, ti. B. 1. N . NE. or,,! .,.,,lh tVironch mirt costs,; toiai, l,Ur, imn-- i ty, .21; costs, $1.60; total, $6.03. Heyn, Fred Pr. alty. $1.06; """ Gabaldon, David 75x500 vs. Bd 350 vs. Bd. N. F. I'Uoero, o. Mav A. 25x125 ft. Bd. N. 9 N. 2 E. 80 acres. thence south 50 ft, hcnc easi iu smou yuo, H.. lfenrv. Castillo. Maeedonlo 25x150 ft Sec. 24, Twp. R. Aragon, Antonio S. and B. F. Sanchez Sanchez, K. Road, W. It. acres. st V'. E. R. W. M. Add, hoirlniri. Personal property, Arafton, . N P. Chaven, n. nr,,l Hnnchez. It, Bd. Martin, E. Acequla t.m 17. 18. Blk. 5. Northern ". N. and S. B. VIJII, l. J. Hanchez. 56x114 vs. B1 43 vs. Hi N. V. .ucero, property, $20; N. Trinidad .50; costs, $4.40 . W Tnirmi Apodaca. Personal Per-on- '"V"-$21.47- ; taxes, $9.98; penalty, 12x30 un. i. T, K. and W. Road Bareles, W. Mla-ne-l Jr. N. Personal property, fim, C. Barela, ft M P f.Bhnl.lon. 8. Pub. Road, E. Andres Sanchez, Hills penalty, .62; costs, Martin a . $15 taxes, $12.60; pen- penalty, $1.05; costs, $2.40; imi til gon, S. I Baca, E. A. Braun, S property, property, $10; taxes, $3.50: -t W. P. Gabaldon. Personal seres. Personal $15.12. Ryan, Martin E. i- or w" n.hnlrion. .05; conts, $2.00; total, alty, .17; costs, $2.00; total, $5.67. total, $24.92. property, Sedlllo. Personal i" nronertv. $95; taxes, $2.14; penalty taxes, $1.03; penalty, $3.0 12x126 Bd. X. O. High- Lots 15, 16, BIK. 3 mir is H II. Personal $9.86; penalty, .49; costs, $2.80, Lopez, Andres ft Caulk, B. F. Lot 2, Blk. 1, Hudson, Richard .88; costs, taxes, .10; costs, $2.80; total $5.04 I). R. R.. W. penalty, $150; taxes, $17.60; penalty, pv4.-rlr- 200 vs. Bd Barrcras, S. Chnvez, E. land South. Personal property. $25; 38, Perea Add.; taxes, $7.00; total, $13.15. itimHiii Xo. 3. Martln'oz; Mxl 11 " n $8.55. $1.60; total, $19.98. Grlego, V. P. (ialialdon. I'ersonal property, taxes. $6.31; .32; costs, $1.60; 9c. nnta total. 4 2x80 vs. Bd. N. 8. KUio 15x700 vs. Bd. N V M ftlsneros, 8. Curios penalty, ' rnrlns pen- - $50; taxes, $1 67; penalty, .08; costs. Yiunsaker. Lloyd Pr. 6. Replat 24, W. G. Bare T.i,r.ern' S. D. Lucero. K. and W xr,.ri W. Slough: taxes. $1.25; total, $8.23. 1, TiriirMa .1. rie Lots 23, and K. Pedro Candelarla, v total, $3.76. 34x64 ft. Bd. 1. Blk. 6, C. W. Lewis No. oni. tSxfiOO ft. Bd. N. E It 60: total. $2.91 $2.00; Chavez, Tranqullino of Lot taxes, 11-"- ; pen la. Personal property, a. 25x75 Bd. N. Zlr-hu- t, 4, Highland Blk. IS. Add.; J. 250x300 Marquez. Pedro ft 1, 2, J, Blk. J, Perea - T".i.eern. T). K. Line Monta'no. Heirs of Juan N. A. Gonzales, S. A. Burton, E. and Lots nn- , 13.23. penalty, costs, s.u, H. Lucero, Grant Uoad, W. taxes, in. ..i. (l total.v"--- - $6.61: .3; S. formerly and S. K. O'ltannon, E. F. V. property, Btv, Rlk. 8. Hiehland South; any, .iw, v.viova. w Personal property .,. v o Candelarla, Maora. Personal 40; to u.,in!7iir v Otero I'laruio i tal, $8.84. r Lucero. Personal property, $26; $20: 96; costs, 14 69:' nenalty, .23; costs, $2 i'v v.a nenaltv, .04; costs. a..' 'v.. Road. W. Mequliides ollaiirioii. taxes, $19.27; penalty, v Xr P. Arlii. rersonai prop de Sanchez. Gregorla 4xru is'. taxen, taxes, $9.38; penalty, .47; cosIb, $2.00; $2.00; tal, $7.32. nit i Baca $3.73. n.riniinl iirotierty, $46; total. $22.23. 20, ,v iSft' taxes. 11.93: penalty, .10; Bd. N. Castillo. . rears $2.80; total, total,' $11.85. 50x200 ft. Bd. N. Hvde. W. J- Lots 9, 10, Bllt. ft. 16 61: nenalty. .33; coata. $2.40; total Chavez, Manuel property, r ft ' tninl 11 A3. E. R. R., W. Andres Pere. personali'""; n.,rn rnrmellta 200x1500 vs. Bd Monnlngli. Peter 25x110 ft. Bd. N. D. S. Pub. Road, Add. Personal i. ii 19.34. Abellar, A. Garcia, E. Eastern .Tn.nn n Lots , 1", $10; taxes, is.ii; m M smith. S M. Duran, E. Hills and Chavez, S. G. Barela, E. J. Can- W. $20; taxes, $3.19; penalty, .16; costs, lJun property. pe... 40x40 vs. Bd. N Pedro Acequla. Personal property, $85; A. Add.; taxes, costs, $2.00; total, $10.64. w Personal property, $15 Montano, Plneldo delarla, W. Broadway; taxes, $8.34; taxes, costs, total, $4.95. 3, J. Lee p"' .40; uiver. S. S. Garcia, K $19.27; penalty, .96; $1.60; ... 1C. XI V TOIfll. n..n. N. nenalty. .50; costs, AriMalda Ai.odara, .42; costs, $1.60; total, $10.3(1. fota Barela, Eleut-ri- o 25x30 ft Bd. tinos: Acequla. 65x100 vs penaltv. $2.00; - r?o,l W. Hello of E. 62 total, $22.23. property, Salsedo. Juan u. lahs h, . 1 nomas 12. 00- total. $12.55. McMullen, Estate Al- T. A. Personal Clara B. Montoya, VS xi ,ii,,i,li. AnoibicB. S. Roman H. Add.; Chavez, F. F. 28x64 ft. Bd. tiov 3 A. Lee Add. Personal prop...., Pnfnels G. de 60x300 r..i h i .nt u 4 6 ltlk. 3!. H. 17.00: nenalty. .35. costs. J. costs, rez. K. .losn limi, ' n.ln I E. H.. W. Acequla ley, S. Mar- ; penauy, .23; XiA M W'.ntrnnce S. M. Trlsarrl, eel' Eslat... It 8.,'I4; penalty, .42; costs, $1.60; P. Pacheco, E. Florcncla $30; taxes, $4.61 X. Gutierrez, 8. and S. nrt taxes, $1.20; total, $8.66. 70 ft. Bd. Thomas - tm'i. 25x300 vs. Bd. X 13x200 vs. Hd. N. E. Chavez h tin, W. Casta Naranjo; taxes, $8.76; 11.60: total. $6.44. MonesTo xv.- w it n total, $io.;i. E. Acequla, W. on,. ..i C. Gar W. K. P. Barela N. tt. penaltv, 41; costs, $2.00; totul, J. .Tonus C. E. 71 ft. of Lot n m,,.i... s m. Trlsarrl. K. Oareila y Romero, l'ratt. T. G.50X200 ft. Bd. t.-i- 35x80 ft. Bd. property. B.D1,,7. P, nenalty. .12; costs, $.1.1.0 $11.20. ii Rstevan a,.h. $14.00; sonal $;'ftxa -- i'. w pue Ijiml Bd. X. i.v. 12.50: ihninur nn, I Slimiler. S. J. W. i mi, 314 'w U Add.: tax's. 1, kt Tairlafero. S. C. A. Grande, 'J'"- - u : ... . r OA altv, .43; costs, K. M. Sena, W. JR. 22. taxes, $8.34 ; Chavez, Declderlo Lot 16, Blk. Tnf,,1 r,oltv .7(1: costs. toiai, - z.. 22x150 Bd. Romero, S. V. Aragon, Intnl E. and W. Simpler Add.. 11.20: lo.v- AtannHo- -1 ft 4 N w. ACequm, Barela. LIs-man- $10; acres Bd. $10.36. Coronado Place; taxes, $2.90; penalty, E. nrnjHwuv. A. Ourule E. Acequla. Personal property, McKav K." penaltv, .42, costs, $1.60; total. -- . Sanchez. il,B Barela, 9. T Armijo 15; $4.25. penalty, .17; costs, total Austin N. O. N. penalty, .23; costs, $4.60; Vi) Grieito. E. P. J. Richard Personal costs, $1.20; total, $3.38; t7 Persnnlil property, $2.) W. Ditch. 29 vs. 40 ft Bd. taxes, 84.58; penalty, Sanchez, 25x125 ft. N. Vi nrh:W noad: taxes, $20.84; 190; tuxes, pcnau?. Chavez. Felipe $5.55. 7, N. nres. 13.68: nena ty. .i uonis, S. M. total, $8.41. property, Lot prop- Tnhnann W TI. Lot 1 Blk. G. Barela. 5iX4ii vs. ..nun 11.60: total, $23.48 i ii- tot ill. 15.30.J.. 13. Blk. 6, Baca. Personal 2i0xS00 vs. Bd Garcia, Delflna O. de ii ni. id.' 26; 'luies. 117.50: penalty, .88; total, $5.46. River, rr. 23. k..i".., Koven 37x800 yds. P d. 50 VS. Hd. N. a. erty, $20; taxes, $5.26; penalty, M. Chavez, K. Hills, TtH N E. Sa n, S. I. unnuovai, c. i Knualln t QotifVior Siilnmnn Pr. 9. 3 acres Lucero. S. S. Miguel OrtcKii, 10. K. costs, $1.60; total, $7.12. costs," $L20; total, $19.58. Personal property, Rodarte, W. T. Gonzales, personal N. M. Montano, Apodaca,' S. Martin Sena, Hre'aa M, P,t V. Antlres Romero. S. Pub. Road, Vf. 8. Ixivatn. penalty, W. M. Montoya. Per- It'md, taxes, $5.21; penalty. Chavez. Albaro L. Lot 6, Blk. penalty, .06; costs, nrnnertv. 110: taxes, $3.55; Felix Sanchez. pen- W. River; 4; Marv A. Lot 24, Rlk. L, t.' n.fn.i Snnrhe v Padllla, W. Ace $40; taxes, $1.08; sona, properly, $20. taxes, $6.29, total, $7.07. Eastern Add.: taxes, 97; penalty, rrlhfr 14, 15 .17; costs, $2.00; total. $5.72. .26; costs, $1.60; Add. Personal property, rn'ila Madro. Middle 3 Lots $3.60 total, $4.i3. vs. Bd. X. .31; eosts. $2.00; total. $8.60 S- .- llouso and Lot. costs. $1.20: total. 12.21. A & P. proper Inarlo-lJi- nd 73x100 ft Gonzales, Luis 37x300 alty, Bd. Sanchez, Jose r,',E. .45; costs, & A. Personal flnn-zl"-- s. 27 Vix395 vs. penalty, .80; 3. 4,' I, Iii83: nenaltv. 16. Blk. A. Ii. , ., M. 3- J- H. W. T. inpar 6; taxes, $16 .05; Chavez. Catrlno Lotes Blk. Aw.), W,D, penalty, x, ri. V. Sedlllo, K. - Moya. E. It. l'0(''ire Eugenio Barela, Tr $20; in,,i lin os. ty, $10; taxes, $3.86; nil vs. lid. X. J. Gurule, S. X Samoril, S. and K. costs, $1,20! total. $18.05. Eastern Add. Personal property, fin- W Apoiliira. reran 33x250 vs. Wondis. M. H. Personal property, ,,ol. totnl 16.85. Wim oV W. Canuto W. Acequla Cbamlsal. 8x250 M. Jxitg 10. 11. taxes, .61; coBts, 1 tax-- s. $5.21: penalty, G. Moya, E. Arias, Sanchez. Jesus $12.25; penalty, penalty, f 73x73 H ft. Bd. N popeVty J. S. K. KnVuU, $1.60' 114 17r,0: taxes. $21.18; fl.vo Sandoval, Juan $7.47 22x150 vs. Bd. X. S. Sals, S. N. Zamora, and Blk 2 S Apodaca Add. Personal tnti in fi. Add., E. L .26; costs, $2.00; total, Romero. .. - i 11.20: total. $23.43 Anlraa Snnlovnl Loe O. St., W. Gonzales. Barela. W. 4th St lave- propertv. $10; taxes. $1.8: penalty. Chaves. Emilia S. do Pr. 11. Land 9, 10 25x600 Perllrl.. Ln.l Bd. N. Ourule, E. 4th r E. Mrs. A. E. Lots tfiulnanrt. W. Harolas Road. Chavez, vs. ltd. X. Un- alty, .06; costs, $2.40; tola!, $3..1. costs, $1 60: total. $3.65. Bd. N. Acequla S. Clprlano Lucero, taxes, .... S. Bambini 8. S. Apodaca. h. Acequla, Pr 13. 50 ft. xllS vs. Hd. X. .09; . ,o t..u fi A. V. Add.; ' Tii v Mnriin rnrlllo. Anodaca, Grlego, Romero, Pedro -- 66x200 William 2 B Iks, In Itlver, V. S. Barboa. Lot 13, Blk. A, Road Personal brU"ty. $30 known, 8. Entrance, E. Tonias - Sangulnette, - .70; costs, $1.60, oi 'w' Ttiver. K. Barelas W. R. R. Martinez, S. uoau, j.. i. ""''- tuxes, $2.50; penalty, .1$; Baca and Armijo. Personal property, iinn- rmnaltv. $8.76 penaltv. .33: costs, $2.00, W. Negro. Personal property, $;5, M. Fnlrvicw; T..Ann1 nrr,m.rtv 120: taXPS. taxes, $8.66; costs, $4.40, W. M, " "r""- 8.83, $ costs, $4.05; penalty, .20; nez, Hanc'. costs, $1.20; total, "5; taxes, 14.32; penalty, .72; l 25, 11. 12 80: total. $12.00 $8.99. taxes, p. . V.'.h u S Lot 9. Blk East ,...i!ut;iirtujt ..,,! . total. f 700 vs. I)d. X. M. Sancnez, J. ' Seymoro, L. 30x300 ft. Bd. N. J. $2.40; $17.44. mi vi"i V4 4. of 10x87 total. .14 . 8. Lot all y Molina. Pedro Acequla. 14x Add.'; $2.79; penalty, Sandy, John Chavez '"Gutierrez. Perflllo-33x- 225 vs Bd. Lucero, V.. 4th St., W. S. Fldol Apodaca, E. Heir Chavez, Otero de Lots ern taxes. CrcBlnlrt Lopeaz. W. San-nn- Apodaca, Virgibnia k ltlk. 25. Eastern Add. Personal Bd. X. 8. and K. Trujlllo. ltil. N. S. F. d Road; taxes), . $1.20; total, $4.13. Gonzales, 8. Miguel 700 vs. Entrance N T rmlo, W. Barelas 17, Blk. 2, J. A. Lee Add. Per- costs, n'ronerty. taxes. $10.21; penalty, A. R. Quintana, 61 Tt. 9 In. x 244 ft N. Jesus Acequla. 20x400 vs. penalty, I J. $40; W. Madrid, W. Priests; taxes choz, E. W. $6.24; penalty. .31; costs, $2.00; totul, ianal property; taxes, $3.18; r.1 $12.32 Bd. N. 8. E. Crosenclo Lopez, E Diego M. Garcia, K. K. S. U Lot 3, Blk routs. 11.60: total. snd - total, T. Garcia, ti. 1$; costs, $1.60; total, $5.04. t v Tnronn x 83 yds. Hd. G. $1.25- penalty, .00; costs, $2.00; Bd. X. ,8 TJnlvtrl 4, Blk shinld. E. F Personal property, Owner. 267 ft. J. A. Rodurte. 23 St5eel, B. Blk. 1. Chesack, 2, Blk. 18. IT. 10 foal fm Add. Lot Lo $3,31. Hills, W. E. II. Lot Emma Lot penalty 1560: taxes. $19.65; penalty, .98; B Montoya, 8. and E. Cresonclo .64; pwaJtjt, .0$; Add. Lot 3, Blk. 16, IT. H. Add; Eastern Add.; taxes, $2.64; sltv Hlghts; taxes, coats, $1.20; total, ll.$7, i....-- - m I ft J j i

, . i.i Hi

- z. '':,:. t " "..4 ' , 4 r i . - P . . - t ' '. St ) J ' i4 I i f-- t I', ... I . .,, f s ... i la : . .4 4 f . M l T . f- - 4 - i f ... lit - t . j , tit - " t,. ;.f 1 t K 4 t ft t . i . j't ! ., u - ; r..-- 1 I t 'i-.- . i.. A . T . . r . r 4 i,c 4.

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K l V" lYt" ilM-- Vi. t.i t t . ii. tr.-1- v . .. '. ... I. , ' - , Jit C- - iJ.-k- A- - - . I I". i : !. i 1 . f I kt. ;.,.,J- f J r t - r. ' " . ... 1 ! ' ' , I . j . ; . ... t ;.4 f :." . ,c -- a y I, It . ti,?! Ar. l : i i . . . : it J. t. JiM Ik i. :. r4 v P. 1. ;., . c ahl " - 1. j -u . f'- . i :i f,c If., t.r 44fT"t 111 tt.. i t. 1: ' 11.15 ;...... :. i !''!.'; . I - K i- - t .4. ' A-- . h d . , . - r i . ;- .(. b tilt I: t V.'-- k t, f.tjf t '... -. ... - S ! U A- V 1 4 4 1 u Vttii W r jy i .. . i "... A'f V ll -1 J P. ljr.2 I.' M I . .. ; '. I . U w ; . ' v , r a i ' lit tl it i.iZ.4 :. j. a. a. W . ' f . , Vi-- - J i i . ' . 4 ' f ii Uz. ;.-,.- . r.j. Ivrv.r: ' t , " ' r. 1 t - - - ' ' ' ' ' .V 4K- - rt K I- 1 r.i ll . ' J 4 4 4 W . f , 1 4 ; v . . . 11. .' t . f f ' t. ( v .t tt ti ' r- - . 5 i ' '" ...... : I. t It ' t. . t U' V t: Ik. I' . Arr - . .. - litt - ; t.- v ; . ; . ; ; ,. . 1 : F A V .ir.'.. -- irf- - t - '. . !. - c. V, tVtui-- Vit ' i 4 i ) n t f At. . !! it N i : i ; v it ii ! r ' . i : , k -.- t;t - 4 . i- - :. AS- - an tvi. I ts (!,., .'i.' j- l jv y. I" It W.L"tllj'" ' ''. r T" f- - t x i.t t I 1 S ' jj. .4 .... ,. j,. J t s v r. ; W. Ait--, E. s j. : I- - "...t -:-. 1. ' - is i. r t e l:1' (..'.vv; I?; 4 it Arr : . : i : . . : .. 1. ft... 1 - S : . ,' 4 i 1 . i- :, r .4 1. 1.. n: It ll u I ! T V W .r.'-.-- .'. i I:-- s . v ; . 14 IC . t i l t. . 'tlt I.'rr.;.ff1 J. i it iii '": i; r " A w IV :;t. .'. t. i 4. " !..' ft t.r If :i. tt mt 4 (. ' I ' ;.4'4,'. 44.4-- rt -- 1 ,. . f! - I.r V .... V.' t . t ; v . .;t, i..- j i 4 r- - )':.. -- f 4ti I'. ' 1 v. : 1 ., 1 1 ' - t: f r lit- I I- -f. lit! Iff T l . i i ft , I.. 4 J,.f,t r i : 4 i 1 ll t , )t I. n $: It It i. w A J J.' . i 1 ! . 7 j J. 4 r - : r i- c V t p J'k i.i i ll Ai--,. t,, t . 1' 4'. ..fc-- -, -. 44 4 r K. 'a v.- , . i.. h,- 3 ' A V , ' t V I. 14. .... If i:'.i h I tit. t U I 4 , - S..., t. ft It , It ; is . . t: Ul.-- 114 ; : r 4 i ' j ; i:. Ktr.r J . . I 1 1 f. I t 'V. If'-1- .xt iT.i-- ; per.ii.'.:' .... 7 p !1 IJ .4 - Kit: tt a i . j . s : i. .lt - . H.f. J t l 4 ... ,, i. -. r. ...- t ; 4 ' ' is f.....; xlK tf Xur Vi" f. .0-- I II 4 t t I. s. 1. M - A '. 1. " t r.i t if iie.ri O.f .r. I 4 t A ', .,. ,t Vi .. ; It-- -, i'x'.-- .. ; i : , ii it. l 3 4 . W I -- hi. :tt. .v fv.i., I 1 3ti . 44 X K. i'i-- r..i S., H,,.'. A. f ". !,Ji.4 f H t.j.j j.. " :t 1. f ' ,i .r.. ."it . V-- . - "... It: li "i Inf.... 1. t '' ) 1. It txti.' .is '. I' ?. - ir If . L. M ,I..a. W. A M I . i:. ;.; 1 s v. , .'f.i w y.i r. It - t t .ti ': At-- 1 ' ,i. X . M n iv ' 'i . . - u r ' lit If 'A. i' .,. 1 ( rt i, r 14 ll-I- 1 1 V . - VV. P. I . ' twfj f M V 14 i II. (m; ' i; k4 Ii H' if- E Lr.. 4.. 1; - 1 . i 1. t 1 '. .. I ! ". tf. f 4i J ... r. It . L : . j; f fa. f . . : HI- ... w. n, t . A n. i-- . 1;. yiAttn if i'. ).: if ! . P. r j 1 t If ra. 1 t A ... 4 - - - ...: i P !. N. 3. v - H' ; :T ; t4f. 14 4 .f 4 i r- it H 4,.- f 4 ; -. .' ! ttl'l it in- !':- -. W . t I " r-'- t ) ' :, - H, L. P. . tf. i'h i H H ii ij M 1 1 t i : It Tr.rr " .: l. tr t i: t: 4 : .1 ... U V -t ti-ii-.j f. St il'v. '. C.'H f ' .. i' ' r.'lr Jt .- litt !H-- h ,f. 1 . ' '. ,;. V .V K -- V, i K .. i, . . Hvk-- i in - "'!)' .. J.' li.7. . ' - .,. K-- ii it'.ti ( ' 4 A' r. z 1 5 X al );..V 'i Hfff. ttI 4j . v. . k. J. i 1. .::. r. H J. iui. ; . Vi'. A C.f l4 l;..t, f I I. , r. 3N .. 3jti-- h ! M.-- ... t 7f. ill. X. X. ir.-.- t J t. v. S" A';--- h. tV. V Ik..l-.i.- - ' - -" ii. r,i..4"' r. .i;ir ::e 1'it 1,trf I' i v j ' :: . ,., :ivt: Car I,,, ti, V. it ,if J. . 1.:- VV--- t 4 , ::' . ' ... r - ;T - . . i. 1 7 i;i r .44 T; l;.t.r, r: i r. I. vv ' ? ''. .1-'- Jwt' Jvt.4. r. w-- 3.. J. Vi ;: 3 iSi... f. l: t. 1I ' 1. N - - j'.'. it i - 1 V Um ItJ. If. : : 1 VV f rr-tr:t- pre v rs.- IV ti.j. 1 4 r . 7' V. r..t -- B;a.r ..- Orar t ivi'tf-i- f. H. H l pert t. t f Mf k- Ur-'- ' i t Ji.r4 : 1 i . fr 42 ' 44 f K'.L. K. W. -- I A!f ; - 44uu, K. j'-- ". .4 1": - tt-,- I . J ; M . ,.,. A t .11. "- I J. ! ' il a, I E !. irra!ty. cort. j I'M. 4 (, jj,,.,, ., ..'. II tt'.. 1, : fcj. .V. A w. ti: .il. . 1 l'.4 it vt E -; lLi-7- . - Ifit;.: 1 t't - ..:ir.. vv. J! . a !'. HTf.f 1 1 .:. 1 I,. 14 ' 4 !, '..4 Attt.:)H t.' rt. k c..tit. t . H 1. t K... Ht. W. A, t.i. 1. ti M . i- - V. f l'Ur,.' n SJ "'.".. E K-- jariio. of l4 11 i '. M ... " ) I. Jarn.T.iilo. Efste '. ' :t i ' l'flf pft. l"f til t i " Jf 'if.'.. il ;r .:.r-- 111 V. ; VV. , K - k ..t f W. !t f.t :i '..rc.r.t. Hill ivtT vi.. X t1.. (.v) "$)). t: 4 . I ,i ; i vr- M h j; 4i tt.c I. 4 G:ftrTi III!'-- PL i''aria. II iti' .t; t t '. G-- . Vim-en- W. 14 4 l.sf.4--i. . I .. f.iM: X H'il 4JI4-1- E. K.. iA. lit'. ; . it. hi. tt'.. it 'f..f..l f w t"Jra-- it Car.iiiria. !'- - ,' i Ch'!;: vj. I'.i. h! 131; Jim'v W'Jht'i? i ;.f : t? '... J'f'.IJi t, iv- J '::";l'J Jv.ptz; r r' tai fi ''V : i i ..', r 4. f.iil i i - h - VV. lrly. ' :u t'r.iift If!. fN E. tr. J a rrr: t'.(i 40: t rtf, I Hi i. f'. J ' . N t 1 , $: p'ral .:'.; t..',. t: t il l -- ... t. Mf. t, tjt'S IT. Ii.J Ait.., E. v ! ; x J K vtt-.-i S ";..-.- ! !f I 4 I ! 4 I . Iv'i f f T ', il v. j- . , t7.!".. W 4! i I ; j. r. f, it f.j ..if, . JfA4v3. Itr-- . VV. G'.l.t-r-r- i - --. E. A r- 'i 1:1 Tl. ''Ul't, i I.i,. !r'jU'BfFe. P.'-i'i- -- I 13. tft m i - j, v. I . I 4 J :;. .v. K.riki rf..;--rt- - !''. Vf,.- ..)'. 111 f t! flI4 t J. l;:. jtr.- pifj-t-- r I10. 14 A( I 1, ff till V' . ttt X. i: S. '..'t.l ' Ur . f.--,- i 1 : ;; I' ,k4 ( . ... to'f.. ftl. rd Fii i ,,) o. . j. I . 4 . t J. il. tvli!, I", rV ;.4-- i..v, .11. (ii?.t. ix..4 (ft A !- . .,!I ". li r4r. "".. II.. Ji .', VV.. Mineher: 12. L.t W ;H.). I, ' I T. 'X l;.trer!.. Prc. t J 4 '. . ; 4; !' " if, v.' I'rntfWt No. $: - l4. ! VT I.U'.f. II. 4ft Pert-ons- .' prtip- H i !. 114 ,n.4i1 f Ut- k..-.- ir.-nr- t. t H, Pr4-- p, 15 P. rrea AM. i) uk ,..t .;.4vrH' Ii "lift. l.iVi'ar.i.j i v ' lit ''. in fjaim Mar.'S t. ; ' i '!- - st 0 :St'lt t ier.a!ty. 4 1 .31, l i 17 trr s; ' Jf, 1 i 1 i N" 1 .if lid I;;: 't. J' i r l' .: Ortti! Mt rs. -. ! f ! 71 - -- I. J i. j tik. . l! l w 1 ''I' A:.r l'f;i:i. hi ' 4 .' : JJ.4j.4J. V' n. ii M"ii ir.f.. I' til t.'.iaU It it. M''f:'i I . W 1 ! ; f:i , v ! ::. - vV 1 ?' i. ! . 1 , , . . '"""' i j - 7!"t:il Hm ! , , f 1. a'.-- f;." vju, tt f.t .(, l; i'. 1. ' ' ' I 41. jtl. 1: X W. fi,;;.:; r.l. E K. w A W Ml ! I . 1 - I. s X J Gar. P.. and l J i i:. i ;, 1 j'r. i tii-T-' T.-- r 'y . ' s I'fit' W A'.'4 i,i4 4, 't V t,' - .Ii: '. t! H.4- m. ': .'::. r. Lot tf.ij im j"jh. p...i.ti. v. im. N. ( 1,1, A "r(,.-- - : . tj ptfrr na! pr.trty. It", h4 ' )'. '.4V.t;. ( I. J ( j j Tt. v, v. ? V. T'.rr-- !. K. iljO'-r- V." l.iJ ! ..t ; N'K;, ',tr,. in;. C'.si. I' 1 1 M.! - '. i.j'r'jr. f W W 4 .. Y it . . '"'; p.ra'ry. cvxts, 11.; It p'l : J '.it- J. li . ir i IT ;r.rt li"!-'- Ml N' S. ari-- E I' taxf. .'I: !( vi l'5' n ', 4. :m IK. !tl- tf ;t, ;, tl.t?; )r -- 1. t I I'.,ii'l0 V,'. t. 4 .. 1 1 W. : i i a' f4.lM t tl tl. 1)4 I 4V' 4 1 11 . t.. , f.i. ';!.:': P. K Pt ; f.fvr. !'. tii.t . r'.r. l!;c'u'! ;''0l4 v. i M 'lt'j -- . taxt-s- OS; Sarit'Jiiire?. !,(..; ,.. ,, r, I. K I' .It ,!'' 5it . H ;j ,j pertr $1 .10: it "! . 45 I' Itts.' jy.t I;'; int. (.), '.. t: , lit: Htrrrr. '.' S. X. Vrisarri. - Man.iel. E. R fi t;. 1(4! J . !(.' 4 .' J J ', I '.4,:. P J. rk'iii t M. 11. '::. a I k )n 14'. 1irrua f it '4.1 f Mitfitki.t. '4&M: Per-on- t i: 4. i- tV. M.; property. M. Vi 4 i 4 . . 4th r Iff I '.. I I J ' ' . Cifjif. Wro 5(0x",0t trjc t$. kit t' Al !,.' r.'J t t4tr in U; tun. tt tt. j,.t,:tr, , W 'J' I fr I ! 'i t. t.. 1 : 4 ft J'.i s J I. .i r vt'. '.' F ! N" S and E. ChuMi W. Mar-ef- t lixet, .1: costi. tiM: At',!. rt'J Ts.r,t !' H. IJ . ;al t.t .ji!. tl.l'.'. tftoi. i; 44. Grant. $$!; '. I'.rt. ,., f,l. Oil. ,. ItftftlV H I'. .. I IS J- - I .' i!''r". . I ! J..4 , NK-oJk- Cijrulf. $1 t . . -- U 14. tt,; hi n,l ' J IM-- I i M.-- H','jw TXf. prria;ty. Tri-Sirr- i, ,!. 4i.ti li. 'tii "!; -, ar,4 , A X. P. i'. VI U I J . It ; c"k-4- 12 .: Wtrren. J. Larrl Bd. 3it, nitti, ;rtu. Am,. i' I I, K Vfl, t I ! ( IT !. t: tt. t. tl.0: tntal. 12. I) m, ',', Pkr"r.kl im-- t. S-- r v,aj i'i. irtitTij, 4.3t: . 1 E. W. Are. 1:1 V t 1 4, 4,4, 4 Itf O Garcia. and t44 H it f.4 ; ' ; 'i;j.lfr.-- I' "i ' " IIoum l"t ir tU - it I , .4 '1 ' tl. k.-- l Mm 4 Alttft t 11: II !'t. t i.7 Mri' and 3. i' 11: H-- f' 4t4i. t..i;, 47; penalty, ' i quia; taxs, '"Ik!. Jf'.w.kit II r Jf). N Virot-- K ! , fl.iiiii. :v'.'x'ii( f. im. N. S. E. and lit Wfi!u Mvtdt ft ll !., ll: il . II' I', ',r.j if : Ir if.) Kr.'fc. Kii.rutr.u N SK'-t- XS ( I ' rr.-,-) Ktkip . W ChSHil ;rst,l t0'''x"'0 vs. P--l X. cons. ll.tO; twtal.'. UtUtu, If.-t-li- ! 1 1 W. Juan 7-- UN", l'f..kl 1 n j.t ',4 i,t mn NW',, .'. lift-- K, 11k 114 S't i.l, tit. 1 1 j.rt.-pTt- 1 OwiHT. ! ,rtik,'t-- l jv. 1 . 1. ; 5. E. W. riiii.ii Orar,t. Pri".nil mil .f;tt;. '., Ilttt r. y J - 1 l j.,"..;.. n 1. . 1.0 l I .1 J i'ift! i I' ltiti. HIE: t71: tax-- . $1 H: Ix't S.Elk 2. S. AP'..1ac Add owner It li i .4 I I,', tl 'I. .Si: ' r A ' I.. 1 ft'. , . ijm:. .i.i. 7 17; penalty, i"; ,; - . pt:.r. cryrt. J Taxe?. .. I'lVfJ'j l,:.i! r Mil'.'fk-.r- : t i1!. I? unknown. II. Alutln J Z totl. f,btinrr, )Af'tlil ,v .. H-- ; r. i t - I'',) t . !.t.i.:J :. a. ''.'. !na:. z Ot-- " 11.2'"'; 15.57. :d ( t M i. , )'. A- , 4 .;, :, . t , t:t G'ft.rrt-- Ifir,'l P. i N' tntal. '. I ' " , : K , t. it i',.. h ,,, I. Kaii I"-- co. own- i.tti'i.,1, l; Ait., K Atritv u f. s ; Itf f.nit.t;.;i', S'tV'. NE'i Km S J. k. 3. S Apoilaca Add . W M, t 2. I. K . '5 : ! Eii;i. S nr., fji'ti. E lli I , i.,k !:. A I. A 'I . I - rri, l.t V," , I'v. .,. it MttM". k'ft" A 4 .. ... ', '.f,. N t, L 4 K , i ) VV l 12 50; .11; t.., K M it1l- if. tit Atf f ti:. If I'M J t Tp. Ii Lan M'l. N Tnji'i'J er unkrown. taxen ptnaity. H M4f la li.. I I :. 14 'i.r- 1 Ph. . !.st,t,i 14,0 i .4- . I I 1 : ; 1, 1 H. 1, 7 it. , It, ,,; 19. Hf. 1V. Outit-rrtx- . V,' C. 1 ' ii. 'Tn Uiti, It K K. E Hil cottu, tl.i'w; IS.Sl. I M , 4 I t , i t.5: 'tail. M.stifrrfi!. .111 li ! i .'.' t: I I : I I ' itnI'Hit). ill I. 4. 7 l' Hut ti I,f.i .11; Of. II. V:''. tt" A 'iulit-rr'-- iin.pi-rt.- '''' U ). r I,. 1 .'') i:t4 f t.U. Pfrf'.nal t KM)V OWXEUS. '.l I.' I 4 1 1 , '. ti Af,' I ... .i 1 S A' tl IT' it 1 !1 12. IT ilxt ,o. Ti. tlOO; pfnaay. .14. 4. P. K. 3. S Apodaca, owner h 1,. i w i.; ; Alt h tf. ' t IS: . .15: , till: cunt. Lot ,it,.. t. 1 1.0 K A II. Ttu, ropt-rty- ihtt. . J N i'a f. f. r i: tf. rhav, I.3i nil I 12 i"3: t;;!. 11 30. Toxi-s- .12; 4 i ' V i ' A 'i . t i ,2'(( . f $2.50; penalty, '.. fill v.-- i 21 . tk4. II .7 li'il, .1,1., : t. 4 . ' V ' r m ,.! ! ll't'l. toirn. 111 .. ittisalt;.-- 2, t (.'. ff.,t, I6OO1I6O y if. IM H r. I A ' .:.. 1 1 5 , J; 4 $1.2": P'tal. ml, "' ' j:-- Har.ii k. nl', i i fofts. 32. !.( ') A . Ii ' '1 . hij.ii Ain-- r. (.'.ill tl 'i't. ,U. tl ti. E .". ami W Chiliii Mrnr.t. 2011x300 10 5. ApodaiA '' . . lit S. I'lK. U. Jesus J w't.y. I't '. t.ur' t, N. H. 1 ft. lot tltf. .0 l ' V, H I a'l. It. 11 ... ft 1 fii ' 4 4t ) It tti( tV Mi I'r!tt. farina .H',i arid yflt M'l N s A. $1.77; I t, '..t s .r 11 . . , ft 'it ln.,Ia Hut. 4..,;V.' f'hili'.l Grant, Martin. Add., own.r unkn.mi). Taxes. K. K'iirrt. M. v.. TV. VV. ,f,,ft. .,..1 .t. J 4 I ! I I'i t tit'., T,4tl. VA. N. tA Ur. ltJ. E M ii rtrz lOOxtnnj v; $1.20; 1.1. 05. ,1 I 4 t, (.. (. ",:.! ti 1 1, penn:!v. c.k!. total, k, I ! I 1,:. r v ):A f'-S'l- . P-- (!: I ; if, ' ti'i ' I iiT. t 'i'i. ' 11 ,rt,,.fi. Uttl. It I; Jt ''ar,nti-- 13 V Sv N. S Chiliii Grant E. Hlil .!:M.k 1. Apodara No 2 AM-- 1.4,1, 4i.al4 r-- ttat f. ft 21 anl E,t il. J. 11,1 Vl.t4 ''. 1 . "'1, t',ai, 11. VV - VV. . pen.ii-tv- . I 4 ', U . tfaniTl ll.rrtr,, C. H'T- Arroyo 100x100 r Taxi-j- OS; M. t I: ' HI I5t lM Atfiru Nanonal ewnt-- unknown. $2 '.taf.t, it t. Ktij.!-- K t I tt-r- , N" i. t'ltm,'i f'Mll ; .'. Marian Kit prn,. ytja. M'L r.i.s , , I'MMiial T:j' Mna'l i"iiiiih V Ii. 4'tit i' k '. - t W'.i.t k. - , :;w ,. ;. , I L;m r". Illf tail. .10: $1.20; total. $J.3s. Moirt.i, W'.i.i',' Hi I.' 17 4 V, li t!, Kiw-il- . J..i ' , ; . 1, ll p'TuPy. .31,1 I ''J t'.lal E Puiro tt" Isiax 12. 1. Apodaca, No 1. S l:-- l ..' n i I f, u ..;y ,4, tt :i '.rant Lot Elk. J '' t, t'. if, 10 t" I. h I t', Is k. ti. ll-- i'j. ii.' 1 l: property tin; taxes. owner n. Taxes, $2.0: Vt l,1. V.' ti I'lf, l.i,i in t'ml't. 7 4ft i.7 , A'l'!.. unknov tifltM. 'l'.t,i4 t'trhltt ii. I'tf :), i. j;-- : . V K. - t"-t- . ' , t: I'i U to U 4 HiV'i ptfltait... $4.4'; Iota!, penalty, .10; costs, $120: total. $3. 48. T., Ibii-- .41 1 " H. R,.. ,$l.ii; I t HI I' M'.t. ft j.ii.t.'r') IV.. !, I'.ik .(; 2 M'.itrt 'ttl'l f, '1 I i: ' It Ilk ii.. aij in 10.V, Mlk. 2. Apodaca No. I . 12 ')l.i, It. Tp. Kr.. ii. i'i NW l"t.7. I....t 12. J It, 11 ! W i 4'' t.,r,' 4i. II; H, Ml-- I : ft ft It.., f ' !.. 'It. f t.,tl Ii I. 1 ,t!-- " Kff- Ki fi'l -- p,.! OS; I I y nn If 44. tt .N'W W - 2.', ION. HnK. JK, Mutierrfz. 0tf:0 vis. Add . owner unknown. Taxes. $2. :. , . VI f, K I'.'iut f .tt!,ii',i.;t, I'i .Ir., tK i T.. 4',. HI any, r .. , . 'l.t, mi I.' li.'nl, 10 a'T-- 41 tiir,,,!!i- 1 N. ant) .S. Chi.ili E r.f $1.20; 13.38. I'l I I .... I ) I' V.' t . , J laiifa. lift. 02; 'irant. Lint penaltv. .10: enns. total. 4 A ! , V."-- W "t,tl. r. K. .. -- . , I' I.' r i ;,., h, ,,! -- 1 ( 12. Grnnt. W Lnta G'Jt.'f rr-- Tnxt-H- 2. No. 2 'iliti, i I I.'. Of 14. Apodaca I I l ft- - ii.'it '.!; II L"t Plk. J. K. M' S i r, il' II 'It ir'a. l',u:, tit , N M'.nt.. l'i il. I'.t Hi H't'li-- I it I!-- ! roi-ta- ; 7 12.50; fa'llil ii'ili u ' '1 I'. Iv.r.Kt m lira 'in '.ii. N" F. penalty. .10: total, t Add., owner unknown. Taxes. I 1 1 I Anwt't S'.7 tl W. ''' M ' I Hi , 1! tr. p. ;i t.jf. . f i. M I.. ..,,i t Guti'-rrs- Mar. I..,, Halle,, ' , tit A11 Is . Id, VV. ; Mannel 137 H'l N 11.20; :.u i! Bll-- . 1' Ikl. 'tt, ,tii,t; citfa Zairiora. h. K. ami J TominKut-z- acre penalty, .12: costs. total, 3.sf . t,i ) Hi ',. 1 w f . t 44 r ' .,t f lj, I'.ta!. II : : Jr.'t,,t ll.t'f, I'.titl t . prnpt-rty- , tjjt-n- . Uml (Irani. S. II. Mora. E. M ? 2. No. 2 J.. K 1,. I r I'ii; ?",. nt' Lot 19. Mlk. J. Apodaca , f,i,h. I'. 1.4 Hiiml',:. ki. Wulla ' t tiM.a l? in..! , tm 4 .? Lf.l,4z f Manirifz, a nti Grant. W, Chiliii Ko'tx-i"- ,' 2. 1. 1. ) I I H.-l- r Krimlko .33. tntal, .5"i. Grant Taxtv. S6; penalty, :.ti tiO Jllnl M " , pT,a!t. tirtti. IftO G:l-,..!-o unknown. II III) ii.ti.i I ".i1 Hi'.f ?!')n) ft s. n. ';.,:i.-f- h. ,vi, R.L .V l; ,a.l S. ami V. Chii-- - I I V. in. MiiUz... Vitlal N. OS; tL2u; total, 12.94. . .1 1J It., a.) V. .'. W . NVt'i,, kii.l !., :. '. li'xfO ft. Hi. VV. costs. !. li. i" ti !'' fV Amrri' I. n, i,,.r V. IliiUlp Wtl-lif.i,- . lil Grant, Knt ino lil-t- 2 ,(..., f, , 4, Karithi-z- K., K , tir.ialen Jniixtoo 20. . 2, J. Apodaca No. )r. h.-- !, M l l H'T 4. : ' tK ! S VV fanut'i Ijito, Lot M. N. lid ll". t',,a hf Ainrrit-t- n n. , VV., ytlH. llil. N Chili), Arroyo S. Chiliii - 7, l.i,rr,i,,r 'arHri,t-r- owners Taxes. tL6li, 1 I'.afitfl I' Add., unknown. I4t.1t.,, I ii' .1'.-- . I T, H I ll II II 'll .i l ull Ili.C, '.I. Mi 't- l'ir',ti.t) ,r'!i H, .v. Grunt r. Mill tt". pf.lrn ,1, ft .,,i. ami k., 0 ! ; prn-4lt- Miili.rt.z anil costs, $1.20; . H I pr'prriy, II z penalty. .0; total, t2.fl. I ,,,, I'", ,': tl", t;tt'. 4 m l It I. t .41, VV i , :Gutjiir.-- 20'ix40O ,Is. Mil. 2 I ir. f.,.. till In... Mart in, H ad , I" r .r.a pi.p-rt- 30, . N. Pedro 21. Mlk. 2. J. Apodaca No. I ., - .. : mala. l.'.O'i. J 1; I. ll..'. I I'l II !.,- .'Dili 1' ll I I', i'.! .!, Ill' VI. , ft. J. M'tntann shnthf-rt- , M'.iii.'ia. tlti. .11 Irt-t-ll- ft IV.Iro K. Ke. It Taxets, 11. SS; 11.. I lata. ti.ta; iiiaili-- o. ill. . Ad.L. owners unknown. I I .1 l;.l ' :1ml tMl.lun. H, ! I: A I. N K t'.t Grn-go- 1 I'jililln I ' ll. I. i.til'l.. ;, iflt.ll'... i.Mli., fW, 4 IMO; i ul;, lip" .Vl.ira tf. air Mil. N" .OS; 11.20; $J 9L t i I. t I, .SVt 1, 1 4 V... , l.iSt. fit' in, Junti ".0x700 i Hi N. penalty. costs. total. H. Mw 1 I', I. w. I'. t 3, T & 2 I. .11". Iv.hUi IHiif a' l.fa I.U'irij, I: 4iiialtl, 2 k I 2 ft N ' H run. Kna'i, tinruie, II. A. Cutier Lot" 23. Mlk. 2, Apodiica No. . A I, N Ji). Mt.yfit.tliiK. Arroyn, K. W. J. f m 1 Hi i.. ' N. H" IH'ili l:t,u '"". r. t'r'iiii, ,0x260 yils. Mil. N, I't i.lltl lit Ill ti l:.i. V. IuiiU. K. , Tix. tt. I. Mairi.i $1.60; Il'tu" . H. ii. Alftitittltr, J'.'.atl, Otfrn; pmpi-rtv- Add., owners unknown Taxes. : i ':..,- 1. , Hiii, In I't Hi. 13 Luia t5, K. K. I 'I ', . 114 ll i I I'.. Aii- 4',. i.,M, 01, lulitl. W, An.i';ia. Arroyo Chiliii and A. tiutierrez, $2.91. , I'.r'.nitl ,r'i,frty. 120, a, ,47, penalty, costs. $1.20; total. i, 1.,'.,.. Ali.t',... 1 tiixt ptiialty, $2.00; tt. Antonio G. Gutierrez. 1(10x110 own- I'ilil'Ct Ill la lit., I", Jt i'4iutliit .17, t,tn, 1 1 ' I, joe 3S2. Mlk. 33, A. Add., H.I I '' 1, iil.-i- tot ii .Vi. M'L L Lot Pro. (in I t:i, Jul tlil!l", I' Hun In it. AJ1I1 i'i 1'itl. l Ijm, .1 . tll ytl N. Gutierrez, H. li. I'll, n toi,(. 5,3. l Gutierrez Taxes, $3.50; penalty, ' Vt '1 Itaifl, Miintn-- ..h. . If ers unknown. I t I "' I. 1'iilll .Lllltllll'l.l. V. I. , ii,. I ,,,,. 1.1: it, 0x00 j,. h. h Hi Grant. V. G. A. T j. M ; 4' it 4 f Gutierrez. I'er $1 S7. hk Hiirtm. ."t itiita vtt H. Armljn. K , J .17: costs, $1.20; total, N K.1I.HI1, r,-- Arrnyn. "Cirnnra, W. $40; pen-laity- II K t, 1: I I, ti u I ft.; I . I. I'i urn tir i aonal propertv, taxes, own- f' H l. ii'ti tt... In). N. H 11 ;iill-rri- . 12.54; 3S3. Mlk. 33. A. Mron. Add., " 'i't tr itin I'ar;, Ail'l. .Mill. H'tinl, 10xU' vs. Lot 4 I 1 1 '. I. lM. N'.. A. '' I'M 7 :' j I'i: .1 K I'. hn W III '.'I. I iih It , , .tut 4, I ! Jnan .13; rosin, $7.20: total. ISM7. ,ii..tili II ti.lttl rarin A'lil w. Iflltiinl. 4 S. ers unknown, Taxes. $3.50; penally, l I I tt 1 4 '.,;l( i rrfX. Max Lhlrl. h, K. ami VV. I t H M I. , t, . HI , I'lll, '.I'l I'llH'ifHll ll ii(il-- v. I' in., Lopez, Miinnel 235x23 yils. Mil ti ii Illl llt 11.1. j'ari. Ail. I., H Hnm-- r Htit-r.-- .17; costs $1.20; total, $1.87. ' t ,1 x 1 1 1, I I. iix.-- . III ll " , I I "II ll'.ii'i; prnpirtv, tl.f,; Antn. GrleKo S. and W. , H. II 'I I'i i t,n tr. I'.f tit ,.l ul. r. t f ; N I.'.t K. (.', W. l't'itfin-- chiliii Gran' Lot 34. Bik. 33. A llioa. Add. Tax- . Mf, Iloiiifr.,, l t'J "": roMs, I2.H0 I I', lit I 'H I. .'. -' .i'l; total, K. tSalnmoii l.t.pez, hoiini? anrt lot In penalty, .17; costs, $1.20; antiiil i'f t.'ttv. '.m l,ti .'1. N. I'.i.k '.11. II fitiif ri ,. l',r,. litm n. It Tti 21. es, $3.50; - , 1 ''. Ti. IIS Chiliii; persnnal 11 ,,.ii. I ill , - . I i property. t9'; taxes, $4 87. .t .ii) fl li.'.i! Lull Kail '!' I't l lltlilll .l i.l). It m it, .34, 20. Inlul, t'jo. Sklnritr, KMatf nf I..riiiril Lots total. I 1, 1 1 . .31; penalty, .02; t.sts, own- I'll lb ll.. ii t tut lil I'.llll I I'l.. II , I'i ''.' It . .4 .' I)'l ) -- 1311 , 12.40; tola!, Lot 396. Mlk. 37. A. Pros. Add., lit I'Htl i: .' illl t i.i in, ti.liil, Mnrliti, J .4 fi. )i,l. F 1. 2 an, Nl.-,- N'i, fii.j, Ur 1 '. :. '1 v. (i n , i : 1.11 I I'. I u il 3 o ii ti t . X't S'i. $2.73. Taxes, $3.50; penalty. I'I i.UI.i l:.... r. Martin. H., j: t;. riari In. K. M. S'lil-lit- 2 4. ers unknown. it If SV.'i l'.ni?. -- r I . ( I . . S'i Tp. UN. Moya, Severn. COOxfioo X. ' s j hi-- Hn 'I 1 1' in'.---f!i- ; fti-r- W. l t ihi-- ; yds. P.d. .17; costs. $1.20; total $1.87. li ,..l,.,i.. r ii, i: 'l'i t. m j l'ru'i rhnr. h; 11' 73. .r,l'.. I prnpt-tty- , 14o VV. 16.-7- .l . - V, , r, P. K. antl 397, Mlk. own- it. .1 hi lulitl l.i I'.H.T IT 1114 'l f K. li'.O 13 chiliii ;raiit: taxf.. lAit 37. A. Mros. Adj.. it I" li. tt'l T'i. u'lm, ....iti,, 111,0, tiCO; liixi'M, IH TC: .4'.l; ttiMs, I) I . , Ml penalty, .33; fusts, total, unknown Taxes. $3 50; penalty, I'i I I.,., i.llH V, ,4 1, Ii .1 ';(i i it ai. II. nTi- - ) tii;i It'titi I. ul I, Ilik. A $Lu; ers ' .i.,.iit, If !"lal tl- - 65. oo-L- s. $1 C.tlkll,.4, I Mi It, : MM'., I)'., i Alia-n- i t.'.l". tti. .17; 20; total. $1.87. i.i. i i.kla, II.I.U, InUI. 12 9:i. 17".: taji l'rot-liit- l Nti. !'.ri.r:i! firwrlv. 21. ii . own- I ii I t, t I . ., Ailnlf... I.itn.l lid. X. Pith. Lot Mlk. 37. A. Mros. Add., N t.K In. I.IIHI hi it !. ml .1 Jriiiiii.i, I h N W "4. I4.1-- I'i, .17; inlul,, Anziiri- )' Jiirainill", ialvailnr, &ox roml S. trail, K, - $3 50; pennlty, turn ti Dull., II .1 I I'. ml V.' T Hi'':: ii!. Tv ':, rii.K mi IJ.12. Garfla and P.aehi- ers unknown. Taxe. Mf inn, vt :tlt) . llil. N. Jiim: T.ipiii, H. It'. I. 4 Pablo W. Mora; 35 costs $1.20; I 1 thi, X. (jrant .17: $1.87. I'tlitl, t 'HI ' ,'li tl In, .r., 4 1 rt-- aires Hd. total, ii C!. I' '' (ill. ,. inllitlly, (if tl'irilaiiii KtiKinln t at Mil. K. .iml Act-qui- Adit-own- fiiihiililiiii, Itnuil 3 ,1 I I UN' f i l tf. line, iSlninn Griemi, E. Lot 399, Mlk. 7, A. Mros. (1 1'itl. Ii, t t f. line, titftv Htiir M ..tit i w , I"' n 111), t S. Ain'T li un Lnmlii-- S. irrnnt ' ''o.. Ar. tUi;t prnptTiy, t7o, .Harhii-hl- pen- : t. : I .1 t.ix.n, W. S ,'lilox3fii Mil. N. unknown. Taxes, $3.50; tl-- inn .t. I'i 1. 'll ,.IV Hi) A. H.'i'ii, Vui. in I,, j... ..h't i . m: L 12II VV. .' 1 ,; vs. H". r ', F'i ft. lim k. pi'ii.-tlty- ,r.; 12,00; I Intnl. 111.22. Moyn, S. K. alty. .17; costs, $1.20; $4.87. H t. 'l,,i- ... I'. ,i.! V A ..If-,- I, lid, Cruz arid urant land, W. total, tll'i: f'lnt'i i't" Ml', h" N't NW'., .In. .,,.,!, II, inlitl, t.1 An. Itiitn, Antonio K prop- 5, 11, No. 2 .,1 I I I i"'-- mail; lOOOxioo vs. Krniit Frac. Lot Mlk. Armijo t.u lil, ti t no I. Huh '1, H , I ii ' I i HO r- - - ii, , Pul. H,. X. i.iM. II Amu i. inn? in Miiiitnut. Amlrt'it- Lnln ink, 4. erty, tnxi-M- $3.50; I I'M VV IJ'5:"; pfnaltv, lantl, H. Solelo Apoilaia. K. tt". Add., owners unknown. Taxes, lllllivl llt.l-- liliTitl. A. , A H'.iiii tn I'i rt t 1 j It A L, A. nl and r i'.i 'inl.t pri.p. Imm ll.i'l' I'rrintiil iirii'"Hy, t.'O; .t,H. ttiHls, 11.20; tnlill. co;-ts- . $1.87. 1 . 'I I I -' - . tlVr'!. grant line; personal $1R0; penalty, .17; $1.20; total. I'. I,. I 1. I ul a. li, N in H li.lP .ll I .' IH I. t .4 . r. property, lint, ,l lli. In ink. ..!., l,,l,i t 'I'.. III 'hi. ptnnlty, i , rtata, M.irla Innarln 1, Mlk. A. y O. AdJ.. ,' :, : i . ", iiixIJO v. taxes, $15.63; Lot IS. I I" utii i lit I'. I M I Nil 10; penalty, ,7S; tot.s, tat.. :It.H ITulIiiiI II. ti, ;. Mil. N , H nnilttlnrlu. S. $20,111. $3.50; pen 4 I i i w i i I . i.t-l-, in Altnirrni la ;$4.40; total. owners unknown. Taxes. tn ,.i,il 1114 i I tl.l It Iti, 14 h m l r- - 1' 2 T. s ; tl f . II i" I'li.urf r in I'll M'lnintn. In niflrlfi Hil K. Af-'iula- Hub. .17; costs, $4 .81. t. I..I.-I- Citrrla. tt. Koatl; Lopez. alty, $1.20; total, I iniiiii iitiiit I, J HiTrs, t ' iiuti i t i: , N. Vlii.-int- " Salna and Persnnal prope- Uiiltfi if. pi it ii., I'nii l!".i.l. Arlna, H.. V. Iiiiran, If, J. pcrnnniil pnipirly, $25; tnxftt, $2.77: Frac. Lot 2, Mlk. 18. A. y O. Add- - N, Mtiliin-- I Mull. I IHHU .In I, I i, N.i A. - I. li x '. il t f W I K. .11,1 I ' rty. 1190; taxes, $7.72; penalty, .28; Kll Mr. f itur i lilill.l I'i lliiirft UtitniT'i, tt'.. K. Aran. in rniniii penalty. .1.1: rttKtf, $2. oil; total, tl.'.ift. owners unknown. Taxes $3.50; penal W 14 11 h m H.I v A i , I', Hitl itl.l ,n I, I . i , tOKt". $1.20; total, $9,30. liiliirr, mi'l pni.ii r. tmi I i junull i .;. or.) i. U' pii.iiTly. t.'O, tfixi-ti- II3.SI7. iii'iiulty.: Illnhnp, T. I) - Biixlv". ty. It; costs, $1.20; total, $4.87. I " U ft - !,. 1. Mil. lOiliO vtt, llil N nil 11 11 H. Hiiltt ''. H.t t', ;, '. i Sanchez, rhaldo 100x130 vs. 'i at ii in III 70. oiB, (10, tnul, M. A. .Iiimtiilllo. S., w. K. Frac. Lot 3. Mlk. 13. A. y O. Aia- - V. ni-- .i VV. N' , H I,.- X. S. T. Gutii-- litirl (iranl, iinin t; it Mini K l!n'1, W , Hiililit ll, n, ul, at Hn Inii In Mniiiiiyn. tl7. 11,1. N j f roitil, Gonzales, E., K. pen in , rin tt., tt. Atfipila: tnxt-- ts .ll; ini-alt- owners unknown. Taxes, $5.26; 1 1 1 4, I I In pt'.p.-rtt- res; W. Gill Gutierrez. vs. Mil. tUmii'l ul li'ii ii ii. r Itt'llitl ' I" niiiil I'', iliiiiii, 'jiii'n.' v H. N'., .1. V. Han iKiiitrln I T.m,tr.v, H. Nltolns Mnn-- ! 60x100 .26; costs, $1.20; $6.72. . ,42; nrntt, $; I.. ml, tlft.3tV alty. total, jirnjtptrt v, Z 7 ft luMit. 1:, iittlly. I,.,-- II I.i, plTl.1 Its. i iml Ilnlil.tll, H. K V N. and S.. Chiliii trant, E. K. Gutier-- I nn,l Ili'itil. J. F tnyn, K. 1'nni, W. Mnail, i 'iinrlfliirl.i. Sulvnilnr- - I'ri'C. 14, Frac. Lot 4, Mlk. 18. A. y O Add., I I, ill t , t I 4 lllllill'll, S tit . . rez. tt". liolnres Tapla; taxes, $2.03; .;'; fttala, ': II itll'l. lift If lltTl. lirtipt-rlv- II",; lHXf, 14 I3: ptnaltv, Until,, iiml Lot; owners unknown. Taxes. $5.26; pen .;,1 I I I I l'rtr. Hirsnnnl it flit ,1 r Ii I'ltitliitt 'I K. n.r.ii I, M I'llflu mi Hit itlm 12 HO;, 111' 2; pennlty, .10; routs, $2.40; total, $4.53. I'm li. tiirln, !i. .I'.I: r.tntii. J (ni; Intnl., IH.Kfi. UX'-a- . 14 .27; alty. .26; costs, $1.20; total, $6.72. K I (), I I . M I V .1 pronity, ti'; ,cnaltv, Mm. I. 10 rr nf NW 4, am t N HilniHi't'tlli' .Hlnl 'tl M"ll' ii lltt K f.iitHMl H.l. N., .Mtitirt', ."., 7, Sanchez, J. H. ami Lhalilo 19, K, own i. s. li. n. IL lllka. 6. :o. ,21 ; 11 B0; tnlill. tti. ok. Lot Mlk. A. X, P. Add., l i. In, M i H 25x25 yds. Mil. K. tnir, tl'I. ilouttti Binl in) in I.I h.'li.l.. in ul t .... A. Man W. itniill.i, , Muni., r. Hiniil. 21. I'lllliilH, l!CR, ll'O.kl. Ii.tlilllt, X. I'. Tapla, S. ers unknown. Taxes, $7.00; penalty. i t'liiiiltliirla, Antnnlii J. lOimllO Mnya, V.. )'r.r'tn irtiprlv, . Kinll I'' ,ttii'ilt. tt.. Ulna It ultl. '14, t I. Sosietv horse, tt". Santos 35: posts, $1.20; total, Iitf. !itf. ISM. iiiiiill. tl ruNii, ;o; tft.O". ytln. llil. N M, Lot.-itii- H , ir- $8.55. tl: ;, . I V. f.aiiHllii, .80s rnala, !.l"UI, !.;It.?. .i illl ll mil t - HI. t'lUt, ,!0; i null,, 1.1,0', Intal, lfi.7K l). Morn; 175x1500 vs. p,,1. N. chiliii 4. Dlk. V. A. & P. Add., owners tll": fi Mfl'iiniit Jnmi'a tt'. j a. r.. K., K, Inrln VV.. 1. Mar-Inxe- Lot 1 4 14 Iti 11 I 11. ll fnnil' S. A J. mi HI' ll IS I.i il 11,1 I I Suli.-r- . , Brant and arrovo, O. Torrezi, K. J. Taxes, $8.76; penalty, .43; Kin, IniiiHittiiiriila i... mi. t,y uiilt4 nf Main In1 tlnt-z- l'iriin;il prupfrty, 20, unknown. 1-- Twp. K j Lin tn i rfi-iT- In Mia Miia H.t V N, Is' I K. 'M. Pohl, W. T. tie Klwoll; 300 w II, If. Klin 10 ii Hum hf. Ilnl. NK't S". , Ttup. I OX, Mug. 11 On; Padia costs. $1.20; total. $10.39. trnii-rly- , j 3f pinnlty, ,0i; tonta, 12.40 Intnl. rrm. IZOf, ''iniiiii A.'riiil.i, X, Hiniil, ll. Binl W lull H.llllt. Mini W., I'lT- - 1,11, x300 yds. P.d. X. S. K. ami Chiliii 5, Mlk. V- A. & Add- owners lam, If Itnilll. tni, 111 .7.1, I3.f..1. t". Lot - P. - '.' j 14 ; 't n mtiml priipi-rt- , US, 400x500 ytls. p.d. x. and .2m iMtnaln, ,:i; c.ialB, 00, Intnl. A'l'ini t, iitniiitl pi'iptTTi, tl'i". II 12 00. tutal. II7.H.1. i'amli-liitln- . icrant; Rrant unknown. Taxes, $4.20; penalty, 11 Tlnfiin Hoirn nf El-- 14, iiitil, II 10 v . t Iinil iarroyo, R. Mcintosh, E. Pntli.1 ! .'". t,i.. I'l l.!llltV. ,4i, .nti, unlit, IJIift, Inlul, Mri'ny, 4'liiia, K niiiil, putt nf In 14.; 2S; and costs, $1.20: total. $5.61. Iiiiliriivt-riimt- a l 1.1,1. . A - :,tl .1. I'ri'i'. I'rir. Intirt'st In Al V. M. yds. owners Mflu, .lolin i.n h'R, tnlill, Mtinntl N Umtrv . well, Galleqos; 175x1 500 Lot 8. Mlk. V. A. & I'. Add- - .Inl l,, iiint Hrntlnit Inn t; luirt, t3.7.1 riai-t- i Mrnnt; I'limnim! prupi-rty- $9.1; 1 rit..', 14, l"i"" I't'iinnal J ok. litiiiu In t'liiiino in M'liU'iil. H., Mm, I?!. llnlilii-ll- , W., ltd. X. nrrnyo of ChlliH, S. Chllill RraM unknown. Taxes, $4.20; penalty, .2m I Tn. l",'i, If ptiialiv, ,ls, i.thiH, tl.1'0, Inlul. .',.l."l. HtXfM, S. 21; penally, .41; msta, i a, l'tinully, Pil. N, H. A Hit Hull ll.i;i tt!, ' 12.00; K. same, V. Tapln; yds. costs. $1.20; 'fifn,i.iiv li'ii; it. tl 4: ami W, Atriiiiin l. I'lf.-- :i2liiiio tti Hi. Mi tiullifns, tt'. M- .- HiMiHi. : n, Juan 140x211 total. $5.61. - . K , Mi rn 0 Mil J . I. Intnl. tint..'. X". - 0 ad ,11; iiHh, t't'iil. niiT't, Nlf. I.ut t'I'o it. N, Jut..- Ant i "it"! tt Sum In X i ltd. Nicola Moya, S. Neat or Tor- Lot 13. P.Ik. If Macii and Arm! tt n mi. tl'l. Wri-- t. ,s. Jiitiiui-r- If Murphy, Mur'tlii, Valnrio, 2fl'i0 ya. Md. M. KUtlliii l, Mm. ll, I', I iitu N., K, llnrflii, H.. 'ITIiililml l.ilr'tn. V Hfiii, I'nii, lln.iil, VV., I (1 Hit. A rez, K. Jos,. M. Montova, W. Inez dition, owners unknown. Tuxes. $13.29; itittnvmf If I'f I't. W. Mi.n HHt.'i,; Tl HfrttinnL KrilH' iHi n linri'lll. S M. A. .liirnitilllo ("la, iU, bU, I'viauuul Vi, Jtnud, j m 11,1,1, l, Armenta; 100x220 viln.- - Hd. X. M. Gal- - penalty. .66; costs, $1.20; total. $15. lli. Jft TJi. J, )tr.j, Jtlvnr, rfiaiiliiil i'n't'ri, rim li'llt, l.lM'tt, 1.1. I'i,,, ,;,, ttjxt.a, p'niilly,: V,. per-- , tfltl; It. Ciiinlclariii, tV. .sai d Hills; pos, s. Xesior'Torriiz, E. Chas. Mora. Lot 21, Dlk. K. Maca uml tnnijn THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL SATURDAY, SEPT. 2. 1911. THREE

Ai7d.. owners unkni'n. Taxes, 5 .97; 1. $ 10.3s. Lot :., A. .29; I'Ofls. $t.20: total, $7 40. i:;K. 2v T. id.. o. I 1 OW i w i'i .U f i $ .05; tensity. i.i.t in l'.uk Add Ullk n a.Tes. tiers n. t.tXt s. taxes are due "tu t'te wnw $7"00. tax, $40.52. penalty, Kuhn, E. Road. W. A. Montoya, 15 K. our.-rv- . how u tiki. i. $2 Ox; J eiial'.y. .. Lot 22. B!k. Baca ami Armijo ;av, . nil .1 $ 1 20 uer or ow ners. $44 57 : acres, 7 $1.7..; ti:.ili, .4.;; 1". $1 114. penalty. i t. tal. costs $1.60. totul. cultivated, acres ftraiinc. M., owners. J". ...m. . 0; total. $; 3x 7 2". CO. A unknown Taxes. ST; -l. t',, 4 Not less than Society--Lo- .o. J1.2: $10.3:'. i f. C. Columbus t 17. Bd. N E. B. Armijo, -- l...t i;:k. 2S. Tt r.ue , ow II. and Lumber 29: costs. $1.20; $7.40. 't All N K S- j.f'ullv. total. 27, ;;, i y X E '.. . Til p. 10 N. A. TV. '. Add: utiVi. (i s 15. '!' . $ I p, Blk A. o $.4i.00; Ml'!. lHtch. ?5 J9 22. Blk E. Baca Armiju l.nkliew 6h. ! AJ1. taxn. acre cultivated. Let and Add. owners: t. Ri.;. 6 K. !'. a - s. . W ! Ai n. l;.xt $v76; penalty, .13; $1 iota;. :oUll to Abbott nd Faw ks 1 rs. nal pro- $12 25. $1 owners unknow Taxes, $5 97; penal- $1 ..'!'. .'; I l penalty. wttt, 60, total. acres not cultivated under ditch, and cos's, j,, 1 lay. s. i4..i7. p $1.2 IU..39. t 7. U.K. -- V Avid. ow 0- - 00; $52 60, ty costs, $1.20: total. $7.46. Ttti.i.e . perty. 1750 taxes. ptnaliy. 40 acre gratis 12. 5, 7, I'rar. i... i, :'1S lotal. $ 47. $.' f. Tt Blk. 3 1'.. b.k. IVreu Add. un- ntlhliow O Taxes. $1 66, Middle lots 14. 15. Blk. V. know ev Si;-- $2 63. cots. $1 20. total. $7,5.43 Collin. Hueh J proper- 9. IT. (30 l..ts Melevedrre Adj. n n. rs co-i- s. $ E L' and Armijo Add . un- taxes, $;!.5y;; pen.t.n 0": I.. i. total. $ .'.SI. NK,. 117 llaca owners l 1 2 1.. . Ai, r'rank Lot 21. 22. k ty, $345; $.'4 17; 10 Relv-d- er .17: eoM. S. own-Taxe- s. E. Ui.s. W. UIlKlloW u taxes. penalty. $1.20, Block t and (314 lots), Tuxes, $18 9e; penalty, ": totul. $4.7. Let Blk. 2S. Add. C. known. j 2;;. 50. N. M T. ETC parts et 1. 1 d. Mk. 10. rs owners: taxes. ?x 14 P cult costs. $1 20; toti'.l. $: 57. AJJ. Lots to S Blk. . Belve-- $1.6U; total, $21.44...... ivrea Add., un- unknown. $1.66: penalty, - I $1.60; tot.. I. 2. 3, 4. BHnk 1. Con.ndo. Lets 1. 2. 1 t- int i:,k i u.ii .i. "iiti taxes. $7.00; oei.aitv sis. $1.: 0. total. $2.S4. costs. f!...!4. Crary. Hatlm E. Estate of Lota re. Lot to 4. B'.k. S, !!lvedr i. iii . ; ("Sts. L..t 8, rea. Add $4 SX; Per-fon- owners unknown. Taxes, $;. penalty, SS.S5. i. r.:k. 41. T. rra e A id . ow Bart SliW NV NK i SV Block. taxis. 18. 19, 20. H'.k. 2i. N. M T. Co. al Add. Lots 13 to IS Blk. J. A. P. 24. l.iK. U', un know n. '. SW. p. 2s: costs. Jl 20; tot.ll. IS. 27. 'e r.a Add., i.n. H.d.i penalty, ', XE',. .V. st . 2. Tp. na'itv. $1.39, costs. $2.4.', total. property, $275: taxes, $111.1$: Add. taxes. $1504: penalty, $7.95; known o n. Ox; i osts. $1 . 0: $2.S4. 1 . 6 V. 4x Lot 24. Coronado, owners unknown taxes, $7.00; penaiu, total. X., km-- il.T'S, unkuow n $94 67. penalty, $5 55; $: 00; Costs, $12 40. total. $1 79.33. .35: i $ own-Taxe- s. cosls. total. IS. 76; penalty, .43; costs, "Ms i "ti total, IS. 5 5. L'.l 2. Blk. 41. Terraee Add, owners- taxes. '.H .12. Tax?s. .80; 1. t alt. A!luuueniue Cycle and Arms Co $11$ 8 K. Lot ik. ivrea Add., unknown ers unknown. $1,66; pena'ty, cists. S2.U0 total !t. total. $.9. OX: property. $550 00, I.. Tjy owners, $1 : 4 Personal tuvn. Hov property KeKher. TTie. N. Lot K, Blk. A. County Add. owners tuxes. Penalty, .In: iosis. 2"; total, $2,94 Tracts 1. 2. s.'. is. ;o, Twp. Crouch. Pcrmmil Jr. Land Bd. costs, $1.2u Lot 4. Bik. 4 1. Add . own-Taxe- s, $38 penalty, $1 92; costs $1.6; $700; taxes. $49 00; penulty, $2.45; Cuultrain, s. Tijeru E. unknown. Taxes, $1.25; penalty, .06 ; total. $j.:ss. Terrace 11 X., KnB. E.. 2 ai res; unkr.ow n E. l Koud, Lot 1.:, 1 ers unknown, $4 2 .i.sts. $1.20; total. $2.51. !, I'.rea Add., unknown $1.66; penalty. owners; tuxes. .4 1; p ually, .02, cosls, total, 02. costs. $1.20; totul. 152. 65. Thomas Krleher. W. Art: Ul ix; osts. 20: 4. Let IS. I!Ik. A.. County . Add - jowntrs: s. $2.08; penalty, .10; $i total, $:'.9 $1.60; total. I2.UJ. Tteuliy Co. 1. $52.50; penalty, Own Lot ;'.. Aluu.iueru.ue Land taxri, $2.42; coat, MS, i.-- u J2.3S. blk 41, Ti rraee Add., owners IVTulHo, -- 1, 13. II. tr unknown: taxes $1.20; Penalty .06; total. Tr.iets 1. 2. See. 19. Twp. 11 directly east of Brewery grounds, Hd. Annelo Lot Blk $2.00; total. $57.12. 1. -- unknown. Tuxes. penalty, ,0S; X.. CtltS, loiitl, ?J.EJi. i. Mlh. .t. !'er.-:- l Ail. I im- - $1.6; ,- S H. Lot 7. B'.k 13, H 11 Fr. 1. Lots osts. $1.20; I2.H4. Kr- 6 24. ail uiiknow n ow n- - N. Chus, K.tmp and Monro Kculty d Knigltta if Columbua Lota IS, 14. S'2 Lot 10, 11 & 12, Blk. 17 East- Known owner: tuxes, $2. OS; peualt i,tl. t, 1. 2. Blk. $2, Add. Lot 8. ' Lot ... or; taxes, $1.2 2; i 'unity, ,M6; i ok E. west line of Broadway if extended Eastern N. Add., owners .10; costs, 1.2.J; l'ik. 41, Terrace Add., owners is. Blk. 14. M. T. Co.; taxes. $38.50; ern unknown, taxes, it total, $3.38. unknown. $1.20; total. 12.4V V. Hr. werv Blk 54, Eastern Add. l ot, 7, 8. Blk. 22. i 11. Taxes, $lt.K. penalty, .Ox: north S. Sulzer addition, penally. $1.92; tost. $1 SO; total, $19 27: penalty, .96; costs, ik. un- - co-u- $1.20: ivre Add.. Jl.-'- o; Add. 5. own. total, S.'.sl. Trait 1, Sees, in and 29: tracts " ground Free. 35. l.and neur Cevern-mcn- t 15. Eastern Fr. Let 4. Blk. $42 02. total. $21.43. known is; taxes, $3 52; pellai'., Lot 6, own- Blk. 41. Terrace Add., 3. Sec. 11 X, llni;. 6 12.- -' 1. I'nivcrsity TBirhts. Personal Frac. Lots 1 to 4, Blk. 21. .17; costs, $!.-- i' total I4.N9. l'., TP. E Indian S hool, Bd. X. Lisn.unn L. Eastern ers unknown. Taxes. $1.66: penalty. 68 acres, unknown owners; taxes. 62, property. $100; taxes, $110.60; penal Add-- owners unknown, taxes $2.08; 11, id:,. 21, Add.. un- OS; Bro. S. Lands of T. S. Austin, K. La Bandera. Publishing Co. Per- lrea costs. $1.2"; total, $2.94. penalty, .03; costs, $ 60; total, $2.25. ty. costs. penalty, .10; costs. $1.20; known owners: taxes, $5.27 pe. 1, Murphy. V. Government In- $5.53: $3.20: total. $119.33. property, $500.00; tuxes, $35.00; total, $3.3S. !.2G; Lot Blk. 53. Terrace Add. own- Tract Sec. l'.i and 11, Cornello sonal 5. Blk. 21. Add., own- costs. $1.20: total! 16.73 in 20. Twp. X., I'avls, Mrs. Anni. Lois 13. 14, lilk. Lot Eastern ers unknown. Taxes. $1.06; penalty, 6 E., 10.39 a. res. own- dian School, I'r. 35. Ijiiul north of penalty, $1.76; costs. $1.60; total. u,t -'. Un. unknown 9, A v U Add. Personal property. er unknown; taxes. $1.m5: penalty, . tik. 21. Berea Add. un OS: covis. $1.20; total, $JS,Si. Known 12.94. ers; taxes, .62: penalty, .03; costs, and South of Government $130.00; taxes. $11.4S; penalty, $2.07. .03; costs. $1.20; total, $2.30. owners; taxes, $5.27 penalty. L.t 2. Blk. 5 !. Teriaee Add., own- - $1 60; total, $2.25. Indian School Bd., N. Trainiuli'mo M Personal property, Lot 6, Blk. 21. Eastern Add., own- i.26; costs. $1' 6 T.t ers unknown. Taxes, $1.66; penalty, eosts. $1.60; total. $45.15 Tracts 1 and 2, Sees. 19 30. S., Sedillo. E. l'ub-l'- o G. W. Lots G. H, lilk J. M, $375; taxes. 27: penalty, ers unknown, taxes, $l.n.,; penaitv. Lot .,,- o,; jVr ,m ox; eosts, $1.20; $2.94. and Sedillo. Emulterlo Pexter $:'. fl.ll; Ad(li total. Twp. 11 X.. Knw'. 6 i:., ;u.;!4 W. B. & K. propirty, $450; $1 .05: costs, $1.21: total, $2.30. Known owners; taxes, Lot '!, lilk. 53, Add., own- aires, KoaJ to Indian School. Ilomun Personal costs. :; total. $28.78. $5.27; pena't;, unknown ow tuffs; taxis, penal- $1 Lot 10. Blk. 27. Eastern Add., own 1.26; costs. $1.20: total'. 16.7.1.' ers unknown. Taxo, $166; penultv, $1.62; s'edlll a. I'r. Piece of In sam taxes. $37.19; penalty. 85; cost, lvy. Jake - Lots 19 to 24, Plk. K. .ox; , ty, .ox; eosts, $1.60; total. $3.30. ers unnnown; taxes, is.&o; . osts. $1.20; total. $2.94. plac as above Bd N. I'utdic Bond, S. $1.60; total, $40.64. M. B. & B. Add. property. penalty,! lk. 2... I'erea Add., un. Tra. t3 1, 2, Sees, ij ud 30, Twp. Personal costs, $1.20; j known Lot 4. blk. 53. Add., own- TO, .17; total. $4.87. owners; taxes. $5.27; penalty Terrace 11 N. KnK. K.. 7.'JH lands of Julluno Hull d. l.pez, E. Pobson. W. Lots 1. 2. 3. 4, Blk. $50. taxes. penalty. $2.81; -. . ers unknown. yi.flO; Hires; unknown 2, Blk. I. Add., own-taxe- s, osts, 1 1..1); total. $6.73. Taxes. penalty, Tranipjlllno W. 64. N. M T. Co. Per-en- al property, costs, $1.60; totul, $60.62. Lot Eastern 0x; (..sts. owio rs; taxes, .41; penalty, .02; costs, property of Sedillo. unknown: $2.50; penalty. Lot 14. blk. 27, I'erea Add., un $1.20; total. $2,!4. 13. In $4.58; ers Lot a. own- $ l.Oii; total, $2.1.2. lands of Jofe Lopez, I'r. I4in, $355; taxes, $91.72: penally, Luta. Mrs. John Lola !5, 26. m.. costs, $1.20 total. $3.82. known owners; taxes, $5.27; penalty. Blk. 53, Terrace Add., .12: ers unknown. Texas. $1.66; penalty, Tracts 1, 2, 3. 4. See. 13. Twp. 11 N Old Albuquerque, Bd., N. Cai aha.lul. costs, $1 60; total, $97.90. I, Con.ndo . Personal property $71; . Blk. 2! Add., own-- costs, 51.20; total, $6.73. Eastern ..; OS; osts, Un?. 6 E., 38.20 ui res, unknown own- 10. to Indiun School, S I'i.ilio, IKhKI, Edward 84x143 ft. BJ. N. taxes. $37.13: penalty. costa, ers unknown; taxes, $2.50; penally, Lots 1 I, 15, Mk, 40, I'erea Aid., un $1.20; total, $2.4. Boad $1.5; Lot 6. Blk. 63. Terrace Add., own- ers; tuxes, $2.03; penalty, .10; costs, 13 In Bd. E. Pub- A. It. McMlllen. S. Tijeri Uoad. E $1 60; $40.58. .12; costs, $1.20; total, $3.S2. known owners; laxts, $: 10; penalty Fr. Uind el Llano total, ers unknown. Taxes, $1.66; penalty, $1.60; total, $3.73. N. Lopez, W. In. Garcia do Snyder, W. W. A. Pal- M. 1 .45; costs, $1.20; total, $10.75. lic Hoad, Donaclano Frac. to 6, Blk. 3 4, Eastern Add., .ox, costs, $ l 2o; total. Trai ls 1, 2, S, 4, 5. 6, Se. s. 19. 30. Lot 16, I, lk. 40, I'erea Add., un 2.4. iiamaeio 1'pez, S. land of late Con- mer. Personal property, $50; taxes, Mandell. Harry und Co. Personal owners unknown; taxes $2.0: pen- Lot Blk. 3. I'.'iivcrsitv, owners j Tw p. 11 N., Bus. i, 10.. 2s. known owners; taxes, $8.76; penultv Shotitleld. Fr. Lots 1. 2, Block $4 penulty, $2 47; costs. $2 40; property. $l.oinj; taxes, penal- alty. .10; costs. $1.20; total, $3.3$. unknown. Taxes, $1.0. ; priialtv, ,0j; taxes, $1.62; penally, .Ox; costs, $1 6"; rad 4: $35.00; .43: costs, Sl.i'O; 5 Lot 10, Blk. 35, Eastern Add., own- total. $10.30. iosis. $1.20; total, $2.30. total, $3,20. 10, A y O.Add. (38x2 ft. enst of total, $54.33. ty. $1 75; costs, $1.20; total S7.S5. i.oi 1,. i . i ;x. to, un ers unknown; taxes, $1.66, penalty, I'erea Add., Lot 24, Blk. 3, I'nivcrsity, owners 1, 2, Sees. 19 30, Twp. 11 Block 15 A y O. Add) Lots 1. 2, 3. 4. Ih.ran. Mrs. Lena, Lots 11, 1!, Mann, iletirj IaJts 13, 14. 15, known owners, taxes, $s.76; penalty Tracts and 1. ,0S; costs, $1.20; total, $2.94. unknown. Taxes, $1 05; penalty, .05; 10., Kiik. E., 3S.47 aires, unknown S, Block i$ A y O. Add; tiixe. Blk. 19, N. M. T. Co. Personal prop- 17, IS, Blk. 41, Pereu Add. Personal .43; costs, $1.20; total, $10.39. $1 20; Lot 3, Blk, 41, Eastern Add., own- cols. total. $2.30. owners; taxes, $2.03; penalty, $9 14; $12.00; 01 : property, i... i un- - ,10; $182.98; penalty, costs. erty. $25; taxes, $42 penalty, $60: taxes, $33.28; panulty, $ .25 ; ink. 41, t'erea Add., Lot Blk. 6, I'nivcrsity, owners ers unknow n: taxes. penalty, costs, $1,611; total. $3.73. $204.12. $1 Kii; $166, eosts, $160; known owners; taxes, 11 total, $2 10; costs, total, $45.71. total, $26.54. .06: costs. $1.20; total, $2.51. $2.64: penalty. tlllkllOH Tu.xes, 11.05; penalty, .05, 1, 19 ;tu. Twp. 11 X., .1.1; Tiact Sec. and 1. A. 6, Hlk. 26, H. Medler, Sophie N. SI21, 6. 41. own- costs, $1.20; tytal, $3.97. costs, $1. 0; total, $2.3. Albuquerque Traction Co 2 31 I've. Iii.t II. ft. Lot Lot Blk. Eastern Add., . Km.'. 6 10., 27.92 lu res, unknown own-- ( Era.-- S. Int 7, I, Ik. 4. Romero Add Lot 21, Blk 6, 1'niversity, owners Mile of with equipment In- Persi nal property. $.'35; 1ax s. 13. 14, 15, Hlk. 1. A. P. Add ; laxes. ers unknown, taxes $1.25; penalty, rs: taxes, $1.62; penalty, .OS; cost.., track unknown owners: taxes, $1.05; penal UIlklloH II. Taxes, $1.05; penalty, .05; 31.50; penalty, .06; costs. $1.20; total, $2.51. $1.60; total, $3.30. side of City at $5,000.00 per mile. $51 18; penally, $2.55; rols, $160; $1.57; costs. $1.60. ty, .0..; costs, $1.2n; total, $2.30. cost.-- . $1.: ; total, $3.30. Lot 8. Blk. 41, Eastern Add., own- 1, 2, 3, Sees. 19 30, Tw p. Fr. 5. .25 Mile track with equip- total. $55,33. total. $34.6, Lot 15, blk. 1, N. J. Add., Lot 2 3. Blk. is, 1'nlversilj , owners Tracts nod ers unknown, taxes, $2.50; penalty, Sanchez 11 N., 6 K., 4 1.70 acres, ment outside of City at $5.ou0oo tier 10. Medler. Edward -- North 25 ft. Lot unknown owners; taxes, $2.50; penal nnki'ow i) taxes. $1.05; penalty, .05; Kn!. unknown .12: costs, $1.20; total, $3.82. owners; taxes $2.ii3; penalty, ,10; mile. I'r. 13. 1 Mile of track, etc 19 to 24, Blk. 22, N. M. T. Co South ty, ,12; costs, $1.20; total, $3.82. c.ts, $1.20; total, $2.30. Elks Lodge No. 461 Lots 1, i, S, . Krae. Lots 1 to 6, Blk. 4 3, Eastern costs, $1.60; total, $3.73. Fr. 13. Fair Grounds and Improve- 50 ft. Lots 13. 14, 15, ll'k. I, A. A P. Lot 17, blk. 2. X. J. Add Lot 21. Blk, 1 s, 1'niversity, owners 6. 6. 7, Blk. 26, N. M. T. Co For-taxe- s, Add., owners unknown; taxis, $1.66; Sanchez Trai t 1, So. s. 19 and 30. Twp. 11 X . ments. Car Barn, office ami Casino Add.; taxes, $185.50; penalty. $9.28; penalty, .OS; costs, $1.20: total, $2.94. unknown owners; taxes, $.V21; penal unknown: taxes $1.05; penally, .05; 6 10,, Bonal property. $.VJ!!0; B.iiK. 20.45 aires, unknown own- Bl.lij.; taxes. $1,585.72, penalty, costs, $2.00; total, $196 78. Lot 9, Blk. 50, Eastern Add., own- ty, .jo; costs, $1.20; total,, $6.67. Costs. $l..'ii; total, $2.30. ers; tuxes, $1.02; penally, .05; costs, $1.624 00; penally, $sl,20; costs, S c. 5, 6, Twp. $79.29; $4.00; tola). $ 1,669 01 Mieru, 10. A. Lots 11 to Blk, ers unknown; taxis, $1.25; penulty, W. lot 3, blk. 3, N. J. Sambo: NV Lots 6, Sec. $1 60; total. $2.67. eosls. $2.00; total. $1,707 20. 2i, SN, Knpr. 3 147. SO owners James Lots 4. 5, 6, Blk. 4 4, 28, Add.; taxes, 31.50; penalty, .06; costs, $1.20; total, $2.51. Add., unknown owners; tuxes, $:'.oh aires, Tracts, 1, 2. 3. I. Sees. 19 and 30, Archer Ellsworth. S T Lots 157 158. I'erea 10, 50, Adj., own- penalty, unknown; taxes. $10.34; penalty, .51; 6 10., 11. H.; taxes, $31.68; penalty, $1 .58; $1 57; costs, $f.20, total, $34 27. Lot Blk. Eastern .10; costs, $1.20; total, $3.38. Tw p. 11 N., lint: 29.02 a. res; Blk. 13, A. Bros. Personal property, ers unknow n, taxi s, $1.25: penalty, Lois 7, 8, blk. 3, X. J. San. hex Add, cosls. $1.60; total, $12.45, unknown owners; taxes, $1.62; penul- costs, $1.20; total, $34.46. Mirabal, Sllvestrt1 'i Lots 47B, XW'i S'j NU'U lots 3. 4, See. 4, $75; taxes. $40.63; penalty, $2.03; .06; costs, $1.20; total, $2.51. unknown owners; taxes, $0.3'.!; penal ty. .us; costs, Jl.Cii; total. $3.30. 4. B'l. 476. 477,' Blk. 19, A. Bros. 27, ty, .46; Twp. X.V, li.UK. 0E, 24.30 ai res, own-- I Armijo Pcrrccto Fr. costs, $1 60, total, $44,26. I.ts Lot 10, Blk. 1, Eastern Add., own- eosts, $1.20; total. $11.05. Tra.s 1. See. L'u, Twp. 11 X., Bin:. N. S. E. 28, Blk. A. Springer; Lot IS, Blk. ,H Zumora, A. Z.nnora, 4th St., ti, Lot S. of blk. 3, N. Sanchez 'is unknown; taxes, $6.2..; penalty, 5 10., 59.75 acres, owners; I ers unknown; taxes, $4.20; penalty, J. unknown W. Fob. Bond. Lots 23. 24, Hlk. 38. N. M. T. Co. Lot 3, Ulk. 22, N. M. T. total, Add., unknown owners; taxes, $2. OS .31: .osts. $1,60; total, $S.21. taxis, $3.07; penally, .15; eosls, $1.2(1; F.iber, Albert property, .21; costs. $1.20; $5.61. SW See, I, W. XW'i, I'erea Add.; taxes, $30. x3; penally, Personal Co.; tuxes, $26.8; penalty, $13.54; S. 48 It. Lot II, Blk. 1. Eastern penally, ,10; eosts, $1.20; eosts, $3.38 SV, i Intnl. $4.42. $6,500; taxes, XW'i SW1:,, See. 12, Twp. SX, $1 $34 37. $455.00; penalty, costs, $2.40; total, $282.63. Add., owners unknown; taxes, $3.50; Lot 5, blk. 4, N. J. Sanchez Add. Bur. Tra. t 1, Sec. 20. Twp. 11 X.. Bin,'. 6 54; eosls, $2.00; total, ill:, 160 res, owners unknown; $27,75; cosls, $1.21); total, $483 95. Julia--Cur- . penally, .17; costs, $1.20; total, $4.87. unknown owners; taxes, $2. 0s; penal- in 10, 5x.ll acres, unknown owners; tax- Armljio M, G. Lots 8, !l, Blk. 6 K. Morcll, (SW.) Broad- ty, .10; tax.s, S;.14; penalty, .4"i; costs $1.60; ( Earrah Bros. Personal property, Lot 7, Blk. .1, Eastern Add., own- - costs, $1.20; total, $:I.3S. es, $3.07; penalty, .15; costs, $1.60; to- A v Add. Lot 8, Blk. 7 E. A 1 l way and 'Washington, (Tijeraa) Av. , total, $10.14. $3,125; (axes, $218.76; penalty, taxes, $2.92, penult,,-- Lot 6, blk. 4, X. .1. Sancbea Add. tal, M.S2. rty, $20, Gentile. Tract, 50x142 ft.; taxes, rs unknown; N 17 ' See. 8, Add. l'ersonal prop' tuxes. unknown owners; taxes, $208; penal- E'i XW'i W'i 1, 2. S. 4. Sees. 19 and 20, $10.93; eosts, $1.20, total, $230 89. $36.76; penally, $1.83; costs, $2.00; .14: costs, $1.20; total, $4.26. Twp. SX, BIO, ueres; own- Trails $29.24; penally, $1.46; costs, $2.00; ty, .10; costs, $1,20; totul, $3.38. Kim. Ho 11 X., 6 10., 64.84 acres, un- .1. U. Loin 3, 4, Blk. 8, total, $40.58. Ut S, Blk J, Eastern Add., own- penalty, Twp, Bills'. totnl, $32.70. Furwell. Lot 7, blk. 4, X. J. Sanchez Add., ers unkn.iwu; taxes $8.14; known owners; taxes, $3.26; penally, Add. property, $50; Muenx. C. Kstnte of Lota 11, II, ers unknown; taxes, $2.92; penalty, .40; eosts, $1.20, $9.74. I'erea Personal unknown owners; taxes, $2.08; penal total, .16; cosls, $1.60; total, $5.02. Arioijo, Antonio Lot 7, Blk. 7 F., A. Blk. 3, A y ) Add.; taxes, 124.50; pen- .14; costs, $1.20; total, $4.26. XWH NJOU Lots 2, tuxes, $28.38; penally, $1.42; cost, own- ty, .10; eosts, $1.20; total, $3.38 SW NW'.i, Tract In Sec. 19, Tap. 11 N., ltn;r. y O. Add. Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, Hlk. 11, K. ally, $1.23: coeds, $1.20; total, $26.93. Lot 9, Blk. J, Eastern Add., 3, 4, Sec. 22. Twp. 8, 610. 161.64 $1.60; totnl. $31.40. Lot 8, 4, X. Itiur. 6 E., 3.34 acres; unknown owners; A y () Add, Personal property, ers unknown; tuxes, $2.92; penalty, blk. J. Sanchez Add., acres, tuxes $8.14; Ferguson, H. B 13. Land Bd. Myera, M. F. Lots IS, 17, 18.BIU. 2, total, unknown owners; tuxvs, $2.08; penal owners unknown; taxes, .41; penally, ,u2; costs, $1.20; $20.00; taxes. $25.38; penalty, $1.26; If. Add, .14: costs, $1.20; $4.26. penultv, .40; costs, $1.60; total, $10.14 N. Gurcla, S. Ave., K. Baca Personal property, $660; Add., own- ty, .10; costH, $1.20; $3.38. total, $1.63. J. Central Lot 10, Blk. J, Eastern total, SiOU Sec. 11 SW'ii costs, $2.00; total, $28.64. Aceqiila W. J. . Pr. 5, Lot taxes, $267.06; penalty, $13.35; costs, unknown; taxes. $2.02; penalty, Lot 13, blk. 4, X. J. Sanchez Adj., SE'i S4 XE'i Tracts in Sees. 20 and 29, Twp. 11 Candelria ers Sec. 12, Twp. SX, UtiK. 6K. 110 Alvarado Bottling Works Fr. 22. 7 $1.60; total, $282.01. unknown owners; taxes, $1.05; penal SW'.i N., ItnH". 6 10., 34.84 acres, unknown to 12. Blk, 7, University Hlghts. .14; costs, $1.20; total, $4.26. acres, unknown; taxes, $8.14: Tart SW. '4, SE. U, See. 13, Twp. 9, MeClosky, F. 8. 111k. 28, K, Add., own- ty, .05; costs, $1.20; total, $2.30. owturs owners; taxes, $1.62: penulty, .08; Lota 17. 18, Blk. 22, N. M. T. Co. Lot W.Lot Lot 11, Blk. Eastern costs, $1,60; total, $10.14 4 7 prop- Lot 14, 4, X. J. Add. penultv, .40: costs, $1.60; total, $3.30. N. It. K., acres. l'ersonal 15, Blk. 16, N. M. T. Co. Lots 7, 8, N. M. T. Co. Lot 16, Blk. 26, N. M. ers unknown; taxes, $3.15; penalty, blk. Sanchez 1'urt of SU Sec. 24, Twp.9N, unknown owners; taxes. $1.05; penal- - SWli In Sees. 19 ini.l 20, Twp. erty Fr. 12, $1,130; tax.s, $100.16; M. T. Co. 1. 2. S. T. Co. Lot 19, Blk. 2D, N. M. T. Co. .15; costs, $1.20; total, $4.50. 210, CO owners, unknown; Tracts It Blk. 25. N. Lota own- eots, $1.20; totul, $2.30, linn. aires, N., 8 E., 27.97 acres, penalty, $5.00; costs, $2.40; totul, lA.t 4, Blk. 32, N. M. T. Co. Lot 1, Blk. L, Eastern Add., t y05; taxes, $3.91; penalty, .19; costs, $1.20; lint. unknown Blk. 20, N, M. T. Co. l'ersonal prop- Personal penalty, Lot 15, blk. 4, X. J. Sanchez Add., owners: taxes, IT.62: penalty, .08; ers unknown; taxes. $3.56; total, $5.30. $107.56. erty, $860; tuxes, $1,155. 36; penalty, property, $30: taxes, $27.83; penalty, .17; costs, $1.20; total, $4.93. unknown owners; taxes, $1.05; penal- costs, $1.60; total. $3.30. Auge, 11. H. Lot 10, Blk. 12, H. H. $1.39; costs, $2.40; total, $31.62. Sec. 4, Twp. I I5B.7T, costs, $4.00; totnl, $1,215.13. Lot 12, Blk. 1, EusUrii Add., own- ty, .05; costs, $1.20; total, $2.30. N"s XE'S', NWli Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Sees. 19 and 30, Twp. taxes, McCorrlxtnn, 7, Itn-r- . 16 ow Personal property, $110; Freelovo, B. 8, 9, 4, James Frac, Ixds unknown; taxes, $2. OS; penalty, Lot 16, blk. 4, X. J. Sanchez Add., 9X. 210, .40 acres, ners j j No nif. f 10., 4.1.59 acres; un P. Lots Blk. ers 1 $53.61; penally, $2.68; costs, $1.60; 8, 9, Blk. 4. II. H. Add. Personal .10; costs, $1.20; total, $3.38. unknown owners; taxes, $1.05; penal- unknown; taxes, $8.34; penalty, .4 known owners; tuxes, $2.03; penally, Northern Add. Lot 11, 12, Blk. 8, totul, $9.95. total, $57.89. property, $150; tuxes, $63.29; penalty, Lot 1. Blk. M, Eastern Add., own-er- a ty, .05; costs, $1.20; total, $2.30. costs, $1.20; .10; costs, $1.6ii; total. $3.73. Northern Add. Lots 1, 2, Blk. Nor- 4, see. 13, Twp. 9 taxes, $2.50: nenalty. Lot 17, blk. 4, X. J. Sanchez Add., SlO'iSWV lot Lots 22, 44. Sec. 3, Twp. 8 N., BtiK. II. Add ; taxes, $32.80; penalty, 3.16; cost, $1.10; total, $68.05. unknown: n: thern unknown owners; taxes, $1.05; penal- Rue. 310, 79.75 acres, owners 3 tux- William Max Montoya. .12 costs, $1.20; total, $3.KV E .67 ceres, unknown owners; Bacn, Armijo, Flora Fr. 13. Land $3.64; costs, $2.00; totul, $38.44. Mcintosh, own- ty, .05; costs, $1,20; total, $2.30. taxes. $5.17; penalty, .25; to- Mon- Lot 8, Blk. M, Eastern Add., es, .24; penultv, .01; costs, $1.20; adjoining Ferea Add,. 10 acres, ;. Tract, 1000x500 yds. Enrique penalty, Lot 19, blk. 4, X. J. Sanchez Add., costs, $1.20; total, $6.62. the ers unknown; taxes, $1.66; tul, $1.45. Lots 23, 24, Blk. 22, N. M. T. Co; toya Tract, 800x500 yds. Jose M. unknown owners; taxes, $1.05; penal- E'fcSW'i Lots 3. 4. Sec. 30, Twp. 1, 2 2, 3, 8X, Garcia Joseflta B, Lots 87, 88, .OS; costs, $1.20; total, $2.94. Lots Sees. Twp. Rnir. ' Montoya Tract, 1000x600 yds. Pedrn own- ty, .05; costs, $1.20; total, $2.30. 9N, ltnir. xK, 150.79 Hires, owners taxes, $61.43; penalty, $3.07; eosts, Blk. 8, A. property, Lot 9, Blk. M, Eastern Add., !E, 2.40, ueres, owners unknown; Pro. Personal Garcia Tract, 1000x500 yd. Modesto taxes, $3.75; penalty, True, lot 20, blk. 4, X. J. Sanchez unknown: taxes, $10.34; penally, .51; taxes, .22; penulty, .01; costs, $1.20; $2.00; total, $60.50. $25; tuxes, $40.63; penalty, $2.03; ers unknown: $12.45. Montoya Tract, 800x600 yds. .18; costs, $1.20; total, $5.13. Add., unknown owners; taxes, $1.05; costs, $1.60: total, totul, $1.43. Burth, Nathan Lots llfi, 117, 118, costs, $1.60; totul, $44.26. Pedro 24 El-w- penulty, .05; costs, $1.20; $2.30. SVVNW'4 See. V Klwell Tract, 600x1000 yds. Fidel Lot 6, Blk. Q, Eastern Add., own- total, NV'4.SV'i 1, 3, Ijnt 2, 1 2, 119, 120, and west of 121, Blk. 9. Mrs. N. 92 V4 23, Twp. Lot See. Sees. and Gatlln, K. North ft taxes, $6.67; penalty, Lot 7, blk. A, Simpier No. 2, un SE '4 N E NE'iSlO'4 Sec. Tract, 1000x500 yds. Pedro ll ers unknown; un- Twp. 8X, link'. 2E, 2J.59 acres, own- Armijo Bros. Personal property, Lot 1, 2, 3, Blk. N., N. M. T. Co. known ownors; taxes, $2.72 penalty, 9, Unit. 4E, 160 acres, owners Kl- .33; costs, $1.20; total, $8.20. ers unknown; taxes, $1.05; penalty, $50; taxes, 81.73; penalty, $4.08; properly, $50 tnxes, $28.18; Tract, 100x500 yds. Felipe own- .13; costs, $1.20; total, $1.05 known; tuxes, $8.14; penalty, .40; Personal Lot 5, Blk. U, Eastern Add., .05; costs, $1.60; total. $2.70. costs, $2,00; penalty, $1.40; eosts. $2.00; totul, well Tract, 1000x800 yds. Allto. J. OS: Lot 8, blk. A, Simpler No. un- - .costs, $1.(10; total, $10.14. total, $87.81. ers unknown; tuxes , $2. penalty, Ixit 1, See. 2. 3, Lot 2, Sec. 2. Twp Klwell Tract, 1000x800 yds. deo. $3.38. known owners; taxes, $2.i2; pemilty, NIOU Sec. 13, Twp. 0. Hiir. 5E. 160 llarth Isaac Porsonul property $31.58. IOlwtll Tract, 650x1000 yds. all .10; costs, $1.20; total, tuxes, $8.14: 8N., Bntf. 210, 29.64 ncrus. owners un- In costs, $1.20; total. $4. "5. acres, owners unknown: $550; taxes, 28.38; penally, $1.42; jrM. nik.r8, 1 Erac. Lots 6, 7. Blk. C, Eastern .13: known: taxes $1,66; penally, .08; Gooch, Lots 6T. about 277, acre. Portion of tha Lot 9, blk. A, Simpier No. tin- - penalty, .40; costs. $1.20; totnl, $9.74. costs, $1.20; totul $31.00. Add., unknown owners; taxes, $1.05; &E, costs, $1,60; total, $3.34, Ferea Add. Peronul property, $50; Jura Ranch, 800 acres, Pr. 26. South $2.30. known owners; taxes, $2.7! penalty, SEU Sec. 12, Twp. 9X, Bnu. penultv, .05; costs, $1.20; total, taxes, Lots 1, 2, Sec. 3, Lot 3, Sec. 2, Tw p. Barth. CheHisiu 11, Lots 27, 28, taxes, $36.06; penalty, $1.80; costs, 42 ft. Lota 23, 24, Blk. 2. A Broa, g. 47 1, 2, 3, 4, Blk. l' East- .13; costs, $1.20; total, $4.05. 160 acres, owners unknown: ft. Lots RN, Hiig, 210, 5.47 acres owners un- Blk. Armljl Bros, and the east 100 $1.60; total, $30.46. Add. T.ot 5, 6, 7, 8, Blk. 23, N. M. T. ern Add., unknown owners; taxes, Lot 10, blk. A, Simpier No. 2, un- $8.14; penalty, .4"; costs, $1.20; total, ' known; taxes .22; penalty, .02; costs ft. lot I, Blk. 30, II. II.; taxes, $115.50; ir. Co. Lots 11, 12. Blk. 10, A y O Add. $2.08; penalty, .10; costs, $1.20; total, known owners; taxes, $8,76; penally, $9.74. $1.60; total, $1.84. penalty, $5.77; costs, 2.00; total, W. H. 6. 6. 7. 8, Hot 22, Blk. 5, A y O Add. IS. $3.38. .43; costs, $1.20; total, $10.39. SWV4NWH Ntt'i;sW!i Sec. 1, Uahn, A Co. Lots Pr. 2, Lot 1. 2, 3, 2, 3, Sees. 2, 13-2- 4, Lot 11, Blk. W Eastern Add., Lot 11, blk. A, Simpler No. NVi Sec, 4, NUSIOU Sec. 2, Twp. 9N, Sees. Lois $123.27. 8, 10, II, 12, Blk. A., U. I). V. For Lot and Ulk 28, OS; Twp. 8N, Una:. 2E, 11.97 acres, own 13-2- owners unknown, taxes, $3.50: pen- owners; taxes, $2. penalty, UtiK. t E. 160 acres, owners unknown; Bell. J. 10. Lot 5 Blk. 28 Eastern. Bona! property, $1,250; taxes, $171.34; nnd Blk. 29, Pr. 12, lots unknown; taxes, .42; penalty, .02 13-1- 8 28-2- alty, .17; costs, $1.20; total, $4.87. .10; costs, $1.20; total, $3.38. taxes, $8.14; penalty, .40; costs $1.60; ers Personal property, $250; taxes, penalty, $8.57; cost, $2.00; totul, Blks 9, and Blk, 8. Pr. 13. own- A, Simpier No. 2, un- costs,- $1.60; total, $2.04. 13-2- 27,1-1- 2 Lot 7, Blk. Y Eastern Add., Lot 12, blk. total, $10.14. $25.56; penalty, $1.27; costs,' $1.60; $181.91. Lot and Blk. and $2.08; penalty, known owners; taxes, $2.08; penalty, S W See. 7. Twp. 9S. TttiK. 610, Lot 3. Sec. 2, Irfit 4, eScs. 1 and 2 13-2- Blk 26 and and U-2- 4, Blk. ers unknown; taxes, total, 28.43. Hanks, 11. L. Tit Tllk. 2, Cor .10; costs, $1.20; total, $3.2S. 1 taxes, Twp. 8XT, 210; Lot 1, Sec. 3, Lo '7 25 1 12 13-2- 4 Blk. 10, .10; costs. $1.20; total. $3.38. 60.76 acres, owners unknown; Bus. & property, an,) to and Berger BrachvoRel Personal prop- onado Place. Personal $50; 13-2- 13-2- 2, Estate, own- Lot 13, blk. A. Simpler No, 2; un- $8.14; penalty, .40; costs, $1.20; total, 2. S.cs. 2 and 3, Twp. 8, llnu. 2E Blk. 11, and Lot 1. Blk. Garcia erty, $2,100; taxes, $73.50; penally. taxes, $33 96; penalty, $1.69; eosts. and ers unknown; taxes, $3.50; penalty. known owners: taxes, $2.08; penalty, $9.74. 20.05 acres, owners unknown; taxes Blk. 12, ull the above Lots ura In th 10, $3.67; costs, $1.20; $78.37. $1.60; total, $37.25. .17- - costs, $1.20; total, $4.87. .10; costs, $1.20: total, $3.38. NViNEU Sec. 9, N'iNW'i See. $1.05; penalty, .05; costs, $2.00; total total, Crimson and Kennedy Add.; taxes, g un- Lot M, Blk. 2, Garcia Estate, own-er- Lot 14, blk. A, Simpier No. 2. Twp. 9N. HnR. 610. 160 acres, owners $3.10. Borders, A. Personal property, H.imon.l Supply Co. personal $60.95; penalty, $3.05; Costs, $11.60; unknown; taxis, $3.50; penalty, known owners; taxes, $2. OS; penalty, unknown; taxes. $8 14; penalty, .to, Lot 2, Sec. 2, Twp. 8N, Knsr 2E $1,130; taxes, $69.26; penulty, $3.46; property, $625; taxes, $ 43.77; penalty, total, $76.60. .17; costs, $1.20; total, $4.87. .10; costs, $1.20; total, $3.38. costs, $1.60; total, $10.14. 1.21 acres, owners unknown; taxes. costs, $1.20; total, $73.92. $2.19; costs, $1.20; totul, $47.16. McMlllen, A. 11. Pr. 4. A tract of 15. A, Simpier No. ?, un. costs, totnl N, 2, Garcia Estate, own- Lot blk. SMiSK'i, NWS SIO'JSEH.SWVi .22; penalty, .01; $1.20; Borradalle, John Lots 1, 2, 3, Blk. .Harmony Lodge I. O. (I. F. Iots 19 50 vs. wide from north to aouth, anit Lot Blk. owners; taxes, $2.08; penalty, 610, 160 acres, ers unknown; taxes, $3.50; penalty, known Sec. 14, Twp. 9N, HnK. $1.43. 27, N. M. T. Co.; Lot 8, lilk. 23, N. M. to 24, Blk. 29, N. M. V. Co; tBxe. Blk N., Tract No, 2, S. Diego San- .10. rosts, $1.20; total. $3.28. owners unknown; taxes, $8.14; penal- Lot 1, Sec. 3. lots 2, 3, 4, Sec. 2. 3 roBts, $1.60; .17; costs, $1.20: total, $4.87. - T. Co. Pr. 5, Lot 3, Blk. 2 $350.00; penalty, $17.50; chez, E. ttoait ulong the Foot Ililla; Lot 17, blk. A. Simpier No. 2, un. ty, .40; ousts, $1.60; total, $10.14. tw- - 8n. linn. 210, 23.65 ncres, owner Anid Lot O, blk. 2, Garcia estate, un- 4 Blk. 2 A meg total, $369 10. W. Land of Armijo pur- known owners: taxes, $2.08; penalty, SW'A Sec. IS, Twp. 9N, Bug. bl' unknown. Taxes, $1.05; penulty, ,0u Add. Lot Add. Lot Perferto and known owners; taxes, $3.50; penalty, A. 7. 22, N. M. T. of T. ti, Hubhell, A of total, $3.38. 1 $2.70. Blk. 2, Ames Add. Lots 10, 11, 12, Hnrsch, Lot Blk, chased tract total, $4.87. .10; costs, $1.20; 60.74 acres, owners unknown; taxes. costs. $1.60; total, .17; costs, $1.20; Lot 18. A. .Simpler No. 2, un .40; costs, $1.20; total, Lot 1, Sec. 3, lot I, sec. 2, twp, 8n Blk. 9, Ames Add; taxes, $153.50; Co.; taxes, $91.00; penalty, $4.65; land, 95 vs. wide from north to 2, Garcia estate; un- blk. $8.14; penulty, Lot P, blk. owners: taxes, $2. OS; penalty, Untt. 210. .84 acres, ownors unknown $7.67; costs, costs, $1.20; total, $96.75. aouth and Bif. fi. by tract above des- known owners; taxes, $3.50; penalty, known $9.71. penalty, $3.20; total, .10; costs, $1.20; total, $3.38. SWU Sec. 25, Twp. 9X, RnR. ..E, Taxes, .22; penalty, .01; costs, $1.20 $164.37. Holm hoc, A. Personal property, cribed N. Tract No. 3, below. W. .17; costs. $1.20; total, $4.87. No. 2. un. tract; unknown Lot 19, blk. A, Simpler 160 acres, owners unknown: taxes, total $1.43. Borradalle, Lola A. Pr. 13, Old' $700; taxes, $24.50; penalty, $1.22; Accfiulft Chiimlsul, E. IToail along? Lot 16, blk. 2, Grant taxes, $2.08; penalty, Lots 1. 2, Sec. 1. 2, lots 3, sec. 1, lot penuuy, .21; known owners: $8.14; penalty, .40; costs, $1.20; total, house, on (Mil costs, $1 20; totul, $26,92. Foot Hill, and purchased from Aure-ll- a ownors; taxes, $4.20; .10; costs, $1.20; total, $3.38. 4. sec. 2, lot 5, see. 3, lot 6 sees. 2 and adobe Plaza In Albu- costs, $1.20; total, $5.01. $9.74. querque. Lot 20. Blk. 8, N. M. T. Co. Hubhell, T. S IT. 4. Land Bd. N. Hellwlg. A tract of Land 172, M - E. frac. lot 3, all 4, blk. li, Simpler 3, twp. KN, But:. 2E, 29.93 ncres, own- Lot 15. blk. 2. Girrard Add, un- NVV',4 9X, Tlni?'. Gutierrez, H. and JO. samo, V. Contra to N. owners; taxes, $11.49; Sec. 36 Twp. 6E, ers unknown. Taxes, $1.66; penulty, Lot 21, Blk. 8, N. M. T. Co. Lots , wldo from north south and Bd. taxes, $4.20; penalty, No, 2, unknown Aceqiila, being 50 yds. from to known owners; penally. .57; costs, $1.20; total, $13.26, 160 ueres, owners unknown: taxes, .08; cosls, $2.00; total, $3.74 10, 11, 12, Blk. 28, N. M. T. Co. north land of Juan E. Barela S. Tract No. 8, .21; costs, $1.20; total, $5.61. Per. N. Martin, E. 8, blk. B, Simpler No. $8.14; penalty, .40; costs, $1.20; total Lots 1. 2, 3, sec. 2, twp. 8N. lingo. sonul property, $135; tuxes, $550. G4; aouth. Land B.. Vicente above 10. Bond alung Foot Hills, W. 16, 2, Add., un- Erac. lot Lot blk. Girrard 2. taxes, $1.66; pen- $9.74. 210. 6.08 aens. owners unknown S. T. C. Gutierrez, W. Aeequlu, E. Acequla $4.20; penalty, unknown owners; penalty, $27.53; rosts, $3.20; total, fhainlsul, and purchased of known owners; taxes, alty. .08; rosts, $1.20; total. $2.94. Lot 1 Sec. 2, Lot Taxes, .42; penalty, .02; costs, $1.20; Acequla de Torres. 20x300 yds. Pr. .21; costs, $1.20; total, $5.61. and SE'SNiO'i $581.27. Poclano Barela. No improvement. Lot 1, blk. C, Simpier No. 2 Add., 4, Sec. 1. Twp. X, Bilk'. 610, 81.58 total, $1.4. 7. Land Bd. N. Carlo Lopez, E. except 26. 6, 2, Add.; un- 4, Borradnlle, G. C. Lot 16, 16, a little fence. Pr. Iit Lot 17, blk. Girrard ; Lots 1, 2, 3, sees. 1, 2, 3, twp, 8N Blk. N. owners unknown. Taxe.i. $1.0 penalty, acres, owners unknown; taxes, $4.07; flarcla, E. TIJora Creek, W. Foot of 21, II. 13, 14, 17, known owners; taxes, $4.20; penalty, Tlnir. 210, 5.3 aires, owners un- M. T. Co.; tuxes, $87.50; penalty, Blk. H Lots Blk. .05; costs, $1.20; total, $2.30. penalty, ,20; cosls. $1.60; total $5.87. Mis, 1 78x1000 vs. 8. Land Bd. N. .21; costs, $1.20; total, $5.61. known; taxes. .42; penally, .02. costs, $4.38; cosls, $1.20; $93.03, I'r. N. M. T. Co. Lot 13, 14, IB. Hlk. 24, 3 C Simpier RVjSKVi, KVsSW'i. See. 32, Twp. totals, H. 10. Lot 6, blk. K, Highland South Add., Lot and frac. 4. Blk. $1.20; total, $1.64. C. Monloya, M. Garcia, Garcia, N. M. T. Co, Pr. 5. Lots 10, 11, 12. 2., Taxes, $5.21; 10N, ltitfr, 2V, 160 acres, owners un- Bothe, Ben Lot 456, 4 57, 458, Blk. unknown owners; taxes, $3.50; penal- No. owners unknown. Lots 1, 2, sees. 1, 2, 3, twp. SN. Unir. y R, W. M. Marts. 60 v, IT. 4. 39, Add. pro- penally. .26; costs, $1.20; total, $6.67. known: taxes, $8.14; penalty, .40; 15 A. Bros. Personal properly, $60; Blk. Terrace Personal ty, .17; costs, $1.20; total, $4.87. 210, 5.46 acres, owners unknown. Interest 111 5 pieces of land 77V4l4125 NVi 6, 7 blk C Simpler No. cosls. $1.20; total. $9.74. taxes, $42.88; penalty, $2.14; perly, $890; taxes, 238.18; penalty, Lot 4, blk. 1, Highland South Add., lot all Taxes, .42: nenalty, .02; costs, $1.20; 8 yda. $ i.21; pen NWU See. 10, Twp. ION, P.nfr. SR, yds. Fr. Interest, 125 $11.95; costs. $9.60; $269.73. owners; taxes, $17.50; pen- 2. owners unknown. Taxes, $1.64. $1.60; totul, 46.62. total. unknown $6.6 160 acres, owners unknown, taxes, total, S'pinro Bd. N. J. Kamora, S. 10. (!. 19, 20, ally, .87; costs, $1.20; total, $19.57. alty, .26; costs, $1.20; total, Lots 1, 2, sees. 1, 2, twp. 8N ling. Brniiilell. J. If.- - 1, 2, Plk. 52, Nvarson, U1 Blk. F., i.ols 1, 2, No $8.34; penalty, .41; cosls, $1.20; total Tils Gutierrez, IC. Hills. V. (lutierres, et 1, A. Lee Add., lilk. 1, Simpier 210. 3.28 acres, owners N. M. T. Co. Lot 5, Blk. 25, perdi M. B. & R. Add. Personal property, Lots 14, 15, Blk. J. pen $9.95. unknown. Add. al, liolB 7 to 12, Blk, f.5, N. M. T. Co. taxes, $8.75; penal- owners unknown, Taxes, $10.42; Taxes, .42; penalty, .02; costs, $1,20; taxes, $24.16; penalty, $1.20; costs, $130; taxes, $58.51; penalty, $2.93; unknown owners; .52; costs. $1.20: $12.14. NI'Vi See. 12, Twp. 10X, imp. 310, Lots 9 lo 12, Blk. 56, N. M. T. Co. ty, .43; $10.38. alty, total. total, $1.61. $1.60; $26.96. total, costs, $1.20: total, 5. Simpier No. 2, own- 160 total. Personal properly, $580; faxes, costs. $1.60; $63.04. Add., Lot Blk :.. lures, owners unknown: taxes 1, 2, sec. 1, 2, Twp. 8N. HnR. 8, 9, Lots IS, 13. blk. 2, J. A. Lee $1.66; $8.34; Lots Bronson, A. S. Lots 7, Blk. 4, $293.26; penalty, $14.62; cosls, $8.00; Noland, Mrs. Virginia Lot Blk. pen- ers unknown. Taxes. cosls. penultv, .41; costs, $1.20; total, 210, 5.47 acres, owners unknown. I, unknown owners; taxes, $7.00; $1.20; .08: total. $2.94. $9.95. Per'a, Add. Lot 8, Coroliudo Place.. lolal, $315. S8. 7, A. Bros. L.t 65, Hlk. 7, A. Bros. alty, $8.55. penalty Tuxes, .42; penally, .02; costs, $1.20 .35; costs, $1.20; total, Lot 6, Blk. I), Simpier No. 2. own SKi,.l Sec. 12 Twp. 10X, Unit. 310, Lot II, Coronado Place. Personal Hubhell. Sofia A. Ixils 236 to 243 Lots 66, 67, Blk. 7, A. Pro. Lot 13, Lot 1, blk. 3, A. Leo Add., un- total, $1.64, J. ers unknown. Taxes, $1.66; penalty, 160 acres; unknown; taxes. property, tlOO, taxes, $115.86; pen- 247 to 253 and 1, II, Blk. 22, A. 3 5, known owners; taxes, $3.50; penulty, owners nnd 14. Blk. N. M. T. Co.; taxes. .OS; eosts. $1.20; total, $2.04 $8.34; penalty, .41; cosls, $1.20; total ally, $5.79; costs, $2.40; Bros, Lot P, Blk. 4, A. Bros.; tuxes, 17; l nn- - total, $47.26; penalty, $2.36; cost, $2.40; costs, $1.20; total, $4.87. Lot 13 Blk. I). Simpier No. 2. own $9.95. Notice Is ftn her irlven that the S, 3, A. Ix-- Add; un. Bernalillo $124.05. $75.27; penalty, $3.76; costs, $2.00; penalty, $52.02. Lot hlk. J. ers unknown. Taxes, .S3; penally, .04; Sec. 14, Twp. 10X, Unff. lax collector of penalty, NEUSW'i County, will, .Monday of total, $sl 03. 10. known owners; taxes, $3.50; costs $1.20: total, $2.07. "10, 40 taxes, on the first Nye, A. und Wf. Lots 21, 22, acres, owners unknown; pub-li- e IjoI 4, 24, .17: coRts, $1.20; total, $4.87. Lot 14. Blk. I). Simpier No. nwn- - November, 1911. offer for oil In at. Hyde, Mrs. W. J. Blk. Hlk. K., A. & P. Add. Personal un- $2.08; penalty, .10; costs, $1.20; total, Campfleld, Geo. A. North V, Lots Lot 13, blk. 3, J. A. Lee Add., ers unknown. Taxes, .83 pennlly, fiuelion ui the front door of the 1L lL; taxes, $56.00; penalty,, $2,80; property, $100; taxes, $29.76; penalty, penalty, $3.38. of said county, In the man 1 to 6. Blk. 7, N. M. T. Co. l'ersonal known owners; taxes, $1.75 .04: cosls, $1.20; total. $2,07 courthouse cosls, $1.20; total, $60.00. $1.48; coals, $1.60; total, $32.84. .08; eosts, $3.03. K. 2, own-ill- y, NVa.W, Sec. 25, Twp, 10X, TlnK. ner provided by law, the property set property, $120; taxes, $59.86; penulty, $1.20; total, Lot 13, Blk. Simpler No. r. ). S. H lot 23, blk. 3, J. A. Lee Aim., ers unknown. Taxes, .S3; pen: .04; 3E, 80 acres, owners unknown; tuxes, forth and described In the foretfolntf $2,99; cosls, $1.60; total, $64.45. pen- list, or u.f much as may be O'Donnell, M. Lots 6, 7. 8, Hlk, unknown owners; taxes, $15.40; cosls, $1.20; total, $2.07. $4.17; penally, .20; costs, $1.20; total, thereof Candelaria, Jiiun S. Vj Ijit 11 und Ideal Shoo Co. personal property, $5.57. necessary to realize the respective 32, N. M. T. alty, .77; costs, $1.20; total $17.37. 14. K, Simpler No. 2, own- - fill 12 Blk. J, M. B. & 11.; $2,000; laxes, $70 00; penalty, $3.50; Co. Personal property, Lot Blk. Vj and taxes, Lot 14, blk. 3, .1. A. Leo Add., un- .04; N ',4 X SW '4 , part of Sec 25. Tw p. aiiiounls duo, that said sale will $60; tuxes, $68.31; penalty, $3.47; ers unknown. Taxes. .S3; penally, ex- $84.00; penally, $4.20; cosls, $1,60; cosls, $1.20; lotal. $74.70. known owners; taxes, $7.53; penalty, ION, Unir. 310, 35 acres, owners un- be continued from day to day, not Costs, $73.38. costs, $1.20; total, $2.07. ceeding sixty days, said total, $89.80. $1.60; total, .37; rosts, $1.20; total, $9.10. known; taxes, $2. OS; penalty, .10; until ull of J. Olsen, C. V. Personal property, Erne, lots 1 to 6, blk. K. Simpler been disposed of. Chavez, S. 17, 18, Society 13. 3 nbodo Lot 1, 4, 2 Add., cosls, $1.20; total, $3.38. properly has Amado H Lots Jesuit Pr. taxes, $35.00: penalty, blk. Moore No. 2, $1.25; 10. $500; $1.75; y. No. owners unknown. Taxes, I'lNXIOV, 19, . 8. small unknown owners: taxes. $1.05; pen-'t- SVVN104 Sec, 19, Twp. ION, Hncr. Blk. I'erea Add. Personal houses In pour condllbui with cosls, $1.20; total, $37.95. penalty, .06; costs, $1.20; total. $2.51. find i Collector of $2.30. 410. 40 acres, owners unknown; taxes, Treasurer property, $250; taxes, $82.43; penal ground. Bd. N. L. Diirun, S. Public O'Ketlly. J. 8. N. .05; costs, $1.20; total. Lots 1, 2. lilk. A, Altlieitncr Sub, Bernalillo County, New .Mexico. II. Pr. Lund Bd. 2 $2. OS; totul, 10. 4 . Lot 2, blk. 4, Monro No. Add., un owners unknown. Taxes. $5.21; pen penalty, .10; costs, $1.20; ty, $4.12; costs, $1.60; total, $S8.1C. Road. Alley. W. 1!. Giibnldon, nnd H. IUo Grand,, 10. line, W. form known ownors; taxes, $1.05; penally, $3.38. T S. ally, .26: costs, $1.20; total, $6.67. IilOLlXgl'KNT TAX T.1ST. Chavez, Julian Lola IS, 19, lilk. acres In cultivation Bd. J. I'erea, erly CI. Gutierrez, anil Estero .05; rosts, $1.20; totul, KKVJSKU See. 35, Twp. ION. Unir. 10. 3 $2.30. Lots, blk. A, Althelmer Sub., own- Xol ,..s Than $25.00. A. & F, personal property, $50; M Garcia, Bliieher, V. Alley, Bedondo, 209x2700 vs. Bd. N. Metho- Lot 3, blk 4, Mooro No. 2; unknown 610. 40 acres; owners unknown; luxes, ers unknown. Taxes. $1.05: penalty, NOTICE IS ; ; V GIVEN, Hint taxes, $24.16: penalty, $1.20; costd, ncres In cultivation, B.l. M. Lopez, S. S. E, owners; taxes, $1.05: penally, .05; $2.03; penalty, .10; costs, $1.20; total. dist Mission, formerly Dunbar, .05: costs, $1.20; total, $2.30. the following li"-- contains the names of $1.60; total, $26. 96. Albright, E, sum,. W. field, 8 acres 1" St., W, G. 12. cts, $1,20. total, $2.30. ti, Sub., own- $3.33. 4th Gutierrez. Pr. Lots Lot blk. A. Alllieinier the owners of all property upon which f S. 8 7, Co., Lot fi, Sec 6, Lot 1, Sec. 7. SEU Chllders, w, II., Trustee Lois 3, 4, ciiltivallon, il., y. Lovnlo, et al, 1 to 12, Blk. 14, Terrace Add. N. V, ft. lot blk. 31, N. M. T. ers unknown. Taxes, $1.05; penalty, the taxes levied in the year 1910, In owners; taxes, penal- SE', Sec. 1, Twp. 10X. Uni;. OE and 8, 9, 10, Blk. C, IT. ). F.; taxes, McHulre. 10. C. Armijo, V. Pcrea, and of Lots 9, 10, 12, Blk. 43, N. M. T. ty.Jinknown $3.50; .05; costs. $1.20; total. $2.30. and for the Territory of New Mexico, II. .17; costs. $1.20: total. $4.87. 7. A., Sub., own-er- s NlO'iXE', See. 12, Twp. ION, llntf. $24.50; penalty, $1.20; cosls, $1.60; Hoad. 8 111 cultivation, Bd. N. Co. pre perl y, taxes, Li Lot Blk. AlUieiniur County of BornaliMo, and City of aires Personal $275; H IS, blk. 38, N. M. T. Co., un- - unknown. Taxes, $1.05; penalty, fiE, 160.4 4 ncres, owners unknown; iitiiountlii(f to more than total, $27.30., Hitch, S. Bond, 10. M. Garcia, W. $190.98; penalty, $3.55; costs, $4.40; kno Owners- - S K 711 taxes, $8.14; penally, .40; costs $2.00; laves leioiltv. .05; costs. $1.20; total, $2.30. $35.00, have become dollnipient, to- Children's Homo Society Lota 8, Jtoud. Pr. 26. 50x1 50 ft. not culti- totul, $204.93. costs, $1.20; total, $10.i,S. 8, A. Sub., own- total, $10.54. - Lot Blk. Allhehnor gether With the desorlpllon of Hie D, 7, C. fc X. F, . T. Anuljo, . Blk. K. Add; taxes, $52.50; vated, Bd. Padllla, Otero Pro. Co. Pr. 4. A pleeo of J 4. k. R. Northern Add lin- - ers unknown. Taxes, $1,05: penalty, S'jSIO', See. 9, Twp. 10V, Rub, 610 tie- ainoiint tuxes, kn properly, und of the penalty, $2.62; costs, $1,60; total 10. same, W. H. U. Pr. 35, Bd. N.: A. Land in Banchos de Albuquerque, Bd...... 05; cohIs. $1.20; totnl, $2.30. 80 acres, owner unknown: taxes, penalties mid costs due opposite each S. .1. A. N. lOugenlo Harolu, S. costs, $1.20; totnl. $24.18. Erne. Lot 9, lilk. A. Altheinier Sub., $4.07; penalty, ,20; cosls, $1.20; total, name and description, together with a 6.72. Montoja, Diaz, K. Pournde, Lundu belong '';Lot n, blk. C, Hnrk Add., unknown owners unknown. Taxes, $1.05; penal- $5.47. separat" statement of the taxes due Clifford, Oakley Lot 5, 6, Blk. 2, W, Uiver, 20 acres cultivation, 10 ing to Estat'l of Jesus Ma. Martin. 40 owners; 1 laxos, $8.76; penally, .43; ty, ,05; costs, L20; total, . NIOVi Sec. 21, Twp. 0X, Bnir. 610, on peiBonal property, whether the, sev- - Belvedere Add. Personal property, ncres grazing, Bd. N, H. Baca, S. S. vs. wldo from north to south audi FC'JS - THE VC-Vi- '.j JCURSAL. SiTLRD AY. SEPT. 2. 1911.

. r ra : -: ::. t . ; . 4 5 .. T'-- a. 2t 'a tr. f i: i: - ' .V . : M 7 c f ST -- ; I 4 i 1: : '. 17 4 c . M Ljt .f it FTAiil-t-! '- 4 o , : 1 s 7U: t I- 14 A - Li Jctx ia . . h. . w a r I.i 4.:: I;: i t t3 r.i -- .. j";.t 124 t ' tta La 5 C t-- I. l It; a L 11 : I. :t. li; I .ei a R. H f trr-tr- -, r .' i J. .r.ea-- - r.-- i, - - - f a- . ( C- t.-i- ' i.i tiat 77 ?o Wti fi 3t C'te J 1 i i y: I? j I A ; :.. A . r (f $7. f ; U E.k , P Ail aTcr-- !. L? ii-ew- , w-- f ;r o -. "iee !: 111 i I .42, I'-:-;-. . tn . l 14 1 tr Lit t4 t. :; !t5. t: .- i. 'l! t.' ,, fafi TL t- GTTWi-rtc- l its H 21. - : taj4 t;cr. at When . 2. . 147 Farmer rrfr-- I l. r' t 54. rtt the - Lo--ir t"-.:-. we- - -t f I i 51 . ' i i. '. i k T. A. A . to fc.Ti rra... t .rr - Arrr... Lit i ? A:J xa. ir . . rL IT Trul t Ur.l '.:,... - I. i;- i ; r i X . : t:i :" ;e-:- -t $;: . $: 25. Sr Tr--k, c tirtn t s l atia j a;,, ; r. .. -- I. rtt I.I It vrv. .: a' $:i "I 2t4 tc-- ti:-.- J Lcr-ija-; : 2 c;ira" Hay wv i t. i f a "..r.--i-i ; i a Is Making f :. - .s 'v 'aiaa. L T a f : s y- - ...'r- i r.x Vi-r- i rnn !' M ; : i"; t:- t h.-- t. 54 lt4 7 $7 4.. 'ii--- $124; t2s Lcsioa. asl ' ' "im i!t J t Tal-- - i;; si tt. li i.. ' . i ; . . ? t . ' 154 a c--r TL i T.ii-- a tf-- M , ii -- - tUrff wat f 4.t 'I " If. ltw:ait . II L 1 . b 7 . H A i . racat tr:trt-.':-y to He fix Not rt ? w F i Uie. tl Gre doesn't stop to his fences. a bit arj !!i -. -- jlf t.f" H L .; Hi 1:2 i $2C. sr!2TLAi "A-- at : ft : tu J f i:s; xa1;i. U ti "fctst. wt lr tf ti t .tt, X. ; . i K u.t 13 fff tim i; t . m lt.T C $:t Z caIt-vaLPt- r ! to tt,. aa( ,f -- ' 11 i. lu to tin of Ura He's too busy making money, so he it to tori i 7 leaves J, tctfci. t i W. Pj:.,r K . I i ra i s i i Let r a. H Ail . Uxea. ui M-i- Ii L-- t 4. -- ty W. I f . I Tt ; , oar. it. TUTad Tr.!.,. uei. Kft Fi2 I. Ei X A H . i 1 . $4. $;. .a. $121. ti Slam tfea I S l H. H 1 . y ftt) cf t. Ail I" i.. y. V TtT-- 144 '.' ctra ci'rrm:c-r- a convenient season. Just so, Mr. Mer- i ea4 -- 'it' fcr?ra Rji. it tl r.cre 11. Tl ft or )aa f . nrt)i 1114. I: t.uL . : 1. 2 E 1. C Xa. 1: B.or. ' a ar.4 Tilj i.i h Uti L Lw "Tfc or.. a: I re r r ;u c"n I ' t4', i. ; ti - .if u cf T:r Cur...-- S.J M ea r i r a E. K.t.- tax. 13127. $ta." 111. c;rA tleal tULa. tcr chant, with cur business. Fix your commer- r c V. 4 H-- ; j & a tt : r"h fcte W. i. I t; s tctiL $14 41. a,f., ! ! J 14 lr"i.: J- - n m llii. tiSB ii - II A- - 7. . Ilea" ar4 TUarra 1ft 12. ? l7a- f. it X. F 5 J V. itt Lot fc.k 2. L. ai Ai i. uxea ;r7si Castoa ft T ;o lu . I P.:t.. J. CB cial now during slack season . Uwt lit J. I. W 4 a: 4I . $477 ftfi-tj-. tif-- $1.:$. CaJrxJatxt. fences the that . btsJ r r t'.-t- rr. t Ill: t ,t ttoprtr i I'. . ! ". I..r u-a- : -- Li ej'f i ! V f i.--t V Lr M J 4a k at. CrarT $2 I. :e4 la boti ti r,,.ru T. e 7- si- ttr. Ir Ut.a1 t rl E Pr.-.a'- ix--! A - tvxaau tt will not through il ViT.iaj.3 H.:i- - F.;! i En. I. - Ail. riT--r t!. Ee-ria- riArlZA. Wit?: cur competitor sneak the ji f. X. 1 tj, TrU or. j T fr' V, . H.: 2 a f . : . - $1? $1 ; $1.21. ii ft. ; 4t ','- tl It T :4 s t ;;i ::: Hi'. T. $4 tlrtt n;,.4d tiat . : A t. I;:i( tcai. -- -: bars and steal all your crop when the harvest 1 h A. i. 7 A t !! 4 - tkrij', Ft I t? lr t i li 44. iw.-- tt i a. i;:e a. L j 17.12. M. B FerA3i: ti-- ?i:4 t a522iat :j a ty. r t it 4 A'r.B-- 14, X ,? i:: ?t u It taxea 1174 r"eir.i-- c aec-- e L'Jf i';f b4fa m. rrmlcvt So. 11. jt. till: utKi: tt time comes. And the best way to do it is to 111. is tv:; It; i r. . a". C-- f-- tl :t: t"a! Sit Ui,:4 cf tb B1. It I A a u A;tr 1. M :. c;--- fr at iU Cajk4TiO W . La'Cl f V)ir. r 1, iTMf.i Lt; 11 t.k. B. Ait: Ia.' to .V M X a K. B . W - a"l xrcril tb prm--.:o- ui. li t.k p.. Aviac t II! 45 tr.;- 11 il; dari Ctr tl advertise in the 11, M : pr. !1 raa X P. . t.r.'.-r- ?l Lt II it :t, F.n X 7 Cc tar. lit f i. i 'lit$1 ti-a;- $ij :? tin ef a tusiArd 14; l;;,"-s- P.itar P. - i. w :. .' Hc4 fcfctf f A'"!t laiaai. v. r.i.t. Tr..i. Let I. W'tm s, 4. I.t P f;.r?'fr too to t . . t ; r : 1" . oiru T I; 1442 ; Ti:-y. Anj. K rojn to tt. I" t. B.r Fr".r.i. it Adi til-- . $22C: $1.11; rr j 14 21. - -- LdMl ? (. Kn. T.:: Jf Iti. .fcf. I. It, t : : . t !. 1 : ; ; Kl I !..!,7 i M Morning '; II. IJ. t. :i. X. T ft . Uta l2 i. SIPPLI MtNT 'IJl SiV FARM HOUSE UP I" ICELAND Journal T l:.4T; 1: ra c'-- 4. W. r .f,;r-t- lit '., j.a;TT, ji i, ti. Altar. Jar Fr 1: n ' ' B-- .! A'"a.m. t.r.f to'a', 14 2 t i yiia ,v '. '.vi Regularly and persistently. Not in a half- i if ty , I;J (a"' rr X. lt E ilx,? Tf.orr.-,r.- ..' i tr M. rtf W T. fv I, 2. L, T-5 o T of In Q.tat ") Hat r ;. W. Ir-R..- I.aarty Co. Xo. 2, V. r -- r.. ip el Trf tha : 1 r pre' 1 l a. : I A A 14 i.; J 7. a K3 X. Mart?, ! r jM Tt4 15 V k ah i.'t . tf::? f Pd 12, Tf I. 2. 2. 4 Ai,i U 7. t.ii Rom cf Which Wit Orj.--i hearted way but with force energy. Keep r;--)- j and p.rn'fal r. p.'..d K 7 m a'a-- W. Vte-mar- t. '.2. frr,T. of l;. tia, fa U A . H G Tax 7. jeri Ml3t In Ptf I'ri:!!o 1 a 114 A'-i?- tra iy. 11.14. rr.'a. ;ii4' t X. ; ' 2 CtmmtJ III 12". r.iaa ty. $2 $2 4 . truth-convinci- ng lf l. till. if o 4 H I2 hammering away at the public with l: Parana Ccrd- 2 head !';!. r .tr.i :ii, Ortifi W L V 44 ft. - T.r r. V.w. 5 L,;e 11 1 !, W. h Pa-- a I I. 11, P k -t Tit roc.a eer.Lair.4 a tare-)- Ur M. H-- 1sji 14, It i 4. l a 22, H H fr:et II. II. 4 4. . H $42. -l P. C H 17. P. P i , - a- fr, '. Ad!. Umi Ii4, (.r.t II 4. Cf.r.ty. t.a." I; 4. . is. td. a tie rcr.r.4 taL: aa crcaa advertisements and you will soon PA Ix't J4. 21. I." . a, tS pr : 1 . : 1 j. ? li i i x t ztrx ErtL'Jti-;--- ;, pro-72-- H. A. I'n.ii, $t; tra ta V Oar Lct l :. P AJd. K,u'h :i ft. lt 4 Mtrraro. P. r. d P I'.rr, I!rc-d- . W K ' Mra V Lo: 21. ;:, ?.. lit U tS-2- T. ax4 wllS make deep lasting Now, to- hlk. B. A. A P. Tr . ft 12 p - Tix-a- tit tl.a2 Ut and impressions. It 1, 2. Afll. Jit' it !4t(t T'.rra. Pr !2.i vi. i 21 14. I. Xir- . Aid . , A- It y. - It . tl i J . w X . M a of c.fa.-a- fCk l, Vr 7, I A!.r. J Kir.r.; Mrt:ra. K Ifi 7 -- $:. ". $! f. lei food - :::, a Jl A44 ! n H!. I, H If 1.4 khl27, Wti.lj, ti.i.. ;rt- r. 1 M-- r- t W A port It $'t !7. '.. Tta bott arl bc-- tita ahemti day, is the time to start and then when the fall 1. Itfl . tt,. : 1 .a fr 11 t X r J KiiC-- '. PfiK.r.i t,roprtr. tt, i: II i r1 Mirt i Tht.z K. Eic. Is.'. I I aa all erer ti bot-tv- It ! a tarf f'.'-ai- . r't tt V. E. A.'t ;rar.V W !': x. s.t. cu 1 t 17. 117114 f. it t. aa4 la typicai ojifr farm-feotta- t. trade opens up you will surely gather a bumper Mil. w. !d to ! r. Bd X X M. T. . cf ti !ll . t 'irar.t Pra !".' -- Tit.1 E a; -! lirit-- W. 1 - 11 rtta rajTow. dark, wli Jo ll. Mr M l IT, v. . r? f Vnrini Lisa 147: 44, to ir ix r. k. i a aa -- t. if Boad 1: 11 LaiTt-lLtil- crop. ;nff, Rt,, pr-,r,i- pr .r,i r K'.l, T w r ;' ta n si. T. A!!, ! :r), tl4i Ih'tih f. cut :. r; tu j. 17, IP tr.::y, 1140. 12, 11 H. H A; 7 $4 (". roocn ut. j tia4 l: t:4 cita. kxe. fcrs to roca. One paaaactway IJ..1S T.a.ty. . l.. 't, i: ti. ii. ie, k,ti, li, (,,t, ti It a!. IT.) ,4 I ana 1145: toai, 14'.' tt it. cim'k to a cpea mound wtert a 152 'it. Jarf $ 1 j 5. 1. Pmrtnt o. IS. - 1 t Warrtu, Mra E :'t I. Pr lxr H. B 1 Vk. 'it CLxit to tr&ck tcfat and Cia. I J4. Everybody Reads Journal1 J. i. ( 12, lt;k. i; 24, J Ijr,U a -. the ry it Hit.'i l r Apii'V I. Ir 1. 14 Pe-e- f- '"i-r- -.. Aid fncJdectAliy wto--: hot-t- Ki.'S f . y,-- a Add. r. tkt o acd Frr!t of jPra-- 7. I, k. 14 H. ;'-- h.k. 17, a. !:,.,. Add . .V. h i! A4l 21 tl'?1. tax a, t;-- p It. Kik I U T. I'ri Ir,t (.ro-rt- . tia. . 17J.4 ti ii. TirTLi!:r 3 It 12(4: 11.45, 1CS tt-- 7 . 7 A"J:r rutaxa I!22: ptratj. ,!a. t; -- f , 17 H'k I. A V. A5 I. r- 154 12!ia. 1 7: II (leaiSt to !'. iao4- - k II. 11.72. tr;a. 4?; to'). I!( ! : aacher kJichen a , J"hMli, Cell 12. I .e. t I 2 1 7 0. rtadtx-urn- M fi Iv-t- t 4 TTs - rfrrly. 1;'. mi. (i n. tol. 1. IT. 51 X M T. Co. 1 1.; tra i?or. (tTi .- all ct tcrf, It M',ra 1 c , 1. Ix-t- 24 Is: 'j I.M 1. Pk s 2J. 5 2 X M T. Co pr-114- 0 I m !t tha rocf, wl-.- ao-ij- rift-!- a 47 N. M K '"- - 1 2 J;ti T Co. pr., ,T. Xo. 5 24 X, i: 7i til. Til-- (ITS 0 75, fraxt-wor-k NATURALLY 113 4 1.7t; 14 17. 21 72 lt :. ti 'be roof to zratt a R 1. 4. f:V (,(,t, 14, 1. :. M,r p.a'ty $2 00 total. P(lr,n, rif lif total. 117.24. Ci. Xo 1 Parat. proparty, io'.. $;; ta toiij it ia place, ftalrt ROUGH. T, H. H. It, . Iti. A. L peruana! pi-- erj tp h A41 M. W - A ,jir Uin. Ill rr.',. Mra. M f! tit 44 rr. 11.41, coata, prty, $ 7 55. Taxes, ! .11. p Salty, ip to cr tleeytzg . . 4'i7i tia. 't !d ti taiiLcfv l II V. Ji 12 . toTaS. - , ffiilX. P'l. Allay, Tlann. E. I!h M . W 4S. 12 1 . t- 14 4 ;i l. l, tl J, $1.20; i ' i. iJarLCM-- Ttt tKUtofa t a: Cornwall. Ada E Lt.t I. B;k 10. 7 Koer. pranl trrfrty. P.u;p. B. Lou II 4. 17. B;k - co-ex- J'.hin-L- I BU. !$. 17. A 4 II. font A!"2r.(- and work Pto4r, ol taita, 14 prnalt. 14 44: U . 10. B.k. 10. B 11. A- - v O pr-127- ttt : lit. till U' Add H. H. tr,a;ty, Z2I, 1 2 00 A I- -, : 4S; room ct faaKy, tipeciaMy In win- fa. 4ilt. tt,ai, 1142.02 ujit, pra::y, II. taxea. $11.7: ; $5.24: tit ' II. J". U taia. 4t II. Wi;at,B, John W - Lot 7, p;k. 4 2 If roara, II . total,'.112 14 ' $1.(0; total, 1;:: '0 ter, at well aa tit a leering rooa o I -- H. Iwr.Riaon, p . v rilliif. K I,ta I, J. lilk II. Add. Ptraora.l tirotfrty. U'jO: J m ara In XW Waal.! urn. E. I. I 4 L !ot 7 tcj tatJrt Iwteboid. N. M. T. Co. Prxrial pmprtr. Uita, 142 II. pnalt. 12. cont. ' 22 f s E. e. :;, to. tlk. 42, II i: All. Tx- - 17. 11 1. r. K , r.jEkj bti!!t It to tb waH tsten4 ! total I4i M, arraa Xfc , 22. 40 41 111-- I I 40 Ill J,; p.Bl!, cMIt 4. 11 leralty. -- ., M, tal H r. X 1, . 4 W SK. y. : ourd a filled iolAU Hi ll. llat.n. l,t ar d V araa. 15. It I4 tit rota and a oftoa P k 4. H. II Add Lt.t f, 4 H arrat. W H fE. , frE. 1$. ! i a 20. X. M with or oyer Trblca PtR Narciaro !.( 1, J, j, Rlk Hit Pa. W.r'ri Prank. Let ieed featiera, If Add. prrwunal all In Tap. .0, X.'. P.. 3 E ; T. Co. 7. L H Jl X. M. T. Cn prtprty. U4I. atri. lst Bik and Ad1 It tirowa a fod or two or wadsml aad l"rr.nal pn f tr'r. taiaa. 1 74 2 1. c 42 pan:ty, Taxea, pens y. .n;ty, II II. 'a laa. tl;, coata. lii ll: if II.IS. a thlek toveritt cf eiderdown. Tot II; UKi, l:41. pnmty. III:, 12 tt, total. II 17.42 11 .20 toU!, 1(1 11. 1 . 40. total, 121 tV n. Xn I. toon aneT:'lrra) d sritA i.t. loui. !l II. inhir ati Aurnilh-Ix- rtJ 21 Montoya. Xnntr Lard B1. N. Ctn-tr- al Xotue hereby art tt 2. : it f;r :rer riven that Asna H Middle 47 W --1 21. ICk Northt-- Add.; 8. C. U r. boirtt, but ol rra't. ft. taa. pi. Hair, of - icort oftn cotiUt 17110. At.W. the u., Tax C r o? lier- Vetm T, I. t. It ft. Blk. 41. If, If ; fr.!!y, 10; coatj., Ixpta. Mathodiat Churth. IT. durp uTh. Prom tie cellinc art rue 174 10 12. 111. to:k. County. Xew i'.'-xi- o, wlil $: 71: i , total. ill. 12. A. Eroa naiiiio i;,;,'; peo4e4 aim. rRltjr, coat lta to 1 aujeerona article cf domettlo Woman'a O-j- I. U!k. 27, Pror.l proprty. 1110: taiaa the ;trirt Court " for tail II It; total. 112.14 Llf f. 1 roor.ty, on r. exjr,omy, whllt Iirga X M T 24.44; panaity, $111, oita. 12 10; tne stn av of Octet, cheats coctaJnitii Co.. I',! It. ludarment land, clothing 12(1. roata. 1124.tia. total, 154.11 total. 110.77 111. t'.r the aad Tttuab! art acauerel Qulfkla. E. M. Kata r,f Pr. II M'rfira. If. W. Und Bd X. V rtal eatate and pfoprty de- - tiroughout Woodford, D IsAa I and fur-f;:.- jao;i4wpricjrle;d lid J, KfmTo, 8 Pr.d E. W in the vjru tit IH. Knnl)r an4 Pra1 Hik 11. Pr-tina- l liar.Kk. P.cad. r:M - t. Piiitttrn Add f.-- .... ;tr. ,th and penal:, 2r,-- l a n mrrm., w 4lh nt. 7 acrta proj.arty, 1J0. 2I taia. Ill 41. penalty, 12.01; feta Uita. II; 40; order to veil the an,e t- a.l Jonathan Silas It dead. Went to M. X. Jf. K K 1 coata tl total, 145 34 t:if- Ul4 .han pra, Ir.(ty, 42. foita, 12,00; total. Ju'Jmer.t; and that h a..i taithia I: tier cl?y ter git a tooLa pulled aad lh W. Juitan p,fta. to. 'o. 1 4. Pr. U Ill ITiflrwt !ay after the renu;.jon of Jjli and Hearth. B -- siJ the tier dentist told him he'd better take Ufi4 bd. fry H. LyoBt, Wriirht, O. F.atat. of prraona! 11 A A! ki:-! at Trt X. Klarnana. Ja;ro. thai portion cfi n.tot iiaaiiitt r:t-- gas H. pro.trt. 440 112 14. j . TarieLy of life, the Tlgor of ao first. KIht Aa, W. Lur.a Ujta taxrt. f,er.lty. tha Barnaba Mor.tano 'irant lying-- in eaid jut. anl alter :r, (t".' .' The 4, Plr. 1142; 11.20 total. II. liriln County bv ttraighLforward e&sj Do Postmaster GaTe him an orerdote, ta II, Blk A. y tt A11. Ui$ tia'. Ill tha of Bfrcallllo and notice hand toll ptel ai the fr ,rt t?oa, tie and Clicker you know I'm a flalih--d It Wroth, Jamt-- H I.t,ta 1, 1. tt-lr- . 1 ! I :k In Tap. 11 X. It 1. W. e..r of !h bui;l;r. in tr-r- en? la 11. Bik. H , M H. P.; 11. aad wf,h tr.e taatary dtipUyed at erery iu?p la wrttert X M. T Co. proprty, 14,120 : , tt contamlna acrat at 40 tntt Court for Coonty a: them-e'.ye- Aftc--r 117. 14; ixnallir. 12 II, 14.40, 1 700. eti of fiction, would of a Clacker-Cerui-nty: I your Jontthm Xo. tier dentin toita. tax. 1204 11: prity, 110 14, tain. 123111, panlty, S 1 1 CC; C(,U It tiaya pr..r to th :3, ..f iU7 tie caa 12. r hlrn he taul. III cotta, 11 40; twtaJ. 121110. I "fler for aale hi pufclic in be enough to place "The Clolt-tt- tciih. tcld that went tack ter his K. t..t: tot'. him-tel- by;:d ! house took f. ITtnilvt Xi. 1. iTndmt Xr. S. frord of nail rif. the 4tat'-and and tie Hearth" among the Tery boardlns an' tier gai lUml. Anna UA I. Blk, 14. H y peraonaj property r !e,l lr, Alrujur'ju "'"ila Garcia Chavaa, Ju? JliSI yda. lt. greateat raaaitrp!ecet of narradTe; .; Uiw, III. 10, ptnallf, Prnd liritk Bd X M. A Jararniiio. (5. P.oad. F. !l thii notice araiiut which ; j Igmt-n-t till; arr ltd. x. B. Hadlllo, 8 rer.di-re- tender truthfula-ea- ON THE BOUNDLESS DEEP hm: II 10; tout. Ill I '. OontaltJ, W. Hill, prraonal property. may b i for the arr of while lit ci iynv Jutto E. Broadway. W B d-- 'i Havnuia. Chaa. A Lota 7, I. n:a. Outlrrrx. 11(0; taxea. 110.11, taxes, penalties P.r.d eou 'r-r- r.. patiy. Its ardor aad cf feeling, HOPELESS. R. proprrty. 1 S00; penalty, $110. Pra,nal taira. 1 2 E. It. .aatra Adj. Lota I J. eoa-- 00, P,U1 111 PJXXhV. tie eeciLant tweetceaa of lu hunor, It. II. 17104, panally. 11.10, 12 40 n-'ff- coat, Manut-- I Treasurer and lo of U.k 1. Ama Add.; 112 71; toUI. 142 24 Jarn,t:io, Anto 100x400 ',( the frequent passion of 1U pathoa, art Hd. X. P. Armllo, 8. E. GarcU; E. Bertiiili.'o Cour.t;., Xew Mx,..o. tonally, 12 09 , total. Apodai--a y tn wlilch no other tale cf ad- till; tvatf. !, Xuan. Hafat-- W" IfiJ'.i Jaram-Illo- . trualltlet lilt KxtvO ta. Bd. X M. III II. Hd, . Apo-der- a. ISO v. X. C. Apodara, H. H. Hl.tara of Charity. E. W. venture to ttlrrirg and Incident to hianla. K. a Urta 411. 44!, 411. Btad e It. It . W Hivr. Pr. 21 J A JarartLlllo. 25xtO va. p.d. X. P. LEARNING TO lcnka-jtdbl- can pretend to a mo !a A, prraonal 1)1 1. V. LIKE POETRY II, Hfa fcro.rtjr. Illk J. Apodara. Tr. I. fJul'.arrai. H. J. A. E. 1 11. a Jaramillo Road, ns a cofflparltoa wlti It un'eet wi lit. taia, II pnaity. II 77: lxt to 17 It. I U. A II. Apodai-- W. 14 ft lit It lOOOxllO va. Bd. X. B. are fooliih enough to rUk a rata. It It; total. III. 71. Add Iiti f to 11. Blk 2 A R Harvhe. 8, P. Armijo. E. Hllla, Mea, Otan ef Stlltb.ry tlntt Out the Wiy rt'erecc fU tiraoda A Co Ap'wla'a Add Lou Jl to 21. Illk, 2, W. Itio Puerro. p'ruonai property. In Which a For to tie nao. of ScotL flwlnborce. Umtr Mrr (1. A M. Apodara va. Tattt It Mty ImtoTmnta on 7 to 1J, llik Add, IlOUtt 12(5, taxea. 132 1,4, penalty, 11.12. Lla Bd. X. Kaiata of P y M P Bt Cultivated. K. M. It . Add Pvraonal prop-arty- , Apodata 40; P',1 It Apodara, E. F. roiti, It total. it WILaon. W. Koad No. 14. tl.ltt. I14III; penalty, Pr. 16. va Bd N ITeatntt 17 47. tai, Mra. R! Kirlat of 75x104 yds l fcT no pa?!enc4)." etld tfew 4an ra1a. I? 0; tHt. 11(112 K l5Boad, K W. M- -r Andr. SHOULD COPY NATURE. -- un.f k. Bd. X. 8 S. 8. E. ef "alitknry, !n a ftdblnaon. . H bouuht from hart, paraonal Mora. Apod., a. reoert aUnai, ln,j .roprty, lit, taiaa. W. 40x A. f. Cl(iand, of 123 panalty, Arroa. Alhuqiiariue H'ad. "with popl who oeieniaMeuily fonntrlr llunnlrif ti. II. U, coata, 11 tt. 100 4 Bd X A. Mora H M ty a-- Mo- tbey - ArrnlJ.., pr, total, 110.11 not oare for of lof- 1 tad II 11. Mama nti). K Chilli Arroyo, W. piao ronn.n It ton, ttt '' aa 44 Ixudrn, It. V K. pc. t a(K,. arr (l!7 afra. Hi. X. XR. 4 da la I'iaza. Iir.d Bd. X and '"t reft'-t- tf t!4 bumaa mind. If 21. 4, N B, 4 K IVr-a-ir- I'onlar H. Tap. 0 Ap S, y bo?, rrfu',fi and Hunnlht, A. , acrrf Pul'.lr Boad. E Sunchu hare a' protest. t!k!cg for a. Pra proparty. a Har-i- II taiaa. 117 54, pe-tr- y," E Par'a K,.1, W t pfnaliy, hd W, (( Apo.lai a. per- - ailed tie dean. tiec xcaka I ll.hi. 12 00; total, property, 11.140, taxea, tat! Ut lli:4. .naHy, 141 42 t.2S; cue " enil'y, 12.41, coata, 14 40, l f'Mil., 11.10; total. 1141.21. 4 5 total, But ti. MrKlnnty, O. A. rrra Hd. N. I 5 i.u(. how? Caooa. a poet who It ten 7.o4y. Utrr C 1. 2 1. 4 X 'Ht-ro-, K T W. A.. ,!., K. Hlvar ITwrlm-- t Xo. S.'. erally ackaowie(M to be a tmt poet. k. 41. X. M. T. Cn . 1141 , llilla ttff Pr..nul prni'trty, " Wm. Bd X tpoejftr vn taty, prnaliv. 17.60; 21 10. priiaiiv. l li. 12.tai00. Iand wort to and "tketi rota, 1140, total, toati, A pra H c,. Hurim. K McQtiade, very total, 12S W l, aar. wren if it but for flte IHl l W. J M. Perea: tix-- x 125. "1, kt n. lYttilnt-- t Xo. tatcBUa, a page ret?ulJy. 3. II 25. rot--' 11.40. total. $27 H4, read cotlcg ). S (Ur-In- Trnie f U,t . n;K I'nlro pr. 2f, 4i;',0 s. (1 H Ttry anggaue and H M f. lt 11471 Bd. X wrd rtatiallilci 4 Mik , H. II . . X A it. I. Bd. S S. Kan' hfi, V. Ai!r:icht. S V gt. acerwa." TVe Ij 14 73, Ann. Ind.uo hool. E. 4th Terr la port at word la I4 t,nall. Cot, II?!.60; K A, Hul,l,t, w, K. Kanrhal. Pr 9 W, c M . total. 16 Poraker Personal proper-l- that advlct li word "carefully" II'iO Land Bd Boad. K. M l!a"H. K llotid. 1,0; tie M , tale. I2J.34. Penalty, 11.14; Poetry t't' nto'k, pr.'O'-rty- W. P. pr. 2 nuit be read oaJwfoHy or It lrsonl Armli... I 160f.ti0 I' M", 00, to'al, I24.S0. Lawyer Eooem Just im- IJii. tain, lii iV, prnalty, 1 1 31; Hd. X. M Cart-mal- . f M Bin a. ;. IaiuI i.ranta. ere bettmcrad. IU DaBia thould li 2'j. total. ;i. W agine, captain, to take this trip I re- i: liui, and Burr 1IU200 a Bd. Atrlf 0 OraM 47 be looked for, for eubtlewt , Atrieo rant, the and First Caddie Do you he'U ti. N. S. S rpt-ritr- fused big think l.'Oari, St. K. M "f the Bio In a retainer! Ki.r.iioval Mra. MUarln I V. W '7rande. iweeteat beau?la are not thote U.t tver be able to play de game? I.t I'.dtiin Uinrvatlon. lf.0 roomy X M Bd. X. hit you Captain Setdorg Too bad! You "i of and K of 4, H!k. 3. Xnrth-'t- m. lid, A Bnho In the Read carefully i 2'" Klmplrr. H K und '! .t'.nn P'-- a nnd Montano Grant, rt. thould have accepted it and brought Second Caddie Naw, he stutteri. A'I'l. 17. Kik. I), M It, A It. W. : and Indiana. IT. 13. 44llO v ltd 1 .1 n a of Antonio Baca, read honeatly. Don't for beaTea'i Ao.l lt 11, . E. Bio , U along with you. t.ot H, M II A N Prt.-rt- S ,t.-- nik n. K ttrnl W. C c,r- W p.i Pu.-r- . o, make any pretent of enjoying n A'f'l roM-rt'- ;.:: a'rta, tak. y3 'r,,t)l MI, laica, IMnl'-'- i Hd f v. Boad to t g : Peionffint omelhtng you tee-la- ! 14 12, 2 othcra within do not enjoy or of feUM(t. ron. kf' Doran. a, A, p.. lyaarr. tV. '.raid, 21.044 acrea. f.l ' LI IS.1 HI ..r,i, '" 4M acre that you do e Be- terre-ftle- 4 12th l r X " . buty not felierls e( besUkgd Bbafflf I.i.nd Bd 'it ita tax.-ii- II 11 41. Btiyer And yon call a beauti- A Hotel, ,,...... ' j.nalty, tter that bet :',1('.j,i,rn. ffl jf,) A Vila. S M I'i.t.dilarl.i, K. Hllla and I ' 14 far nerer read a lint than to do tifikti(iri fell dceMeB tiuul A ' '.xttt. 00. total. $1,17141. trt-tit- " mm agd. PiraotiHl' W. Hivi-- ful I think lt'l hideout. If ifcef benft trofh IT... Ai.. l,r,'i!;ii 111.. AM- r,!,j ilutli-rri-- that. But hnnt totneUiing tami ahi (reol, erjufci I. t pr.iprl, A Joanuln edil-- I for that the jvuw 1134 boetfltto fet&WpJ WpN b fri,.lt ,..nntty 1.4 11: '.r-.n- t - would content thempclres with feod ure .ln. K'i tint." !,.fi,:tv, I. JO; t'Oita Co- t'rnn-- 2tjd. 1 real2 yon. serrtitl la warra, HS on., I! fi, totnl, I ; 1.41 17.(0. Ji:nt (T. appa!i to afid when you wlllre4 BUe4 iA btlfeU Whlfll tfes feurtuttsei' - ;; si, ana In IVrnaHllo - copinx nature they would pjViuce roetatH to the -- :, , Ccintv. liuO ncri- find. It tie It to yon make It youn, half a hundred w '"'I). M'. I.T,. Li li "1 - and is hit. id tn ut) In nuf way he teuati eea l Ititirit o. 4. taxea. 1.17.51. Interesting tilngt. Isfrs UiB P;k Hi A l r- - " penalty, If It nothing more happy tcre la UrtflEh fJoiia' betel, fieaf pfrorl i.rct.i V, M 1 .' no. It than a file tancklaa Wat o'). 4n 7, Wlllliima. Din Truatro All ot. I Iota!. 1113'!. rtBUlfewapieli, Venl.L bfdraUnft '.'. mn, m.-- i phraae. Von w!!l WbfMi the boartl . i that portion of Oii Con-flriii.- .! be to find ef ha by am Arch-df- 116": t fit a i 4 4 the Helena (irtlliiffa (r ctrntirl nrart turrr! Invented trtsnmairt aat&ei ott. 42. not Sept how tTJdtily yon rieulturu takel mn for pertaJa (' pi rao'iol tirant artoallv lmprovl, riilll. 29, 14. Patented Feb. will grow adept ta THEIR PLACES CHANGED. a tt wat dttbmltled U th t"1 .T ;o .,. , ,j !;.. fl Iit 7 193 Area In Uiirth of tlrrw ef nil tfu rtv. I 'M 'Mi .i.ri.-i- ftiniatf3 Bernalillo c,.i;r,ty, th aearcb for auch oeaatllee. eren at bfotigbt lnt ferttliill (Be t.a at I?li"li rt-- m 4'l .or-- a 4') 6, (totPrbRient trt4ijilry 1 .' , 4 , rla. per K'rt; at ci Ma. tola I i. . ichoolgtrl ntitattt. bo aa t rna hy tati-d- 1 3 3 p. r ttf. 44t. t grou t adept tn the tearch utirn Uiat 13,009 rljglita, A H. J , ' pi lotllv. 124 17; toati, 'v, t.'O.I, t 12 4" Uui for hit ottl J, It - I (ilk ,'r :.. o!, dil of taUat h IJ ku, lot,,, I .1 2 $'. ;. follaf clrrrert or an arrhaeoP AreliFi1 had spent ia Add. lr,i..j 1 r. ;.on J7". M ft, tmt fouif yart , ' 5, ogltt in 51''..ltr,. ,fnti-ioti- H.1'7, 11. no, Ptiflni So. ltan nlio llrant Conflrnif d SUiy the aearch for flint arrow perfecting his machine, effar 'Mia Bfirclm r.O thia SorainK M.n a 5orlity II beada. Whert Old He Ltarn r in i: ro;t 1'j7. area in County, Current Uteraitire. Itt Indignantly rvjocted. taveatUaOly Aeb-e- , va In lUril.m. IVraonal prop-r-.t- a Ki , , "III-;.-- 44f, r.a a! 40 cla. taxta tlda.70; 4 toucher of English, in ft IM 1 orfltr to wraa Hot,. 4 a . pTfclu If. 00, awarded 20,Cga. V. i, I.. Sniih, t" il'f Si i;. i.,,, toiitt, $2.fi0, u.tal diaproTw tit char-- that high toJiool a mil. I.'.!; roue. II. in, total, 147.14. 1 ''7 .7 n. Thundeetterm Obtervatery. w. ;. t.. 2 puplla nv. I,.,,., 27; Clisivn v J,'. I sr. va know ll'Ua about Yltal Clin.. ImvIiI - Ui 1" Pn.iit r.rant Confirmed tt ta announced that 4 thundertlorn tha Jill. 2.l'i, total. Ild. X. .1. I !.n. .f. J, ChHVf-t- K Kail-ro.i- Xov 2Jd. Area (n thlcgj asi art folng on around thtai. Unselflthnesa. W M la., Bernnllllo obwerratory bat teen eetabllthed la I' Han. tu t Prra..nril C. 12 ami a. irtTw r. t'nselfishness Inseparably 7 uriv. at 40 eta. taxea. - B la which she for is so frftnallPr f, f" ,. ij, j(j propfrty. P.O. :: f.o, ,. Bpaln la which atmotpherto dlt- tit asked Adil t,,., I ic 10 nany, :.4u. coata, $2.00; dtflultJon of tuch reci- linked with motherhood the poss- laatrrn IVthodhI ;ronrtv, 1113, JT iol, totnl. 12661, total, I charges, both and termi as tariff, that I4n. ;T 70 i 70. loal dlttant, art ibility tataa j; j Miortirv, A ; , 1 procity, tht labor problem, pa- of overstepping fiafe boundaries 7. I. Id, 11. n; do (n-flrior- la "."la. 1 1.(10: h !. A'amoa tirant d detacted gTaphlctlly and acouttieally. ttt total, lot,',!. 12. Bik, 40, prop-t-rti- ,, per of a and thus In T.rr,.., AiiR. m, Prr-rialill- o A the found this: creating selfish instincts Khad'lrach, Mm A. 1, n r ;i ihn. Area In wlrelett tolegraph It I, l.f Ititrument mak- . 41.3, ;ono Tbw labor problem the boy or girl nik it, u. h. a.m. ti,.-- on- ta... Coimtv, aire, tax', uted Is how to keep for whom you are ire 12 H, conta. Ilfo, total, 141.16. $2 for thlt purpott, becaute each !'riHV. 2, HO; 40, total, t" penalty. 03. coat,, $;,'.0 tha working people happy pay- ing all the sacrifices seldom suggesti No. . 4 Ugirxlng without 1(0 40. cv. ITivmit total. 1 4 7 discharge la accompanied ing Montova. va. electro-magneti- tbera enough to livw on," Fol-lt- t itself think about the matter tome 7, Ann J,,. 20fx400 Pajarlt.i f.rant by c almllar to La Hhcrl'lan, Krntna i y 14 Bd. X. M. Clm-- i, s. Conftrm! "rpt. waret Ti Indiana. K. I Arfa In Bernalillo County. tacee Weekly. Unit. H. Ml I, A. A IV A.M. per'.. rial Ai'rnula. W I1041I. , 14. uted in wlreltaj telegraphy. Virconal proprr-lv- 2;ou (una at 4 0 tirr.pirt !r0 tntra, 3n.4f.; ,t,lty. 11,4110. t;n.a. llont.O; its taxet. $;js 1 ( $. ci, tl.H; . ; utnl, 142. Id. cot, $2.00. tola! fjt, ti.43, ota t:i,i): totnl, S' Tti. (, Moodlt Makta a Oil. r tllMl. Her The Cat Stnui-- WfWlriK Much Cn p. Itrx-tn.- i yn. B. f Fault Tall. , roiml Town r,f Andrew Moodla, a fanner resJdtng The Oat tall awampt lr'p-rt)- 12 600, 1 7 f, On, Onatafaon, VP 21 X. Alameda Grant Cotittrm A certain Scotch profestor was (eft of the American tu. tor cr Bd. ed 1 near - In., nut. Area In town, went to Tlslt neighbor,-Joh- In I. . 71; eoltta. 11.40. total' Vf. t llopi- S, Korakr-r- , K. Bernnllllo a widower In his a almost enetly the same bloat as tha Aranuln, County. 2:,60rti. - old g. Not Tery . air- at 40 ta.-- t Telford, W 12th St. rili-nd-'d- Pvrannal rt, long after he the other night At h Ejtytrtlaa bullrush. tt is no longer uted , ;.i J .til. penalty, $21 (7 suddenly announced hit Knmrt, Robert M. m"oi-rtv- , prupi-rty- tlf.i,; 12 4 f.7; com, $2 tio. opened tha door leading p.,.altv, total, $54.' 17. Intention of Into the for making paper afl tt was, but 11,130, 14: 22; coK, I2.00, marrying gatn, half enee liii'n, lis. II. total, $27.7. bout he fell, in the dark, through from Its rents Is astrin- 12 44: ct.Httt, 11.20, t Town of Chlllll apologetically adding: "1 never would prrpared an total, I7S ft Prm-lnc- o. Grant Confirmed tha open trap (Snyder. ln-- t. !ec :2d. 1611, Pal.-nte- bay door of the cellar. At gent medicine, Its used t.arria d G";ioo ft Prfirrrn, Xliholna IHMlll Va. Bd. Jan. II. thought cf It. If lizzie, hadnt and sterna are Hd. X. Zirhut, . , Area In the moment for TiJ.rii Itna.l, K, X. J. c, I.uri-ro- H K. 'W. It.rmilillo County. died." Hurpor a Weekly. Telford wat aaoendlcg the the tutu uf acture f mate, chair bet4 and Hoad. 16100 otri-e- AnlttrU Komtro, W. Whllcomli, ttiX J. '1. LuK-- Pr I. ft Bd. arret, Beturni-- l,y varloua cellar itairs, and Moodl dropped tenia and Uu like. f0 N. H S720 arrea; , a , "She ft. Ild. MrMillin, Ttjrnia X. K. and W. puh. ft. Il7ii: aub;.-- t t used to be his model and stand astride his Hond, K. K, Boad. Plnrldo to Tax; neck. Coth went to the OurrlK ft Co., . J. W. (larria 'r, I va. Hd X $263.20; The Hidden Reaton. ' tround rwben be told her to." i Palmer. 4f,0Jo coata, 12 107, bottom, Telford escaping unhurt, but Prraorial .rort, 2i; and K. BiPr. S. 11 W. pUh. total. $27.16. "And enow?" Are Deid Ones. Hfa, 124.15: coata, tlartla. There it always something that Moodlo tustalnlng a fraeture, of three i.20, Boad. Peraonal property, II OS; t nknonn Owiiit. "She tls his wife, Red letter days now become, to all ...20, lotul, llS.Oi, , keeps some women from tLriklnjrfuViii and he standi ribs. Smith Uxta. 2.2I; penalt)-- 11.41; coats. Lot 14S. Blk. 11, A, Falls Dispatch la Toronto days. llroa. Add.; trtde. alQiiid Vben she tells hits to." Mail. intents and purposes, dead letter Lamb. si9 firewn 'f ,wa THE ALCUOUERQ'JE MQRKiriG JQUFJiJ'., riTl!Rn:,v, DCPTfMRER 2. 1311. f--! REPUBLICAN STATE KHMITTFF TO IIfB&tA PnnnloV Atisrsiol NAdb I! B I IC B XJpoCO r&lllll&giM iKWasnsuy 3AKING POWDER MEET MONDAY Absoluiefy Pure , The only Baking Powder made fromRoya! Crape Cream ofTartar np'irtanl Gathering in Santa Fc For NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE to Fix Date and Place ALBUQUERQUE Fiist Convention, NOV iDlllO II I h In Jwnuil I I I I I Hill M 'p"! I j r Santa N. M.. Sept. I The r- -; SLEEPY FOREIGNER ENGINEER iVIl I I I" II publican central' committee of Now I ! P FT A Fl I '' 1 1 fl T" FT" iTV Mixlco will convene at t o'clock a. b i c i rj III in., Monday at thr hall of reprcsctita- - tin tlvt s at the capitol ami w ill he i ailed intiii W''''"" ii SHUF TO to oialer hv Chairman II. O. I'.ursum. II OCT. IDES PUBLISH The coinmittcr will set the date I'm u IK me Stat,, convention which will prob All L All ably he held In Santa Kc the lutttr b part of September. ADDRESS Kijnally ay ioiportant It will discus RESIDENCE and devise ways and means tor ol the campaiKli which will b,. " t the most important in the history ' Ol New Mexico. i county conliuvcisy i Tl J r i nallllo Up I r' I Yan Proska Locked to Await t Wclliy-- r IVc llUUbUIlU ;U .'ICS wilt a Is., vonie up for settlement and :: it is ipiite MEET eomniiltee AVIATION likelv that the CURTISS :: Un- Hearing On Charge of of ''Irrigation Resources of; will ivi.-- it to the voters of Iternalilk- - - cootu to settle at the primary called MI1I lawfully Entering Dwellings. New Mexico" to Be Circuiat- lor that purpose or else at the pri mary to l.e In , in a or two to ed By of week Glenn H. Curtiss Bureau Immigration sel. et e legates for the county , Van I'roshii J years of am-- with $js in his pocket, Invaded Hit- - home A full attendance of the committee Director. nl Mrs. A. C. Sli u on South Third In n sponst to numerous d niands is'.l and It Is likely that sir. ft estorday. shortly alter noon. fur copies of his recent speech at nuiubir of "booms for state office Van, who is it lloluminn mill speaks nlll he launched at that time. The Mountaiiiali, KiiKincer little Kimllsh, was unable to account Territorial cuiitniittce expects to conclude its lor his presence in the house. Whi n Kntilnecr Charles. H. Miller has decid- labors by rvctiiny hut at the forenoon "Birdmcn" of Interna- fust seen by the startled household- ed to publish iweniv five thousand ftcHfcioii little will W done, as inaliv ers, he was doscenilim; tho stairs. copies of the address. Mr. .Miller's di locates from the south are expected Tin' man was apparently sober and paper, which Has part of the ' to arrive on the noon train. tional repute will thrill the wlun asked concerniiit; his visit, Iay rouraiu o, the Chantaii-iput- , Of late years years unlike the dem- - he was He-te- in broken Knsllsh that iv (iilUled "The Irrigation locratlc committee, the actions of the n place to sleep, l'ollcemnn ,,f New Mexi. n." shows In crowds for thcrcc days was if and tcpuiuican committee liave been Martin, when summoned, unablt elaborate detail the possibilities of the opened lo newspaper men. Several t.i extract much Information from Irri- dies,, to .'late from the standpoint of the of are expeited front outsldo foreigner and escorted him gator. Kvcry district Is treated sep- J'olnt 1 where he was lock- Oct.11,12and13 io police station arately and number of acres fur The rfMibllean be $2S a sun-incti- il the (iarty mananers ed up. Aside from the and is an water sup watch, nothing of value was which there assured lleve in the policy of taking the olerH ply is set out accurately. Mr. Miller. Into Ihcir and opposed I, mini on the prisoner. So far as is coiifi.lence are w.iii arrive,) In AlhiUiieriile last t th(. democratic of know n nolhiny was taken from the , inethod "slur a iiK-ht- has arraiiKcd with the uur 'nn ihamher" proecodiims. Slmi'e residence. IToska will have . Inariinr in police court this innrniny. Moio.iaiiiMi in oave iiiu i mm... in,, reiinduan central coinniltteo sent lo every person who, within th; I'orisl.sts or two members from each RACE past nil inu'ilrv STAKE six motilhs, has sent county and i larwe commit- - "BULL" DURHAM ( executive I IiikIic Nap In rrlson ell. New Mex- $1,000 to the l.iircaii com crniiiK Antonio Archuleta, a youm,' man ice ciiosen at lar'C. Ihe new com- ico and Inr resources as a fjrmiiiK mittee will lie chosen at conven mlTerim; from an overload of joy this 1 coiiiilry. The w idcMiread elrculartwi tion Monday. 2: Pacers, be "Bull" Durham Day, Friday, October waler, went to sleep in liohlnson park he For 2 lo raced on Archuli-t- slept tans assured cannot fail to of Tb0 members at present arc: earlv last evcnlim. value to new as S' jieaccfnlly until the hour tor the band incuse the slate i:ceutlve oniiiilltce. aullioralicc statement of the possibili- YV. II. lill.-ii- 1 concert arrived nn, the crowd hail atcr, Albii(iicrriue; I 3. This stake was given by Blnckwcll's Durham Tobacco Company ties ol In r soil under the surest inetln O. A. i iiinnicliccd to unlher. A policcmaw ('ashman, Albuituel'iiue: F. llul liaiineoed aionn and suggested that oil known t an, that i f Scientific bell. Alliiiipierouc; V. S. Strickler, Al- - '1 pro-;- . im-atio- n. he is 00 ; the sleepi'i' cham-'- his quarters to a pamphlet t" buiiieriii( Charles de Itienioiid, llos- - i II a )irinted in at- - less soicnous idaee. The Kind su .iifcly usl an,) ;well; I'.huer Studlev, Union: W. U. liestlon was jjl ci ted by a ulli-- of Iractive form. II. I.IcwiHmi, l.asCruces: .Martin l.uh- - d:itlis ill Spanish and Kiiiilish, and loan, l.ns Cfiiee.s; II. I,. Hull. l.asCru I In- C. Carit.liiiii -:- Areliiileta as le( aay to ices: II. Mcl.eiialliaii, . Mi - exciting Horse Races K-ii- Baseball Every Day A. nl, ro. Santa K. 1'. r.arues, MAIL GLERK HURT Silver CiTv; (ieorse W. I'rlehartl. Ke; K. II, W Ivcll lio I I'liml (.uilti. Santa I'.iel nbaum. Mora; ,.. llaviKins. Alaiuooiibi; S. M, vVhur-- New- York. Sept. The jury ill the ' T, . d Inn, I'lieiimeari Cui us, Tlerra r-- nl e, the - ear-ol- I ra.e of .1. S. II. K, v ol Amarill.i: Tliurslon. Aztec; ellal').ed nl! ilie murder IN COLLISION hell, .;asl V. lroqu'.'i-toda- Twiti .ii. Virus; Harry William II. .bill,: mi in th K'dlv, l,as Venas; Cuianin u. I ,1 4D, a Ton ulv ri turned by mi 1111 ro. the lay, Venas; John Keeker. Helen: Upon Feature; Fun In Hi md ii' Feature verdict ol murder the )..' Bradli'lil I'rlnic, Saftta h'e; Nathan h be.-- In Kid u, Hi'.-e- The inrv ad Jalfa, Sanl.i l''e. . nil tilu-ht- i:y Ho Mldiel li le Tra Tcrrliorial ( I inniniilee. lull Will le istbomul issengei -- r.l pi s llle eleel ie hair Cci'iiabHo AUre.l Cniir Icld. ii W r.i nl'-ne- d lo prii-- i 11 for Iron !! Mils Fi eight Niiar Flagstaff ; .Icr n,'-- l.'i.iiior.i, AH'il'iui r- -' wars lo life . ijue. INSTRUCTIVE DEPARTMENTS Passengers Are Shaken; t'have- - i;. A. Ca!u l;....m II; V. and S. CraK'.l', lloswell. .1. None Seiiously, Collav- C. J Ib.bcri . Kab.n. K. lujnied 'Hunt. 1,'aloii. I (iiii:i Ana - H. 1. I'.ovvnian, I, as Cruces; Oscar t.olimaii, l as Crnees. I'ussifliKcr t rn i 11 l", of the Santa Ke, l'jtldy M. S, droves. Carl-sbad- 11. collided wiih a freight train near; V. Ilaliiillon, Arteala. RATES ON ALL RAILROADS Rlaloy's cvciiini;, tin; (iraut - V, II. New comb, Silver SPECIAL flaKslaff Thursday bump throwing. Mail Clerk J. M. Coolt City; K. A. Hush. Silver Cile. lounhly around the car, Injuring the tiiuiilalnpi C. C. llcnrv, I'ort ol bneK anil left side. Al- - ininsclcs his Sumner. 1 Soc'y-Mg- i 1 r. lhout;h sul lci'liiK considerable pain, l.liieoln -- AV. K. lilaneharil. I.ln- - ISAAC BARTH, President. JOHN B. McMANUS, Cook was able to walk to his home', ,1'; Kranco ( .oiiza les, Chienla yesterday morning when the it III nr- - I. una T. A. Carr. I if minx: A. V. Where Can You rlvcd. I'ollard, IienilliK, The aeclileiil occurred about clelit MeKinhy (iriorv f'asf. Calbip: Do Belter? o'clock in the eveniiiM, the trains S. i:. Alilrich. C.allup. coiuiiiK together head-on- . Ncilhrr or j .Mora Tito .Mclcmlez, .Mora; Jose rapbllv O. llicin was traveling very n' Medina, U'fiKon Mound. on Unit piuii oilier) Slrlki' verleil. Ouccii llhclmliui's lllrlhilal. .1:1 1. 111 1.1: In- I low ns, Alamo- -' lily at lfiil Hit Interest 1. SPIilMiS Ihe time, so lhat oiilsiile ol the Olero Charles I'. Sepl. I. A kcner;i.l strike W tishlimlon. Kept. I'lesldent - r as taxes. London. :;ii- ih. juries to .Mr. Cook and a lady piisen-nc- Kordo; V. I). Tipton, Tnlarosa. follow HK 111 ol G ( li in r.ib 1'i.ul n uieiiiiicrs when II. of Ihe South Wales coal miners for Tall sent the blcrum who suslulned a wn knee, Ouay V. K. r.uehnnan, Tiicumcaii: i 11)11 ton 10 Wilhelmllia W. 1. Ilryan. now a proiiiiiirin a minimum wane scale has hen mii;i lncen 110 are reported. 'harb s II. Kohti. .Montoya. .Ni thirty-firs- t annl-versnr- y casualties of Albuiueriiie, was superln-lelii- li averled throiii:h the Influence of lh of the tin iliuiils 1,01 1;. were Ilio Head, ; .01.11 coin The pilots of both enincs Arriba Alexander Ticrm iiin MI.'- - i(Ul of her birth eslerdtiy s nl of the I'resliv tcl ItiKht Hon. William Abraiu, mcmh r;er- Amarilln; Clark, mat-eslv- 's stick. smashed, and several of the Klias Alcalde. Indians, located in Old president of "On thl:; iinuvi rsary of your SIC. Koosev V. I.ind.-e- i tal-I'- school for the ol parliament and tb on board were tumbled ti,:ethcr. et I'oi i npprcol-lalivil- y I ol ,llilClle-Ue- lie also s.aike South Wales Miners' leib ration. hiiih, extend Ihe assurance As a result of the wreck Ihe train II. It. I'utnam, Texleo. BEST THERE IS my wood wish and ol Siei nia .Mori an lnilbin of question ol 11 minimum w if;" hli;h remird aad was one hour late rcai hiim AU'iuficr-iii- e Sandoval Alejandro Sandoval, The country r.. r. n.ot i: l.a'-'iiii- a who Weill lo Carlisle and has it cm- - the hope that your majesty's yesterday. Sandoval; 10. A. Miera, Culm. scale, s'o inr us etieets miners (Ill sack. become mi efficient and worthy that plo.veil eondlt Ions limy continue lo enjoy peace and pros, SI. San .) 1111 11 Charles V. Safford, San-- , uuibr abnuruial of all i 11 (a Ft; i''rank Staplln. Karmitnilon. he iiai lii allv has ch.ifk'e ihe which pieveiu their in rn iv llvlnR pcrlty," work ot thai Indian SENATOR CRAWFORD Sari MIkucI John S. Clark, l.ns Ve-- I eleiical IVime, Will lie discussed at an early I Pratt, Former Superin- it 111 lull. vvil n l l!lT KANSAS titiS 1:11s; Seelllldino Komco. I .lis Vetfas. General iusl lainierenie depend whether Hall AIIIII011 Hollar ire. TO QUIT TAFT "(Ike the Indian the besl theiv Is," Si miner- ;;u do.. READY Kc . :. Santa Ke; Hen. rat like ol Ihe Crlllsh "tliMilla, a. at lllolo to- Santa Canon. at lino He Sept. lire K. C. Alibott, Kc. tendent of Carlisle, Scoffs said tieneral I'lalt lust niiiht. will he a'leil. hloek (if Cllbiese bus- Santa prove a ood 11111I worthy day llestroved I.. will soon H 11 Sierra Max K'aliler, llillshoro. I The loss hair mil- Theory Red Men R- ol, tlie Culled States. have no iness houses. mm: I'OIAI'OKS. A Socorro II, (I. I'.uistiin, Socorro: That cltl'en nvo-llfih- s Is Sbmx I' ills s. I) Sept. palleiiec with the theory of some that I'llcc ol' Hcef Sours. lion dollars, of which H'l. tun lbs. . I. V, K. Martin. S irro. per staleliient i.v Sen Ite 'r '.vi'nri His Blanket. (annul he educated avvnv .New York Si ad. I. Dealer In covered by Insurance. Dully Taos Mulaililas .Marline.. Taos; eturns to an Indian of S011II1 Uakot.i. print d in Ibe nam his primeval comlii ions. This Washin ton market today UFtrced that Jose Montaner, Taos. mciil so Tress this niortilnK saj's: Wil-lar- has been proven a mi sstnti Ihe inlce of heel' to the wholesaler National Torrance Crcstino Chaves; by-1- Nd. I'ltKMII'M l..ltl "I Ciinl; pre; blent b made that. II bus become a 0 Is now any the many times and retail r hinder than at nd-I'- -. ... In Celeslino (irtiz, rialisleo. II. Now. If otifi will Invftit an Nile. mistake which he will ehaiR CriHadler ileiieral Klcbunl those vvli really know vv ex imni Ih. Sehlctcr, Clayton: I''.. word auiiuii: lime slllia the civil ar. with the , projircfsive.i wild I'lilon Chas. Army, retired, In Willi inn (nrili-m-i neck-lr- tZ the republican I". OallcKos, Clayton. I'ratt, Culled Slates betler. ception ol about one week iIui'Ihk the illllt to small Kind to uet mil 11 havlri" no hbrher motives than s: twenty-liv- e years was T am exi linuly In In fi ml kind of collnpullil'i s 'nlenclu Solomon Limn, l.os Lun-a- who for nearly jtreat railroad strike ChleaKo Home (iOOII ( OOKINti witn I well when personal politics in of Indian west ui:aiii. rcmohihcr I Kill. Prices have avtaiu been ad- nightgown (It tho porket, for of Carlos linen, l.os l.nnas. superintendent the Carlisle where Ihe to vni. III Ills., 2.) the democrats In the pi,saf;e lae Mramlctt, A Hm- - there was no AbuiUcnUe vanced from one and one half In f.tnncr-I'ri- e At Larue Henry Carlisle, I'll., uccompiinled iih when yntt arn nnlprorl siKiilenly to .11 the school lit been over tills Cellule wool bill and lU ,'l'lUf. cltv now stands. have III fee eeltls. list lull. He d', m t 'lesllat,. to by his wife, passed throuuh Alhuquer-iiu- c null or the country nmny times and !fiiv. town, lire will rmim lt grand, I I ( A I II I.Ol l! the democrats In so-- i last evening en route to l.os s, can iinnreclate til wonderful Hi'owlb fwiiy, gnng. SW'IA with lle-lor- ill I'l'imdor. onc-si- u ; TAFT HAS OFFER OF by imiile. Hie urinjr the pa.'saue of tin' COW where they were failed the and proitr that has been lb. . ills- - 1 O - reeitu'ocity measure. sudden death ol 11 sister of Mrs. Oeneral I'ratl aim. lie his otner niivauull, Keuaiior, Sept. - 11ml THEATRICAL CAREER is in lletlianv- l'rcs-.e,u- l laliada was iliauuuraled "I inn prnKrcsslve republican I'ratt. Hint inns an elder RhouM Hv Rfion for Filth, proRresslvr , no Cclicral Is the man who nine church Hi i'hllmlelplila. tho prcsid la iiador loila.v. l''or the NAi l i: I'CACIIl.S. shall Htand with the I'ratt hvterlan - school W anainaUi r at- preeni III retain the old cabinet. It In ulvvii.vfl iIrIiI llial a 111 11 11 nhonbt - II I purt with nearer to turniUK ine inoian eliiireh lhat John I II.- nuitttr must conipiny n y of (ills almost Allaio, who reecnt-- I am person-all- service topsvturvv than any man that tends, lie is as proud ilenelal Flavin he ii hie to r'tnb'i' a ren.Kiii for tlin the preili'ent of whom r.cvfily, I. I'liulinc ' , , Mass., Sepl. ..I (I ., ,t 11,1 II L' was the y lotui-n- a revolution, 011 11 e .' . o, p. Is ol the fact lhat he iiidiav. lo loud." Wuyiif, I ho House eiiw, has 1111 mis ever I"" 'o as he MHi tl"" is vvlihTn him. While were put up- HUlierillli llllcllt of the llloht lam- - adilles-e-d his trieiuis todu.v and I''" - to on stui;e. It came to-t- o to tile restrictions that IllM a i; am i.i:i oiler ko the Mipcrintciulcnt ol in liirlory. ( dfil Ihcm to the new Smile. a 'resident Taft, on his actions as mis Indian school MKI.ONS day In telegram In a . .j. r,.j PRESIDENT SAILS FOR lo someone connect- tlx; Indian school at Carlisle. l' r n;lrdian, from York city he tinned lb. ed with a company opens n rural speech in New that bureau u 'barnacle." INSANE PASSENGER ROCK RIBBED MAINE) pi i.v In Minnesota next mount, rauline tlie Indian Slhv4? (lid ii"t the accusation Is 11 heavy animal part he TnAiN wauled for an explanation iilul FROM Montezuma Trust Compatxy r.l r WTMOIITS and the lelcuraiii promised that great he was naked br - involved so much MEXICO I'll- Wr. care would be taken of her. his explanation ALBUQUERQUE, NEW llcMl'lev, Maws,, Sept. I. In tbc that was poor in the administration ...... a ...,..l. lo Pauline Is noiiiu to Milwaukee on 1. school ill Die I. laic .0 " i.e. ,,,..,,.1,,... II I.. ,,., l lie Intertill of the Indian lairs thai Kal CIl, Sept. William Surplus, $100,000. 1. 11 navigator7. a It Ii om: h be was Ihe first sil Capital and ;ii.i:n )K lanilsincn. but which . .7" ,.,.. Cut,. j .1 mill hand, of Knrekn. ti:nii:i: tile presidential yacht . , ,. .,,,. . ,,...... perintcmle Carlisle, was forced Skelli tide do,. 111 ON DEPOSITS Inli, lie. I 1,1.1 ." III wH'";. easl- - SAVINGS the exhibition there, but Die pre: iileiil has to retire. Mm ped fl mil a coach window of INTEREST ALLOWED Mi s I. I). Ills brolli w T.i. II. Taft. : let her v. Oil Hll slauc. Tl Is proi. 1. iv not a st mien! I10 J, II. d sou, Miss Mabel refused lo Her I1..11111I Sanla I'e tiaiu Ni near s i Charles, his voiincsl was al Carlfd. v Pile ( b in ral I'ral ,i;t i'ori)i:s Major A. V. Hull, sail- r S o'clock t'i-- i;, anlman and was 111 re, bill I1.1l worst tl Idav Kna., shot lb afb 1 lbs. lae. away summer capital leiii-ia- ed fiuin the SEATTLE MAY RESUME ground he wall- op. In lac Kkelion'.-- I....I..- no) been '1 In will tic 11 i(;hl LIQUOR COMPANY fi.r Isleboro, Me. I'ralt js Inud bis assert .11 Unit I CONSOLIDATED rone unlil Mi inlay. , WAR ON TROLLEY LINE; until ill f.iiiml 'asseii;' each , Al ei cry lialive Indian l;ll:Si H'l'l',1.' .i;i;i;.n 1111. Ni.oi;s I., - Ihe tirciailcntial party t v'u!,Kb' Wln'i tslel.or.- nt i future pr .idei ti 1111 - He, W Si pi. Ibis con SI lli'iellb Hie Ih. Mrs. 'J'Iioiiiiis Laimh- Seal sh.. prov id ,v In- C ' will l. KuestM cf the 1'nil'i! ar of Ihe ; 7,7i ) i, IX I:N I A n .7 77.' 'v I ,li(l;;e. Cornelius II. Haiil'ord . I iiiiKblin, Mis- States 1.1 v In: a il Ha Mrs ,Mel. - lie- a w'e T.iomas ,., 11 ivi ii .l- .pen .';.i.... t tuu 11..I.11 Is today dissiil-- Ihe temporal! II will i r...- ...... Tall lit ., I, .1 II. !!' ." ., 7, '',' . .. i 'l' ,1 Ol-- ., , ' nil il 11 1 i ' M Ml L II I ' ,', K(;i: w it ONIONS h home already. nr 11 Cm lull Mrs. S. ol Indians M. the petition of August I'eaboilv . i 11. v ). 1: .Alliii(iicnuc, N. lbs,. 2.1 on Monday preslllelll 11 11. 1. II pel and Ii" r. bis return Chlca;.:o, bonilholders, lisle speeches trustee lor Ihe , , '.1.1 j will resume the writing of ' and have ;.lni a ol Iveellc Sllll' tielapsc, reslruiiiinu tin- cltv of Seallle SI: i?if lor his western trip. Ualliicr vullov il Izeio'hi ended I tbc lis. deiils ol the r Hen He star LIMI Mi nil's W llld. a roi from Inti tl'erim; with the Scatllc. a ba.l ;ioc ib. Slliiatlim Clears. railway hi its of Ihe .M I, eiti him: i.iu Moi'iieeiiu Kenton and Southern w 11 s a Im ;,n'l l'" PLEASANT dev elopmenls Of I b II. ii 'rn as ma STOP LIMPING & LOOK IVrlin. Sept. I. No attempt to collect second fares. r- - In Mail .billion, Jollll'-IIU- . , ,e.ielS loolball .ol.ilb bMne Ii, I' nco-i.- ! negotiations s city to pro the ,. Finn iv. tlie ra rinnii This action enabb the hiin-,-a.- s I. lien l:v Vi llliaii oot C, 1 w ho neb name lor .Morocco are ted In Tori? cent In its altcmpl to force lb" rall-- bin li. in alell to Ih'' over exi a y. ''.K k. d'l I'll 'Sunday, as M. 1,'iliilinll, the French vvav to haul passe unci s within the self lew - believes "Mil Time: Ilio to his apart- a fare and Issue Oemral I' rail that IM ll 1.1 11 not ambassador, is confined ';clty limits for sIiirI" .Tin fin. Interehan-ienbl- with t rn m ,t ol I I lllled enls bv- Illness. transfers nisc the kovi folly del bl hi t r the pet Tlie Wiliiams Dru Conipanj A.J. fVialoy dis-se- d l MV 1I1 Inillall is- lor Is If Kleetrle comp'iliv, which iilin the 01 .1. sn s It belli veil lhat frame of the Senile ri III tin dlsliatel I 1 I T W I I N i 1.. ' of I lie till.' shall i; KON I. l. ti accept Cermany's mlnlinuni opera ten riv al lines. youths and ..,l.t eiilltllrv Ke, Sell IS fin trc I'.H ,, to a luii'-'i-- and Ml him 11 'week at stun! l ei.iam 0 el 101 nous 11, i The inni( mectinu last' would HI rs e II f the 72-17- ...... i,...... 1.1..1. 1...,,. . ..r in. 10 was i,, nt and Instead ol aeaius .5 i ( OS Coll ... 111.11 ' " ..eo IJaulonl of the Lillet Olivine bim il b': AD-T- Phones OIIKO. .i.e.. - OUt tinfl.lllHl.lllKI, doi tors that A JOURNAL WANT HEY GET RESULTS l' haiiijeil to pron-s- i iikuiosi ui tsranl- I'nele Sam paVillU . TRY MORNING Mill stiollH .rteitiflL' Morocco niiir (he tleas- - 11 budi'it, essal-V- of illsvolvcd tiplav. I In y w ould .a IIIK illlo tail i.i'H' Imi the order ! THE ALELGL'EFQ'JE MURl5 JQURN'AL. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1911.

i . :. ar i iu: I m j r-- .' . J i;mi. r. I j.,

' . ! t . , I ; . r. i t. - h r : : j . - ' School Books and School Supplies i -. Dloriiiiid journal - t .'.- r . ! ; i; ... if. I rct-t.tit- rr. r.i; ; (';,.!. U... 1. .) Ih - ; ,.f , , ,' ! l ;t - -- r. r J tlar- - - ni.. bopks O if fetal -r t Xrw UrNit ..r,a the .t '. - , ... t.!.i.::.-r- We heve ir jtock a" required by pups at- . i r.. ;: I . - ., , , . r,-.- . ! Fabil-lM-- d I.; tlx- - !,- ppf.n. . , - r r , r . tending the County Schcoii, ii. iV.r ; and SV JOURNAL . t. th- - .. PUBLISHING .. , ,.r t f I r:--- i I; . , ,,, . , ,.... , vWa. it ,4r r. , ! i:, r. in Vincent's Academy. ' Making i all- -. ..'j-r- i', t- in I i w ..f - H ... re ami I M t"t! "f ... M? "V"nt !'" . - H tna l. -r . ( I t , -- Our of School is complete, including ... ttiaaaiac ,. i ml f f r ri i - ) j m , . r . r ., t.'.... rt .r.tri-; !:. line Supplies r, 1. .i - r- r. j l'aa- H t'.'.l'.'.Z. if.e im iml f.!t.w.J in a I -j .Bf 1.1th. r f I l'".',.;fcTT si!vn tr. ir S" , , I a rt l Pencils, Tablets, Composition Books. Notebooks. Etc. K a rm 4 ViMtt. i , r t . Th,.. "1 hard ,. t. . . t h.d.'en !Th t;. i: Mr Ma, . A fn. i. i : . ' ni, ,. :...-t.- : ,.t , tJr n ..t tsiH Wmlar ii in.ifi'ui' i' !,.r.' "A t tti .t " il. M"- '- nttl.a, - ".;; r:i i. la, 1 t O. A. MATSON & CO. . on But- .. ..!, t ft I J AMU MXIXI, art f I'lin vil. bc, - I... 1. .. ' jfin,r fh- w 1 raw ; i n. p The Tllpt'eti i.i the la ItoiMui. htju.ul Mi-- fjJur-- , , r in niju.r,!, n. in-- : . ibla. ..;..,ht. , j pl.tlC-le- He 1, I tip- - ! ar-- ( 'Ta ittllt t.irii,.; ;( in I I t un.nis Jr' . i Ali.s' Oil.'. r. . p.!ios, til" ll H. H I . . t - ttl Mill ...i ..'!. l i, r ru'.v i s t,- ta UMt, rw . LEGAL LEGAL r.r I i j - m e Id - NOTICES NOTICE: tr j...iiy till lli.'f Hi i. f rioush jr.-- T it m mi: t'i or t.' n. hut I, Phir- t' li. rth l.l. the K- ! era--- -, i he, and ..rk of an kind. r flat. ii! SiiilfPsf..:: em tit hi i h.u ith, p a.eH Hint - k.i.-.- - ouii,ii-ii.- - the rta,!- and n.i My t i ixp:r-- dry i ur-- . - K,ni; I. the pot' t.ti Noieuiii. farntinc rumi hi.r villi i That tie- er hi-- him. rt-- . em .r..j. vn. :,! ton Cni(M t Mr J. 1: - ha' 1'. 1VI4, i ..hi.- ti. n a lar nty of th" "-- e. on het'o r or of - , I. :r. r.' ;tr- - 1 hy t n .r, : thf nunsli SI,;.-.- i l i - Hail) I'1 rii.e f..r. Nl r.-'- I . t th.- , Iuie. n:r.D: farmr mpl.y tlx- ht n fl, j, r rt - r i'. d t., i)..n the ktil i'. oni l:ili. .i t, r II. ' You'd .id Kr-.- think the r.n.i. little Tti Vrp. t I i tti h Id. t' No. can. un l at rainp tj rie Ih. ?!. u iu .iit.lai'." n whip the i. rath, r a raU IV p, . . has a very tii.-- l tatimi. ant has r a, l;. d h'.vh-v- . tt r or olilis. .lio.i of .! j C.r. hi . . rae 125. a.-r- Ii,-- ior hu i re not afraid of ..n. m T.n r- - ur f.o f ' mK k 11 hi ir rimv i i other t..r in And et it ( ver mui make tr.n kj m. r k. .,! ,1 i.ndt-- th.- !uu s t Articles of Im tirjKir illuii ,4 IIIriMrTlx AM THf MTH)IM oriHK The of u- - t In thf i p. i t .1.1 -- ami the To anothtr p i. .ti. n. rr.t my oih.-- slate r V. V. tWIIKI D ..ivNy, il nl of - In . ', - -v. KM.HT moiitiir- the r "i ii of tin- l .) i'ili I in nfii. e of retary New ith proper !n!;nri of d. t . "I am u' el ,i ii.e, t y.m, Kinc." Thlrtj Mliinti I'n.m Itreakfal. What the Editors u any t'nititry. and Auk-- '.1, 1! a. m. , aal lull: It r,(tir-- tn ahh" I . - JAI-'i'A- l. of iroprai tu J ti k Jiilmnn to Mir.utl. late of; The n:i! niti tiie c ream at II ,! halite til, fame. ,,r un- NATHAN Se idury. grow i rop , . ;!ss,-t- - j - t ". H'iW fciji 9wTf Amy la Mm Mr. without iii.iilur.'. Tht il'ort jv ,!. Hi.' that Manuel pushed n; Are Saying :!.li'..ll of til,- ,,r ili- ('. mpar- d i I:, to J. O. - ; reipitPHe In uppli, .l In llif U tt a vil The l.akt r l.rin- the t , i tn distribute a:iy Ti rrltory of New Mexico, I4M mr tro tu iihuke pt"i:ti. T1A Or pa 111!.-- . hiiihiy ilevelopfi) at;r) ult ural etion . I hrins my lian.l' up with a awn rh- ,i s. l. ks, o'dc; '.',!, in !' He! ll.i as, bT m rift ...... hand with k, the kitm of the l.rm iitu, Y e: ol' lis, t'o'ltltl frlr "A rsofttk the tate l.y Irr gati'-- Where irri- Anj tn H m Led; lie ,." .. es thi ainoni; the This iictt ;n;. t.t was lih.l f.-- rec-- : 'if pipiare rri;.' i kni'l in trtalins him i Tic "tut. la oil l.ahy in only a v . i . i ; li .ike-, kh-- ut rs of cnm:-a!- : or, on the 5nth day ufA " T j MMrmlim imI gation Irnt rai txai.h the nn ded aa un t nal. oil .' lll'.e. iiow It this isuM, 1KU, "uiall ie i I s u moiaturpi he pmn... hy pa. Int rt elite rtatriirii: her mother's grow n air, llator. Kani . Ill 1 .1 in, ur ind i in lr.i at la: o't In. k a. 1:1. miit .. jcalh ri "How is .ur little Kirl?'' nt may deelllt-.- lie, . .a r in ,d. Mi.,- ,,( rgCm ma) fall a I t . ani'.t; i.f l:.i,.rde, lor inriuniiiii ahatettr umlial Uratioint that i ' t'aller I am vrry to aay, my !'--- ji ' i il Why Named. or pr..p I, ai: l tn evident sin h or,ls of t'oiictv. foho it?. rain or inrni. When it roriid rt man'n h. altli hern liiiprnM-- hy tit ar, any that I havtrit tittle pirl.- M It,-.'!:- - w . 1;. inimBgir rw nrniro upplu il hv Next r.dav IU... Itny. t!ie bond- er th, r rii a. w.m.kk;;. that mil of the rnoli't'.ire liiiprit- mm nt will hardly .ini Sma'1 painful pause In taue i.irl taft. naiueil. rj body ih . ell lie:, i ,t, pu ss of thi-- t i poratiMii. i: anow la lout l.y the run-of- f r.l.r. ruin and tarluin tu rtuard penitent ittrh conventatinn v A i.mi.K HATI- - ) vour little l td .In rt "ik of work. Katun ' and in s, tire tli pavirn-ii- ' ,-Ii lUH and vvapurathin. It la not Uiffit ult to (lanneriillS l.UMIn Ik ' Territory of X'-- Mexico, rlva'n. r iti'l.-h- d , , n. ss i,y lunrt jim. d. d of t pen fve that the averaar pre Ipita-tlo- n "My ar, I any iffi. v of the S. rotary. Th bullitin ff th . Mrxit'o ralhr - havent Trtv strike r.nltcr Out. iniit. ol ollur l'"i 111 of im i.iul.r.iin en plain un ' t i u; or t (iMi'XKisiix. -- wouhl prmlla hoy, iciiih I'uhlh'ltjr . the The ;tp;,a-:itin- of Hie (oil-cur- e little ither. Ju.Ijfe W, H. .M,,i)l ,J I.a Lniide. !.,f and upon , any of laliou rnlly or part, 'In I. of ample nui-pl- for the prrovtth of erop Ih Hit- Kinall Hirl "wh-.i- are y, in town Thursday ptlad Nathan Jal'la. Sunlary the (.1 lh It.KjjuratMiii if ue t.f eoldfiMl to dentrov whs with the pruierty , riiihl.', privil.-ire- and frcii- - inn. Wniiia n a hand politi- 'erritnre of New Mi-i-ii- tin hereby IH.- - if it re eoiiaerveil In the mil if innn n. t Home l'oini.inion. and expai!Me nmile of h i - .ijiirri t nrk tot of tli iultot 'rifnrtunatt I), rtiont of of th ratiet!. u at lli.-r- alHliiin - cal aspirations. We Hi1 e ltify that was filed for rixurd it wer- not allnwul to run nff holt-- w understand Lima - rt-- the iu Im h mot. piit.M n breed - tiiiri-- at th,. of ni.ikini- such 1,,,-- "liaj mn" of Srw Mi" Ji.t'ae has hopes of the con-r- jtional in this of.i. , al Kh vi n 01 a. m.. or to "There 'a thut & p.r elm li," raid I ! In TIip aim-m-n- eiaporate. would kill ii tatfiMh. 't, m, rum ranee or thereafter tn ' a n;wi'ii'T. ntmlnatiin from thin the ' J mi the Tv nint h dai of AuKUIt, ! the lana ana ! il- - I. t t)iit proh-- ; with black I ,ti mm-l-a- j ' U a ucirMuiry mil Mi 'mil the mdve Il.k.t The Jad. com- n tpnrevi: A. inwt ".Some ro-!t- e !. IMI; "' i of the girl think he is so tre.pientlv. hut nlw.iyi .,,, Ihk,.i In lent of onnerWiiK the molture, arid There in one lonij hat strikes T h,,, ll)a-,3V- 3tiy l i have tho tuiiport of rry r drawhritik to j j. i n: ur s'km hiiiii.i). he Will he aithje. led mantle' but. Kt rt' .umnt r If. view. inn 1!. Ji tf few failure' ilintam aviation: the aviator ran t m inii'.i, turm t staldishtnenl, far the 1 l"V MIN-- IAIIIIJTY. Ntw '. I f j "Yen, but he can t fuo ma, replied l ill I In' t n: t t I I l thlx part of the loui.lry. At Ko tn pdeep mam;! iff. if ft. s for nt opt or Af HlHIlU'l it . Sw linn u Winn he feela like it. j the fluffy e,r. "H lloil't Ml Speak ut blonde la a Hill. i j I ry Karmlnir eoiiKreMt t he held In name r ih si ription '. I t i.M Y, ly l tltr i ar-- t wornhiper of Mitiiininii.' Anyone willinu tn part with ,t "f "' I. CA.M'lKl.Ii l'AN j f'oloradu Hprlnt,' tin fall, the fore-Kiiin- ir an Inch of his tongue can ., j . ll.ll.oeM r. i iis own name or unilK-- r KIM:'. M.nil a u il'l mi l vixillv In.liWil-ti.i- l New lleVnn bahiin aland U V'KltJ "Wnrrhipa Maiumuii, iln.-- he?" stril.o barKaln wii i part ntn of Miss Im through a ist.-i- uppoinl -- ih s 1 and kindred nuhjei ta will be Otir-Iti- the tr and land ;,lsu, that compared lumily uritu'I Kilh ri"rnH.'i nx thance of ImiMt ki.neil tn tle.tth k added the I ami willi Idae keyeH. have the pnippy l.oiiic of Intlepelnlenee, M iss., who I s li f - aiMi-,1- ; heme, met-tln- by this ii inp'tny ir tiiist pur- follow inu- of same, Hie Irr-ri- r dt. ami, that Hie next few jw itn ,iirttt reft renee his tup; the with (Hitrr ati'l raU ul.tinl mrlke ninnthn tu a part t.f her in an ; 111 tmiicue autoiintbil pose de- - provlile thf larmera of the plain" threadbare dress unit and i nriirinul thcreuf new on file, and of prm- - ' nu ked accident. Taos Valley News. Into lh Iiik ful htatt tlir 'I'., 1,11 , ri Kion an opportunity tu nun h patent atlier pumpn. "Kvidetitly III ilu any thil:e s in clure it tn la- nrreel transcript ki-- ohtain Many of he - I. ' tiv lioiiitwt ant in our hadintt offh lain upend Isaiy im- .. iiduet in:: and tarry in on valunlde Information n, InMrm Hon. j hann't been to t hun Ii lately." Ilus-- j Ofll ll 111 ,H lis. llnrefr, in and ol tin- vied,, th. roof. to f in I must of the time draw lux Milar-- ii riiii thr rf blatt'. ih'I their ton Traveler. Collie hif l iry n p" als itself. but tin- laisiiUM, of nriiii.lai Hiring frames ;ieti iirul. f my li.iud and (he ijn-a- h by n tarnc't tin Improv mriit invi Htliatetl. your own history is be o p n " . j th.- f.r j private apt to lor .lent Sea! t.f Territory of New n Ii uf I'liniTION IIM.AMi, rept by ; neighbor. - t'ti l.ii)ilarl of Ih'. mark m.i ji or Mtirli Thm . nil Well. ated mir Tans Attii b- IV. at th,. city o Santa l apilal, Valley News. Mill.fir Mikf or Alk.ili (nil to i Au.mi-t- . lk'. It wan positive ilihrt Hpei t tu pul Anything from the pen of Tin- tnl il authorized Mo K of this mi this 2Mh day A. I), tiiit a in;ik a In-In- I'etitlon ami partltloti mtm lo he Thanet U to posaesm-- l:M I. I rttike nnl off that Hlrike m mm, 11 after j sure interest cm is l'iftv Thmisdnd lt.dl.irs. NAT IAN JAKKA. the hmtory Hie .Much more (ol tin- - thin. of fulfilment of the 11, and charm. th in tliis rttnir tliviili-,- t - Secretary New Mexico. the in A in it l"iity Tlmu- of ) KuhM-fieatlo- n must be sal,) tor Hie volume under ibiiiKhtir of Senator l.oriiner's The h'anla K N'W MfJl'aii, t'zar'a rehntUxk pulley of the H.lilil I.' i i f t nl- - roiinldf happilv was injuretl laully at the Kluin, 111,, '"i shares par Hume uhily ruUmi mi ' named Stor- tliv uf iminlKrall-n- i Ih of prolneial w Krand-rt.m- d i 'f ii TM i f.r m i.i rv. ilrlnt luraii I I forn' l Hint Johnny McMuntia ies Thut Klitl Wi II. What reader autonittbile ritees, lit n the tie la liar (Jl.mii h. Tin ic or III Klnria tif It thin Mialli r, llffPllilx tllf the empire wJih have tlnt-- tillapn-.l- hut. unfurl ur.atelx . Can-Hau- "irvnr" halt un iiirship fur the fair. not like to hate a, story "end llltlc I'r. d I". nil Id. Kmuiu 1. l, afli-dn- l II the lilms, II was In ro "I" In- olil l tluii'; to "the hint remnant If be i'. suiiicw The nan;, s iaeorpiir.ooi e, l!i i X incor-nliel- !! lartKnn tlll he iii. rliiilnatinvt read- !i.;,i and I hi, d KTpreta. -s iliiiiu-iiiin- g Inilepemli-n- e " er, he tu Ln;-le- else. San Antonio I,, in of nilmlnlMrallve The likea also have the cud uiul Ih . eitftfrn rtM poli-I- n l.olal us of 1'. t'n Company, intr New Mexico iiiiiijt e0 ahead In itrtU-lle- , Nt-- e 211, ami To uchicve both :lilnl r b; nt w Tin- i mi imperial ukai-- of Kehruary IM). .hams subMiile'd for al-- In- - the iai. !l ib I. e I'lut Thickens. iti, whost articles of ties these effect n. Unit of sittisfvlm; .11 Hie (thadowv ehilniH of As y aal Utr Twenty. six Thou t(U(t' tilt' tlMll'tltl liHMinlllK thi' tthlllerati'd the ri sense of reason Mill if taking iiiltautavte of I'r. W'ih rorporatii n arc herewith filed, hereby ader'a and ! ",a-- s I $ Is U he c ill his Allium Ilciirhtg unl I'e.iitiu i, whirl! th. b- of tlip "inttlmy imil lli Hniiilli Poland to onili red u p..llnal j Ii i in In iheerfnl of troubles. citizens declare Hiitc shall tm stockholders' rv 011 in the Statewide Advci'lls-Sl- l frame elvnil'-a- l urn, f it I w ! are nellutialitii; for a Hie amt Mock with lib in fnimlct!'' in thin, lurtoonii, t'linful entity apart from ItuMtln, tiud lilllitl In li task imi easy of m t omp-- liability on ai ia;t t.f any sto- k im; I'.ume'.' in. ' Hill, ln dare Use il 11) oil In fit ve llshllli iil, nml, ilni-n- l. Is poHsllde only ill commence business d b Company, rruilitii; uf thi t'llitnrltil in iiuiKtimi hli tile Itholltlun of I I ".' said I'. falHi'dd to blazing Muck hi a pure Kriccr c is 11 the writer of both over a n, falls !o nhnw any r tu a Hmn-l- h the I'oilxh la ir unite. Finland I1111 fuitiinatt. Would tin y iliin try In preserve such above th." uun,!;it of the frm , I 1'. Jo" Puv 'dlfl KeeniH to luivn been and racil,. pen. Thin let rnd Can';' Id. Albuquerque j t lien-uf- p or u tnM'-l- di nperatelv imimiisnl tu till food with i iicini, al. '.' San Antonio actual subscription and that grandi nlni; tin retain Hllkhll.,- "ivon tictave Thiini I s new a M.. l.'.OIMI shar- s mil ,Unled. bonk lixpress. litis, i Lu is to Sim k the saul com- - lit Ih of now the form, at huM, of it Inde- j unique in Hii.i'nl Hi" line the "liml uiitl .lellKhllul iuallly, Klevcti i i A . lanii' l, 'an! I'', Ibllqllt'l'.pll piin.-- l.i It Kliiriep, Ido only fur Hie par tin' iin( tin; tuiiiil ituiiin pendent eoiihl iitiunul Kuvei nmi nl are olfered lor th( I 1 I. nun man" milin readers he (.hill Ii: lid. M., si HUliKCl .i it mt-ii- l , vablc Hied. Hli under tnni'tunlmi of Alexander I. I'ntcrt and inch of the t levcn V in harm liTlntlr of New Mt o. Tin1 the Now the eitmlidut,. will soon wish li.ill'' I' X. I pints i rks out In a eoiit Inaion bcr.c nl is C Jai'i die ,.i August, im hy It Ih Hut thai he "heard. SpriiiKt r Siut kman. I : Now Mfilmn, tiuwiAir, wiyn- renewed MirreHHOrn. in M., 3. inn) I MOTHER JUMPS Is ul " i ik it 'lans. l!i'".en. oiicc hf and mevlt ildo mi ii Ci'iolr iiHi i li r in n nml uil- - there has now hy tin 1i-.- lc I. "The iro( lti luin pleasant, s,. Hi., book is an unusually ircsKi tftilly ltefeiTcd. 'iii'i:i:n p. f. vi'ii:i.!i. I ; d Hunt; It KlM ll;:lit lulu laiiiieror In the HiIimIihi Iiolitna for I safe on,, loinptininii for u Jour- .MblOllcr,Ue, N. M., Sept. 1. The P' ri. for Ilu diiratiiui of I. II lull. : l'.l.i 11 ney, or y 1' I !'l uniiu ilark iniii' i", hut It lll nut the approval of the latter lml ns ii cut f"r ii irieiid. for Kdiinr Mi ri'iiiK Jnurn.-il- I'ily; I tiimpaliy is 'I t "l. Hi: ;:: v. iiani.i y:. w It could possibly have blues In your of Si plelllh, dale. t hiiliic (lt r I Int a iiu thnil of me.'iKiire ith evidently ruliteniplal. CISTERN; RESCUES the nntii e Issue r the i r r XeV ,Meico. ahi ut It i V,, w altt rwiirtl. Tin vital npp.'iil first, a fine t ut i f nivi rrmr . Ailiclc r. .r. i.. lillnM ,Ww Mon o. The tjMiik-i-r- a lie orporalliiK Kinlitnd pieeeim al ltd Ml. II rr.a.'ilbt Comity. s". which them- (dunes make sprinits frum Colquitt of Texas, and his views on the I k lieorge V. Il:n-lo- n r alnmat olmoli hit-n- i he prm lni e of Ht. reterahillK, uiul l ranllehl, 'in this L'SHi day of August, A. D. lr ly l'niim) j tneir Uett tiealnn nt of living, pres-- j prohibition question mid of ids n ent-tln- y and Ktniv.a I. Catilield are In fe-- ! 11, hi f.-- Imt In cartiMiiiH, iho Ki''Htnn Hum ptoKrehMlvely illtiiltmtliKf the sucial cundltionn. Ahvnvs re-- I to the Methodist church. Tm in,, personally appeared - THREE-YEAROL- D mainliti- tills I t if by name,! ;!n.l appuintcd the direc-- 1 ! r Canl'icld I. Matt', am) ially tlic ity of i, anrlent iteoKniplili ill ulld polllleal in field, hey ninne widt . fuel that ill one tie he e'liimidnneil I'. Kiniiia Canfield fini iv u tors H rrotn the of widi prohibition In of tliis eonipany. who arc tn act und '. Ih ii i.t , tu me nri' 1 r iiromniid hy n hniimltirli with li have perxlHled hIii. e thurih tniirnl umoni; iituse known l I i suiiHiern iii Kmes in "TIiioiikIi the IT xas. I do m deny, neither do ns Mich for Un. Hist 3 i months t i be til,, p, isiiii : ti. iu ii n - the of of Sep. thrtf scribed and ilf in rr'.rr mal'l' or it luiilnx- truity Kredrlkhnmn Terrors nrnlm!,!-- - Id now a of the !,n" the nv thai he is member of the ufter flic fiMng of this certificate nl W Im uli d he foregoing instrii-- 17, I Sill). c," r II. ally tlridici) olil ijiinkrr, Nt n temher nest story in the book In the realm I Met innl isi church: but that Jie i.s n inrnrpnration and until their succes- mint, nn.l ta.h ft himself ac knowl-cr.- !. York Mill un Kalln r It It not only the population of K in- of KtiKllsh arislncracy in "The Utile total abstainer. I.s very startling news ai'i'iur Knli sors tiro ( le, te,I qa.ilfied. i Hint cm Bravely Clings to Rope in Eight Lonely is - U Is so r, ported m till- and dirt's he d tlif Bime as anil I'm If r'am 1 Mill t It land Hint Iihh repi iilmlly proli atted which a must t iikhk- tu me. not ing story of very young love, tn old state of Texas. 1 would llk The power tn make, niter, revise, his voluntary ad ami th i il. onrp ph-- Ar-tiv- "Thf'Koud old SfW Kimlamlir vllh rliln nitalnat l"ailan nhporptlon; their Feet of Until es; s - 1 Water Help' did I'arlsiiiii,'' a fine nlory of hern-- j to see him affirm Hie leport of 'i'iuv ami. aim nd the of this nun- In Wilms Wherenf have hereun- hl(iki An for genuine iiniitniiouiy has heeii - I r. I'.tiK in the nnnn of worship Iu pnhtien, ami "'The I ibject ' Morning. Jourr.ul over his ow n fib- pally shall be vested solely in the to set my hand and affixed my notari- - ed hy Bis Statehood Fiesta i ' I'iIk la ,i ii Mnii u. ami Uu- Ni w relnfuri the MrotiKeat pruleMt on ti lie retietiitiiin, In which the read- nature. stnt kholdors. The hoard of direc-- I al seal the day nml year last above Kurn-pe- n er moves tilling well-bre- d well-to-d- o S. K. AI.I.iStiN. Mrxi'iin ho.i It may m ii r In. ilinnu-m1- . the part of rlaln of the major for Aztec. and tors of tiiis company shall consist and written. ,1'ilIX VKNAIII.K, 11 clubwoman. In the thla nniii."f!atlh will ! t inwer. While the Itumliill southern i'o coinpostii o j lin e (.,) directors, (Notarial Seal.) Nota: v ruldl". story an old friend of the reader wel- - hi'lljti 'l In l!n' i of r liniiiiiii last year ihliiitcil tlm leBlhtn-liv- e each ol whom must be a stockhuhb-- My coinnii 'ii Xi.vembcr lalnnii the iUlll roineiy In I.lly fearl, win. LEGAL NOTICE o.pirts (HimvIhI In the company. IS. 11)11. t' tin. .iHi .( H fjain Tin' ur-t""ti- it ait fur Klnhiiiil, of wlileh rremier forrmiMindMira ta Mtirnla Jnaraal) has become a self. ordained preacher - -- Territory of New Mexico. i" Witness Whereof, we, the tintler- Ni w ii. i hw iti t.',rikioK- t'to Stnlvpin watt Hie rhlef prolniioliist, Aztn, X. M Auk 31. Wlmt und is engaged in establishing ilet em y Territory of .Mexico, ligticd J Ii I ... I I , t and peat., amniig own (irfice of tin Sc rctarv. have hcl. nniu set our '"iiiily of rnalillo. .o nr. ,! J an i tiif I'lalne, in a! Hiilaln, ieriliaiiv llul mil-li- have bet n II terrible, lalamllv her people. When ul,-le- 1 fciiIs Hi- - It day A , In- - of-t- certain brethri! liml sisters F CUMrAIHSOX. of AuKiist, Thi-- iasli-umci- rep liijut ti, a ';itK l.lli ara i and Holland, Ihroiiiili their ri'Hpreflv wit. mil row Iv averted thin week at tn was final fur ht her vigorous rule a.n cjmtrarv I, Nntlutn Jaffa, Secretary of the j D. Nineteen iiuiuired n .l.wl...-Imht- . I'm llllllli IllH, hi.ol n the i:ieen. I't'd mi the ."lin i, day of August, 1911 a iiiaii.r .f of plot. mi nit tin llu o nil lit low Vis- to the I'aptlHI trans-fnriu- s i'urn ramh I'loril rreeil. l.llv IVarl Territory of New Mexico, ilu hereby ( FKKH I'. CANF1 Kl.l). (Seal.) - . . at 10:lii oclocl; atnl h fi or,..- t j ( . ( nil mihveruioii of Klnhitiilft' Muhtu n a ta coiigremitlon a. m. Mr. I!, .ml had (jniu- tu the into u Metho- ' EMMA I. ( I ). IS.-al- another certify that there was filed for record 'AN Kid Ih'i o Kt tii.r.iiiy . niiMitullomilly ennntt j. dist liie.tlng whose discipline (she onleiJ in Vol. "I'." Mb:... in nni,..l, arc .nm evernetl ramh, hiivlntr bin wife, u bnby of 111 X. it on this office at Eleven o'clock it. m., CEolICi; HANT.uN. I.Seal, t of I'oliu 81. The Kreiieh rriimn-Mritnee- ,'' acreiils th,. second syllable) Is rerords said county, falf "memorial of Hue.. Imy, Twenly-ninl- li Ti Ne w ,i Mii tarloon .Main and a liltle iiKe, ten umrti adapted tu on the day of August, rritory of Mexico, A. E. t "UL' her mode of dealing WAI.KEK. Iteroltlcr. inlKht i.r... It mli.'l,t In. toin.ur. heurlnu MRiiaturea of al horn, The father hud barely fu( with sinners. A. D. 1DI1; Hernaliltu Count.v. sa. il i ii nut n I il with Turkey for lintiiinn.. nml 20 ki iiiilnra, pitsKedln siuht when Airs. Ilood suw the t'nl'alling of liiimrisiriitlun of 'II L'Mh tiny l refinement of touch mid Articles tliis the of All st, ain lull i tilt-i- l tm Mi mm t of luin an opm Intern, whicii high 1 thr k olil in of Kuroin' review the iillrn hintory purpose F. 1'. I'ANKI Kl.D CilMl'ANV, j Ii. a it , niE i murk all the stories. The before me personally nppear-- : coiitaiiieil ii;ht feet ttf water. The , Hi i I i .m leliillo with HUKbla, a 111, Til-- pint In every rn,-,,- s (11)11. 1". nli ioltir in im. mill rut ii, or lis mother Inslautly ran tn the cistern chararteri,eil by Nuiiila r cd Fred Canlii-hl- Emma 1. Canlit ld Kni-lMtii-l ; Hitsinipllcity by rt riii il rv, til it ii rebuke to ltiniiliiii ci nature und skill- and also, that I have compared the . F rim hk litl, liltililu and Jumped In, eatehinK the baby In ful hamlling. and licorgr Ilanlnn. to me known NEAL CURE .Inliii In Thtt author I Hull, Tli fuwliuy hi i It an tho Czar'a Ruvern-ni- l one liiiiul while Hie ollur she clunK create following copy of the same, with the tu be the pi miiis tli s rib. d in and I K,H 4)11 11 A II both ittmiiKph, re ( w itli-o- IT oil- betin-rlt- a In n rope was tu na-le- r and haraiters a lift type itml the lienutlfnl III in tint Hi i MKtumt'it tn thai used draw orlginnl thereof now on file, and de- who rx, ruled Ilu- fori going instru- reeele. The boy waste of w ords a x iriue which in We Invite most Mini M.lit.. liltle wan iittrni tetl by tu be a correct liims.-l- the thorough Invest!. Hi'tiiilMi Mianiii'i' 1ml: NevertlleleSB tint Dollllia, Uluhr the short story writing can not be too clare it transcript ment ami each for lor riles nml she tnl, him to phune j In Highly feet-Iii- tlierefrom and of the whole thereof. ho gation. Full In plain nutlilnu iili lun Miiientus or hi.t liiNplraHiili, of einiiM', of the ollliinl the lieu lent some twn miles praised, (icntllnc ncsa of k that executed Ihe smile as information away. is en especial (liven under m.v hand anil the Ureal his voluntary l The imtln tliliiK In tu he In Hi a eyeti hliMtri hy, Heema ilt lerminiid lo This Die little chap did, and attribute nn.l the ai and deed. j sealed envelope oh request the was characters proceed Seal Territory of New Mexico, ss I n f thf world tu Kin h an extent thiit the laM veatlitea of Kliinhih mother rescued with her bnby from actinn to of the In Wiliit Whereof have lit reun-tinl- itlter thirty minutes of terrible sus- nctim, Hum only lhu sliiccrvst motives. lit city of Santa I'e, (he Capital, set y the try hand nml nlfxed mdarl-li- l Ihf Krot rurtiionlatk think It worth inlenee hy IIh aHHimiptluii of pense. lent h ut ss of tnip h, nn admiruhle on this 2atll ily of A. must, A. L. seal I he day nmi yt while to the new Malt: ami ditfiiity w :ir last above nvinlxillxo fiinetinn of the Klnnlidi Ihei. of poise, holesomenesn of NATHAN JAFFA, Neal Institute J!)ll. written. JiiMX VKNA-.l.- In keep it pltlilli." holly I'll p.aratluiiH I my Hieniti an, unllaggiiiM l.tfure tin The Hltlliide uf the latter liml tor Statehood lit Kooil spirits Secretary of New Mexico. Aniee on September 4th, are make tills bunk N"lary I'ublir. :I2 X. Si'coiiil St., Albuquerque. X. M. The N''v Mtxltitn ollklit In Miiuke the extii palm y polley of the Imuma koIiik unusually attractive l ahead enlhiisinstlcally. The program tu "II classes ,,f rentiers. AIM'K l.l'S OF IM Mtl'OK TI(. (Nolari il Krai. I lip. Cttil.inim of Hie Ihu il uiu llalde, TI'.r.K.PIIONK T.2t lire rei eiimiuiticy tuitltned tho follow- - The JtttbbH-Morri- Cumptinv of iitrlUH mid the .and ilune, Ih.. old in, ui F. I'. CAXFIK1.I COMPANY. mid lift- - -- I I tlio old frontier now III Sp..p in I t'llllliiK 11 d tciiis. We, the undersigned, tiiizeiis of the uilihldel -- 4 tl J" r 111 Siinrbe Niitttiniit fa nuns. r Aim-rii- il I.;, hhnlll'l ho t lillllllMtlll Hie feirf il ' iiti. iMti-ir- Fulled States of mil of the !'( iliti. thiim union it palrmi I '.nil club bllle rin k hllool, "Tiii; i ikim ii..iM)." -- y Territory Xcw Mexico, whose from the in piipi m. Ho petpi tuitlii "itlllt. The latest Ol'l'liptltlon tn rollie l'', t.iiKits. rurse :t nml uf lull Ill - t'. Hy Mi s nr.. Fred I'. Caul'i, Id. Ms Hie old Id, a of t In nihl di Ki rtM of iiinh r caintly 'pHlronitui" lt thai nl I'e I'lil inlllBlon vs. llarnbl Hrath. author of Tin. tiuiiu If A Man on Vi I fflS'te M. x il.'h-i?- Im. furs, Jin, the llo," Illustrated in ful! llaulou und Ftuma Canfield, in New in. with Un ir i, lit ,i tned i Hti iniKlaphs, ll look n I'HiK Heart h ' in in Iiinncr liuur. color h" Andre Ctisbilgne; I linn, order In fnrm a ful puratiuli lor the idi .1 In i Ii". un will, h now irulieuun, In find a worthy who vitmld fit, hut i ents, cloth, $!.;:, iohhiK-M- , '.. llel until! l n,t. ti, nil ob.lecls ami purposes herein, ifh r l lorttx 2 - llaM-lnill- v hli li niimild he reli'Kiiti d tn finally it milm wain futiuil who hud tin n. I'.eil compuiiy. mm, ri-- thepimf, lJuiaii.u forth under tind pursuant In the jt j Appl. s. laws t K WIT "!M. i i - with Un. iliMppeuratii e of tin- ihihII-ti.t- i Ollee lelUHid In write ii Tin In bis 1:it.s( slory I3j letter re. 4 'Mr. Mnlrath nf Territory of New re- mi between U. - the - I'uoliace match has explored a brand "cw- und fi ,. tMVi- rl"e it. iil to v, wan cnnMdrre'l innple i I t'. f'f iuik '. I ' n i it n bt i - lating to corpora inns and tho tm I MIC tii.nlcu ol uiul Hums. Mr- m.ling region of r an.e. The plot. '11 t 'I'hehe UiIiik ilu not in miv poiife llllllll lelll loll, ,1 Ali-c- I 'b lam e I On ynrds, thereof, certify as follows: jif built about the lliert ttf ll rare nml ,n i t tho k ml.i Il7.i the nnv htnte. I'm imlv rut;, civrs A It it h- - I. C ) entertainment enlnretl HMohnlp w lit lax footrace, four runners. e r" id Ih. i,. ktlite Hhd IH new A n wllh nil the im of the Tho liiimo of thin corporation is F, wzz. . new herd Of fur aeal w hne num-her- ilu. mi Ariblnn f V1!HJH,IJ tOl.UCT Nighls Alter I", roiiillliiiliM un H,. Miiidv tanner, the nmy it hi 4 the riihhn nml ilinmniitln C.'iiiflcltl Ciin.piiny. t'l rem a million hi" 'i lb lay footrace, hoys under V-- t that hat,, enticed Hie reader, this ro- Artlt ic HANei Irrlitntor, the miner with h!n phk, on n In II 1'', I. ll. f illseiivtn harren Inland mance of u in , ,Ja.-CTr..--- 4 I In t nml hunter the more The bii'iition of lis principal c t lurnucictil Ihu III!! ld'd Aoph'. the nllalfu Held, Aielii' I'ollv lace. Tour lifer gralt-lti- off, The aealskln aitrk in.iv Ihr, e in e jil purse bemuse of ltn freshness. Tn V Mall. hillat tents; I lit the Territory is nl Nn. , the mid the tilil-li- holy Ydtorilcs in question Is lailrmid train iiuii.iiiolille. reHlime it i' populul'lty If the 5 ;!.;, 'I l. stolen In iIh .trom the palace of pasha Hag-- Street, iu the c;ty ,.f Tin re no link of ?' tuln (,f the report pioi. true and tlm Japanekt .'i.l'll- I'otiv lace, name un nbOve, the in I ""C ;:i(. D,i thnl b an Ainericiin ptciimp. Iiiiiliinrque, Territory of New Mexi-ro- , T.WtJl.l new New Mi v Id h will ,.. pi winner.--! iiboVc race sold hy : ,s"v kirn lend poaehi-- :ue pi ( nd-- klllin-- off the burred, I Ltr-(- !.'. him tn the milliniialre hero, smuggled ami the name of the agent thm-I- n h Tmiy r.ue, free fur nil, lour Y, A-- tin nira h i just in. niih mill nun h 'rmiilin win u Hum- t uhn ilnlu New York hy hsnds, is H The E. Card I NT) XX SYSTEM is the must perfect .. hae In titer und three to Mart, entrance other tile tind in chnrge of said principal of- 41 more t lit ii ly to n nrt-h- l , cause I n w . rut the pi of the J pin S7 and $1, of miiriler. klilnnpiliK and vet.. fice, and upon whom process against I wily nieii in Ki'i'ii ian on your :i .t . l lt'.vs, m i n.:iv (tea nee, i i."it'l1 Now In no tloii' In I... tioiiitrv I I a ems. ending Hn plcturenqiie E.;J MAIL 1. 1ST: "Ai Ikoiih nml New Mexico her n telling rarer thin cnrpnratlon may be si rved, i..: ;tu Inst an , , . . . In New xli u SI I pptirt.n mi Main the Wedding carpet of lh .. . miv erliMHK Mi mid hi r II In not. street fur Fred P. on .u i men ma ii, ut on an., suoj.-.i- a nu-tic- reminded that wine tn tinder, j lovers. Who Canfield. fa., tn muaieiii s - i.Ots till r l.'u would MJppns,, that il In w eonilltioiik. Tin- eiiMi'rn i Hie Art Iclh take exploitation of Inn maty ft I II. ta,,., lucre ruff tuiihl hitvo so mnn inlyen-- j III. tnres-- - , he Wialnd tiw.iy Irmn the Iden novel themlen lit the outset of n po- S.i I, in conhl alnmpt. as it w en-- lite oojecis ur win, n. una p,r ., tn suit every business Call our representative and ut-I- i e of tile Hit Miooler hlnl.the til 11 p.i il e.m litical career" WllHllltlRtnll Hi'.'. Tlr, legged luce, I'.'. a pel sonnllty of Its own? Such nf Vhich, this corporation is form ho will he glad tn explain tho matter In detail. In la; rue, $1'. ;lnnmur has the author's Imngin itinn are out w, Xin h i urinous knp mem Now Just what wan novel theorv its follows: the C'l I" i a .1 1 3, throw n about tho quest of the rug. :'.r.m- under the in) To carry on the of t! - t!.i nlr ...i nmi which New Mi vim nought tn I',- contest isnnclly of the rug, rape bnsin,.,, rhut? the of the nml selling, by tin re is now a tiremin m i ri il v ul Vial mam other events. fug. that th,. slory Is full uf peril, or niiinuf.iclurliiK who Lithgow Manfg. Stationery Co. n allow Ink; !! '"' lit in- opera risk, of daring. ,,r novelty. A rait" nun retail lots, certain paten the people the thlnua of Hie The "pl,, m blow up 1' i na tilalnl ball ceil hunt mi the un hume. full of frame tent oneniims, tn present and- ililrilSH We are iitlventuie an this should turn for own, op- the that canal" may be expected tu recur Me- i. w I be furnished all day by Mile novel game. erate nn, conduct a niauu-fncturin- g Special In reader limn ids slot, Representatives worklnu for the future. whenever the supply of lleWH SI II si! - Ihe A.l,e band, nml with the excep- - ien ninoiisti.ncH gold an,) lut mines, pslabljshmrnt fur the iua:i;i-faetur- o There i tin tlonht Hint I In- - tmim homines pi aid. I Ilu- ciaiid ball. will ft r Hire.' have bt en already much ex- li,- H e and cnnstriirtlnn of frames Im prei-M..- i l.y pan ll i,, s. 'r., rnlr grounds ploited. The pren iil plot invests every erealed earliioiin for h i tent tu rurni.-- any late be. II i. at nml the track put Inld rug on lines h.trilwiiod floor and ihieii real iliiiiiiii;,. tn New Mexlio. In of vetoes, t It, old with nil kinds s the realm in Pool ,oliil,tlon. while the line niiggesilve potslblliilen and nl,solute ef franu for lent op, ni,..s Mi. id,- In . rule of Kiamniar about two tics Will make the big crowd eiu h.'intment. Many dilleiein rolnred wholesale or retail a,,, t v t eplhiisl-.m- I It CXI, I 924 There ins tn be general livn n lilfiruiHtlve fulls ollllol tltblc. is eele, Unit imuiy threinls ha.. gnu,. nt,, th,. weaving of all persnuH; :PH0NE f I t uple In, pans (or M itlern Hu Week I, in nil of the country thin linrinniiiiurs und brllliaiq ie tb To sell,, ih. food , e falo own. exchange, betse, 111) IC, lit w III nine. Tin-r- W ill be The mniloii Is rapid, the action rial, ncqillre, Ui, ,eal ill land-- , tu l iii i nn . M, i. im tkn.k


ra apjrnnr If F-w- FIIMCE ID CM mtHbt i ine IF YOU HAVE A WANT TELL IT THROUGH THE JOURNAL Wall Street jNoith Putt ' N'ortli l.;;k. I VbBmKSKMQSSBH jl'id Uoinilii "11 3.'' 1 vv Y. rk. S. pi. . The demand i iseco a . s was ad-- li STORAGE. Unis today sufficient to Parrott ' ' 11 ' PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS PROFESSIONAL CARDS ,. the vcl of pi ices (pate iteuer- - VJuiney FOR SALE. - Shannon Ij ami many of tin- active issues rose MllMV 1H 1 VN. - 1 - point. Timlin was on tt Superior $r-.,a- Highlands: On " H.iiw. v:iTi.--- natv l'h"n I,. .i i t" room. modern; Fitrnltut. a, Good Ones ml t, basis than on uny ulhci-,- Superior v Ih.ston Min .,..., with ttaf..l' avi li:f'- "'". s.ilr YrhiUft ln" FORNEYS. u, small" r 3. If block Irom I' el'.u - i.e. low 3 and . i iw Third Tamarack . 4.,o.': and VVrcB .". raciui t.rnl T ' the turmoil brought about in rear; ii's Limn, art T irt n V. K collate tMi-.- n.l in his" ", i. iTTv. S. Sm. i. v Mm $ T ;' ""' X P KiHc 'I'im k. rriu5vw (!,,'. IumvV li'iiHlt'"n which Inyan rental income. net. MU!. kv nci'tx 'ia 'until, mw, modem . do. pfd. . vca. .I. t .u-ns- Huyins; J2(ini brick, two ..n 111 on l" Real ,.':irlv t. r. IKclcil moderti i'" ( r lot: baseiuent: FOR SALE Estate rtulld- - in a- - ra'.t ur( Office In First National Hank I'tuh foils lii!at s ih.i,, po'.:e(. 11. covi l ilies (if porches: barn, chicken .ir i , d be, Small paMiienl lab l.i .it s' atteiod shorts. r,..i .iviul... ' .f. lol Inir. AlhiKpierquP N. M. ftah fop Mild outbuildings. Lot lK a ,l liirm ly 'he fuel that a triple house uood tak. t.i fium b month. u. t" Winona in the JOHN ."M1.S)N 1! us at hand. lmixM; and improved and alt liar'. . f 1'- Wolverine S'lml condition. Hishlands. Idcai tH't " ("" - Ailornev-nt-- t w. lllh 1 111, Buvs 1 Minneapolis anil St. Louis added lor lu Heel"- - "" '"oil Ilia, it house, in ar ' nv Good Hooms Cromwell Tlld. aliii. ' " f'li'Ks 117S (;,!,, points t Us rtvent advances, in J Min ;,. room frame cottaue, two :s. water, electrie U .bis. easv d acla rail' n with I'e Re I'hene 14S7. Office I'hone Chicago Board of Trade. i.fKN I w re-l,- n I : , .mtici tii'n ith this movement a sv tei n porches, sink, electric lights, tlljtij i:Ti.I Vntrsd .ran. b rms. 1 inly U.11". Will ll.lde ra ni, house on in dit, t.l.tiUl.l-- .s. hIAK K cont'irma-t;,,- which lacked official conn r i.i'xlt;, part (ash, balance S lor ranch. ( it y. onty Js'.ii.. Attorney. a ChUaao, Si d. 1. isiness i on Bhu-k-. was circulated that project was l'ni per cent. FOR SALE. 4 room frame lum room. '.itcrn llawley system with ctrnin Morocco furnished the wheat - AUuiiUer(ue. ufoot to hik the ? - s x modern luimr- , sin el. near soups, Iithh rodin , modern, sleep-- ,i road, a now market todav with a backbone. $ 2 2 0 frame Insurance, loans Anwrlcnu Surely Itoml. Canadian thus tormina aiow. North street. $15011 Fire l a nts. u iei s close were lllh I' it. lues, Fourth ai t;r'ii-- h route from Cnnula to the at the ( ash. 1 u pi r cent. liu iiorch. l.ti. k. location, to r List ince eixht car Lac. Cood Half o! Mexico and the southern sea- hinlu than niht. $t;.;a.tni .".iixlt; corner, south front. ward, near , down. r mom Ii DENTISTS. Latest irailini; in room mod-- $.'.750; nolhiiii; board. CliesnpoHke and ihio was an- mm varied from Pen a addition, cottage, (;:); fra'ae point in tlie If off pi advance, oats show- irn: lot ; shade and fruit payments. other .irom; railroad list. ?;'"n ash, balance N per cent. mi. j. r. h Ml ed to decline and provisions trees, Fourth ward. MTI.KillAN IiKXlEll, lii-n-i:itt 'I ailina in Standard was broimht jr.ii, 00 new- modern brick, il Sureon. j4.:iMi--f,-roo- tno.b rn lamualow, lot Company p, ;i on today hy were strung out from IT less cost Porterficld Avenue, 3. halt tht. "curb'' the beat, F.lcV- -. Sltt st ten.rat P.ooms Harnett KulldlnR. Thone i oi ner. cast front, hot water I : outle.tibltnes; N. closing yesterday of he transfer lost to a rise of loc. Fresh kiikuvs-tion- s 7 x - paid I 744. Appointment made hv mad. war-lik- ,. ceim-n- walks, lawn, two porches. 2111 Cold. bonds of the corporation for dissolu- of possibiliti-'- s in tin enlh street. I v Wot 4th $ modi n,, Cornell KI.I S M"l-- S V procecdinus. It was Impossible clashes reardinw northwest Africa $2'.l.ei Fii modern brick bri. k. Exchange IHt. Cll tion to "lot. .'liade. iiood (lUtbuildduTs; For HentUt. an intelligent idea keit before the eyes of wheat specu- ward, close in, cast front, nmeiit fine 12 house, wen lo- loriii as to the ( lose in. room tipatlmciit Wldtliii: Ilfdir.. AlhiMUK-rnn- i lators all day. In addition, reports walks, $MiO (ash. balance s per N. Second streit: rent-- north of Standard nil of New J rs bi m .d. i n. Fourth cated, modern eunv eilii uees, all v.i-i- $2.iiii( Rooms. Its from the liussian harvest nmiin FOR RENT .1 any stock divested of subsidiaries. Tor ward, easy terms, c.ood i.roiiosltiou lor oiu PHYSICIANS AN0 SURGEONS 35(1 unfavorable and there was more .lOIIN M. l(Mi;K III AITY CO the stock was jo mo! frame. Lalli. cellar, wishimr a home in town and rent out Id 45(1. falltiij; off in the of world Kl I.STATi; '"i-rs- KF.NT Sanitary and modern and offered at total FIKi: IXMHAM I, porch; H. Walur; easy terms, rult putt lor an Income. Will exchange vl TxnisAciirM. . r.1 W. shipments. in this side of the Atlan- I.DWS M AUS'IllAf'TS. mo-lern- rooms, Central. Traders could reach no common t ladii room. brl k. ltio f,rand, in- land in Lstiincia vallcv or SlH-clall- l e, l:r, Nwm ami Throat. tic, too, the bulls were The 11 1 West (odd ve. IMicne t foe a- - is, however, a nd no favored. location; J 1.000 ad- - Uruis Store. 1177 business was West Central, li'i'' 11 KKNT rurnlslieU roums. ieinitv, lurther Inl'orncitl hi Over Walioii'. I'lione in i.inatiiati uortliwest sent wold of un- S per n td. I'd Niil transacted the shares. timely rain. buying cash, balance modern; no sicK. &i'HJiV. t'eiitral. dress owner, A. ti. Mltlini li. M. IK .Movements of ctiircncy for the week oods markits, cotton kooiIs MilM'.Y ill December fl'i 11 by He- l Store-roo- .'-- III SKi:it, Practice Ll.nltod to l,.ri'i(i.iiaii - ranged from to 9! bavins stimulated a little 1 t v. KKNT at Wist .MYI tin hnlinir for San I'r.ineis- in; it uii VO I W. and closed 111 bases im '( I. old. Tiiberculo.ds. . o. i 'losing stocks: at a Kiiin rexisim of staple pruils. Pali ntral. of l- - l in net. of piint is one printi r L FLEISCHER - House lllld lot, Honrs: 10 to li. Chalmers pl'd. . . . i; iloths b.tler. - I'dlt sali: .llis ( l Mi ruosiis; mod- Liveli'ool xpurt sales helied corn bcinn lepol-lei- to, have UII'chaS(d Smith I'oiirlli Street. l'i LKT Kiirnished ibis Week Liberal terms. JS4 W. Central Ave. Amalgamated t upper II S. St. for a while but iTiii.ihhi print cloths lor 117 1 Vi-- New Postofflee eiti. !11 Waller 11 (Ull St .. liver Walton's Vruv Stor. mi man Agricultural . . . .".0 later the market iieces of wida I'l.on.. I" I into of the il!s!T.K--Thiri-a- i ranch on American loot Suyar .... It) dullness. December fluc- delivi ry durilin the balance UKN- T- Nicely furnished loom. i'e VV. M. SHERIDAN, M. D. Ante an Can HI tuated In twecn ;:! s and iLI wilh year. private lamily; no sick wauled; lady main diti h; house, alfalfa. easy li.'i pro- l & . IS 14 the close at a Trade in f wi ar is of fair U . Limited to Aim nean 'ar Foundry - 1 I. i n d. 410 S. 7th. Karden. Half cash, lnlanee I'rnetlce 1 n reel oivhanl. an Cotton ,i lil i . net loss of a shad--- Cash Blades portions, with Ihe 0I11 of sabs l.l. Alhoilllelil"'- mnuij it Aim Phone 17. to suit. V. 11. Ilolzhaus, Cell lleliv. r.i:'iTo-- i iti msKAsrs Aimiim an Hide & Leather pid. . No. 2 vellou- was ipioled at li'i somewhat a whole iic, j for ludinpl ileliei. ilt KKNT A lii( e room in refill- ' Tlie Wiivsrriiiiiiiii imil Nonui'lil Testa. 115 .MO 11 t s. A lie an I; c .. 1 T "( 5 bid iiiile illlii o emelit is iioied ovef ed home lor lady or Kontletnaii. at Tin: iiwt.i Salvarsan "I'aH'i" Admlntstereil. Linseed S i .. Ciats n taib rs V. Ti . ,s. Two lots. Pnlveisily llcUhts, Punk ltulPlliiK, Aimeriean sufered from hoivy deliveries last wei k. Wholesales and I rMEDlUM line tate National . . . proit-takiiiS- and ADVERTIgNG on Marble avenue, lliii(iiiei'one, American Locomotive and from the part of are biixins lose to actual needs l'i ill KKNT Ullici room. Applv 2nt $2:i: two lots '(v M"lo. Smeliim,' (li I" r.9 v, li . Fur- ll'.'OO; American if rit;s. lllnh and low points touched are in the market f eiiteiir1. $i',:,li; two lots. West Tije!a, SM TlittereuloMin v;. - Central. " I)H. IKIhKIS'r AltT do. pf. nil by were 4H 4 5 developed ill domes- 'd.--i lion.- Heccmher ami ther stroniith has oppor-- I , ,. ,, twi Li" and .iariiieiie, KooniM 1 end :t. Wbltlntr llulldliui . .11 I offers unlimited Am. Steel Konndries . . he close LI a b ol tie liidcH and esiieil.illc in the pack North Dakota I'dli WKI.L showed to lassiflpj ' It) to mid 2 to 4. Tel. 818 11 i i i ft i i r IniHtnesi housekeepict: , lloius.: l'i Ami riea Sujrur Ucfiiiinn compared Willi -l to 2e above iiort'inittes for chambers or Usht ,,.,,,.1 i, wilh last nlKlil. er market sales " ""' ,,,! . adver-- i Phonel'-"'- .K.ilw. Tel. Tel. I For-- ( reeoKrlzeil 424 8. KdithSt. Ami rienn 'j Peeailse of folelll llceepl llleeM, 111 the low mini of a fortnight an". advertisers. The :.oarllllclil. )24"iO. P. Holmes, room SOLOMON I.. NVISTON. M. U. I dwelliliK, f. A ineriea 11 Tobacco pld. II s inostly um haim- d. medium l the Kr.rRO UniU ".Ni. IH'ovisions market bad a lendeney up- in hidi ale tlslnR N, Arinijo iiuitiiini;. I'livsielnii anil Siiriteim. A uieriea 11 Woolen . 2 ii f 2 :t Courier-N- e vs. the onl IS. T. ward but a leading on is in steady demand, bill in mix! Sunday I count- Hulti II, Iltirnett Uldir. Alining Siecula(ur sold Leather ' nn UKNT Store room with Anaconda. at the bulne and unsetlleil most kinds sales are only of modcrati" evnn naDtir In tho nato and th ers, shelving find ice box, ap- RENT Dwellings. Atchison the trade. dv lariia FOR .ion'; In the end pork was 17 off, lard (lialltitleS. paper which carries the largest ply J. V. liirard. Sturtes Hotel, "ARTHUrvVAlKER" do. pld .101 14 lur-ri- t; dearer by (Kc 2 to 12 amount of classified advertlslns. Thj Ki ill KKNT i,r sale, Atlantic Coast Line . . . 'a UKNT Furnished rooms for npl'ly Mrs. ui aiiylribs more expensive to ti to 1 Cnurler-New-s covers North laUot Knit nlshed cotlai'.e. modi llrts Insiinince, Bwnlarj Mntni I'.ii llimore & I III! .mo Boston Wool Market. hotisluepirltf, 022 West Central all parts ell .1. T. Uirard, for Killh and Moiiiilalti liiillilliiK AsHoclatinii. I'lione Rli. Hi tllleliem Steel . i x like a blanket: rcachlnit avenue, " U ! road. , SIT1 . T :?s he ,,ltv of Mitllcatlon; West IVmral vnw Ilroiiklyii Kapid Transit New York Cotton. 1. Commereial the pbiK rooms, Postott, Sept. The re- Full KKNT liouseki 12-- - . 2 II use In order to Ret ''i IIS UKNT-- - 1 11 house eolll- Canadian Pacific wool market U.e paper to 610 W liullelin will say of the ftrsd well furnisheil; modern, I Central Leather . 2:1', sults; raten one cent per word ( b tely uriilHlied, l.uri;e diliimt 1. : TI- - . ! I Uj New Yor! lion closed tomorrow R foul. Apply H W. DGE I". Pld f. one-ha- lf cent per word room und klicheti. BALDRI I poston shown insertion, ( steady a a 4 7 The wool market has COMPANY 'cm ral of New Jersey . . . 20 Oil L'SO it advance of to fifty rente per line Kills UKNT Nice, suaajle oftlie eras nveiiiu' LUMBER lioinls. continued activity duriim the week insertion-- Chesapeake Ohio res- - UKNT-- -. i ii'-- .01.111 frame ' a wool has eham;-i-- d per month. Addresa The Courier looms oyer ojiorn house. Also e'till mv Chicago fi Alton lil 11i and lair amount of .1. Mil Paints, Glass, Cement, Roofing Kururt, N T) l Address bouse. Applv I.. sir dm. lvim; prim ipally wool News, iiirant Or slorn loom. Peter . I at Western . . ,. IS hands, iuv . Chicago in St. Louis Wool. con- and Harrison pld of jjnod staple. There bine been IJVKnTLSlOKS Indiana utters un- Kitchen, Oaliup, N. M. T- and Builder's Supplies. do. ill V.Tu- I: K.N'I' - Seveii-rooii- i, nioiiel ii, , I'liieuno N'orth Western .1. j siderable .Molilalia and oilier wool limited opportunities for business to 1'iiii KKNT-- l.ree-rooi- house, fur- '!'. ' steam-hea- l, 101 S. $:tu pi-- t . SI. Kept. 1. original talon, while some A Waller, hicayo. Mi' St. Paul Louis, Wool, quid tile bans clnsrllieil advertisers. recognized nished; ! f Sol lb Kdith. ins l W"-- . BBHKEKE9X9 ( . - . . . . 4 s f r.s medium urades, graded P'W chan.'.' hands, 'i'iie month. Apply 400 S. '., '., St. Louis combi'in ami clotbin: have advertising med.uin Is th, Dally and . f (V lNitl-21e- wan un- Ft-M- JSKNT Iiur11ism.11 front loom 'dorado Kuel Iron . . . 2S llijlil, fine, 17 'n 9 principal sale ol the week at li'iilt it'hNT $25 per r. Entorpllse, iiuhlished & . . 4 7 f a clip Montana, with MIS W. llaeehline. Colorado Southern heavy, flue, 14iir,e; (lib washed, 2' doubtedly the Pair of rarrylm; tho largest hath. inolilh, close ill, llinblanils. W. It, Tor 1 t. Noblesvlllo, mid Signs . ; :i 1 mark. ' Hudson 'oiiMiliilated las Sfie. which was sold :n the current I'll I! UKNT Kui'iibtied ruiiina, single 215 W. (Hebl. ( of classified business in that McMlllion, 'oru .... 12"; woula sold moderate!) amount liousi'l-.eel'tiUJ.- Products .... h'e - or Tor lie tit pipdern. 4 tle-s- TIih lse covers llani- I tela ware & Hudson .lfiUr Ifi New York 1'xelmiiKe, well tomb-m- en wool. ,e.ti,,n. KnTeriu 002 Kiiis Ul'eNT A new cotlaKc' and the nnwly renovated and clean. -, I lliinn thoroughly Is In- ii over lti Irande 231s fhlcayo, Sept. 1. KxchaiiKi on New Is a 'lavdenliia one. especially soliee Conntv and the W. fi'iitrut. Phono 475. with all modern convenience. lo. I'M aO'V, 2."n- pi use to t result Kat9, at SI7 Noitli lOlb'hth street. York, discount. competiiiK l"i'i inn wools annul medium to ir K bulldliiK. iliili'e Wall Paper :;o'L. KiKI" If rooms in lirunt 5 ft tillers' Securities ably be imported oil he ha .as of l-- per word; C fiifiertions (or the KKNT Kiirtilshi d house, 2 'l Applv D. A. MucpherHon, .Jo"';iia! Kdlt Krio ki t prices alu ul wliilc v.liar stoiv.s price of 5, NotVilnir taken under 10c. West Miuu'lettc live. Phone loll., ) 411 i.oiim' di si. pfd The Metal Markets. ai-l- o. KOH UKNT Uooiiih and tubt are lu re are In inly hebl. KNTICH PlilSH. Nolilee-vlll- 4 6 eotiiplelo pl'd 41 there Address. THE Uoeiiimr inodern. Table ANH KiuiM furulslud: HUDSON Fourth do. 2nd. wi ids Vel v dull. rooinM: Lead- 1 ." I ale Ind. inodern brick; closo in. Tho ileiieral Klectrie board, $5.00 per week. Westminister 80 'l W. pfd 1 2 2 New York, Kept. 1. Standard cop- er, Cen'riil. Ureal Northern li per, for Picture Street and Croat Northern (ire fit's. ... 4 7 1.;. (piiet; spot, September, October, WANTED- - Salesmen, Agents. HELpMlnErFemaieT l'lHlli;NT hoitsu, cement! ilimiis 'entral - i:i77.s and November, if 1 2.011 m 1 2. ; London block, house, cumont; .Ml, 5(1, At InterlioroUKh-.Me- t 14 li shady, spul, 2s lid; futures, bank v A.V1 Kl-- bumuladicH, Keruuvon ldock, Phone 120.1. Frames Copper Ave. guar- $. . . . 4:! Ls5. ex- m lu'.iier.v, Ihe only ( KlVK-KOiji- do. rid. If t'liuuiii house returns show anleed silk 'olllster. vl modern furmiheu Hut, I nr. ports 27, Mil of tockillK on the Inter Harvester li of tons for the month antied thr.ead silk W A NT Cltfc, HHH range tn tlm kitchen. Apply to, (lei ill (HUM! with thin hi Waitress at doel.'s inter-Marin- o pld IPs August. Lake copper, $12.02 llial kcl. touch at North Second sPaet. A. W. Aimon. Sja North Koiirui 10 12. S7 electrolytic, $ 2.Mi'n 2.02 wire proposition. Sold "lily Inn ruational Paper lie l-- nit" Tt KNT to roouis, .V2 IiQUARTERS 'ANTi;i.) liiiiin diuicly, first class CottnueB. i Pump - ,2and casting. $1 2.25 fn 2.50. NEW IliroiU'.ii ai'.e'ils. The Perfection Silk PAII.V .IIAIli SKUVICIC AM) ST A UK International i r an lor hand I111111-jdr- fiirnlslied or unfurnished. Apply 17 $ 4.4 a 1 4.5 5 N 'W Hosiers' Mil-'- . Co,, 121S AIIckIiciiv live., waslu and ironer For tho f ii tin m Sjirlnm of J(fme Iowa Central Lead steady; York; vvawts. W. V. l'ulrnlle, 114 W. Coal. Hot i Perimineiil. food "f My 2S I i . Philadelphia, Pa. M. Kansas Southern 4.4HI 4.45 Last SI. Louis. a U 5 S (lal- - ' N. Leaves AlbuiliyrniK P. O 4 Mrs. Smith, Hox pld 14. ,'bl. steady ; f Misoenaneous" every 6 do. lis. Spelter 5.NBi lap, X. M, wan EU mornliiK at a. in. Ticket told Has !i LEGAL NOTICES. Laclede New Yirk; tb'tt'H 5.S5 Si. - at Valo llros., S07 Nortti Street Kli-i- lil with iiouse- .ViTiTii l A Louisville & Nashville in1; 27, 12s.. lid. Gallup Institution Has One of WAN f lo assist IrTM." Niliimhlni? lllld drain Louis. London I Proprietor . . . , 12lh St. J,1U. Minneapolis & St. Louis sin, Antimony, Cooksoll';-- $ s. ::o '.r I ). work. 3IIN. luviiii.'. "10 North Waller Street. i;aio 1 I dull; MlTH Mnll O. 54, St. & Saul! Sie. M. . . S in in Cale- Vv'ANTKI A nenerni hoiise-worl- ;. Conlracliir P. I!ox Minn., P. S.05. Best Corners City P. of board of school di Kirl lor Phone I2 5S. . order the i?. Proadwny. 1200. .Missouri, Kansas & Texas .. . . 2!i Api'iv 1. Weinman, Phons Par silver, 52 Mexican dollars, of I est l ii t No. LI, all pareui. .ir.s. Vi into . . . K3 rectors, 7 it'll CiiAtlllXliS made brald. do. pfd Building; Business n 0S Copper . 4..C donia and Kiiardians of ITtlilr. of Av. fiiilTs or em Is. 1 ali o do hiirkwurd l issouri Purine pub-li- 132- a;.'e nn hereby notllled that Ihe se electrie hair dryer; National P.iseuit . . . . 12(fr in City, HELP WANTED Male. shampoihi; SANTA FE St. I.otils Speller. Good Carbon sohoola "I snii! district will be manlcnrlnir ami facial eleaiiM-lu- alional Lead 4!l'i .Mb expert TliW 2S Louis, Sept, 1. Lead wei k; ?4.- opened and eoiniiU'liced bli the Clay, 115 S. 4tlt r't. l'hotie mdltlon; Uvs. of Mexico, 2nd. pfd. - "COLBURN'S EMPLOYMENT Mia. Xat'l H 1. All par- in:i 2; Sielti 1', steady, $5. SO. dav of S' lt eiu r. A, 1H1I. 521, "o much New Yotk Central JuarDHl) earnestly re- - - . S!l Niwrtnl CurrtiMHiiHleine to Mnrnlm" (cnts anil miardiaiiH are ' ,e llltoler- New Yotk, Ontario & Western tn 210 W. Silver Phone 354 TiliilSNTi iN CleaniliK . 0 I V4 N. M., Sept- - L US' ipiei deil in lend their children wliton Norfolk & Western UnUlip, 'Ihe : House and carpet cleantntf a oil The Livestock Markets. lit fail, at old All'inpier-- WANTKH Kviierleiiced waltresH; i SCO North American . ( Nulioual Hank of (lallup, only four hcIu ml Willie Phone 400. it mere I t llchlatuls. railroad Brade. Northern Paiil'ie .IK. li montiis old and with lesources of ilie limine; and he Mexican leiiiiislers fiuees in ..,in" UuMK.Kii, I - ..- 2 S Chicago $4 10,111)0, is Into the spa- WANTKH-- - 'rii.',- clerk at Walton's U ie (K lJono. Pacific Mail Livestock. now niovinu W. . (idIT In TII'iMAS WKMKK, nirKe IIUIIIO, l Pennsylvania .120'i Chicago, Sept. 1. Cattle Ueeelpts, cious and new iuarters the drill; stole. . t r t i. in .10:1 fur- M. L. ALHKUS, aii it i:NivtJ. iveil of tlieir People's Peeves, new Caledonia bulldim;, which NTI-:- r.OM. 2(1.. I). t Ave. fas 2,000; slow and weak. I . VA 'irsl class all iirounil Phone entral & . . ! I market - Si Directors Ulstricl No. P.ern. if mane. I'itshui'K, . C. St. Lfiuis $5. 00 Texas steers, 1.10 fiMi.;i5; nishes llieni with oin- of the finest liool of expurtewe-- f 1 S is ftlilbi N. IVI . bread and cake baker .Mly'. 1'ittshui'K foal ', westirn steers, $ 1.00 Co 7.00 ; .Mioc- banking rooms in tin. stale. This work by blms"ir. Address A. (In effeet SOU in the must Pressed Steel far kers and feeders, $:!.oiku a. Ho; cows ami one of the best located cornel's inkier, Socorro, ,l. ; . I:STIU)IM ( ni' Kill Tim prospect of a new r ,'iilroiid, an oil i. BUSINJrSHAJJCEeS Pullman Palace heifers, $2.2.111 0.2".; calves, $l!.25! cilv at l'ront and Second the N'o, ,i. Kxpreas 7:- - Sprinp; ;io grocery AtlK.Vn; WANT I'd To learn nuis-- i Cul liailway Steel 7.2 a. Ibuildinir lomt occupied bv Hie field at her doors and in the center iIirPfTprVO;ri Insert in classified Nu, J, Limited .. 10:G&n 112 - re- - erv salesmanship. Special rourse Cul. lleadint; 11,000; companv is belnH thoroughly reiair- or 11 reisi-'i- i of undnvelnped - :i paiiei'H In the 2a Iloirs Keceipts, market creat horlilcultural trainlnif iind.bii? coni- nils. In leading No. 7. Most. A- Cul. Kx. .HL&Sp 11 :4. Steel I ; ini-e- d, wmuow.s to rapid a Hi 7.7n e,l and fine new plate nlass Is o"kuii4 forwnrd 1 ,'e liiKher. Linlit. sources iii is siniiM paid to hustlers, Previous IT. H. S"iid lor llt. The Pake No. !. Cul. l'UHt Mall. . 1 : COp do, pl'd wlli j iZ.iit ? 7.(1(1 '( 7.70; heavy, $l'...S."i in 7.00; put In. The una rv companv i.'1'owtli in size and Importance under necessary. tn- - ; Akcik V, 4 S. Main Ht.. Lot Loci! Island t'11 street. experience imt Write KASTHOINU 4SV-- rotiKh, Jli.Sa lif 7.0a; to choice, occupy the part rt'oiitinK'Seeond the stale nov rniiicnt. Anycles, or IV Henry HI.. Man do. pl'd nood day for lerms ami eh dee of territory. I'H ,'.3:r.r.p i.ZOt heavy, $7.ofi H 7.00; $500 fir 7.55 ; llal'lup is sbovviiiH fins of healthy company, SOS Noi . Toiirlsl & 2d. pl'd. 40 I. inns, Pacific Nursery Cor (111. . . f. : 0 C St. Louis San Fran al- ' No. 4. Lid. .... fi:8fii improvement in all parts complaints in ' i . 31 hulk of sales, 7.10fi 7.:i!i. urnwth and b'or bovvej children ore. ( liTi iSITIi iN (loo, hall lor St. Louis Southwestern belt bid..'. Portlnnd. ili'l'Ki l'i No. 8. Kasteil. Kx fi:5rp 7:2Bu (ill Sheep Keceipts, 1.000; market of the city; new sidewalks are heitin ways chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, Iheiiter, live town of do. pld. buildinc,'.1! oil. moving, picture No. 10. Overland Kx. . . .K:(M 8:26 . 3S Kleady. Native, $2.00 fi 3.K0; western laid residences and business I liarChoi a Keinedy and castor WANTED Real Estate 'llnim-cl- Sloss SlielTii Id Steel and iron - and o'liiil ami am vvilliiiK to lake 4.110 ; a new lae- cure when i:i I'nso Trillin. lotiU $2.2afu'..1X0; ycarlines. ti. nil W luiiiL' erected and clear II is certain to effort a and Ar- - Southern Pacific I HI small ranch vvllh llKht parly. Mia 27 1;. 1 : ; while a laun- w sweetened in WAN t" buv about inleiesla No. Met. Kx 12:20a Southern liailway lambs, native, $l.iiii u western, tory starts this uionlli. reduced Willi aler and put in operation the lalter to 1N0 physician can or 3 in re; .Sill So. Il'mli SI. ill'esa P. i. Hot l.'iS, city. No. 8Ui l;l Paso I'ass.. t:30 do. ,ild twli $4..Midi .1.50. dry was pleasant lake. r.'g-- r j re- 'i I Hit) Han. City Phl.B:0Ra nart of Amriist. Kvery tnerclinnt proscribe i' heller remedy. Ker sale li'i i lV K KNT - 'id' urnlshed rooiuiiiK No. Tennessee Copper City Clil.B:3,r.p 21! Sloelr. ports business pood and Callup, will) bv all deah'is. journal Want Ads, Get riesults. rooms, rrlili'i tiN'o. Hid K. and Texas & Pacific Kansas City l.lve house of with l .lII .... I ...I. Ml I Ilk Louis & West. . 17 City, Sept. 1. C it lie ndobe; six Toledo, St. Kansas hall; new and modern, SI I Vs.!. JCx. , . 2 fc20 . Its ITiOO, '.''JO south- No. Pecos do. pld luchidiiiK' yard; on .Main 1 1 : r. .1117 steers, cunt l"ls ami No, SI2 Allni, Kx 2 p I'nion Pacific erns; market steady. Native ra--. I'm- - particulars . HI " si reel, Helen, lull do. old. $5.0011 H. 00; sleets, $4.00CT P. J. JOHNSON, Agent li southern NllS, Victor, N. M. I'tiite,! Slates Ileally . ii.0;0 Koiithem cows and heifers, $:i.on nihil ess Mi lor . .Hi'!: - ' I'niled Stales llubber fu 4. 50; native cows and lieil'efs. $2.75 l'i ill SAl.l'.- .M a bargain, ni.od bal- Miscellarieousr . Il'.l's - FOR SALE I'liitnl Stales Sleel 1( 7.25: and feeders. $:!.251f GET erv and colilecliolieiy business IX- .114 -j slockers , do. pl'd .575; mulls, $:i.(io H 4.50 ; calves, $1.50 cellnnl opiioi'luttlty. Hox 501, Window, . 42 77rsXirim7rr I'tah fupper . li 7.05; vfeslern steers, $4.00li 7.25; Arizona. toc.raphel'S oullil. SlroliK' Hook . r,2V, Virginia Carolina. Chemical 4.75. lals-U- a . Hi'.'i western cows, $:!.001i A CIIANCK, lo eiiMUUo. in sheep 8(ol'e. Wabash 5e enndl-time'- . !l K IIoks Uocelpls, :i,000; market iimler poidtlvely Ideal "f t ill SALi'f" Piano, sevvlnn macldne, ltd ; do. VT r. Lulu- $ 7. 5 i 7. "0 M,n0i Komi younR sheep "107 . 57 biubi of sales. extra ciii'iict, wriuuer, dialiei;, etc., S. Western Maryland " n heavv, $7.00 fit 7.:!0; pai'kers and for sale; a inaciill'lccnt ninuc. in I'll HI. We.siinjUionsM Klectrie . . . Vth butchers, HkIiIs, $7.I0iT, for ii.iiim, ten different waterlni! oraiiM'', In:, pecan, Western I'nion . 74 7.I01i7.1ii. HA LP MILLHiX 2 ' 7.40. Idaccs. for sale or lease. Address trees. Wiito ( . . ui'tiatiiental and shade Wlieclin- Lake Krie u .' N M. '. d-- c1;..-"''--:'.,'..- "Oniw." box no lllllMhorn. .lapaiicse Nursery I.ehinh Valley iris'i Sheep Kecelpls. n.onii: market L MiW Mm - MJ- for nil Alvlu day :;iii,Mio steady. Muttons, $H.25 ! '4.0(1; lambs, ( ' Pox " ." I louvion. Ti Total 'sales for the SALE-Livcst- year-litU'- ock, Poultry shares. $.550 1 ,1,115; ramro wethers and FOR par ewes, $2.50 Board I were firm, Total sales, $.'l.251('4.25;;;e FOR RENT Rooms with loud 1'Olt HAM heavy draft horses, value, $1,.101, IIHO. 111.75. verv cheap as have no use uiichauK- - Will sell Ki ilT'Hl'rNTN Pnited States hutuls were for them. Call Plume I 0!)7. board, cooking. 203 d Willi home call. Review. i iii Dun's Weekly I''iiT; s. I : Vcty Men poll.V, saiblle, north Kdith St. btiKHV, harness, lor ale cheap, 2 I : ' Boston Mining Stocks. New York, Sept. L IS. !. Pun'-Weekl- So. IIUli SI. VETERINARY SCHOOL. Ueview of Trade will say: SAM'". -- Tho best nnd faslesl In In MeXieO, flllMi- - 2.". A heller lone is noted m'liera ilriviiii; lu.rse New 1 Alhmez Senslon hei'lns Sept. r.. CaliiloKiia ' not almie at New York city sal'--- Wulklns, lietiilni; Aiiialar-'aimite- fopper Irade, lately Sam C. Koane, IK 1 8 Market St., 'I of tin free. lr. -- at most jobbing centers M Am'n. Zinc Lead Sm hut N. Hnn Frnnelsen ,,,,' ' west and sonlh. , - Arizona oinnierelal Kt HI S A I Con id milch low. ill- f New const ruction Is beuiK iuslieii vw r. K Curb. fop. it Sil. Mtf. .. .tulre s:'t W. Mi u n t a ii road. WANTED Positions. ' y with vlKor indicated by the heavy iii.. i hit to Coalil ion as I' -ft In shapes. J:-"- -;i ll- falumet Arizona ""'i bookings structural steel .'" 3J - id' ,"fP'vii. 'i'"''" J: WANTED TO RENT. I'aJllinet Heela 41" This Is by far the most active ...... , rnr dine; store; thirty ears expericneo and '" feiitennial Ihe finished' departments of Iron ii 1.', city and country. Also ,.',v- '. Wifr-i-- 'v I'M WANTKH - In Ihe J linhlanibi, pvn in iiriiKS, belli fopper Co if present demand Is main- lali-li- llanue Con. steel ami vvith graduate of inedii im', capable of 'Oast Unite fop, I'n ln'i tained, the volume of business thiriiiK rooms lor lir.hl boiisi'lieepiu".. .1. A. i Imnte. Host of rel erenees. Praulilin the current year Is expected to surpass pi iv ilet'.e ol halh. Address Mia. loll 4 M hit-en- Will 'id, NevvM. v. !ii oiix ( 'onsolidaled even the mlKh record of P.IO0. WeaU'iy, lam Journal. ilriniuisl. 'iranliy Consolidated l'N',l-- Hailroad buyiiiK, however, sufj'iisls THRO '.l ( i lhi-i- hoiisen ami SALE-LA- BOOKS. eelie 'u milieu that eXIielidiluros are still beini; limit- V; .h !: I'n in FOR W Ide ltovalle (Coiper) 1t total -- 'I'ooli on ""I ed iillhoueh recent rail sales A ai A Uj - ex-di- v . f SAI.i'i i. err, Uil;e. "s ST., (Mill contracts for i'ui; I about tons and 24 'i pend-im- r, MONEY TO LOAN Volllllli'S. chl'i ake fopoer some 20,1100 tons are reported ii,-- , La t s 'a - Salle 'opprr a considerable lonnuK'- In Miami 1" with tl, HUM, llll 1,1 loan mi lu! clnss local Ads, Get Results, fopper of .evport. ' IciO journal Want Mohawk ". 40 view t .ll A, ilolitova, iut! ti, Jld. lim'-itiei- In tint- His"' c.f. Petal Nevada 17 '4 A belter volume of Consolidated and liucoiidarj' dry Jhnew . . ... ,S ed in pnm:i( THE al5Uq:e"cl: It W ' 1 JOURNAL. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 1911.


. , M-- i:.m;.-.- II, ..i I'nriiisliln; ..!-- , ( mlm. ir-- a rip", lalxt- - 1 Tl, Men ami niiiii IMutttiii, Jm ami irr r Boys Hrtiii. fc u and w. 3ii w. i Mil t . w i. in i.i'iiom: si. Mir, f n r : r x sr. ( H- - "T- f !L f rnona y ' T h t Winn ire of i.rl.;ra W. rr.l H ,r !!.! H'rifH. New Fall Goods have been received and Tn 'irf t Kf'im lj?Ji. we MATTHEW'S ICE Har.-i.- CREAM l M.iJrt'h. -- ' want you to come in and look our stock over, S.-- : Th th t'in 'Hfil fc,r a?..,!at urity. us !! a drlai.) Jf..n ?( f.or. ;n Wrattin vrtr now while it is fresh and new. lns'nt on lr,f .eried llh Mitthtw' crt'y. "The Common iMI.rrt W. rhawtt MIOM: 429. The Ne er I Well." School Shoes, Suits and Furnishings for the Itra 11. TODAY 'The C!..rv f Clementine." boy, at lowest prices. William J. Ij"k?. a f Morrherj of the Fjmlh." t Owen W!tt New Fall Hats, Shoes and Furnishing Goods. 'The Prodi. Judite." I CHARLES ILFELD CO. Wrngun Knirr. Lot --Short Kimonas, made of good "Quetl." Ilmrv H.'r!wn. "Keeping I'p With Llzier." Ki-mo- & Inir.c ltaohl"r. quality lawn, regular 25c values; na Hart Schaffner Marx Clothing Wholesalers of Everything "Miller of the Old Cbnrih.' Ellen LAS VEGAS ALBUQUERQUE SANTA ROSA "The l.ishtel Match," Day Special Churl- - Uncle. Today "The $20.00 to $35.00 LAUNDRY Klein ari'J Hornd-- . And many mure. 1 TUimnn1 1111111111 We have a cnd mipnlv of Hie 1 WHITE bow. Come tale the lest I JustR eceive t omplcte. 10c nni WAGONS "SMON STERN, ale ll fmrr ticorfrst oil Strong's Book Store 2--- (Mi, Ihiih I, , ju-- t in, irte r Lot A better assortment of Short THE CENTRAL AVENUE CLOTHIER. " Ik -i-i-- . - - - i from leaver, visitinc hl fianrennJ h Strong li-- I. unci currants Jif-- t Brothers her it.irnita. Mi Helna r.runsfelJ i Kimonas, selling regular at 75c; Ki-- the t'harmlnK diiUKhtir nf Mr. anil Hi linnet, rull package .... .V I lulrrtakers and Ijuladme-r-. Mr. Alfred Liruniii'l.l of tin city. I'roinj)! Service Day or Night. Miisa Warel SIm.1. lur. larel. HMIi. pail ... Jean Werner, the mona Day Special Today rourth Telethon ;j. Iltideiic (Of. Icrk of the Alvarado rlgar Hlaml, left L J. R. McOullum, prlmipal. tcachin? . TEACHERS tollnloni. III. lb, .. t.3j fctroua nifc opinT and lact eveiiliiK fi r Fort Outlet, Ia sixth anii si urades, with Hie as- 'here she Kill no.-in- l alx werki va sistance ol Miss Marsuerct Kelelur Another cask of Heinz cation with her rwir'rit.M. Her pi and Miss U, lures HunitiK- - Miss Kn -- in th .Mvnrulii ix lielna f.ken liy Uciiia K' lclu r, lifth griule; MI-- s Mi MaM nu. ear..l. j ASSIGNED Mae Me.Millin. third and foortti pure cider vinegar to IB tha Itllt T ihoo'l Bl wraths; Miss Mary Anderson, third hard rM-i- Mr. 'luirlii liter of l"l I'ano, If" 39c four moruiaa iot 1. yraile; Miss Flect.i liixler M Is Ih . vixitina: rrliiiils nn. in and TCl.KilRAflf relntivea Mildred si e, mil urade; Miss Min- in, lviu T"ur nam tn4 riMO'. 111m ,. ii?.-- r l well-know- n Fo. over cad bmymr idlrM nie IHehl se.'oiul, 2 years old, 60 lh will Ix a.nrsrwl br here hiivliid liiinle lhtli in belli lirst and and in r lie her Mi.-- s Ttta a Miss Kdith KViTitt all, Kllza let h dub la ui. home inr iiniiilM r of year when -j N. ng Ki- 'Suneiintendent Milne An- Willie in the firt. cents per gallon. her hinliHml, hnrli-- i '.rrr, wax Lot Challie and Lawn niari.ntliir 'he Zelitir hol-- l. Tt abov win h hounces Chances in Staff; r r.w.rd a!4 I V. I lh. ir,Ml eoarlcM' of JikIko rank Pntker of 1 All the rue-8- , fruits and vegeta- nrcn cuht ti..llli "pi irf ptiHacd Ihri.niih Allmiin-rti- monas, regular price $ .50 and $1.75; Made Necessary By Resig-- ! SOLD CASH lh M raii( J .uiiw.i from lha FOR ONLY auurwaia .f aubxrirxra eveiilnir ell route home after bles of the season. jijUKNxt, cx). iitterillMtf tlln VcVMI.iH !,f Xi-- nations and Promotions, Mexli u miiri me ourt of whi h he ! Kimona Day Special Today an HHHiH liile justice. The t onrt (Hi iictount of the contract fur (he xcssiim yi eril iy. Th,. iisiipnment nf tout hers for the made soveruin.; Hie sale of LOCAL HEWS OF IHIERESI JuiIk1 Ira A. .l,hott ntrheil from Hith si hool ami the four ward adopted Text Hunk, we are I Santa t'v yentent:iy eM tiltiK, wliitn lie schools of AlhiMiueniue was made ooinpi Hi d to sell (ii'itde School llHH been lllli tlillllK the HeKNiotla ,r public hy Superintendent John Milne P.ooks tor t ash only. Ward's Store I the Hiipn ine emirt. lie w ill be In hi 99c yesterday. There are a icw c.iumes WethT lirpiin. chimin, m Hi the (.mrt house thlt ovt r the list us prepared by Former twenty-fou- r 10 i For tha hour andlnc moriiiiiK in o luck, to attend ti, i Superintendent W. 1). Slerlinu at the any ( cm IIOMKtl IL WAHI). Mar. at f ocloik ycaterdajr afternoon: ma tern Hint may he broiiKht be- close of the last session of the St hool, t 0. A. MATSON & CO. (15 Al fore bint, wim; to resignations and promotions. Marbhf At. I'Ikmk-1- .i xi miii nt i. niinri', !ifl; mini-mu- - A meeting of K. The itillow itiK is the list to ef- - f,n: r.uii- i.f trmu'-rfitiirr- 4fl; reuiilur C. Wurn n take STRONG'S BOOK STORE - li .. post, Army feet at the opening ot t buol Monday. tfnii. r,iiiir.- t m . unnth ilniml ol the Kt public Sept iiiht r 1 nuts, i in hi r, i l ar. will b,, held thl evening at 7:30 oWVT. Sti''J' W.TM..I. liLltllMeraKtl'llr P0ST0FFICE PHARMACY o'clock. In A l. f. hall All Illl.ll Sclltsd. mem r of the pi at a - Miss Nancy I oini r SI. (,1, I'lmnr :IJ are nri'ciitly re- Hewitt, principal of th" Ai i'ore'Mi.t. to la' v A lilesteit prcHent. It order II. It. Hi'h eh,,; Mrs. KMa as- - new li r n w fom-I'I'l- lu In m aialp. A c 1 I R Ni'Hldneton, ,M Si i wn osenwaldS New o, rd. post commander. O. .Miss Mary .Mania, I in:,. 1211. Htio i.f ilriiKH, J. (iertnun: ti:i ti:Ii. aumlrliM, tiwarg .iii.iii.i. uni l exilH r air Saturday Caldwell, nilliitntit Miss l.ili;t I.ieiireanx. Spanisii; Miss mill toll! iiri. Ia. mid Sunday. i T. M. Wlnito, prenhb-n- ef the Stella Triadwell, Latin: Miss Mabel' French & Lowber SHiiu iittiiiilmi (jlvrn to Ameri.un .Vatiotml hank of ):i WHERE QUALITY Tracy, KnaMsli. L. A. Paplnean, Territorial Knitlncer n I':i.o. MEETS PRICE I'listi '' Miller loeoinpnnltd by hi wile and Ml scielH'.'. liiim. vii'i in the cty j i Nterility. Funeral Directors Anna Shi linn, n teacher In the KI :'iipervi.or in music. Miss Mariam Mr. ..lin r.,iiad:ille relmned from I'ii no pul.llo Bchoids, pu .(,) throunh .M. yi s; in peiinvinship ana iliv.v.'ini;. and Embalmers f'aillurnln eNlei!ay Albiiiineriii yoMerilny .'! "S Lillian S1 ester. eVenlnR. mortilr.K. r' Liiilv Assistant, K. tlirtiiii honie fitter speiulltiK n KiL.'l tli in the Marry luiild- - 0. Transfer Company, .1. M I,i e oi Ti (iildad, month travi linir on tbe I'PIMT l'erios. Mi-- s Sally Kinn, principal: CO. I'll I'll t i :THAL, Wi-H- io. Mls Ai A ffiiaral trnrinfiT tiunlniwa of the FurKo loiiipiiny, li IMiooe Mrs. Mnrle Allen, .). Al- Pauline llilyard. Miss Malic) Alt Ken. Olflce 5tl0. rniiiliii in Hie city on biiKineas, wile of J. DEATHS AND ui, len. Jr., iiiiMiinpunlcd by her daughter FUNERALS. zic. .Miss Maud liimers, assistnnt. j 1'itl -. i:o, civil eniiliicer, l.iiuzillu will mnrnltu-fro- BAPTIST LADIES IN' Mr.- T. I. liutts, pritieipal oi the Thona 413. verierilny relitrid arrive thix from n lenKthf visit to the ChlcHuo to mnke this city tholr list ward. the sixth and a vetith PATIY A SI.I Seven (Si'.-tt- ' ITo.a. oil reslon. lierinnnetit home. Mm, Allen and her .Innim Stcuait. f Miss, Winifred, Hilyard and Mix Vlohi diuiKhter have Atuitcy Sehach: hv IIiTmIIIo returned yrpter been r.peridlnn Ihc James Stewart, a well kuoun ic the Filth grade dav summer nuuithii Miss Julia I". Maycock: eveidin from California, where at the resortH In of tv. the fourtli Albu'iueniuc. Who lor - vim Hi., tit iter Hummer vucntlon. MiibiKiin. Mr Allen ha been here OUT DOORS hy Miss Ada VmiKhn; thirtl. Miss V.r- The New WALLACE HESSELDEN a lm:e niHkllu con-ntcli- yenl5 cotllKtted it!i tile d lie tic TuPio; Bfcond, M!f..s J. H. the of April and Is If Peatrlce ntirnetrete, an ftiBlneer the (jrni'i-a- l of wlih the tleciiletitol Fire Aliuuiuerriuo Foundry, died :it his ileisht; first. Miss Susie (Jray. rtiiiirnitin. New company ft I,os t'eriill.M,, wiib r'lciirfg and workmanahlp rount Wa In the city eonipiiny. roideiice, 101.', Stjuth Kdith street of Ward SediiHil. yettterduy on bimlneaa. f!. P. Jones, principal; who, with iraiit mora for your money than The annual flcntn of thP Indiana of heart failure, shortly six o', lock : ,!ohn BIBLECLASS after MIsk Anna Otljard, will any contrai-tlna- Alhu-iiir(- ii. lr. HoRer Haines of lialnin, comluct the other firm In the Inleta pueblu, which wui post-Pone- ,! Trimmings X. H., Iiiih yesterday evening'. qrades. Bupnrlor Plan-- r retuirieil to bin home after from lam Monduy a tilth nnd sixth Ftmrth. Miss O'flra at tha a few owiiifr to Is Mill, ilnya bimlneKH vlaK to Albu. eontlict of dates, will lie survived hy a wile an, lour Klsip McfireKcr; ihe third Rtade. l'hona .77. be ulveli on s it'll Mile. Monday next. The ai'ttml fomtitemi,. cliiltlrcti, Jatne Jr., Aleck, Jennie nnd Mi.-- ula Pinney; 4he sccontl, Mls ration of the Nannie Creel; the first and second, for the time In tunny dayr. flcntn do San Auauxttn I I Sadie, children ol a wife, .Mr. iiit win bKin m sundny Ycs- - former Miss Cora ddjnrd and two additional waa.MaUU 2 t.iere Were mi iiuiiiiane McenHeH niKht and Lnjovaole Afternoon Spent Stewart having been married tv it .. I first crude toac.iers, Miss Ida Cooper Are . Here ihroiiKh the - Horn nttU-- nldht ami all the nextit i . r, r- r Deceased one of mo-- t pop the prohaia clrrk'a uy. A the and .Miss l.ilv Kct p 'ls. il, lh vckIi rdn'. iitrce number of Ailitunter-ilueuii- leiciay ai uairy rami oi bust ular members of the Woodmen of the .. will Ko down on w Thirtl Waul School. U . A Mondav hen World In city, which lud'-t- biU.i lTl,i o. ral Manimer J. II. O MIrlly nf this will .1. V. Clark, print Ipal: Mis (lev the ilatieo anil other events incident Gustafson North of Indian nave i cnaiise oi too tcivi n- t') tllP BUlllll a Die (li'itdcnlal Inmirunen enmtmne to Ih inncral ts ri 'lakktm tind Cora Allen will - iv tha relehrntlon In full nxvinp. i oe on ari- - . u . . itiuerai hid liiHe pince i... i ! , , , ,,, i., , l.. One I ii exterdny huHlnenji lit .i i e o, tlMllllHt lllllwl tiiiiimd trom h School, tiny atternoon lit L'::in j in cttliuuci nice thing about camiES IniI to San Jiinn fllrnn, who wn nrretM d o'clock from urades six ami seven: Miss , ticrtruce )llt III-- lll'i lHl Satnrdiiy ami before tin chapel of I'rciit h find l.ou her, The i ii III taken Wilted leiy. ntth: Miss Kuliy Khca. fourth In; timxt hiiVf ayt commlHloitera of Htate-- i CemmirHloner wiih Interment In FiUnlew tcmctirv. iM'ilile; enmity will meet in Hie olflce nf WhltinK fnr No 1'lowera, Miss Adoli.i lioss and Mis: the new trimmings r breaking the (teal on n Piinln Th,. members, of the '.utiles' Aid a matli-- of i liu- ci.mmlMNlotiem in (hc comity Fe cir nr Julia Koliertscii. third grades; Miss court IkIpIh. wit yeaterday Lucy mi'iil, anil h hi n Iiiiiih,. IhU luornlnR. icleaed on micloty and the lady member of tha w.VTFir Ktlte. sccom' Kr'itle: Miss Minnie thp reiulreii bond of t ;nn. tax m i: .wd pv. llolziiian xvill colulO''' classes In both Ki iiiTully A Si i .Ii, a Home l)i parltnetit of the HaptisJ F. is that, from iii imtii.!' j.pierr nieri lmnt of hut liumeilliilcly therenfter ltl.F. AT (H'lK or WATI It CO., the tir-- t their i artented and secoml, and Miss Ida L'l . Mi-x- Santa In by t I tcottt-n- New l Fc. the citv MhltlllK hlh Ueputy Sheriff I lick I.ewlH hiirt li Sunday s, hool, thirty In num- L'l W. tiOI.I). ih Miss won. on n r and Mala Twuy. first made Attorney Julius tanli utid his b, f, ber altogether, spent n very rnik'nt no . warrant Hwom out re JiiiIko enjiiyabb ori! daunhi. Mi-i- IHc-lil- t, ,uut 'ruin, clmiKln iilm with u territorial nficrnoon yet. rtby nt the dairy farin very nature they ".I !lh Turk .1 Mr. W. fi.lhert, wife of t'ol-bert- , mi, tike, ,'lc will u of IS. f'.iiNtarson, north of the Wilted (IN rf. hne heailnB en I'tllll tl KUt eon fnr the Simla Fe const the new euMp l the enur,. ol the Plates Indian school. The hull., Willi Hl'IT ll hen, returned veMrnlny niorrilim ncxi week, ileutled by Mr. Itiinytin, wife of the have a decided ef- KtH'llltltl Irnm a tin. t,, the I'mifle count. piiHtor, and her sinter. Ml Muriette iri-K- i , Marker, who I in rhnpte rv Mi.rrl'i nnd Alfredo (inn-n- i If yon ne1 a rnriH-ntrr- tclepbom "f the home ihl. city, leae thin tnotnluB lIcKNt.ldcii, plume 377. .department, went to the lumber mil fect the fashion- -- i li via tn,. treet on 1 i . ir.ilu ,i. In. r,,n liciivet und t'olo. our line an' trom that School , point Shoes rado mi a hu.lrie.H trip. MURDERER SENTENCED north were conveyed in n by Mr. nu.tufon to the In. It. I.. HuKt. who rniN been con-li- ing d ranch. After the tmy of the ltlide - of the gown or to IiIh home TO LIFE Oitr Hiijh' and Oirl- Siioes have - fnr mime time nn. IMPRISONMENT loMHnn mill a elinri talk by the piiHtor, txon for thetostlvcs a Bteat repuln- in count Kciiic.H, Im 'I much better who arrived later, a social good lion lor it, inline.. and uill be out nnlri lii n few ilnvs time uiim enj, veil anil refn .lunenlM were If t waist. de- V S. H ill, .X'our lilhlren have a habit of wearing out a pair n .bout They pruprletor of the Ideal lb Hand, Mic.i., Sept. 1. Walter served, the p"iy returning home I'oulirx A every six w.cks, ranch, in did Ihurinernne, Hopper today pleaded utility to the about seven o'clock. brini; tiieni lu re and let us shoe them. "'y return mm three monthit' of I.vons trip to nnird.r ilricc of (irand termine the style in Discriminating nmial.i and other c.iMcru ltapld. whom be throw overbonrd lll.'K . BIG ENROLLMENT AT lion, the steamer Puritan. In Ijic They Will Meet ,1. .1 Their Match Va,i Klin,., (eke nuehi nf tlio Mulligan, nnd Kcnteiiced to nf,. dressers look be - U. S. INDIAN SCHOOL advance, and be- lllinoi- C, lit I.. r.,itway nl Ahla, 111., impriioiiineiii. was In III. i , id u,M week a ,, palnr In yond the (it and hori vim , friends. Warren Our Splendid Shoes uild Ike I'.ialiain. Tin- - of come welcome 1 r .1 enrollment the 1'nlted Stales a Mr. St.ui-- ,,f Indian school in They 11 wlie Miinatter Frank this city will likely are built for Renict and sturdy but good looking and color oi ic suit H"il ol i he Kii,' theiuer, WANTED! pass the tour hundred this year, returned mark shaped to IK foot I yexlcidax a. a ; the oorr ctl.v. .eat Iters of Ib.x Calf, addition in ,un,,inied by hi r cliil- - A lilsli clnsu experienced salcs-oia- n record enrollment. Already then-- Hun .Metal. the plan- n, ,n,-- Viol du ,iim, fare as many pupils Kiel or Kangaroo, , they buy. ,.Klt weeka im State expcrleiu'e and u enrolled for the dak Tanned, inn. r and outer soles f extreme Wen Vn lei,, ( and 'a nuiiu, 1 vim 's work ns last e ', 1. t,,x r.H. City. attended voar lousiness, Lace or llutton a size every i i for child's foot. If yolir Ita I', lliiihlicrt., uhn U to mnrrv but the u ii,esls keep eon ii i; in H orn child ning of any cos- .Mm K. . an u pair oi our ma lituiiKii-id- im In the city ine various Indian village and reser- unci- woiu shoes, try them, and Ho n watch (h i ncv too kto ll vation In Xe-- Mexico and Arizona result. to nllow the Indian children to nt-- li ml tin- - sessions of the school this tume. Alloversthat maker If ii mrii you ba,. In in r. SPRINGER Or u trip for a true; The Alhmpiermie Indian school is lue-ti-ihi- e - BOYS U tin- imm-hi-- r. ""V popular Willi (he Indians id Xi w SHOES make charming yok-- e TRANSFER CO. Mexico and really more children are II I'hr-O-Tw- "illini; to Stein-Bloc- Move, Sh;p, Pack and Store Or, hu.), rail attend than there are 8 to 12 h HIIY W i s. lor. l2i2 to 2 s are popularly Piire-e- l !n response to many from 2'ito5'2 0"l-- Del. A MesM-iiue- r reiiuest Pianos and Furniture, t'n- villages and i'i sct-va- l ion west i,f nil! citv and In V'cxv Mexico. Suocr-nitenile- 1 .1. priced from .00 W. I'errv of the o $1.10 to $2.00 $1.25 to $2.25 $1.50 to $2.75 $ the guarantee that Indian school lelt lnt iasKa anil Aeoma to look oxer tun eliiiaiin in Hume lnd'Ho . to $4.50 a yard. quality, style PORCH. WINDOW AND i t v and DOOR 'A SCREENS. WE ALSO 'lose nts want the GIRLS 'eta! here it ilso uptlt fstoi. lha SHOES SELL ALL I prices are KINDS OF MATERIAL FOR SCREEN WORK. I '""1 e niitu!',-!- n Nav-'io- and en right. l'ldlan. as .xttl n Jlcnrilla r to 11 11 - 8'2 12 2 all to etlelnl to 22 to 6 Suits from $20.00 A "ompnnx im: Suerintendent Pel-- SUPERIOR ' ' X' I Mtn-phx- ' Ferguson & LUMBER AND MILL CO. as ir, Jose , n I I (' medical super $1.00 to$1.85 $1.25 to lo $40.00. til" !n! M n S, seiv lee. $2.25 $1.75 to $2.75 MITIIT'. z "jf 1H...I.I . r I! rhcr shops will remain lose, I Collister t.allup Lump IIAtirsi COAL CO. day in Montlav September 4th, tjibor Oallup I ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. bto ax. I'ihim: hi. '. DW'XKNFKLSKl:. 122 St. U V, tol l AM lilt III:. AM. M.l s, SI I AM (0,. Sc. ret.irv. ALBUQUERQUE'S Mill WimmI, nielory ikhI, orel WihkI, Null.. Klnilllnir, J'lro The Tv Lfy.-'y'?'- """" llrlck. l ire lux, Santa I c llrlck, Comniou llrlck. Mine nest wmdle li,,rse to had In DRYGOODSSlIOi1 "xe ' Itv nre at w. I, Trlmble a, 111 North street hexie 3