Please read this leaflet and then keep it somewhere you can find it


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Please keep safe

This leaflet has been developed in collaboration with West Council, the lead authority for coordinating the development of the AWE Off-Site Emergency Plan About AWE

AWE plc is the company that is licensed by the What to do in the unlikely event of a radiation emergency Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) to operate AWE sites at Aldermaston and Burghfield on Go in Go indoors and follow the advice below. behalf of the Ministry of Defence. To learn more go to Stay in Close and stay away from all AWE is responsible for maintaining the UK’s nuclear warhead stockpile windows and doors. Damp down and providing expertise to UK Government agencies and departments or put out fires and turn off any for National Nuclear Security through: fans that could draw in air from outside. nn research Tune in Tune in to local radio, TV channels, nn design news websites, the AWE website nn manufacture and Twitter account @AWE_plc nn in-services support which will give further information nn decommissioning of warheads. or instructions, including updates on schools. Both the Aldermaston and Burghfield sites are large industrial complexes. In addition to materials normally used in industry, we also Don’t Don’t use your landline phone. use This will help to keep the phone handle high explosives and radioactive substances, under carefully 999 controlled conditions. your lines clear to use for emergency landline calls. Don’t phone the emergency We have rigorous emergency response procedures. We regularly exercise services unless there is a separate these procedures both internally and with emergency services and other emergency. responders including the local authorities. Don’t Don’t leave the area unless told to leave do so by the emergency services. the area You will be much safer indoors.

KEEP THIS CARD SAFE AWE at to do in an emergency What

1 @AWE_plc 2 3 n n occuring radioactivity. Our bodiesalsocontainnaturally us –inthewaterandour food. natural sources. Itisallaround radiation allthetime,mostly from We are exposedtoionising medical use. navigation andx-raysfor communication, radarfor cook, radiowavesfor using microwaves to We allgenerateradiation radiation dose? radioactivity and What isradiation, What cannothappen radioactive particlesbeingreleased. materials are beinghandled.Thiscouldpotentiallyresult in results inanuncontrolled fire orexplosionwhere radioactive A radiationemergencycouldoccuratAWE ifasignificantevent About AWEWhat emergencycouldhappen? n n be overridden. and warheaddesignscannot explosion. Thesafetysystems A nuclearbombtype Burghfield sites. at eithertheAldermastonor disaster. There isnotareactor typereactor A Chernobyl

much lessthan0.1%. industry (includingAWE) totals discharges from the nuclear accounts for0.2%andauthorised incidents suchasChernobyl past nuclearweaponstestsand such asx-rays.Thefall-outfrom comes from medical sources is naturallyoccurringand16% annual radiationdoseintheUK It isestimatedthat85%ofthe is estimatedat2.7mSv. sources ofradiationwithintheUK annual radiationdosefrom all millisieverts (mSv).Theaverage measured inunitscalled is exposedto(radiationdose) The levelofradiationaperson Radiation dose

their effects are shownbelow. A comparisonofdosesfrom different sources and 500 20 10 8 5 2 1 0.4 0.3 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.004 0.001 mSv around 2.2mSvayear. is lowerthanthenationalaverageat annual dose,includingfrom ouroperations, the soilismostlychalkandclay, thetotal Around AldermastonandBurghfield,where radon gasfrom rocks canbeupto6.8mSv. theannualdosefrom In partsofCornwall, @AWE_plc Threshold fornauseaandreduction inwhitebloodcells Annual legalworkerdose limit Action levelfornaturallyoccurring radoninhomes Cornwall Average annualdose from allsources ofradiationin shelter inabuilding Trigger levelunderREPPIRforanyonedownwindtotake Average totalannual dosefrom naturalradiation homes Average annualdose from naturallyoccurringradonin Average annualdose from allmedicalradiation Maximum annualdoseallowedfrom asinglenuclear site Single chestx-ray Highest annualdosetothepublicfrom AWE operations Average dosefrom aflightfrom theUKtoSpain Average annualdosefrom pastnuclear weaponstesting occurring radioactivecontent) Dose from eatingtwoBrazilnuts(from thenaturally Example

4 What to do in an emergency at AWE AboutWhat could AWE happen to you?

Most of the hazards from a radiation emergency involving What can you do to be prepared? the release of radioactive material at AWE would come from You should make sure you: alpha radiation. nn know what to do if there is an emergency at the nn Alpha radiation cannot penetrate the outer layer of the human skin, AWE site a single sheet of paper or a pane of glass. nn have a household emergency plan to make sure nn The hazard from alpha radiation comes from if you eat or breathe in you, your family or friends know what to do radioactive dust, therefore it’s important to stay indoors. and are kept safe. nn There will be no immediate health effects caused by release of radioactive material on members of the public following a serious Guidance on how to be prepared and develop incident at AWE. plans are available from your local council.

What is being done to protect you?

AWE is heavily regulated with frequent site inspections by regulators, including the Office for Nuclear Regulation and the Environment Agency.

There are lots of precautionary measures in place at the AWE sites to prevent a radiation emergency taking place.

The Emergency Planning Area (EPA), determined by the Office for Nuclear Regulation, is a land area surrounding the centre of AWE Aldermaston and AWE Burghfield. People in the EPA may be advised to take shelter in the unlikely event of a radiation emergency that involves an off-site release of radioactive material. What to do in an emergency at AWE at to do in an emergency What

5 @AWE_plc 6 7

which looksaftervulnerablepeople What todoifyouworkataschool,care home orothersite About AWEAdvice tobusinesses n n n n n radiation emergency, including: emergency planstoinformpeoplewhatdoifalerteda should includeemergencyactioncards orchecklistsintheir However, thoselocatednearAWE (AldermastonorBurghfield) business continuityplansinplaceregardless oftheirlocation. premises shouldallhavetheirownemergencyprocedures/ Education establishmentsandcare homes/assistedliving n n n n n a prepared informationnoteready tobeissuedwhichmay include: hours a systeminplacetosupportthoseshelteringdo so foratleast12 a systeminplaceforcontactingnextofkin holding keyinformationrelating tomedical/dietaryrequirements building a process toalertallstaff andoccupants totakecoverandgoinsidea whenthenextupdatewillbe,andhowitbedelivered. where thelatestinformationcanbefound,e.g. socialmedia adviceabouthowtocontactthepremises amessageforanyonetryingtovisityourpremises whatyouhavedone whathashappened lists andinformationasschoolscare homes. plan shouldincludesimilaractioncards orcheck Your emergencyplanandbusinesscontinuity employed, thenumberofcustomers,etc. the typeofbusiness,numberstaff depending onanumberoffactors,forexample, Specific actionsforbusinessesmayvary plan andbusinesscontinuityplansinplace. All businessesshouldhavearobust emergency the EPA What todoifyou’re abusinesswithin @AWE_plc

8 What to do in an emergency at AWE AlertsHow will I know if something has gone wrong?

nn Telephone – The telephone alerting system would phone you with a How to respond pre-recorded message advising you what action to take. (This system Following a radiation emergency, only works with standard ‘landline’ telephones and not with mobile your initial response should be to go phones). indoors, unless directed otherwise by nn Via the media – You may hear an alert on the local radio or TV. the emergency services. You should stay indoors and tune in to a local radio or Notes: television station for further instructions 1. If you live close to the AWE sites you may hear site alarm signals. You and updates. should never react to these as they are often sounded for testing as part of the routine emergency response exercise programme. In the Local radio and TV stations to tune event of a REAL incident the Site Emergency signal at both AWE sites Berkshire 97.0 and 102.9 MHz FM is a repeating descending tone. BBC Radio Berkshire 95.4 and 104.1 MHz FM 2. There are other sites near AWE Aldermaston that also have alarms The Breeze 107.6 MHz FM which can be audible some distance from that site due to its location. (Basingstoke and North Hampshire) You need to be aware this site carries out audible alarm tests The Breeze (Newbury) 105.6 and 107.4 MHz FM including the monthly tests. BBC Radio Solent (Hampshire) 96.1 and 103.8 MHz FM 3. People in the EPA may be advised to take shelter in the unlikely event Jack FM Berkshire 107 MHz FM of a radiation emergency that involves an off-site release of BBC South radioactive material. ITV Meridian

You will be much safer indoors. If you are outdoors you are more likely to be exposed to radioactivity.

There will normally be no need for urgent evacuation. In the highly unlikely event that you are told to leave the area, you will be directed What to do in an emergency at AWE at to do in an emergency What where to go for assistance and information.

9 @AWE_plc 10 11 3. 2. 1. Frequently askedquestions contaminated. from asafesupplyof waterifanexistingsupplyissuspectedtobe uncontaminated water, andwatercompaniesare likelytoextract safe todrink.Water companieswilloftenhavesufficientstorage of companies intheaffected areas. Inmostcasesthewaterwillbe do duringtheinitialstagesofanincidentistoadvise thewater One ofthefirstthingsEnvironment Agencyare required to Will thewaterbesafetodrink? vulnerable groups inthearea. would makeappropriate arrangementstoprovide care forthe Responding agencies,includinglocalauthoritiesandhealthproviders, What aboutvulnerablepeoplewithinthearea? system andlocaltelevisionradio. and weather. AWE wouldalertthepublicviatelephonealerting using scientificcalculationstotakeintoaccountfactorssuchaswind Specialist computermodellerswouldbeusedtoidentifythoseatrisk is atrisk? If aradiationemergencydidhappen,howwouldIknowwho 7. 6. 5. 4. by thepoliceusinglocal media. Notification ofthe“All-Clear” wouldbegiven How willIknowwhenitissafe? about animalsthatare leftoutdoors. Affairs (DEFRA)wouldgiveadvicetofarmers Department ofEnvironment, FoodandRural marketing offoodwithinadefinedarea. The Agency ontheconsumption,saleand Advice wouldbegivenbytheFoodStandards What advicewillbegiventofarmers? separate room orbuilding. that havebeenoutsideshouldbekeptina outside atthetimeofemergency;those Keep allpetsindoorsthathavenotbeen What aboutpets? organised bythelocalauthority. incident, youwillbedirected toasafearea If youare unabletoenterthearea due to an happens andIcan’t gethome? What ifIamoutwhenanincident @AWE_plc

12 What to do in an emergency at AWE Emergency Planning Areas for Aldermaston and Burghfield


ALDERMASTON 0 0.5 1k1.5 m BURGHFIELD 00.5 1 1.5 km ALDERMASTON 0 0.5 1k1.5 m BURGHFIELD 00.5 1 1.5 km Legend© Crown copyright REPPIR and database Off-Site rights Emergency (2015) Ordnance Planning Survey 100055071 Area © Crown copyright and database rights (2018) Ordnance Survey 100055071 Legend REPPIR Off-Site Emergency Planning Area What to do in an emergency at AWE at to do in an emergency What

13 @AWE_plc 14 REPPIR is issued by Corporate Communications. Issue April 2018. REF EDMS3/801AD650. MG/36094/LHW.

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