University of Central Florida STARS Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2004-2019 2010 Three Different Jocastas By Racine, Cocteau And Cixous Kyung Mee Joo University of Central Florida Part of the Theatre and Performance Studies Commons Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Masters Thesis (Open Access) is brought to you for free and open access by STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2004-2019 by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. STARS Citation Joo, Kyung Mee, "Three Different Jocastas By Racine, Cocteau And Cixous" (2010). Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 2004-2019. 1623. THREE DIFFERENT JOCASTAS BY RACINE, COCTEAU, AND CIXOUS by KYUNG MEE JOO A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of Theatre in the College of Arts and Humanities at the University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida Fall Term 2010 Major Professor: Julia Listengarten ©2010 Kyung Mee Joo ii ABSTRACT This study is about three French plays in which Jocasta, the mother and wife of Oedipus, is shared as a main character: La Thébaïde (The Theban Brothers) by Jean Racine, La Machine Infernale (The Infernal Machine) by Jean Cocteau, and Le Nom d’Oedipe (The Name of Oedipus) by Hélène Cixous. Jocasta has always been overshadowed by the tragic destiny of Oedipus since the onset of Sophocles’ works. Although these three plays commonly focus on describing the character of Jocasta, there are some remarkable differences among them in terms of theme, style, and stage directions.