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■ P R P i B R . i iitUsUin iuin\ s i i 1 IW [‘IKHfflPi; 11>'! H i l l -1 i iii i ii| i WliiPi » W i i ni',181 !! ii'! iiiiifip' li ill iii iffii GREEN APPLES

Palie* UfutftMRt Irtictetf t t r

Complicity in RmwMmI Cm*.

change the personnel ol im ta ihe different io *»tb ip * and bo MUC!I IS1AY EXONERATED ougba of tke county The t count) board *111 suggest ihe introduction ol ■ biU • bo I mb to* (he vtectiou ot » » « « M ) THaaia tu tt. Will ta « « l « •or* throughout lb» county, and place the appointments in the hands of the H W Iw y w i > n l<» AHer Ita Civil .Service t onimiMHtn Tbe board will alao recommend that maps be pro vid*d by the townahip* and boroughs l 8p*‘ -al Trenloa I'orreBpoad.nce I aod Sled in th« county clerk’* ofllce Treatoe—Th* pltut ol Ita Hepart Tha aboliahion ol the clectloa ol aa Ken; of Motor Vehicle* lo check ita eaaora will be urged for the parpoaa foreign a n which ar* in tta ol equalisation in aaaeasmeni* An roanertloa with th* raae erar atate tm a a. UHtind »«• IB Ita fol investigation by tha board revealed Herman Koeenthal. tta gambler who lowing alaiemenl bj 8tate t'omml* that ao assessor mho ta dependent up had tbrrateaed lo •*«B*el.- v m mar Biooer of Motor Vehlclee Job H. I-*P on the votes of tho properly owner* dered In front of Ita Hotel Ketropole pincou “Great dlf»<-ult> ta . hereto­ ta naturally timid about incurring oa laat Jaly l i waa arr**t«£ iiamedt fore hero .lperletwed by lb- depart their hostility by increasing (heir a* Ike etreaalv* a***dU which the llaer atelr Indicted for murdec la Ih* (rat meat la enforcing th. U llw tta ) lour esamenta Believing that tbe only waa travelling Tta other Bndinga ol degree at a (K M aoaaloa of the Grand log privlleac *• • number 01 machlnee remedy to cure thia evil tie* in tha ap^ tke commMoa may be oalllned aa J a n . and locked ta tta Teata, there b n r t u Ihe l l n m lam of other poiat meat of assessor* by tho Civil folio lo await a farther hearing Becker atatea bave beea ia thla State tor a Service Commission, the board plana I Brae* amay la eioaeraied of all pleaded aot gallty to tta tad le th a l, greater period thaa flfteee day* and to have about six. selected through with ihe prlvlieg* of rbaoglag Ua competitive examination, to do tbe tare nill reraped the proviatoa ol Ita Plea. art which would compel the* lo tahe work that ia now being done by tvrelve Tha arreal of Becher followed a too out a .Vew Jeraey llceaae In order lo assessors The appointees would be nlaimlt* thl* abuse of prlrllaca. Ita compelled to give all their time to the fetaloo 10 UHtrict Attoraey Whitman work, for which they would receive by “Billiard Ball Jack" Roe*, who record* whereby the report* ol Ih* ae- fair compensation. Inquiry made by practically told tta whole atonr ot tta tomoblle iaapectora aad Ih* police can the hoard, shows tbat in aome of the P E R S O N S IN AUTO plot to kill Roaenthal. Ita tacepilon. IU caua* and LtaaL Becktr'a part la It— be ivatemalically tabulated at Ih* of­ township* and borougba propet Um fice in thia city. The reeult haa h e n Two Other* Fatally Hurt in Crash a part which, accordlag to Roe*. made aaliafaclorv. aad haa gained to Ike Heard a Milo—Grad* Crossing Becker Ita principal figure ta Ue crime, tta man wbo had demanded Bo- aeatbale death, and tad In.Uted oa It b j threata. ita mao wbo tad proataed immunity to tta mra who actaallyr committed tta deed, and the man who, after tta murder, had tried hard to pr*»e»t any of hla hiraltnga from contesting by reaewlag hla aaauraaeea With aevea recreation centre* in op that hla waa a power great enough to eration tbere was an attendance ol aare aot only hlmaelf. bat tvtry ma» 2 1.I1S children and more than two connected wtth tta crime. thousand parent*. And ir there be any Tta eonfeealoa of Roae. which wa* doubter* aa to the valae of play aabeuatlated hr corroboratlrc ronfee grounda he has only to Inquire into aions of “Brtdgey" Webber aad Harry matters of iuvenite crime. Crime de Valton. a bowed bealdee revealing Beck­ creases as play facilities increase lt er aa the inatlgator of aad Ike prim* Is better to buy snd equip plajgrounds mover ia tta marder, that tta reveia- than it Is to build and maintain jnila. It pays better in dollars and centa. not to mention the moral aide of the He gsve the names of the men wbo, •ubiect; which, after all Is by far the actually did the shooting. and they more important. Playgrounds sbouM were tboae which have been mention­ not long be neglected by tbe City ed for the last several days, the names Commission. Trenton can afford to cf “Lefty Louie.” “Whltey” Lewis. economise hi many things but not ta Hany Horowitx, known as “Gyp the matters that count for the welfare of Blood/' and “Dago Prank.” the wily the boys an dgirls. Colonel Roebling one of the four yet arrested. ha* set the example with his gift for Stadium development. Other wealthy The Grand Jury acted speedily. Trentonians might do likewise. there­ W ith tbeir confessions wsrm on tbeir by insuring for themselves the grati­ lipa. Rose. Webber and Vnilon went be­ tude of future generations who will fore the Grand Jury, put their hands play here when the boys snd girla of on the Bible and swore tbey had told reports snd do the necessary detail today have become but a memory cf the whole truth. Within sn boor the wort of enforcement. There la no the past. The city, however, should former commander of the strong arm reason why the revenue in New Jer­ not wait for gift* from private indi­ squad waa In a cell in tbe Tombs. sey ahould not be greatly increased vidual* It ahould deal generously under reciprocity In tact, from pres But the men who placed him there with tha playgrounds, knowing llud did not dare to leave the District At­ ent indications It wotild seem that re­ no better Investment can helrihde. ciprocity would mean an Increased aorta about Boaton. Two children torney’s ofllce. Shaking from fear, revenue rather tban a decreased rev five yeara old were killed on tbe Be their begged the District Attorney to keep them for the night In his office. enue, provided the proper machinery Sal* for Taxes Set Aside. vere Beach Boulevard by automobil- Is given to the motor vehicle depart­ ists. Cheater Linqulst, of Wtatbrop. And there they stayed under guard of The Supreme Court bas set aside ment to strictly enforce the law. The was struck by a car driven by Fred four of Mr. Whitman’s detectives. the sale of certain property In the returns from our license agents in Dufour, of Lynn and instantly killed. Rose’s confession, the most vital of Township of Shrewsbury, Monmouth New Jersey indicate thet there is a Bessie Crowley was struck by an au­ the three, details how Becker six County, for taxes and in doing so held greatly increased registration during tomobile driven by Arthur L. Irving, that the description in the advertise­ weeks sgo told him that Mercian Ros­ the summer months of this year over of Wtatbrop. and died within a few ment of the sale of land for unpaid enthal had lived too long, tbat Rosen' a similar period last year.” minutes in the arms of her mother, thai had to be put out of the way, and assessments should be such as to warn who witnessed the accident. Both that tbe men who did the job had the owner for what property he Is as­ drivers were placed under arrest nothing to fear because he. Becker, Railroads Drinking Cups. sessed and such as to procure a fair At Nantasket, Edward J. Tauaey. of was a power In the Police Department. Some practical conclusion regarding : sale by showing to the purchaser wlui Charieatown .and his niece. MIsa Mary So Rose went out and spread the word the use of drinking water on the rail- ( property is to be sold. When it ap­ F. Peeley, of Everett, were caught in that tbe strong arm commander aaid toad trains will be reached at a meet- pears that the requisites have not the undertow while bathing, and Tau that Rosenthal must be killed. Ing of SUte Public Utility Commis­ been complied witb. the sale, accord- sey waa drowned. sion. Tbe commissioners feel that ing to the court, will be set aside Thc i He dropped hints here and there. some arrangement should' be made on action was instituted against the town He did more. He sent for Big Jack the trains to supply drinking water ship by George O. Waterman, trustee Zellg and held a conference with that for the passengers at tbis time of tbe and executor for the estate of William gang leader of the East Side. Through year. The companies have denied pas­ W. Conner. Part of the estate was Zellg, ranging downward through the sengers the privilege, claiming that sold for unpaid taxes and the litiga­ strata of thugs and hired assassins the tbe law regarding sanitary precau­ tion was instituted to have the sale arrangements were completed. tions as to public drinking cups for-' set aside. It appeared tbat the prop­ Some day the art of farming may The four men wbo pistolled Rosen­ erty had not been tally described and be ao far advanced that humanity bade them to furrish the water. Tbis thal by tbis arrangement were Whltey wfll be enabled to eat a blackberry, ls now before the courts. The com­ the court held that this defect alone Lewis, Lefty Louts, Dago Prank and the substance of which I* less than 75 mission thinks that every requirement was sufficient to invalidate the sale. Gyp the Blood. Rose admits tbat he of health can be met U the railroads 1 The advertisement was injurious and rounded them up that night and saw will use a little care in providing good misleading to the owners as well as that they were poised for the crime. water and keeping cups clean, or tar­ tbe buyers. It waa for thla purpose that the gray nishing the individual drink cups car or Libby and Shapiro was used. which cost only a small fraction of a The general manager of the killing. cent apiece. The real danger from the Rose, called Becker up by ’phone a water on cars has been shown to be few minutes after Rosenthal was carelessness in the water provided dead on the sidewalk in front of the and lack of cleanliness in keeping the Metropole. He told Becker it was a water tanks horrible thing. He said it was more tban he expected. He was frightened clear to his heart, and he was afraid to stir without a word of confidence from his master. And Becker said over the telephone, while he was making preparations for Ohio Republican Nominee for Gover­ a hurried trip down to the Tenderloin: nor Formally Withdraw*. “Oh, don’t worry, i n protect you. Columbus, Obio.—Judge Edmond B. There won't be much fuss over Dillon, nominated as tbe Republican candidate for Governor of Ohio at the Webber swears he wa* one of the State Convention laat month, announ­ party that met ta 42d street after the ced bis withdrawal from the ticket, killing. He aays he heard what Beck- his reason being the determination of er said to Roae at that time. When tbe Roosevelt people to put np a third Becker was promising protection and ticket to the State. * immunity for the asaasstaa.


Ex-Mayor of Macon, Ga~ Accuses Jus- White Het Fluid Entombs Foundry, Plan to Connect S t Paul and Minne­ tice Emory Speer. man Who Falla in Pit. apolis by 10 Minut* Lin*. Maeen. Ga_—For sending a forty- Pittsburgh.—Thomas Quinn, a fore- St. Paul.—A plan for connecting SL Pan) aad Minneapolis by a fast **air flve-page typewritten letter to Judge aaan at the plant of the United Statea Emoiy Speer ,of the United Statea Chat Iron Pipe and Foundry Company. line” is being considered by prominent merchants of the Twin cities. One Cour lor the Southern District of at Scottdale. was killed when be fell Georgia, suggesting his impeachment tato a pit and two tons of molten plan is for an underground rente which would give a ten-minute sched­ and eensatioaaBy attacking his acta »*tal * « P*mred over him ule between the two citiea. as against on the bench. Colonel W. A. Hnlf, for working with a ladle at the 40-minute schedule now maintain­ merly Mayer of Macon, and a mem- th» c* *he pit. When he lipped 8 ed by surface routes. ber of the Legislature, was arrested 1 the big ladle tilted, engulfing his body Tbis plan would cost about $10,, here for contempt o f conrt. j arith the white hot metal. 000,000.

CANAL REVOLUTIONIST DEAD Willing to Treat With Italy on Na- Fr**idert Appear* at Office for Flrct ticnal Honor B a s is Time in Week. Washington— President Taft ap- (onstLBtiaopia. — The govern men* peered *t hia office for tbe first time spokesman in Parliament told the de^ in a week. uties that Turkey I* willing to die Invitaticna for the notification meet cuss peace with Italy if Turkish honor tag have been sent out to more thaa and dignity are not sacrificed. The * thousand persons. A* Mra Taft is new m nistry's program was sub returning from Beverly for the ocea- mmed la full in the Chamber of Dep- *ion a number of women are being In- utles. It refers ta anplcasant terms Hted. A bullet luncheon will be aerv- to the unwarraated interference of * at 1.30 P. IL, after the notlficatioa Tk. youa« * tr« h*4 fin* Mr ka» lt« • duca iH 'n Iw m l n » d.rtullj,," .b . wM aa tMT au iowa. boo t f o u r w a N i ko« r o uaod to tasr a r I n a r “Tm," ba r w lM . -1 n u t I

If thoae thtags are true aad posal barricade easily unlocked or eaaily not be disturbed until In her own good would not have been a wom.n If that made up ber mind to rise aad stum | bla under every day conditlona snd broken protected ber. Something In­ time sbe awoke. not engaged ber attention more ble out aa abe was, when she heard M MaKlaad, a ftaak, m . ana • • to ordinary mea sad women, how tangible. yet stronger than the thick The clouds had emptied themselves forcibly than any other fact in tbe steps outside aod a knock on tba h more to this solitary Ha bad sat. the moat rigid bars of steel guard during tbe night and the wind bad m. Sbe picked it up and atudied “Pa. sre you i thla womaa, white breaated like ladaecrtb- laat died away towsrd morning, and It long and earnestly, quite uncon­ "Wbat la I t r .he asked t i Napoaas. **Ten I nm still hoping to he aW a i * . fans tn wtth w H foam, rising aa the ancient god when it now tbere was a great calm abroad In wpplng thrlU*thrill* th* girigirl, bwlIng but scious of tbe reason for ber Interest, "Stay I come i n f wae time to attead a 1 m the Paphlan aea. Over tbat throba In the hreaat of thoae who de­ the land. The sunlight waa dazzling ah* aad Amatrong gOM Mrt and yet a certain uneaay feeling migbt “Yea,” waa the quick answer. km at whicb no head will be 1 at » definite ftnsw*». recollection, as he was a gentleman pend on ft feel that their dependence dutslde, where tba untempered rays have warned her of wbat waa toward Tbe mas opsasd tba door. M l lit M»r, Miwitij'vtaM «[(• *5f"ST**cfis and a Christian, ha would fain draw a la not In vain watched over ber. best full upon tba crests of the moun In ber bosom. ajar and entered the room. ■nd waa m »rto«ljr hurt * ha wm curtain, before It erect a wall He Cherishing no erll thought the man talus, It wss doubtless warm, but with­ conpelN—____ to „ahoot____ —tIwr to to oravant m mi I | | ■ Tbls young woman had not yet had “Have you been awake longT* he lag catae•tan by wolveswolve* whil* ba w« * dwell upon that fact be bad power to gratify hla desire which in tbe cabin It waa chilly. Tbe flre time to get her bearings. She had aot began abruptly. h*l». Klrkby. tbath* aUaid *—guMa wbo w— (~ a l i a t— would not linger over that motnest might yet bear a sinister construction bad ioog since burned completely been able to realize all tbe circum­ “Not very.” The owners ef a oertala farm had five* KaM • gftcfcag* of Wttar* batter and ages brought them dally I pc aaya war* found oa tha dead Yet be could not forget It. should It be observed. It waa her pri­ away, and he had not entered the room stances of her adventure. 80 soon aa -I didn't disturb you. because yoa woriUn . body, tha raada (ba Mtar. and be bad seen her lying prone, vacy ba was Invading. She had trust­ to replenish it. Tet Enid Maitlsnd bad she did ao she would know that into needed sleep more than anything elea by the daughter of tbe farm. A tr a in at Klrkby* request kaapa tham. While batting In mountalng at ream Enid hi at yet unconaclously graceful in her aban­ ed to him. ahe had said ao, to hla hon­ Iain snug and warm under her blan- ber life a man bad come, and what­ How do yoa fe air ed nurae had a caae at tba » f m l taclFed by a bear, whleh la myatarioualy donment ou the sward; he hsd caught or. aad that atood her ln good stead keta. She presently tested ber wound­ ever the course of that life might be “Greatly refreshed, thank you." bome One day tbe fe rm *> wife a a d rtwf. A atom adda to tha girl** terror daughter were discueaiag t W w hea A tudden deluge tran*form brook Into a glimpse of her white face deaperate­ Hls honor! Not In flve years had he ed foot, by moving It gently, and dis­ In the future, be would never again “And hungry, 1 suppose?” raging torrent, which aaraepa Enid Into ly uptossed by the rolling wnter; he beard the word or thought tbe thing, covered agreeably tbat it was much lie out of It. “Very’* the Ifttl* bor, who had been listening, goi%*, where aha la r«MMd said; “Rita. If t go with yoa to m o r­ tain hermit after • thrlllln ked into tbe unfathomable but be had not forgotten l t She bad leas painful tbaa abe had anticipated. It waa therefore wltb mingled aad "I wlll soon remedy thst. Tour Cain per* In great confualoa depth of ber eyaa st tbat moment not appealed to an unreal thing; upon The treatment tbe night before bad untranaiatabte emotions that ahe stud­ foot?" row. win you show me tbe tr a in e d her trust waa based. His hand been very successful. Th* gtrl said aha weald, and Maitland and Old Klrkby go in wben she bad awakened In bla arms ied thla picture. She marked with a “it seems much better, but I—p aefttch of the g' iV r t .f______c i l “ _____ after such a struggle as bad taxed bia left tbe latch. It fall gently, be drew She did not get up Immediately, but ber ankle hi sprained and that ahe la un­ back and turned away trembling, a able to walk. Her myatettoua manhood and almoat broken hla heart; the coldness of tha room struck her so he bad carried her unconacioualj. conqueror wbo maatered himself. He soon as she got out of bed. Upon her aleep tn th* atrang* man’* bunk. ghaatly white with her pain-drawn waa awake to the truth again. flrst awakening sbe was hardly con­ What had he been about to do? Pro­ scious of her situation; her sleep bad CHAPTER X-—(Continued ) face, stumbling desperately over the rocka In the beating rain to thia, bla fane. uninvited, tbe aanctlty of ber been too long and to o heavy, and ed nnrac Is aotblag but a gbrt!"- Have you ever climbed a mountain Tbere he bad held that poor, chamber, violate the boapltality of hla awakening too gradual for any lud- per's Bazar early In thc morning while It vaa-yet brained slender little foot in bla baud, own house? Even with a proper mo­ den appreciation of tbe new condition. dark and having gained aome domi­ skilfully treating it. when be tive. imperil his self-respect, ahatter It waa not until sbe bad stared around Charlotte J Cipriani ef tbe Culver- nant crest stood staring at the far her trust, endanger that honor whicb the walla of tbe rude cabin for some- ■ity of Paris says: “It may prove ta- bod ion. tbe empurpled eaat. while the longed to preaS bia ilpe passionately I t Last of nil he bad looked so suddenly became a part of him on time, that she realised where abe was * tractive to call atteatkmte tba (net "dawn came up Hke thunder?” Or into her face, warmed with the red demand? She would not probably and what had happened. When she thst of the tbree oldest ua!*ersfties In hatter atlll. have you ever atood with­ light of the Are. searched her weary know; she could never know unless did so she arose at once. Christian western Europe. Salerno. in the cold, dark receaaaa of somo eyea almoat like blue pools, ln wboae she awoke. What of tbat? Tbat an­ Her firat Impulse was to call Never Bologna aad Parta. two—Salerno and deep talley of river or paaa and depths tbere yet lurked life snd light, cient honor ot bis Ufa and race rose in her life had she felt such death­ Poiogna— were thrown open from watched the clear light spread Ita bile her golden hair tinged crlm- like a mountain wboae acarped face like stillness. Even tn the camp al­ their origin to women, both ban athwart the heavens like nebu­ most always there had been a whis­ and professors Nor did tbe lous mighty pinions along the llgbt jn hr tbe blaze lay on tbe white pil­ cannot be acaled. per or breeze through tbe pine trees, fall to take advantage of tbis j touched crest of a towering range, un­ low—and be loved ber. God pity him. He fell back wltb a swift turn, a fighting against fact and admission of feeling almost womanly; and moro or the chatter of water over the rocks. unity" til all of a sudden, with a leap almost But bere there were no pine trees and of Joy, the great sun biased In the I t yet how could he help It? men, perhaps. If they lived In fem­ k> sound of rushing brook came to High-Handed Justice at tbe Canet. high horizon? He had loved once before in bis Ilfs, inine isolation, aa aelf-centered as her. It was almoat painful. Sbe was Mr. Bishop, characterising Col G. W . You might be born a child of the with the fire of youth and spring, but women are so often by necessity, keen to dress and go out of the house. Goethals. emphasises especially tbo dark, and light might tear and burn it was not like this- He did not rec­ would be aa feminine aa their sisters— She stood upon the rude puncheon hig msn's maoy-s your eye balls accustomed to cooler ognize this new passion In any light influenced him, orercame him. His floor on one foot, scarcely able yet to ting through the biggest < deeper shades, yet you could no more from the past; therefore be would not hand went to his hunting shirt Nerv­ bear even tbe lightest pressure upon Job Is tbe world, be bus been, during turn away from thta glory, though you admit It Hence, he did not under ously he tore it open; he grasped a the other. There were her clothes on his yeara at Panama, a stanch fig h te r ■! might hate it, than hy mere effort of atand It But be aaw and admitted bright object thst bung sgainat his chalra and tables before the fireplace. for the laws of economic decency will you could ceaae to breathe the and understood enough to know tbat breast. As he did so, the thought came Such had been thc boat thrown oot by Colonel Goetbftls Is s fighter snd bo sir. The shock that you might feel, the paat was no longer the auprema to him that not before in five years that huge blaze thnt a brief inspec. will fight a trust s s readily n a b e will tbe audden surprise. Is only faintly sug- subject la bis life, that the preaenl had he been for a moment uncon­ tion convinced her that everything fight s labor union. Whole cargoes of gestive of the emotions ln the breast rose higher, bulked larger and bid scious of the pressure of thst locket more and more of hla far-off horizon. over his heart, but now that this oth­ waa thoroughly dry. Dry or wet. sbe of this man. muat needs put them on, since they Once long ago tba gentlest snd ten- He fe!t like a knave and a traitor, er had come, he had to seek for It to were all abe had. 8 be noticed that derest of voices called from tha dark aa If ha had been baae. dlaloyal. false flnd It there were no locka on the doors, and Thousands of square yards of a td tbe light, tha blind. And It la given to his ideal, recreant to his remem­ The man dragged It out, held It In ahe realized tbat tbe only protection ing were 1 to modern eclenee and to modern aklll brance. Waa be indeed a true man? bla band and opened i t He held It so she bad wna tbe sense of decency and for. ss soon ss tt 1 sometimes to emulate that godlike Did he hare that rugged strength, that tightly that It almoat gave beneath sbidlng faith, that eternal conaclous- the honor of the man. Tbat sbe had the copper trust had put la achievement Perhaps tbe surprise, the atrong grasp at bis strong hsnd. been allowed her sleep unmolested Iron that they wars rapidly I the amazement, tha bewilderment, of neaa. that lasting affection, Prom a nearby bog be drew another which tha rocky paths he often trod made her the more confident on that him who haring bean blind doth now object witb hla other hand. Ha took account aee, tf wo can imagine It not having were things transient, perishable, ev­ tbe two to tbe light, tbe soft light of bean In tha caae ouraelves. will be a bet­ anescent? Was ha a weakling that ha the candle upon the table, aad atared tbe work of some dlflfeulty m view of ter guide to the understanding or tblr fell at tbe flrst sight of from one to the other witb eyea brim­ her wounded foot, snd of tbe stiff con­ man’s emotion when this womsn ca woman? ming. dition of her rough, dried appareL suddenly lato hla lonely orbit Hia He stopped his ceaseless pace for­ Like crystal gazers, he saw other ward and backward, and stopped near Preeently ahe was completely clothed, eyea were opened although he would things than thoseNbresented to the World’s Oeht te Books. not know It He ftwght down hla i that frail and futile door. She save for that disrobed foot. With tbe casual vision. He heard other sounds big clumsy bandages upon I t sbe coaid How safely we ley bare the poverty consciousness and would have none of there and there wss none to prevent than the beat of tbe rain upon the not draw ber stocking over It. and even of human ignorance to hooks without lt. TH It waa there. He fared her! H)s hand sought the latch. roof, tbe roar of the wind down the if sbe succeded in that ahe could In feeling any shame. They sre masters With what Joy did Selkirk welcome What wa8 he aboat to do? God for­ canon. A voice that be had sworn no wsy make shift to put on ber boot who instruct us without rod or ferule, tbe Baraga sharer of hla aolltude! Sup­ bid that a thought be could not freely He Caught It Up Quickly. he would never forget, but which, God The situation was swkward, the pre­ without angry words, without clothes pose abe had been a woman of hla own share with humanity 8bould enter hla forgive him, had not now tbe clearness dicament annoying, she was wearing or money. If we come to them they race; had ahe beea old. withered, hid­ brain then. He held an women aacred. that It might have had yesterday, certain resentment the bold beauty Tbe girl hesitated, blushing. “I can’t bloomers and a short skirt for her! get my shoe on, and—” are not asleep; tf you ask snd iu'tutre eous. he must hsro loved her on the and so be bad ever done, and this whispered awful worda to him. quite apparent, despite the dim fading mountain climbing, and she did n o t1 outlines of a photograph never very of them they do not withdraw them­ instant, much more If she were young woman In her loneliness* In ber help­ Anon be looked Into another face, “8ball I bave another look at Itf* know quite what to do. Sbe thought of j good. So far as she could discern, the selves; they do not chide you If you and beautiful. The thing wss Inev­ lessness. In her weakness. trebly ap­ red. too, with no hue from the hearth “No. I don't believe it will be neces­ tearing up one of the rough, unbleach­ woman was dark haired and dark eyed make mistakes; they do not laugh at itable. Such passiona are born. God pealed to him. But be would look or leaping flame, but red with the sary. ir 1 may have some of that lini­ ed sheets and wrapping it around her j —her direct antithesis! Tbe casual you if you sre ignorant —Richard De forbid that we should deny It In the upon her, he would fain see if sbe blood of ghastly wounds. He beard ment, or whatever it was you put on Bury. leg. but sbe hesitated as to that, lt j viewer would have found little of fault busy haunts of men where women are were there, if It were nil not a dream, again that report, the roar louder and it snd more of that bandage, I think was very trying Otherwise, she would I in the presentment, but Enid Mait­ as plenty as blackberries, to use Fal- the crention of his disordered imagin- more terrible than any peal of thun­ I can attend to it myself, but. you see. bave opened the door and stepped out : land's eyes were sharpened by what, Love Element In Writer's Lives. der that rived tbe clouds above his my stockings and my boot—’’ Into the open air. Now she felt her-1 pray? At any rate, she decided that Alfred de Musset’s love for irrest’on* bead and made the mountains quake The man nodded; he seemed to un­ self virtually a prisoner. the woman was of a rather coarse sive George Sand gave his thoughts and tremble. He was conscious again derstand. He went to his oracker box She bad been thankful that no one fiber, tbat in things finer and higher such ah extraordinary elevation that of tbe awful stillneas of death that su- chiffonier and drew from it a long, had disturbed ber, bu* now she wished ; she would be found wanting. Sbe was he wrote many brilliant poems in con­ pervaded He dropped on his knees, coarse woolen stocking. for the man. In her,, helplessness sbe such a woman, so the girl reasoned sequence. Chsucer sang the praise* of burled bis face In bis hands where ’That is tbe best that 1 can do for thought of his res< ircefulness with; acutely, as might inspire a passionate many queens. bur.Jj^s one great love they rested on picture and locket on you," he said. eagerness. The man. however, did not I affection in a strong hearted, reckless was Philippa Picard de Rouet, the the rude table. appear, snd there wa* nothing for her j youth, but whose charms being large "And that will do very nicely,- said Lady-in-Weltiug to Queen Anne of Bo­ Ah, the past died hard, for a mo­ to do but to wait for him. Taking one j ly physical, would pall In longer and the girl. "It will caver the bandage, hemia. He waited nine years to marry ment he waa the lover of old—remorse, of the blankets from the bed. she sat j more intimate association; a danger and that Is the main thing " -» her. but made it a matter erf complaint In several poems. passionate expiation, solitude—he snd down and drew it across ber knees and j ous rival in a charge, but not so for­ The man laid on tfae tabid by the tbe dead together—tbe world and tbe took stock of the room. midable in a steady campaign. side ol the stocking another strip of The Downtrodden Farmer. living forgot! He would not be The cabin was built of logs, the; These thoughts were the result of bandage torn from the same sheet. As An Ottawa mar. heard that a farm­ false, he would be true, there was no room was large, perhaps 12 by 20 feet. long and earnest inspection, and it he did so, he noticed tbe picture. He er wanted lo seil a motor(^ar. He power in any feeble woman’s tender With one side complet- ly taken up by , was witb some reluctance that the girl caught it up quickly, a dark flush sympathized^ witb the poor farmer band to drive him off bis course, to the stone fireplace; tfere were two at last put the photograph aside and j spreading over hie face, and holding and his family because they were shake hla purpose, to make him a new, windows, one on either side of the j looked toward the door! Sbe was hun­ j it tn his hand, be turned abruptly forced to part wtth the machine for another man. Oh, Vanitas. Van- outer door, which opened toward tbe gry. ravenously so. She begsn to be | sway. financial reasons, he believed* sad itatum! southwest. The wails *ere unplaster- a little alarmed, and had Just about I (TO B E CONTINUE!*.) went out to tbe farm td buy it The On tbe other side of the door the ed save ln tbe chinks between the j fsrmer was not at home, but his daugh­ unconscious woman slept quietly on. rough hewn logs of which lt was made- j ter was there. “I came out to buy The red firelight died away, the glow­ Over the fireplace and around on one [ yoar car.” he said. -Which one?" ing coala sank Into gray ash. Within side ran a rude shelf covered with j They H ad Plenty of Clubs asked tbe girl—Kansas City Star. the other room the cold dawn stealing books. She bsd no opr-Trtunity to ex- j through the unshaded window looked amine them, although later she would | Sight of tbe Color Blind. upon a field of battle—death, wounds, become familiar with every one of [ Postmaster of Cherrydale Village ment? a year, so there's something go­ A color blind person sees light n n them. Names Over Its Various Orgsni- in’ on a good deal o’ tbe club time, triumphs, defeats—portrayed upon one either”-*hite or gray and dark colors zationa for the Stranger. even if the club movement ain't bit poor human face, upturned as some­ Into the walls on the other side (appear either as dark gray or Mack, us very hard yet "—Judge. # times victors and vanquished alike up­ were driven wooden pegs; from some i This mutusl sensitiveness is due to turn stark faces from the field to the of them bung a pair of snow shoes, s *i suppose that your, town Is almost too small for the club movement to 1 the fact thst the light nerves snd eol- God above who may pity but wbo has heavy Winchester rifle, fishing tackle The Mind Reader. or nernerves sre closely Uuerbound. but not Intervened. and other necessary wilderness para­ have affected it much A town of He gave a marvelous ^performance only eight hundred inhabitants seldom were is l s different set of nerves for So Jacob may have looked after phernalia. On tbe puncheon floor woif in the Myrtle room at the Waldorf- bas many clubs. believe.” said the both light snd color. Just as there s r e tbat awful night when he wrestled un­ and bear skins were spread. In one 1 hypfcen-Astoria—could tell blindfolded stranger within the gates of Cherry- different sets of nerves for tempera­ til the day broke, with tbe angel, and corner against the wall again were wbat card you drew from the pack, ture and for touch. would not let him go until be blessed plied several splendid pairs of horns daie to the postmaster. could bold you by the band, and open him. walking, forerer after with halt­ from the mountain sheep. . “Well, we ain’t clubbed tb death as a book to tbe very passage you were ing step as memorial, but with bis The furniture consist ed of the single some places aeem to be, tout wben yon thinking of, and could find rings snd blessing earned. Hath this man’s bless­ bed or berth in which ebe had slept, come to count 'em up we got consid Pins bidden in impossible places, all For Itching Skins ing won or not? And must be pay built against the wall ia one of the erable many clubs for a town of our by mental process. & " for It If be hath achieved It? corners, n rude table on which were size. We got a Woman s C lu b o' two After the entertainment the marvel­ hundred members, an’ a Village tm and Pimply Faces And all the while the woman slept writing materials and some books. ous mind reader stood in the lobby provement Club, nn* n Ladies’ Social quietly upon tbe other side of tbat A row of curtained shelves, evidently st the cloak-room door, and made a Club, an* a Friday Afternoon C ln b . an’ door. msde or small boxes and surmounted big row. Try Resinol Free hy a mirror, occupied another apace. a Wg Choral Club, an* a Current -I’ve mislaid that measly bat check There were two or three chairs, tbe Events Club, an *a Library Club, an' n TF you suffer from« C H A P T E R XI. >u gave me," he shouted, '‘and I handiwork o f the owner, comfortable Dk kens Club an* a Thought an’ 1 salt rheum, cunt find my hat anywhere- If some­ enough in s p ite of tbelr ru d e construc­ Work C lu b , an’ n Art Club, aa* a The Log H ut In the Mountains. body don't get It for me without far­ pineries and tion. On aom e other pegs hung a mixed club tbat calla ttseir the Prog W bat awakened the womaa sbe dM ther delay III aue for damage*!” other n o t k n o w ; In all probability It waa slicker snd n sou'wester, n fur over­ less C lu b , an a Dancing Club, nn’ acalp coat a fur cap aad other rough clothe*; flve whist c lu b s s n ' a Euchre Club, an* E.««r Cupid', ■y.lnw. sendi , the narrow window before ber. Tbe n pair of heavy boots stood hy the a Saturday Night Chib Than tbe W H r One te the Other, woe oo pieced thnt tbe aun did fireplace Oa another shelf there wort C. T. D , aa’ tbe Odd Fellowa. an’ tbe Juatice John F . Bow rf Enaato*. free trial m . la w m to k a n a monopoly ot Iks a tio a . not etribe fairly toto the a number of scientific Instruments, tbe maaona. an' Knights o' Pbytblaa. an’ It Wna some bon unture ot which sbe could aot deter the D A. R-. an’ the Q. A. R_ an’ the marrrla* tmataeaa <* tkat Cktaao Men hnd gone mad la hermitages tn raburb airaplT br a m he Di m Is tbe mountains, tbey hsd been driven e had ber long or a thousand, ■am free aI cbarfe ( ir is wko "po* ihe tn lonely oases in vast dee sturbed- Tbe A voice In tbe night n face In erta; aad tbey bad peopled tbelr eolt- fort whatever to awnken ber. W het street • whispered word, tba to ever taaks he bad performed since day- ef n band, tbe enswertng throb et S S S J B S L AMI6KTY WARRIOR Our Churches

Published lim ry Friday «I Belmar Grocery General Dumas Was a Colossus CLOTHING HI. IhK’llM lh M ,: M i|.> li SBLM AR, N. J. t.lH. U l . » .« a. m. I M f da/ti *»d M QE0. P. LEDDON, Prop. In Size and In riMay,. »J » a ^ turn m. ,, n o o l h d f da,« aad I n t Friday,, t h>« aad t . » to * .» SPH38LT ES Tli* Herculean Father ef th* Fameua SUE , m Wwk 4aj». fcrfow a a s . TOO V Street, Belmar. N. J. Novelist Had th* Strength •» Sam Fresh Country Eggs • Fancy Creamery Butler n o i l IT 4 n a and tha Valor af Meratiue—Hie Son Wat a Chip af th* OW Block. E are making room for our Fall and Winter Slock and A n St. Kliaalictli'i Chan*. Liamla Suits on hand must go at remarkable low pricc. and n tlli I n m Maura: Kaaday.. Mjr i i. I Ml, aft the post uI m at Hclmv, funeral Atonadw Ihioia*. th* fa w I aad tu. mi a. m (Vafcaatxa, t ot N o . 9 1 1 F S T R E E T N. J., Uadcr the Act of C i« fitu <>f Mar. ttHM of the rt*M*rated French no veils!, tn 1.00 p. m . a am a mulatto of bervulesn who % W l " Rce. W«. J . MiiVwstvi. Past*** was renowned as a tremendous flchtrr BCbMAR NEW JERSEY nnd aa a man of lunnolou* InmIII.v T »a, mda> n n n ptwapt aad raR hl tthatioa. strength $ o.oo One Y e a r ...... It i* generally believed that he wa* 2 Suit, $I3.5«) Pint Methodist BotsrnfMkl - Rev. A. $ 10 0 44 (Strtetly k. Adnu»| 1 lie model from whieta tits sou drew the C. Deaswtt, pastor. Preaching st character of rorthaa In the "Thn*e 18.50 12.5o 10.90 a. m. by paatoe. Junior Chrudian Single C o p y ...... 3 cents r.uard»iiM‘n”—the smtuetliiies vathsla- I 44 12.oo Rndeavor at 9.U. Sunday aihooi at *.*» rious. sometime* heroic. hut always 8.00 p. m. At f J 8 p. m. peearhiag by pa»d.» M W KBTISIMC RATES OM AFFUCATIOM. 44 If yon ha»e a property for M lc or real, lovable poltboa. 7.30 p. m. t»f the recklessness and daring of l6.5o ll.5o me caa necore jo m a customer, and protect f All rommmocationa. advertisements or Ceneral Dumas then- can tie no doubt, 44 I5.oo.i I0.5o y o a fro m lo s s b y fire. W e h a v e a t a ar- other matter to be guaranteed proper in a 1 Hi evidently fe«r to him was an abso­ Ninth section, mmi{ be handed ia aot later than 44 lutely unknown quantity. “I had l«*ng avenue awl staeet. Rev. Charies Krerett, gaia oa Third avenge, two M l aiae Into noon oa Wednesday of each week. 13.5o( 9 . 5 0 8 thought the feat# of arm* ast-ritssl t.* D.D., paatnr. The Junior Rndea All notices of entertainments by church- 44 for aad several other bargains we him In La Vendee, Italy, awl Egypt l2.5o 8 . 5 0 aociety at 10 a. m. Preaching at 10.30 ea. aoewties. etc., at which an admiaskm rather apocryphal, too pood to lie true." 44 a. m. The Sabbath school at f . » p. as. caa tell yoa aboat by caUlag upon fee ia charged, for resolutions of organia- writes M- Jules (Taretie In a French ati.sis in casea of death of members, or 1 . 5 0 Y .P .S .C . E %t« tip .m . Preaching at l»aper. "They seemed to combine in I0.5o similar reading matter which ia not ia , „ „ 44 7.3U p. n . Wednesday eveatiag prayer the form of general Dews will be charged one tbe tours de force of PorttMM and lO.oo 7 .o o « H ® n c e & B b B b e i s for at the rate of fire cents per line foe the escapades of Chicot. But one day at 7.SU o’clock. when I bad promised to write a life of tbe mao his grandson put Into Real Estate and Insurance Lanai Noncaa.—The Coaat Advertiser Twelfth Are Baptiat Twdfth u a legal newspaper, and aa sach is the my hands all the papers relating to tlie and P atreet. Her. F. Shenuer, pa* proper medium (ot all legal notices. Some soldier's career, and I then saw that 1 Some very neat effects in Blue, Brown and Gray, in N o . 7 0 6 Tenth Avenue adrerttaementa belong to us by lav, while had before me a real epic, describing tor. Preatrhiagat lO :U a. m. and 7:30 with many others it ia optical with the a sequence of glorious action** of un­ plain and striped cffects. p.m. Bible admolat 9:30p.m. Wed. •PPtSITE ft. R I I PtV party interested aa to what paper shall doubted authenticity. ueaday evening prayer and conference at publish them. “It was, for example, established by ,7:30. official documents that tlenernl Dumas, STATE. COUNTY. AND CITY DF*>OSfTORV a t4 Local aad Personal Interest standing, a solitary colossus, at the end of the bridge of Brixen. in the Tyr­ First Baptiat Ninth avenue and C ol. did. like Horatius of old. dl*i*ure street. Preaching service at 10.30 a. m. FRIDAY. AUGUST *, It li the passage of it with a cloud of A us Sunday-srhnol at 3 p. m. Preaching ser­ trians, wbom he sabered and shot one vice at 7.30 p. m. Rev. P. T. Morris, after the other until he had broken B. D., hia sword and used his last cartridge, WM. H. HURLEY KEEP CUTS CLEAN. aud I bat be tbeu did convert the body of an enemy into a battering ram The Church of The Holy Apostiea Thaw There isn’t Anything For Them “Again, at the theater one day he Our Relations to Depositors ta Do but Hesl- Fifth avenue and B street. Morning was In a box w ith a lady who bad wou Men’s Outfitter Tbe cut loade by the surgeon should prayer sad seamoa every Sunday at 10.30 Ua affections when a gentleman of tlie This hank not only transacts a gen­ always l« kept alaolutdy free from A. M. Holy Communion, First Sunday court, pointing at him. remarked to the germs. If infection oeeurs we know uf each mouth at 10.30 A. M.; tke third eral banking business, but Is proud ot tha lady. ‘So. marchioness, yoo have g*< 907-909 F Street Opp. Bank Belmar, N. J. tbat some one has blundered. Acciden Sundays in July and August at 7.30 a. m. your negro here.* At which the mulat ta! cuts, on tbe other band, are almost Evening Prayer and brief address eyery fact that it is the faithful counselor of Itr to, without a word, seined the man by invariably infectel his collar, lifted him from bis seat and Sunday at 4 p. m. patrons, to whom it is always pleased to The germs of disease are every­ threw him across the foot lights on to where. No matter how small the cut extend disinterested advice regarding in­ ■ay be or how brief its exiwsure to tbe stage. AN APPETIZING MEAL Tils sou inherited the father's mus vestments or any other matters of a finan­ tbe air. germs are atuxvt certain to d a . Traveling one year in tbe south that the whole family enjoys is a delici­ enter. If an accidental cut is to heal cial nature. We cordially invite accounts— of France for the sake of collecting 3-Tenth a venue and F atreet. quickly and well all germs must lie ous leg of lamb from Wissemsa’s. Our small as'well as large. carefully removed at the first dress­ some amusing tmpresskms,* he came *3—'Hurd Uoane and A street. to Avignon by diligence with the Inteu laaab.lbeef and mutton always haa aa ex­ ing. 45—Fifth nnd Ocean avenues. quisite flavor that appeals to the fiastidkma When we consider how many are lion of enjojing tbe well known view aad F street. the way* in which a cut may liecome of tbe silhouette of the papal palace. taste because we know how to choose the Tbe diligence, on stopping, was «ur Infected we cau understand why such pjmest snd best that ia raised. We aim II Foaitaeatfc aad Owaa anaaca. a e O M E & HOOERS, h a . F. S. HUTCHINSON. precautions an* necessary. Infection rounded t»y porters, who tried to clutch the traveler's luggage Duma* insist to cater to the tables of those who are 43—Tenth avenue aad C street. ROBERT 0. POOLE. la often introduced by tbe very imple­ M—Kghth avenue and A streets. ment that makes the wound. Only ed on carrying his own valise, and this discriminating as to the choicest meats, 4S Eleventh avenue and A street surgeons use sterilized Instruments provoked some insolent remarks from poultry, etc., and satisfaction is oar re­ A knife or a pair of scissors or a piece the porters. S3—Fourteenth avenue aad F street. of glass or crockery Is almost certain •"Look/ said one, *at the big lout ward at Wissmaa’s- SS—Twelfth aad River avenuea. to plant germs In the furrow It plows. who wont let a poor fellow earn a SruciAL Tars Genas may also enter from the doth llvlngf 6-S^general alarm. I t - 'What’s so astonishing in tbat? re las, from the hands of whoever rushes, given every evening at IA 0 o’d pdtd to help, from the flrst piece of cloth or1 tap, bawheu rirewit. 9 taps, fin out, f PRINTERS intended him for a drudge. handkerchief used to stanch the flow en after fire is extingwiabed. of blood or from the water used for "Tbe son did not hesitate tc Imitate •M*SOF% m v the flrst washing. hla father’s example. He put down Belmar Meat Market Slhce the avennea of danger are so his valise, seized one of tbe porters, Arrival a numerous. It la safest to assume that took him by the waist, carried him to J. C. WISSEMAN, Prop. At I the pnrapet of the bridge and held him Infection has occurred. It follows that SUCCESSOR TO J . E. LAWRENCE tloW and Commercial trark ot all every family should nnderstand some out orer the river, saying of the simplest methods of steriliza­ *** AVKNUK h , been in eight different counties of Il­ “All very well, but he could swim Philadelphia snd Treatou...... 5.40 Pilltttera'Ml|i|»lta*. Kt*. f , FAItK. N linois,” said an old Chicago man “It and others couldn’t. To equalize mat New York aad all points...... €.44 was first placed within tbe limits of ters Dumas got two cannon tails.-put ■ •»n Conklin. Lattl Attaint. I*. t» lln, *n. Ilelmar, N. j Madi«on county, Illinois then being a Wu. U. Bksoes, F.M. tb*m into his pockets and said with territory. Sept. 14. I“ 12 a laugh: "Sulweqiiently lt^ was iucludcd In tlie " ‘Now 1 shall go all tbe quicker to following counties seriat’m Edwards in the bottom.’ 1^11: t'ruwfnnl. 1816: Clark, after the Asbury Park Cement * But it was not to be. lie was taken ferr.torr was admitted a« a state. l^Bt; prlvicer and thrown Into a foul duu- Pike. 1X21: Pulton. !«£*.; Porta. 1u an o'd l-'ren-h ASBURY PARK. K. J. iu;*f» of l‘W . Chekagou; on anoth r old have been the first to use the fork of Quick Detachable civilization, for he is now the foremost M»ap iffiTTli In I Ik* Historical soi-Iety C. A. ROGERS. Prop. HUrtry nt Madisou Wls.. it is Chl- ; of all men to suppress It In faviw of Fonaotj with tke Standaid h t o a a t cangua; Father racier iI»B*>» write the knife. In the restaurants of u« Clincher il Chicj:gfHta. and in 1 S t So*me other nation do men eat so horrihly Oaapaaj aad tke New le n c j Ceaaod v.roie it vjfsrhaMy fbikagu. fhh-asou. with their knives as in the Italian. In G*n^rurtinn Oaapaaj ol Newaffc. N. ?■ *’l»i aqu and «*bh~*.go. lie lielng the flrst fact it is only in England that the in rive the letter* the arrangement j thrilling action is never seen. In Ger- whieh finally was -*>fthd upm ns |!:e j ronny tnay still watch an old gen aiithorbed ^ e ’llnc Charlevoix gave j tleman cutting his iwriion up diligent the same *;*tling in 1721 In Ih - ly with his knife and fork liefore lie G m iivllie tJeaty *as revised* It Is * 'hi : ginning to eat Having ng an:l falls tn. nnd the one he puts away Y E S I’m having a fine vacation. the an-bives of tlie Chicago IDs:oricaI is the fork. But for the general use of You know I can always reach the MH-iety. a* applied t > tlie river or | the knife there is nothing like a first neck »1772a. it Is plainly written Chi daw restaurant In Venice, - (xmdon office or m y home by telephone, and i-agnn Tlie woe I a-a* the Indian word ; Chronicle, for garli • or wild onion and sigalfieil it relieves me of all worry. All I do here «i* tlte red men stionj*. migtity. pow;*r It we do not reason we are bigots; if is to have a good time.” lul. i-ounigeous we cannot we are fools; If we dare net “in 172Ti a ihief l>ore tb*> natii:- (h i we are slaves. capo (under soute one of its many “Yes—but for the telephone I would George A. Webber spellings*, who went to Farts and was u*.ue lull' ll of by r.f i be back there now, plugging away.” Living on Rubber. A telephone in your home or office will make EasSy Fits Amy Qrick DetackaUe Km The Wash The mliler slug Is one of the many Elevators and A faucet on tin* wash l*oiler Is said pest* of nihlier plantations It attacks your vacation more enjoyable. * the y«ung trees nnd feeds on the Juice to lw an excellent thing. Instead of Dumb Waiters No TooL Required o^zlm? from the cuts finuht having Every Bell Telephone is lifting oat the riches after l»eea east <*u tb? suggestion that any them open the fa wet nnd iet the l*oll animal eouii valaist on rublier. a a Long Distance Station. IN STOCK BY Ing suds drain into a tub or pall. The naeerfnl of jnh*.* was placed liefore Ntwsac, Nan i n dothes may he more easily removed to some rublier sluas. which la|*i*ed W nt* the rtasiae mb « f t « ttw M M ««>-r n t, , Vnt taRftw nr mirk infs NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY W . H Y E R SEVtKTH AVE. tun hem dninii at- A phnslirr ™III [ t,,vr ,,<-rr tn iti, _ hit thH E. B E U M ft, N. X lir nl.le ta IK * tmaret to a boiler at alttg *-ontrin* s»nre nibl^*r| Branch OSce . 4 0 * 8th A v e .. Batan- feruunf as a gn«:;lc Jnice. 44 W A Complete Stock OF SUMMER GOODS

Dry Goods, Underwear, Hosiery. Millinery Ladies' Suits, Dresses and \V .lists M m s furnishings, Hals and Caps. Men's, Youths', and lioys' Clothing. Shoes for the entire family.

I tattling Suits and all Accessories. A AKON K. JOIIM 8TON,

Hammocks, Lawn Setters. Water Coolers, SaynwM CowlC*rtMiUM


C E N U I N E CASTORIA AUVATO r o n o m c E b i i l d i n g . Phone S l H Belmar.

The Asbnry Park and Oceaii Grore B a t Asdnry Park, New Jersey The History of this Bank from its Beginning in 1889 Inspires Confi­ Plumbing & heating dence in its Methods and Manage­ COMPANY AT BREAKFAST. ment. Plumbing Office, 1004 F Street [JARKY B. COOPER^ Attobxev-at-Law Capital Surplus and Profits, $400,000.00 New York and New’Jersey Complete Salt » !> ■■> D i p H n M . New York Ofce. S4 Nasnu Street * OFFICERS DIRECTORS Telephone i l * John Hnt.rC.Wim, ,. Pmkfenl T. M A..l^». Belmar. Evenings and Erery Thursday a drcunui. vin-rm. 4 a. e n.iini. 9 a. n. to 4 r. a. * » » « *- D.rrow, Csskiee. Comete C. ClmrUm. Jnka H d t a i Residence, 609 Sixth Avenue F M. M a m , A«.»Unt Cuhitr H esij C. W m » SAMUEL HABERSTICK H. A. W .iv n . A u ii t u t C a t e E. E Dsrfa*. W. H m J o n JA M ES B. H O U SEL Fnellol Sultan Pinker, Steal u t Gas Filler Justice ol Ihe P ncc . BELM AR, M. J. Notary Pub lie and —

1 0 Cent and Variety Store STREET BELMAR, N. J. Belm ar Casino

WHERE TO DINE WELL Asking For Two Cafes, Casino, Ball Rooms, Pri DELISLE’S vate Dining Rooms, Evening Din E lle n Famous French Restaurant ners, Orchestra , , ■ = — ALLAIRE " *


Harold Spencer. clerk In tlie clothing stoSjl of Simon Krtetzfnan. tlelk-ately brushed a grain of tlust from his pale mauve coat sleeve ami gfeincvd uerv- ously at Ellen Dugane. TKellle"- he Ite^au softly. “Ellen!** corrected Miss I insane loft-

“But Steve Morris calls you Xellie.” protests! Harokl Indignantly. "Is your n a w Steve Morris!** de­ COAST GAS CO manded Ellen. “Of course it isn’t. Well, if yon will GAS treat a fellow that way when he's asking you to marry.him**— “Is tfcat what you're trying to do?” InterrupJ^^lliea Dugane. with mis­ Lighting, Cooking and heating chievous eyes. “Of course it is."’ rescinded tin* tor­ mented Harold. mopping his Itrow with a snowy handkerchief. yet vague­ Valcan Ranges, Garland Water Heaters ly relieved thnt the phrasing of tbe Harry- J. Bodine and Reznor Heaters «mmry. “WUI y o u r -Will t r mmejt Ellen Itagane. pressing a slender ton& a& r against Undertaker and Embalmer her white forehead where her dark F Street, Belmar curling hair grew low over straight 7 2 2 MATTISON AVENUE black brows and blue Irish eyes. Asbury Park, N. J. “Why should I marry you. Harold V •Deeapw I love' yon. EUen Isn’t T eteri.«« M A s * « * F » k O p** D « r •“ * , thnt enoughyr he asked \ “It might he enongh for f* n . bnt It's “W e lir roared Mi.hnel fiercely. -Who calls me Ho-pme? O f l plain Docan. no less and no mux*: What c n f m n n n c do ye be wantin'’” -I want tn—I want to**— Harold

“Yes." waveied Harold “Well, you go and ask father If yon .<**! marry me. If he say* Yes* I II ROBERT Corner 9eventh Avenu* a&’R." Ellen resumed the slow rock­ and K Street ing of her chair. Funeral Pireb “I—I don't know him.” protested •phone IQ-W. 1 RRLMAH, N J. Harold—“that K not w y well I've •>»oi I Ordera G iven SpeeU I Attention. Aa Improved still can be made bf JIMMY HOOK ID . Taatealag aa IndU rubber tube lo tbs spout of s lea kettle sad passing It IN ALL PARTS through cold water to condense tbs steam The distillate., or drippings should be received In a glass or earth­ OF NEW JERSEY en receptacle, for if toilet waters hjtO pTHe O r p in w come In contact with copper, sine or lead, they wlll exidlxe the metals. Telegraphed Lecalettet Cover­ Stllla for home uae, however, can be bought very cheaply In tho shop*— ing the Entire State. I CZAR’S WARDROBE COSTLY from a dollar and a half up. Many other garden blooms with The cxar of Russia It tbe European pungent odors, or even faintly delicate sovereign who spends most oa hi* ones, csn be used for exquisite and FACTORIES RUSHING WORK wardrobe. Tbe tailor wbo make* bia helpful toilet waters— mignonette, lil­ ordinary sulU aaya tba net annual ies of the valley, clove-pinbs, vsler- profit from them ia $10,000, and th* lan, heliotrope, honeysuckle, violets, C ulling. From Lata Olspatohaa Thai army tailor wbo Is responsible for tba gardenias, jasmine, etc. In New Or­ Epltomlia tha Newt ol th, Stat, uniforms and court dress makea $16. leans and Charleston Creole lad lei fcr a Waak—Fisherman Report 000 a year. Hia majesty never puts often drop the more richly scented Good Luck at Coaat Reaorta. on a suit more tban tbree tlmea, and blooms into pure slcohol, allowing each one costa about $60 For silk bata While not perfumes exactly, toilet watera are always scented, and their tbem to dlgeat or soak In the spirits, I).iinil Township, t'ap. May Coun­ tbe ciar pays $24. and $10 a pair for when the odor thoroughly permeates use is very beneficial to the skin, par­ ty, wlll erect a brick high achoel bulM gloves. Every year. It la stated, be the alcohol. ticularly in the summer, when It needs He—How would you Ilka a littla purchases a sable cape costing $2,400 A toilet liquid much uaed by the Ing. all the refreshment it can get. The puppy for your very own? King George, on tbe other band, le ladles of the olden times, and often one of tbe moat economical of living scented waters are diluted with plain Another oyater shell road la to be She—Oh! James! This la so suddaa. called to this day “angel water,” is monarchs, allowing blmaelf only $ . water ror use. for some of the vin­ built In Upper Penn's Neck. 8 20 much esteemed for its beauty value. 000 a year to dress on. This sum ts egars are ao strongly perfumed aa to EARN MONEY NURSINO. It can be made at home in tbe follow­ County. spent annually by tbe kaleer on unl- seem disagreeable when used full ing manner: forms alone. Tbe German emperor, strength. At Passaic large crowds of persons The Philadelphia 8 choo! for No however, pays very little attention to FYom drops to s teaspoonful of Roa*-water ...... ounces of all ageB are attending the public 20 Orange-flower w a te r ...... I ounce* *127 Chestnut 8treet. Philadelphia. Pa., bla civil wardrobe. He never pays the toilet water is put in a basin bath, Myrtle water ...... IV t ounce* baths which have been opened there is now enrolling students (or vacancies more than $35 for a suit, which he the water ao treated being Intended Kasencc of ambergris ...... — 1 <1 rat'll ni ln September and October. Some tree thinks nothing of wearing thirty tlmea. for the rinsing after a cleaning Essence of musk ...... f t drtchni James Justice, of Pedrnktown, scholarships are availabla for yooaf Tbe principal luxury In drese he at* sponge or tub bath. Tbe liquid la left Mingle tbe various aubstances and gathered 110 bushels of fine white po^ women who apply early. This School Iowa himself is in neckties. to dry on the skin, as one of the chief agitate the bottle for several hours, tatoes and one sack of seed potatoes also haa a Home Study Course, which Wltb the king or Spain tbe favorite purposes o r the toilet water is Its ton­ continuing the shaking during the day from a small lot adjoining his home. physicians say Is or superior excel­ article or dress la silk ahlrte. In which ic effect. After a weary day, a rub- quite frequently for some weeks. lence. A special Short Course Is also he always hunts, and or which be buys down with a good toilet water, proper­ Keep th . bottle closely stoppered and The Burlington County Farmers' provided for those wbo desire tp quickly prepare for self-support. Thla many dozens every year at |30 each. ly diluted, makes one feel like a new In a warm, dark place. Let It stand Exchange is shipping an average of for two weeks or longer, then decant School Is highly commended. Tho Tbe most frugal of all tbe crowned being, and while It Is very convenient 30 carloads of potatoes dally to New nurses are under careful supervision heada In the matter ot clothing Is the to get tho vinegars ready made they the liquid, and If It Is not perfectly York and Philadelphia markets while In training and are aaslsted and king of Norway, who spends no more can be turned ont at home very easily clear, filter It. Properly made, angel encouraged la their work. than ao ordinary well-Unlo citzen. and sometimes much more cheaply. water should be almost colorless. There sre many uses for bay rum. Over a million dead flies have been Of nil the fragrant toilet waters “bought” by the Riverton health Order From Sister, Too. none la so much used as rose water, one being that It Is admirable for tnas- ssglng tbe scalp after tbe shampoo, board from boys and girls engaged in Mr Briggs called one evening to aea NEW MOUNTAIN IN JAPAN and when thla is pure It possesses tbe fly-swatting contests (luring the last his sweetheart, and her little brother greatest cosmetic virtues. One for­ when one Is likely to catch cold or | month. Tom was entertaining him until the mula for this delicious toilet water the hair needs some little dressing to Japan haa a brand new mountain, keep It In order. But If It Is used too young woman came^down. whicb started to grow during the erup­ calls ror four pounds or rose petals ‘Tom, when your ‘sister comes down and ten quarts of water. The water often or too lavishly on the head It During a quarrel at Warren and tion of Usu-san- Within a month, will dry out tbe locks. Bay rum of Steuben streets, Jersey City, Phillip and is comfortably seated on the bouses which were built on a gentle Is first distilled and then poured cold a very good sort Is cheap enough at Reilly 22 years old of 57 Gregory street, couch with me. I want you to tlr-toe in inclination toppled over as the hill­ upon the petals, which are shaken the drug store, bui If one is clever was shot in the right hip. His assail­ softly and turn the gas down low, will side became more steep. Finally a around in the liquid. Then the vessel you?” Is loosely covered and put in a cool, at turning out beauty preparations ant escaped. height of 600 feet was reached, at the this formula would give about as pure "You’re too late,” replied the boy. rate of flve feet a day. Some time af­ dark place for several weeks, until a thing as could, be bad: The borough of Audubon is agitat- “Sister Just told me to come in and terwards an opposite movement set the liquid becomes odorous. Then It turn it out.”—Judge. Oil ot bay ...... grains j ing the installation of a municipal in, and the summit settled 140 feet Is again distilled, and the drippings are gathered in small bottles and Oil o f orange ...... 16 grains j sewerage system, and tbe council has Oil of plmenta ...... 16 grains j fixed $65,000 as a limit of cost, to be Important to Mothers closely corked. Alcohol ...... 1 quart Examine carefully every bottle of MINE COAL UNDER SEA Another formula calls for putting W ater ...... 33 fluid ounces j decided at a special election. CASTORIA, a aafe and sure remedy for the rose petals in an earthern jar Dissolve the oils In the alcohol c.:1 infants and children, and see that it add the water. Then stir into the Miss Julia Wildrlck, residing a half Wbat te perhaps the most extraordi­ and covering them with a weak brine Bears the liquid about two ounces of precipated mile east of Hackettstown, was found nary coal mine io the world may be of common salt The roses may be Signature of ( phosphate of lime and filter. This tound on a tiny island ln tbe Japan gathered every day. and tbe petals I dead in her room. She had been a In Use For Over MfYears. added as they come handy. will Improve with age. i sufferer from valvular heart trouble. sea. near Nagasaki. Thla island has Children Ciy lor Fletcher** Castoria The tree shown in our illustration atanda near Washington, O. C., and just sufficient room upon Ita surface She was a trained nurse. l i historic. During the Civil war It waa used as a signal station by General for tbe shafts and the hoisting ma­ From a Mere Man. We all like our friends to be per­ At Paterson, Chancellor Walker Early when that Confederate commander was invading the north, and later chinery. The workings, which are Will you kindly advise me tbe du-; fectly frank—about other people. It waa used by the sharpshooters of the Federal army. The tree is supposed very extensive, reach out In ail di­ Timely Advice and granted a divorce on the grounds of IW H W H *****>»** HHHHfr ties of the “beat man” at a home wed- j to be many hundred yeara old. rections under the sea. ding? I am to wear a dress suit. Will ! cruelty to Mrs. Mary Jane Lacey, wife Mr*. Wlnalow'a Soothing Syrup ror Children of Joseph I^acey. The complainant is tf*-thing, softens the rums. reducta Inflamma­ you state the accessories that go with tion, alla/a pain, cure* wind colic. S it? Harry, j 30 years old and the defendant 80. The couple have one child, 7 years old. j HAS 20 MINUTES SUNSHINE If a man is easily bought the buyer Hints for the The best man is supposed to be the ' is apt to be sold. Tfc«» la a bney town of 500 Inhab­ moral support and adviser of the - While attending a picnic at Bender’s j itant! la Colorado where tha mn bridgegroom; he sees to the details, Park, near Roselle, Viola Jakonski, 10 | afciaaa bat i t alnutaa out of aach I t such as having the necessary creden­ years old, of 118 Monmouth avenue,j koota. T ill town u Rlter portal. It t ia l at hand required by tbe state Newark, fell from a swing and broke j la lacatcd ta Ounntaon canyon and la Hostess and clergyman, pays the latter, her left arm. She was taken to the j tka point horn whleh tha great Gun stands by the bridgegroom and entera St. Elizabeth Hospital. aiaon tunnel waa that the waters wltb him; he takea the maid of honor of that river m!ght be conducted to (if there is one) under his especial The Rev. Cuthbert P. Newton, pas- j eyond the mountain protection after the ceremony. In ract, tor of the Gethseinane Baptist Church j The Goanlaon canyon waa be la supposed to be the official think­ of Trenton, proved himself a hero j lad preclpltoua and opposed Gi«4ar a Mah. er for the bridgegroom. Pearl studs when he jumped Into the Delaware ! great difficulties to the engineers who Will you name a f«w article, that a and cuff links, a -white bow tie, white river and saved his 7-year-old son from j •ought to divert Ita watera. These j young woman may with propriety give kid gloves and white waistcoat, with drowning. engineers cat a road In the solid rock j to a man who is about to leave for a patent leather pumps, go with foil of the canyon’s aide and at tbe foot j distant city to study law? evening dress. There is a shortage of cqrs for the ! v e n t i d e Supper. oT that road planted a town. This Sweet Sixteen. shipment of produce, and pp.rticularly | E - town waa the headquarter a for tbe The Proper Thing to Do. potatoes, which are now being hustled j ’ What ihill it be ? A spectacular engineering enterprise It is supposed that the man ln ques­ Being In doubt I come to your belp- to the markets from Woodbury. These ! cooked meal? N o I T o o long that tbey*had In mind. In the town tion will have a "den” of some de­ fol department for information. Is it shipments have the attention of every j lived the working force which was — too tedioui to prepare. scription and tbere are a number of necessary to write anything upon the farmer and thousands of men who are | driving the tunnel through the moun j things to provide which are useful aa card that Is sent with a wedding gift? not farmers. Juil phone the grocer lot tain. well as ornamental. For instance, a If so, what? Must an invitation to a This town was perched upon the j bronze incense burner to hold cigar wedding be acknowledged? Newkirk Van Meter, of Pittsgrove, | piece or ground at the foot of the | ashes, a stunning metal desk Bet, a A. O. was offered early in June an automo- | great cliffs that waa most nearly ! brass candlestick wltb a bayberry can- bile for tbe peaches on his 500. trees. ! Luncheon level. Even thla spot, however, of­ i die, a metal letter holder, book ends It fs not necessary to Bay anything The offer was refused. About the mid- ! fered an opportunity of placing tbe j of wood or metal, a framed sentiment, on the cafrd, on the other hand, lt is die of June the fruit began to fall, until : Meats dwellings only in an irregujar way ; etc. In fact, there Is almost no limit perfectly proper to do ao. The words now tbere is hardly a basketful on all - and one above the other. Here .in to acceptable objects outside of the They're deEdml Sans "Sincere good wishes” or “Hearty con­ the trees. the mountains haa existed for four 1 ever-present pillow, or which, like tea- gratulations” seem to bring the donor Vienna uusage of ice d dried years a busy little village with all j spoons for a girl, “there can never be Into closer touch witb the recipient, Raphaelo Mellona, 21 years old, j bed—too* veal loaf cr coned the elements of modern civilization I too many.” but as with all things, this is a mat­ while riding a bicycle at Newark ave- ; berf. They're ao eaiy to senre. brought with It Into this isolation. In ter or personal feeling. Dame Curt­ nue and Cole street, Jersey City, was O t, hoe', aa ilea— a Libby the pictnre Uncle Sam's public school Send Seif-Atdresaed Stamped En­ sey has said time and again that an run down by an automobile owned by j appears as the highest building in the velope. invitation to a home wedding demand­ former President of the Police Board ! right hand background. I find your department very help­ ed an immediate "acceptance” or "re­ Mortimer Gleason. Young Mellona’s Ufe'.Oite. m 5mm CjUtAIm The strangest thing about this vil­ ful. I would like to know of a book gret” the same as for any social func­ leg was crushed. He was hurried to ' lage la the fact that It haa but 20 of nice parlor games that could be IMr’.CteW W tion at a home. A wedding at the the City Hospital. minutes of sunshine every day. Tbls played at house parties for boys and church does not require a reply. U f a ’. ! U I W CklllCmmC is due to the precipitous walls that girls. A Constant Reader. A boy of 12 years old and a girl' of j Potato* t Am Cratin rise on each side of the stream and Reply to "Miss Anxious.” 8 appeared ln Police Court to enter a Libb/i Atpmrmtmm sbut out the rays oT the sun. There Tbere are several books ot games Nineteen Is decidedly too young for complaint againBt their father, M ike\ is the brief period of 20 minutes be­ | and amusements intended to help a man to think of matrimony and real­ Ruski, of Elizabeth, for cTuelly beat- j tween 11:20 and 11:40 wben the sun j those who entertain but who have llt- ly too young for a girl; one month is ing tbeir mother. The children said peeps over the bluff on the one side I tie time or thought to give to the mat- not much difference in ages, but I Mrs. Ruski was so badly injured that of tbe .stream and before its rays havo j ter. Just send me a self-addressed think It is usually more satisfactory to she could not appear in court. been cut off by the high cliffs on the j envelope In care of the papfer (stamp- have the husband a few years older. other aide. This one short span of j ed) and I will send you the names and A man should place his hat on the On receipt of a letter from his j sunlight is all tbat these people of | prices of three or four. floor, it is not the girl’s place to hold mother in Baltimore, informing him j the canyon get year in and year out it. that he had been bequeathed 1100,000, j Artificial light bills run high bere. Card to Sand With Flowers. Some men have time to call after Charles Marchant, a member of the j Will you please tell me what to taking a girl to a party, but it is not Westfield police force, who draws a Write on a card to send with flowers necessary. monthly salary cf $75, announced that GREATEST JEWISH CITY Of all the races that go to make up the British army in India, none excel waen a death occurs? 81eeve holders are an appropriate he will stick to tbe job for two years. the Goorkhas for loyalty and bravery. They first enlisted in the British serv­ Anxious to Know. gift. About one-tenth of the entire Jew­ ice in 1814, after being defeated, and there are now three regiments of them. Be careful with your kisses. ish race in the world today resides in : The Second Goorkhas are especially proud of the honorary truncheon which | Your card if sent from the florist Accused of threatening to burn the j tbe United Slates, where they form ; they carry instead of colors. It was presented to them in 1863 by Queen Vic- j with, the flowers Which you order by Reply to MA Boy." barns on thfe John L. Kuster farm, about two per cent, of tbe population. | tc'ria and is carried on parade by a jemr'ar and escorted by two color havildars telephone or mail need have nothing If a girl turns you down because near Georgetown, where he was em- j More live there now than were in the and two naicks. The truncheon is about six feet in length, is of bronze, and j upoti lt beside*your name, but If you you are financially embarrassed. I ployed as a farm hand, Joseph Mitch-1 whole of Palestine. Every fifth per­ j is surmounted by a silver crown supported by three Goorkha soldiers in i wish you may send a card which has ell, a young man, was locked up at j son one meets on the streets is a bronze. On a ring of silver below the figures are inscribed the words, “Main think you need not worry about los­ I penciled upon It “With deep sympa­ Bordentown. He had a dispute over Hebrew. In every country the .lews Picquet Hindoo Rao’s House. Delhi, 1857." Below this ring is a represents- ing her friendship. When onfe is in thy” or “Accept pur sincere sympathy trouble is when one’s friends should wages with the manager of the farm, j are among the most orderly elements j tion in bronze of the Delhi gate, of the palace of the moguls with two kukhries, loseph Tantum. of the population. * the Goorkhas’ national weapon, under it in silver. In this your great sorrow.” stand by them. MME MERRI. Stricken with convulsions at Union Where to Send the Present. New Color Schemes. tom tbey had to form a new habit, immense tract, greater in extent than I*ke Park, Millville, the small child j ^PIGEONS QUIT CATHEDRAL I have received ao much help by Navy blue and violet are dominating lone- that suited their conditions of the Btate of Pennsylvania, be admits of Mary Cox. of 8outb Millville, al-1 reading your page that I come to you colors ln millinery, and are mixed | life, and in doing this changes In ts “larger than any one man should most died before a physician could ar- j now. very artistically with light threads of W M e m o r e k -For hundreds or years pigeons their appearances have taken place- nave.” Kidman, when a boy of thir­ rive. Dr. Charlea B .Neal saved the | My brother will marry in the fall, oerise. orange, green and gray straw. lave nestled on tbe spire of Strass- Down on the sea floor. Instead or teen years, left his home at Adelaide boy's life, and found he had eaten i as he will go to our home and I am Even the new flowers show the influ­ ft Shoe Polishes burg cathedral.” says an English writ­ swimming, they have to He on one to seek his fortune. He secured work poisonous berries. Fh«t Quality I art—> Variety not able to go to the wedding shall 1 er. “They increased ao much that side, and this continued change in the as a cowboy at flve dollars a week. ence of these contrasting mixtures, send the present home or give lt to many attempts have been made to ex­ position of the body has brought He finds the atmosphere of cltiea hard and often some novelties in their ar­ For the third time tbis summer light­ them when they come back to the tirpate them, but in vain. During the about a change in the body Itseir. to breathe and is never so happy as rangements. ning struck on the farm of Melvin city? Engle. last few years there has been a aud­ Tbe newly-hatched skates swim In when traveling In a buggy across the Poppies of shot taffetas succeed the Garwood, Monroeville, and damaged a i t a and startling diminution in the the usual faehion. They turn on the huge tracts where be is monarch of white popples of velvet. Each petal tenant hoUse in which potato pickers m n be r of these cathedral pigeons. 1 side only when they begin to live at all he survyes. Seems to me as long as the bridal rests on another large petal of green, were quartered. The foreigners es­ , a 0f opinion that this manifest re­ the bottom of the eea. Before long couple are to make their home In the crepe de chine, forming a border all caped injury but were badly fright- duction Is dee Cojhe asphalting of .be same town that I would wait and give round, while the heart or center or the wed. *. the body becomes flattened, and the LABORER’S RICH FIND. streets round the cathedral. Between eyes and the m3uth shift around. If them your gift when they arrive, as it flower Is in ostrich feathers, either I I , ftone sets of the pavement the will save them packing It and bring­ black or yellow. This Is an amusing they remained In the position they An English laboring man took a In a knife duel Franiydorton, of 213 pigeons were able to pick up food In ing back with them. However, It will novelty for the spring millinery. were before the flsh descended to the mezzotint into Christie’s srt rooms In John street, Elizabeth^ was literally Cenattty. In consequence of tbe as­ be perfectly proper to send lt to the bottom, they would be of no use to London the other day and was aston­ cut to pieces by. It is charged. Ernest phalting and daily watering and cleans- them. The fish, however, simply bride before the wedding if you pre­ ished to be told that It was worth Use of Gold. Ballossi. fcg oT the places In tbe immediate fer. adapt themselves to their condl'lor. of $1,785. It was the “Children Batblng- Gold Is Immensely .used In ordinary ^ 1 the birds have gone ’* life. Naturalists are agreed that this a'l hoota »rvi i of J. Ward, a famous eighteenth cea dress this season, and gold shoes with Passaic City Commissioners have Is one of the most remarkable ph«* tury engraver and painter Reply E. L. O. stockings of the same tint are among adopted an ordinance covering the an­ nomena in the life history of sny flsh. A girl only twelve years old Is en­ the most noticeable contents of shoe­ nual tax levy for tbe flscaj year end —tzs______SKATE IS AN ODD FISH. tirely too young to have a beau or go makers’ windows; also pale kmon ing June 30. i m . It provides for col­ DUST FROM RUBBER TffiES to dances. Perhaps young people colored stockings and shoes in suede lection on real estate and personal ggSLaafirJLTfi wd the Bounder live on GREATEST LAND OWNER think I am too strict, but remember I to match. Th re never was n period property to the amount of $603,209.51, n. The ancestors of the The extent of the use of automo *\»vv been over the road and know iu wblr-h the details of dress were less the sum of $92,039. Which is the res oT the sharks, used The greatest land ownsr In the biles In New Vork city may be esiinia uid a girl loses all her freshness and nore Insisted upon than our own; it estimated amount of the income to tha at tn ths upper waters world t* Sydney Kidman, a cattleman ted lrom the fact that per *enf of 12 ia«4 employment of tbe negroes of Lou­ Newa. But put him up against the killed, wounded and taken pris- ( meets her. isiana. purple and fine linen game and his ers. Also, sbe may be another man's I Heakb tihroogk Lydia E. A band of Confederates attacked a combined batting and fielding average A Union force defeated a band of wife. Such things have been known ] company of national troop* at Ozark, would have been about at the rtlsans near Bollinger* Mill*, Mo. .001 Here’s hoping that tt will sot bap Mo., at daylight, but failed of a sur* most. General Pope aad bla staff arrived pen to you —Life. Warrenton, Va., at noon, creating prise. Captain Birch of tbe Union When Easterly reported fo r tbe first troops having been apprised of tbe at- trip north with tbe Seraphs be waa eat consternation among the seces- M IKE? JOKE. »i*U, nearly all of wbom had taken tack and withdrawn hia troops from harnessed up in a Peaceful Valley nfederate oaths of allegiance, and their camp to the brusb. Here they dioer and a celluloid collar True, ilated that Genera] Pope dared not were called upon the surrender, but tbere were other articles ot wearing rry out the intentiona declared ln put up such a stiff resistance that tba apparel clinging to hia person, but it l proclamation. Confederates withdrew. wss tbe haberdashery stuff thst gave Colonel Lloyd of the Sixth Ohio car The bark Harriet Raill, tbe first him tbe real sparkle. •y, pursuant of General Pope's or- French vessel captured since the com* Thla collar waa the type that la mencement of the war, arrived at New built to an extreme height of five-six­ rs, arrested all the male inhabitanta teenths of an inch. Is invariably from j Luray, Va., and lodged them in the York from New Orleans, where sba hsd been selted by General Butler a four to live sisea too large for tbe j urt house preparatory to giving them short time before the city was occo* wearer and shines with a luster all J 9 oath of allegiance. pied by the Union forces. Ita own. Ted ia believed to have ac The Confederate batteries at Gene- -1 The Norfolk, Va., Union newspaper cumulated It in Downey, Cal., which 1 i Point, on Ogeechee river, were waa suppressed for publishing a bur­ was the scene of hi* amateur activi­ eiled by the national gunboats lesque proclamation calculated to ties Celluloid collara were conaid Russellville, Ky., waa captured by a bring Commodore Goldsborough into e n d quite recherche in Downey at nd of Confederate partisans, the ridicule. that time. Comparatively few of me guard being unable to drive off A sharp tight took place at Orange them, however, survive st the present sir attack. Court Houae, Va., between a recon* time. A detachment of Union cavalry un- aoftering party of Union troops under When the team landed in Oakland. r Captain Dollin attacked a force of immand of General Crawford Hogan, and Braahear, wltb Eaaterly nfederate cavalry near Brownsville, and a force of Confederates, in which trailing along, drifted Into a stogie Rubs Marquard, $11,000 “Lsmon," r., capturing SO of tbem. The Con- the Union troops were successful in aback, only to encounter "Bull" Croll ierates, reinforced, captured 29 men driving the eneml, after they had suf­ The winning stresk of Rube Mar- will always be open. For instance, Horan—Did yea aotlee about th* fered a loaa of four mam k 11 led and six- quard of tba New York GianU Is not there was Ibe csss of bis thirteenth ' Joke Mike played oa wan av thim SO, 1ft teen wounded. only a aeaaon’s sensation, but Is the win. Marquard went out of the game cause of a lot of arguments—some of with his team behind, but before an-; of the Confederate August 3, 1842. Doran—I heard a terrible thing hap­ which can be settled by reference to otber pitcher went In his matea batted 1 General E. General Sherman, commanding tha ibe records, other* which moat be de­ out a victory. Secretary Heydler of pened to him. poor Mike! the Confed United SUte* forces at Memphis, is­ cided only ta each fan’* own opinion. the National League ruled that the via- Horan—Poor Mike, th' dlrvSe? He the sued an order directing all able-bodied A* tbe Rube approached the modern tory went to Marquard because be bad had a shtk-k av dUaamlU in hi* raid with Irregu- negroes who might apply for work day records ot Reulbach and Chesbro pitched most of tbe game. The Of- J pocket whin he wor run over. Fort Pickering or other govern* of 14 atraigfct wins the delvers into teenth game presented another situa­ it work to be received and em­ the dope began to dig deeper for more tion. Marquard west in in the eighth BREAKING OUT ON H EW captured 17 towns, destroying mo­ ployed by the proper oflloer in charge. ancient marks for him to shoot at. Inning with the score a tie; his team tional atores in each, diapersed Such would be supplied with rations, They discovered that Radbourne had won in the tenth. He slso got credit 1306 Stafford Ave., Scranton, Pa.— ■DO bome guards, paroled 1,200 regu- necessary clothing, and tobacco. An won 18 straight for Providence ln for thst. “My boy took a breaking out flrat on ■», and returned on the 28th with account waa to be opened with each 1884, that Luby had won 20 tor Chi­ Whatever may be tbe argumenta. hU head aad tt iptead all over hla 100 men, having traveled 1,000 miles individual, and his wsges charged with cago in 1890 and that McCormick in there is no question that Richard de face and waa even in hia eyes. It 24 days. Tbe entire loss in killed, the clothing and tobacco furnished, 1886 with Chicago had won 24 Marquis la one of the greatest twir started on hla head like little blisters lunded and mlaaing was leas thaa but no wages were to be paid until straight. 8o far as known that mark iers of modern times and the fact that tbey filled with water and then a scab • the courts should have decided wheth­ of McCormick’s Is tbe premier fest he U a left-hander makea hia work • came until it spread all The bells contributed to the Confed er the negroes were slave or free. in organized ball. all the more remarkable, for left­ his face and bead. It waa on hi* neck ate government by the churcbea, The Brltlah steamer Columbia, with Dispute* ss to the clear title Mar- handers have never been noted for and shoulder. He was crazy with itch­ inters and others to be made Into a cargo of twelve Armstrong guns and quard hold* to some ot bis victories consistency. ing and we could not sleep at night anon, and seized in New Orleans by equipments, several thousand Enfield with him from scratching. I thought neral Batler. were sold at auction ln rifles and various other munitions of he would be blind In m e eye. His eye «ton. war, waa captured off tbe Bahamas ONE OF MACK’S GREAT FINDS lid waa pulled down. 1 put rag* on John R. Lee. acting master of the after a chase of several boura by tba Ted EasUrly. bi* bands to keep bim from scratch­ 8. 8 . a E. B. Hale, aacended Todd U. 8. 8. Santiago de Cuba. AROUND Amos Strunk Fill* Place of CapUin ing. He would cry aad kick all night. eek, Georgia, with a party and de- The town of Alexandria. Mo., was and Joe Nealon, who were then play­ Murphy in Athletic Outfield Hta hair came oat gradually and his royed a Confederate salt worka that pillaged by a band of Confederate par- ing with the California “outlaws.” Ho­ With Much Credit. face was all disfigured. is in successful operation. gan and Brasbear at once aurted ln J 3 pot everything I heard tefl ef oa An attempt to capture the tug Acb- The schooner Aqullla waa captured tn “kid" Croll and Ncmlon. ERASES Amos Strunk, who is playing left him but the child was no better so I w, lying W TIIrriioinV lAndihg. on by tbe United Statea gunboat Huron j "Come on 'busbers.' and bare a real 's homers are more field for tbe world's champions, has ; thought I would try Cuticura Soap and a James river, by a body of Con- while attempting to run the blockade j class A cigar." remarked Hogan, air­ timely this season tban last. been with the Athletics for four years | Ointment In three day* I saw * lerates, was frustrated. off Charleston, S. C. ily throwing down a five-spot and or­ Gandil and Milan are the only Wash­ Probably no man in outside change, so I kept on using them for A body of guerrillas under Joe A reconnoisance waa made by a : dering the most expensive cabbage In ington regulars batting over .300. of Connie Mack saw In Strunk the four month* until be was entirely lompson entered Paris. Ky.. cut down force of Union troops, under the com­ the bouse. Somebody bas characterized the Na­ I “makings'* of a great player. Amo* . cured. He has no msrks now and hia e flag pole, took the aherlff and the mand of Colonel Averlll, from the Brashear supplemented thl* with a tional league race as a threemontbs’ i sure was a raw recruit wben Mack j hair I* lovely." fSigned) Mrs. Henry grand stand play of the same sort and srka of the circuit and county courts Jamea River to within fourteen mllea yawn. i picked him up. Few and far betweer ; Allen. Apr. 20. 1912 lsoners, forced the keys to the jail of Petersburg, Va. When about five all the time a line of talk was banded Lavender looks more like 11.500 Cuticura Soap and Ointmeut sold out to convey tbe impression tbat >m the jailer and liberated prisoners, miles from Cox’s river tbey encoun­ worth than O'Toole looks like $22,500 j throughout tbe world. 8 ample of each Croll and Nealon were playing with italned such indictments of citizens tered the Thirteenth Virginia cavalry worth. free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address a sixth-rate league. These were at i they deaired from the clerk of the of the enemy, which broke before a Tris Speaker waa the first American post-card “Cuticura, Dept. L, Boston.** a loss for verbal vitriol with which to rcult court, helped themselves to determined charge made by the supe­ league player wbo passed tbe combat the caustic comments of the 100 iod« in tbe stores, took supper witb rior Federal force. Re-forming at mark for bit*. Coast leaguers until Croll happened Drummer (In wine)—Have you e citizens, and left after dark. They their camp two miles beyond, the Con­ Some machines have tire trouble, to spot Easterly with the celluloid asted that sample of wine I left with ere followed and slightly punished by federates were once more driven, leav­ but Harry Davis’ Cleveland team has halo about his neck. rou. madame? party of the Ninth Pennsylvania cav- ing behind them much of tbeir camp first-base trouble. “Class A. eh? Class A !” drawled Madame—No, I haven't, but I don't ry. equipment and stores, which the i Eddie iever, once a Detroit pitch­ Croll. fixing a piercing gaze on Ted. 8 •hink lt can be any great shakes, for Union troops gathered together and i er, is now an umpire ia the Southern aiy 31, 1862. “Say, ‘Hap.’ bring your clasB A friend t's been here three days and the burned. Michigan league. The secretary of war of the United with the China egg collar on over here iervanta have barely touched 1 1 —Pele Pat Dougherty, former White sox tatea issued an order revoking ail Auguat 4, 1862. and we will buy him a good cigar”— Mela. outfielder, is managing a semi-profes­ rloughs and leaves of absence from An important debate took place in J but Hogan had ducked. sional team at Horne]]. S. *t- ie army except those granted by the Incredible. the English house of lords on the I Lee Lemon is the big batter of the ipartment, on Monday, the llth of “Cholly told me solemnly yesterday DA1ST FLT K1LLE1 S T ? propriety of recognixing tbe southern j PITCHER’S NAME HELD BACK Texas league, w ithin average of .333. uguBt, and ordering all officers capa- that he once had a brainstorm.” atm. i . Confederacy. Funny, how a lemon can bat. e of service to Join their regiments •‘Pooh, pooh! I'd just as soon be- Governor Sprague of Rhode Island Connie Mack, Manager of Champion From the epigrams of Tom rrthwlth under penalty of dismissal lieve that a jelly fish could have the •••••». n»a« •* Issued an order calling on the colored Athletics, Never Gives Informa­ SJiarkey: “Kids don't care any more om the aervice or court-martial. On backache.” ______citizens of that state to enlist In the tion on Hi* Twirlsrs. W out boxing. It’s all baseball.-' |lajcra amyth>»*- onday, August 19, tbe order warned, Sixth Rhode Island negro regiment, Buck Weaver has learned that it tcb regiment and corps would be To remove nicotine from the teeth then forming. Connie Mack, manager of the ’ world’* doesn’t pay to get bis bands into an loatered, tbe absentees would be A skirmish took place near Sparta, champions—and a mighty wise man­ ; disinfect the mouth and purify the argument wltb Ty Cobb's spikes. breath after smoking. Partine la a ...... arked, and if not appearing within 48 Tean.. between a small party of Union ager he ls too—has one Idlosycrasy Edward Willett m a long-distance boon to a ll At druggist*. 25c a box pang ynHFY Tt>% Jurs, would be dismissed from the troops under Col. Wynkoop and a force that Is shared by few leaders in ma­ hitting mark for Detroit when be made Amos Strunk. srvice or treated aa deserters. of Confederates, in which the Nation­ jor or minor leagues. He never will two home runs in two consecutive in­ Several vesaela from the mortar fleet als were defeated after a hard hour'a let anybody know who is going to nings. were tbe games in which he partici­ come lat bad been operating on the Mls- fight. pitch for him until a few minutes be­ The florist aa«a paiins Baker and Cravath are doing more pated up to thia season. saippi under command of Commodore The Union fleet before Port Royal fore the game starts. Almost every to distribute leather to far away points When Capt. DaAny Murphy was in­ orter arrived at Fortress Monroe. was greatly disturbed in expectation other boss will give an idea tbe day than all the big Philadelphia factories jured a short time ago the wiseacres The Confederate steamer Memphis of the Confederate ram Georgia. before who may be expected to work, combined. said. That finishes tbe Athletics. as captured by tbe United 8 tatea An order directing “that a draft of possibly naming a couple of men and Eddie Plank of the cl.ampions is in Connie hasn’t got a good man to Uke unboat Magnolia, she having run the 300.000 militia be immediately called Selecting whichever warms up best. great form. He believes that he will his place.” But they reckoned not iockade of Charleston, 8 . C.. on the into the service of the United States, The Athletics’ guiding hand, how­ get another chance to trim the Giant3 with the youngster whom Connie Igbt ot tbe 27th. to aeire aloe months, or unless soon­ ever, positively declines to give out in tbe fall. worked with for the greater part of er discharged,” waB issued by the war any information on this subject. He The Detroit club hat purchaaed a four years. Amos Strunk was as­ kugust 1, 1802. department of the United States. 1* polite and nice about it always, but shortstop from tbe Hannibal club of signed to an outfield berth, and he has W e Lead Yoo Confederate batteriea at Coggln’s In order to provide for the suffering j he yields not the slightest clue. The the Central Association. Olde O Mara proven by bis terrific batting and bril­ ’oint, opposite to Harrison’s land- poor of New Orleans. Gen. Butler. In reason given by Mr. Mack for this si­ liant fielding that Connie's confidence »g, Virginia, opened fire on the Union command of the Union occupation, Is- lence In regard to hurlers Is that he is lUs name. Montreal papers are charging that and patience were not in vain. To Fortune snd Happy life rmy under General McClellan and tbe aued an order assessing the secession­ himself never knows who is going to Chick Gandil didn't do his best for tb* 'ederal fleet The batteriea were sl- ists of the city who had subscribed to be on tbe slab. He has men whose in Cafifornaa International league team. And. na Made But Little Difference. mced after a brisk flre of two hours, the defense fund raised when the Na­ turns are somewhere near due warm Fred Hertford, a widely known Members of the First regiment, tional afeny waa threatening, and tbe up at tbe ball yard and then picks the turally. Chick ls *or*. Charley Dooin Is actually trying the sporting man of the Hub. was dining outh Carolina volunteers, a regiment cotton brokera who counseled the one that he considers will be most ef­ scheme of giving bis signals while The meal was bad, and the service armed among the slaves when Gen- planters not to bring tbeir staple to fective at that particular time. standing He thinks tbe old crouch waa worse. No wonder Hartford lost | rai Hunter’s Federal army obtained market. The amount assessed was On the other hand, Connie prob­ hi* temper. He *tood it as long aa he foothold on South Carolina, were de­ more than |300,000. ably has some Idea at least one day thing will bave to go. The Ph/Hies have been wondering could, and then be vigorously fared forever free. A fight took place on tbe White riv­ do bis flinging, what players will be traded. Now plained to tbe waiter. Irregulars under the Confederate er, Missouri. 40 miles from Forsyth, man’s prellm- comes a rumor from New York that “Oh. air. If you only knew wbat a fader Dunn attacked Canton, Mo. between Colonel Lawther and his band to change hard time we waiters have to get j filed William Craig, owner of a ware- of Confederates and a company or Nn* the manager's mind. Still by keeping Chalmers is to be let go. Prank Smith, the veteran pitcher alon&.” louse ln which rifles were stored, tioual troops under Captain Birch of " * *“ a reputation for that was released by tbe Cincinnati ; “Tell, why be a waiter?" asked j ook possession of the rifles and plun- the Fourteenth Miasourl state troops, may help him in his busi- Reds recently. Is doing flne work with Hartford. ered all the stores ln the place. which resulted in a defeat of the Con­ the Montreal In tbe Internation “What else caa I do?" said tbe wal- j The obtaining of substitutes through federates, after a desperate struggle. ter. be medium of agents for service in (Copyright, 1912. by W. G. Chapman.) Another No- Game, j league. Frank Farrell, owner of the Yankees, ' Don’t yon know tbey are paying ! be Confederate army was strictly Manager Ramsey of the Anderson is authority for tbe statement that his •ome men as high as $10,000 a year j | prohibited by order of the Confederate Why Did Hs Stop the Engine? team of the Carolina association pitch­ team will be reorganized, n o matter to play ball?” returned Hartford. ieneral Winder. George Weatlngbouse, the famous In­ ed tbe first no-hlt game of tbe season 1 what the cost, before another seaaou “But I can’t play ball," the waiter Six hundred Union (roopa crossed ventor and manufacturer, Is a firm In his league against Greenville, win­ said. be James river st Harrison’s Land- believer ln tbe excellence, of bis prod­ ning 1 to 0. Pitcher Van Pelt of the rolla around. W’ben his pitching days are over. “What's the difference?" said Hart­ ng and destroyed all the bouses of uct*. Charlotte teem on the same day al­ Otis Crandall of the Giants, who i* ford. as he started for tbe door. “Yon Give hat town wlthobt ioaing a man. Tbe »tory I* told that a letter rv* lowed Winston It* first hit after orie leading the National league In bitting car/t wait, either.” A company ot tbe Missouri state mi- reived some year* ago by tbe Westing- was out In the eighth Inning, being will still be able to stick in the game itla waa captured, by a band of Con- house Machinery company aaid tbat pitted against Ray, who defeated Char i an outfielder. Chicago Boy Doing Well. ederate irregular* under Colonel Por the writer had been using one of IU lotte in three successive games in tbe J anning* nwv twoma part m t r of Walter Leverens, a Chicago boy, 1* er at Newark, Mo. The Confederates standard vertical engine* with emi­ week before. tfce Boaton National* neat year War< making a phenomenal record aa • aptured guns, a large number of nent success For eight years night 100 haa nwn » diimil failure there, aad pitcher witb tble IjOs Angeles club la torses, a quantity of commissary and day, handling it* toad without Watching Carl Mack. Jennings I* aoxloua fo «a* Into th* the Coast league. This kid southpsw, itore*. a number of tent* and 8,000 a hint of trouble, but tbat “upon shut­ Connie Mack has ordered his scout* a Tormer team mate of ’licna” Black- ir 10.000 rounda of cartridge* ting It down the other evening It to watch hla son. Earl Msck. In ac­ Dolly Cray, former burne at Hartford a few year* ago. A reconnoiterlng force under Gen­ went all to piece*." The letter waa tion. with a view to Uking him on pitcher but now of the Ven eral Bayard of the Union army had a pgflgod to tbe eminent Inventor wboaa tbe big team If he looks good enough. tha company bears, aad handed Earl Is maaager of .the Atlantic City the Pacific coast league. 1* lerie* of akirmlihe* with tbe Confed bit tbe Rapldaa. team and Is a comer In the estimation af ovary ane that Mia *ea* W * i TMM Ut A»»W— w m — . miLWAW. w » . AUMUMT JI, i»H

•he aanie lot conveyed by Elisha ■“ Newman, ct ux, to Elmer llal*er stick, by deed date*I March Ifc l* K MRBARY PIRATES IIKHIFFS MAI.K recorded In Book *W ol Dred* |MUp S writs of ft fa lo *» mi. Ac. Mini N t o f llw Civralt All that certain tract or pared ol Heaa Couit of Monnoijtli nmnly land aud premise* hereinafter |»ar These Fiend* T trrw u a d the Sea will Iw e x p o a e d to n i t at public « n ticularly descrilied, situate, lying For Five Centuries. d a r , am MONDAY. THK rfth DAY aud being in the Township of Wall, O F AIM.I ST, a, between Hit 19 1 in the County of Monmouth and b o a ts o f o'clock mm! o'clock, (at 1 1 5 Male of Mew Jersey, and described o 'r lo r k ) . ia tbe aftnnora of said DEFIE0 THE ENTIRE WORLD. 1 as follow>s vU: Beginning on Ilie avenue with th;* ed the dey refused to surrender a sin­ said Isaac Newman to said Elisha westerly side of Snyder avenue, run­ gle English stave, and the treaty had Newman, in October, 1^®: thence ning thence northwesterly, aiong a clause to the effect that the king of .extending (1» south, twenty-two Je the southerly side of Seventeenth Great Britain shall not l*» obliged by grew and forty-eight minutes west, (171 avenue forty i40» feet: thence vldue of this treaty to redeem any of Namad For Hia Satanic Majesty. one hundred feet (100 ft): thence southwesterly, one hundred feet his subjects now in slavery.’ proltably UNCLE SAM’S “MIDDIES." It ta scarcely an exaggeration to say ( ) westerly, and iiarallel with Six­ 2 (100 feet*, thence easterly.iorty feet the mdst degrading treaty, as Sir Lam- tbat hardly a couuty ta the British teenth avenue fifty feet: thence <3» Training and Discipline That Praparw (40 feet', and thence northeasterly, lied Playfair remarks, ever signed tie- Isles ta without some pla«v or tblug northerly, parallel with the first Thom For tha Navy. one hundred (I00» feet to the point twee 11 England and a foreign power. with the designation Devil, all of aforesaid line one hundred feet to or place of beginning. Togethe- “At one time 40.000 Christian slaves The pay of a midshipman Is $000 |*er which prompts tbe thought that his the southeasterly corner of Cathar with a right of way over all street■> were In bondage tn Algeria, of all the year, and this liegliu^ ou the day of Satanic majesty must Is* a holder of a Ine A. Thompson's lot; thence (4) as shown on the map of said “Bel nations of Europe, many of them men hla admission to the acadcmy. He at considerable amount of property on easterly, along said Thompson's line mar Park Tract ” Being same prem­ of rank, teaming ami piety ami all of once s|iends for clothing l*il- this terrestrial globe. The Devil’s fifty feet to the place or point of ises conveyed to Elisha Newman bv them suffering dally the most iru d dlng aud other equipments, some of I*unch Bowl, the Devil’s Bel lows, the beginning. Being a part of lands Frederic A. CauehSos, et ux. by deed hardships, starvation and todure. One whk-h are as follows: A rug for 70 Devil’s Kitchen, the Devil’s Beef described in a deed from Garret dated October 4. 1910. recorded in would have expected the Christian na­ ecuts, a hair pillow for 73 cents, six Tub. tbe Devil’s Frying Pan. the Dev Newman to said Issac Newman, by Book 9tU. page 316. tions to Join forces for one object at pillowcases for 72 cents and six ll’s Lake, the Devil’s Dike, the Devil’s We Oive and Redeem Surety Coupons deed dated Mareh 10th. 1851, and Also all that certain tract or par­ least and wipe this puny pirate state sheets for $L2Q. , So it can be seen that Caldron, are a tew instances which duly recorded in the Clerk':' office cel of land and premises herein off the eadh. yet for fiOO years Bar his apadments will uot l>e luxurious. occur at random, scattered al>out ta in said county, in Book Q 5 of after particularly described, situ bary held them at t>ay. He must deposit $X) when he enter*. various parts of the country.-Dundee Deeds, page 619. etc. Being the same ate. lying and being in the Town­ •Just as tbe old sailm-s’ chantry about : Msl tills will be credited on the l***ks Advertiser premises conveyed to Elisha New ship of Wall, in the County of the coast of the wild Barham*’ took »f the pay officer to lie expended by n u n by Isaac Newman, by deed dat Monmouth and State of New Jersey its origin In the terrors of that const, the dlrectlou of tbe superintendent In Undressing While Swimming. ad April 28, IWR recorded in Book at West Belmar, being Lot No. 7 so the religious order of the Father* of the isirchase of textbooks, etc. An authority on boating aud swim 874, page 3ft 011 a map made by William II. Shaf the Redemption was originally founded Wheu he has been fully entered as a mlng advises that every hoy ami girl 3rd Tract Being lot thirteen <13} to. surveyor. December, l.sST*. and ly­ to collect alms for the ransom of the midshipman tt is the aim of the officers who ta learning to swim also learn lo as delineat'd ou a wap or plan 511 ing on the westerly side of what Algerian slaves, and many of Its meai- In charge to educate tbe youi;g man 10 undress In tlie water, so that in «*ase titled "*I*lau of property of the lati was formerly known as the Turn tiers, with parhaps the nobieat Chris hecuBie a eom|*4ent naval .«lt^r to of falling overboard from a boat there Isaac Newman. Belmar. Monmouth pike Road, leading from the Post thin charity on record, voluntarily be. orne a master of the art of maritime will be less danger of drowntftg. Put County. New Jersey." made by W il ifiice at Como to Shark River. Be­ shared tlie iot of the captives for the warfare, to lie a gentleman as well as on ohl clothes, he says, swim with one liam II. Shafto. surveyor, in May ginning nt a point in the north n. 111 fort they could give ami the sen an officer and to hold linmr awl duty Jiand and the op|ioslte foot and take I90fi. said lot number thirteen be westerly corner of a tract of which ice* they could render in negotiations to country paramouut to everythin* off the shoe from tbe free foot with of ransom. else. The neatness In dress of the ofil- ing a triangular lot. Beginning at this is a part, and described in a the-free hand. After the shoes are off a point in the west line of Newmai deed from Samuel Ludlow to Jame- “One ghost of all these unhappy thou cer of the I’nlted Slates navy Is pn» tbey being the first tldngs to get rid of. samls takes literally concrete shape. •ert»tal. and only those who come lu street at the intersection of tin Brand and agreeably to the afore j the swimmer should turn on his kick An Arab Christian named Geronl- close contact with him can appreciate northerly line of Seventeenth ave said map: thence (1 | north, eighty and take off his clothes or as many us nue when extended: thence extend seven degrees and forty-five minute mo. taken as a Inaby by Spanish sol- the change four years at the Naval he can get off, swimming meanwhile dlers nnd educated by tbe vicar gen , academy can make in the habits, dress ing ( 1 1 westerly, along the norther east, seventy-one feet to the wester with his legs.—New York Herald era I. was "captured by the pirates dur- ami manners of a young man. to say­ ly line of Seventeenth avenue seven ly edge of said road: thence ( ; 2 ing a rakl. As a renegade he was, of nothing of the excellent education be ty-six and a half feet: thenre (2i southerly, along the westerly line of What Makes the Valet. course, the subject of the utmost per receives. northerly, at right angles one hun said road, ninety-four and a halt "It’s so ridiculous." said Cholly Sap- mv lit ion. and when no inducement or The midshipman has few luxuries at dred and eighty feet more or less feet to a corner of Peter Brown’.* head. “to say that 'clothes doa't make sufferiug could make him apostatize tin* academy. His room U furnished In to the intersection of the west line land: tlienee (3) westerly, along‘tin the man.* ** he was at length offered by the dey the simplest style. Ah Iron lied, a ls*ok- of Newman street: thenec (3* south line of said Brown’s line, forty-font -Indeed?” replied Miss Pepprey. the choice of being thrown alive Into ! ease, a cupboard.washstand. a study erly. along the west line of Newman feet: thence (4i northerly along th< “Yaas. You see. if a fellow like me Buying on tbe CLUB PUN Makes it Easy street to the place of beginning. a mold of concrete which formed part table and a chair go to mak - up the didn’t have such lots of clothes be line of said Brown’s land to the of the foundation of a new bastion or furnishings. Tbe walls are tain*, and 1th Tract. Being lots number for wouldn’t need a man.”—Catholic When we inaugurated oar Cfafc P faB of idling we applied it o«lj to fwnu- place of beginning. Being the same of embracing Islam. He chose the ! if he has a picture of “the girl he left ty-threc and forty six as delineated hit of land conveyed to Harry C Standard and Times. ture, floor rorerings and upbolfteriea, bet we fowed as we west oa that so B u y martyrdom nnd was flung into tin* j Ih‘IiIih1" it can l»e tacked Inside the raid people liked to bay Ibis way that we broadwrd the field f.w choice that on the aforesaid map or plan. Be Brown by deed from Sandfard 10 ginning in tbe southerly line of jnold with his hands tied behind him door of his cuphoar.1. Each midship- A Choice of Evita now worthy folks caa hay practically eveiythinft for the fanbhiag of tha hoaa; Brand & wife, dated Nov. 5th. 1901 a«d the concrete poured over him. This man occupies a room alone. Tiiose Warren street at a point fifty feet anil recorded in Book 677 of Deeds, Landlady—Would you advise me to was ta 111* are in suits for two men. with westerly from the west line of White page 421, . send my daughter to a cooking school ir you hare not familiarised yoanelf with thu scheme of selliun *ood., “in 1612 a Spanish Benedictine fa- a shower bath to be used by bo h.- or to a music school? Boarder (reflec­ street: thence extending (1st) south­ Seized as the property of Elisha making it easy for yoa to bay thea, we woald adrise yoa to leara all aboat it, ther wrote a history of Algiers in the Mrs. C. It!' Miller In Leslie’s. tively*—Well. I think I’d send her to a erly. parallel with W hite street two Newman and Harry Brown taken for no matter wlmt your means or yoar iarome these are great advantages ia ct.urse of which he narrated at length ---- 1— ------cooking school. It may be more fata! buying the higher priced thing, ia this way. aa thoaaaads hare foaad to their hundred and eighteen feet and execution nt the suit of The the martyrdom of Geronl mo and dt^ iDtflllft’C CTAflP FFPPPT^ In its results, but It Isn’t anything like eight inches to the north line of the First National Bank of Spring Lake s. ribiHl 1 Kir ticularly the situation of the InVING b S I A b t t r r t L I o. so noisy. »•. New Bedford road: thence (21 west body corporate, et als. and to I f lusthn in which ms in.iv tar. iu lm : , nd Ju„ 0 „ . oth.r e.- We are nakiag it eaay for young folks tn go to hoasekeepiag ia the erly. along the northerly line of the dd by right way. We era making it easier for older folks to refaraish their homes •' translaUon of this passase was |>ul. produc.d Th.m. .Economy is in Itself a source of great New Bedford road fifty feet anil one WILBERT A BF.ECROFT aad equip them beautifully without feeliag the fiaaacial strain. inch: thence (3» northerly, parallel w«hwi i'iodh. i *** m ..™ ■» «... re venue.—Seneca. Sheriff. There isn't a mean feeling aboat the C M Maa that b why it appeals so with W hite street two hundred and I,. ISM. w * IjiikIim. Si mid IbUWllie nn l»l.l.-.l Durand. Ivins & Carton. Sol’rs. rtroytd. wy h y i, ■ ». E «rHy .« uf ,h„ flrHt ,11„Hhu to the more iatelligeat. Nest time yoa coateta piste baying aay sort of fata- twenty-two feet and four inches, A Study In Punctuation. Dated July 26th, 1912. I72JN h,,d bc«> described th,- skoh-hm M„ ||t<4| wl(h slr „ ,.urv ishiaga consider this plea of payh« for them. We Bow sell the following goods more or less to the soiithrrlf lin« A celebrated - eastern educator com­ na the Clab ~ of Warren street: thence (Is ea-te- on., . r ? u » k 1^ «he., i».h i.i;.m,c ma who has spent much time In studying literature comma tells us that f urniture, R ap, Carpets, Mattings sa lv along the same fifty feet to th' ■ te Opire Of th.. nLnrljT , f„a|lti lrvlllK (Jll fur place or jo in t of beginning. tbe modern writer uses too many punc­ Portiere, Csach Cover*, t'artala Flitares. W ctarea, Clacks, Books la the hands Hod behlud U. ,hru| „„t. „ yim m M fen, her husband, et als. by dee.t have demonstrated comma to the satis­ star. When the first dialogue of stars p b w su, h „ m ||aMrSaH1 of the glory faction of onrself comma at least com­ dated June 28, Wifi* recorded ir was made the |ir«*scnt p«de star was ()f jju, inim^ly. with such little effort? Book s2fll page p -only three things terrogation |iolnt—Brooklyn Eag e. the two jollowing tracts, viz: pole star 12.000 years hence.—Harper’s ; to remcmlicr. The flrst is silence ami All that certain lo t tract or par­ plenty of It liehtad the scenes, so that Swinburr.s Used Profanity Cften. cel of land and premises hereinaf Blaming the Doctor. the actor may la* at ease, with noth­ Swinburne would have suffered bad­ ter partieularly described, situate, •*My doctor says 1 ought to tide a ing to distract when striving for his ly If the thirty shilling swearing tax lying being in the township o! horse.” said the indolent man. The Smartest Women shadings. The second Is light, rega- had I teen enforced against him lie "What fo rr The Sagamore S- Wall, in the County of Monmouth in Town I la ted as far as possible so that nature lived nt tlie British hotel ta c ^ kspur “I don’t know. Maybe he’s tired of 9th ■ and fctatc of New Jersey, being lot for all their Ettie ta counterfeited, ami that, young man. street ami never went anywhere ex­ treating me for dyspepsia and wants th icasoa number forty-three (43» as deling ry,«c. is the rcH|w.** cept In hansoms, which, whatever the 10 ated on a map entitled “Plan of a broken collar bone for a change.”— Capacity IM "But." protested Mantell. “you said distance, he luvariaUy remunerated « i.u o to $ i M daily Property of the late Isaac Newman'’ Washington Star. there were three things to reinemlier. with a shilling When he drove two #H,00 to «U .5 0 weekly at or near Belmar. Monmouth Co. You have mentioned l»ut two. Is there miles beyond the radius there was tlie Automobile Parties all fabrics, viz: If thou hast a loitering servant send N. J , made by Win. H. Shafto. stir a third V devil’s own row. Bnt in the matter of him of thy errand just before bis din­ vcyor. in IflOfi. on the southerly side “l»hl I say a thirdV* risked Irving. imprecation tlie jwet was more than a ner.-Fuller. of Warren Street Beginning In the Diamond Dyes " I’m— |>crhspa I did. |>erhaps 1 did. match for n cabby, who after live min­ southerly side of Warren street at but what,could I have hnd lu mind? utes of It would drive off as though ta* a point distant fifty feet westerly Let me see. Ah. ye**, silence, light hnd Iteen rated by.Reebtebub himself. R. S. WINES JOS. C. STIIWARD OCO. H. THOMPSON from the southwest comer of War­ Our Emotiona. and-urn. shall I say-actors? Reiu.-m —London Chronk-ie. ren and W hite streets: thenre rx All things have a resurrection ex­ ber that, my bayi n«if»rs. Silence, light tending from said point 1st wester­ cept the emotions. They are bom. anil -actors, that t» the third.” Wrcng Namier. ly, along southerly line of Warren they die. they never return. A Joy or Judge—You have testified- mtas. that: STEWAKD & THOMPSON street fifty fectMhence 2 nd souther­ CASTORIA 1 despnir once gone is a phantom fbr- What Jane Said. you saw the roan's automobile run ove* ly, at right angles with the souther *ver. "IHd von hear tbe satirical reply tlie old gentleman? Plumbing, Steam and das Fitting Tot Tifnitl u l CUMrm Jane Sharp made to Tommy Glider** ly side oi Warren street 111 feet and Witness VcK. sir; the auto was 41 “No: what wa# f v Jobbing Promptly Attended to 2 incites: thence 3rd easterly, along Tb KW Yn fan JUnjs Bagkt A T in a Matter. 144. X. J. I took the nnmlier lief01. ■■■’ T. v line of lot number forty-six fifty feet Millie-Was tbat yonr intended with •He said. "It w«tfihln't be my mmte* tlie car g>*t 11 way. P. O. Baa 1244 tha chom I aaw yoa yesterday? G ra c e - rou would marry me for. would ltv *' SMHt "And what i.-d Jane say*" "Yon say **m an- a telephone rlrl?*- K about HW feet and 4 inches o f fes. my present •future.” ao tn s pe ak. ’She saM. What awfnl "Yes. sir * 715 F Street Belmar, N. J. p h m o f btcfnnhw. Befnr -Satire "Prisoner ib'h-trgid” - w** . Cleveiaad Plata Dealer — —