2 1.I1S Children and More Than Two Connected Wtth Tta Crime
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vauvtiu1 il* tMsJ I I f h i i l i i l i l -lKitlr I ii IMI = >! ilf'i ! i'i I < > Irlfffh 11c! sf i H h li ill sil if fl U ri I l t i ■ P R P i B R . i iitUsUin iuin\ s i i 1 IW [‘IKHfflPi; 11>'! H i l l -1 i iii i ii| i WliiPi » W i i ni',181!! ii'! iiiiifip' li ill iii iffii GREEN APPLES Palie* UfutftMRt Irtictetf t t r Complicity in RmwMmI Cm*. change the personnel ol im ta ihe different io *»tb ip * and bo MUC!I IS1AY EXONERATED ougba of tke county The t count) board *111 suggest ihe introduction ol ■ biU • bo I mb to* (he vtectiou ot » » « « M ) THaaia tu tt. Will ta « « l « •or* throughout lb» county, and place the appointments in the hands of the H W Iw y w i > n l<» AHer Ita Civil .Service t onimiMHtn Tbe board will alao recommend that maps be pro vid*d by the townahip* and boroughs l 8p*‘ -al Trenloa I'orreBpoad.nce I aod Sled in th« county clerk’* ofllce Treatoe—Th* pltut ol Ita Hepart Tha aboliahion ol the clectloa ol aa Ken; of Motor Vehicle* lo check ita eaaora will be urged for the parpoaa foreign a n which ar* in tta ol equalisation in aaaeasmeni* An roanertloa with th* raae erar atate tm a a. UHtind »«• IB Ita fol investigation by tha board revealed Herman Koeenthal. tta gambler who lowing alaiemenl bJ 8tate t'omml* that ao assessor mho ta dependent up had tbrrateaed lo •*«B*el.- v m mar Biooer of Motor Vehlclee Job H. I-*P on the votes of tho properly owner* dered In front of Ita Hotel Ketropole pincou “Great dlf»<-ult> ta . hereto ta naturally timid about incurring oa laat Jaly l i waa arr**t«£ iiamedt fore hero .lperletwed by lb- depart their hostility by increasing (heir a* Ike etreaalv* a***dU which the llaer atelr Indicted for murdec la Ih* (rat meat la enforcing th. U llw tta ) lour esamenta Believing that tbe only waa travelling Tta other Bndinga ol degree at a (K M aoaaloa of the Grand log privlleac *• • number 01 machlnee remedy to cure thia evil tie* in tha ap^ tke commMoa may be oalllned aa J a n . and locked ta tta Teata, there b n r t u Ihe l l n m lam of other poiat meat of assessor* by tho Civil folio lo await a farther hearing Becker atatea bave beea ia thla State tor a Service Commission, the board plana I Brae* amay la eioaeraied of all pleaded aot gallty to tta tad le th a l, greater period thaa flfteee day* and to have about six. selected through with ihe prlvlieg* of rbaoglag Ua competitive examination, to do tbe tare nill reraped the proviatoa ol Ita Plea. art which would compel the* lo tahe work that ia now being done by tvrelve Tha arreal of Becher followed a too out a .Vew Jeraey llceaae In order lo assessors The appointees would be nlaimlt* thl* abuse of prlrllaca. Ita compelled to give all their time to the fetaloo 10 UHtrict Attoraey Whitman work, for which they would receive by “Billiard Ball Jack" Roe*, who record* whereby the report* ol Ih* ae- fair compensation. Inquiry made by practically told tta whole atonr ot tta tomoblle iaapectora aad Ih* police can the hoard, shows tbat in aome of the P E R S O N S IN AUTO plot to kill Roaenthal. Ita tacepilon. IU caua* and LtaaL Becktr'a part la It— be ivatemalically tabulated at Ih* of township* and borougba propet Um fice in thia city. The reeult haa h e n Two Other* Fatally Hurt in Crash a part which, accordlag to Roe*. made aaliafaclorv. aad haa gained to Ike Heard a Milo—Grad* Crossing Becker Ita principal figure ta Ue crime, tta man wbo had demanded Bo- aeatbale death, and tad In.Uted oa It b J threata. ita mao wbo tad proataed immunity to tta mra who actaallyr committed tta deed, and the man who, after tta murder, had tried hard to pr*»e»t any of hla hiraltnga from contesting by reaewlag hla aaauraaeea With aevea recreation centre* in op that hla waa a power great enough to eration tbere was an attendance ol aare aot only hlmaelf. bat tvtry ma» 2 1.I1S children and more than two connected wtth tta crime. thousand parent*. And ir there be any Tta eonfeealoa of Roae. which wa* doubter* aa to the valae of play aabeuatlated hr corroboratlrc ronfee grounda he has only to Inquire into aions of “Brtdgey" Webber aad Harry matters of iuvenite crime. Crime de Valton. a bowed bealdee revealing Beck creases as play facilities increase lt er aa the inatlgator of aad Ike prim* Is better to buy snd equip plajgrounds mover ia tta marder, that tta reveia- than it Is to build and maintain jnila. It pays better in dollars and centa. not to mention the moral aide of the He gsve the names of the men wbo, •ubiect; which, after all Is by far the actually did the shooting. and they more important. Playgrounds sbouM were tboae which have been mention not long be neglected by tbe City ed for the last several days, the names Commission. Trenton can afford to cf “Lefty Louie.” “Whltey” Lewis. economise hi many things but not ta Hany Horowitx, known as “Gyp the matters that count for the welfare of Blood/' and “Dago Prank.” the wily the boys an dgirls. Colonel Roebling one of the four yet arrested. ha* set the example with his gift for Stadium development. Other wealthy The Grand Jury acted speedily. Trentonians might do likewise. there W ith tbeir confessions wsrm on tbeir by insuring for themselves the grati lipa. Rose. Webber and Vnilon went be tude of future generations who will fore the Grand Jury, put their hands play here when the boys snd girla of on the Bible and swore tbey had told reports snd do the necessary detail today have become but a memory cf the whole truth. Within sn boor the wort of enforcement. There la no the past. The city, however, should former commander of the strong arm reason why the revenue in New Jer not wait for gift* from private indi squad waa In a cell in tbe Tombs. sey ahould not be greatly increased vidual* It ahould deal generously under reciprocity In tact, from pres But the men who placed him there with tha playgrounds, knowing llud did not dare to leave the District At ent indications It wotild seem that re no better Investment can helrihde. ciprocity would mean an Increased aorta about Boaton. Two children torney’s ofllce. Shaking from fear, revenue rather tban a decreased rev five yeara old were killed on tbe Be their begged the District Attorney to keep them for the night In his office. enue, provided the proper machinery Sal* for Taxes Set Aside. vere Beach Boulevard by automobil- Is given to the motor vehicle depart ists. Cheater Linqulst, of Wtatbrop. And there they stayed under guard of The Supreme Court bas set aside ment to strictly enforce the law. The was struck by a car driven by Fred four of Mr. Whitman’s detectives. the sale of certain property In the returns from our license agents in Dufour, of Lynn and instantly killed. Rose’s confession, the most vital of Township of Shrewsbury, Monmouth New Jersey indicate thet there is a Bessie Crowley was struck by an au the three, details how Becker six County, for taxes and in doing so held greatly increased registration during tomobile driven by Arthur L. Irving, that the description in the advertise weeks sgo told him that Mercian Ros the summer months of this year over of Wtatbrop. and died within a few ment of the sale of land for unpaid enthal had lived too long, tbat Rosen' a similar period last year.” minutes in the arms of her mother, thai had to be put out of the way, and assessments should be such as to warn who witnessed the accident. Both that tbe men who did the job had the owner for what property he Is as drivers were placed under arrest nothing to fear because he. Becker, Railroads Drinking Cups. sessed and such as to procure a fair At Nantasket, Edward J. Tauaey. of was a power In the Police Department. Some practical conclusion regarding : sale by showing to the purchaser wlui Charieatown .and his niece. MIsa Mary So Rose went out and spread the word the use of drinking water on the rail- ( property is to be sold. When it ap F. Peeley, of Everett, were caught in that tbe strong arm commander aaid toad trains will be reached at a meet- pears that the requisites have not the undertow while bathing, and Tau that Rosenthal must be killed. Ing of SUte Public Utility Commis been complied witb. the sale, accord- sey waa drowned. sion. Tbe commissioners feel that ing to the court, will be set aside Thc i He dropped hints here and there. some arrangement should' be made on action was instituted against the town He did more. He sent for Big Jack the trains to supply drinking water ship by George O. Waterman, trustee Zellg and held a conference with that for the passengers at tbis time of tbe and executor for the estate of William gang leader of the East Side.