August 13, 2021

Wyoming Hospital Association News briefs

Transparency and The Grassroots Movement to Re-design Healthcare: Preparing for the Future of Medicine Dr. Marty Makary

The Hospital are saying no to the throughput-billing The movement to restore medicine Association/LeadingAge model of practicing medicine and saying to its mission, Makary argues, is Wyoming Annual Meet- yes to a more patient-centered, relation- alive and well--a mission that can ing is scheduled for Sep- ship-based model that embraces technol- rebuild the public trust and save our tember 8-9. ogy, lifestyle science, and a competitive country from the crushing cost of health care. Our keynote will be marketplace designed to bypass the mid- presented by Dr. Marty dlemen and restore medicine to its mis- His book Unaccountable turned into Makary, a public policy and leading sion. the T.V. series “The Resident.” health care expert, who will review the Dr. Makary, a New York Times bestsel- To register for the annual meeting current state of medicine and how to ling author, will also discuss his newest prepare for the future of health book The Price We Pay and the grass- care. He describes the disruptors that roots effort to reform health care.

SLHD Appoints David Ryerse As New CEO

South Lincoln Hospital District Scott has found the first weeks announces that David Ryerse of working with Dave illumi- has been appointed new CEO nating. “In my first few weeks of the organization. He as- working with Dave, it is appar- sumed responsibilities on July ent he is a skilled, authentic,

12, 2021. and transparent leader, and I

am excited for what his leader- 2021 “I am grateful for a highly en- ship will do for the future of Contributions gaged board of trustees that our organization and communi- sees the vision of what our ty,” he said. Barry Burkart organization can and should be Tim Thornell and was committed to selecting Dave said, “As a leader, I be- Robin Roling a leader to match that vision,” lieve in and personally work at Carol Solie leadership to this new role. He said Scott Erickson, the sys- establishing relationships built Irene Richardson has also served as the CEO of tem’s chief operating officer. on trust, visibility, transparen- Doug Faus Daniels Memorial Healthcare cy, consistent communication, Eric Boley Center in Scobey, (an As the former CEO of the team work, kindness, owner- Colleen Heeter affiliate hospital of Billings Stillwater Billings Clinic, a ship, optimistic attitude, and a Maureen Cadwell Clinic). Previous to that, Dave rural critical access hospital in safe and just culture.” Mike Phillips provided leadership as the chief Columbus, Montana, Dave Will Wagnon operating officer at Memorial brings extensive rural experi- Doug McMillan Hospital in Carbon County lo- ence and a history of consistent Margie Molitor cated in Rawlins, WY. Wyoming Hospital Association

Wyoming Cancer Coalition's Fall Meeting

The Wyoming Cancer Coalition will be meeting October 5th, 2021 from 9:30a.m to 4:30 pm in Casper. Registration is free for all attendees. The in-person meeting will be held at the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Building at 2211 King Blvd. Virtual options are also available. Anyone interested in attending needs to register at

Download the Wyoming Hospital Association App WHA Golf Tournament—September, 7 Paradise Valley Golf Club, Casper

WHA Annual Meeting—September 8-9 Clarion Inn, Casper, Wyoming

Moss Named Chief Operating Officer at Memorial Hospital of Converse County

Dammeyer said, “Effective of July 1, suring patient-centered care for every 2021 Terry Moss became our new Chief community we serve.”

Operating Officer. Terry is a key mem- Moss said, “I am blessed to continue to ber of our leadership team, and is one of serve MHCC in this new role and work our busiest and most productive lead- with our amazing providers and teams ers. As such, he will continue in his ex- across the many Wyoming counties and Memorial Hospital of Converse County isting roles while he helps advance our communities we serve.” When asked why (MHCC) CEO, Matt Dammeyer, Ph.D. strategic growth initiatives. I cannot working at MHCC is special to him, has named Terry Moss as Chief Operating thank Terry enough for all his efforts to Moss said, “We get the opportunity to Officer for MHCC. For the past 8 years ensure MHCC successfully recruits new help our neighbors, families and friends Moss has served as the Practice Adminis- providers, maintains fiscal responsibility, navigate one of their most important re- trator for MHCC and will continue in that and remains true to our Vision to be the sources; their health. MHCC values the capacity along with his new role. In his best healthcare organization in Wyo- independence of the citizens of Wyoming new role Moss will continue to report di- ming. Anyone who knows Terry knows and recognizes the importance of keeping rectly to Matt Dammeyer, Ph.D., CEO he will stop at nothing to help however Wyoming healthcare in Wyoming.” Memorial Hospital of Converse County. he can, especially when it comes to en-

Wyoming Hospital Association 2005 Warren Avenue, Cheyenne, WY 82001 307.632. 9344