Origination and Innovation in the Vertebrate Limb Skeleton: An Epigenetic Perspective 1Ã 2 STUART A. NEWMAN AND GERD B. MU¨ LLER 1New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York, USA 2University of Vienna, Wien, Austria

ABSTRACT The vertebrate limb has provided evolutionary and developmental biologists with grist for theory and experiment for at least a century. Its most salient features are its pattern of discrete skeletal elements, the general proximodistal increase in element number as development proceeds, and the individualization of size and shape of the elements in line with functional requirements. Despite increased knowledge of molecular changes during limb development, however, the mechanisms for origination and innovation of the vertebrate limb pattern are still uncertain. We suggest that the bauplan of the limb is based on an interplay of genetic and epigenetic processes; in particular, the self-organizing properties of precartilage mesenchymal tissue are proposed to provide the basis for its ability to generate regularly spaced nodules and rods of cartilage. We provide an experimentally based ‘‘core’’ set of cellular and molecular processes in limb mesenchyme that, under realistic conditions, exhibit the requisite self-organizing behavior for pattern origination. We describe simulations that show that under limb bud-like geometries the core mechanism gives rise to skeletons with authentic proximodistal spatiotemporal organization. Finally, we propose that evolution refines skeletal templates generated by this process by mobilizing accessory molecular and biomechanical regulatory processes to shape the developing limb and its individual elements. Morphological innovation may take place when such modulatory processes exceed a threshold defined by the dynamics of the skeletogenic system and elements are added or lost. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 304B:593– 609, 2005. r 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

The vertebrate limb, a conspicuous, stereotypi- thus far, for incrementalist scenarios for the cal array of skeletal elements and associated morphological changes involved in the ‘‘fin–limb tissues that arose in a nearly modern form transition’’ at the inception of the tetrapods, approximately 200 million years after the estab- despite dramatic growth in knowledge of the lishment of the body plan, has long held accompanying phylogenetic genotypic changes. interest for comparative anatomists and evolu- The second has given rise to the repeated asser- tionary biologists. Its amenability to surgical tion and withdrawal of candidate molecules under- manipulation at embryonic stages, particularly in lying a putative coordinate system in a formalistic avian species, and the fact that over- and under- ‘‘positional information’’ model that hypothesizes expression of many developmentally significant independent specification of skeletal features genes have characteristic effects on limb pattern- along the limb’s three Cartesian axes. ing and morphogenesis in chicken and mouse In this paper, we suggest that an understanding embryos have also made the limb a mainstay of of the origination of the limb skeletal pattern and experimental developmental biology. This combi- the various morphological innovations it has nation of features in one system would seem ideal accumulated in different taxonomic lineages over for investigations of the origination and evolution the course of evolution can best be achieved by of morphological innovations. adopting a wider perspective. Rather than assum- The realization of this potential in studies of the ing that skeletal pattern is encoded in the developing limb has been constrained by the fact embryo’s developmental repertoire by a hierarchy that interpretations of its evolution and develop- ment, not surprisingly, have been based on the ÃCorrespondence to: Dr. Stuart A. Newman, New York Medical major gene-centered conceptual frameworks of the College, Basic Science Building, Valhalla, NY 10595. second half of the 20th century: neo-Darwinism E-mail: [email protected] Received 15 April 2005; Accepted 29 June 2005 and the notion of the ‘‘genetic program.’’ The first Published online 13 September 2005 in Wiley InterScience (www. of these has spurred a quest, with little success DOI: 10.1002/jez.b.21066. r 2005 WILEY-LISS, INC. 594 S.A. NEWMAN AND G.B. MU¨ LLER of gene–gene interactions, we suggest that it epigenetic determinants. Indeed, even the para- emerges from a complex system in which physical digmatic case of the Drosophila pair-rule hierar- and other conditional, nonprogrammed (‘‘epige- chy depends on reciprocal as well as unidirectional netic’’ in the broad sense; see Newman and Mu¨ller causal chains (Clyde et al., 2003). Moreover, any (2000) or Mu¨ller and Olsson (2003)) mechanisms epigenetically based developmental process will of morphogenesis and pattern formation are also typically use sequential episodes of gene expres- at play. In this view, networks of gene interactions sion to prepare the system for the next round of regulate inherent system behaviors that depend organizational change. The domination of the on properties and mechanisms beyond the strictly ‘‘positional information’’ (Wolpert, ’71, ’94) model genetic. in limb studies over the last quarter century To avoid misunderstanding, we will be very (e.g., Capdevila and Izpisu´a Belmonte, 2001; explicit about what we mean by epigenetic Tickle, 2003) has, however, led to the limbs being mechanisms. Developmental processes which considered at the more hierarchical end of the depend extensively on feed-forward gene regula- spectrum. We suggest below that this view is tory modules—the generation of the Drosophila now dissolving and we propose an alternative pair-rule gene expression pattern (Lawrence, ’92) framework. or the induction of mesoderm in the sea Epigenetic determination requires molecular urchin (Davidson et al., 2002), for example—may hardware—genes and their products—every bit theoretically form patterns with little partici- as much as hierarchically programmed mechan- pation by extragenetic or epigenetic mecha- isms. The biochemical oscillators underlying the nisms. They are ‘‘hierarchical’’ in the sense of cell cycle (Murray and Hunt, ’93) and the genera- Salazar-Ciudad et al. (2001a). Such mechanisms tion of somites (Pourquie´, 2003), for example, are require an extraordinary level of evolved intricacy self-organizing epigenetic processes that encom- (e.g., position-specific promoters, Stanojevic et al., pass and animate, rather than replace, molecular– ’91; ‘‘smart genes,’’ Davidson, ’90) to produce a genetic mechanisms. Epigenetic mechanisms are, pattern of any complexity. to a great extent, the way in which molecular and In contrast with this mainly genetically pro- genetic components perform their developmental grammed mode of development, patterns can roles. In a related fashion, since in our epigenetic readily arise from the reciprocal interaction of a framework change in gene allelic frequencies and system’s components (e.g., cells, their genes, and gene expression are part of, but not the sole gene products) if the regulatory modules are determining factors of, evolutionary and deve- employed in a reciprocal, multidirectional fashion, lopmental morphological change, neo-Darwinian rather than as strict hierarchies. Such mechan- incrementalism and the developmental program isms, termed ‘‘emergent’’ by Salazar-Ciudad et al. notion are not rejected but rather assigned more (2001a), can not only be employed to produce limited roles. simple gradients that can act as positional Neo-Darwinian mechanisms, in which biological coordinates, but can also ‘‘self-organize’’ patterns forms typically change in an incremental fashion of considerable complexity (see below), that are due to genes of ‘‘small effect,’’ may only pertain to represented nowhere in the organism’s genome. systems sufficiently evolved so that numerous Dynamical self-organization, moreover, is just one genes and gene–gene interactions have come to aspect of epigenetic determination of biological serve canalizing and fine-tuning functions (New- form. Discontinuous transitions from one pattern man and Mu¨ller, 2000). Moreover, while such to another in a developing system (and therefore ‘‘autonomized’’ (Mu¨ller and Newman, ’99) forms potentially during evolution) can also occur by indeed develop in modern-day embryos with ‘‘morphodynamic’’ pattern formation in which dependence on sequences of hierarchically linked change in tissue geometry occurs simultaneously gene expression events, it is not necessarily true with (rather than follows) generation of morpho- that the same genes were part of the structure’s gen gradients (Salazar-Ciudad and Jernvall, 2002; originating process at its evolutionary inception Salazar-Ciudad et al., 2003) as well as by reactivity (Newman, ’94; Newman and Mu¨ller, 2000). (For of developing tissues exceeding certain thresholds our use of ‘‘origination’’ see Mu¨ller and Newman as physical stresses act on them in organized (2003) and this volume.) This implies that a contexts (Mu¨ller, 2003; see below). central focus of evolutionary developmental biol- Most developmental processes, of course, make ogy should be on ‘‘core’’ sets of cellular and use of both gene regulatory hierarchies and molecular interactions likely (on the basis of cell ORIGINATION AND INNOVATION IN VERTEBRATE LIMB SKELETON 595 biological and phylogenetic inferences) to have assumed that once a molecular ‘‘coordinate sys- participated in the origination of the structure tem’’ is set up across the limb bud, its ‘‘inter- or pattern of concern (see Mu¨ller and Newman, pretation’’ as specific arrays of skeletal elements 2003; Newman, 2003). We elaborate on these would be just a downstream effect: a readout of ideas for the limb example in the remainder of the appropriate portion of each cell’s genomic this article. representation of the entire pattern (Wolpert, ’71, ’94; Capdevila and Izpisu´a Belmonte, 2001; Tickle, LIMB SHAPE VS. LIMB SKELETAL 2003). The determinants of the presumed coordi- PATTERN nate system or its main axes have been proposed, at various points, to be time spent within a critical The shaping of the developing limb—quantita- distance of the apex (Summerbell et al., ’73), tive alterations in size and shape of the limb distance from the posterior ‘‘zone of polarizing buds—is one area in which there has been a activity’’ (Wolpert and Hornbruch, ’81), retinoic substantial increase in knowledge despite the acid (Tickle et al., ’85), retinoid receptors (Maden conceptual constraints mentioned above. First, et al., ’88), Hoxd-11 (Izpisu´a Belmonte et al., ’91), with no morphological innovation being involved, combinations of Hox proteins (the ‘‘Hox code’’) the evolution of limb bud shape can be well- (Tabin, ’92; Morgan and Tabin, ’94), Sonic hedge- accommodated within the neo-Darwinian para- hog (Shh) (Riddle et al., ’93), and BMP (Dahn and digm. Second, the conceptual and experimental Fallon, 2000). Simple axis-specific informational issues involved in tissue shaping involve cell roles for each of these variables and factors have division and death, viscoelastic behavior of tissues been rejected (e.g., Noji et al., ’91; Wanek et al., (see Dillon and Othmer, ’99), and reciprocal ’91; Davis and Capecchi, ’94; Graham, ’94; Dudley interactions between different tissue types. As et al., 2002; Sun et al., 2002; Ahn and Joyner, elaborate as the patterns of gene expression 2004). Recent work (e.g., Innis et al., 2002; Sun regulating (and regulated by) these processes et al., 2002; Chen et al., 2004; Harfe et al., 2004; may be, there is little complexity in the outcome: Scherz et al., 2004; Zakany et al., 2004) suggests a mass of tissue of a particular size and that Hox gene products, Shh, and time of exposure shape. Limb bud shaping, like many other devel- to these and other factors such as fibroblast opmental and evolutionary processes not involving growth factors (FGFs) act on mesenchymal cells abrupt morphological transitions and novelties, not as variables of some informational coordinate can be understood on the basis of continuous system, but as modulators of the inherent prop- incremental change in tissue mass and form, erty of these cells to generate discrete skeletal driven by an interplay of signaling among cells of structures. Indeed, randomized limb mesenchy- different populations and tissue types. It is no mal cells with disrupted gradients of Hox proteins, surprise, therefore, that many of the factors Shh, etc., give rise to digit-like structures in vivo involved in vertebrate limb outgrowth and shap- (Ros et al., ’94) and discrete, regularly spaced ing, e.g., the Dlx, Lmx, Hox, R-fng, Fgf, Shh, and cartilage nodules in vitro (Downie and Newman, Wnt gene products (see Tickle (2003), for a ’94; Kiskowski et al., 2004). Moreover, simulta- review), can be traced back to ancestral metazoans neous knockout of Shh and its inhibitory regulator where they were also (based on their functions Gli3 in mice yields limbs with numerous extra in modern invertebrates) involved in tissue out- digits (Litingtung et al., 2002). If anything, such growth and shaping. gradients limit and refine the inherent capacity to Patterning of the limb skeleton has been slower produce skeletal elements rather than being to yield to an approach based on mapping gene necessary to it. expression patterns during development. The bones of the limb are discrete arrays of elements EPIGENETIC ORIGINATION that individually differ in size and shape and vary OF THE LIMB SKELETON in number in a discontinuous fashion between limb region, limb type, and species. In contrast, The ancestral fish in which the tetrapod limb expression patterns of transcription factors tend originated was capable of producing discrete to be continuous, as are profiles of released bony skeletal elements (i.e., the sarcopterygian morphogenetic and growth factors. basal and metapterygial elements) but not the For the past three decades, much work on the autopod (wrist bones and digits), which is con- development of the limb skeleton has tacitly sidered the key innovation in tetrapod limb 596 S.A. NEWMAN AND G.B. MU¨ LLER evolution. A popular model for fin–limb transi- ity model (Miura and Shiota, 2000a). Further- tion, first presented in the 1980s (Shubin and more, the model implies that branching Alberch, ’86), focused, in part, on mechanisms bifurcations should be a major mode of develop- capable of producing the discontinuous patterns of ment in the limb (Oster et al., ’83). But while the limb skeleton. This step forward, however, was bifurcated condensations are sometimes observed, undercut by attempts of other investigators to they do not appear to be formed by a branching meld this model with then current notions of mechanism, i.e., one that requires a pre-existing positional information. element to produce a new bifurcated one (Cohn It had earlier been suggested that the endoske- et al., 2002). It is also significant that the number letal fin radials of sarcopterygian fish might be of elements that eventually appear in specific homologous to tetrapod digits (Gregory and regions of the limb mesoblast is specified before Raven, ’41). Like digits, the radials extend to mesenchymal condensation actually takes place either side of a roughly defined central axis along (Wolpert and Hornbruch, ’90). This indicates the proximodistal dimension of the limb. Shubin that pattern formation is a molecular process and Alberch (’86) proposed that the mesenchymal independent of the mechanical changes that tissue mass (mesoblast) of the limb could generate produce condensations, contrary to the model of preskeletal primordia by three different processes: Oster et al. (’83). de novo formation, segmentation, and branching. The inability of the mechanical model to account They also suggested that the central axis, rather for skeletal pattern formation has led some than being an arbitrary anatomist’s convention, investigators to suggest that the only alternative was a real coordinate system axis that had ‘‘bent’’ is the positional information idea (Cohn et al., anteriorly during evolution, so that the digits 2002). This is not the case. As we will describe represented only ‘‘post-axial’’ extensions. The below (see also Newman, 2002), processes based morphological novelty of the digits was thus on Turing-type reaction–diffusion instabilities proposed to be a result of deformation of the (Turing, ’52; Meinhardt and Gierer, 2000; Miura putative coordinate system. A popular idea at the and Maini, 2004a) can produce discrete elements time was that gradients of Hox gene products were de novo and by segmentation. This class of positional information coordinates (Izpisu´a-Bel- mechanism thus provides a plausible epigenetic monte et al., ’91; Tabin, ’92). When Coates (’91) basis for skeletal patterning in the generic sense of noted that the expression pattern of Hoxd-class production of rods and nodules of cartilage, subject genes was displaced anteriorly and reversed in to the modulatory and fine-tuning effects out- the tetrapod limb bud relative to the fish fin lined above. bud, the case for the evolutionarily bent axis was In the following sections we explore the seemingly clinched. question of how, if not by interpretation of Although the bent axis notion was ultimately positional values in a coordinate system, digits or found to have little embryological support other discrete skeletal structures may form within (Vargesson et al., ’97), the aspect of Shubin and limb mesenchyme. We outline a core skeletogenic Alberch’s model that focused on de novo formation mechanism consisting of a set of cell and mole- of skeletal elements, and segmentation of pre- cular interactions involved in controlling cell existing elements, remains credible. Unfortu- movement and relative affinity (Newman and nately, however, while the bent axis is no longer Frisch, ’79; Miura and Shiota, 2000a, b; Hentschel referred to in most discussions of limb origination, et al., 2004). The physical system thus constituted neither is discontinuous mesenchymal morpho- self-organizes spatiotemporal patterns of me- genesis (Coates et al., 2002; Shubin, 2002). This senchymal condensations (Hentschel et al., 2004; may, in part, be due to the specific underlying Kiskowski et al., 2004; Chaturvedi et al., 2005). A mechanism Shubin and Alberch proposed to variety of factors, including the gradient molecules account for discontinuous patterning: mechanical described above, but also biomechanical effects instabilities resulting from traction of cells on the (Mu¨ller and Streicher, ’89), will influence the extracellular matrix (Oster et al., ’83). It was number, shaping, and ‘‘identity’’ (Wagner and subsequently found that limb mesenchymal Gauthier, ’99) of individual elements. When cells do not exert traction on the ECM in vitro continuously varying modulatory effects cause (Markwald et al., ’90) and that the dependence of the pattern forming system to exceed a threshold chondrogenic patterns in vitro on matrix density is developmentally or evolutionarily (Mu¨ller, ’90), a not consistent with a traction/mechanical instabil- novel skeletal structure may be added or lost. ORIGINATION AND INNOVATION IN VERTEBRATE LIMB SKELETON 597

A CORE SET OF CELLULAR AND a major proteoglycan, aggrecan, consisting of MOLECULAR PROCESSES IN several glycosaminoglycans linked to a cartilage- CHONDROGENIC PATTERNING specific core protein. Because all the precartilage cells of the limb The limb buds emerge from the body wall, or mesoblast are capable of producing fibronectin flank, at four discrete sites: two for the forelimbs and cadherins, but only those at sites destined to and two for the hindlimbs. The paddle-shaped form skeletal elements actually do so, there clearly limb bud mesoblast, which gives rise to the must be communication among the cells to divide skeleton and muscles, is surrounded by a layer of the labor. This is mediated in part by secreted, simple epithelium, the ectoderm. The skeletons diffusible factors of the TGF-b family of growth of most vertebrate limbs develop as a series of factors, which promote the production of fibronec- precartilage primordia in a proximodistal fashion: tin (Leonard et al., ’91) and N-cadherin (Tsonis that is, the structures closest to the body form et al., ’94). As in other connective tissues (Van first, followed, successively, by structures more Obberghen-Schilling et al., ’88), TGF-b is posi- and more distant from the body. For the forelimb tively autoregulatory in limb bud mesenchyme of the chicken, for example, this means the (Miura and Shiota, 2000b). humerus of the upper arm is generated first, Limb bud ectoderm performs several important followed by the radius and ulna of the mid-arm, functions. First, it is a source of FGFs (Martin, the wrist bones, and finally the digits. (Urodele ’98). Although the entire limb ectoderm produces appear to be an exception to this FGFs, the particular mix of these factors produced proximodistal progression; Franssen et al., 2005.) by the apical ectodermal ridge (AER), a narrow The order in which the primordia actually chon- band of columnar ectodermal cells running in the drify may differ from the order in which the anteroposterior direction along the tip of the condensations appear (Blanco and Alberch, ’92). growing limb bud in most amniotes, is essential The cartilage is mostly replaced by bone in species to limb outgrowth and pattern formation. The with bony skeletons. AER keeps the precondensed mesenchyme of the Before the cartilages of the limb skeleton form, ‘‘apical zone’’ in a labile state (Kosher et al., ’79) the mesenchymal cells of the mesoblast are and its removal leads to terminal truncations of dispersed in a hydrated ECM, rich in the glycosa- the skeleton (Saunders, ’48). minoglycan, hyaluronan. The first morphological The FGFs produced by the ectoderm affect the evidence of the skeletal primordia are precartilage developing limb tissues through one of three mesenchymal condensations (Hall and Miyake, distinct FGF receptors. The apical zone is the ’95, 2000; Newman and Tomasek, ’96). Condensa- only region of the mesoblast-containing cells that tion involves the transient aggregation of cells express FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1) (Peters et al., within a mesenchymal tissue. This process is ’92; Szebenyi et al., ’95). In the developing chicken mediated first by the local production and secre- limb, cells begin to condense at a distance of tion of ECM glycoproteins, such as fibronectin, approximately 0.3 mm from the AER (Summerbell which act to trap the cells at specific locations and Lewis, ’75). In this ‘‘active zone,’’ FGFR1 is (Frenz et al., ’89a,b). The aggregates are then downregulated and cells that express FGFR2 consolidated by direct cell–cell adhesion which appear at the sites of incipient condensation depends on the temporary expression by the (Peters et al., ’92; Szebenyi et al., ’95; Moftah condensing cells of cell-surface molecules such as et al., 2002). These are the same cells that produce NCAM (Widelitz et al., ’93), N-cadherin (Oberlen- and experience high levels of fibronectin. Activa- der and Tuan, ’94), or cadherin-11 (Kimura et al., tion of these FGFR2-expressing cells by FGFs ’95; Luo et al., 2005) (see also Chimal-Monroy and releases a laterally acting (i.e., peripheral to the Diaz de Leon, ’99). The final step in this process of condensations) inhibitor of cartilage differentia- spatiotemporally controlled cartilage development tion (Moftah et al., 2002). Although the molecular (chondrogenesis) is the expression of cartilage- identity of this inhibitor is unknown, its behavior associated gene products (reviewed in Okazaki is consistent with that of a diffusible molecule and Sandell, 2004) and production of a cartilage- (Moftah et al., 2002). Finally, differentiated specific extracellular matrix (reviewed in Ratcliffe cartilage in the more mature region (frozen zone) and Mow, ’96). The molecular components of this proximal to the condensing cells expresses FGFR3, matrix (discussed in the section on the Role of which is involved in the growth control of this Biomechanics, below) include type II collagen and tissue (Ornitz and Marie, 2002). The ectoderm, by 598 S.A. NEWMAN AND G.B. MU¨ LLER virtue of the FGFs it produces, thus regulates In Turing-type systems (also commonly referred growth and differentiation of the mesenchyme to as ‘‘reaction–diffusion’’ systems, because the and cartilage. usual way in which the activator and inhibitor The limb ectoderm is also involved in shaping spread in a chemical system is by simple diffu- the limb bud. By itself, the limb mesenchyme, sion), the formation of a spatial pattern (typically being an isotropic tissue with liquid-like proper- spots and stripes of a chemical substance; Alber ties, tends to round up (Foty et al., ’96). When et al., 2005a) is not an inevitability, but depends ensheathed by the ectoderm, however, it assumes on the ‘‘tuning’’ of the values of various kinetic a paddle shape. This is evidently due to the constants and diffusion coefficients (see Mein- constraining biomechanical influence of the hardt and Gierer, 2000; Miura and Maini, 2004a). epithelial sheet and its underlying basal lamina For biological systems the reacting components (Borkhvardt, 2000). are cells, in their capacity to produce various A schematic representation of the components molecules and alter their differentiated states, and and interactions of the proposed core mechanism the diffusing components are released signaling for limb skeletal pattern formation is shown in molecules—gene products, nucleotides, lipids, etc. Fig. 1. Mutations in genes specifying transcription fac- tors, morphogens, and so forth will typically affect the rates of molecular–genetic processes, so that ADDING THE PHYSICS OF natural selection can tune the associated reac- SELF-ORGANIZATION tion–diffusion systems. It is significant that even if changes in the parameters mentioned are incre- A ‘‘bare-bones’’ mechanism for limb mental, particular balances and ratios among skeletal pattern formation factors will induce discontinuous changes in the Chemical systems of any type in which there is a pattern formed by the system. The system can go slow-spreading, self-enhancing ‘‘activator’’ (of any from no pattern to a pattern of spots or stripes, for process or reaction) that directly or indirectly example, undergo a transition from spots to induces the production of a slower spreading stripes, or to patterns with different numbers of ‘‘inhibitor’’ of the same process are capable of spots and stripes. giving rise to spatial patterns of the reaction The core set of cellular and molecular processes product. Turing was among the first to discuss described in the previous section and depicted this ‘‘symmetry-breaking’’ process (Turing, ’52) in Fig. 1 fulfils the formal requirements of a and the first to suggest that it might have a role reaction–diffusion mechanism. The role of the in embryonic pattern formation. This class of locally diffusible, positively autoregulated (Miura mechanism was proposed on theoretical grounds and Shiota, 2000b) activator of condensation alone as the basis of several developmental formation (by virtue of its induction of fibronectin phenomena (Gierer and Meinhardt, ’72; Kauffman production; Leonard et al., ’91) is served by et al., ’78) including skeletal patterning in the limb TGF-b. A laterally acting inhibitor of condensa- (Newman and Frisch, ’79). Subsequently, the tion is produced from sites of activation in Turing instability (designated as such because response to peripherally supplied FGFs (Moftah the situation in which the distribution of reaction et al., 2002). Production of this inhibitor depends product is uniform is dynamically unstable) was on the demonstrated localization of FGFR2c at demonstrated experimentally in chemical systems condensation sites (Moftah et al., 2002). The (Castets et al., ’90; Ouyang and Swinney, ’91), and simplest Turing circuit requires a causal link experimental work in conjunction with computa- between the activator and the inhibitor. While tional analysis in a number of biological systems elevated levels of FGFR2c colocalize with down- supported the idea that such mechanisms stream effects of TGF-b, i.e., elevated fibronectin, operate during development. The systems studied in early condensations, we have no evidence included development of pigment patterns in that TGF-b upregulates FGF2c; it is possible fish (Kondo and Asai, ’95), spacing of feather that the nonuniform FGFR2c pattern is estab- germs in avian skin (Jiang et al., ’99), formation lished independently by a parallel set of inter- of vertebrate body axis (Meinhardt, 2001), and actions. We also do not know at what level precartilage condensations in mouse limb me- (e.g., TGF-b production, fibronectin production senchyme in vitro (Miura and Shiota, 2000a,b; or secretion) the lateral inhibitory effect on Kiskowski et al., 2004; Miura and Maini, 2004b). condensation acts. ORIGINATION AND INNOVATION IN VERTEBRATE LIMB SKELETON 599

Fig. 1. (A) Schematic representation of the biochemical–genetic circuitry underlying the self-organizing pattern forming core mechanism (Hentschel et al., 2004; Kiskowski et al., 2004). Positive autoregulation of TGF-b, induction of fibronectin by TGF-b, promotion of precartilage condensation by fibronectin, and FGF-dependent elicitation of a lateral inhibitor of cartilage development from sites of condensation are all supported by experimental evidence. The model assumes the inhibitor acts directly on TGF-b.(B) Interactions of the core mechanism are superimposed on a two-dimensional schematic limb bud organized into zones defined by experimentally determined expression patterns of FGF receptors 1, 2, and 3. In the apical zone, cell rearrangement is suppressed by the FGFs emanating from the AER. The active zone, a detailed view of which is shown below, is the site of spatiotemporal regulation of mesenchymal cell condensation (i.e., pattern formation). When cells leave the proximal end of the active zone and enter the frozen zone, they differentiate into cartilage and their spatiotemporal pattern becomes fixed. The length of the dorsoventral axis is collapsed to zero in this simplified model. PD: proximodistal; AP: anteroposterior.

A relatively simple version of the system shown released signal molecules (morphogens) such as in Fig. 1 was formulated (making the assumption TGF-b and FGF through the ECM, and growth of that TGF-b directly induces FGFR2c and the the different tissue domains (see Hentschel et al., lateral inhibitor acts directly to suppress fibronec- 2004). In this initial model, the limb bud was tin gene expression) in a set of eight coupled represented as a two- rather than three-dimen- nonlinear partial differential equations represent- sional structure (the dorsoventral thickness of the ing the influences of the various mentioned genes limb was collapsed to zero), with a rectangular on one another via their products, and on the rather than curvilinear contour. Moreover, cell various cell types, as well as the diffusion of density was represented as a continuous variable 600 S.A. NEWMAN AND G.B. MU¨ LLER rather than a collection of discrete space-filling the various (apical, active, frozen) domains objects that could become packed to different (Hentschel et al., 2004). The pattern of ‘‘bones’’ extents (Hentschel et al., 2004). that this system predicts is decidedly limb-like As simplified as this system is relative to the (given the constraints noted above) (Fig. 2). It is cellular and molecular interactions in the actual particularly notable that the number of parallel developing limb, computer simulation of a set of elements increased in number in a proximodistal equations of this complexity to determine the order as development progressed, corresponding morphogen and condensation patterns it can to the typical developmental sequence in tetra- produce is not feasible. It is possible, however, to pods. This is a robust property of the core use mathematical techniques to determine mechanism operating in an elongated tissue mass whether physically realistic solutions to these in which the unorganized region gets progres- equations exist which correspond to nonuniform sively narrower (see also Newman and Frisch, patterns of cell density. We have confirmed that ’79). Significantly, the system exhibited somewhat this is indeed the case (Alber et al., 2005b). different patterns when different initial values of We also explored the patterns formed in a morphogens were used (Fig. 2). The generative system of four equations, which were derived from system for the limbs in modern-day organisms the original eight by applying some biologically almost certainly lacks this maladaptive property. motivated estimates of timescales of various While joints, i.e., discontinuities between the processes modeled by the system (Hentschel stylopod-, zeugopod- and autopod-like domains, or et al., 2004): within the digit-like elements, do not appear in

2 2 these particular simulations, slight changes in the r c ¼ k c; parameter values in the core mechanism can produce such gaps. As noted in relation to an 1 @ca=@t ¼½Ja aðc; caÞþJaðcaÞbðc; caÞR earlier version of the model (Newman and Frisch, 2 ’79), periodic changes in the proximodistal length þ Dar ca kcica of the apical zone (Summerbell, ’76) can lead to interruptions in the pattern. Another factor that @c =@t ¼ D r2c k c c þ J ðc; c Þbðc; c ÞR i i i a i a i a a may contribute to the formation of joints is the

2 suggested existence of an underlying developmen- @R=@t ¼½Dcell ðl þ l2gðc; caÞÞRr R tal clock in the chondrogenic response of limb 2 2 2 2 l2@g=@caR r ca l2@g=@cR r c mesenchymal cells to TGF-b (Leonard et al., ’91).

þ rRðReq RÞk23gðc; caÞR:

In these equations, c, ca, ci, and R represent, respectively, the position- and time-dependent concentrations of FGF, TGF-b and the hypothe- sized inhibitor, and the density of mobile cells. The J’s are reaction terms governing the produc- tion, and the D’s are diffusion constants governing the transport, of these molecules, while r2 and @=@t are differential operators over space and time. With the incorporation of the cell division rate r, the fractions a, b, g of the total mobile cell density R in the categories R1 (FGFR1- Fig. 2. Simulations of limb skeletal development in the 0 model of Hentschel et al. (2004). Typical examples of skeletal expressing), R2 (early FGFR2-expressing) and R2 (FGFR2-expressing, fibronectin-secreting), and structures generated by the model, using different initial conditions, are shown in comparison to a longitudinal section constants k and the k’s, this set of equations of the skeleton of the chicken limb at 7 days of development. defines a streamlined network representing the The distribution of cartilage is shown in a continuous core mechanism for spatiotemporally regulated grayscale in the simulation panels, with black representing chondrogenesis. highest cartilage density. Skeletal form in the model is Using mathematical simplifications based on dependent on parameter values and time-dependent changes in the active zone (which were the same for all three biological expectations concerning the behavior simulations shown) and initial conditions (which differed, of the functions involved, we were able to simulate yielding slightly different patterns). See Hentschel et al. the system under realistic growth dynamics for (2004) for details. ORIGINATION AND INNOVATION IN VERTEBRATE LIMB SKELETON 601

Such temporal oscillations are readily generated zonal arrangement arises in a more realistic by reaction–diffusion dynamics like that of the fashion by distance from a distal source of FGF. core mechanism (Boissonade et al., ’94). In both versions, cells responded to elevated levels Further reductions in complexity of the system of activator (i.e., TGF-b) by producing additional of Hentschel et al. (2004) to only two equations, activator and upregulating adhesive matrix (i.e., describing simply the interaction and diffusion of fibronectin) in their local environment. These the chemical activator and inhibitor of condensa- simulations also yielded limb-like skeletal pat- tion, permitted it to be analyzed in a more realistic terns (Chaturvedi et al., 2005; Cickovski et al., three-dimensional computational framework 2005) (Fig. 3). (Chaturvedi et al., 2005; Cickovski et al., 2005). Many of the molecules known to be involved in Here the cells were represented as extended, limb development are not part of the core discrete objects that reacted to the morphogen mechanism. For example, the products of genes gradients generated by two different simplifica- such as Dlx, Lmx, Hox, R-fng, Shh, and Wnt, tions of the system of Hentschel et al. (2004), mentioned above as involved in limb bud shaping, according to simple rules of their own (i.e., as are not incorporated into the core mechanism, ‘‘cellular automata’’; Merks and Glazier, 2005). In although the members of the one gene family of the version of Chaturvedi et al. (2005), all four cell this class, that is, the Fgf’s, are modulated in their types of the model of Hentschel et al. (2004) spatiotemporal expression by interaction with (apical zone mesenchyme, early active zone me- some of the others (e.g., Shh, Wnt; reviewed in senchyme, late, fibronectin-producing active zone Tickle, 2003). Furthermore, some of the omitted mesenchyme, frozen zone chondrocytes) were molecules (Shh, various Hox proteins) have chan- retained, but the zonal organization was imposed ging nonuniform distributions across the limb a priori rather than via a proximodistal FGF bud, the dynamics of which are not part of the core gradient. In the version of Cickovski et al. (2005), mechanism, and influence digit identity, a prop- there are only ‘‘condensing’’ and ‘‘nonconden- erty the core mechanism also does not purport to sing’’ cells (determined by levels of TGF-b) but the explain. This suggests that in a more elaborate

Fig. 3. Three-dimensional simulations based on different approximations of the model of Hentschel et al. (2004) in which simplified versions of the reaction–diffusion system for the activator and inhibitor of chondrogenesis were used, and the cells were modeled as extended, three-dimensional autonomous objects capable of responding to the gradients according to simple rules of their own. (A) Time series of the concentration of the diffusible morphogen TGF-b in cross-sections of the active zone, with time increasing in the upward direction (Chaturvedi et al., 2005). (B) Final pattern of cell condensa- tion obtained by Chaturvedi et al. (2005) with the same parameter set as in (A). (C) Patterns of cell condensation obtained by Cickovski et al. (2005), using a different simplification of the model of Hentschel et al. (2004) from that in (A) and (B), at three successive stages of simulated development. See cited articles for details. (C) Courtesy of T. Cickovski and J.A. Izaguirre, University of Notre Dame. 602 S.A. NEWMAN AND G.B. MU¨ LLER model that includes both limb bud shaping and Interestingly, small variations in values of skeletogenesis, processes that in simulations of the parameters (rate constants, diffusion coefficients) core mechanism by itself occur uniformly within in each of these computational models could lead the active zone (e.g., the emergence of the digits to large changes in morphology similar to those in the autopod) would instead occur at different seen with certain genetic variations—fused ele- rates along the anteroposterior axis, in conformity ments, polydactyly, etc. This capacity to undergo with experimental findings (e.g., Morgan and qualitative morphological change as a result of Tabin ’94). quantitative changes in system parameters, seen in Also not included in the core patterning these pathological cases as well as in the modeling mechanism are the BMPs, members of the TGF- of the normal developmental transition from b superfamily that act downstream from TGF-b stylopod (single upper limb bone) to zeugopod itself to promote chondrogenesis (Roark and (double mid-limb bones) to autopod, is a generic Greer, ’94; Chimal-Monroy et al., 2003), influence property of mechanisms based on reaction–diffu- digit identity (Dahn and Fallon, 2000), promote sion instabilities (Meinhardt and Gierer, 2000; interdigital apoptosis (Zuzarte-Luis et al., 2004), Miura and Maini, 2004a). Most significantly with as well as participating in the limb-shaping regard to the question of morphological innovation circuitry mentioned above (Wang et al., 2004). in the evolution of the limb skeleton is the capacity Similarly, other members of this superfamily, the of such mechanisms, including the skeletogenic GDF proteins, which are variously expressed in core mechanism hypothesized here, to generate specific skeletal elements and in joints (Settle new individual elements and, in a context of et al., 2003), are also omitted. This reflects our changed limb bud growth and shaping such as hypothesis that many of the molecular players in could be brought on by altered domains of Hox this developmental process were acquired later in gene expression, key novelties like the autopod. evolution in the course of integration and auton- omization of the limb bauplan (Mu¨ller and New- THE ROLE OF BIOMECHANICS man (’99) and below). Computational models based on the core me- Once the initial arrangement of precartilage chanism of Hentschel et al. (2004), but in which all condensations is set during early development by the cells are simultaneously subject to self-orga- pattern-forming processes such as those described nizing interactions, generate synchronously ap- in the previous section, chondrogenesis occurs by a pearing nodules in simulations (Zeng et al., 2003; sequence of steps that, according to the categories Kiskowski et al., 2004), similar to randomized of gene regulatory network described in the limb cells cultured in the absence of ectoderm. In introductory section (see also Salazar-Ciudad contrast, the ability of the two-dimensional model et al., 2001a), are more hierarchical than emergent of Hentschel et al. (2004) and its three-dimen- (Chimal-Monroy et al., 2003). This does not mean, sional variants (Chaturvedi et al., 2005; Cickovski however, that it is no longer subject to epigenetic et al., 2005) to produce, over time, proximiodistally influences. Mechanical factors are ever-present increasing numbers of elements depended entirely and take on specific relevance when it is recog- on the apical/active zone distinction. In the nized that embryos are motile and skeletogenesis versions of Hentschel et al. (2004) and Cickovski is sensitive to mechanical stresses. Indeed, the et al. (2005), the zonal organization was estab- absence of adequate biomechanical stimuli during lished by an FGF gradient whose source is in the embryonic and postembryonic development leads AER, in agreement with experiment. The ratios of to skeletal malformations (see below) and func- length to width (and in the three-dimensional tional neurological deficits (Bos et al., 2001). versions, to depth) (aspect ratios) in the active Motor activity begins very early in development. zone were also determinants in the order of In the chick embryo the first muscle contractions appearance of rows of specific numbers, a feature occur on the third day of incubation and follow a seen in an earlier prototype of these models characteristic pattern of increasing and decreasing (Newman and Frisch, ’79). These models would activity (Wu KC et al., 2001). The activity of the predict that the proximodistal order could be embryo, in turn, is influenced by environmental reversed by alterations of the active zone aspect (e.g., behavioral, physical, and chemical) factors ratios, a hypothesis that could be tested by (overview in Romanoff, ’60). Changes in these comparative measurements in urodele and anuran parameters can strongly affect the motility pat- (Franssen et al., 2005). terns and hence skeletogenesis. A rise in the ORIGINATION AND INNOVATION IN VERTEBRATE LIMB SKELETON 603 intensity of ambient light, for instance, leads to an collagen, aggrecan, and glycosaminoglycan expres- increase in embryonic motility (Wu KC et al., sion and a consequential reduction of cartilage 2001), whereas the decrease of temperature matrix synthesis. The arrest of embryonic move- diminishes motor activity (Oppenheim and Levin, ment by pharmacological paralysis strongly affects ’75; Nechaeva and Turpaev, ’91). long bone growth and joint development (Hall and Both phases of chondrogenesis—cartilage cell Herring, ’90; Bertram et al., ’97). These results differentiation and cartilage matrix production— highlight the modulatory role of embryonic move- include mechano-sensitive interactions among ment in skeletogenesis and indicate that much of several genes and gene products. Central in these the consolidation, individuation, and refinement interactions are Sox9 and IL-1b, respectively a of the basic skeletal pattern laid down by locally transcriptional activator and a transcriptional acting core pattern-forming mechanisms is also repressor of type II collagen. IL-1b downregulates subject to an epigenetic physical feedback influ- the glycosaminoglycan–aggrecan system, whereas ence from the motile developing organism. it upregulates the cartilage-degrading matrix Although mechano-sensitive regulation of chon- metalloproteases. Static compression of three- drogenesis has a primary role in the shaping of the dimensional culture systems containing chondro- skeletal elements, these mechanisms are also cytes both upregulates Sox9 and downregulates involved in secondary modifications of the limb IL-1b, leading to an increase of glycosaminoglycan pattern that are realized through the loss or synthesis and of type II collagen mRNA, whereas addition of elements. Such changes often take the metalloproteinase production is diminished. place during generation of the adult limb pattern. Together, these effects result in an overall While deletions occur through fusions of the two–three-fold increase of type II collagen and skeletal primordia during different stages of the aggrecan in compressed chondrogenic cells in vitro skeletogenic process (Mu¨ller, ’91), the addition of (Takahashi et al., ’98) (Fig. 4). Tensile forces, in new elements during later stages is often move- contrast, act on the BMP system (Sato et al., ’99; ment dependent. Paralysis leads to the reduction Ikegame et al., 2001), affecting the arrangement and aplasia of such ‘‘sesamoid cartilages’’ (Wu, and proliferation of chondrogenic cells (Bard, ’90). ’94; Mu¨ller, 2003). The de novo formation of In the mechano-transduction pathway involved in cartilage elements can also be experimentally chondrocyte proliferation, Indian hedgehog is one elicited in fetal and postfetal connective tissues of the key signaling molecules acting upstream of when certain pressure regimes are applied (Vogel BMP (Wu Q et al., 2001). and Koob, ’89; Tagil and Aspenberg, ’99). In the Through these and other molecular mechanisms course of normal development, the added carti- (Chiquet, ’99; Nomura and Takano-Yamamoto, lages become incorporated into one of the existing 2000; Chiquet et al., 2004), movement-dependent bones or are elaborated into major independent mechanical stimulation is responsible for cartilage elements. and bone remodeling during embryogenesis and There are several evolutionary implications of postembryonic life (Carter et al., ’87). A reduction the mechano-sensitivity of skeletogenesis. On the of embryonic movement results in reverse effects. one hand, it provides an epigenetic link between Reduced pressure regimes lead to a drop in type II the environment and development, since chemical or physical changes of environmental parameters can strongly affect embryonic motility and hence the plasticity of skeletogenesis. Natural selection can exploit the variation that results from such environmentally dependent phenotypic plasticity (West-Eberhard (2003) and this volume). But as we noted for the proposed core mechanism of limb patterning, most relevant to the problem of morphological innovation is the potential source of skeletal novelty inherent to a mechanism that has the capacity to form de novo elements. Like the core mechanism, these biomechanical effects Fig. 4. Molecular mechanisms involved in compression- regulated chondrogenesis. IL: interleukin; GAG: glycosami- can elicit morphological novelty as a ‘‘saltatory’’ noglycan; MMP: matrix metalloproteases. From Mu¨ller byproduct of continuous natural selection. Con- (2003), after Takahashi et al. (1998). tinuous selection on size, shape, or proportions of 604 S.A. NEWMAN AND G.B. MU¨ LLER body parts, such as the relative size of skeletal tional information for cells to interpret during elements in the limb, will alter the biomechanical development. Rather, species-characteristic limb conditions in their development and result in new skeletons develop, in our view, by means of pressure and tension loads. Tissues that have a modulatory and fine-tuning interactions acting chondrogenic capacity will respond by producing on skeletal templates that are in part self- cartilage matrix and begin cartilage cell differ- organized and in part ‘‘autonomized’’ by accumu- entiation at certain threshold levels of mechanical lation of reinforcing genetic pathways over the load. A new skeletal element can result. Skeletal course of evolution (see below). The protean novelties that arise from such a mechanism could nature of the core skeletogenic mechanism de- remain selectively neutral for long periods of time, scribed here creates an entirely new context for since their existence in every generation merely inferences concerning whether limb skeletons of depends on the maintenance of the same biome- closely related species are primitive or derived chanical conditions. But eventually such struc- based on whether they have more or fewer tures can become subject to selection and, through elements (e.g., Shubin, 2002) and concerning the canalizing and stabilizing evolution (Waddington, evolutionary implications of variations in the ’42; Schmalhausen, ’49), gradually become inte- order of development of digits (Shubin and grated into the developmental repertoire (Mu¨ller Alberch, ’86; Blanco and Alberch, ’92; Hinchliffe and Newman, ’99; Newman and Mu¨ller, 2000). and Vorobyeva, ’99; Wagner and Gauthier, ’99; Many examples of skeletal novelties that have reviewed in Hinchliffe, 2002). arisen from de novo ‘‘sesamoids’’ are known in The new model of origination and innovation of vertebrate evolution. These include the famous limb patterning we have proposed herein consists ‘‘thumb’’ and the ‘‘seventh digit’’ of the giant of a self-organizational reaction–diffusion-type panda and the falciform bone in the mole’s hand. system of core chondrogenic processes which are A case studied in more detail is the origin of the modulated by several epigenetic parameters. We fibular crest on the tibia of theropod dinosaurs and do not have enough information at present to say birds (Mu¨ller and Streicher, ’89). Here the that the hypothesized core processes and related progressive reduction of the fibula, a characteristic ‘‘bare-bones’’ mechanism were indeed the origi- trend in the evolution of bipedal locomotion in nating mechanism by which limbs first appeared reptiles and birds (Streicher and Mu¨ller, ’92), in vertebrate ancestors approximately 400 million must have led to an increasing mechanical load on years ago. What our mathematical analyses and the connective tissue between the tibia and the computational simulations tell us, however, is that fibula during embryonic movement. At a certain the components and interactions in the developing threshold, point, a stress-induced cartilage arose limb captured by our model, or any biologically and can still be observed as a transient structure equivalent version of these components and inter- in extant avian embryos, in which it fails to form actions, constitute a mechanistic basis for the self- in the absence of embryonic movement. The organization of a rough skeletal pattern. The cartilage element may have existed long before patterns formed by such processes, without addi- its ossification and integration into the tibia in tional constraints, are somewhat unreliable, theropods, serving as the probable source of the undergoing relatively large-scale changes with sudden phylogenetic appearance of the prominent variations in initial conditions or parameters. fibular crest in that group of dinosaurs. Several Either type of alteration could produce missing other movement-dependent embryonic cartilages elements, fused elements, extra elements, and so on. underlie osseous innovations in the avian limb Autonomization (i.e., the establishment of devel- skeleton (Mu¨ller, 2003). opmental and evolutionary independence from the initiating generative mechanisms; Mu¨ller and CONCLUSIONS Newman, ’99) of the skeletal pattern and its individual elements may be achieved by natural The existence of epigenetic processes of self- selection in which there is a premium on stabiliz- organization of mesenchymal condensation pat- ing the morphological outcome (Waddington, ’42; terning and biomechanical modulation of chon- Schmalhausen, ’49). This involves employing drogenesis must inform both developmental and molecular and biomechanical cues beyond the core evolutionary hypotheses about the vertebrate set to reinforce the generation of the pattern by limb. In particular, there is no need for a parallel means: secreted factors or cell-surface ‘‘universal’’ or even limb-specific system of posi- components that regulate growth and shaping of ORIGINATION AND INNOVATION IN VERTEBRATE LIMB SKELETON 605 the mesoblast (e.g., Shh, R-fng), transcription continued responsivity of chondrogenic tis- factors that control responsiveness to morphogens sues to the biomechanical environment. (e.g., Hox proteins; Gli3; dHand; McFadden et al., 2002), and anabolic tensile forces arising from Although these points are interdependent, each tissue contraction and embryonic movement act- of them is subject to separate tests, refinement, ing on forming cartilage elements. Eventually, the and revision. We emphasize, however, that any underlying circuitry by which the pattern or its model for the origination and development of the elements is achieved may change in a fashion that vertebrate limb must address the central require- dissociates them from the originating dependence ment of evolutionary developmental biology: ac- on self-organizing processes (Salazar-Ciudad counting at the same time for the continued et al., 2001a,b). generative stability of a structure, or organized In terms of the mechanisms discussed above, we complex of structures (homology), and for the suggest the following scenario for the origination novelties that deviate from it (Mu¨ller, 2005). We and subsequent refinement of the vertebrate limb: suggest that the epigenetic framework presented here, drawing on the self-organizing properties (i) FGF-dependent cues for outgrowth of fin-fold and biomechanical responsivity of limb bud me- mesenchymal masses were accentuated as a senchymal tissue, and combining it with the result of mutationally or environmentally reasonable assumption that the genetic circuitry induced changes in the activation spectrum involved in limb development in contemporary of one or more growth- and shape-influencing vertebrates was recruited in stages over the course genes (van Eeden et al., ’96) in an ancestral of evolution, accomplishes these goals more suc- sarcopterygian fish. cessfully than informational coordinate system- (ii) The larger size and novel shape of the resulting based models. limb buds provided an opportunity for pre- existing determinants of discrete mesenchymal ACKNOWLEDGMENTS condensations—e.g., the positively autoregula- tory factor TGF-b and a factor limiting its S.A.N. acknowledges support from the National activity—to self-organize several tiers of skele- Science Foundation (IBN-0083653 and IBN- tal rods and nodules in temporal succession 0344647) and the following colleagues for their rather than just one or two. contributions to the limb model: M. 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