Town of Falmouth Plan for an Improved Transportation Network for Bicycling January 6, 2016 Town of Falmouth: 2015 Bike Plan Prepared by the Cape Cod Commission in cooperation with the Town of Falmouth and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation This report was funded in part through grants from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA), United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). The views and opinions of the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the USDOT. The Falmouth Bikeways Committee, consisting of citizen volunteers widely experienced in bicycling, transportation, and educational issues, contributed immeasurably to this Plan. They are Scott Lindell (Chair), Ed Gross (Vice-Chair), Ted Rowan (Treasurer), Jonathan Murray (Secretary), Bob Fitzpatrick, Kevin Lynch, Pamela Rothstein, JoAnn Fishbein, and Chris McGuire. We also had help from members of the Falmouth Bike Lab (Jeremy Tagliaferre and Anne Broache) and Friends of Falmouth Bikeways (Patty Leonard). The Bikeways Committee thanks Lev Malakhoff and Glenn Cannon for their valuable assistance. More information is available at
[email protected] Executive Summary The 2015 Falmouth Bike Plan is a result of collaboration between the Town of Falmouth’s Bikeways Committee and the transportation staff of the Cape Cod Commission. Between 2010 and 2012 there were 43 reported crashes involving bicycles in Falmouth. It is widely accepted that many more occur but are unreported. This fact serves as one catalyst for action. The Plan identifies numerous problems on roads that would be desirable for bicycling if corrective actions such as reducing motorist speed and installing wider shoulders or bike lanes were implemented to encourage people who want to ride bicycles to feel safe.