April 21, 2014 Volume 1, Issue 5 THE EAGLE’S EYE

Wy’east Battle of the Books Do you know what Oregon Battle of the Books is? Oregon Battle of the Books is a competition where you are asked specific questions about certain books that you are supposed to read. You’re supposed to make a team who can answer very specific questions. You and your team go against other teams in the state. Each year there are sixteen Student Spotlight………...Page 2-3 books that need to be read. You can News……………………..Page 4-5 read all of the books if you like. If you Superintendent…………...Page 6 win the school competition, you ad- Teacher Spotlight………..Page 7-8 vance to the regionals. If you win the Short Stories …………...Page 9 regional competition, you move on to Comics and Fun…………Page 10-12 state. If you win that you and your team The Eagle’s Kitchen…...... Page 13-15 win a trophy. But, you have to be very talented at reading. If you want to be in Pets/Animals……………..Page 16-17 Battle of the Books, talk to Mr. Technology………………Page 18-20 Sacquety next year and read, read, read! Game Center……………..Page 21-23

Sports…………………….Page 24-25 Fashion, Advice, Parties…Page 26 By: Doran Maus Music…………………….Page 27 The Bookshelf……………Page 28-30 Movies and T.V………….Page 31-33 Editorials…………………Page 34 Upcoming Events……….. Page 35 Page 1 H R C S D


Interviewing Kelsey Stewart Did the cupcakes taste good? How did your parents feel about you win- ning the final OBOB match? “Yes they tasted good, and the rainbow frosting gave an extra, ‘POW’ to the flavor. Despite that it’s only food coloring.” “My mother was very impressed and my fa- ther, all he did was give me a pat on the back and say, ‘Nice job. Maybe I’ll take you Did you think the Saphires were going to out to dinner sometime.’ I don’t know. ” win, or did you have a good feeling about your team winning? How did you feel when you were losing in the middle? “I had a good feeling, but then they got ahead and I was really nervous. Then, after that standstill, we did forge ahead and beat “I felt really nervous because they are a them, bringing the Fantabulous Four to vic- great team, and they had that demon they tory.” called Aunika. Also, Cooper, one of my oth- er teammates, was incessantly asking me what the score was, since I was the only one By: Isabella Laparne and Nazareth Chavar- able to see the board. I kept replying, ‘You ria don’t want to know.”’

How did it feel to be in front of the crowd?

“Well, it was not my first crowd. I’ve al- ways been into theater and being on stage, so it felt pretty good to be up in front of all the people.” Page 2 H R C S D

Interviewing Faith Ocheskey Are you going to be in “Pretty good I liked it OBOB next year? when they came in with the signs.” “Yes.” How did it feel to have the crowd clap really How are you going to loud for you guys? improve your team next year? “Ummm…it felt good knowing they cared “Be more organized and even if we lost. divide the books.” By the way this is the weirdest inter- How did it feel to be view ever because winning at the begin- Bella is scaring ning? me!”

“ Pretty good. Exciting By: Nazareth because we were in the Chavarria and Isa- finals.” bella Laparne

How did it feel having all you friends there cheering you on?

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WY’EAST A HIGH SCHOOL? Here’s something you might not know: Wy’east used to be a high school! Wy’east High School started running in 1951 and converted into Wy’east Middle School in 1970. When this happened all the students were transferred to the new Hood River Valley High School. Now, as you all know we have our famous Wy’east hand clap. Back then we had a chant, and it went like this… “From mountains gorged by glaciers to Columbia surging main, lies a valley we love dearly and its fruited hills and plains. And between its flanking ramparts, tree cov- ered west and east, stands our school and all its glory. We hail your name Wy’east!” When it was a high school, the principal’s name was Ben Forsythe and the su- perintendent was George Corwin. If you want to see how the kids looked back then, check out http://www/videas.net/wyeast and you can learn more. If you didn’t know that Wy’east used to be a high school, now you do.

By: Jessica Mendiola

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Where does Valentine’s Day really entine was in and Julia started shouting, come from? "Valentine I can see, I have sight!” In the last weeks of Valentines life, he wrote a letter to Julia and it said, Do you know where Valentine’s “From your Valentine.” The true meaning Day really comes from? Do you know the of Valentine’s Day is that Valentine stood real meaning of Valentine’s Day and the up and defended marriage when it was story behind it? In the third century of banned and even though he knew he was Rome, the emperor Claudius ruled. He headed to his death, he did it no matter believed that soldiers who weren’t mar- what. Now you know the true meaning of ried fought better than the soldiers that Valentine’s Day and the story behind it. were married. This is because they would be afraid of dying because they wouldn’t want to leave their wife and children be- By: Cristina Telles hind. The law said that no one could get married. Well Valentine was against the law and said that there had to be mar- riage. Because Valentine was a Chris- tian, he secretly married young couples. One day, Valentine was caught and was sent to jail. The man who was to judge Valentine by the Roman law was named Asterius. His daughter had lessons with Valentine. One day Julia, Asterius’s daughter, asked Valentine if God heard every prayer and he an- swered, “Yes.” Julia told Valentine, “Every morning and night I pray to have sight.” (She was blind when she was born.) Then they started to pray and sur- prisingly light came in the cell that Val-

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Interview with Dan Goldman have to take into account the teachers that don’t want to teach like that.” What changes would you like to make If you could be any superhero which in our school district? one would you be? “Number one, I really strongly believe “Definitely Superman. He doesn’t need a that one of the basic things that schools suit and he looks pretty good in glasses.” really need to do is teach kids to read at What’s your favorite cartoon? a really high level.” “Smurfs. I don’t know why. I guess be- What was your job before you became cause it was so simple.” the superintendent? Beavers or Ducks? “I was the assistant superintendent for a “I’m a Duck, because Eugene in my school district called Tigard Tualatin.” opinion is much better than Corvallis, What is your plan to improve cyber also because their teacher training pro- bullying in the schools? grams are much better.” “I think there is a tendency to think that Star Wars or Harry Potter ? a lot of people bully, but it’s only about “Star Wars one hundred percent! I don’t five percent of kids that actually do. even understand that question.” When the other ninety-five percent of kids don’t, so we want to find a way to empower those kids that don’t bully.” How do you feel about cell phones at school? By: Lottie “I think it’s a complex issue. I really try Bromham to embrace it, but the challenge is how do we use them as learning tools.” Do you think the school district should upgrade technology in schools? “ Yes I do, but the amount of training that is necessary is a big issue and we Page 6


Interviewing Ms. Keimig How long have you been teaching? “This is my fourth year teaching.” How do you discipline off task kids in your class? “I give them a talk in the hall, or detention if neces- sary.” Who is your favorite student? “I have so many.” What was the weirdest thing that happened to you in college? “I drove through Burgerville backward for a class called psychology.” What’s one of your most secretive secrets? “A secret of mine is that Mr. Danforth is my long lost grandpa.” Why don’t you say butt instead of gluteus maximus? “Because it is the scientific name for the muscle in your butt.” Who do you like more: Gale or Peeta? “I love Peeta.” How old are you? “Twenty-six.” What was your favorite subject when you were in school? “Health, human performance classes, and ceramics.” What’s your favorite mythical animal? “Unicorns.” By: Kaitlyn Mcnerney and Samantha McCarty

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What Subjects In School Do Students Like Most?

Although there are several classes you might like in school, everyone has a favorite. Whether it’s because you like the subject, the teacher, or just what you’re doing in class at the time, you always have a favorite. You may even like more than one, and it’s sometimes hard to choose! Electives are always fun, but if you had to choose between your other classes what would be your favorite? I asked some peo- ple in Mr. Sacquety's journalism class and got some interesting answers and com- ments. I gave them the options of math, reading, language arts, social studies, sci- ence, Spanish, and PE. I lowered it down to the two favorites, science and social studies. Then, I surveyed again and ninety percent of the students said science over social studies. Here are some comments from the students.

Why do you prefer science? Emma Laney : “Because I think it’s more interesting and I like the way Mr. Danforth teaches.” Christina Telles: “ I think it’s pretty cool learning about science and having fun at the same time.” Jovan Ontiveros: “ Because it’s easy, and you don’t do as much as you do in social studies.”

By: Jessica Mendiola

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The Story of Mr. and Mrs. Wash Your Hands A long, long time ago (about a month ago) in the king- dom of Goodwill, there lay two castles of Wash Your Hands and Toiletries. The king of Wash Your Hands was named Sir Wash Your Hands and the queen of Toiletries was named Soap. The two king- doms deeply hated each other and wanted to destroy each other, but the wizards of each kingdom cre- ated a magical spell that made the king and queen love each other. They then got married, and for the king and queen’s honeymoon they visited Mr. Sacquety’s classroom. But they got stuck in his class- room, so they will never be able to leave the terrors of his classroom. When one of them leaves with a student, they see and feel the hor- rors of the real bathroom and get- ting plunged to death!

By: Adam Burke

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What goes all around the world but stays Jokes! in one corner? A stamp! Why did the owl invite the mushroom to By: Jovan Ontiveros his birthday party? Because he was a fungi! (fun guy) Source: http://www.jokesbykids.com/

Why did the pirate fail his alphabet test? He got stuck at C level!

Why can’t your nose be twelve inches long? Because then it would be a foot!

Why is it hard to play cards in the jungle? There are too many cheetahs!

Knock, knock! Who's there? Spell Spell who? Okay, W-H-O

Page 10 H R C S D Chuck Norris Jokes

Carlos Ray “Chuck” Norris, born March 10, 1940, is an American martial artist and actor. After serving in the United States Air Force he was rising to fame as a martial artist in his own school Chun Kuk Do. He appeared in many action movies such as Way of the Dragon .

Jokes: 1. Superman owns his own pair of Chuck Norris pajamas.

2. Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade you’ve ever tasted.

3. Chuck Norris beat Halo 1, 2, & 3 on Legendary with a broken Guitar Hero controller.

4. Chuck Norris once bowled a perfect game with a marble.

5. Chuck Norris was once charged with three attempted murders in Boulder County, but the judge quickly dropped the charges because Chuck Norris does not attempt murder.

6. Chuck Norris doesn’t read books, he stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

7. Chuck Norris played shark tag and won… against Jaws.

8. How many Chuck Norris’s does it take to screw on a light bulb? None, Chuck Norris says stay on forever and the light bulb obeys.

9. Chuck Norris doesn’t get old, the world gets younger.

10. Chuck Norris's favorite past time at night is plane tossing. This is what we call shooting stars.

11. When Chuck Norris walks under a ladder, he gets good luck.

Source: http://www.chucknorrisjokes.linkpress.info/random- fact.php

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All of these comics were drawn by: Kelsey Stewart Page 12 H R C S D


How to Make Popcorn Balls Popcorn balls are a sweet and tasty snack. They are made of popcorn. To make a popcorn ball you will need…

Ingredients . 3/4 cup light corn syrup . 2 teaspoons cold water .5/8 cups of confectioners’ sugar . 1/4 cup margarine . 5 cups of plain popped popcorn . 1 cup of marshmallows Directions In a medium pot combine the corn syrup, cold water, margarine, confectioners sug- ar and marshmallows. Heat and stir until the mixture starts to boil. Once your done, carefully mix the popcorn with the mixture. Wait until the popcorn cools down. Next, get your hands greasy with vegetable shortening. Then form the pop- corn into the shape of a ball. At the end, wrap the popcorn ball with plastic.

Source: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/best- ever-popcorn-balls/n

By: Dilma Lachino Page 13 H R C S D

onto wax paper. NO BAKE COOKIE RECIPE 7) Let cool until set. By: Josee Claxton

Total Time: 6 Minutes

Prep Time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 1 Minutes The no-bake cookie is a popular kind. Everybody loves them, and they are the best with the right ingredients. You 1/2 cup butter need to be patient even though it takes less than twelve minutes to make them. 2 cups of sugar They are soft, chocolaty, and of course, they have a lot of sugar. 1/2 cup milk

4 tablespoons of cocoa

1/2 cup of creamy peanut butter

2 teaspoons of vanilla

3 - 3 1/2 cups of dry quick-cooking oats

Directions: 1)Add the first four ingredients into a 4- quart sauce pan. 2)Bring to a rolling boil and hold for 1 mi- nute. 3) Remove from heat. 4) Add peanut butter into the hot mixture and stir until melted. 5) Add in vanilla. (almond extract is good also, but I only use 1/2 teaspoon almond and 1 and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla). 6)Mix in the oats and drop by tablespoons

Page 14 H R C S D NUTELLA Have you ever tried Nutella? Do you know what it’s made of? We asked students what they thought of Nutella. One has never tried it, while everyone else loves it, aside from the two that think Nutella is only okay. Nutella is made of chocolate and hazelnut. Lots of people eat it with toast or other foods, but then some prefer to eat it with utensils. Did you know that Nutella originated from Italy? If you love Nutella you have to go there! Nu- tella was made in the 1940’s by a guy named Mr. Pietro Ferrero. If you think Nutella is scrumptious, then you are right! Do you want to know the secret to Nutella? There isn’t one, it’s just plain amaze- balls!!!

By: Makenzie Chambers and Josie Noteboom

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PETS P.S. If you have any personal pet stories, What kind of pet do you have? A cat, please share them if you would like them to dog, turtle? Well, I have a cat and her name be in the news. is Ella. We found her as a stray when she Unicorns was just an adorable little kitten. Now she is Sparkle Sparkle! Rainbow unicorns! older, but I want to tell you how we found Did you know that unicorns are sooo real! her. It was just a normal day and we came Not all land on earth has been explored, so home to the sound of meowing. We looked what the heck, unicorns could still be out over our shoulder and saw Ella walk out there! An argument going around the school from under our woodshed and I instantly fell is whether unicorns poop rainbows and barf in love with her. My mom went inside and skittles or visa-versa. You want to know the put some adult cat food in a bowl with some truth? They poop skittles and barf rainbows. warmed up milk so that the food was not too That’s where we get our skittles! Unicorns hard on her little teeth. We took her in, potty don’t have wings. They zap themselves with trained her, and now she lives with us. She is their horn so they can fly. Now for the grand an awesome cat and really fun to have finale…◊ Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on around. There has been some incidents rainbows!!!!! where she has run into some walls, missed By: Makenzie Chambers jumps, and cleared some really epic ones that you couldn’t possibly imagine a cat clearing. There was even a time when she missed a jump from our couch to the enter- tainment center and slid vertically down the front of it very slowly like she was in one of those old cartoons. If you think that I am ly- ing, I AM NOT!!!!! She seriously did that. (Ella is a great cat but sometimes she can get a bit wild!) By: Faith Ocheskey

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4-H (Animals) champion ribbon. If you decide to 4-H is a program for kids K- market an animal you may end up 12 to experience the different as- getting a huge profit if your animal pects of agriculture. One of those has the right amount of muscle and aspects is raising livestock and a fat. Clearly, 4-H is awesome ,and if few other farm animals. Kids in you want to look into it more grades kindergarten through third you’ll find that it’s not only about are considered Clover Buds and the animal but so much more! can only show small animals (rabbits, chickens, guinea pigs, pi- By: Josee Claxton and Alexis Mon- geons, and dogs). Fourth through tavon twelfth graders are just 4-Hers and have the choice of showing or mar- keting big and small animals. The big animal projects for market in- clude goats, cattle, swine, sheep, turkeys, and ducks. The older kids can also show horses. Hood River County has quite a few groups/clubs that you can join (Mt. Hood 4-H, Hood Hoppers, Barn- yard Bandits, Blue Eggs & Ham, Fat, Feathers, and Fur, and Denim & Dust are most of the groups). Once you join, you choose an ani- mal that you want to raise. It’s a lot of hard work, but it is worth it. You need to feed, exercise, groom, and practice “setting them up” properly to go further “up the line,” possibly even getting a reserve champion or

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Netflix If you spend your days on your couch eating food and watching T.V. while on your phone and laptop, then this article is perfect for you. With Net- flix you can do all of those things. For example, if you watch Netflix it’s like watching T.V., but while on your lap- top! You can also go on your phone, snuggle up, and my favorite: eat food!! There are many good shows and mov- ies you can watch like Cyber Bully , The Avengers and pretty much any movie you can think of. Coming from a Netflix addict like myself, I can re- late to all of these. Go on and ask your parents. It’s only $10 a month!

By: Daisy Magana

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Nash Grier Have you heard of the famous, beautiful, talented and funny Nash Grier?? This fabulous YouTube is a vine sensation! Besides his eyes, he has a super cute sister named Skylynn! So ZAYUMM!! You should seriously con- sider checking him out, especially if your fan girling 24/7. Ask Jaqui or Aileen about him, especially Aileen. She loves him, but not as much as she loves Cameron, which is one of his best friends. Nash has many friends with YouTube accounts like Cameron Dallas and Matthew Espinosa. They are ex- tremely hilarious, and they love all their fans. My favorite has to be either Nash or Matthew. Matthew is the blondie and Nash is the one with the huge smile! Cameron is pretty funny but not as funny as Matthew. The funniest of all of them has to be Matthew. He cracks us up! So go check them out for hi- larious vines and YouTube videos. By: Daisy Magana and Charlotte Bromham

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Don’t you sometimes wish there was a website where you could watch movies and episodes for free? Well now there is. The website is called Megashare! On Megashare you can watch plenty of movies for free. Now each time you sit down on the couch and want to watch a movie, all you have to do is google “Megashare” and enjoy the movie. By: Dilma Lachino

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The Death of Flappy Bird OH MY GOSH!!! For all those Flappy Bird fans out there you should probably keep reading this! I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but Flap- py Bird has been TAKEN OFF THE APP STORES by the creator himself!!!! Apparently too many fans were becoming so frustrated with this very addict- ing game. The creator, Dong Nguyen, made this game to see how long it would take you to keep calm when you’re bored, but it was sucking people of all ages in!!! Nyguyen announced he was to de- lete this game on Feb 11th. He said, “Flappy Bird Flappy Wings was designed to play when you’re relaxed, but it happened to become an addictive product. I think it Flappy Bird is a game that has become a problem. To solve this problem it’s most know. You play as a bird that best to take down Flappy Bird. It's gone forever.” has quite a lot of trouble flying. Afterwards, he began to get many death threats, and You have to tap the screen to all these intimidating letters, e-mails, etc. which make it fly up. The goal of the made him very stressed. Then, for attention, a fake game is to get the highest score website said that he had taken his own life. Nguyen possible. You get points by going later confirmed that these rumors were false. Now in between the two pipes without we know he’s not dead because he confirmed it, and touching them. The game has been it was just a bunch of slander. So there you have removed from the App Store for it!!! Many people are still upset but over time we’re copyright reasons, but there is a sure a new game will come and distract the people game called Flappy Wings that is of the world. So if you happen to have Flappy Bird almost exactly the same. So try on your mobile device DO-NOT-DELETE- IT or out that game if you have an IPh- it’s gone FOREVER!!!! one, IPod, or IPad. By: Daisy Magana and Alexis Montavon By: Henry Helt

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Fun Games 1. Minion Rush is a game where you try to run the farthest you can. 2. Flappy Wings is a fun game, but sometimes it can make you frustrated. 3. Subway Surfers is about you trying to run the farthest without getting caught by the policeman. 4. Temple Run is about characters running away from demon monkeys. 5. Jetpack Joyride is about a guy on a jetpack trying to avoid danger. 6. Temple Run 2 is pretty much the same as the first Temple Run . It has only a few updates. 7. Dumb Ways to Die is a game where you try to do hard challenges in a small amount of time. 8. Flappy Miley is like Flappy Bird but it is Miley, and she flies with her tongue out. 9. Flow Free is a mind game where you try to get the colored circles connected.

By: Nazareth Chavarria and Dilma Lachino

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Rock Star Games Grand Theft Auto (GTA ) series Rock Star Games, a well is a popular game played all known video game-making around the world. GTA is a sin- company, is popular all around gle and multiplayer game. GTA the world. Some of the games is a game about three different made by Rock Star are Red characters who rob banks, do Dead Redemption: Undead risky missions, and have fun Nightmare , Midnight Club , and doing what they do together. the really popular games, the GTA is a game that can be Grand Theft Auto series. Mid- played on Xbox, Play Station, night Club is a game for Xbox. PC, and now on iOS. Red Dead Redemption: Undead By: Gilberto Gutierrez Nightmare is a game that can be played on both Xbox and Play Station. Red Dead Re- demption: Undead Nightmare is a game about a former out- law who has to use all of what he knows and all of his skills to survive the zombies that have taken over the world. Midnight Club is about buying cars, up- grading them to look cooler and go faster, and racing them around the city. Finally, the

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Super Bowl 48 into the arms of Smith from Seattle. Seattle was up to 22-0 at halftime. Going into Super Bowl 48, it ap- At the third quarter, when many peared that the Denver Broncos were the hoped Denver could get back, Percy Harvin most likely to win due to the fact that they scored another touchdown for the Seattle had one of the best quarterbacks of all time. Seahawks twelve seconds into the quarter. Unfortunately for the Denver Broncos, from The Seahawks defense continued to make the beginning of the game things did not go plays when Byron Maxwell knocked the their way. The first snap of the game result- ball loose from Demaryius Thomas for an- ed in a safety for the Seahawks, due to a other turnover. Just a few plays later, Rus- miscommunication between the Broncos’ sell Wilson threw a touchdown to Kearse to line and the quarterback. Denver kicked off make the score 36-0. Forty-five minutes into from the 20 yard line to the Seahawks, and the game, Denver finally scored a 14 yard even though Denver’s defense was able to line touchdown pass to Thomas. keep Marshawn Lynch, “The Beast,” under In the final quarter, the Seahawks control, the Seahawks marched and scored a added one last touchdown. A touchdown field goal. Things became worse for the pass from Russell Wilson to undrafted wide Broncos when on their next possession, out, Doug Baldwin, made Super Bowl 48 Payton Manning threw his first interception, one of the most lopsided games in history. which resulted in another field goal for the FINAL SCORE: 43-8 Seahawks. By: Kaitlyn Mcnerney When the second quarter began, things got worse for the Broncos and heated up for the Seahawks. The Seahawks marched down the field again and scored a touchdown and Denver got the ball back. Halfway through the second quarter, Man- ning went back to pass and a Seahawk de- fender deflected the ball. Manning passed Page 24 H R C S D

7th Grade Varsity Girls’ Basketball team

th The 7 grade girls’ varsity basketball team did amazing this year! Their last game was at Welches on March 6 th , where they finished off the season with a win, making them undefeated. They are the first Wy’east girls’ basketball team since 2008 to win every single game. They never let their opponents score more than 21 points and Wy’east never scored less than 30 points. The players were: Katie Kennedy, Emi- ly Curtis, Lizzie Weekly, Haylee Baker, Katie Perkins, Emma Laney, Rebecca Ki- yokawa, Bailey Frazier, Thalia Lara, Daniela Valle, and Cloe Gonzales. Obviously, these girls did a great job, so you should definitely congratulate them on their suc- cessful season.

By: Emma Laney

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Advice Wishing you nothing “Why are girls so con- but the best, fusing?” -The Advice Queens -A Boy Needing Luck PS. If you read this ar- Dear A Boy Needing ticle and you would Luck, like some advice your- As a girl myself I can self, then please write a say this, We can be letter and drop it into confusing, but that is one of our three boxes. because we have a lot By: The Editors of different emotions. If a girl is mad at you, you’ve probably an- noyed her by being too clingy, trying to be fun- ny, etc. Do not try to be funny. Let it come nat- urally. The best thing that you can do if a girl is mad at you is back off and this part is to all the guys: Don’t insult the things that she likes, even if it is your pet peeve!

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MACKLEMORE Ben Haggerty, aka, Macklemore

was born June 19 th , 1983 in Seattle Wash- ington. He started writing lyrics at age fourteen, which was also when he started drinking and heavily using drugs. He was attending Garfield High School when he was using drugs. He realized he needed to get sober if he wanted to produce mu- sic, so he took small steps and eventually became sober in 2010. The same year he teamed up with Ryan Lewis, a DJ, and started producing. They created their first album, The Heist , also in 2010. He be- came engaged with Tricia Davis on Janu- ary 21, 2013. He is still engaged. His sin- gles “Thrift Shop” and “Can’t Hold Us” have sold a million copies in the past year.

By: Kaitlyn McNerney and Sami McCarty

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Catching Fire Trivia Challenge Elsewhere Have you heard about the Catching This story is about a girl named Liz Fire trivia challenge? Well, it consisted of a who was going shopping with her friend Zo- whole bunch of trivia questions about the ey looking for a prom dress . On her way to book Catching Fire that kids are asked at the mall she got hit by a runaway cab. Liz the Hood River Library. What you were goes to this place called elsewhere. She supposed to do is make a team to help you meets this girl named Thandi who died of a answer the questions. The library was em- bullet wound to her head, then she realizes bellished with the Catching Fire arena de- that she is dead. After that she meets her tails based on the book. If you won, you grandma who died of heart trauma before earned many prizes for you and your team. Liz was born. Liz later finds out that when If you were on a team, you got to compete you die and go to Elsewhere you grow against other teams from different schools younger and get sent back to earth as a ba- throughout the Gorge. You could have worn by. Liz misses her family and friends on a costume based on the book, because if you earth, so she looks through binoculars at the did, you got extra credit at the challenge. observation deck every day which allows The Catching Fire trivia challenge was held her to watch over them but not talk to them on February 14. (contacting the living was forbidden). There was a way to contact the living but it was hard to do. Liz managed to contact them two times. In Elsewhere, she got a job at the DDA (division of domestic animals) be- cause she loved her dog (Lucy) back on earth and she realized she could speak K-9 (dog). Liz gets younger until finally she is a baby again, and is sent down “The River” back to Earth By: Doran Maus By: Kaitlyn McNerney

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Divergent jumping off the train. Tris made it safe, but a girl slammed into the cement and died. It showed her how dangerous being Divergent tells the story of Tris and Dauntless was.” her journey choosing a faction, and her life after choosing. Factions are how the com- munity is broke up and when a citizen turns Did You Read All The Books In The Trilo- 16 years old he/she gets to decide if they gy? want to change factions. There are 5 fac- Adri Galvez- “All except Allegiant.” tions: Abnegation (selfless), Dauntless Adam Burke- “Just the first one, but I (fearless), Erudite (focused on knowledge), might read the rest.” Amity (peaceful), and Candor (honesty). Tris was born into Abnegation with her brother Caleb. When the day comes for them to What do you think about the movie pre- choose, will they leave or stick with being views? selfless? Adam Burke- “It looks like it’ll be re- The movie comes out on March 21 st lated to the book.” 2014. Everyone should go down and see it, but you should read it first! Are you going to watch the movie? Adam Burke- “Yes. I want to see if Questions I asked people: the same things happen.” Adri Galvez-“Yes. I don’t think it’s Have you read Divergent? going to be very good, because most movies Lily Aamodt- “No, I don’t read of books aren’t good.” much.” Lily Aamodt- “Probably. It looks inter- Adri Galvez- “Yes.” esting.” Adam Burke- “Yes.” Did you like it? By: Emma Laney Adri Galvez- “It was okay.” Adam Burke- “Yes I did like it. I liked how there were different factions and that it was based in the future.” What was your favorite part? Adri Galvez- “I liked when Tobias takes Tris to his fear simulation.” Adam Burke- “I liked the part when they just chose factions, and they were Page 29 H R C S D

City Of Bones Divergent

Cassandra Clare’s series “The mor- Are you going to watch Divergent ? tal Instruments” brings the book, City of Did you read the book? You should go Bones. Clary, a teenage girl, has been liv- watch Divergent on any day of the week ing with lies these past sixteen years. Her now that it’s in theaters. Whether you go mother has been hiding the truth from her. with your school, or on your own time, go When she finds out what she really is, her see the movie! All of you that have read life is turned upside down. Then she meets the book know that it is going to be thrill- Jace Lightwood. Clary is told that every ing, exciting, daring, dramatic, surprising, story that has been told to her is real. Even and even romantic. To make it an even bet- werewolves, vampires, demons, angels, ter experience, dress up like your favorite warlocks, and shadow hunters exist. While faction. Come in all black for Dauntless. Clary is falling in love with Jace, every For Abnegation, come in all gray. Erudite problem that she has to face is all because come in all blue, maybe even in glasses. of him. She would do anything to keep him Amity, come in yellow and red. Candor, close to her no matter the price. This book wear black and white. So, will you read is full of adventure, danger, risk, romance, this amazing page-turner, or stay on the and more. Also this book will make you edge of your seat while watching the mov- cry, laugh, and even end up with a broken ie? In the book, it was their choice that heart. I promise you that once you start to changed everything; now it’s your choice. read this book you won’t put it down. Will you watch Divergent ? You’ll also fall in love with it in seconds. If you want to continue the series, here are By: Cristina Telles and Jessica Mendiola the titles. City of Ashes City of Glass City of Fallen Angels City of Lost Souls NEW! COMING IN 2014: City of Heaven- ly Fire

By: Cristina Telles

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Top 10 Most Successful Movies 9. Fast and Furious 6 ($238,697,850) that Came out in 2013 10. Oz the Great and Powerful Are you dying to know what the ($234,911,825) top ten movies of 2013-2014 that made Clearly, these movies are amazing be- the most money are? Well, here they are! cause they are the top ten most suc- cessful movies that 1. Catching Fire ($425, 098,843) came out in 2013. Source: Box Of- fice Mojo 2. Iron Man 3 ($409,013,994) By: Doran Maus

3. Frozen ($393,272,301)

4. Despicable Me 2 ($368,061,265)

5. Man of Steel ($291,045,518)

6. Gravity ($272,051,527)

7. Monsters University ($268,492,764)

8. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug ($257,435,546) Page 31 H R C S D

Poll for Favorite Movies/ TV shows Comments

Catching Fire The Fosters Teen Wolf – ///// Kelsey – “Mainly Josee- “It is fun- Catching Fire-///// because of the ac- ny.” Walking Dead-0 tion and the death. Adventure Time DEATH!!!!” The Avengers -/ Nazareth- “It is Frozen awesome because Pretty Little Liars-0 Josie- “Dramatic, it is cute and they go through cool The Fosters -// funny, and be- cause Olaf is awe- adventures.” Adventure Time-/////// some.” Taken-0 Teen Wolf By: Lottie Bromham and Frozen -/ Daisy- “ I like it because it has a Daisy Magana Vampire Diaries –/ lot of action, and it has Dylan O’

Brien in it. Who The winner of this poll was ….. couldn’t love a show with him in ADVENTURE TIME! it?” By: Lottie Bromham and Daisy Magana Bella- “The show is cool and has a lot of death and ac-


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Duck Dynasty Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Duck Dynasty is probably the If you have never watched best show ever created by mankind. the show Teenage Mutant Ninja A short summary of the show Turtles , then you haven’t been liv- would be: The Robertsons, a Loui- ing a childhood. Well, I guess we siana bayou family living the Amer- can forgive you. If you know who ican dream as they operate their the turtles are but you don’t know home grown business while staying their names or colors, well your wondering is over. Leonardo is the true to their family values and life- blue turtle, Rafael is the red turtle, style. Duck Commander, their busi- Donatello is the purple turtle, and ness, has become a sporting empire Michelangelo is the orange turtle. by making top-of-the-line duck Those four turtles are out saving calls and decoys out of salvaged the world from bad people. While swamp wood. This newly minted the turtles are out saving the world, they have a little pet turtle at home multimillionaire family is kept in waiting for them. Now I know you line by business-savvy Willie, who are thinking that we are cray cray runs Duck Commander with the in the head, but Teenage Mutant help of his brother Jase, their re- Ninja Turtles (TMNT ) is a very up- spective wives Korie and Missy, pa- lifting show. Now, after you are done reading this newspaper, go triarch and founder of the company, turn on the TV and watch TMNT ! Phil, and Uncle Si. Together they Trust me, you are going to love it! run a booming business that em-

ploys half their neighborhood. By: Josie Noteboom and Makenzie Source: www.imdb.com Chambers By: Evan Blane

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Letters to the Students/Editor

Have you ever wanted to give the students who wrote the articles a piece of your mind? What about the editor? If you could, would you? Well now you can! Please drop any of your letters in the advice boxes addressed:

Dear Eagle’s Eye News ,

This message was brought to you by the editors of Eagle’s Eye News

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April 25th— Awards Assembly

May 8th-11th —Peter Pan play

May 20th—Band Concert

May 29th—Choir Concert

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