Treaty Series Recueil Des Traites

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Treaty Series Recueil Des Traites UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded vith the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 235 Recueil des Traites Traitis et accords internationaux enregistres ou class's et inscrits au repertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies Treaties and international agreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations I. Nos. 3290-3311 VOLUME 235 1956 I. No. 538 TABLE OF CONTENTS Treaties and international agreements registered on 25 April 1956 America and Italy: Page No. 3290. United States of Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to a special program of facilities assistance. Rome, 24 June 1954 ..... .......... 3 No. 3291. United States of America and Viet-Nam: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to a declaration respecting the rights of nationals concerning trade-mark protection. Washington, 3 November 1953, and 25 October and 22 November 1954 ... ...... 11 No. 3292. United States of America and Belgium: Exchange of notes (with agreed minute) constituting an agreement relating to a special program of facilities assistance. Brussels, 23 November 1954 19 No. 3293. United States of America and Pakistan: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement regarding the understanding that the Air Transport Agreement between the United States of America and India of 14 November 1946 is deemed to have been concluded between the United States of America and Pakistan. Karachi, I and 16 June 1948 29 No. 3294. United States of America and Costa Rica: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to a technical co-opera- tion program in the field of agricultural research. San Jos6, 28 and 30 June 1954 . ......... ........................ .... 35 No. 3295. United States of America and Spain: Exchange of notes (with annexed Memorandum of Understanding and Standard Clauses) constituting an agreement relating to a program of offshore procurement. San Sebastian, 30 July 1954 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement. Madrid, 26 October 1954 .... ............... .... 45 Traitis et accords internationauxenregistris ou classis et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisationdes Nations Unies I. Nos 3290-3311 VOLUME 235 1956 IH. No 538 TABLE DES MATIERES Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris le 25 avril 1956 Pages NO 3290.Jtats-Unis d'Am~rique et Italie: change de notes constituant un accord relatif b un programme special d'aide en moyens de production. Rome, 24 juin 1954 ... ................ 3 No 3291. ktats-Unis d'Amrique et Viet-Nam: change de notes constituant un accord relatif & une dclaration concernant les droits des nationaux en mati~re de protection des marques de fabrique. Washington, 3 novembre 1953, et 25 octobre et 22 novembre 1954 . 11 No 3292. ]ftats-Unis d'Am~rique et Belgique: I change de notes (avec proc~s-verbal approuv6) constituant un accord relatif & un programme sp6cial d'aide en moyens de production. Bruxelles, 23 novembre 1954 ........... ........................ 19 N 0 3293. ftats-Unis d'Amfrique et Pakistan: tchange de notes constituant un accord confirmant que l'Accord de transports a6riens conclu le 14 novembre 1946 entre les ttats-Unis d'Am&rique et l'Inde est r6put6 avoir 6t6 conclu entre les ]tats-Unis d'Am~rique et le e Pakistan. Karachi, i r et 16 juin 1948 .... ............... .... 29 N0 3294. Etats-Unis d'Amrique et Costa-Rica: P-change de notes constituant un accord relatif A un programme de cooperation technique dans le domaine de la recherche agricole. San-Jos6, 28 et 30 juin 1954 ...... ..... .......................... 35 N0 3295. Etats-Unis d'Am6rique et Espagne: I change de notes (avec, en annexe, le Memorandum d'accord et les clauses types) constituant un accord relatif A un programme d'achats ofishore. Saint-S~bastien, 30 juillet 1954 tchange de notes constituant un accord modifiant l'Accord susmentionn6. Madrid, 26 octobre 1954 ..... .. ..................... 45 IV United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 Page America and Spain: No. 3296. United States of Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to a special program of facilities assistance. Madrid, 9 April and 11 and 19 May 1954 . 87 No. 3297. United States of America, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Italy and Yugoslavia: Memorandum of Understanding (with annexes and exchange of notes) regarding the Free Territory of Trieste. Signed at London, on 5 October 1954 ........... ............................. .... 99 No. 3298. United States of America and Argentina: Agreement for co-operation concerning civil uses of atomic energy. Signed at Washington, on 29 July 1955 ...... .................. ... 121 No. 3299. United States of America and Belgium: Agreement for co-operation concerning civil uses of atomic energy. Signed at Washington, on 15 June 1955 ...... .................. ... 133 No. 3300. United States of America and Brazil: Agreement for co-operation concerning civil uses of atomic energy. Signed at Rio de Janeiro, on 3 August 1955 .... .... ............ ... 159 No. 3301. United States of America and Canada: Agreement for co-operation concerning civil uses of atomic energy. Signed at Washington, on 15 June 1955 ... ................. 175 No. 3302. United States of America and Canada: Agreement for co-operation regarding atomic information for mutual defense purposes. Signed at Washington, on 15 June 1955 ........... ... 201 No. 3303. United States of America and Chile: Agreement for co-operation concerning civil uses of atomic energy. Signed at Washington, on 8 August 1955 ...... ................ ... 209 No. 3304. United States of America and China: Agreement for co-operation concerning civil uses of atomic energy. Signed at Washington, on 18 July 1955 ...... .................. ... 221 No. 3305. United States of America and Colombia: Agreement for co-operation concerning civil uses of atomic energy. Signed at Washington, on 19 July 1955 ..... ................. .... 233 No. 3306. United States of America and Denmark: Agreement for co-operation concerning civil uses of atomic energy. Signed at Washington, on 25 July 1955 ..... ................. .... 245 1956 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds V Paga No 3296. ]tats-Unis d'Am6rique et Espagne: P-change de notes constituant un accord relatif & un programme special d'aide en moyens de production. Madrid, 9 avril et 11 et 19 mai 1954 . 87 No 3297. Etats-Unis d'Amirique, Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Italie et Yougoslavie: Memorandum d'accord (avec annexes et 6change de notes) relatif au Territoire libre de Trieste. Sign6 A Londres, le 5 octobre 1954 ............. ... 99 No 3298. ]Etats-Unis d'Amirique et Argentine: Accord de cooperation concernant l'utilisation de 1'6nergie atomique dans le . domaine civil. Sign6 A Washington, le 29 juillet 1955 ........... ... 121 No 3299. Etats-Unis d'Amrique et Belgique: Accord de cooperation relatif aux usages civils de l'6nergie atomique. Sign6 & Washington, le 15 juin 1955 ...... .................. ... 133 No 3300. Ittats-Unis d'Am~rique et Brasil: Accord de cooperation concernant l'utilisation de I'6nergie atomique dans le domaine civil. Sign6 & Rio-de-Janeiro, le 3 aofit 1955 ........... ... 159 No 3301. ittats-Unis d'Am&rique et Canada: Accord de coop6ration concernant les emplois civils de l'6nergie atomique. Sign6 A Washington, le 15 juin 1955 ..... ................ ... 175 No 3302. fttats-Unis d'Amfrique et Canada: Accord sur la coop6ration dans le domaine des renseignements atomiques aux fins de defense mutuelle. Sign6 A Washington, le 15 juin 1955 ....... 201 No 3303. ittats-Unis d'Amrique et Chili: Accord de cooperation concernant l'utilisation de l'6nergie atomique dans le domaine civil. Signs A Washington, le 8 aofit 1955 ............. ... 209 NO 3304. fttats-Unis d'Amfrique et Chine: Accord de coop6ration concernant l'utilisation de l'6nergie atomique dans le domaine civil. Sign6 A Washington, le 18 juillet 1955 ........... ... 221 No 3305. Iktats-Unis d'Amfrique et Colombie: Accord de coop6ration concernant l'utilisation de '6nergie atomique dans le domaine civil. Sign6 A Washington, le 19 juillet 1955 ........... ... 233 NO 3306. ittats-Unis d'Amrique et Danemark: Accord de coop6ration concernant 1'utilisation de 1'nergie atomique dans le domaine civil. Sign6 A Washington, le 25 juillet 1955 ........... ... 245 VI United Nations - Treaty Series 1956 America and Greece: Paga No. 3307. United States of Agreement for co-operation concerning civil uses of atomic energy. Signed at Washington, on 4 August 1955 ........ ................ 257 No. 3308. United States of America and Canada: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the application to the United States Forces at the leased bases in Canada of the Agreement of 19 June 1951 between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the status of their forces. Washington, 28 and 30 April 1952 . 269 No. 3309. United States of America and Yugoslavia: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to economic aid. Belgrade, 11 October 1952 ......... .................... 277 No. 3310. United States of America and Federal Republic of Germany: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement relating to the settlement of certain occupation damage claims. Bad Godesberg, 24 March 1953, and Bonn, 30 March 1953 ......... .................... 285 No. 3311. United States of America and Italy: Exchange of notes (with annexed Memorandum of
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