Curriculum Vitae MSc. (Oec.), MBA Nina Antičić

Summary Nina Antičić is an instructor, consultant and researcher. Her narrow field of expertise is transfer and marketing innovations; incubation and acceleration of start-ups and spin-offs, consumer behaviour and organizational learning in the market of innovations. She has extensive hands-on experience in managing science - industry cooperation. She is a full time on Rochester Institute of Technology where she teaches marketing courses (global marketing, consumer behavior, professional selling, principles of marketing). Her previous positions were a director of Centre for Technology Transfer of Faculty of Mechanical and Naval Architecture of Zagreb University and a five years term adviser to director general and of the Shipbuilding institute of Croatia (Brodarski institute) where she managed contractual partnerships (contractual , joint development agreements, licensing, etc.). She has collaborated on a World Bank project of restructuring the science and technology system in Croatia (STP 1), consulted several IPA projects in South-East Europe region (SMEPASS 2, ICEP), worked on USAID projects (founded Klaster male brodogradnje – a national cluster of boatbuilding industry) and Kingdom of Norway funded projects (established a bilateral research cooperation maritime ). She is European Commission’s Horizon 2020 project evaluator and EU research & innovation policies and funding programs expert. Commercial Court in Zagreb appointed her a Certified Expert Court Expert and Evaluator.

Eeducational title: Lecturer in the scientific field of Social Sciences, area of Economics

Personal details and contact

Born: 10 July 1975., , Croatia Nationality and residence: Croatian; Zagreb / Croatia GSM: +385 91 9433-400 Email: [email protected] LinkedIn: Twitter: @nanticic Zoom Personal meeting ID:


Ph. D. Economics – in progress. Expected completion: Q1 2021 , Faculty of Economics Dissertation: Influence of value delivery system on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: A mediating role of absorptive capacity Studies and research in consumer behaviour, research and technology organizations, value delivery system, market values, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, expectations, benefits and sacrifices. organizational learning, absorptive capacity, desorptive capacity, commercialization. Mentor: prof. dr. sc. Mirela Mihić International reviewer 1: prof. Antonis C Simintiras, School of Management, Swansea University, UK International reviewer 2: prof. Marko Grünhagen, School of Business, Eastern Illinois University, USA

M. Sc., MBA Economics – 2008 , Faculty of Economics and Business International Postgraduate Study Business Administration - MBA M.Sc. thesis: Research of market position of research and technology organizations in the Republic of Croatia Studies and research in strategic marketing, research and technology organizations, segmentation, targeting, market position and positioning strategies, key competences, customer analysis, competitor analysis, 5 forces analysis, 7P analysis, analysis of financial statements, PESTLE analysis, SWOT / TOWS analysis, portfolio management and matrix models. Mentor: prof. dr. sc. Tihomir Vranešević

B. Sc. Economics – 1999 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business Macroeconomics and Economic Development B.Sc. thesis: Privatization in the Republic of Croatia Studies of privatization strategies and models, ownership structure and its transformation, privatization, investment funds. Mentor: prof. dr. sc. Mato Crkvenac


2018 (GRANT) Workshop on Investment Readiness of Innovation Projects Training provider: European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, in collaboration with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of Zagreb University, Centre for Technology Transfer and the Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments (HAMAG-BICRO). Zagreb, 4-5 July 2018.

2017 (GRANT) Workshop on Role of Science/ Technology Parks and Incubators in Innovation Ecosystems - Promoting Technology Transfer and Innovation Training provider: European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, in collaboration with the International Association of Science and Technology Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP); The Thessaloniki Technology Park; The i4G Incubators and AREA Science Park. Thessaloniki, Greece, 23-24 May 2017.

2017 (GRANT) Workshop on Investment Vehicles and Financial Instruments supporting Technology Transfer and Innovation - Focus on Danube Region and Western Balkan countries Training provider: European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, in collaboration with European Investment Bank, World Bank, European Investment Fund and the EU Delegation in Serbia. Belgrade, Serbia, 1-2 March 2017.

2016 (GRANT) European Macro-Regional Innovation Week Certificate in state-of-the-art knowledge of different aspects of innovation practices, including for smart specialization strategies, science park design, promotion of technology transfer and management of intellectual property rights. Training provider: European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Trieste AREA Science Park, in collaboration with the International Association of Science Park and Areas of Innovation and World Intellectual Property Organization. Trieste, Italy, 26-30 September 2016.

2015 Horizon 2020 SME instrument & EUREKA / Eurostars project application for R&D performing SMEs webinar Trainings provider: HAMAG – BICRO, Prilaz Gjure Deželića 7, Zagreb

2013 Financing for clusters of competence – EU funds, PCM Training provider: Plavi partner d.o.o., Radnička 39, Zagreb / Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Croatia

05 / 2007 (GRANT) Participant Training Program “Boat building, Netherlands and United Kingdom” Training provider: United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and World Learning

2006 Challenges of marketing in the XXI. century Training provider: prof. Phillip Kotler / Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM) & MATE publishing

2005 Business development Training provider: Fraunhofer Technology Development Group (TEG), Nobelstr. 12, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany

2004 Corporate governance for R & D institutions management staff Training provider: Faculty of Economics, Trg J. F. Kennedya 6, Zagreb / World Bank & Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia

2003 Marketing research Training provider: Meteoric Group llc., 1521 S.W. LeJeune Road, P.O. box 14-1156, Coral Gables, Florida, 33134, USA

Employment history

02/2020 – ongoing Rochester Institute of Technology Croatia Full-time faculty (Adjunct Instructor 09/2018 – 01/2020) Department: International Business Teaching Global Marketing (6 ECTS), Consumer Behaviour (6 ECTS), Principles of Marketing (6 ECTS) and Professional Selling (6 ECTS) courses. Type of program: Undergraduate professional program Duration of program: 4 years /8 semesters Scientific Area: Social Science Scientific Field: Economics Mentoring students’ entrepreneurial innovation projects.

02/2018 – 02/2020 Centre for Technology Transfer Ltd of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of Zagreb University Director Developing and implementing technology transfer strategy of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture Zagreb. Enhancing Faculty’s cooperation with the industry via identifying market driven innovation and marketable research results. Defining, developing and pursuing strategy for assuring R&D insights from projects in R&D’s work plan are transferred to the Faculty and industry, to deliver the Faculty’s strategic objectives. Developing life-long learning programs for entrepreneurs to improve their innovation potential and build up their innovation capacity. Accountable for making decisions on investing in intellectual property assets (patents) and ensures commercial rationale for use protection is understood. Leading complex commercial negotiations for both collaborative research and licensing of the results of research. Establishing business models, as appropriate, for managing exploitation of results. Bringing revenue to the Faculty as a result of these contracts. R&D relies on this revenue to underpin a proportion of R&Ds activity and hence work plan. Managing collaborative relationships and partnerships, particularly with a mind to ensuring that intellectual property treatment reflects R&D’s transfer ambition for the research. Working with Project Leads to undertake specific transfer activity as appropriate to the project. This includes: participating in productions that use the technology, assisting in building case for adoption of technology with colleagues across the Faculty or meeting with companies external to the Faculty who may adopt the technology Managing incubation and acceleration processes of start-up and spin-off companies originated in connection with the Faculty, Managing students’ incubator and overseeing mentoring of students’ innovative entrepreneurial projects (research and business dimension); fund-raising. Communicating complex concepts and influences diverse groups of stakeholders (sometimes with divergent views) across and outside the Faculty to create an environment that is receptive to transfer and enables the transfer of specific technologies Managing KPIs and processes to measure impact and return of investment of the Centre. Capturing and monitoring the impact research insights have on the Faculty and research community, providing inputs to the national administration in formulation of smart specialization strategies, innovation and entrepreneurship policies, and strategies of industrial development. Cooperating with other intermediary intuitions across Europe to be able to better address challenges in bridging “valley of death”.

09/2017 - ongoing Exto Innovo j.d.o.o. Founder and director Development of innovative projects and consultancy in innovation and technology transfer.

06/2017 – 02/2018 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of Zagreb University Head of department for projects and mobility Advising coordination authority about the rules and criterion of research institutions’ participation. Cooperating with Ministry of Science and Education, Ministry of Regional Development and European Funds, SAFU, Office for International Cooperation of Zagreb University and other relevant bodies in EU projects policy development and monitoring. Facilitating Faculty’s researchers project activities. Establishing rules and procedures for proper implementation of projects (H2020, ESIF and national funding). Liaising with other research institutions and private sector on setting up research consortiums and partnerships; negotiating terms and conditions of cooperation. Participating in writing R&D project proposals. Supervising implementation and reporting. Supervising international exchanges of students, teachers and staff. Organizing workshops, seminars, info-days and other activities related to information and education of participation in projects and mobility.

05/2003 – 06/2017 Brodarski institut d.o.o. Zagreb 2012 - 2017 Advisor to the director general and head of marketing and sales Developing international relations to set up project consortiums, focusing on building long term business relationships, securing repeat businesses; identifying existing capabilities across the Institute that could be leveraged to expedite development and impact of the Institute to the economy, working across the Institute to ignite and identify new concepts/initiatives, identifying opportunities for EU projects (structural and H2020), designing project ideas, managing project proposal preparation and consortium set-up, identifying and establishing cooperation with innovative SMEs and individual innovators, promoting customer value-driven business development, creating contractual partnerships (contractual research, joint development agreements, licensing, etc.) to create and commercialize new products and services, managing contracting process for innovative products and technologies, overseeing customer contract – portfolio development cycle, overseeing preparation and submission of project proposals for financing, managing customer relationships and researching antecedents of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, being “a voice of the customer" to senior management. “Customer Relationship Management” process owner in Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008.

Other responsibilities in Brodarski institut: 1. Corporate official responsible for ethics (promoting ethical behavior among employees, between the management and employees and toward stakeholders; monitoring possible unethical conduct; its analysis and reporting.) 2. Corporate official responsible for protection of employees’ dignity (examining complaints on possible harassment, establishing its merits, performing evidence, taking necessary measures to stop the harassment.) 3. Communication officer (providing requested information to the interested stakeholders).

2003 – 2012 Marketing and sales manager Establish partnerships and consortiums internationally and in the country. Promoting cooperation between academic community and industry. Market research (primary and secondary). Researching customer satisfaction. Introducing commercial activities to a R&D&I institute as per the World Bank Science and Technology Project. Participating in sales process of innovative technologies. Negotiating sales contracts. Writing offers and proposals. Cooperating with innovative SMEs and individual innovators. Developing and implementing marketing strategy and integrated marketing communication. Branding. Developing material for publications and web site. Organizing events. Providing press material, ensuring media coverage and managing media relations.

03/2002 -05/2003 EPN Europronet d.o.o., Zagreb, Key account manager

10/1999 - 03/2002 Globalnet Grupa d.o.o., Zagreb, Sales and telemarketing representative; marketing assistant

08/2000-01/2001 Internet Gold d.o.o. Zagreb, Public relations officer

10/1999 – 08/2000 Caloring d.o.o., Zadar, Office assistant

10/1993 – 10/1999 Radio Zaprešić, Zaprešić Radio host Expertise in politics. Collecting and analysing information and presenting the news real-time. Reporting live. Interviewing various studio guests (from musicians to politicians). Editing and hosting daily program and shows.

Consultancy Projects

2020 – ongoing Competitiveness and Jobs Project, Consulting Services for the Design and Implementation of RDIs External Performance Review, Republic of Serbia Ministry of Economy (MoE) (plus its development agencies), Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (MoESTD), and Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs (MoLEVSA) and the Public Policy Secretariat (PPS). Financed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Contractor: INOMER SAS, 102 Avenue des Champs-Élysées 75008 Paris France Assessing and developing programs for innovation through supporting operations of the Innovation Fund and its Grants Programs; supporting Technology Transfer Facility service lines at the Innovation Fund; and strategic planning and institutional reform of the public research and development sector.

2017 - ongoing Expert evaluator of research and innovation projects European Commission Evaluator for research and innovation projects under the EU H2020 in the following fields: SME Instrument, FTI Action, INNOSUP, Klaster organization management, consumer protection, organizational learning, behavioral economics Awarded expert evaluation contracts in 2019, 2020 and 2021 for COSME and EASME programs.

2016 - ongoing International court expert witnesses and valuer, Field of Economics Title received from the Commercial Court, Zagreb

09/2017-02/2018 IPA — Increase of enterprise competitiveness and export promotion in Kosovo Ministry of Trade and Industry of Kosovo - Department of Industry & Kosovo Investment and Enterprise Support Agency. Financed by European Commission (IPA) Contractor: International Development Ireland Limited, Dublin, Ireland Company Development Program. Providing advisory services to SMEs in new product development - Supporting Kosovo companies in improving their performance and overall competitiveness and in increasing export of products and services generated in Kosovo, as a means of reducing the trade deficit.

05/2014- 05/2015 Regional Competitiveness “SMEPASS II Promotion and provision of advisory services to SMEs” project Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts of the Republic of Croatia. Financed by European Commission (IPA) Contractor: EURECNA Spa, Venice, Italy Advisory services to SMEs in export promotion; international sales promotion and marketing; market analysis; practical marketing plan; marketing audit.

10/2013 – 03/2014 ERDF Competitiveness and cohesion “Poduzetnički impuls” programme Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts of the Republic of Croatia Genos d.o.o. Zagreb Consultancy in preparation of structural project Managing preparation of innovative structural projects proposal and application to CfP (bio-technology) for establishing new laboratories, development of 2 new products, CE certification, ISO accreditation, management of intellectual property rights, export orientation, branding, sales promotion and e-commerce development.

01/2014 – 02/2014 Branding and international launch EEG Biogas d.o.o. Zagreb Consultancy in branding of a new SME and international launch of products and services in oil and gas industry.

06/2008 – 10/2009 Croatian-Norwegian maritime cooperation Ministry of the Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Croatia & Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway President of the bilateral Working Group. Development of a comprehensive bilateral cooperation plan in research and education: five research project proposals, exchange of six graduate students and scholarships for five doctoral researchers with a budget of 2 million NOK.

11/2007 – 02/2008 “Croatian Export Campaign” program Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Croatia Founder and CEO of a top-down boatbuilding cluster - establishing and international launch of “Klaster male brodogradnje d.o.o.”.

06/2006 – 12/2006 “Poduzetna Hrvatska” program United States Agency for International Development (USAID) DAI-Nathan Group LLC, Zagreb Policy development under the framework of USAID/Croatia’s Enhancing Small and Medium Enterprise Performance Program. USAID provided technical assistance to targeted industry sectors, such as boatbuilding, while I played a crucial role in facilitating cooperation among Croatian boat-builders and in helping them understand that the Brodarski institut is their key partner in transferring engineering and design know-how to the sector.”

09/2002 -12/2002 Capacity building Doma d.o.o., Zagreb Consultancy in development of competences and skills of sales staff; mystery shopping.

Organizational boards and committees

1. Member of the Steering Committee of the International Conference on Reliable Systems Engineering (ICoRSE). Mechatronics and related engineering fields. September, 2021, Bucharest, Romania

2. Judge of “2020 International Technology Trade Fair and Release on ZGC Forum-100 Best Industrial Innovations for International Technology Transfer”. Global contest of start-up companies. International Technology Transfer Network (ITTN), August / September 2020, China.

3. Hack the Future: Engineering a sustainable and flourishing society for Croatia! Workshop. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the Zagreb University and Centre for Technology Transfer in collaboration with Anja Maier & Tim Mcaloone, DTU, Denmark. November 2019, Zagreb.

4. Day of EU projects: Science – industry matchmaking event. Centre for Technology Transfer and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture of the Zagreb University. October 2019, Zagreb.

5. President of Organizing Committee of JRC Conference “Investment Readiness of Innovation Projects in South East Europe”, Zagreb, Croatia, 4 - 5 July, 2018. European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, in collaboration with Centre for Technology Transfer of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture and Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments (HAMAG-BICRO), 2018.

6. Member of the jury of PowerUp!, contest for Middle and East Europe start-up companies in the field of sustainable development and energy. May, 2018. Zagreb, Croatia, Invento Capital Partners.

7. Member of the jury of the 13th International Innovation Exhibition ARCA 2015, Zagreb, 15 – 18 October, 2015. Zagreb, Croatia, Union of Croatian Innovators.

8. President of Organizing Committee of EARTO Annual Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 23 - 24 May, 2013. Dubrovnik, Brodarski institut & Ruđer Bošković Institute, 2013.

9. Secretary of Organizing Committee of 20th Symposium on Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding in Memoriam prof. Leopold Sorta, Zagreb, Croatia 27 – 29 September, 2012. Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb & Brodarski institut, Zagreb 2012.

10. Secretary of Organizing Board of PIARC international workshop, Zagreb, 8. – 9. February 2007., Brodarski institut & Faculty of Civil Engineering Zagreb & Civil Engineering Institute Zagreb, 2007.

11. Member of Organizing Board of Intelligent underwater systems and technologies: conference – workshop / IPSIT05, Zagreb, 16 December 2005., World bank & Brodarski institut for the Science and Technology Project (STP), under the Auspices of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2005.

12. President of Organizing Board of the Round table “Role of science in the Croatian shipbuilding industry”, Brodarski institut, Zagreb, 27. April 2004.

Papers and studies

1. Antičić, N., Žiha, K., Degiuli, N. (2016), A model of self-sustainable scholarly open access journal, Proceedings of PUBMET2016: The 3rd Conference on Scholarly Publishing in the Context of Open Science, Zadar, Croatia October 21-22, 2016., Zadar: . (conference paper, peer reviewed)

2. Antičić, N., (2015), Influence of perception of value delivery system on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: A mediating role of absorptive capacity. 24th CROMAR Congress Marketing Theory and Practice - Building Bridges and Fostering Collaboration, Split, Croatia October 22 – 24, 2015., University of Split. (doctoral colloquium)

3. Antičić, N., (2015), Influence of perception of value delivery system on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. 11th International conference on Challenges of Europe: Growth, Competitiveness and Inequality, Hvar, Croatia May 27-29, 2015. University of Split. (doctoral colloquium)

4. Subašić, N., (2008), Boatbuilding Cluster LLC, Sladoljev, Ž. & Jambrošić, D. (eds), Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding in Memoriam prof. Leopold Sorta, Pula, Croatia 16 – 18 October, 2008. Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb & Uljanik Brodogradilište d.d., Pula 2008. (ISBN: 978-953-6313-95-2). (conference paper, peer-reviewed, in Croatian)

5. Subašić, N. and Lončarić, D., (2007), Recreational craft design and development strategy for Adriatic market, Guedes Soares, C. & Kolev, P. (eds), Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM 2007), Varna, Bulgaria, 2-6 September, 2007. Taylor & Francis Group, London 2008. (ISBN: 978-0-415-45523-7). (conference paper, peer-reviewed)

6. Mandžuka, S., Bakarić, V., Subašić, N. (2007), The development of intelligent underwater services, An Expertise, Brodarski institut & World Bank for the Science and Technology Project (STP), Zagreb, Croatia.

7. Subašić, N., Lončarić, D., Alujević, J. (2006), New Product Development Process Analysis and Corresponding Marketing Strategies - Case Study in Boatbuilding Industry, Jambrošić, D. (eds), Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding in Memoriam prof. Leopold Sorta, Opatija, Croatia, 2006. Rijeka: Technical Faculty, 2006. (conference paper, peer-reviewed, in Croatian)

8. Šikanić, A., Šilić, Đ., Ilijevski, Ž., Čuljak, I., Linarić, D., Subašić, N., Perić, M. (2004), Possibilities on the domestic industry for manufacturing devices and usage of renewable energy sources, A Study, Brodarski institut, Customer: Republic of Croatia, Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship. (in Croatian)

Publicity and popularization

1. Antičić, N. (2019), Introduction to marketing strategy – A case study of Donald Trump’s first presidential campaign. A workshop for high-school students. Ekonomska klinika November 2019.

2. Antičić, N. (2017), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture won 57 million kuna for establishment of a unique laboratory in the region. 27 October 20017. ni-regiji-cemu-rijec/. Independent Union of Research and Higher Education Employees of Croatia (publication, in Croatian)

3. Antičić, N. (2017), A buyer of innovative product requested to gain intellectual property rights. 29 August 2017. intelektualnog-vlasnistva-pripadnu-njemu/. Independent Union of Research and Higher Education Employees of Croatia (publication, in Croatian)

4. Antičić, N. (2017), Innovation ecosystem in Croatia: Triple helix in the valley of death. 20 June 2017. Independent Union of Research and Higher Education Employees of Croatia (publication, in Croatian)

Invited speeches

1. Antičić, N. (2020), Inovacije kao pokretač rasta konkurentnosti poduzeća - Pravni i porezni aspekti za mala i srednja poduzeća. Webinar in the framework of the "Cluster ACT Project", "The Deal Structuring - Croatia" Section. The International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES, 8 April 2020. (speaker)

2. Antičić, N. (2019), Innovation and technology transfer as a drivers of enterprise competitiveness growth. 9th meeting of the Croatian Society of Mechanics, 11-12 July 2019, Zagreb. (speaker)

3. Antičić, N. (2019), Znanost u službi razvoja industrije: Inovacije i transfer tehnologije kao pokretač rasta konkurentnosti poduzeća. European Commission, Croatian Presidency Preparation Course, Zagreb, Croatia, 4-8 November 2019. (speaker)

4. Antičić, N. (2019), Centre for Technology Transfer of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture. Unioncamere del Veneto. BEAT - Blue Enhancement Action for Technology transfer, (Interreg V-A Italy-Croatia CBC Programme) project conference. Project partners: Port of Venice, Special Agency ConCentro of the Chamber of Commerce of Pordenone, , Department of Economics, Maritime Technology Cluster of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Monfalcone and Istrian Development Agency Pula. 11 March 2019. (speaker)

5. Antičić, N. (2018), Smart Specialisation and Technology Transfer as Innovation Drivers for Regional Growth. European Commission Joint Research Centre conference. Session: “From Lab to Market: How to Commercialize Innovations”. Sofia, 3-4 May 2018. (panellist)

6. Antičić, N. (2017), Through science to a competitive economy. Seminar on Capacity Building for Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer. Interreg MED project Promoting innovative cLusters and nEtworks for mArine renewable energy synerGies in Mediterranean cOasts and iSlands – „PELAGOS“. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 28. July 2017. (speech)

7. Antičić, N. (2016), European regions discuss the potential of international collaboration in research and innovation to climb the Stairway to Excellence. Wetsus Congress 2016 on Financing Innovation. Wetsus, European center of excellence for sustainable water technology. Leeuwarden, The Netherlands 3-4 October 2016. (panellist)

8. Antičić, N. (2016), Croatian Development of Submarines and Related Areas: Achievements, opportunities and future. 53rd International Submariners Congress. Croatian Submariners Association. Pula, 21-25 May 2016. (opening speech)

9. Antičić, N. (2015), River Waterways in Croatia. Workshop on the scenarios of regional development for the Danube Region, European Commission, Joint Research Centre - The European Commission's in-house science service, 19-20 September 2015. Ispra, Italy (panelist)

10. Antičić, N. (2014), Transition from blue to green technologies. Silk Road Economic Belt, the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Seminar, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China & Chinese - Southeast European Business Association (CSEBA), Zagreb, 20. November 2014. (speech)

11. Subašić, N. & Koroman, V. (2013), Innovative products as antecedent of SME competitiveness development. Polytechnic University of Pula, 15. January 2013. (lecture to students of the Polytechnic University of Pula)

12. Subašić, N. (2011), Croatian boat building at the European level. Croatian Chamber of Economy, County Chamber Pula / Pula Boat Fair, Pula, 21. October 2011. (lecture to students of the Polytechnic University of Pula)

13. Subašić, N., (2009), Market research in boat building industry – Case study of project Marin 21. Zagreb Fair Nautics and Sports / Croatian Chamber of Economy, Association of Boat Builders, 20. February 2009. (lecture)

14. Subašić, N. (2008.), Maritime knowledge and innovation in Brodarski institut. Round- table Conference Maritime Co-operation Croatia-Norway, Zagreb, 19 June 2008. (speech)

15. Subašić, N. (2007.), Export oriented boat building industry. Croatian Export Campaign Conference, Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, Zagreb, November, 2007. (speech)

16. Subašić, N. (2006.), Price as an element of positioning in a boat building industry. Development of Boat Building Industry round table, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Zadar, 5 September, 2006. (speech)


2016 Dean’s Award for outstanding achievements in the doctoral program, Faculty of Economics, Split

Membership in professional and scientific societies / bodies

 Member of Croatian Marketing Association (CROMAR)  Member of Croatian Association of Sales Professionals (HUPUP)  Member of Croatian Association of Court Expert Witnesses and Valuers (HDSVIP)


 Fund-raising campaign for renovation and equipping of sensory integration chamber of the Centre for Training and Education "Vinko Bek", 2016.  De-mining 50 square meters’ parcel of land in County by USAID donation in my name, 2008.  Web site development and hosting for a Croatian Association of Mines Victims, 2002.  Participant of fund-raising event for Gornja Bistra Special Hospital for Children Chronic Diseases, 1998.