Cryptanalysis of Reduced round SKINNY Block Cipher Sadegh Sadeghi1, Tahereh Mohammadi2 and Nasour Bagheri2,3 1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and Computer, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran,
[email protected] 2 Electrical Engineering Department, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran, {T.Mohammadi,Nabgheri} 3 School of Computer Science, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran,
[email protected] Abstract. SKINNY is a family of lightweight tweakable block ciphers designed to have the smallest hardware footprint. In this paper, we present zero-correlation linear approximations and the related-tweakey impossible differential characteristics for different versions of SKINNY .We utilize Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) to search all zero-correlation linear distinguishers for all variants of SKINNY, where the longest distinguisher found reaches 10 rounds. Using a 9-round characteristic, we present 14 and 18-round zero correlation attacks on SKINNY-64-64 and SKINNY- 64-128, respectively. Also, for SKINNY-n-n and SKINNY-n-2n, we construct 13 and 15-round related-tweakey impossible differential characteristics, respectively. Utilizing these characteristics, we propose 23-round related-tweakey impossible differential cryptanalysis by applying the key recovery attack for SKINNY-n-2n and 19-round attack for SKINNY-n-n. To the best of our knowledge, the presented zero-correlation characteristics in this paper are the first attempt to investigate the security of SKINNY against this attack and the results on the related-tweakey impossible differential attack are the best reported ones. Keywords: SKINNY · Zero-correlation linear cryptanalysis · Related-tweakey impos- sible differential cryptanalysis · MILP 1 Introduction Because of the growing use of small computing devices such as RFID tags, the new challenge in the past few years has been the application of conventional cryptographic standards to small devices.