This Will Be a Union of Teaching and Practice, and So Let Us Begin by Settling Body, Speech and Mind in the Natural State
This will be a union of teaching and practice, and so let us begin by settling body, speech and mind in the natural state. Now we seek to practice this sadhana from the perspective of the inner-inner, our own pristine awareness. We turn to the title, "The Heart Essence of the Lake Born Vajra, a Secret Sadhana of the Mahaguru, by His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche, Jikdral Yeshe Dorje." "Om. The immortal Vidyadhāra Tötreng Tsal, is the supreme all-pervasive lord of an ocean of mandalas. The ways of approaching and actualizing are successively revealed as the preparation, main practice, and conclusion. Samaya." So the Vidyadhāra Tötreng Tsal, of course is simply a personification of our own pristine awareness. It is not some other being, a human being, or a deity. We begin the sadhana by going for refuge. "Namo. In the state of natural rest, I take refuge, in the primordial indestructible nature of existence, the great absolute space of the bindu of clear light, the indwelling deity who is beyond transition and change." So we begin on that theme of, “do not look outside yourself for the Buddha.” We take refuge in our own pristine awareness, the indwelling divine. And then classically we turn to arousing Bodhicitta, but now in a Dzogchen approach. "Ho. To unrealized beings, the forms created by the confusion of duality, although nonexistent, are apparent as the realms of beings. With great self-knowing awareness, the taste of equality, I arouse Bodhicitta as the naturally free, all-pervasive mind." This is the equality, the one taste of Samsara and Nirvana.
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