DECEMBER 2014 - Number 26 HOLDFASTOffICIal NEWslEttER of thE TUNNEL Rats COMBAT ENGINEER AssoCIatION INC THE SAD REALITY OF WAR Peter, Michael, Josephine (with Robert), and Susan Bowtell Corporal Bob Bowtell was the first of 36 Australian Tunnel Rats killed in action in Vietnam. Bob left behind his wife Josephine and four children, Susan, Michael and Peter, plus Robert who was yet to be born. Bob’s sons Michael and Peter will be with us on our Tunnel Rat’s trip to Vietnam next year. A highlight of the trip will be our visit to the area of Bob’s tunnel incident, where Michael and Peter will place a wreath in remembrance of their late father. 2 Nostalgia Pages Pages of great pics from the past to amaze and amuse. Photo contribitions “The band will be arriving shortly fellas” welcome. Send your favourite Vietnam The bands and singers who made the effort to make a “flying visit” to Nui pics (with descriptions, names and ap- Dat to entertain us were much appreciated. Their time on base was short, prox dates) to Jim Marett 43 Heyington but while they were there they took us to another world. Above an RAAF Place Toorak Vic 3142 or by email to: Caribou skims the bandstand as it comes in to land at Luscombe Field
[email protected] airstrip. On board is our entertainment for the afternoon. NOVEMBER 2014 - Number 26 HOLDFASTOFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE TUNNEL RATS CO M B A T ENGINEER ASSOCIAT ION INC THE SAD REALITIES OF WAR Susan, Michael and Peter Bowtell Corporal Bob Bowtell was the first Australian Tunnel Rat killed in action in Vietnam.