{Read} {PDF EPUB} ~download Control by Matt Shaw Control by Matt Shaw. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. What can I do to prevent this in the future? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Cloudflare Ray ID: 65593b619a0ac429 • Your IP : • Performance & security by Cloudflare. Matt Shaw. Creating websites & applications that work perfectly on desktop computers, tablets and smartphones. Currently based in Hampshire, UK. I have over 10 years experience in the industry, working with all sorts of clients - from small businesses to national newspapers. If you'd like to know more about me, or enquire about working with me you can follow me on or connect with me on linkedin. Projects. A selection of the things I've worked on or people I've worked with in no particular order. Some I can show you and some I can't. Premier League. During my time freelancing for PulseLive, I spent 6 months working on the Premier League website, including implementing their brand refresh at the start of the 2019/2020 season. I spent 18 months working with RSPB on the front end of their new website build. Working in a small team using agile methodology, we re-built every component from the ground up. The Economist. The Economist asked me to produce templates for the new Apple News app. My role was to work with their Designer to advise what was possible according to the documentation and produce the templates with JSON. Mail Plus. For Mail Plus I built an initial Wordpress website for the (at the time) new digital version of the Daily Mail. The client was demanding with a brief that changed almost daily. After the initial launch the wordpress site was then replaced with a more comprehensive PHP solution which I helped integrate with the new front end. Pharmiweb Solutions. Whilst working with pharmiweb I helped implement the front end for the new website of their biggest client. I also built and maintained sales presentations put together with HTML, CSS and Javascript, and worked with them to explore new technologies and internal tools to help make their workflow more efficient. Orka Golf. A wordpress website for a high end golfing brand. I worked with the designer to build the wordpress back end and integrate the HTML, CSS and jQuery into a wordpress back end - giving what the client wanted down to the pixel. Wowcher. I provided wowcher with a sales document generator, which enabled their sales reps to choose from any number of editable variables in a CMS (built with PHP), which would then output as a PDF to send prospective advertisers. Metro. I've worked with Metro to produce a number of promotional websites and splash pages for various competitions. Each one needed to be responsive, as well as work within the metro's Apple & Android apps. Contact. If you'd like to know more about me, or enquire about working with me you can follow me on twitter or connect with me on linkedin. Create an account or sign in! You do not have an account yet? Then register once and completely free and use our wide range of topics, features and great possibilities. As a registered member of our site, you can use all features to actively participate in community life. Write Contribute, open topics, upload your pictures, put your videos online, chat with other members and help us get our project going to improve and grow together! So, what are you waiting for? Be a part of us today! Matt Shaw. Frank Festa Mar 19th 2020. Matt Shaw ist verrückt – verrückt nach Extreme Horror. Er hat in Eigenregie schon Dutzende solcher Titel veröffentlicht. Seine ständig wachsende Fangemeinde vergleicht sie mit Werken von Richard Laymon und Edward Lee, aber auch mit denen von Stephen King – nun, zumindest sind sie sehr brutal und krank, möglicherweise sogar genial … Matt ist ein großer Bewunderer von Roald Dahl (er hat sich ein Tattoo des Schriftstellers auf den Arm stechen lassen) und quatscht ständig über Filme. Er lebt mit seiner Frau Marie in Southampton, England. Hier ein Interview mit Matt: Ich hätte noch das Interview vom Wochenende im Angebot, allerdings hab ich den Anfang verpasst, ja, Asche auf mein Haupt. Ja jetzt bin ich nicht mehr wie früher aber das find' ich ganz okay denn ich hab' alles hinter mir gelassen was mich aufhält und jetzt bin ich nicht mehr wie früher ja, vielleicht wirkt das arrogant doch vielleicht haben wir uns all die Jahre nie wirklich gekannt . Matthew Shaw - Fixed Odds Trader. I have received an offer to acquire an ongoing financial fixed odds betting manual from someone who calls himself Matthew Shaw Fixed Odds Trader promoted by 'Fleet Street Publications'. Cost of this is £495.00. Anyone know if these people are reputable, i.e. is it worth forking out quids to receive tips on betting on the markets ? They offer tips and advice on what and when to bet. They say the first three months are free. Sounds too good to be true. probably is. the site offering is now www.fixedoddssuccess.com? Mr Financial Fixed Odds Matt Shaw. This was the question I received recently from Dave. Since I thought this might be of interest to our readers I'm publishing the answer here: Ok so there is a guy in Pontypool called Matt Shaw, whose grossly overhyped service I do not subscribe to, but whose guidance notes include some genuinely useful hints on how best to exploit the odds that Binary.com offers, and which few bets are sometimes worth taking on. These crop up in searches sometimes - but you do need to brush aside all the usual "cannot lose". "99%" . bollox. Fleet Street Publications has been around for a while. They rake in subscriptions from a range of newsletters including 'Red Hot Penny Shares', 'Fleet Street Letter', 'Zurich Club', 'Oxford Club', Personal & Finance', and others, plus the selling of complementary guide books. If you try a google search of review sites you will find that any negative views of their operation are countered by what sound like responses from satisfied users, rubbishing the critics and claiming to have done very nicely from their fleet street publication subscription. Cynics point out that these brief supportive comments are almost identically worded worldwide and have been for ages. (The implication being that someone is tasked with auto-trawling the internet and planting favourable responses where needed) . (I have no idea if fsp engage in such tactics; those praises could be genuine). But as Fleet Street Publications' own small print points out - their share price performances are measured by percentage movement of the mid- price , ignoring costs, ignoring dividend effects and ignoring the bid/offer spread - which is something the investor cannot do. This matters hugely if dealing in the shares of smaller companies where the spread between the price you can buy at and the price you can sell at is often big enough to swamp any apparently beneficial movement in the mid-price. The mid-price is a convenient average of the current buy and sell price, commonly used in charts and single-column price lists such as teletext or newspapers, but irrelevant in actual trades, where the price quoted to buy at is higher than the price quoted to you if selling. This 'spread' is a fraction of 1% on the biggest stocks, can be 10% or more on mid-range stocks, and can be a whopping 20%, 40% or more on small stocks. In my early days I did try several such newsletters and tipsheets. The majority of them are of very little use and are misleading (or blatantly dishonest) in their performance presentations. They are profitable for the publisher. I nowadays bin anything from Fleet Street Publications and their ilk. There are newsletters that some investors do hold in high regard. Small Company Share Watch (SCSW) has quite a following. As does Techinvest. Save yourself some money. If you are keen to try this service out but would prefer more of a DIY-style approach then Fleet Street Publications also offer 'The Idiot Guide to Financial Fixed Odds Betting' for less than £50 (sorry, can't remember the specific price). This guide is also a Matthew Shaw vehicle and uses exactly the same techniques (I use that term loosely!) as per the subscription service. For £495 you get an e-mail alert with a specific trade every 7-10 days. For the £50 subscription you get the guide and e-mail/phone support should you have any questions. Now, for the disclaimer. this isn't a miracle cure and it is not possible to generate the advertised sums of £100/£200/£500 etc without a substantial level of risk in return. And when I say substantial I mean SUBSTANTIAL! :eek: For what its worth, FSP are very prompt with their refunds. I am not rubbishing the particular guide they are offering you, because I haven't bought it. You might find it very informative and beneficial. And if you are confident you can exploit the free trial without getting trapped into a subscription that you might not want, it might be worth it. But you can expect them to approach you with other offers once you succumb to anything they send you. My main complaint against Fleet Street Publications is that their performance figures are often unachievable in the real world and should therefore be taken with a big pinch of salt. But I am just a tightfisted old cynic. P.S. - Fleet Street Publications is owned by Bill Bonner who also owns Moneyweek magazine and is founder/president of USA publisher Agora Publishing, which produces a wide range of newsletters, including The Daily Reckoning which is free. P.P.S. - One argument used by Matt Shaw as to how it is possible to make money from the odds offered, is that a very high proportion of Binary.com players are idiots whose behaviour is quite easily exploited whenever they mindlessly pile in and move the odds.. and that having decided on the direction of a bet, it is possible to gratefully push the button when others have helpfully shifted the price. (Though maybe he is playing to the vanity of every gambler who believes himself cleverer than the crowd.. ) Has anyone else had experience of this guy [Matthew Shaw - Fixed Odds Trader]? If so, I'd like to hear from you about your experience with his advice/tips - how successful have you found it? The story behind ’s viral daddy-daughter singing duo. Mat and Savanna Shaw practice a cover of the song “Shallow” in their family home’s loft while the iPad they use to record their duets charges on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The father-daughter duets went viral on YouTube as they shared their passion for music amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “The one thing more contagious than a virus is hope and so we’re just doing our small part in the world to spread some hope,” Mat Shaw said. Ivy Ceballo, . KAYSVILLE — Mat Shaw was working in the backyard when his 15-year-old daughter surprised him with a question. “Can you sing ‘The Prayer’ with me?” Savanna Shaw asked her dad. “I don’t want to sing my first song alone.” The teenager had created an Instagram account — her first dive into the social media world — to keep in touch with her choir friends amid the coronavirus pandemic. For her first post, she was going to sing “The Prayer” — a hopeful song made famous by and . She had loved “The Prayer” for as long as she could remember. But she was nervous and wanted her dad, who often sings around the house in Kaysville to join her. “She wanted me to freshen up,” said Mat Shaw, who at the time was wearing a ball cap and an old family reunion T- shirt. “I was like, ‘Savanna, your choir friends aren’t going to care what I’m wearing. It’s not a big deal.’” Brooke Shaw fixes her daughter Savanna Shaw’s hair while she and her father Mat Shaw prepare to record a cover of the song “Shallow” in their family’s home on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The father-daughter duets went viral on YouTube as they shared their passion for music amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “The one thing more contagious than a virus is hope and so we’re just doing our small part in the world to spread some hope,” Mat Shaw said. Ivy Ceballo, Deseret News. So they forged ahead and recorded and posted their own rendition of “The Prayer.” Within a few days, after later posting the video to , Mat Shaw sent a screenshot to his daughter. He had circled the number of views: 2,700. “You’re not going to believe this,” he told his daughter. “Sixty people have shared the video!” But that was just the beginning. The numbers kept rising. And rising. And rising. The video has surpassed 6 million views. “He should’ve changed his clothes,” Savanna said with a laugh. Since recording “The Prayer” in late February, the father-daughter duo has performed a number of songs together — everything from “Beauty and the Beast” to “The Phantom of the Opera” to “The Greatest Showman.” A handful of the duets have reached more than 1 million views. The Shaws, who now have 385,000 YouTube subscribers, have also caught national attention from outlets like “Good Morning America” and “The Kelly Clarkson Show.” Their names now show up on Google. They were even recently interviewed on a morning news show in Japan. “I really genuinely only thought that my friends and my family were going to see it,” Savanna Shaw recently told the Deseret News during a Zoom call. “And I think if I would’ve known how big it would get, I probably would’ve been a lot more nervous. I’m kind of glad I didn’t know that.” Before the Shaws went viral, Savanna was a shy singer in a local choir building her confidence. And Mat was a busy father of four who had put music on the back burner. But together, they had an unexpected rise to fame. Brooke Shaw listens with Savanna Shaw and Mat Shaw to a recording of their cover of the song “Shallow” inside a closet in their family’s home on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The father-daughter duets went viral on YouTube as they shared their passion for music amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “The one thing more contagious than a virus is hope and so we’re just doing our small part in the world to spread some hope,” Mat Shaw said. Ivy Ceballo, Deseret News Savanna Shaw and Mat Shaw listen to a recording of their cover of the song “Shallow” in their family’s home on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The father-daughter duets went viral on YouTube as they shared their passion for music amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “The one thing more contagious than a virus is hope and so we’re just doing our small part in the world to spread some hope,” Mat Shaw said. Ivy Ceballo, Deseret News Mat Shaw and Savanna Shaw prepare to record a cover of the song “Shallow” in their family’s home on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The father-daughter duets went viral on YouTube as they shared their passion for music amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “The one thing more contagious than a virus is hope and so we’re just doing our small part in the world to spread some hope,” Mat Shaw said. Ivy Ceballo, Deseret News Mat Shaw records his part of a cover of the song “Shallow” inside a closet with his daughter Savanna Shaw in their family’s home on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The father-daughter duets went viral on YouTube as they shared their passion for music amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “The one thing more contagious than a virus is hope and so we’re just doing our small part in the world to spread some hope,” Mat Shaw said. Ivy Ceballo, Deseret News Savanna Shaw and Mar Shaw record a cover of the song “Shallow” at their family’s home on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The father-daughter duets went viral on YouTube as they shared their passion for music amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “The one thing more contagious than a virus is hope and so we’re just doing our small part in the world to spread some hope,” Mat said. Ivy Ceballo, Deseret News Savanna Shaw and Mat Shaw record a cover of the song “Shallow” in their family’s home on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The father-daughter duets went viral on YouTube as they shared their passion for music amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “The one thing more contagious than a virus is hope and so we’re just doing our small part in the world to spread some hope,” Mat Shaw said. Ivy Ceballo, Deseret News Savanna Shaw and Mat Shaw record a cover of the song “Shallow” inside a closet in their family’s home on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The father-daughter duets went viral on YouTube as they shared their passion for music amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “The one thing more contagious than a virus is hope and so we’re just doing our small part in the world to spread some hope,” Mat Shaw said. Ivy Ceballo, Deseret News Mat and Savanna Shaw practice a cover of the song “Shallow” in their family home’s loft while the iPad they use to record their duets charges, and Pennie Jean Shaw, 6, plays on a throw blanket on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The father-daughter duets went viral on YouTube as they shared their passion for music amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “The one thing more contagious than a virus is hope and so we’re just doing our small part in the world to spread some hope,” Mat Shaw said. Ivy Ceballo, Deseret News Mat Shaw listens to Savanna Shaw recording her part of their cover of the song “Shallow” inside a closet in their family’s home on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The father-daughter duets went viral on YouTube as they shared their passion for music amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “The one thing more contagious than a virus is hope and so we’re just doing our small part in the world to spread some hope,” Mat Shaw said. Ivy Ceballo, Deseret News Brooke Shaw and Pennie Jean Shaw, 6, listen to Mat Shaw and Savanna Shaw while they record a cover of the song “Shallow” in their family’s home on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The father-daughter duets went viral on YouTube as they shared their passion for music amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “I love it because before all of this they never sang together and so this is new and just really special for our family,” Brooke said. Pennie Jean said listening to her sister and father singing helps her fall asleep. Ivy Ceballo, Deseret News Mat Shaw sings over his and Savanna Shaw’s recording of the song “Shallow” while his wife Brooke Shaw, far left, sound checks inside a closet in their family’s home on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The father daughter-duets went viral on YouTube as they shared their passion for music amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “The one thing more contagious than a virus is hope and so we’re just doing our small part in the world to spread some hope,” Mat Shaw said. Ivy Ceballo, Deseret News. Breaking out of a shell. Savanna Shaw still gets nervous when she and her dad post a new video (their YouTube channel now features 17 songs). But the fact that she pushes past the nerves tells her she’s come a long way. “Savanna’s always been a little bit shy with her music,” Mat Shaw said. “It was surprising because after having posted these songs, some of her good friends didn’t even know that she could sing like that.” Recently, the Broadway-loving teenager — who claims to have watched “The Phantom of the Opera” every day since staying at home — joined a new youth choir at the Hale Centre Theatre. Through this group, led by choir director Kelly DeHaan, Shaw made new friends. And she started to feel more comfortable sharing her voice and standing in the spotlight. But amid the pandemic, the choir rehearsals Shaw always looked forward to were now canceled. The teenager — the oldest child in the family — had to find a new way to share her passion for music. So with the help of her parents, she got on social media and put herself out in the world. “You wonder how many talented, undiscovered people there are out there that just need somebody to be their support and encouragement, and help them be brave enough to just put themselves out there,” Mat Shaw said. “And you wonder how many wonderful messages we’re missing out on just because people are worried that maybe they won’t be accepted, or they’re too shy or they’re worried about criticism. “To break out of that shell and just say, ‘Here I am. This is my voice, take it or leave it,’ … it’s just amazing to be able to have the courage to do that,” he continued. “It was scary, but we’re very glad that (Savanna) decided to do that. And we’re so proud of her.” Mat Shaw listens to Savanna Shaw recording her part of their cover of the song “Shallow” inside a closet in their family’s home on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The father-daughter duets went viral on YouTube as they shared their passion for music amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “The one thing more contagious than a virus is hope and so we’re just doing our small part in the world to spread some hope,” Mat Shaw said. Ivy Ceballo, Deseret News. Rekindling a dream. Mat Shaw always loved singing. As a child, he had dreams of recording music and being on Broadway. But that all changed when his dad died. He was 14 years old. After his father’s death, his family suffered some financial hardships and moved from Los Angeles to Kaysville. In high school, Shaw kept his passion alive singing in choirs and participating in musical theater. He even attended Weber State University on a vocal performance scholarship, although his major was accounting. After graduation, music fell to the wayside as he began to focus more on his real estate business and his growing family. “I really didn’t do much with (music) for a big chunk of time,” he said. “My priority was to make sure that my family was secure and taken care of, and I knew music wasn’t going to do that for my family.” Savanna Shaw and Mat Shaw record a cover of the song “Shallow” in their family’s home on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The father-daughter duets went viral on YouTube as they shared their passion for music amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “The one thing more contagious than a virus is hope and so we’re just doing our small part in the world to spread some hope,” Mat Shaw said. Ivy Ceballo, Deseret News. But he never stopped singing around the house. And hearing her dad’s voice — one that many people online have compared to — inspired Savanna Shaw to sing. Until recently, though, the two had never thought to put their voices together. “After recording (‘The Prayer’) and then listening to it, we were like, ‘Wow, we really have similar voices, and our vibrato is similar,” Mat Shaw said. “It’s this similar tone that really you can only get from genetics. … Performing with my daughter is like beyond my wildest dreams.” Spreading joy. Millions of people have now heard Mat and Savanna Shaw sing together — something the father and daughter are still having a hard time wrapping their heads around. “We’ve grown up hearing each other sing and we certainly appreciate each other’s talents, but to think that so many other people would also appreciate our voices has been so surprising,” Mat Shaw said. The Shaws aren’t tech-savvy — it took them hours to upload their first video to YouTube. They’ve also never stepped foot in a studio. For the singing duo, it all starts in a closet — what Mat Shaw calls his “quarantine .” “It’s real fancy,” Savanna Shaw said with a laugh. A little mic, propped up by a pair of pajama pants, plugs into an iPad. The Shaws practice and record themselves singing in this closet space, away from the daily chaos of home learning. Then, at the kitchen table, they film a video singing along to that recording. “We really don’t know what we’re doing,” Mat Shaw said with a laugh. “Maybe that’s the draw, is that it’s really just a simple offering from a dad and his daughter trying to spread some hope and some joy.” On the Shaws’ many YouTube videos, thousands of people — including nurses and people who have lost loved ones — have left comments of gratitude. Many have said the music is helping them get through an otherwise dark time. Brooke Shaw and Pennie Jean Shaw, 6, listen to Mat Shaw and Savanna Shaw while they record a cover of the song “Shallow” in their family’s home on Thursday, May 14, 2020. The father-daughter duets went viral on YouTube as they shared their passion for music amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “I love it because before all of this they never sang together and so this is new and just really special for our family,” Brooke said. Pennie Jean said listening to her sister and father singing helps her fall asleep. Ivy Ceballo, Deseret News. The Shaws said one person reached out and told them their version of “The Prayer” was played at the funeral of a relative who died from COVID-19. A couple contacted them and said they played the Shaws’ music at their wedding. One man was even trying to use the Shaws’ music to win back his girlfriend. “It means a lot just to be able to be in a position now — especially in the times that we’re experiencing with this pandemic — to be able to share these messages of hope and encouragement through music,” Mat Shaw said. “Never in a million dreams would we have ever thought that our music would have this kind of impact. That’s been the best part.” Control by Matt Shaw. Matthew specialises in Private Client, principally Family Finance and Private Child. He is used to dealing with cases involving not only serious child welfare issues and Guardians but also cross-allegations of domestic abuse between parents. Matthew has also represented both applicants and respondents in leave to remove cases. Having come from a mixed practise background, Matthew has found his previous experience in the criminal courts and the immigration tribunal very useful when advising in family matters. Matthew has experience at each stage of financial remedy proceedings and applications under Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989, including those involving clients who have experienced domestic abuse by the other party. He perseveres to secure a fair and appropriate outcome and to ensure his client’s voice is heard. Experience. Experience. Matthew has experience at each stage of financial remedy proceedings and applications under schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989, including a multi-day final hearings involving cross-examination on material non-disclosure, hidden assets and fraud. He has worked with clients (often applicant wives) who have experienced domestic abuse by the other party. He perseveres to secure a fair and appropriate outcome for those clients who might otherwise have been pressured into less favourable settlements. Matthew often works with vulnerable clients in children proceedings, including clients and children with disabilities. He is used to dealing with cases involving not only serious welfare issues and Guardians but also cross-allegations of domestic abuse between parents. He is also used to dealing with cases that have (or develop) a public law element. He has negotiated complex but clear child orders, including for cross-border contact. To date Matthew has represented both applicants and respondents in leave to remove cases, including multi-day trials before Circuit Judges. Matthew has extensive experience of appearing opposite litigants in person and the professional as well as practical issues this can raise. Clients appreciate his practice on ‘both sides of the coin’ and really value his capacity to act for them in related family proceedings having first instructed them in their finance or children case. Matthew has plenty of experience dealing with applications for non-molestation and occupation orders under Part IV, whether applying for or resisting. He is also used to advising on how such orders could impact upon potential private child and/or financial remedy proceedings. Matthew is often selected by solicitors looking to instruct counsel who is easy for clients to get along with but who is bold, well prepared and not afraid to fight his corner in court. Matthew is trained in public access so that members of the public can, in appropriate cases, instruct him without using a solicitor. Matthew can be contacted via the clerks for public access enquiries in any of his areas of practise. Practice Areas. Family Finance Children Alternative Families International Direct Access. Education & Memberships. Education. Called to the Bar 2011 (Middle Temple) BA & MA Classical Civilisation (First), University of Warwick LLB (Hons) (GDL & BPTC, Very Competent), University of Law, London. Professional Memberships. The Family Law Bar Association Resolution (Associate Member) Liberty LAGLA The Honourable Society of Middle Temple. Awards. Harmsworth Major Scholarship, Middle Temple Fully funded MA, University of Warwick Prize for Best Dissertation, University of Warwick (Classics) Testimonials. “Matthew Shaw has been an excellent barrister for us. His work is extremely detailed, and he has been very willing to help in every way. Additionally, the feedback from our clients has been resoundingly positive about his performance on their cases. His advice and feedback on cases is extremely useful. ” “Thank you very much. I just wanted to say how pleased I was & my family with your choice of barrister. Mr Shaw was great from the start & I couldn’t have been any happier with him representing me today. I am very grateful.” “I can speak for all of the family when I say that Matthew was absolutely excellent. He was professional, friendly and had a wonderful knowledge of the situation. He was a very strong advocate.” “I would describe his legal services and client care as particularly good and would highly recommend him to anybody seeking a Direct Access barrister.” “Mr Shaw’s calm but firm manner and his understanding of my son’s complex mental health background were perfect for the case, and he was very good with my son one to one. … He was also very good at managing the complications of his mental health problems in terms of reducing the stress of the court process.” “His is a unique talent: most sincere, with a very professional and methodical way of dealing with very complex challenges. He was able to break them down into ‘layman’ terms and provide guidance in a step by step and manageable way. This case involved an international family law issue at the core and he quickly realised the implications… ” “I have never come across such a helpful and proactive advocate. I commend him.” Publications. ‘Transparency in the Family Courts’ (co-authored with Chris Bryden), Family Law Journal, November 2014. ‘Caravan Parks and Rainy Days’, co-authored with Chris Bryden and Matthew Shaw, Procurement & Outsourcing Journal, July/August 2015. Cases. A v A (2018): represented the wife in long-running financial remedy proceedings involving interveners, reversal of transactions intended to defeat the wife’s claim by artificially lowering the husband’s available capital and discovery of hidden assets. B v C (2018): acted for father in private child proceedings involving implacable hostility on the part of the mother. Persuaded the court to dismiss the mother’s allegations against the father and to restore direct contact. D v A (2018): acted for the father in private child proceedings whereby the court reversed a previous CAFCASS recommendation and, the Local Authority siding with the father, transferred care of the subject child to the father following serious concerns over the mother’s ability to meet the child’s needs. H v H (2017): appeared on behalf of the husband for the 2-day final hearing of a financial remedy case. Matthew secured a favourable order for his client notwithstanding material non-disclosure on the part of the husband. S v S (2017): represented the husband in response to enforcement proceedings brought by the wife following a final order in financial remedy proceedings. Resisted the application, affording 11 months for the husband to comply. M v P (2016): represented the mother in long running private child and financial proceedings involving a complex inter-jurisdiction Child Order and disclosure issues over the father’s income as an international football player. SSHD v A (2016): successfully kept a family together in the UK by resisting an appeal by the Home Office in the Upper Tribunal (Immigration & Asylum) in a deportation case involving ABH and GBH convictions. The case was complicated not only by Matthew’s client’s convictions but also the client’s learning difficulties and the special needs of the child. D v D (2016): represented the wife in enforcement proceedings of a divorce settlement involving serious financial misconduct by the husband. H v A (2015): represented the mother in her successful application for leave to permanently remove the child from the jurisdiction of England & Wales.