Triglav National Park - TNP The TNP extends along the Italian border and close to the Austrian border in the north-west of . The TNP is the only national park in Slovenia. It is among the earliest European parks; the first protection dates back to 1924. Its territory is nearly identical with that occupied by the Eastern Julian . The park covers 880 sq kilometres, or 3% of the territory of Slovenia. . The park was named after , the highest mountain in the heart of the park, which is also the highest summit in Slovenia (2,864 m). . Its surface forms are highly diverse: pure waters, remains of virgin forests, comprising high-mountain ridges with towering peaks, glacier U-shaped valleys, glacier high-mountain lake and marshes … The climate in the park is predominantly Alpine with cold winters and short summers. On average Kredarica, the highest mountain hut on Triglav is covered in snow for 265 days a year. Forests cover two thirds of the area. The most characteristic tree species in TNP are beeches, spruces and larches. The oldest tree is the Big Larch. It is 1050 years old. TNP is among the most watered areas of Slovenia and Europe. There are more than 250 springs. Two important European rivers spring in TNP : the Soča and the . The Soča flows into the , the Sava into the Black Sea. The Alpine lakes are the pearls of the park. They are mostly lakelets (small lakes). TNP is home to 19 plant species that cannot be found anywhere else in the world (endemic species). The number of known plant species is 1,600. Linaria alpina Eryngium alpinum Rhododendron hirsutum Potentilla nitida Leontopodium alpinum Campanula zoysii Crepis terglouensis The number of animal species living in TNP is 7,000. ALPINE IBEX (Capra ibex) MARMOT (Marmota marmota) CHAMOIS ( Rupicapra rupicapra) FOX (Vulpes vulpes) BROWN BEAR (Ursus arctos) ALPSKI KOZLIČEK (Rosalia alpina) MARBLE TROUT (Salmo marmoratus) ROCK PTARMIGAN (Lagopus muta) WALLCREEPER (Tichodroma muraria) EURASIAN PYGMY OWL (Glaucidium passerinum) WHITE-THROATED DIPPER (Cinclus cinclus) GOLDEN EAGLE (Aquila chrysaetos) There are 33 settlements and 2450 inhabitants in TNP. Local inhabitants used to make their living primarily through ironworks, charcoal-burning, forestry and mountain shepherding. . TNP was founded to preserve the beauties of nature for our descendants.

