Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} I'll Miss You Mr. Hooper by Norman Stiles I'll Miss You Mr. Hooper by Norman Stiles. Muppe t Book Club. "I'll Miss You, Mr Hooper" In commemoration of 's 35th anniversary, the Muppet Book Club is taking a look at one of the most memorable moments in Sesame history: the death of Mr Hooper, in December 1982. We'll be reading I'll Miss You, Mr Hooper , a 1984 Random House book designed to help children cope with death and loss. The book is based on Norman Stiles' script from the Sesame episode, and it's illustrated by TP favorite Joe Mathieu. Mr Hooper's death was a big turning point in Sesame history. In fact, when you think about "Sesame history," losing Mr Hooper is probably the first thing to comes to mind. That was the moment when suddenly there was a "history" -- there were the years with Mr Hooper, and then the years without Mr Hooper. So during the anniversary, this is a relevant moment for us to look back to. Over the next few days, we'll be discussing this book on the Tough Pigs Forum message board. Obviously, this one's going to be a bit more serious than our usual freewheeling discussion, but there's still a lot to talk about. Please come join us, and share your thoughts on the book, on the event, or on the impact Sesame Street has had on your own personal history. Norman Stiles. Norman Stiles (left) and Christopher Cerf at the 2001 TCA Awards. Stiles wrote the lyrics for "Put Down the Duckie" Norman Stiles (b. December 4, 1942) is a writer who worked on Sesame Street and its related productions for over twenty years. His concepts include the Muppet characters Harvey Kneeslapper, Count von Count, and Forgetful Jones. Contents. Stiles initially studied zoology and chemistry at Hunter College, and became a social worker for the Welfare Department. During that period, he began writing comedy material for such performers as Ron Carey (later a regular on Barney Miller ) and Marty Brill, and wrote for Merv Griffin. [1] Stiles joined the Sesame Street writing staff in 1971, hired by head writer Jeff Moss as the show was entering its third season. He competed for the job with then intern Lois Fortune. [2] Stiles became head writer of Sesame Street in season 6, but left after that season to pursue a career in Hollywood. Stiles returned to Sesame Street in season 11, where he eventually resumed his role as head writer until season 28. In later years, his work would often touch upon sensitive topics, such as the death of Mr. Hooper in Episode 1839, or the effects of divorce on children in the unaired "Snuffy's Parents Get a Divorce." In 1990, as part of the Season 22 curriculum mandate to examine race relations, Stiles wrote an episode in which a blue monster named Greta refuses to let Elmo play wubbaball because of his different fur color, only to find herself excluded. [3] Stiles has also written for appearances by , such as an Ad Council nutrition spot with Cookie Monster, and authored a variety of Sesame Street books (including The Perils of Penelope ), wrote lyrics for such songs as "Put Down the Duckie," and helped script 's pilot special : Sex and Violence . Stiles discussed his philosophy of writing in 1988: “ Never talk down to children. Always try to entertain children and parents at the same time. Try to have adult characters speak the way adults speak and not in singsong kiddy-show style. And teach something while all this is going on. This is basically a sketch comedy show. [4] ” Outside of the Muppets and Sesame Street , Stiles has written for America 2-Night (starring Martin Mull and Fred Willard) and Mel Brooks' 1975 sitcom spoof of Robin Hood When Things Were Rotten . In 1996, Stiles co-founded Sirius Thinking Ltd, an independent children's television production company, with fellow Sesame alumni Michael K. Frith and Christopher Cerf. At Sirius Thinking, Stiles wrote and produced the PBS children's show Between the Lions which premiered in 2000. The show has won six Daytime Emmy Awards, including a 2004 Emmy for best writing. In April 2014, Stiles launched a crowdfunding campaign for an online video series Baby & Toddler Parenthood News Network with his wife Ellen Dillon and child development expert Amy Hatkoff. Mr. Hooper. Harold Hooper (known as Mr. Hooper ), played by Will Lee since the premiere of the American children's television program Sesame Street in 1969 until his death in 1982, was one of the first four human characters that appeared on the show. Created by producer and writer Jon Stone, Mr. Hooper is the original proprietor of Hooper's Store, the neighborhood variety store and combination diner/corner store that serves as a place for Muppets and humans to meet and interact. Lee, a character actor and instructor who had been blacklisted during the McCarthy era, was "perfectly cast" as Mr. Hooper. [1] Mr. Hooper ranked first of all human characters of the show in recognition by young viewers. Mr. Hooper, who has been described as "slightly cranky but good-hearted" and "curmudgeonly", bridges the gap between the older generation and its young audience. Hooper's Store, "an idealized social institution", [2] is an extension of his personality. He has a special relationship with the Muppet Big Bird. At the time of Lee's death, instead of recasting the role, the writers and producers of Sesame Street decided to create an episode that taught their young audience about the difficult topic of death. Research was conducted to ascertain the messages they wanted to convey about the topic, as well as the effect the episode would have on the young children who watched it. They were advised by experts in the fields of child psychology, child development, and religion. Studies conducted after the episode was produced showed that most children understood its messages about death, and that they experienced no long-term ill effects. The episode, written by head writer Norman Stiles, aired on Thanksgiving Day 1983; the cast and crew reported that filming it was an emotional and touching experience. The episode, which set the standard for dealing with difficult topics on children's television, was called heartbreaking yet affirming, and one of the proudest moments in the show's history. Contents. Development and description. Mr. Hooper, played by Will Lee from the premiere of Sesame Street in 1969 until his death in 1982, was one of the first four human characters that appeared on the show. Created by producer and writer Jon Stone, Lee was the first actor to be cast. [1] Lee came to Stone's attention through writers Bruce and Carole Hart. [3] Mr. Hooper was inspired by the Bob Keeshan character, Captain Kangaroo; Stone previously worked on the Captain Kangaroo program, which greatly influenced him as he developed Sesame Street . Mr. Hooper is the original proprietor of Hooper's Store, the neighborhood variety store and combination diner/corner store that serves as a place for Muppets and humans to meet and interact. [4] Stone's original conception of Mr. Hooper was that he would be, like most owners of such establishments at the time, older, male, Caucasian, and Jewish. [5] I was delighted to take the role of Mr. Hooper, the gruff grocer with the warm heart. It's a big part, and it allows a lot of latitude. But the show has something extra—that sense that you sometimes get from great theater, the feeling that its influence never stops". Lee was a character actor and acting instructor with a range of roles in the theater and who had been blacklisted during the McCarthy era. According to writer Michael Davis, Lee played Mr. Hooper, known for his bowtie and hornrimmed glasses, [7] "with such certainty and naturalness he made adults suspend their sense of disbelief". [2] Writer Louise A. Gikow stated that Lee was "perfectly cast" as Mr. Hooper. [1] According to fellow cast member Bob McGrath, who also appeared in Sesame Street 's first episode with Lee, "Will had a broader dimension to his character than perhaps the rest of us did . He convinced me that no matter how simple the scene was with a child, you had to bring a tremendous integrity and an honesty and credibility to it". [1] Joan Ganz Cooney, Sesame Street co-creator and president of the Children's Television Workshop (CTW), said, "He gave millions of children the message that the old and the young have a lot to say to each other". [7] The New York Times reported that Mr. Hooper ranked first of all human characters of the show in recognition by young viewers. [7] Davis described Mr. Hooper as "slightly cranky but good-hearted". [5] Gikow called Mr. Hooper "curmudgeonly". [1] Davis stated that since Mr. Hooper's appearance in the first episode of Sesame Street , he had become many things to many young children, ". the guy in the apron at the far side of the generation gap, his half-lens glasses slipping down his nose". Davis also stated that Hooper's Store, which he called "an idealized social institution", is an extension of Mr. Hooper's personality. [2] Mr. Hooper has a special relationship with the Muppet character Big Bird, who would often come into Hooper's Store for a birdseed milkshake and a chat, but would mispronounce Mr. Hooper's name. [1] Mr. Hooper's first name, Harold, was not revealed until the character earned a GED during night school. [8] Mr. Hooper's last appearances on Sesame Street aired in 1983, but Lee's last segments for the show were taped in November 1982 and Lee participated in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with other a few days before he died of a heart attack on December 7, 1982. [7] [9] "Death of Mr. Hooper" Instead of recasting the role, or explaining Mr. Hooper's absence by saying that he had moved away to Florida or retired, the producers of Sesame Street decided to create an episode that taught their young audience about the difficult topic of death. According to CTW researcher Rosemarie Truglio and her colleagues, the episode was one of the many social issues relevant to preschoolers the show has dealt with throughout its history. [10] Executive producer Dulcy Singer reported that they followed their instincts to be "honest and straightforward" and to "deal with it head-on". [11] Synopsis. The Sesame Street episode (#1839) in which the death of Mr. Hooper was discussed was structured as all episodes were structured at the time, with individual segments that took place on the main brownstone set (called "street scenes") and interrupted by inserts, or puppet skits, short films, and animations. [12] The episode begins with a scene between Gordon, played by Roscoe Orman, and the Muppet Forgetful Jones, played by puppeteer . Gordon helps Forgetful remember something that had made him happy; as Davis states, "Later, Big Bird forgets something that makes him sad". After several inserts, Big Bird walks backward with his head between his legs; when Gordon asks him why, he answers, "Just because". Later, Big Bird listens to the adults conversing about a new baby who is due to visit Sesame Street with his mother. Two segments later, Big Bird interrupts the adults—Maria (Sonia Manzano), David (Northern Calloway), Bob (Bob McGrath), Susan (Loretta Long), Gordon, Luis (Emilio Delgado) and Olivia (Alaina Reed Hall)—discussing politics by giving them pictures he had drawn of each of them. He gets to Mr. Hooper's picture, saying that he would give it to him when he returns. The adults tearfully and emotionally explain to Big Bird that Mr. Hooper has died, and wouldn't come back. Big Bird reacts by getting upset, expressing his confusion and sadness. The adults reassure him that they love him and will take care of him and David reveals that he would take over the store, because Mr. Hooper had left it to him in his will. Big Bird asks, "Why does it have to be this way? Give me one good reason!" and Gordon answers, "Big Bird, it has to be this way . just because." Looking at Mr. Hooper's picture, Big Bird says, mispronouncing his name as he had done many times in the past, "I'm going to miss you, Mr. Looper." Maria tearfully corrects Big Bird and everyone gathers around him in support. The episode ends with Big Bird hanging Mr. Hooper's picture near his nest, and leaving to go see the new baby. Big Bird says, "You know, the one thing is about new babies, one day they're not here and next day, here they are!" He puts his head between his legs once again as the credits roll. Research. Similar to what they had done with other social issues and in developing their curriculum, the CTW researched the topic of death and how preschoolers understand it. The first step in their research process was to assemble a team of experts, led by CTW research director Lewis Bernstein, in the fields of child psychology, child development, and religion. The team advised the show's writers and producers how to handle the topic, in what they called "a curriculum bath"; Bernstein described it in this way: "We bring in the experts to allow the writer to soak in expertise. We in Research bring in people to provide the information, and then the artistry of the writer takes over, as they integrate what they've heard". [13] The experts advised the producers to provide their viewers with a sense of closure about Mr. Hooper's death. They decided not to focus on how Mr. Hooper died, since explaining that he was old and ill might increase children's fears about death. [9] They chose to deal with his death in a single episode, and convey simple messages like: "Mr. Hooper is dead; Mr. Hooper will not be coming back; and Mr. Hooper will be missed by all". [10] Gikow stated that the episode they created was an example of the writers and producers' skills as educators as well as entertainers. [9] Before the episode aired, the CTW conducted a series of studies to guide the writers and producers in creating the episode. Their goal was to answer four key questions: (1) Will children understand the messages they wanted to convey about death? (2) How attentive will they be to the storyline? (3) How will parents respond to the treatment of such a sensitive topic? and (4) Will children be disturbed by the messages, and if so, for how long? The researchers broke up children into three groups: children who only watched the scenes in which the storyline was played out and who were interviewed afterwards; children who watched the entire episode and whose attention was recorded while they viewed it; and children who watched the episode without the inserts, with their parents, who were interviewed 9 or 10 days later. [14] The researchers found that 73% of 4- and 5-year-olds in their study understood that Mr. Hooper was dead and that 88% of this group understood that he was not coming back, although only about one-fourth of the 3-year-old viewers responded correctly. Most of the 4- and 5- year-olds understood that Big Bird and the adults were sad. Most children (80%) were attentive during the episode. The parents interviewed had "overwhelmingly positive" reactions to the show, and that half reported that they had discussed death with their children after viewing it. None of the parents reported negative reactions from their children, either immediately after watching the episode or at a later time. [15] Development and legacy. The script Norman [Stiles] wrote became an extraordinary moving television experience for preschoolers and their families. Heartbreaking yet affirming, the episode set a standard for the sensitive treatment of a powerful subject matter than has rarely been equaled. It remains one of the show's proudest moments. Sesame Street head writer Norman Stiles was chosen to write the segments about Mr. Hooper's death. The episode focused on the life cycle of birth and death by also mentioning the birth of a baby, and by remembering Mr. Hooper. Stiles said, "We decided to say that while Mr. Hooper was not here anymore, we will always have that part of him that lives within the heart, that we have our love and that it will always stay". [13] Stiles wanted to convey that expressing grief for someone who had died was difficult for both adults and children. Instead of providing an explanation, the adults of Sesame Street tell Mr. Hooper's friend Big Bird, when he asked why Mr. Hooper had died, that there was no real reason, that it happened, as Gordon tells Big Bird, "Just because". The show's outside experts advised Stiles and the producers to remove the line because they were concerned that an open-ended explanation would not be enough for children, but Stiles kept the line because it was an acknowledgement, as Gikow stated, that there is never a good explanation about why people die. [17] [18] The episode aired on Thanksgiving Day 1983, a year after Lee's final appearance as Mr. Hooper at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. The producers chose to air it the first week of the new season in order to explain Mr. Hooper's absence as soon as possible, for maximum exposure, and to ensure that parents were at home with their children in order to discuss it. [9] [19] The illustrations used for the episode were drawn by , who performed Big Bird. Mr. Hooper's picture remained on the set from then on, as a continuing memorial to Lee and Mr. Hooper. [19] Spinney, speaking of the scene in which the pictures were passed out, reported, "When we finished that scene there wasn't one of us whose face wasn't streaked with tears", [19] even Spinney underneath his costume. [16] Jon Stone, who directed the episode, wanted to do another take, although Spinney later said, "There was nothing wrong with that take. It was perfect". [19] Cameraman Frankie Biondo was touched by the performance. [19] A book, entitled I'll Miss You, Mr. Hooper and based upon the script for the episode, was published in 1984. The book was also written by Stiles. According to Renée Cherow-O'Leary, Stiles and the editorial staff of the CTW's book division worked with the show's research staff and used the same educational content information and research the show's producers used to create the episode. [20] History Controversy in the News. This blog attempts to share new historical information when it appears in other media. Its contents are linked to an understanding of how history is a 'live' subject which undergoes constant historical analysis, explanation and interpretation when new sources and perspectives are shared. Saturday, June 14, 2008. What happened to Mr Hooper? Those of you who grew up with Sesame Street would remember Mr Hooper who owns the corner store. This is some nostalgia flooding back and I hope it brings back many happy memories. Harold Hooper (known almost universally as just Mr. Hooper) was a character on Sesame Street, played by Will Lee, who was the original proprietor of Mr. Hooper's Store, which still retains his name. Mr. Hooper is Jewish, according to Christmas Eve on Sesame Street, when Bob tells him to have a Happy Hanukkah. In true Sesame Street fashion, his religion was irrelevant to most other plots, as characters' differences are generally irrelevant to plot. His heritage was suggested at in an episode in which Big Bird inquires about the languages that various members of the community can speak when Mr. Hooper reveals that he was taught to read, write and speak Yiddish at after-school religious instruction. For unexplained reasons, Big Bird had trouble saying "Hooper", instead using various words that rhymed with it, such as "Looper" or "Crouper". This led to frequent retorts of "Hooper! Hooper!" from Mr. Hooper or the other adults whenever Big Bird mispronounced his surname. When Lee suddenly died of a heart attack on December 7, 1982, it left the producers of Sesame Street, the Children's Television Workshop, with questions about how to acknowledge the death of one of the series' most visible actors. After considering a number of options, CTW decided to have the character of Mr. Hooper pass away as well, and use the episode to teach its young viewers about death as a natural part of life and that it is OK for everyone—children and adults alike—to grieve when someone they love dies. The cause of Mr. Hooper's death is not announced, and euphemisms to soften the blow of his absence (e.g., "passed away") are not used; the topic is dealt with directly. The "Farewell, Mr. Hooper" episode (ep #1839) aired November 24, 1983 (Thanksgiving Day), so that parents and children could discuss about the content while watching, and was quickly selected by the Daytime Emmys as being one of the 10 most influential moments in daytime television history. In the famous "Farewell Mr Hooper" episode, the adults on Sesame Street explain to Big Bird about Mr. Hooper's death.Big Bird makes a silly entrance onto the set, walking backwards with his head between his legs. When Gordon asks why he is walking like that, Big Bird gives the childishly inscrutable reason, "Because. Just because." Later in the episode, Big Bird presents each adult on the show with a gift—a drawing he has made of each of them. The last drawing he has is of Mr. Hooper, and Big Bird is eager to give it to him. When Big Bird asks his adult friends to help find Mr. Hooper, they gently remind Big Bird that Mr. Hooper has died. Not understanding, Big Bird announces he will just wait for him to come back. The adults pause, looking uncomfortable and sad. They then tearfully explain that when someone dies, they don't come back physically. Big Bird is dismayed, and the adults (all genuinely emotional) comfort him, explaining that they were lucky to have known and loved Mr. Hooper, and that they will always have their memories of him. It will never be the same without him, they say, but they will all help take care of Big Bird and life will continue on as normal. Big Bird angrily demands to know why Mr. Hooper had to die, and no one has a ready answer. Finally Gordon figures out what to say: "Because. Just because." This is perhaps the only answer that could make sense to Big Bird, at least for now, and he sadly accepts it. He then—as he constantly has throughout the years—humorously, but glumly mispronounces Mr. Hooper's name once again, even in death ("Mr. Looper"), then Maria said, "That's Hooper, Big Bird. Hooper." And the adults and Big Bird embrace. Big Bird's drawing of Mr. Hooper (in reality drawn by Big Bird's puppeteer, Caroll Spinney) hangs above his nest to this day, as was seen in the 2007 "Learn Along with Sesame Street" episode "You Can Ask." Interestingly, the segment in which the portrait is seen also deals with loss, as Big Bird had just "lost" a pet turtle. Initially, the producers had considered using flashbacks of Mr. Hooper in the episode. This was ultimately rejected because they thought that— given that most children are unable to comprehend the difference between flashbacks and new footage—it would give the impression that Mr. Hooper was actually still alive and thus confuse the intended audience. The episode was later made into a book called "I'll Miss You, Mr. Hooper" by Norman Stiles, et al. Also, a street skit made about a year later featured Big Bird, Maria, and David all reminiscing about him in good spirits. Big Bird showed off his drawing of him, and shots of him were shown as they continued to talk about him. While Mr. Hooper's death is considered by most as a landmark in children's television, this wasn't the first death in a children's program. Upon the 1973 death of George Woodbridge, who played the titular character in the British series Inigo Pipkin, the opening episode of the third season of the show dealt with the character's passing. The series was renamed Pipkins, to reflect the change in cast. Will Lee. Will Lee (August 6, 1908 – December 7, 1982) was an American actor who was known to many for playing the store proprietor Mr. Hooper on Sesame Street, from the show's debut in 1969 until his death. Lee was born in Brooklyn, New York and began his career as a character actor on stage. He was a member of the Group Theater in the 1930s and appeared in Johnny Johnson, Night Music, Boy Meets Girl, The Time of Your Life (as Willie the pinball machine addict) and other Broadway plays. He succeeded John Garfield as the lead in Golden Boy. Lee was co-founder of the Theater of Action and a member of the Federal Theater Project. During World War II, he served in Army Special Services in Australia and Manila and was cited twice for directing and staging shows for troops overseas, as well as teaching acting classes. After the war, he appeared Off Broadway in Norman Mailer's Deer Park (as movie mogul Teppis) and on Broadway in The Shrike, Once Upon a Mattress, Carnival, Incident at Vichy and The World of Sholom Aleichem. Lee also began appearing in films, including bit parts in Casbah, A Song Is Born, Little Fugitive and according to "Sesame Street Unpaved", Saboteur. However, much like Zero Mostel, Will Lee was blacklisted as a communist in films and on television for a period of five years during the McCarthy Red Scare, according to members of his family. He had been active in the Actors Workshop and had been an unfriendly witness before the House Committee on Un-American Activities hearings in 1950 investigating show business. At the end of that period, in 1956, Lee landed the role of Grandpa Hughes in the soap opera As The World Turns, before finally being cast as Mr. Hooper. He taught at the American Theater Wing for nine years (where his students included James Earl Jones) as well as at the New School for Social Research, Boston University and the Uta Hagen-Herbert Berghof Studio. In addition, he conducted his own acting classes. Outside of Sesame Street, later roles included television movies and a supporting role as the judge in Sidney Lumet's 1983 film Daniel (with Mandy Patinkin, Ed Asner, and Peter Friedman). He also worked in commercials, including a spot for Atari, as a grandfather learning to play Pac-Man from his granddaughter. He also did commercials for Ocean Spray juices. At age 61, he began acting as Mr. Hooper in 1969 on the show called Sesame Street". "He gave millions of children the message that the old and the young have a lot to say to each other," said Joan Ganz Cooney, president of the Children's Television Workshop. The New York Times reported that on Sesame Street, Will Lee's Mr. Hooper ranked ahead of all live cast members in recognition by young audiences, according to a then recent survey. His bowtie and hornrimmed reading glasses became his trademark. In a November 1970 TIME article, following the show's successful first season, Lee recalled his feelings about the show: I was delighted to take the role of Mr. Hooper, the gruff grocer with the warm heart. It's a big part, and it allows a lot of latitude. But the show has something extra, ​that sense you sometimes get from great theater, the feeling that its influence never stops. In addition to being a staple of Sesame Street for over ten years, Will Lee portrayed Mr. Hooper in television specials (Christmas Eve on Sesame Street, A Special Sesame Street Christmas), guest appearances (Evening at Pops: 1971), stage appearances, countless record albums, and parades, including the 1982 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Lee taped his final segments as Mr. Hooper in November of 1982, but his death would become the focal point of Episode 1839, in which Mr. Hooper's death is explained to Big Bird. According to the NY Times obit, as he became known on Sesame Street, children would approach him on the street and ask, "How did you get out of the television set?"' or whisper, "I love you." "Apart from the joy of knowing that you are helping so many kids, the recognition is heartwarming," Lee was quoted as saying in 1981. When Lee died of a heart attack in 1982, it left the producers of Sesame Street, the Children's Television Workshop, with questions about how to acknowledge the death of one of the series' most visible actors. After considering a number of options, CTW decided to have the character of Mr. Hooper die as well, and use the episode to teach its young viewers about death as a natural part of life and that it is OK for everyone—children and adults alike—to grieve when someone they love dies. Episode 1839, now known to children and fans as "Farewell, Mr. Hooper" was aired on November 24, 1983 (Thanksgiving Day), and was quickly selected by the Daytime Emmys as being one of the 10 most influential moments in daytime television. Mr. Hooper. Mr. Harold Hooper (played by Will Lee) was one of the first four human characters to appear on the television series Sesame Street . Created by producer and writer Jon Stone, Mr. Hooper is the original proprietor of Hooper's Store, the neighborhood variety store and combination diner/corner store that serves as a place for Muppets and humans to meet and interact. Lee, a character actor and instructor who had been blacklisted during the McCarthy era, was "perfectly cast" as Mr. Hooper. [1] Mr. Hooper ranked first of all human characters of the show in recognition by young viewers. Mr. Hooper, who has been described as "slightly cranky but good-hearted" and "curmudgeonly", bridges the gap between the older generation and its young audience. Hooper's Store, "an idealized social institution", [2] is an extension of his personality. He had a special relationship with the Muppet Big Bird. At the time of Lee's death, instead of recasting the role, or explaining his departure by saying he had moved, quit or retired, the writers and producers of Sesame Street decided to create an episode that taught their young audience about the difficult topic of death. Research was conducted to ascertain the messages they wanted to convey about the topic, as well as the effect the episode would have on the young children who watched it. They were advised by experts in the fields of child psychology, child development, and religion. Studies conducted after the episode was produced showed that most children understood its messages about death, and that they experienced no long-term ill effects. The episode, written by head writer Norman Stiles, aired on Thanksgiving Day 1983; the cast and crew reported that filming it was an emotional and touching experience. The episode, which set the standard for dealing with difficult topics on children's television, was called heartbreaking yet affirming, and one of the proudest moments in the show's history.