Legislative Assembly of Alberta the 27Th Legislature Second Session

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Legislative Assembly of Alberta the 27Th Legislature Second Session Legislative Assembly of Alberta The 27th Legislature Second Session Select Special Chief Electoral Officer Search Committee Thursday, July 2, 2009 10:02 a.m. Transcript No. 27-2-3 Legislative Assembly of Alberta The 27th Legislature Second Session Select Special Chief Electoral Officer Search Committee Mitzel, Len, Cypress-Medicine Hat (PC), Chair Lund, Ty, Rocky Mountain House (PC), Deputy Chair Bhullar, Manmeet Singh, Calgary-Montrose (PC) Blakeman, Laurie, Edmonton-Centre (AL) Campbell, Robin, West Yellowhead (PC) Horne, Fred, Edmonton-Rutherford (PC) Lukaszuk, Thomas A., Edmonton-Castle Downs (PC) MacDonald, Hugh, Edmonton-Gold Bar (AL) Marz, Richard, Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills (PC) Notley, Rachel, Edmonton-Strathcona (ND) Webber, Len, Calgary-Foothills (PC) Corporate Human Resources Alayne Stewart Director, Executive Search Support Staff W.J. David McNeil Clerk Louise J. Kamuchik Clerk Assistant/Director of House Services Robert H. Reynolds, QC Senior Parliamentary Counsel Shannon Dean Senior Parliamentary Counsel Karen Sawchuk Committee Clerk Rhonda Sorensen Manager of Communications Services Melanie Friesacher Communications Consultant Tracey Sales Communications Consultant Liz Sim Managing Editor of Alberta Hansard Transcript produced by Alberta Hansard July 2, 2009 Chief Electoral Officer Search CE-11 10:02 a.m. Thursday, July 2, 2009 meeting: I think you’ve had a copy of those as well. Any com- Title: Thursday, July 2, 2009 CE ments? Any errors or omissions on those minutes? If not, moved by [Mr. Mitzel in the chair] Mr. Webber that the minutes of the April 20 meeting be adopted as circulated. All in favour? No one is opposed. Okay. The Chair: Good morning, everyone. I’d like to call the committee The May 25 meeting: you’ve also had those minutes. Any errors to order. For the record we will go around with introductions again, or omissions on those minutes? If not, would someone be prepared starting with Ty. to move that? Moved by Mr. Campbell that the minutes from the May 25 meeting be adopted as circulated. All in favour? Opposed? Mr. Lund: Ty Lund, MLA, Rocky Mountain House. That’s carried as well. Why we’re here today is to review the applications that were Mr. Bhullar: Manmeet Bhullar, Calgary-Montrose. received – I believe you also have a binder on those – and determine the candidates for preliminary interviews. We’ll be reviewing these Mr. Marz: Richard Marz, Olds-Didsbury-Three Hills. applications received with a view to shortlisting these for prelimi- nary interview. I think we have to maintain the confidentiality of the Mr. Webber: Len Webber, Calgary-Foothills. applicants, so we’ll be continuing our discussions in camera. Would a member be prepared to move that we move in camera? Moved by Mr. Horne: Fred Horne, Edmonton-Rutherford. Mr. Bhullar. All in favour that we move in camera? Opposed? That motion is carried, so we’ll be in camera. Mr. Campbell: Robin Campbell, West Yellowhead. [The committee met in camera from 10:05 a.m. to 10:58 a.m.] Mr. Lukaszuk: Thomas Lukaszuk, Edmonton-Castle Downs. The Chair: Just for the record, as well, Ms Notley attended the Mr. MacDonald: Hugh MacDonald, Edmonton-Gold Bar. meeting right from the onset. Just after we’d done the introductions, as we were going in camera, Ms Notley attended and has been here Ms Blakeman: Laurie Blakeman, and I’d like to welcome you all to for the whole meeting. my fabulous summer constituency of Edmonton-Centre. Are there any other items for discussion? Hearing nothing, future meeting dates. Our next meeting will be Mr. MacDonald: I was here yesterday. in early September once the preliminary interviews have been completed and executive search is ready to report to the committee Ms Blakeman: Good. You’re welcome back. in that respect. We’ll do the usual polling of members for dates at that time. Ms Stewart: Good morning. I’m Alayne Stewart from executive search. Ms Blakeman: We don’t even have a ballpark, that we can set some days aside? Ms Norton: Erin Norton, committee clerk. The Chair: I think we may. Alayne, have you got a comment? Mrs. Sawchuk: Karen Sawchuk, committee clerk. Ms Stewart: It had September 14 to 17 on that preliminary sched- The Chair: Len Mitzel, Cypress-Medicine Hat and the chair. ule. Everyone, I believe, has had a copy of the meeting agenda and the other meeting materials that were posted on the website or delivered Ms Blakeman: Oh, that’s right. Okay. to your offices. Anyone not have those? Okay. Does anyone have any comments with regard to the agenda? The Chair: So the timelines had been circulated previously. Okay. Motion to adjourn? Mr. Marz: I’ll move the agenda. Mr. Lund: I move. The Chair: Moved by Mr. Marz that the agenda be adopted. All in favour? Opposed? That’s carried. The Chair: Moved by Mr. Lund. All in favour? It’s carried. We’ve also got two sets of minutes for adoption, and we need two separate motions for these, please. The minutes from the April 20 [The committee adjourned at 10:59 a.m.] CE-12 Chief Electoral Officer Search July 2, 2009 Published under the Authority of the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta.
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